The Grand Crimean Canyon on the Crimea map. The Grand Canyon of Crimea - what you can see on the hike. Silver jets waterfall

Tourists who come to the Crimean peninsula to see its natural sights, be sure to leave time to visit the Grand Canyon of Crimea. Locals fondly call it the eighth wonder of the world, because the nature of this reserve is really extraordinary beautiful and unusual.

The Grand Canyon is the most visited of all Crimea canyons. One has only to say that the cost of excursions for visitors is comparable to visiting the famous Livadia Palace or Nikitsky Botanical Garden.

Travel companies and excursion kiosks, opened in almost all major cities of the Crimean peninsula, create bus excursions with a visit to the Grand Canyon. For those who travel around Crimea by private vehicle, there are several options for , how to get to the Grand Canyon by car.

Geographical position

Historians and ethnographers say that the Grand Canyon of Crimea in ancient times was part of the ocean floor. Today this natural landmark has several main geographical landmarks:

  1. Geographically, the reserve belongs to the Ai-Petrinsky mountain range;
  2. The canyon starts from the village of Sokolinoye, Bakhchisarai region (distance from the village - 3 km);
  3. The river Auzun-Uzen flows along the bottom of the canyon.

As a result of the centuries-old impact of water on rocks and the movement of tectonic rocks, the walls of the gorge sank to a depth of 32 m, forming a slope of 75-90 0. The bottom of the canyon is a jumble of boulders and boulders, numerous rapids and waterfalls. In terms of area, this place is considered the largest canyon on the Crimean Peninsula. The first explorer to descend to the bottom of the canyon was Doctor of Historical Sciences - Professor I.I. Puzanov.

Excursion program

The first thing that amazes tourists coming to the Grand Canyon of Crimea for an excursion:

  • The splendor of nature, unusual for these places;
  • Scenic trails on the plateau and along the rubble;
  • Numerous waterfalls and springs with drinking water;
  • Cool and fresh air.

When signing up for an excursion, be sure to specify what the last point of the walking route will be. It is advisable that the hiking trail should extend beyond the Baths of Youth and reach the narrowest point of the gorge.

Experienced guides lead the group along the most interesting impassable stone paths, so that tourists get the full experience. After overcoming stone rubble and dangerous areas, you can come to a picturesque mountain source - a spring flowing from the mountain along a stone trough.

How to get to the canyon?

If you are resting in Yalta or in the suburbs and decide to drive to the Grand Canyon of Crimea by car, you should choose the route leading towards Bakhchisarai. Along it, driving to the Ai-Petri pass, you will need to overcome the path along the descending mountain serpentine road.

Along the road you can see the "Grand Canyon" sign and turn along it. A visit to this natural attraction is hampered by the fact that regular buses and minibuses do not go here. Therefore, you can get to the Grand Canyon only by private car or by pre-booking an excursion.

If you came to the canyon by car and decided to spend time using the services of a private guide, remember that these people, as a rule, do not have a license to conduct an excursion, and in case of a non-standard situation they will not bear any responsibility!

If you are driving from Sevastopol, follow the following route:

  1. On the Sevastopol highway you reach Bakhchisarai;
  2. Then choose the route leading towards the Ai-Petri pass using the navigator or the map;
  3. Passing the village of Sokolinoe - be extremely careful, 3 kilometers from it on the road you will see the “entrance gate to the Grand Canyon”. This will be the end point of your route.

There is a guarded parking lot near the entrance to the nature reserve. The car will have to be left on it, since the movement of tourists in the canyon is allowed only on foot.

If you decide to get to the canyon by minibus or regular bus, you will have to get off at the village of Sokolinoye. Further, the passage of bus transport is prohibited. Many tourists hike to the entrance to the canyon, but at the stop in Sokolin there are always many motorists and taxi drivers who offer to bring them to the reserve for a nominal fee.

Quite deservedly, the Great Crimean Canyon is called the heart local mountains... This is an abandoned world of primeval beauty. A monumental depression with rocky boulders, reaching a depth of 3 km, rich in amazing baths, waterfalls, delights, surprises even the most experienced tourists. The unique landscape reserve is under the strictest protection of the state. This means that in the protected areas it is impossible to camp with tents for the night, burn fires, cut trees, bushes, pick flowers.

