Do-it-yourself plywood sailing yacht drawings. Building a yacht with your own hands. Lattice for berths

Судя по pедaкциoнной почтe, cyдостpоитeли – любители, приступая к выбpy пpoeктa cвоeй новой яхты, кaтepa или лодки, тaк или инaчe обpaщaются к стpaницaм cборника: используют опyбликoвaнныe чepтeжи в кaчeствe paбочиx или нa основе создают новыe пpoeкты, болee отвeчaющиe тpeбовaниям и вкycaм будущегo судовладельца. In their letters, many readers not only detail the reasons that prompted them to choose one or another project, but also report on the test results of the built ship, give a description of its operational features. As a rule, receiving several such correspondences makes it possible to get a fairly complete picture of both the advantages and disadvantages inherent in a particular project.

If we talk about the independent construction of sailing ships, then the mail received by the editorial office clearly shows that the most "running" option is a mini-yacht, designed for a crew of 3-5 people. 3TO a vessel up to 7 m long, with a displacement of 0.7 - 1.5 T, with a sail area of ​​14 - 20 m 2. Variations of sails allow you to increase the sail (sometimes by 30%) in light winds and reduce it by half - in strong ones. It is typical that amateurs try to use ready-made paryca from

Those available in yachts are the classics of old ships, since it is very difficult to get a sailing fabric, and it is far from easy to sew a good sail without having the appropriate experience.

The preferred material in the manufacture of the spars are light-alloy pipes; the boom, as a rule, is made rotating - for winding the pair for the purpose of cleaning for short-term stops and for reefing. Mast steps are most often placed on the roof of the cabin.

During the construction of the hull, wood, traditional for small shipbuilding, is used in all its forms (sawn softwood and hardwood, plywood), but along with this, steel and light alloys are also used. The use of composite structures, in which metal is combined with wood, makes it possible, while simplifying the technology and reducing the cost of the vessel, to ensure the known strength of the hull with low weight.

It has become common to glue wooden hulls with fiberglass fabrics on an epoxy binder in order to protect against damage and decay, and sometimes to increase strength. As it turned out from the incoming letters, a typical mistake is often made in this case: amateur shipbuilders forget that it is necessary to apply at least two layers of fiberglass, since a single-layer coating filters water through microcracks in the binder (this is a disservice to the skin, and to detect and correct defects under the fiberglass layer are quite difficult).

Of the assessments and comments on individual projects, those related to the "Seahorse" are characteristic, according to which quite a few mini-yachts have already been built. So, when summarizing the feedback received, it became clear that it was necessary to increase the area of ​​​​the fin in the stern - the yacht is yawling at full courses; cabin is better to do from side to side - the cabin will become more comfortable; a bow hatch on these mini-yachts is not a necessity. Obviously, these remarks should be taken into account when designing all yachts of similar dimensions.

Actually the body did not cause any complaints. The running and seaworthiness completely satisfied those who built the yacht exactly according to the project. The wishes mainly concerned the improvement of the “Spartan”, as it was said in the explanation to the project, living conditions.

In this regard, we can assume a partial change in the Seahorse project. Cabin from side to side and reaching the stem - will increase the volume of the cabin; it will be more convenient to sit on sofas and walk along the deck to the bow of the vessel. You can abolish the bow hatch, located obliquely. With insufficient sealing, it causes water leakage. At the same time, it turned out that most yachtsmen do not use it to work with the staysail, which was envisaged during the development of the project.

It should only be taken into account that without a bow hatch (according to the project, its cover is made of plexiglass), the illumination and ventilation of the cabin are significantly deteriorating. For normal ventilation of the bow bit, the fan is clearly not enough, so you will have to provide for the installation of any effective deflectors. It is possible to install additional portholes on the coaming or on the deckhouse instead of the light hatch.

Regarding the reproaches for the lack of mechanization of sail control, it can be said that ideas regarding the hull and armament were laid down in the “Horse” project, and clew and halyard winches, a device for spinning the staysail and similar components of the ship’s equipment, each builder can use at will, using other publications on the pages of the collection.

Sometimes it happens that amateur shipbuilders who are dissatisfied with the resulting yacht attribute their own mistakes to the shortcomings of the project. As a rule, this is due to the fact that the project undergoes changes during the construction process.

