Let's open the curtain. How do planes take off? First flight in an airplane: step-by-step instructions and tips How long does it take an airplane to take off and land

Aircraft landing and takeoff speed are parameters calculated individually for each airliner. There is no standard value that all pilots must adhere to, because aircraft have different weights, dimensions, and aerodynamic characteristics. However, the value of speed at is important, and non-compliance with the speed limit can turn into a tragedy for the crew and passengers.

How is the takeoff?

The aerodynamics of any airliner is provided by the configuration of the wing or wings. This configuration is the same for almost all aircraft except for small details. The lower part of the wing is always flat, the upper one is convex. Moreover, it does not depend on it.

The air that passes under the wing when accelerating does not change its properties. However, the air, which at the same time passes through the top of the wing, narrows. Consequently, less air flows through the top. This results in a pressure difference under and over the wings of the aircraft. As a result, the pressure above the wing decreases, and under the wing it increases. And it is precisely due to the pressure difference that a lifting force is formed that pushes the wing up, and together with the wing, the aircraft itself. At the moment when the lifting force exceeds the weight of the liner, the aircraft lifts off the ground. This happens with an increase in the speed of the liner (with an increase in speed, the lifting force also increases). The pilot also has the ability to control the flaps on the wing. If the flaps are lowered, the lift under the wing changes vector, and the aircraft rapidly gains altitude.

It is interesting that a smooth horizontal flight of the liner will be ensured if the lifting force is equal to the weight of the aircraft.

So, the lift determines at what speed the plane will take off the ground and start flying. The weight of the liner, its aerodynamic characteristics, and the thrust force of the engines also play a role.

during takeoff and landing

In order for a passenger plane to take off, the pilot needs to develop a speed that will provide the required lift. The higher the acceleration speed, the higher the lifting force will be. Consequently, at a high acceleration speed, the aircraft will take off faster than if it were moving at a low speed. However, the specific speed value is calculated for each liner individually, taking into account its actual weight, degree of loading, weather conditions, length runway etc.

Generally speaking, the famous Boeing 737 passenger airliner takes off from the ground when its speed rises to 220 km/h. Another well-known and huge "Boeing-747" with a lot of weight off the ground at a speed of 270 kilometers per hour. But the smaller Yak-40 liner is capable of taking off at a speed of 180 kilometers per hour due to its low weight.

Takeoff types

There are various factors that determine the take-off speed of an airliner:

  1. Weather conditions (wind speed and direction, rain, snow).
  2. Runway length.
  3. Strip coverage.

Depending on the conditions, takeoff can be carried out in different ways:

  1. Classic speed dial.
  2. From the brakes.
  3. Takeoff with the help of special means.
  4. Vertical climb.

The first method (classic) is used most often. When the runway is long enough, the aircraft can confidently gain the required speed necessary to provide high lift. However, in the case when the runway length is limited, the aircraft may not have enough distance to reach the required speed. Therefore, it stands for some time on the brakes, and the engines gradually gain traction. When the thrust becomes strong, the brakes are released and the aircraft abruptly takes off, quickly picking up speed. Thus, it is possible to shorten the take-off path of the liner.

There is no need to talk about vertical takeoff. It is possible in the presence of special engines. And takeoff with the help of special means is practiced on military aircraft carriers.

What is the landing speed of the aircraft?

The liner does not land on the runway immediately. First of all, there is a decrease in the speed of the liner, a decrease in altitude. First, the aircraft touches the runway with the landing gear wheels, then it moves at high speed already on the ground, and only then does it slow down. The moment of contact with the GDP is almost always accompanied by shaking in the cabin, which can cause anxiety among passengers. But there is nothing wrong with that.

Aircraft landing speeds are practically only slightly slower than takeoff speeds. A large Boeing 747, when approaching the runway, has an average speed of 260 kilometers per hour. This speed should be at the liner in the air. But, again, the specific speed value is calculated individually for all liners, taking into account their weight, workload, weather conditions. If the aircraft is very large and heavy, then the landing speed should be higher, because during landing it is also necessary to "keep" the required lift. Already after contact with the runway and when moving on the ground, the pilot can slow down by means of the landing gear and flaps on the wings of the aircraft.