The trip to the Grand Canyon of Crimea includes some expenses. To visit it, travelers will have to pay a fixed amount, but this is not a hindrance for many thousands of travelers. Any expenses, difficulties are fully reimbursed by the received bright emotions.

Where is located on the map

The "Heart of the Crimean Mountains" is located at a distance of three kilometers from the village of Sokolinoye, in the Bakhchisarai region. A huge number of paved paths, roads lead to northern zone Ai-Petrinsky massif, and therefore everyone can get to the holy of holies of Crimea. In fact, it is best to choose a dry season for travel, since Big Crimean the canyon during flood periods is able to absorb intruders, because his heart is stone and does not feel pity.

By the way, in Sokolin you can stay overnight or stay there for a few days in one of the guest houses. This will give you the opportunity to visit not only the Great Canyon, but other attractions that are located in the area. For example, the cave cities (Mangup-Kale and Eski-Kermen), the Bath of Youth, the hunting house-palace of Prince Yusupov, the cave-grotto "Danilcha-Koba" and much more.

Specificity of the area

The vastness of the canyon arose due to the activity of the river. She perfected from year to year, still continues to form limestone. Nowadays, there is a deep depression with fairly smooth walls, waterfalls and boulders at the bottom.

Due to the specific microclimate since the time of the Ice Age, a variety of plants have been able to survive here. The still lower temperature and lower humidity in comparison with the surrounding areas are considered to be the factors that determine the special composition of the flora.

Depending on the composition of the flora, the Grand Canyon is considered to be a very unique territory, where a huge number of endangered and rare plants grow, including:

  • Crimean orchids, including the surprisingly rare variety Venus's slipper;
  • exceptional fern species;
  • yew grove, in which ancient relict berry yews grow, reaching up to 1.5 m in girth.

As for the local fauna, its composition practically does not differ from other territories of the south and middle part of the state. Especially it should be noted the brook trout that lives in local waters, as well as a huge number of amphibian species.

Observation decks on the gorge

There are tourist viewing platforms on the territory of the gorge. The most famous and popular of the two, Guard Cliff Summit offers amazing panoramic views of the canyon. On the tract, a wonderful view opens from the Fifth cliff. From such a magnificent viewpoint, the Grand Canyon is superbly visible almost along its entire length.

Panorama of the canyon from the observation deck

Actual tourist routes

An excursion tourist route along the Crimean Canyon starts from the village of Sokolinoe. Somewhere after five kilometers the road turns to the gorge. The trail goes through beech forests to a small colorful glade, on which the Postal Oak is located - a legendary old Crimean tree- whose age exceeds 350 years. The oak gained popularity due to the fact that since the second half of the twentieth century there was a tradition in the hollow of an old tree to leave notes with wishes. It is believed that if you sincerely make a wish, it will definitely come true.

But in the first half of the 1980s, the oak burned down. The completely burnt dry giant is transforming more and more into dust every year, despite this it still rises at the beginning of the Grand Canyon.

First stop - Blue Lake

If you follow the path from Pochtovaya Oak, turning to the right, very soon you will see the Silver Streams Waterfall and the Blue Lake - these are two incredibly picturesque sights of the Crimean nature.

Incredible Silver Stream waterfall rises 200 m above the basin. This natural landmark fully justifies its name. In the upper part, a luscious green cap of moss hangs over the waterfall, the water falls down the stones, distributed in trickles, sparkling in the sun like silver strings.

Silver strings waterfall

A wide erosional basin in the territory of the canyon. It is filled with incredibly clear, clear waters with a gentle bluish color. Even in the hottest time, the level of water temperature in the lake does not exceed +12 degrees. While swimming in shallow refreshing baths will add strength to travelers for the further journey.