Here is an illustrative example. The builders of the mini-yacht "Pautinka", having increased all the dimensions of the "Seahorse" by 20%, received a yacht with an undesirable trim to the stern. “Apparently,” they write, “this is a flaw in the project.” However, the "Konek" in the design dimensions has no trim to the stern. The real reason is that the increased "by 20%" version of the yacht's displacement should no longer be 700 - 750 kg, like the "Spider Web", but about 1100 kg; Naturally, the ship's draft became 40 - 50 mm less, as a result of which the center of gravity of the waterline and the center of buoyancy shifted forward, in relation to the design ones.

We bring to the attention of readers brief descriptions of four yachts built and tested by amateurs in recent times.

MINI - YACHT "PRIVAL". Built by V. V. Marataev from Kaliningrad according to the drawings of the Seahorse.

We selected this mini-yacht for review just to illustrate the thesis that changes in finished projects should be done very carefully. Obviously, the erroneous remark made in No. 61 by the builders of the Spider Web that the Seahorse is trimmed to the stern misled V.V. Marataev. He took measures: so that his yacht would not have this trim, slightly change its dimensions, by increasing the spacing by 20mm, and moving the heavy zygomatic keels into the nose.

This led to an increase in the design displacement by about 30 kg, which was "compensated" by the fact that the hull was sheathed with bakelized plywood, heavier than the aircraft plywood provided for by the project. In other words, the draft remained practically unchanged, but an undesirable bow trim appeared, which required further alterations and a “return” to the design centering of the yacht - rearrangement of the bilge keels further aft.

The hull set is made of pine, the stem and beams are made of oak; sheathing - bakelized plywood 7mm thick. A fender 40 by 40 is installed along the sides, which increased the width along the deck by 80 mm. The yacht is equipped with four berths on the sides - from the 3rd floor to the transom, wardrobes, a table, a galley.

"Halt" is armed with a Bermuda sloop with a top (unlike the project) staysail. The mainsail from the "Flying Dutchman" was used, the main staysail - from the "Zvezdnik", genoa - from the class "M" dinghy. The boom is rotating.

According to the results of the operation of the yacht, the author noted the following shortcomings of the project: the absence of clew winches, which makes it difficult to work with sails in a fresh wind; lack of rake staysail; some inconvenience of placement in the cabin due to the ledge formed by the junction of the deck and the deckhouse coaming; no storage compartment for outboard motor; placement of the galley in the cockpit, creating inconvenience when cooking in bad weather. At full courses, the yaw of the "Halt" was noted.

The advantages include relatively high nautical qualities of the yacht: good germination on the wave, stability, ease of movement (maximum recorded speed - 6 h).

STEEL YACHT - A COMPROMISE OF HELLAS. Its author is Marina Shcherbina from the Ukrainian city of Smela. In the design of this rather original steel mini-yacht, publications on three sailing ships: 6.8 - meter sailing - motor dinghy with two rotating bilge skewers (designed by V.F. Paramonov, "Ka" No. 62); 6.9 - meter quarter-tonner "Courier - III" (designed by I. I. Sidenko; "KYa" No. 64) and the English serial 6.9 - meter mini-tonner "Sonata - 7" ("KYa" No. 68), as well as nomograms published in issue 7 (1966). It can be noted that the drawing of a dinghy is taken as the basis of the theoretical drawing (with minor changes in the aft part); from the two yachts mentioned, the main ideas of general arrangement and sailing equipment are borrowed.

The hull of the yacht is made of welded steel: the set is cut from an angle 2.5X30X30, bent from a strip; keel beam - I-beam from a strip 2.5 mm thick; skin thickness on the bottom - 3mm, on the sides - 2mm. The deck and wheelhouse are made of bakelized plywood 5 mm thick. Inside the body is sheathed with plywood and laminated plastic on an oak purlin.

A successful combination of a hull simple in contours and technologically advanced in design, made of materials available to builders and effective windage, made it possible to create a cruiser that is cheap to build and operate, with sufficiently high speed, seaworthiness and tacking qualities. Tests of "Hellas" at the Kremenchug reservoir confirmed that the creative use of three different prototypes (in itself - a rare option) was done quite competently on the whole.