The speed during landing of an aircraft and during takeoff is very different from the speed at which an aircraft is moving at an altitude of 10 km. Most often, aircraft fly at a speed that is 80% of the maximum. So the maximum speed of the popular Airbus A380 is 1020 km/h. In fact, flying at cruising speed is 850-900 km/h. The popular "Boeing 747" can fly at a speed of 988 km / h, but in fact its speed is also 850-900 km / h. As you can see, the flight speed is fundamentally different from the speed when the aircraft is landing.

Note that today the Boeing company is developing a liner that will be able to gain flight speed at high altitudes up to 5000 kilometers per hour.


Of course, the landing speed of an aircraft is an extremely important parameter, which is calculated strictly for each airliner. But it is impossible to name a specific value at which all planes take off. Even identical models (for example, Boeing 747s) will take off and land at different speeds due to various circumstances: workload, amount of fuel filled, runway length, runway coverage, presence or absence of wind, etc.

Now you know what is the speed of the aircraft when landing and when it takes off. Everyone knows the averages.

“Why is it forbidden to smoke on an airplane?”, “Why is it forbidden to use electronics?”, “Do pilots need to applaud?”, “Can a pilot go on a flight drunk?” and other questions about passenger aircraft that we finally found answers to.

Petr Salnikov Alexander Kanygin

Why is it forbidden to use electronics on an airplane during takeoff and landing? Even with your phone in airplane mode? Even the player to listen to?

In October 2014, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) issued an official authorization that electronic devices can remain switched on and online during the entire flight. But it does not apply to passengers, but to airlines.

Carriers themselves determine what is best for their passengers. And the official position of most airlines is that any electronic device creates an electromagnetic field that can directly or indirectly affect the operation of on-board instruments. Therefore, it is better to ban any gadgets than to expect the Boeing to stall during takeoff because someone decides to send an SMS.

Second moment. Have you heard the beeps in the speakers when a mobile phone connects or receives a call? The same interference can drown out important information from the controller in the pilots' headphones.

Ilya, 36 years old, employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Finally, the most prosaic explanation: a passenger listening to a player or talking on the phone will not find out in time about a fire that has started or an unscheduled splashdown. And his neighbor in an evacuation rush will get tangled in the wires from the headphones.

So all the same: do you need to applaud when touching the landing gear of the runway?

There is nothing wrong with this kind of courtesy. But then get in the habit of clapping at the cashier at the supermarket who successfully cleared the check. This is also his job.

Pilots, most likely, will not hear applause: they are separated from the cabin by an armored door and are busy negotiating with controllers, taxiing and cleaning the wing mechanization.

As long as the plane has not rolled onto the taxiway, the danger remains: it may not stop, move off the runway with unpleasant consequences, or brake sharply - and luggage will fall on you from the shelves opened by an impatient neighbor.

Ilya, 36 years old, employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

If you absolutely want to applaud the crew, do it after the ship has completely stopped at the terminal.

Why do flight attendants pester me all the time with requests to raise the curtains of the windows? Do they affect anything?

Open window blinds, raised seat backs and subdued interior lights are necessary safety measures when landing.

Alexei, Boeing pilot 777 airlines "Transaero"

Let's let our imagination run wild and imagine that the plane has just made an emergency landing: there is smoke in the cabin and women's screams, there is a fire on the wing. But no one sees him, because the curtains are down. As a result, the emergency exit opens just from the side of the fire, the passengers do not see the luminescent paths on the floor and go blind from the bright light, leaving the darkness. In general, believe me: all this is necessary for your own safety.

What if a person dies on board? Where is the body taken?

It is not put into the luggage compartment, as irresponsible readers might probably think.