Second stop - Apple ford

Descending from Sentinel Cliff, travelers will find another natural wonder of the Canyon - Apple ford. Here, higher up the river flow, there are a huge number of wild apple trees. Beginning in the fall season, their foliage and fruits begin to fall into the water. Their current carries them to the ford, which is located opposite the Almachuk delta - a tributary of the Auzun-Uzen, which means "apple" in Russian.

Apple ford

Third stop - Source Pania

The river valley behind the ford is gaining depth. The Pania spring is located nearby. This name is a simplified form of "Panagia" (translated as "All-Holy"). On the territory of the Crimea Peninsula there are many holy springs that were discovered during the Middle Ages. Obviously, Panya itself is one of them. This is one of the largest Crimean springs with fresh water. About 1.4 thousand cubic meters water comes out of it within an hour. The submerged Pania cave is located near the spring.

Source Pania

Fourth stop - Bath of youth

The tour ends with the Bath of Youth - this is a well-known landmark of the Crimean Grand Canyon. Along the entire course of Auzun-Uzen, this boiler is the deepest (up to 5 meters). A waterfall falls from a height into the hollow. This is the legendary "youth bath" of the Crimea. Such a "bath" is filled with clear cool water that never heats up above 11 degrees, even in the sultry heat. If you swim in such a hollow, you can cheer up and temper. Traditionally, many travelers plunge into it.

Youth bath

Excursion cost (as of 2020)

As mentioned above, the Grand Canyon is a conservation area and yet there is a fee at the entrance. For adults, the ticket price is 100 rubles. The general condition of the route is excellent. Along the paths there are steps, railings, during the entire route tourists can use the maps, follow the signs.

But if you do not want to waste time wandering along the trails, we advise you to take this route in the company of an experienced guide who will tell you a lot of interesting things along the way. In general, many places in Crimea keep their secrets, legends are made about them, signs and beliefs are passed from mouth to mouth. A good traveler, counselor, will also tell you about what natural phenomena caused the formation of this gorge. We advise you to use the services of a local guide:

How to get (get) by car to the canyon from Sevastopol, Simferopol, Bakhchisarai

You can get to the object using public transport - by bus "Bakhchisarai - Yalta" or "Bakhchisarai - Sevastopol" to the stop "Big Crimean Canyon", and then walk about 5 km on foot or hitchhike to Sokolinoye.

Information for those who want to get to the Great Crimean Canyon by car. Are you good at navigating the map? You can get to the object from the side of Bakhchisarai - highway H-06. If you are coming from Sevastopol, then you do not reach Bakhchisarai, but turn right.

Information for tourists

  • GPS coordinates: 44.528127, 34.019346.
  • Canyon address: RF, Crimean Peninsula, Bakhchisarai district, Sokolinoe village.

If we talk about the Crimean Grand Canyon, we can safely say that it will not be possible to find a more incredible and picturesque place on the territory of the peninsula.

From such objects as the source of Pania, "Bath" of Youth, Deep lake, the canyon was able to gain wide popularity outside the Crimea. And here everyone will find a good reason to visit it. For someone, unique flora and local beauty are important, for someone - an extreme pastime, and for someone comes here to find out to check the veracity of the terrible Tatar legends. In any case, everyone will find exactly what they need here. Despite the fact that the reasons for visiting are different, the common are unique, vivid emotions, impressions that remain for a long time. And in conclusion, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a video about such a delightful place.


For a large army of tourists, there are places on Earth that are very popular. But gradually the interest in them is cooling down, as the conveyor belt visit by everyone turns this place into an ordinary route devoid of attractiveness.

The Grand Canyon in Crimea is both a visited and, at the same time, not explored place on the tourist map of Crimea. Primordial and the most majestic of all the gorges in the Crimea. Everyone who visits it each time discovers for themselves in a new way.

Where is the Grand Canyon in Crimea? Can you climb it yourself? What places in the canyon are worth visiting? We will talk about this in our article.

Description of the place

The Grand Canyon was formed as a result of a fracture in the earth's crust. Its age is approximately 2 million years. As a result of earthly transformations, the Grand Canyon in the Crimea turned out.

