Kaani city in Finland. City of Kajaani, Finland. Petkeljärvi National Park

The city of Kajaani, located in the central part of Finland, is located 557 km from Helsinki. Founded in 1651 by the governor Pietari Brahe, today it has more than 37 thousand inhabitants. This place attracts tourists not only with its history and rich nature, but also with a wide variety of entertainment available at any time of the year.

Kajaani is the capital of the province of Kainuu in Finland

general information

Kajaani is famous for the fact that the compiler of the Karelian-Finnish epic Kalevala Elias Lennrot lived and worked here.
The most interesting historical site of the city is the ruins of an ancient castle on an island in the Kajaaninjoki River. The fortress, built in 1604, served as an outpost, prison and administrative center. In 1716, the defenders of the fortress repulsed the siege of Russian troops for several months. And only when the besieged townspeople ran out of provisions did they surrender to the mercy of the victors. During its long history, the castle has acquired legends. Until now, the townspeople love to tell the legend about the ghost guarding the treasures walled up in the old walls.


You can continue the tour of the city with a visit to the Lutheran church built in 1896, built in the neo-Gothic style, and visit the Orthodox Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord of 1958, known for its outstanding frescoes. Connoisseurs of contemporary art will be interested in the collection of the Art Museum. And after examining the rich exposition of the local history museum of Kayani, you will get acquainted with the ethnography and culture of the region.

Once in Kajaani with children, be sure to take a tour of the Christmas Village. At nightfall, the dwarf guide will lead you along the fabulous troll trail, lit by torches. The journey will end in a forest hut, where you can taste national treats, try a magic drink and buy souvenirs.
Having got acquainted with the local cuisine in the restaurants of Kajaani, you will make many gastronomic discoveries. Fish soups with milk, salmon soup, ice cream with resin and the famous cheese baked in the oven and covered with creamy sauce will impress the most sophisticated gourmets.

Active guests who come to Kajaani in winter will find a network of ski slopes, ski slopes and ski jumps. And in the summer - cycling, boat trips and exciting hikes along the hiking trails in the Talascagnas reserve. In addition, there is an excellent golf course in the very center of the city.

Kajaani is a favorite place for fishing enthusiasts. Right in the city center on the Kajaaninjoki River, you can fish for whitefish and salmon. Or go to the picturesque lakes Ruuhijärvi and Valkealampi, located near the city. And of course, it is impossible to imagine Kajaani without the annual jazz, chamber music and dance festivals, which bring together outstanding artists from all over Europe.

How to get there

From the border point "Svetogorsk - Imatra" to Kajaani can be reached by car, it's 482 km. From Moscow, you can take the Lev Tolstoy train to Kouvola, and then make a transfer to Kajaani. The Allegro train runs from St. Petersburg to Kouvola. There is also an airport in Kajaani.

In the central part of the republic, there is a small and very beautiful city of Kajaani. The place became the beginning of the journey of many famous people of Suomi. In the article we will talk about the history, sights, recreation and entertainment.

What is it

The city of Kajaani in Finland belongs to the administrative center of Oulu. It became the central region of Kainu Governorate. The total area is 1,400 square kilometers, 428 of which are water areas.

Despite the sufficient distance from the capital and other popular places, it is in demand among tourists. Lovers of quiet and measured rest come here.

Fishermen especially liked the settlement. Wide rapids and crystal clear water attract thousands of visitors every year.

Students also choose Kajaani, the local university is ranked fifth in the country. The campus accommodates 2000 students.

The woodworking industry has become a key focus of labor activity.


The climate zone is temperate. Most of the year is quite cold. No sudden temperature changes. Significant precipitation is not observed, within 12 months the standard norm falls.

The minimum temperature is reached in January and February. A rare occurrence was the drop in the thermometer to -41, the usual weather in winter fluctuates around -10 -14 degrees.

Summer is cool, July is considered the warmest time, the air temperature warms up to 20 degrees Celsius.