The person remains at the place where the tragedy occurred, but the passengers from him, if possible, sit down. In a pinch, the body can be moved to the back kitchen. In practice, it happened that the passenger lost consciousness or complained of a sharp pain in the region of the heart, but no one, thank God, died suddenly and silently. There was a case when a very large man came to the kitchen to the guides for some water, lost consciousness and lay under artificial ventilation until arriving at Domodedovo, where an ambulance took him. And once I had to make an unscheduled landing at Varna airport because of a suspected heart attack in an elderly woman.

The most difficult thing for the crew in the conditions of an emergency landing is to communicate with passengers who are burning holidays and transfers to other flights.

Where does airplane food come from? After all, I never found a kitchen on board. Where is it stored, how long does it lie?

Everything that is served to passengers on board is prepared in the in-flight catering workshop, which is usually located on the territory of the airport. By the way, the same workshop prepares for the crew, although the menu may be different. All in-flight meals have a very limited shelf life of a few hours. So, if the flight is short, the food is filled in both directions, but if the flight is delayed, the loaded food is unloaded and disposed of.

Food quality control is very serious: carriers do not want to receive complaints from passengers who have been poisoned on board. As for the seemingly cheap food, American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by removing just one olive from a salad. By the way, the aluminum container for hot dishes, which you constantly burn yourself on board, is called a cassette.

Why can't you smoke during the flight? Just a health issue?

Ashtrays in the armrests of the seats, probably, can still be found today in old aircraft on some domestic flights. Yes, and during takeoff and landing in these planes, the lights “Fasten your seat belts”, “Do not smoke” are on. So it was possible before? And who bothered?

The version about a possible fire on board is the most famous. On occasion, you can go into the aircraft toilet and check the container where the used tissues go. It is closed with a spring-loaded hatch that slams shut as soon as you remove your hand. This is done so that oxygen does not enter the potential source of ignition. But the seat upholstery, floor coverings and other interior materials do not support combustion - they can be melted for a long time with a lighter, but they will not give open fire. An important reason for the prohibition of smoking on board is the economic benefit of the carrier. The air in the aircraft constantly circulates, passing through the cleaning filters and even cooling the equipment along the way. Soot and resins quickly make them unusable.

By the way, on some flights of Arab countries and, for example, Iran, you can smoke today.

Movies often show how, on advice from the ground, random passengers land the plane. It's all computer controlled!

The bad news: if both pilots are incapacitated, the passengers are doomed. Even if before that they correctly set up the autopilot to perform an automatic landing, then you are still doomed. Not a single electronic system on board can operate autonomously, without crew control. Autoland - automatic landing - also requires human control and constant management. Even a flight attendant hardly knows how to contact the ground to report an emergency on board. He simply will not find the PTT (button) to get in touch. So a random passenger can't handle it.

Boris, aircraft commander, 5 years experience

Fight for a place

Economy class is not the most comfortable seat. There is a piggy way to improve it a bit.

On the Internet, you can easily find a gadget called Knee Defender. These are locks that are put on the dining table and do not allow the chair in front to recline.

There are disputes about the ethical side of the device, because comfort is achieved by causing inconvenience to another passenger. At the same time, the Knee Defender does not violate any flight rules: its use on board is not prohibited. True, in August last year, the Newark-Denver flight made an emergency landing in Chicago precisely because of the gadget: the passengers quarreled and almost got into a fight because of it. If you decide to buy - this thing costs about 1100 rubles.

I looked out the window and saw that the wing on my side was swaying strangely. Is this the end or do modern planes flap their wings to fly?

At passenger aircraft one wing. Two - at the "corn" familiar to everyone.

If the wing were rigid, it would break under loads, because it is affected by lift, and the weight of the engines, and the oncoming air flow, and sitting birds. The lower part of the wing is made of a softer material, as it stretches more during flight, while the upper part is made of a more rigid one.

If you're still scared, check out the strength tests of airplane wings on YouTube. There they are bent almost at a right angle.