A tectonic fault has divided a single mountain range into two: and Boyka. This is a mountain funnel 3000 m long, 320 m high, and in some places it reaches only 2 meters wide. But as a tourist route, it was opened relatively recently, in 1925. This year came out documentary about the canyon, which brought him popularity among tourists. The territory of the Grand Canyon of Crimea covers an area of ​​300 hectares.

However, it is not so easy for many to walk along its bottom because of the great difficulties and obstacles during the journey. Therefore, to facilitate the route and enjoy the hike, all tourist routes were laid along the upper edge of the canyon. They do not require special tourist and physical training. You do not need to have special tourist equipment for these routes.

But for those who are not afraid of difficulties on the way, the route along the bottom of the canyon is more attractive and informative, since few people visit these places. Therefore, untouched nature, not visible from above, fascinates with its extraordinary beauty.

See photos of the Grand Canyon in Crimea:

The Crimean canyon is fed by numerous mountain streams. The water temperature in them never exceeds 11-12 degrees.

The main decoration of the canyon landscape is the Auzun-Uzen river. Its waters, replenishing with numerous tributaries and springs, the main of which is the source of Pania, are the main "architect" of this reserve. It was the influence of water over many centuries of its existence that allowed the canyon to acquire a unique look.

The waters of this river formed about 150 different water baths and cauldrons. There are many grottoes and niches along its channel. The second important river in this canyon is the Sary-Uzen river. These two rivers combine to form the Kokkozka River. A tourist route runs along the entire gorge of the canyon.

There are places on it where you need to prove yourself a little bit of a rock climber. The narrowest hole in it is only 3 meters. Very beautiful vegetation: many unusual fruit and berry bushes, rare species of ferns and juniper, pistachio, strawberry tree. It is here that there is a unique grove of yew tree, of which there are only 1000 specimens and they belong to endangered trees.

Unique vegetation, freshness of river water, heady air - these are all components of an unforgettable time spent on this route. And it is very interesting to travel with the whole family, no matter what, there will be fatigue from the distance covered on foot, but the general positive emotions from everything seen around will make even children forget about the difficulties on the road.

Some experienced tourists know the inconspicuous path that leads to the cliff-ledges. Standing on these ledges, you can admire all the beauty of this majestic canyon.

Silver jets waterfall

This beautiful creation of nature is located 4.5 km south of the village of Sokolinoe (Bakhchisarai district), in the Small Canyon gorge. It, like many "creations" of the Sary-Uzen river (from the Tat. "Yellow river"), was formed by its waters for a long time.

Outwardly, its entire structure resembles a musical instrument, and the jets are like silver strings. This gave him one of the names.

Another name for the waterfall is Silver. The third name is "Khrustalny", since in winter the jets freeze, forming many icicles. It is located away from the Grand Canyon, 3 km west of it. A very unusual waterfall outwardly: a huge "cap" of moss from under it numerous streams of pure "silver" water are knocked out. This whole composition hides behind a black hole of the entrance to the mysterious grotto. The waterfall is surrounded by a forest with a lot of hornbeam, beech, oak, mountain ash, dogwood

Youth bath

It is located above the Paniya spring among numerous small baths and cauldrons. But it was she who acquired the fame of a special bath, the waters of which keep the young and return youth to the older generation. This beautiful belief made a visit to it especially desirable for all, without exception, organized tourist groups and independent travelers.

This bath is up to 5 meters deep, the water temperature in it, even on a strong sultry day, does not exceed 10 degrees. Until the beginning of the 60s, it was called Kara-Gol, which means "Black Lake". Usually at this bath the excursion along the Grand Canyon of Crimea for mass groups ends. To move forward requires good preparation of the climber.

The Grand Canyon of Crimea on the map and how to get there

Anyone can find this canyon both on the map and on the ground. This is due to its immense popularity among vacationers. Therefore, there is a well-established infrastructure that allows you to get only positive emotions when visiting this magnificent place in Crimea.

The famous one is the starting point to the Grand Canyon. Regular minibuses to this city from all major cities of Crimea run systematically.