The Hellas has two bilge skewers, cut from sheet steel 20 mm thick, with a total weight of 210 kg. The lower parts of the centerboard wells protruding from the hull are made hollow in the form of fairings into which lead is poured (its weight is about 200 kg). The relatively large total weight of the ballast, which is 31% of the displacement, ensures good stability of the yacht. The daggerboard wells are made more powerful than on the prototype dinghy, but they are the same in design. The spar is made of light-alloy pipes. The collapsing mast is made of 110X2 pipe, the rotating boom is 70X3.

The yacht's water resistance is ensured by foam plastic blocks (total volume 1.5 m 3 ), glued on the inside on the hull, deck and wheelhouse, and also laid under the sofas.

The construction of the yacht by two people lasted 2 years and 3 months. A powerful channel 8 m long served as a slipway. Of the technological devices invented and manufactured in the course of work, it is necessary to note the original tilter, which is two support bearings on the goats installed at the ends of the beam - slipway.

Horizontal pins with a diameter of 60 mm were fixed to the stem and transom of the hull so that their common axis - the axis of rotation - passed through the center of gravity of the hull. This allowed builders to turn over the hull without assistance, performing welding and painting work in the most convenient lower position.

The yacht is equipped with three berths, a galley, a table, wardrobes and a latrine. Height in the cabin 1.45 m lid in the center of the cabin; or equip an existing table with a sliding lid.)

In the stern, below deck, there is a compartment for installing a stationary engine. In the forepeak there is a sail storeroom.

MINITONE "THREE BOGATYRS". Built by Kharkovites S. Degtyarev and V. Drachevsky. When developing their own project, the authors set out to create a light, but with a sufficient level of comfort, a yacht suitable for both long trips and cruising.

The hull structure is composite, the set is made of light alloy: the transverse one is made of squares, the longitudinal one is made of channels. Sheathing is made of waterproof plywood 6 mm thick. The hull, including the self-draining cockpit and deck, is covered with two layers of fiberglass on an epoxy binder.

Hollow steel false keel filled with lead and cement; its mass is about 280 kg. The yacht "Three Bogatyrs" is equipped with a Bermuda sloop with a top staysail. The spar is wooden, the steps are installed on the deck. The yacht is equipped with mechanisms and devices to facilitate the work with the sails and to fine-tune them. The cabin is equipped with four berths, there is a portable galley.

Unsinkability is ensured by foam blocks fixed on the sides under the sofas. The trials of the yacht showed its reliability in operation, good seaworthiness, and satisfactory stability. With effective heeling by the entire crew, the yacht carried full windage with winds up to 6 points.

Having set themselves the task of creating a racing rather than a cruising ship, the authors made the yacht as light as possible, clearly sacrificing comfort. Practically inside, except for sleeping places, there is nothing. But in terms of the mechanization of sail control, the Three Bogatyrs is a typical racing car! In terms of handling in any wind and combination of sails, the yacht, according to the authors, resembles a racing dinghy.

According to the newspaper "Vecherniy Kharkiv", on June 7 and 8, 1980, the yacht "Three Bogatyrs" took part in the cruising yacht races for the championship of the Kharkiv region, where it won first place among 26 participants in corrected time. In terms of absolute speed, she lost only to Konrad - 24, lagging behind him by 12 minutes in 13 hours of the race.

YACHT "SEVERYANKA". Built by N. Vesenin in Vologda according to the drawings "Sail - 2" ("KYA" No. 6; 1966). This is an example of a successful yacht built without fundamental changes in the project being implemented. The lack of bakfanera and oak at the disposal of the builder, provided for by the drawings, led to the need for a number of unprincipled design changes. The body set is made of pine.

Sheathing is made of spruce slats 12x40 mm with water-resistant glue. Such a replacement of materials allowed the author to obtain a hull equivalent to the design hull in terms of strength and weight characteristics at the lowest cost.

Adhering to the project as far as possible, the author of the Severyanka managed to obtain satisfactory seaworthiness and tacking qualities of the mini-yacht and its good running both under sail and under the motor. The outboard motor "Vykhr-M" was used as an auxiliary engine, with which the yacht develops a speed of 15 km/h. The use of such a powerful (25 hp) and heavy motor on such a vessel is impractical. The contours of sailing yachts are calculated for a course of about 5 knots (about 9 km / h).

To achieve such a speed with a mini-yacht, 8-strong “Wind” is enough. The use of engines with excess power gives only a small increase in speed, while fuel consumption increases significantly. In the future, it is planned to install a firebox in the cabin, which will improve the habitability of the vessel operated in the northern regions.

