Rest in Karelia in the summer, what to see and where to relax. Rest in Karelia Active rest in Karelia in summer

Winter Active in Karelia
Snowmobile tours in Karelia
Rafting in Karelia
Fishing and hunting in Karelia

Tours in Murmansk region, Kola Peninsula and Khibiny

Tours to Karelia- an excellent choice for people seeking to escape from the concrete jungle of the city into the bosom of nature. Tours to Karelia from Moscow are very affordable. Just a night on the train and you are already there. A variety of tours to Karelia will allow you to choose what you like: rafting on stormy rivers on catamarans for extreme lovers, and rafting on calm rivers on rafts, in which the whole family can participate.

All conditions are created here. You will visit fascinating places, enjoy centuries-old forests and crystal lakes, ride along winding paths, see masterpieces of Karelian architecture - look into the mysterious world of Karelian natureand culture . For your convenience, things in cycling tours in Karelia are transported by an escort car. You just have to choose a tour based on your physical fitness. Bike tours in Karelia for the weekend are available for beginners, but for a week-long bike tour you need good preparation.

And if you are interested in trying several types of recreation in Karelia, welcome to. In such tours, you can combine rafting, kayaking, cycling and rock climbing.

If you don't know what to do in winter, go to Karelia. Here you will find snow-covered forests, sparkling sun, fresh frosty air. In winter in Karelia, you canride on visit the zoo complex "Three Bears" and the Karelian village of Rubcheila, get acquainted with Karelian hospitality and Karelian cuisine. Only here you can feel like a conqueror of the northern lands, because the amazing beauty and endurance of human friends - huskies - will help you in this. You can ride with a breeze through the endless winter expanses on snowmobiles, see all the splendor of the winter Kizhi - you can do it over the weekend. You don't have to take time off from work. Just buy tickets for Friday evening and on Monday morning you will already be in Moscow, full of new impressions and positive emotions.

Geography: The Republic of Karelia is part of the Northwestern Federal District. The capital is Petrozavodsk. It is washed by the White Sea in the northeast.

Climate: mild with abundant rainfall. It changes on the territory of Karelia from maritime to temperate continental. Winter is snowy, cool, but usually without severe frosts, if frosts come, then only for a few days. Summers are short and warm, with high rainfall.

Relief, rivers, lakes: hilly plain, turning in the west into the West Karelian Upland. There are about 27,000 rivers in Karelia, of which the largest are Vodla, Kem, Onda, Unga, Chirka-Kem, Kovda, Shuya, Suna with the Kivach waterfall, Vyg. There are also about 60,000 lakes in the republic. Ladoga and Onega are the largest lakes in Europe. Other large lakes of Karelia: Nyuk, Pyaozero, Segozero, Syamozero, Topozero, Vygozero, Yushkozero.

Timezone: coincides with Moscow.

Many sights in Karelia are located on the islands, so you can visit them only in summer during the open navigation period. This location is a huge plus for your trip, as you can enjoy a trip on a "meteor" on the Onega and Ladoga lakes or on a boat on the White Sea.

The choice of tours is quite large, so if it is difficult for you to decide on the route, then be sure to contact our manager for help.

We do not cancel tours to Karelia in the summer due to a shortage of the group, so you can be sure that your vacation will not fail and will take place exactly on the dates you booked.

We value our reputation and love returning tourists, so we try to provide the highest quality of service throughout the tour.

Our summer tours combine a rich excursion program with outdoor recreation. The programs are designed so that you get the maximum of positive emotions and at the same time do not get tired.

We are waiting for you on our tours in Karelia in the summer!

What sightseeing sites are available for visiting in summer?