History of the settlement

Historians claim that the first settlements in this area arose during the Ice Age. Residents built caves for living. The rivers were used as transportation to the necessary places and for fishing.

In 1323, according to the signed peace treaty, the area passed into the possession of Sweden for 250 years. In 1595 the agreement was renewed. At the same time, the Swedish authorities took care of creating defensive lines in case of war.

In 1604, the construction of a fortress began on one of the islands in the Kainajoki River. Initially, the building was a stone wall with several towers. Inside were wooden buildings.

In the middle of the 17th century, reconstruction began, which lasted 16 years. During this time, it was used as an administrative center, then became a prison.

In 1716, during the war with the Russian Empire, the building was blown up. They did not restore it, today it is a museum exhibit.

In 1651, Governor Pieter Brahe petitioned for city status. It was approved only in 1655.

The city of Kajaani is famous throughout Suomi due to several events.

  1. Elios Lönnrot, known for his, wrote it in these parts, simultaneously working as a district doctor.
  2. The current president of the country studied at one of the schools in the settlement.
  3. The poet Eino Leino was born here.
  4. In 2013, the main city stores began to accept Russian rubles for payment.
  5. The print publication Kotiseutuplus has obtained permission to distribute its products in Kostomuksha, Russia. Weekly, newspapers are published with a circulation of 10,000 in Russian.

During the civil war, a white detachment of partisans was created here. One of the participants was Urho Kekkonen, the future president of Suomi. He headed the state for 25 years.


In these parts, the minimalistic style of concrete buildings with wooden buildings is very successfully combined.

The main part of the houses is made of stone, the color scheme is gray. This cold shade is diluted with wooden buildings of the last century, painted in bright yellow.


At the time of granting city status in 1655, the number of inhabitants was 400 people. Since the construction of the railway in 1907 and the development of industry, the number began to grow rapidly. In 1987, the settlement numbered 36,000, by 2019 it has increased to 38,071.

Rules and norms of behavior

There are no exceptional rules of conduct in Kajaani, Finland. Residents adhere to the rules established by law.

Where to stay

There are many accommodation options, ranging from budget campsites to all-inclusive hotels. 3 * hotels and apartments for families with children have become a constant choice of tourists.

The average cost of a room ranges from 60-90 euros. Apartments, which include the use of the pool, sauna, gym and the Internet, will cost 110-130 euros per day.

Where to eat

In any part of the city, you can taste delicious and fresh food. There are a lot of places with Japanese and European cuisine.

The local rye bread and resin-flavored ice cream dessert are rightfully the best in the country.

There are many pubs in the center with excellent Finnish beers.


Several times a year, interesting festivals take place in Kajaani. Jazz, chamber and dance - gather thousands of spectators. One of the most visited events is the meeting with the name “Poetry Week”.

In February, a dance festival takes place, people of all ages, from toddlers to pensioners, take part in it.

In July, a tar canal with boats passing through it is open to tourists. This is the only place in the world where this tradition has been preserved.

Fishing is especially popular, the Ruihijärvi and Valkealampi lakes are considered the best for this purpose.

The locals broke the stereotype that fishing means a quiet place without extra people. Here, fishing is actively practiced right in the center of the city. Despite the crowds, it will not be possible to leave without a few salmon carcasses.


As in any locality in Finland, Kajaani contains interesting places.

Art Museum

It is located in the former police station, occupies two floors, with a total area of ​​300 square meters.

Four superbly lit halls provide an interesting illumination of the expositions. Every year the museum holds 4-5 exhibitions of Finnish and European art. Particular attention is paid to the exhibits presented in the former cell for prisoners.

The permanent exhibition contains 760 works by the most famous artists of the 80s and 90s.

The ruins of a strategic fortification can be visited absolutely free of charge. The island site attracts tourists with its history. In the twentieth century, several attempts were made to restore and reconstruct it.

The idea was not successful, and the authorities decided to leave the fortress as a historical value.