How does an airplane toilet work? Is it really, like in Soviet trains, that everything is immediately dumped?

For some reason, the myth that the toilets on airplanes are arranged according to the type “you can’t write, we’re still in the city” still exists. It turns out that he has no reasonable sources.

Even in the old models of the aircraft in the toilet, everything was flushed into a special container - there were no hatches for dumping waste. Then the same water was filtered and again went to flush. At the same time, a chemical was added to it to neutralize the smell. In more modern aircraft, flushing occurs with the help of a sharp intake of air.

Herman, aircraft maintenance support engineer

One stupid joke of irresponsible passengers is connected with a vacuum toilet: if you put the end of the toilet paper there and press the drain, then a kilometer of cellulose will merrily unwind into nowhere. All waste is again collected in a special tank, which, upon arrival, pumps out a cesspool tank on wheels called "MA-7".

During a transatlantic flight, screens in the cabin show a map with a flight path and a funny airplane. Why do we fly in an arc and not directly? Also faster!

It's very simple: take a globe, an orange, a curled up hedgehog or any spherical object and try to lay a route on it, attaching a thread. Or remember how artists bend the meridians on the world map in order to correctly convey the shape of the planet. And this is not a complete answer. An aircraft generally never flies in a straight line. Moreover, if it were possible to trace the entire path of the aircraft on a more accurate map, it would turn out that it flies almost in zigzags.

Blame the program ETOPS (Extended Rules of the Air for Twin Engine Aircraft) - special requirements for flying over non-orientated terrain. According to them, the route of the aircraft must be built so that it is constantly within a certain flight time to the nearest airfield, where it would be possible to make an emergency landing in the event of failure of one of the engines.

Vladimir Afonin, mathematician at the State Air Defense Concern

Agree, it is better to do it even on a poor runway, but not in the mountains or on the ocean surface. Well, weather conditions also affect the flight path. Of course, the aircraft is not hindered by light rain or snow, but it can, if necessary, correct the course in order not to avoid meeting with especially aggressive weather conditions.

Why in planes of the same model, but different airlines, economy class can be completely different cramped?

It is logical to assume that the larger the aircraft, the more space inside. It is not always so.

The layout of the seats in the cabin depends on the airline and is made to order in accordance with the requirements of the aircraft manufacturer.

Anastasia, press service of Transaero

Is it possible for a pilot to cheat medical control before a flight and board the flight drunk?

In Russia, before the flight, pilots undergo medical control - they measure their pulse and pressure. It is theoretically possible to deceive him by forging the doctor's signature in the flight task. But in order to fly drunk, hardly anyone will go for it: suspension from a flight is often punishable by dismissal.

Boris, aircraft commander, 5 years experience

It is much easier to stay at home, plead ill health and send a reserve crew on a flight.

The cabin of our aircraft was decorated for the New Year with Christmas decorations. Are they special?

It just depends on the airline. Toys are used and ordinary, but preference is given to plastic, unbreakable.

In addition, on the flights of some companies, Santa Claus congratulates passengers: it is safer and cheaper - it is enough for one of the stewards to put on a fur coat and a beard.

Anastasia, press service of Transaero

Is it true that during long flights aircraft engines are periodically turned off and the aircraft simply glides for some time?

Not true. In normal mode, this never happens. But engines can be shut down automatically due to a malfunction or fire.

Ilya, 36 years old, employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

In general, only the pilot has the right to perform the procedure for starting engines (it is called “run up”): at the signal of the technician, he starts first the right and then the left engine. This order is due to the fact that the brakes in the vast majority of types of foreign equipment are powered from the right engine. During the flight, the engines may be turned off for testing. This is what test pilots are paid for.

Herman, aircraft maintenance support engineer

Ok, we seem to be falling. Am I lucky? Which compartment passengers are more likely to survive?

There are a variety of opinions on this matter. The most common is to sit in the tail (you can pee there): the fuel tanks are located under the middle part of the cabin.