  • Museum-Reserve "Kizhi" is located on the island of the same name (Lake Onega). You can get to the island from Petrozavodsk by "meteor" (1 hour 30 minutes).
  • Valaam Island is located on Lake Ladoga. You can get to the island from the city of Sortavala by "meteor" (50 minutes).
  • Solovki are located on the White Sea. You can get there by boat from the city of Kem (village Rabocheostrovsk) (2 hours).
  • The White Bridges waterfall is the highest waterfall in the southern part of our republic, its height is 19 meters. It is 8 meters above the Kivach waterfall.
  • Waterfall Kivach, on the way to it you can taste water from the mineral springs of Marcial Waters.
  • Girvas is an ancient volcano.
  • Unique natural object - mountain park Ruskeala - Marble Canyon.
  • The capital of our region is the city of Petrozavodsk and the Onega embankment.
  • Zoocomplex "Three Bears", Karelian animals are presented in open enclosures, they can be fed and stroked.
  • The Holy Trinity Monastery of Alexander Svirsky, a functioning monastery, it contains relics with healing powers.
  • The ancient village of Rubchoyla, performance of a folklore ensemble, a master class on gates.
  • The ethnographic museum in the village of Sheltozero is home to the ancient indigenous people of Karelia - the Veps.

Minimum age 7 years

Group size 2 - 10

Accommodation Hotel, 3-bed room in a block


  • 1 (suitable for beginners) - the tour is designed for participants without special training. If you can move around the city on foot at the speed of the main flow of people - you have sufficient form to participate in the tour.
  • 2 (fitness required, beginners can do it) - these tours are designed for participants who lead an active lifestyle: for example, they play football on weekends, sometimes they go jogging or attend fitness. Participants who do not lead an active lifestyle will also be able to complete the entire route, but it can be difficult and sometimes you have to "be patient".
  • 3 (physical form and experience required) - tours are designed for trained tourists, serious physical activity is expected. Experience of similar tours is required, unless otherwise indicated in the description of the difficulty.
Suitable for beginners

27 300 rub 5 days

Price per person for accommodation in Mansard. Standard room 28850 rub.

What's included

What will happen

  • Active exciting program in the north of Karelia. Every day there will be something interesting!
  • Snowmobiling awaits you (4 hours, two people per snowmobile)
  • Hovercraft ride and ice fishing
  • Educational excursions and master classes
  • Skiing, tubing, snowshoeing
  • Dishes of Karelian cuisine, tasting of Karelian tinctures, dinner in a magical chum
  • For those who wish - evening bath or sauna

And share the experience of our three trips to help you choose good place to stay in karelia.

We will tell you how you can relax in Karelia in the summer, is it worth looking for a recreation center on Syamozero or you can stay with tents in Ladoga skerries, what to do in Petrozavodsk, Kemi and Sortaval, is it worth visiting Valaam and Kizhi, how to go rafting on the Okhta River and about much more.

We decided to tell about our little experience of trips to Karelia in order to help readers in choosing good place for relax. We tried different options:

  1. Independent search recreation centers in Karelia, rental houses or rooms.
  2. Buying an "active" tour to Karelia(rafting, cycling, etc.).
  3. Rest with tents in Karelia on the lakes.

Now the details.

Recreation centers in Karelia

The easiest way. But also the most expensive. There are a lot of offers to rent on the Internet houses or cottages in Karelia, separate rooms in large hotel complexes. Keep in mind that prices for holidays in Karelia in summer are sometimes even higher than on the Black Sea.

We got acquainted with Karelia in 2008, when we decided to rest not in the usual South of Russia, but in the North. We developed the route for a long time, searched for a suitable base for a long time and eventually found it. Recreation center "Beach" on Syamozero(the same one where the terrible tragedy occurred this 2016). What to do there? Fishing, swimming at Syamozero (sandy beach, invigorating water), walking through the forest for mushrooms and berries, a sauna, just relaxing in nature in good conditions and distracting.

In the summer of 2016, a two-room suite for four will cost about 5000 rubles per day, breakfast is included in the price.

Accommodation in the Syamozero area is convenient if you want to relax in Karelia with a cultural program. On the right (look at the map) 50 kilometers Petrozavodsk, a beautiful city, the capital, the embankment of Lake Onega, a wonderful museum of local lore. There are enough hotels on Ostrovka and Booking, we stayed in a hotel-ship afloat. From Petrozavodsk you can go to the museum-reserve Kizhi, a unique historical and cultural natural complex in the open.