Many men dream of their own yacht, on which they can surf the sea, but its cost drastically reduces the number of people capable of such an acquisition without undermining the family budget. To make your dream come true, you can try to build a boat or a yacht with your own hands. Of course, an unprepared person should not start with the construction of a large vessel, but try to implement a simpler project.

There are two ways to solve this problem: a simpler one involves building a yacht yourself from pre-prepared parts, and a more complex approach is building a yacht from scratch.

Many specialized companies offer similar assembly kits. The kits include all the necessary parts from which a yacht can be built, as well as detailed instructions and drawings to ensure the correct assembly and compliance with all technological processes. Usually, all parts come pre-sale preparation, are assembled into a single whole for quality control, after that they are disassembled, packaged and sent to the customer. In turn, the customer remains to perform all assembly work with gluing the structure in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturers, using the information provided.

A homemade yacht built from scratch greatly complicates the task of the manufacturer, since all the details will have to be created independently, and this will require certain skills and additional equipment. Therefore, it will be very difficult for beginners to bring what they have started to a positive result.

To build a yacht in any way, first of all, you will need a room for all processes (boathouse) and a set of necessary tools.

It is worth noting that one should not save on the organization of the workplace and the tool, because this, in the end, will affect the quality and speed of the work performed.

Recommendations for building a yacht from an assembly kit

The construction of a yacht of any type begins with a thorough study of all the documentation provided, because with a frivolous approach to this stage, mistakes can be made that will be very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to correct later.

The assembly of the yacht should begin with the preliminary connection of the frames and the keel, which, with a satisfactory result, can be assembled into an integral connection. After that, springers are installed on the frames, on which the ship's skin, consisting of special moisture-resistant plywood, is attached. It should be noted that such assembly is carried out in the traditional position (the vessel is installed with the keel up), since in this position it is easier to achieve dimensional accuracy and create ideal ship contours.

Sheathing made of moisture-resistant plywood provides high structural strength of the vessel, and fiberglass is used for its sealing. Fiberglass is mounted on a special moisture-resistant epoxy composition in several layers and, after drying, forms a uniform waterproof surface.

To create an attractive appearance and additional protection, the resulting surface is treated with special varnishes and waterproof paints. The inner surfaces of the yacht are also painted with waterproof paint, and the deck is laid.

At the final stage, the final finishing of the hull, the installation of the necessary equipment and sailing equipment is carried out.

Carrying out tests in a working environment is a necessary condition for ensuring the safety and identifying the seaworthiness of the ship. Some shortcomings and shortcomings in the design of the vessel must be eliminated.

Recommendations and stages of work during the construction of a yacht in full

A homemade yacht is a rather difficult but solvable problem for inexperienced builders, therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to prepare project documentation.

It is almost impossible for an inexperienced specialist to develop documentation on their own. To do this, you should contact specialized organizations or use the services of the Internet.

After the development of the project, you should take care of the working space, that is, create a boathouse for construction and assemble a slipway according to the size of the vessel on which it will be installed. To create a slipway, coniferous wood bars are laid on a flat prepared surface in two rows and the structure is tied up to form an accurate horizontal surface.

The harvesting of lumber is a very important part of the construction, since the strength and navigability of the vessel largely depend on their quality. To create a structure, you will need two types of lumber: a knotless board made of coniferous wood and a bar made of harder species (oak, ash, etc.). The moisture content of the wood should be in the range of 12 - 20%, which will ensure that there is no deformation.

On the slipway, the stem line and the theoretical position of the frame frames are marked, along which all structural elements of the vessel will be mounted.

Assembly and gluing of frame frames is carried out according to the contours of the vessel on a special device, which is a template. The working plaza is applied to sheets of plywood, the thickness of which should be 10 - 12 mm, while it is easier to create closed frames containing underdeck beams.

The assembly of frame frames with a transverse shergen-bar should be done using special screws. When assembling, it is necessary to use special stops to fix the position of the frames in accordance with the initial marking. All bulkheads are formed together with frame frames and in some cases they are replaced.

The stem blank should be installed accurately maintaining the angle of inclination relative to the horizon, while the keel beam is assembled from hardwood beams and attached to the stem with a knob, and to the floors with screws and glue.

The stringers are made from glued pine slats and are mounted on the stem and a set of frames using self-tapping screws and glue. After the installation of all stringers, a mandatory chalking of the surface of the vessel is carried out to identify all inconsistencies with the contours of the vessel and eliminate defects.