Many folk festivals take place on the territory of the island.


Most of all, the local population loves golf. This unusual type of activity for Suomi has gained real popularity in Kajaani. Playing fields are ubiquitous. Every hotel has them.

The second most popular entertainment is horseback riding. The owners of the stables offer visitors to learn how to ride a horse, take walks along picturesque places and feed the animals with treats.

Every year, the city hosts a festival called Kajaani Lady Meeting. Women dress up in beautiful outfits and show the level of their skills in driving a horse.

Cultural entertainment includes theater, exhibitions, concerts and museums.

Active tourists will enjoy cycling with sightseeing and simply beautiful landscapes in the summer.

In winter, a ski resort operates, it offers magnificent slopes of varying difficulty, jumping boards and much more. Equipment rentals are also open there.

Where to go with children

When visiting the city with children, you should definitely go to the Christmas Village. Not only kids will be delighted, but also adults.

In wooden houses, guests will be offered to try fabulous cocktails and chat with the forest grandfather. After dusk, a dwarf enters the path. He conducts a tour for tourists along the torch-lit road.

In the course of the story, fairy-tale characters appear from behind the trees, enticing visitors into their amusements.

Shopping Features

Suomi is one of the favorite countries for shopping among Russian travelers. In Kajaani there are many shops of various themes. There are grocery, household and souvenir shops.

A large influx of tourists occurs during the Christmas holidays, when discounts reach 70%.

A shopper's paradise is the Kauppakatu street in the center where you can find whatever you want.

The opening hours of most shops in Kajaani, Finland are from 9:00 to 17:00. Weekends close earlier.

Urban transport

The main mode of transportation was the bicycle and the car. Bus service in the city is rather conditional. It is aimed at the morning and evening flow of people.

At lunchtime and after 19:00, you will have to wait for transport for a long time. Taxi services are quite expensive.

Where is it located and how to get there

You can get from St. Petersburg by car, through the border checkpoint Svetogorsk. The distance is 482 kilometers.

The Lev Tolstoy train runs from Moscow to Kouvola, then you should change to a bus. Allegro goes from St. Petersburg.

Departing from Helsinki, Imatra, Joensuu, you need to go along route number six. Road number five leads from Kuopio and Mikkeli.

Highway No. 89 originates in Kostomuksha, customs control passes through the Vartius checkpoint.

Also, eight kilometers from the city is Kajaani Airport, from which flights depart to the capital several times a day.

Kajaani is a very cozy and peaceful place. It will be an excellent choice for people who love silence, regularity and coolness. Here everyone will find something to their liking.

Kajaani from A to Z: map, hotels, attractions, restaurants, entertainment. Shopping, shops. Photos, videos and reviews about Kajaani.

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Fishermen love this city. The local river with the purest water gives salmon, grayling and whitefish. There are places for fishermen everywhere. You can come to Kajaani without equipment, since there are plenty of rental points here.

How to get there

Kajaani climbed 500 kilometers from the Russian border. It can be reached by any means of transport - by plane, train or bus.

The city is located at the crossroads of auto routes of other regions - Oulu, Tampere, Helsinki. The road from nearby large settlements will take a couple of hours. More than 20 bus trips are organized to the ski slopes of Vuokatti.

By train, you can get to Kajaani from any Finnish city. Trains also run from Moscow and St. Petersburg via Kouvola.

As for air traffic, the airport is located 7 kilometers from Kajaani. The flight from Helsinki takes just over an hour.

Search for flights to Kajaani (nearest airport to Kajaani)


In a town of 40 thousand inhabitants, the best mode of transport is your car or bicycle. You can order a taxi, but most likely it will be expensive. Mini-buses run between cities, which can be picked up in the center of Kajaani.

But in general, you just need to walk around the city. Hiking with sightseeing and shopping is what you need to explore Kajaani.

Cuisine and restaurants

The city has a good selection of restaurants with different cuisines. There is Asian food that has penetrated all countries, for lovers of ordinary food, something Central European is suitable. The city has pubs with expensive alcohol and discos for people of all ages.