To the left of Syamozero is Sortavala(in 2008, the locals advised to go through Petrozavodsk, and not through Suoyarvi - 100 km more, but the road is excellent). Quiet and calm town, you can feel the influence of Finnish culture, from here you can go to Balaam. We also came here for two days with an overnight stay in a hotel.

Keep in mind that if you want to relax in Karelia at a recreation center or rent a house / cottage, it will be more convenient to travel by car. But, to be honest, after one single experience of accommodation at the recreation center, we are unlikely to repeat it in the near future. Let's count. A week for two without meals will cost about 15,000 rubles. For this money you can buy an excellent tent, two "foams" and two sleeping bags. By the next trip, spend money and buy self-inflating mattress mats, and then comfortable living conditions in nature are guaranteed to you, and you do not depend on anyone!

The cost of rest in houses and cottages in Karelia in the summer of 2017

Prices for a "civilized" vacation in houses and cottages as of summer 2017 can be clarified in the diary of a trip to the Ladoga skerries (Tiurula, Kilpola, Murolahti).

For example, the cost of placing a company of 11 people in a huge cottage on the basis of Boyarinov Dvor was 10,000 rubles on weekdays and 12,000 rubles on weekends. And renting a cozy house for 4-6 people at the recreation center "Kanapelka" - 5000 rubles per day. No food. It turns out that annual inflation is minimal.

The cost of rest in houses in Karelia 2018

The cost of accommodating a family (two adults and one child) in a separate house with a veranda was 3500 rubles per day. The cost of food is about 1000 rubles per day for three.

Tours to Karelia

The next time we decided to try something “hotter” (in fact, it turned out to be the opposite, “cooler”) and in 2013 we went for a week rafting on the river Okhta. We turned to the largest tour operator in Karelia and the Kola Peninsula - travel company"Stella"

The tour was quite expensive, about 15,000 rubles per person, but it was worth it. An expensive and high-quality raft (worth 300,000 rubles at that time), reliable general equipment, thoughtful and varied meals. "Stella" provided tents, sleeping bags, and everything. It was possible to come with one backpack. We were met at the station in Kemi, and at the end of the tour we were brought here. The rest was difficult and stressful, out of five days there was only one "day", "seals" are not offered, but the memories remained the most positive!

Rest with tents in Karelia on the lakes

Last year, 2015, we thought about how to relax with children in Karelia. We considered different options, but immediately agreed with friends about the basic requirements for such a vacation.

  1. Near.
  2. Inexpensive.
  3. To have a connection.
  4. To have medical help nearby.
  5. To the real Karelia.

The very first searches opened for us previously unknown places in Karelia - Ladoga skerries. We clarified information from blogs on skerries, by the way, both authors will answer your questions without any problems:

Photo from Vladimir Kezling:

In short, according to our requirements:

  1. Ladoga skerries are relatively close to Orel. 1250 km. For comparison, rafting along the Okhta started from Kem, 1800 km from Orel.
  2. We found an inexpensive recreation center on the Internet - “Boats. Houses” 25 km from Lahdenpokhya. Phones +7 921 463 95 25, +7 911 419 34 35, +7 960 212 44 98. Nikolay and Valery, nice men. 2016: parking of one car 200 rubles per day, transfer to the island 1200 rubles, rent of a boat with a motor 1500 rubles per day. It's really inexpensive at local prices. The plan was as follows: to come to the recreation center, leave the cars in the parking lot, rent a boat with a motor, arrange a transfer to the island (the whole team did not fit in one boat).
  3. We camped on the island of Sammatsari, a few kilometers from the coast. mobile connection was, in the morning you could even connect to the Internet.
  4. The nearest hospital is 20 km away (Sortavala). Good luck. By the way, we needed a hospital when one of the participants in the campaign was bitten by a tick.
  5. Karelia is the real one here. Rocks, stones, water of unusual color, beauty!

In general, if you are planning a trip to Karelia with children to relax in nature with tents, take a closer look at. Places of amazing beauty, easy to get to, close and accessible.

What you need to remember when planning a vacation in Karelia in the summer

P.S. At the end of July we go with children to a real trip to Karelia, to Lake Ladoga. Follow the tag.