To create the skin of the ship's hull, bakelized plywood sheet is used, which is cut according to a template and mounted on stringers with glue and self-tapping screws, while they should be slightly sunk into the plywood body.

At the end of the installation of the skin, control measurements of the contours and surface treatment along a single radius are carried out. In this case, bakelite varnish is removed from the surface with an abrasive tool.

To give rigidity and tightness, the surface of the sheathing is pasted over with several layers of T11-GVS-9 fiberglass using an epoxy composition, and after the first layers have hardened, they continue pasting with fiberglass, but already based on polyester resins, bringing the number of layers to ten.

After that, the base of the vessel is turned over and a longitudinal set of the deck is carried out, on which the deck flooring is mounted.

To create a durable and tight layer, the hull continues to be glued with fiberglass with alternating epoxy and polyester binder. After hardening of all layers, the resulting surface is ground and primed.

Painting work is carried out with special moisture-resistant paints, which are maximally protected from exposure. sea ​​water followed by forced drying.

Interior decoration of the premises, installation of additional equipment and sailing equipment are carried out at the final stage of the ship's construction. If necessary, installation on the ship power plant you should contact the specialists, since this is a very responsible process that requires additional knowledge.

Building a ship in full is a very big job and an increased responsibility, but a sailing yacht made by one’s own hands, with proper operation and proper care, will be able to please you and your loved ones for many years, opening wonderful world sea ​​travel.

If you have not yet decided on the construction of a real yacht, think first about building a model yacht with your own hands. This will provide a basis for understanding the design of the yacht and the opportunity to study the technology.

Today, a real yachtsman when riding a yacht should feel freedom and happiness. This feeling is provided precisely by riding on water, where there is a fresh wind, space and sun.

Only such feelings are experienced by people who independently manage yachts. On a yacht you can ride with friends or family in order to show them a sense of joy and freedom. Many yachtsmen participate in races, after which there are unforgettable impressions.

Yacht designs for self-build must have quality performance features. There are many different reservoirs, lakes and rivers in Russia. Most of the country mostly lives in winter time. In the summer, strong winds and rains constantly blow. Based on weather conditions, the yacht must have features that will withstand these factors.

Here we considered.

Analysis of Open800 yacht races shows that basically all water bodies are shallow and there are no yacht parking areas. But along the coast there are parking lots for motor boats.

For this reason, a stand-alone yacht project must have a lifting keel that can be raised on the move. Such a keel will allow you to put the yacht in the parking lot for motor boats.

The yacht must have a trailer. A trailer with a yacht will allow you to maintain the convenience of transportation and storage in winter. Launching should not take a large amount of time, and it does not require electricity or any tools.

In order for the trailer not to cause effort and difficulties, the yacht should be small and light. Also, such criteria make it easy to tow a yacht by car without having a special category in a driver's license. The yacht perform many different functions. Therefore, the types of yachts are very different. On a yacht, you can both calmly walk along the pond and arrange various competitions.

If the construction of the yacht is intended for walking, then it must have a cockpit. For long trips, the yacht must be equipped with a place to store food and clothing. For high-speed yachts, it is necessary to provide for speed qualities, and also, if possible, equip them with a special handicap system.

Yacht projects

Today there are several main types of yacht projects.

  1. Micro cruiser. This type of yacht is intended for trips on lakes and rivers. You can also take part in races or take daily walks on them. Such a yacht is also called a sailboat. To operate dinghies, you must have driving experience. This yacht is very difficult to manage, as its length can reach up to 5.5 meters.
  2. Open The yacht is very large and intended for racing and trips on water. For beginners, the yacht can be difficult to navigate. Open800 has a large draft, which is intended for deep water areas.
  3. Laser SB3 or Melges 20. Such a yacht is considered an import and, as a rule, is intended only for racing. Has sailing functions.

Based on the considered projects, we can conclude that the yacht, which will be built by one's own hands, must have special functions.

For a yacht, a trailer is required, which can be freely transported by car. The yacht must have a lifting keel, which will have the function of lifting while under way. The keel must be under the motor. The yacht must have a place for a cabin-shelter and for placing clothes or a small tile. The motor should have an engine displacement of 2.5 to 3 liters per second. The yacht must have good sailing performance, as well as ease of operation.