Gourmets advise you to try traditional dishes for this area in Kajaani. For example, salmon soup or a cheese cake baked with creamy sauce and sprinkled with cloudberries. The Finns themselves believe that they cook the best rye bread in the country and ice cream with the addition of resin. Exotic cleaner than Chinese cuisine.

The shops

Finland is one of the favorite shopping countries for Russians. In Kajaani, there are plenty of shops for tourists where you can buy quality goods for a small price. Vacationers take everything from heated jackets to frying pans. In the heat of shopping, you are not always aware of the expediency of a particular purchase.

The city has its own Christmas sales when the price drops up to 70 percent. The main shopping street - Kauppakatu - these days resembles the movement of pilgrims who came to listen to the Pope or the Dalai Lama.

In Kajaani, shops are open for a short time, mostly until 17-18:00. And on weekends they try to close even earlier.

Kajaani Hotels

Kajaani has a large selection of accommodation facilities - you can rent a 3-5 star hotel, weekend apartments, stay at a campsite. Each hotel offers tours and excursions to highlights of the region. Most of the hotels are located near the Kajaani River, the airport or the railway station.

One of the features of local hotels is the offer of golf. You are taken to the site, which is noted by many experts from the best side. Here you can practice on your own or hire an instructor.

The cost of living in local hotels - from 60-85 EUR. A standard hotel room with a good kitchen, swimming pool, sauna and free internet will cost 110-130 EUR.

Prices on the page are for March 2019.

2 things to do in Kajaani

  1. Get to the festival - festivals of jazz, chamber music, folk dances are held in the city. The most famous are Poetry Week and Dance Festival in February. Poems from the Kalevala are heard at the poetry festival. Its compiler - Elias Lennrot - comes from Kajaani. Poems in Finnish are difficult to understand, but the language of dance is accessible to everyone.
  2. To catch fish in the city center - usually fishermen go to a river or lake, away from the hustle and bustle. In Kajaani, a special chic is to catch a fish in the center. Moreover, the catch will be rich: you will definitely pull out a couple of salmon.

Entertainment and attractions Kajaani

Several main attractions of Kajaani related to the history and nature of the region.

christmas village

This village appears in the city during one of the most beloved holidays for Finnish children - Christmas. In the forest houses, you can taste fabulous drinks and play with funny creatures. In places they are scary, but harmless.

A path leads to the village, and a gnome acts as a guide. He talks about the peculiarities of the village, how to behave and what awaits the guests. Children love the Christmas village, they can't wait for it to open.

Resin channel

The town has Ammyakoski tar canal from the middle of the century before last. This is the only functioning sample in the world. Resin boats can still sail here.

The channel was temporarily closed, but reopened in the 80s of the last century. Every year in Kajaani there is a solemn display of resin boats - the very ones that plowed the river many years ago.


In Kajaani, the best place for fishing is the Linnanvirta area, which overlooks the ancient fortress. Permission for fishing must be obtained at the gatekeeper's house. Permission is free.

In Kajaani, fishing is popular in the city center, where you can catch taimen or grayling, as well as on the forest lakes Ruuhijärvi and Valkealampi.

Kajaani Castle

This castle was built in the 17th century on one of the islands of the Kajaani River. The castle worked as a city government, a prison and a refuge during wars.

Russian soldiers besieged the castle for several months during the Great Northern War. As a result, the locals surrendered, and the Russian troops blew up the fortress and took the prisoners to Russia.

In the 20th century, they tried to save, modify, reconstruct the castle. But still we got mostly ruins. You can get to the castle island for free. During the holidays, mass celebrations are held here. Right in the middle of the ruins.

Northern Finland and Lapland‏‎

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In Finland, on the banks of the river Kajanijoki, there is a city surrounded by forests, it is called Kajaani. Approximately 38 thousand people live in the city. Kajaani was founded in the middle of the 17th century.