Vladimir Afonin, mathematician at the State Air Defense Concern

If the pilot is fenced off by an impenetrable door from the cabin, how does he communicate with the crew?

After September 11, the pilots are really fenced off by an armored door, which has a special code for entering.

This is done in case everyone in the cockpit loses consciousness - for example, due to depressurization. But this code will only work if the pilot does not take any action within 120 seconds after entering it. Of course, the conductors do not use it every time to access the cockpit, but only check its performance before departure. In regular situations, for entry, the conductor calls the pilots on the tube, that is, using the aircraft intercom, the same one through which he reads information for passengers, only this time he calls the pilots, and not the loudspeaker, into the cabin. By the way, the conductor is obliged to call the crew every 40 minutes during the day and every 20 minutes at night to make sure they are working.

Boris, aircraft commander, 5 years experience

To communicate with flight attendants, there are special code phrases. Usually they are negotiated before the flight, but there are also permanent ones. For example, "Purser to cockpit, please" means that one of the crew members is unable to perform his duties and the chief conductor should come to the rescue. In the event of a ship being hijacked, of course, there is also a code word.

Is it true that you can learn how to fly an airplane by playing computer simulators like Microsoft Flight Simulator?

You can develop some skills, like orienteering in the cockpit. Know where which device is located. Perhaps the simulation will give an idea of ​​the physical behavior of the machine, its dynamic characteristics, but it is not worth talking about full-fledged control training. For these purposes, aviation uses much more advanced simulation models - MFTD and FFS. And if the MFTD is a bit like what a player can arrange at home, then the FFS is the most complex engineering device, the cost of which exceeds the price of the aircraft itself.

Alas, today, according to the law, the crew can stop hooliganism on board only with the help of persuasion. But our airline has a special flight escort service - these are air security officers in civilian clothes.

Boris, aircraft commander, 5 years experience

Any violent actions can be regarded as hijacking an aircraft. They will be reported to the crew commander, who will decide on the landing.

It scares me a little when people pay extra for overweight luggage. Will the plane take it all away? Does he have a load limit at all?

Weight limit is very important. If it is exceeded, the centering of the vessel is disturbed. The plane will either not take off if the center of gravity is forward, or it will not be controlled in the air if it is rear. But to calculate the weight of passengers, average values ​​\u200b\u200bare used, which have been in force in Russia for more than thirty years.

It should be noted that for Russian and foreign air carriers they are different. As for domestic companies, everything here depends on the seasonality of air transportation and the age of passengers. So, in the autumn-winter period, the average weight of an adult is taken as the basis for calculating the maximum take-off weight of an aircraft - 85 kg, taking into account clothing and hand luggage; a child under two years old - 15 kg, children from 2 to 12 years old - 30 kg. During the spring-summer season, it is believed that on average a passenger weighs 5 kg less, since he travels without outerwear.

Elena Monina, Press Service of Moscow Domodedovo Airport

By the way, passenger planes carry a lot of commercial cargo. Only large operators like DHL or UPS have their own cargo fleet, the rest use regular flights. When registering, dispatchers report how much free space (weight) is left, and cargo operators load payload: mail, parcels, containers with immigrants.

What happens if I get caught having sex in an airplane bathroom?

There are no specific rules in this regard. The worst thing that can happen is that on arrival you are snitched on by the security service, but usually they just make a remark.

Irina, flight attendant, 3 years experience

But offering money to flight attendants to let them into the crew rest rooms (there are such on transatlantic flights) is a bad idea. Their salaries are decent, and you can be blacklisted as passengers.

Photo: Getty Images; Everett Collection / East News; Shutterstock Illustration: Olga Gromova

Some researchers had crazy ideas - they wanted to fly, but why was the result so deplorable? For a long time there have been attempts to attach wings to oneself, and, waving them, fly up into the sky like birds. It turned out that human strength is not enough to lift oneself on flapping wings.