The sailing area should reach up to 22 sq.m. Such an area will allow you to control the yacht, even if the "yacht helmsman" has a minimum sailing qualification. Appearance should have modern qualities. The housing needs strong and durable features that will not require constant maintenance. The yacht should have a variety of additional equipment. Equipment for construction should have category 4, for longer operation.

The ideal option for building with your own hands would be a yacht that is designed for 3-5 people. This version of the yacht is suitable for both walking and racing. The length of the yacht should be no more than 7 meters, the sailing area should be from 14 to 20 sq.m. various sail options will help increase the total sailing area in light winds, and increase in strong winds. As a rule, shipbuilders take ready-made sails from old yachts. It is very difficult to get fabric for a sail on your own. For independent tailoring, a lot of experience is required.

The spars are made from pipes that have a light alloy. The boom must rotate in either direction so that the sails can be stowed while laying or reefing. The mast step should be located on the deckhouse roof.

The body can be made from various types of wood. You can also use different types of steel or light alloy. With a low weight, the combined use of wood and steel will make it possible to produce a more durable and high-quality case. Today, many shipbuilders glue the hull with fiberglass. Fiberglass fabrics protect the body from decay and increase the level of strength. Usually, when building a yacht yourself, shipbuilders cover the hull with only one layer of fiberglass. Experts recommend setting up several layers. Two or three layers of fiberglass prevent water from entering microcracks.

One of the most famous projects for the construction of yachts is "Sea Horse". Reviews of professional shipbuilders say that when building this yacht, it is necessary to increase the fin area. The location of the deckhouse over the entire area of ​​​​the side will increase the level of comfort of the cabin. This arrangement of the deckhouse will also increase the area of ​​the cabin. Passage on the deck becomes much freer.

Mini yacht project "Halt" made from pine. Beams and stem must be made of oak. The yacht is sheathed with bakelized plywood, the thickness of which should not exceed 7 millimeters. The beam on board should have dimensions of 40x40, which will increase the width of the deck by 80 millimeters. The mini-yacht "Prival" has a Bermuda sloop, which is equipped with a top staysail. The yacht has good sailing qualities. The author of the project plans to make some improvements to the construction of the yacht. Kili will need to be replaced with bulbikili, which reach up to 140 kilograms.

Before building a yacht with your own hands, do not forget that this project entails large financial investments. You also need free time. Before starting construction, you need to decide on the type of yacht, and solve a few issues. It is very important to indicate in advance for what purposes the yacht will be intended.

Professional shipbuilders recommend opting for Soviet-era projects. Also, the project must be approved by the supervisory service. The ideal option for building a yacht would be a project that has technical support. For the construction of such a project, it is necessary to have professional knowledge of ship architecture. If there is no such knowledge, then it is better to select a ready-made project.

Today, there are many sites on the Internet that provide the opportunity to use a variety of yacht construction projects. On the site, everyone can find the best option. Each project has its own pricing policy and purpose. Also in some projects there are already ready-made kits. You can choose not only a project, but also various necessary equipment and tools.

If the project already has a kit, then all you need is to correctly assemble the yacht according to the instructions. First you need to properly study the drawings and plans. Great attention must be paid to the study of drawings, since mistakes can then be made. The drawings indicate the dimensions and parameters. The instructions describe step by step the process of building a yacht, and what tools you need to use. After following the instructions, you will be able to enjoy a self-built yacht.

  • After the construction of the yacht, it is imperative to check the operational functions.
  • The yacht must be used in the most extreme conditions in order to test the quality and efficiency of the build. Such a test allows you to notice the shortcomings that may have been made during construction. If the yacht has no defects, then after that it must be registered.
  • This procedure is mandatory, because without registration you do not have the right to use it. Registration is carried out at the state inspectorate. Such branches are located in all regions. You can also find detailed information about the registration procedure here.

You can build a yacht with your own hands even without experience. The sites provide an opportunity to develop an individual project that will allow you to build a unique yacht.

For the development of the project, design support services are provided. Experts will provide the necessary advice and recommendations. An individual project will allow you to independently create diagrams, drawings and instructions. Professionals will help to develop the project correctly in order to properly carry out operational functions.

Such a project will have individual qualities and properties. Self-selection of material will increase the level of strength of the yacht. The exterior of the yacht will have a unique design. An independent location of the cabins and its dimensions are also being developed.