In a picturesque place there are many interesting and historical places, so every tourist will definitely find what he wants to see.

The city is popular not only for its rich history, but also for its nature and entertainment.

The art museum was opened at the end of the last century. It hosts local and international exhibitions. The museum is located in a building that used to be a police station.

Location: Linnankatu - 14.

There is an Orthodox church in the city. It was built in the second half of the 20th century. The interior of the church is very beautiful. The walls from floor to ceiling inside the building are covered with frescoes. They worked on decorating the church for about seventeen years. The church is one of the most beautiful in the whole country.

Not far from the city along the river there is a large park. In the park there are pine trees, sand dunes, small ponds with the purest water. Winter here lasts a long time, at this time it is best to go skiing. The landscape of the park is very beautiful. In the warm season, you can take a walk along the hiking trails.

You can go hiking and cycling in this park. Moreover, there are hotels and houses. Travelers can stay in them. In autumn, the park is full of mushrooms and berries. The environment of the park attracts travelers. People here enjoy fresh air and silence.

The airport is located eight kilometers from the city. It opened in the second half of the 20th century. There are both local and international flights.

Location: Lentokentäntie - 7.

The house was built of wood in the second half of the 19th century. The building has one floor. The caretaker of the lock used to live here. Today exhibitions are held here. They are aimed at educating people in historical and cultural topics.

The castle is located in the central part of the city. The Swedes began to build it at the beginning of the 17th century. So they wanted to protect themselves from enemies and control the river. But soon the castle began to be used as a prison, despite the fact that its construction was not completed.

In the middle of the 17th century, the construction of the city began near the castle. Partially, the wooden structures of the fortress were replaced with stone ones. The castle has been improved. At the beginning of the 18th century, during the war, the building was blown up. At the beginning of the 20th century, part of the castle was flooded. This part served as the basis for the bridge. At that time it was the only bridge across the river here.

Now the fortress serves as a symbol of the city. The castle has been restored several times. Travelers can visit this attraction. Holidays are held on the territory of the fortress.

Kirche represents the neo-gothic architectural style. Deciduous, coniferous trees and shrubs grow near the attraction. A pleasant atmosphere of warmth and kindness reigns around the building. The building was built in the second half of the 19th century.

Despite its middle age, the building is visited by travelers and parishioners. Services are regularly held here. There is a square next to the church. In it you can admire the monuments.

There is a village near the city. Every year here you can admire Christmas performances, plunge into the world of fairy tales from December to mid-January. In the village you can enjoy gingerbread with tea in the bakery, ride a sled and reindeer, visit a forge, meet Santa Claus, goblin and gnomes.

A visit to the village turns into an unforgettable adventure. If you visited the village outside of the New Year holidays, then you will learn here about the culture, legends, life and crafts of the Finns.

The canal was opened in the first half of the 19th century. Boatmen needed it, as it was difficult for them to get over the rapids. The channel served as their salvation and simplified the work. The place worked until the beginning of the 20th century. About seventy years later, work resumed. It is now used as a tourist attraction. Competitions and rafting are held here.

Not far from the city there is a complex where people can visit swimming pools, saunas, a gym, play badminton, go for a massage. Moreover, the building houses a restaurant where you can treat yourself to gourmet dishes.

There is also a hotel with more than a hundred rooms. The rooms have everything you need for convenience: Internet, bar, safe and so on.

Location: Katinkullantie - 15, Vuokatti.

Kajaani is an ancient city founded in the middle of the seventeenth century near the fortress of the same name. The two-storey stone castle served as a state prison for a long time. Its ruins still attract tourists to Kajaani. Not far from Kajaani is the Vuokatti ski resort.

Kajaani Airport was opened in 1956. Today it carries almost eighty thousand people annually. The length of the airport runway is two and a half kilometers. Regular flights connect Kajaani with Helsinki, in addition, during the season, the airport receives flights from Tallinn and Moscow.