The first folk craftsmen were naturalists from China. Information about them is recorded in the "Tsan-han-shu" in the first century AD. Further, history is replete with cases of this kind, which occurred in Europe, and in Asia, and in Russia.

The first scientific justification for the process of flight was given by Leonardo da Vinci in 1505. He noticed that birds do not have to wave, they can stay in still air. From this, the scientist concluded that flight is possible when the wings move relative to the air, i.e. when they flap their wings in the absence of wind or when with fixed wings.

Why is the plane flying?

In 1738, the Swiss scientist Daniel Bernoulli deduced, named after him. According to this, with an increase in the flow rate of a liquid or gas, the static pressure in them drops and vice versa, with a decrease in speed, it increases.

In 1904, the scientist N.E. Zhukovsky developed a theorem on the lifting force acting on a body in a plane-parallel flow of gas or liquid. According to this theorem, a body (wing) located in a moving liquid or gaseous medium is subject to a lifting force, which depends on the parameters of the medium and the body. The main result of Zhukovsky's work was the lift coefficient formula.

lifting force

The aircraft wing profile is not symmetrical, its upper part is more convex than the lower one. When the aircraft is moving, the speed of the air flow passing from the top of the wing is higher than the speed of the flow passing from below. As a result of this (according to Bernoulli's theorem), the air pressure under the wing of the aircraft becomes higher than the pressure above the wing. Due to the difference in these pressures, a lifting force (Y) arises, pushing the wing up. Its value is:
Y = Cy*p*V²*S/2, where:
- Cy – lifting force coefficient;
- p is the density of the medium (air) in kg/m³;
- S - area in m²;
- V – flow velocity in m/s.

Under the influence of different forces

An aircraft moving through airspace is subject to several forces:
- thrust force of the engine (propeller or jet), pushing the aircraft forward;
- frontal resistance directed backward;
- the force of gravity of the Earth (the weight of the aircraft), directed downward;
is the lift force that pushes the aircraft up.

The value of lift and drag depends on the shape of the wing, the angle of attack (the angle at which the flow meets the wing) and the density of the air flow. The latter, in turn, depends on the speed of the aircraft and on atmospheric air pressure.

As the aircraft accelerates and its speed increases, the lift force increases. As soon as it exceeds the weight of the aircraft, it takes off. When the aircraft moves horizontally at a constant speed, all forces are balanced, their resultant (total force) is equal to zero.
The shape of the wing is selected so that the drag is as small as possible, and the lift force is as large as possible. Lift can be increased by increasing the speed and area of ​​the wings. The higher the speed of movement, the smaller the area of ​​the wings can be and vice versa.

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Useful advice

Theorem N.E. Zhukovsky is also known under the name of the Kutta-Zhukovskii theorem. This is due to the fact that, in parallel with the Russian scientist, the German scientist Martin Kutt was also engaged in research on the study of lift.

Scientists and researchers knew about the existence of the lifting force even before the discovery of Zhukovsky's theorem. However, its nature was explained in a different way - as a consequence of the impact of air particles on the body according to Newton's theory. With this in mind, a formula for calculating the lifting force was even developed, but its use gave an underestimated value of the lifting force.


  • Hydrodynamics and aerodynamics. Wing lift and aircraft flight.
  • why do planes fly

In December 1903, the Wright brothers successfully tested the first heavier-than-air aircraft by connecting a glider to a motor. That prototype aircraft was primitive and only remotely resembled modern winged machines. In the following decades, the design of the aircraft was refined and improved. As a result, the aircraft received the device, the main features of which have been preserved to this day.


The main part of any aircraft is the body, which is taken by the fuselage. The hull has a special compartment - the cockpit, in which the pilots are located. Transport and passenger

Do you want to overcome your fear of flying? The best way is to learn more about how the plane flies, how fast it moves, and how high it rises. People are afraid of the unknown, and when the issue is studied and considered, then everything becomes simple and understandable. So be sure to read about how an airplane flies this is the first step in the fight against aerophobia.