Grand Canyon on the map:

You can also get to the Grand Canyon from Sevastopol. In both cases, from these cities you need to take regular buses to the village with nice name Falcon. However, there are only three such flights from Sevastopol per day. If by personal transport, then after reaching the village of Sokolinoe, then on the road to the south from it, drive 3 km. And before you will open in all its indescribable beauty - this is a magnificent natural reserve of the Grand Canyon of Crimea.

See the map (diagram) how to get to the Grand Canyon of Crimea by car from Bakhchisarai:

Let's summarize:

  1. On the territory of the grand canyon, there are areas that are prohibited from tourists. The probability of rockfalls is very high on their territory.
  2. In the reserve, it is strictly forbidden to pick flowers, fruits from trees, cut trees, spend the night, and light fires.
  3. It is recommended to visit the Grand Canyon during the dry season, since during high water it is impassable and dangerous for travel in many areas.
  4. If on the way you come across a "cauldron" or "bath" with a black water surface, then it is undesirable to swim in them. This is often the case when the water is low (during dry times). The water in these "containers" stagnates and begins to turn black from rotten algae, acquiring an unattractive brown color and smell.

Watch a video about the trip to the Grand Canyon in Crimea:

It is no exaggeration to say that the entire Crimean peninsula is one large nature reserve, every corner of which must not only be visited, but also felt its beauty and mood. The Grand Canyon was no exception. At one glance, it takes your breath away and you just want to silently look around and listen to the breath of nature.

This huge rift in the Crimean mountains stretches for many kilometers. The canyon is located in the south of the peninsula, not far from Yalta and Alupka. It is located on the northern slope of the main ridge of the Crimean mountains, in the Bakhchisarai region and lies between the two massifs Ai-Petrinsky and Boyka.

Nearest locality to the big canyon - the village of Sokolinoye, which is located 5 km from it.

The Grand Canyon is the deepest and grandest gorge on the peninsula. It was formed about 2,000,000 years ago, as a result of tectonic activity, accompanied by earthquakes and plate shifts. It still continues to form under the influence of the environment, landslides, weathering and water erosion.

Baths of the Grand Canyon of Crimea


  • Today his is long is 3.5 km;
  • depth on average 320 m, but in some places it reaches 600 meters;
  • width as well as the depth varies from 3 to 187 meters, then narrowing, then expanding along the entire length.

The beauty of the canyon is added by the river Auzun-Uzen flowing along its bottom. It is thanks to the water that has worked to create the landscape for many millennia that there are many rapids, waterfalls, boilers and baths. There are more than 150 of them here. There are many more sights on the peninsula, and one of them is the Jur Jur waterfall, but how to get to it by car, this

How to get there

There are several ways to get to the reserve:

By car

If you go from Yalta or from its suburbs, then it is best to choose the highway leading to Bakhchisarai. At the Ai-Petri pass, you will have to overcome the mountain serpentine. On the track there is a sign "Grand Canyon" leading to the desired place.

If you move from the direction of Simferopol, you need to choose the Sevastopol highway and move along it to Bakhchisarai, then turn onto the road that leads to the Ai-Petri pass, you need to bypass the village of Sokolinoye, 3 km from it, there will be "the entrance gate to the Grand Canyon."

Video - how to get there by car:

There is a guarded parking lot near the entrance to the reserve, where you need to leave your car and move on on foot. They will also learn about where Mmartian Lake is located, and how you can get there by car and on foot

Public transport

All public transport should only go to the village of Sokolinoye, since buses and fixed-route taxis are prohibited further, so you will have to walk to your destination or use the services of a private cab. There will definitely not be any problems with this, since in Sokolin there are always enough people who want to take a tourist to the famous Crimean sight, for a small fee.