Homemade yachts are a rather laborious process that will require a lot of effort, time and material costs. Some processes of building a yacht will not do without the help of a specialist. The knowledge of specialists will help to avoid mistakes when building a yacht. Before starting construction, it is necessary to accurately determine the appearance yachts and its main functions and purpose.

Any construction of a yacht begins with the manufacture of the hull. Basically, the body is made of wood. Wood is much easier and easier to work with. Today, there are many different materials that will help protect the hull of the yacht from the effects of water. Initially, you need to accurately calculate the cost of the hull and sails.

If mistakes are made at this stage, then the further operation of the yacht will be impossible. To avoid mistakes, you can visit specialized stores and consult with specialists. When the hull of the yacht is built, you can turn to professional shipbuilders for help. They will help to correctly draw up a project and drawings of the yacht, and you will already be implementing it into reality. Equipment on a yacht also plays an important role. Things must be installed on the yacht only after it is launched.

DIY sailing yacht

Today, everyone can independently build a sailing yacht. building sailing yacht requires a sober and cold calculation, which will allow you to correctly calculate all the necessary parameters. When building a sailing yacht, experts do not recommend the use of wood paneling. In this case, the best option is to use a diagonal skin. This method allows the use of transverse templates. The construction of a sailing yacht from a fiberglass hull requires strict adherence to all rules and requirements, as well as special equipment.

The construction of a ferro-cement sailing yacht implies strict adherence to the rules of hull casting. This building resembles concrete work in the construction of ground structures. Building a sailing yacht requires certain professional knowledge. Shortcomings or errors that may occur during operation are not immediately noticeable. Defects can only be seen when operating the yacht on the water. In the future, the construction of a yacht of their ferrocement may incur material costs. Also, the armocement has a lot of weight, which is a very big disadvantage. In practice, it is very clear that the ideal weight ratio starts with 12-14 meter cases. Many shipbuilders and yachtsmen, despite all the shortcomings, consider this material to be of high quality and durable. Do not forget that in addition to the case, the costs of various equipment and tools are also necessary.

Before starting the construction of a sailing yacht, you need to listen to the recommendations of experts. They believe that the most constructive material for building a hull is metal alloy or wood. Reinforced cement and fiberglass are mainly suitable for the construction of large yachts. For medium-sized yachts, wood is a promising option. As a rule, metal is used with a high level of strength.

A sailing yacht made of wood has a long service life. Wood has the right proportion of length and weight. For the construction of a sailing yacht, non-swelling plywood and veneers are used, which are made from fir, oak or mahogany. Wood is also used for multi-layered outer skin. The fastening of the wooden structures of the hulls is carried out using phenol-formaldehyde resin, which is combined with a coupler on bolts, screws and screws. Professional boat builders believe that wood is an acceptable material for building a sailing yacht with their own hands.

How to build a yacht with your own hands

As a rule, building a yacht with your own hands begins with drawings. it is better to take from ready-made and developed projects, as they have the correct necessary parameters. The drawings must be consistent with the purpose of the yacht and the selected materials. Before starting construction, it is also necessary to determine for what purposes it will be intended.

A clear designation of the rules and requirements for the yacht will help to correctly determine the project. Building a yacht with your own hands requires certain knowledge of skills. For independent construction of a yacht, it is necessary to correctly breakdown the drawing and make the necessary templates and patterns. This procedure requires professional knowledge and experience. Those mistakes that can be made at this stage will affect the finished yacht. As a result, such defects will be very difficult to eliminate. To prevent mistakes, ready-made projects provide a special equipment package. The kit also contains the necessary materials and instructions that step by step indicate the sequence of work. This method will allow you to build a yacht with your own hands in the shortest possible time.

After acquiring such a kit, the construction of the yacht is carried out in several steps. First you need to carefully study the plans, drawings instructions. It often happens that a project considers several options for construction. After this stage, you can start assembling various equipment (frames, keel, stringers). Next, you need to prepare the skin. A hull is assembled on the slipway, which is covered with plating materials. Sheathing is applied in several layers. After the hull is ready, installation work is carried out on the yacht and the necessary equipment is installed. It is best to build a yacht near water bodies. After the construction is completed, the yacht must be checked on the water for defects and shortcomings.