If you look at the wing, you will see that it is not flat. Its lower surface is smooth, while the upper one has a convex shape. Due to this, as the aircraft speed increases, the air pressure on the wing changes. At the bottom of the wing, the flow velocity is less, so the pressure is greater. From above, the flow velocity is greater, and the pressure is less. It is due to this pressure drop that the wing pulls the plane up. This difference between lower and upper pressure is called wing lift. In fact, during acceleration, the aircraft pushes up when a certain speed is reached(pressure difference).

Air flows around the wing at different speeds, pushing the plane up

This principle was discovered and formulated by the founder of aerodynamics Nikolai Zhukovsky back in 1904, and already 10 years later it was successfully applied during the first flights and tests. The area, wing shape and flight speed are calculated in such a way that multi-ton aircraft can be lifted into the air without problems. Most modern airliners fly at speeds from 180 to 260 kilometers per hour - this is quite enough for confident keeping in the air.

At what height do planes fly?

Do you understand why planes fly? Now we will tell you about the height at which they fly.Passenger aircraft "occupied" the corridor from 5 to 12 thousand meters. Large passenger liners usually fly at an altitude of 9-12 thousand, smaller ones - 5-8 thousand meters. This altitude is optimal for the movement of aircraft: at this altitude, air resistance decreases by 5-7 times, but there is still enough oxygen for the normal operation of the engines. Above 12,000, the plane begins to fail - rarefied air does not create normal lift, and there is also an acute shortage of oxygen for combustion (engine power drops). The ceiling for many liners is 12,200 meters.

Note:an airplane flying at an altitude of 10,000 meters saves about 80% of fuel compared to flying at an altitude of 1,000 meters.

What is the speed of the aircraft during takeoff

Let's consider, how does a plane take off . Gaining a certain speed, it breaks away from the ground. At this moment, the airliner is the most uncontrollable, so the runways are made with a significant margin in length. The take-off speed depends on the mass and shape of the aircraft, as well as on the configuration of its wings. For example, we will give tabular values ​​​​for the most popular types of aircraft:

  1. Boeing 747 -270 km/h.
  2. Airbus A 380 - 267 km / h.
  3. IL 96 - 255 km / h.
  4. Boeing 737 - 220 km / h.
  5. Yak-40 -180 km/h.
  6. Tu 154 - 215 km / h.

On average, the separation speed of most modern liners is 230-250 km/h. But it is not constant - it all depends on the wind acceleration, the mass of the aircraft, the runway, the weather and other factors (the values ​​\u200b\u200bmay differ by 10-15 km / h in one direction or another). But to the question: at what speed does the plane take off you can answer - 250 kilometers per hour, and you can't go wrong.

Different types of aircraft take off at different speeds.

At what speed does the plane land

Landing speed, as well as takeoff speed, can vary greatly depending on aircraft models, wing area, weight, wind and other factors. On average, it varies from 220 to 250 kilometers per hour.

AT passenger aviation flight altitude is determined by the technical capabilities of the aircraft and established rules. Height can be maximum and ideal. The choice of height does not depend on the decision of the commander, he is limited in his actions by ground services.

Why 10 thousand?

The liner gains an ideal ten kilometers in 20 minutes. If the flight does not exceed half an hour, such a need does not arise. The decision whether to keep the corridor or climb another one or two thousand depends on the situation. The higher the aircraft rises, the thinner the atmosphere becomes. It creates less drag, which reduces the amount of fuel burned to overcome it. In the atmosphere at an altitude of 10 thousand, the amount of oxygen necessary to ensure the combustion of kerosene is preserved. Birds do not fly at this height, a collision with which will cause an accident.

The decision on the flight altitude is made by ground control services.

They give orders to pilots based on objective factors:

  • weather
  • wind speed at the earth's surface;
  • vessel weight and specifications Oh;
  • flight time and distance;
  • direction: west or east.