The airport is located near the village of Paltaniemi, about eight kilometers from Kajaani.

Shuttle bus transportation from the airport to the city and resort of Vuokatti is carried out by Kattilinjat. You can also order a taxi or use car rental.

Petkeljärvi National Park

One of the most picturesque parks in Finland is the Petkeljärvi National Park. This pearl attracts tourists with the beauty of its lakes and sandy ridges. The territory of the park was formed 10,000 years ago, at the end of the ice age, formed from under the ice and melt water.

The Petkeljärvi National Park is considered to be a very popular place for walking. To see its sights, you need to allocate a whole day. A breathtaking view opens from the peaks to the water sparkling under the sun, numerous lakes. It is visited daily by a lot of people, the routes in the park are built so that you can fully enjoy the landscapes and nature.

Part of the mountain range of the national park are mountain ranges stretching from Lake Koitere to the border with Russia. They are not high, but quite steep, some of them are sheer. On the territory of the park, there are a lot of forests, here you can find very old species of trees. There is a huge pine forest, the trees here are more than one hundred and fifty years old. On the pines there are many hollows in which they live, tits, woodpeckers, flycatchers. In summer, the silence of the park is broken by the cries of the black-throated dive, on the paths there are tree trunks that have been eaten by beavers. Huge animals also live in the park, such as: elk, bear, wolf, but they avoid meeting visitors in every possible way.

Lake Petraniemi, due to the sandy soil, has clear, crystal water. You can swim in the lake, sunbathe on the shore and enjoy the virgin beauty of the park, hear the birds singing, follow the loons diving into the lake for fish. In the tourist center, you can rent a kayak or a boat, and make a water trip through the lakes of the park. For hiking, the best option is a circular route through the park 6.5 kilometers "Kuikan quierros", named after the loons. In addition to forests, there are meadows in the park, they are very swampy and are preserved as a landscape of the park.

A feature of the park are traces of the war between Finland and the Soviet Union in 1939-1940s, these are trenches and shelters, so visitors can feel the spirit of history, the country.

At the moment, Petkeljärvi Park is the best place for hiking and lovers of quiet nature. National park .. Petkeljärvi and the park Patvinsuo, which is located nearby, belong to the reserve of North Karelia, and are part of UNESCO.

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Riisitunturi National Park

A paradise for hikers is the Riisitunturi National Park, located in the southern part of Finnish Lapland, not far from the town of Posio. The park covers an area of ​​77 square kilometers and was established in 1982. The park is located in a mountainous area, there are also many swamps, especially on the slopes. It represents the best landscape over Kitkajä rvet lake and forest, colorful fells on the peaks, and the landscapes of the park are breathtaking.

The Riisitunturi trail (29 km) is the most suitable for hiking, lasting several days, the best option for hikers. Walking along the trails, you can meet campfire sites, houses where you can stay for the night. The most popular destinations lead to the Carchinquerros trail to the Oulanka National Park with beautiful scenery. The park offers hiking in both winter and summer.

For lovers of skiing, Riisitunturi offers great opportunities, organizing hikes and walks in the snowy hills, with a beautiful winter landscape. The upper part of the park has an exceptional view, which is impossible to forget, these are its hanging swamps and slender fir trees. adapted to the snow cover, which is typical for this area. There are also many small lakes in the region. Forests and hills grow in all seasons. On the territory of the park, wild reindeer, belonging to local shepherds, walk with a brand on their ears.

Riisitunturi is a year-round destination for tourists, with great views and variety in all seasons.

In winter, there is an opportunity to admire the sunset, as it rises low above the horizon, so the dawn smoothly turns into sunset. In the spring, when the length of the day increases and becomes a little warmer, there is still snow here. In summer, when the sun does not set below the horizon, arctic flowers bloom. At the end of summer and autumn in the park, there are many mushrooms and berries that can be picked. In autumn, the plants growing on the hills acquire a unique color during the first frosts.