Do-it-yourself yacht from plywood

A do-it-yourself plywood yacht will allow you to go for a walk along the pond at any convenient time. In order to build a plywood yacht, the following tools are needed: nails, a hacksaw, a hammer, a screwdriver, an electric drill, a drill. It takes seven sheets of plywood to build a yacht. The thickness of the plywood should not be more than 6 millimeters. Experts recommend taking plywood with dimensions of 1.22x2.44 mm. Additional sheets are also needed, about 10 millimeters thick and identical in size.

The main task in the construction of a yacht is the right choice of plywood. Plywood can be made from a variety of woods, but one of the most acceptable options would be to use poplar plywood, 7-10 millimeters thick. This indicator does not affect the weight of plywood.

If plywood is made of birch, then the thickness should be up to 5 millimeters. When building a yacht, it is imperative to take into account the level of water resistance. Plywood contains several layers of wood (2-3). It is for this reason that it provides a high level of strength for the future yacht.

If large plywood sheets are used in the construction of a yacht, the level of labor intensity of the process is reduced. A groove is made on a stringer or stinger in the form of combined sheets of plywood. This work process does not require careful fitting of the belt edges. Plywood sheathing implies transverse patterns that serve to bypass the hull. This construction process involves the use of frames that are located in the structure. This option does not require independent preparation of patterns.

Frames for building a yacht are made in a simple form. For their manufacture, futoks are used (rectilinear detail). When building a yacht yourself, it is imperative to pay careful attention to the manufacture of the hull. The assembly of the body is carried out on a workbench, and ends on an earthen surface. The keel is placed on the workbench, after which it must be connected to the frames and stems. The connection is made with bolts, screws and nails.

After the end of this work process, it is necessary to check if there are any defects in the form of skew. Porous paper or a thin cloth impregnated with resin is inserted into each joint. If the body is connected with nails, then be sure to pay attention to their length. In order for the nails to be easily driven in, it is necessary to drill holes in advance. The hole should be 1 mm less than the thickness of the nail. Boards for the side are placed on both sides of the frame, and the ends are tied with twine to the stem.

Further, boards are bent around the frames, tied up and brought to the transom. Unnecessary ends can be cut off. Also, the yacht should have a mast, which can be made from pine. Before starting the construction of the yacht, plywood must be moistened so that it does not crack in the future. Also plywood can be steamed.

DIY motor yacht

A motor yacht has many different advantages and benefits. One of the biggest benefits is ease of use. The speed of the yacht will depend on the power of the motor.

Before building a motor yacht, it is necessary to determine its purpose. The hull of a motor yacht is built from transverse and longitudinal sections. On motor yachts, the engine must be located in the stern. This arrangement of the engine allows you to make the correct landing of the vessel.

Any structural material can be used for the hull of a motor yacht. The choice of material depends on the drawings of the project, its features and limitations. Do not forget that it is impossible to choose the ideal material for the construction of a motor yacht. Each material has its own disadvantages and advantages.

Fiberglass is one of the most common materials used to build a motor yacht. If the technology of the construction process is followed correctly, the yacht will have a high level of strength and a long service life. typically contain only small parts of the device. But today there are projects that come with a developed interior and design, as well as all the necessary tools for the case. If the construction of a motor yacht is carried out using professional blanks, then the process will not take much time. When purchasing fiberglass on your own, there is a risk of buying low-quality material. When purchasing a material, it is necessary to carefully study its properties and qualities. These qualities are very important, since the design of the finished yacht depends on them.

The fiberglass housing must be built indoors, which will protect against the effects of negative factors and weather conditions. Before applying a new layer, it is important to take into account the polymerization of the old layer. If this aspect is not taken into account, then as a result the case can be covered with a greasy film, which is easily exposed to dust. When working with fiberglass, safety measures must be observed, since this material is very harmful to health.

Fiberglass can be used for various structures, both heavy and light. Strengthening the strength level of fiberglass is achieved through Kevlar and carbon fiber. If the composite structure is strengthened, then the weight of the yacht can be reduced. The right choice of yacht hull is the main goal when building a motor yacht with your own hands. Independent construction of a motor yacht is a complex process that requires certain knowledge and skills.

A motor yacht will be an ideal vessel for exploring the waters. To manage such a yacht does not require professional knowledge. The control is carried out automatically and allows you to fully enjoy unforgettable walks. Also, such yachts reduce the risk of problems with the control of the yacht's helmsman or due to adverse weather conditions.