The selected altitude is defined in the flight rules as flight level. Air law defines uniform flight levels for the airspace of all countries. If the ship is flying east, the dispatcher has the right to select odd levels of 35, 37, 39 thousand pounds ( 10 to 12 kilometers). For aircraft flying in the opposite direction, even flight levels are offered. This is 30, 36, 40 thousand pounds above sea level ( 9 to 11 kilometers). This tactic is aimed at avoiding collisions. The echelon is calculated even before the departure of the vehicle.

affect height and range of flight, climbing is impractical on small routes. The ship's commander determines the altitude using a barometer installed on board.

This video explains why planes fly:

Max Height

The maximum altitude is directly related to the maximum speed. At a speed of 950-1000 kilometers per hour, the height reaches 10 kilometers. For small private jets, the ratio will be 300 km/h and 2000 thousand meters.

Not only the aircraft model determines its maximum possible height, but also the physical characteristics of the atmosphere. Aircraft specifications are different for passenger and military aircraft.

The maximum height is determined by:

  • technical characteristics, these are engine power and wing lift;
  • brand and type of vessel;
  • aircraft weight.

The Russian TU-204 can climb no more than 7200 meters. IL-62 will rise by 11 kilometers, the Airbus A310 will gain the same amount. The newest Irkut MS-21, which first took to the skies on May 28, 2017, will be able to gain 11.5 kilometers due to its small mass. The industry leader, the Sukhoi Superjet SSJ 100SV, is already climbing up to 12,200 meters.

Prior to entering the Sukhoi development market, only Boeings managed to exceed the limit of 12 thousand.

There are altitude limits related to the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere. They depend on the type of engine. An aircraft with a turbojet engine can reach 32 thousand meters, for a ramjet aircraft the limit will be higher, it will be 45 thousand meters.

The maximum height of a turbojet military vessel can exceed 35,000 meters; the Russian MIG-25 managed to reach it.

Watch the video about how Mig 25 rises into the stratosphere

Ideal Height

The definition refers to the same height in the range of 10-12 thousand meters, where the ideal density of air flows is observed. They are sufficiently discharged in order to reduce the friction of the sides against the air and fuel consumption. At the same time, their density remains sufficient to support the wings of the aircraft. When moving into the stratosphere, the support level drops and the aircraft begins to “fall over”.

Taking into account these parameters, the pilots have developed a definition of the "ideal" corridor. Going down from it increases fuel consumption, the economic efficiency of the flight decreases along with its altitude, so in any situation the pilot will increase the altitude rather than lower it.

Within the allocated echelon, the pilot himself decides on the height, taking into account the current ratio of friction and support, taking into account the technical characteristics of the vessel. Altitude change is often associated with turbulence, but it is also coordinated with ground services. Clouds are more often overcome when rising above their level, and the reason for the change in height may be the closure of space above the region due to military operations or mountain peaks.

Remember. Echelon change is possible only when leaving the route at a distance of 20 kilometers and in agreement with ground services.

Boeing 747 and 737 height?

Models of the American corporation fly on Russian flights. Among wide-body passenger aircraft, it is most often used by airlines due to the cost-effectiveness of mass transportation. Five Boeing-747s belong to Rossiya Airlines. The maximum speed of the vessel is 988 km per hour for modification 747-8, maximum height, which he can climb, 13,700 meters.

Boeing 737 is gaining less altitude, the ceiling is 12,500 meters for the 737-800 model and 11,300 meters for the Boeing 737-500. The ability to climb such a height ensures fuel efficiency of flights. The designers suggest the release of the Boeing 737 MAX 8, which should further improve these characteristics.

In aviation, the optimal heights of air corridors are calculated for all types of aircraft. Pilots must adhere to the instructions of the air traffic control services, reserving the freedom of maneuver and the right to make an independent decision in a critical situation. The safety of the airspace depends on the coordinated actions of the team and ground controllers in choosing the maximum height.