Excursion tour

The video shows how to get to the Grand Canyon of Crimea:

Such an excursion includes not only a hike through the most beautiful and large canyon of Crimea, with a visit to its natural attractions such as:

  • Blue Lakes;
  • Pania Spring;
  • Apple ford;
  • Yew Falls;
  • The bath of youth and the Silver Streams waterfall, but also a Tatar cuisine cafe lunch. Each traveler will be interested in learning about how to get to the taigan safari park in Crimea, as well as see

To the starting point of the excursion tourists are taken by buses that follow very scenic roads, however, all buses stop at the parking lot and it is necessary to explore the canyon on foot. Experienced guides lead the groups along the most interesting impassable stone paths that will not leave anyone indifferent, you will have to walk a lot along the rocky paths, so the presence of comfortable shoes is a must.

On video - walking tour:

In addition to the mesmerizing nature and views, there are many places in the canyon where you can swim, so you should definitely take your swimwear with you.

No matter how difficult it is to get to the Grand Crimean Canyon, you must visit it. This is a unique place where rare species of plants and animals are found, besides, it is simply very beautiful here. Everyone knows that the nature of the Crimean peninsula is unique and its natural attractions are in no way inferior to the architectural ones. Any tourist will also learn about such a wonderful place as New World, as well as what kind of beaches there are.

Useful information and instructions on how to go to the Grand Canyon yourself, what time of year is it better to go, where to live and where to eat on the territory National park Grand Canyon. Weather in the Grand Canyon and tips on how to visit the Grand Canyon on a budget.

General useful information about the Grand Canyon

When we talk about Grand canyon- we mean three main locations. National park Grand Canyon- the South Cornice, the North Cornice of the Grand Canyon and the lands of the Hualapai and Havasupai Indians along the so-called Western Cornice of the Grand Canyon with observation deck Skywalk.

More than 400 km. in length, one and a half kilometers in depth and more than 10 km. wide. The width between the north and south cornices varies from 200 meters to 20 km. A detour by car from the South Cornice to the North Cornice will take several hours and about 300 km. And also, when you talk about the Grand Canyon in numbers, it is important to understand that these are just statistics that do not even convey the approximate scale of this the number one attractions in the USA... Something more is the sensation that you get at the sight of this natural miracle.

This mini travel guide is completely dedicated to south eaves of the Grand Canyon, which is most popular because of its affordability.

How to get to the Grand Canyon

The South Cornice of the Grand Canyon is located in the state of Arizona, near the border with the state of Nevada.

The most popular way get to the Grand Canyon from Los Angeles or another city - by car in transit through Las Vegas, where you can spend the night and relax. Vegas also organizes excursions to the Grand Canyon by helicopter - for the rich and bus trips - for the poor. Everyone else travels with their own or rented cars.

Grand Canyon, South Rim - Grand Canyon, South Cornice

How to rent a car while traveling?

We were at the end of May, the weather was as follows. In the mornings and evenings - cool, I would even say very much - a windbreaker and a shirt / sweater are required. It is warm during the day - about 22-25 degrees Celsius. The first day in the morning it was raining, then the canyon was covered with dense fog, so dense that it was not visible even for 30 meters. The fog cleared after about a couple of hours when the sun rose and most of the tourists. In the evenings there was always a very beautiful light and picturesque clouds. In summer, this may not be the case. I don’t know about autumn, but locals say that late September-early October is a very cool period to visit. Grand canyon... It is still warm during the day and very picturesque clouds. Weather surprises can happen any day, as Grand Canyon is located at an altitude of about 2 kilometers, that is, the climate is like in the mountains.

Grand Canyon, South Rim - Grand Canyon, South Cornice

Mobile communications and mobile internet in the Grand Canyon

Mobile communication in Grand canyon works for South cornice better than North cornice... But you shouldn't wait for a constant stable signal in all parts of the park. In some places, the connection may be lost.

Where do we look for cheap flights?

You can reduce the cost of accommodation if you stay overnight in one of the inexpensive hotels in the nearby towns of Flagstaff, Williams or Tusayan.

The second option to keep the budget is camping in the park, which has all the basic amenities - parking, shower, toilet and laundry. On the popular South Cornice of the Grand Canyon, this is campsite Mather Campground, on the North Cornice - North rim campground.

Grand Canyon, South Rim - Grand Canyon, South Cornice

The highest house prices are from the end of May to August, early spring and autumn, starting from the end of September, house prices are falling significantly.