Maarianvaara is a ski resort located in the municipality of Kaavi, in the center of Finland. It is one of the youngest and most prestigious ski resorts in Finland. It is popular with family lovers. On the slopes of Maarianvaar it is good to learn skiing, even for children. Here you can have a great rest with a friendly company of young people, due to affordable prices for both skiing and accommodation.

The ski resort is small, but, nevertheless, it has 7 ski slopes. The largest elevation difference in the resort is 140 meters. The length of the longest descent is about 1050 m. An hour's drive from Maarianvaar is the famous ski resort Tahko. In addition to skiing, you can also ski on the plain. For this, an excellent ski track was specially laid.

You can also enjoy snowmobiling and ice fishing here. There is a ski school for beginners and equipment rental. In the evenings, you can have a good rest in cozy restaurants and taste delicious local cuisine. Outside the resort, 50 km from the Maarianvaara resort, in the town of Siilinjärvi, there is the Fontanella water park, where you can swim and then visit a real Finnish bath.

Lussitupa's house

In the center of Kajaani, it is interesting to visit the ruins of an ancient castle, as well as the nearby Lussitupa house ("Lussitupa").

This small wooden building was built in 1880 for the caretaker of the lock, who oversaw the transport of resin through the canal and the operation of the lock. The house is a one-story gray building.

Currently, the well-preserved building often hosts historical exhibitions, permanent exhibitions that tell about the culture and life of these places, and in July you can watch the work of the gateway in action.

Rokua National Park

A big attraction in Finland is the Rokua National Park. Located in Northern Finland, about 200 km south of the Arctic Circle between the cities of Oulu and Kajaani. Covering an area of ​​1,300 square kilometers along the Oulu River to Oulu Lake, Rokua Park is a unique combination of geology, nature and culture. Windswept sand dunes overgrown with pine forests, pine and lichen clad heaths, holes and small ponds filled with crystal clear water.

For an area of ​​character, long winters, covered in snow and ice, this is the best time to go skiing and explore the incomparable beauty of the snowy landscape. Hiking trails are excellent in early spring, with about 70 kilometers of cross-country skiing trails open. In the summer, there are about 50 kilometers of hiking trails, an ideal place for camping, you can ride a bike. On the territory of the park there are hotels where you can stay, private houses.

Rokua National Park has a wide variety of natural and cultural attractions. Here, you can make a 22-kilometer hike that runs along the Path of the Emperor. Spend a day in the forest and relax in the Rokua Spa. The tourist area includes numerous islands on the western side of Lake Oulujärvi. In autumn, on the territory of Rokua Park, you can pick up mushrooms, lingonberries

The park attracts with its unique nature, clean environment for tourists, there is an opportunity to enjoy peace and tranquility. There is a wide range of recreation and leisure opportunities on the banks of the Oulujoki River. There is a cafe, a small souvenir shop, a sauna.

Kajaani Art Museum

The Kajaani Art Museum was opened in April 1993. The exposition of the museum is located in the former police station, designed by the architect Eino Pitkänen.

The two floors together provide about 300 m2 of wall space for exhibits. The four well-lit exhibition spaces vary in size and shape, creating multiple options for displaying artwork. Every year the Art Museum organizes about five temporary exhibitions of foreign and Finnish art. An interesting fact is that the old police cell has been preserved in its original form and can also be used to host exhibits.

When the museum opened in 1993, it took on the responsibility of acquiring the art itself. Currently, his collection includes 760 works by 100 different artists. The main focus is on the works of Finnish artists of the 80s-90s. Among them are the works of such masters as Johana Blomstead, Carolus Enkel, Tapio Yunno and others. Over the past few years, the collection has been mainly replenished by donations to the development of art in the Kainuu region.

One of the main tasks of the museum determines the presentation of art education to a wide audience, as well as a comprehensive picture of art.

The most popular attractions in Kajaani with descriptions and photos for every taste. Choose the best places to visit the famous places of Kajaani on our website.