Russian tour operators have stopped selling trips to Thailand. Rest well and cheaply: how to catch a last-minute tour Why there are no tours

In 2018, Russian residents may lose the opportunity to go abroad on hot charter flights, which are relatively low cost. The main questions that concern travelers and tourists are as follows: why the country is threatened with the cancellation of such tours, and how travel companies plan to replace tour packages that are the most profitable options for a significant part of the population?

A last-minute ticket is called so because it represents a certain, namely, unrealized in a timely manner, the state of the offer of a travel company. In other words, this is a ticket with a set of additional services, which, due to certain circumstances, was not sold for a fixed period of time. As the date of departure of the aircraft approaches, the cost of such a voucher becomes lower and lower, because the number of people “sitting on their suitcases” and ready to quickly leave for the airport is decreasing every minute. And yet, before the onset of 2017-2018, the situation in this segment was quite stable: such travelers accounted for about 15% of all consumers of the tourism market. Now the situation has changed significantly for the worse, and there are practically no people who gather several days in advance and arrive at the landing point by plane.

It is interesting! This category of tours received the name "burning" in the days of the USSR. At that time, vacations were distributed according to the instructions of trade union leaders, but it often turned out that the allocated tickets and all vacation benefits assigned to them were returned to professional associations (for example, due to poor health of workers, etc.). Then the phrase “voucher is on fire” was introduced into circulation, which then acquired the character of an official expression.

Last-minute trips differ from planned trips in that it is impossible to purchase tickets for them in advance: offers for them become available approximately 7 days before departure, for countries with a visa system of entry - 10 days in advance. Usually, the package package, which turns out to be 25-30% or even 50% cheaper than the original cost, includes the following components:

  • flight in one direction and the other;
  • medical insurance;
  • residence;
  • nutrition;
  • partial or full movement around the place of stay.

Why hot tours will disappear

The cancellation of hot tours by tour operators from the summer of 2018 is predicted not by individual firms and companies, but by the entire Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR for short). Experts call the protracted crisis and all the consequences arising from it, including those severely hitting the industry, the key reason for this phenomenon:

  • decrease in the solvency of the population;
  • an increase in the cost of charter transportation due to an increase in oil prices (from June to November they increased by ¼);
  • a general shortage of aircraft;
  • reduced competition.

For example, in the fall of 2017, the VIM-Avia organization, whose fleet consisted of 20 airbuses, was closed due to bankruptcy. Given the fact that the real commission that intermediary firms receive when transporting people from country to country has decreased from 30% to the maximum possible 13% today, it turns out to be simply unprofitable and risky for travel agents to cut the cost of vouchers, even if they are not sold.

Specialists and manufacturers of vacation packages from BSI Group, OnlineTour, Pegas Touristik and other companies are sure that now the phrase "last minute" will be a purely marketing technique, and not a real opportunity to save one's own money. Due to the lack of extra seats, customers who are accustomed to traveling on last-minute tours, on the contrary, risk not saving, but losing money, because from now on, sets with an approaching departure will be 40% more expensive.

Another reason for the abolition of such vouchers is the disappearance from the market of offers of those options that were previously considered the most popular among the mass consumer - we are talking, in particular, about Egypt.

Optimal solutions for flights

Operators unanimously say that from the beginning of 2018, the best solution to help tourists resolve economic issues will be to think ahead of vacation and book charter flights. Despite the fact that prices for early booking tours for the summer season may also increase within 5-10% of the prices set today, this cannot be compared with the rise in prices of last-minute tours. To follow this path, all conditions were created by transportation agents: for example, for the coming June-August, they opened the possibility of booking tickets and hotels as early as never before.

How to relax on a budget video tips

Russian tour operators have almost completely abandoned the last-minute tour format, Kommersant writes. If earlier last-minute tours accounted for at least 15%, market participants say, now they are practically non-existent.

Photo: Sergey Savostyanov / TASS

The proposals of tour operators have almost ceased to provide for the so-called hot tour format, Kommersant writes with reference to market participants. The reasons are the crisis in the tourist market that has been going on for two years.

According to Igor Blinov, a representative of the OnlineTour company, last minute tours accounted for about 15% of sales in 2014, but now they are practically non-existent. Tours purchased days in advance now cost 30-40% more than pre-sales, rather than the other way around, he says.

Maya Lomidze, executive director of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia, also speaks about similar indicators. According to her, in 2014 last-minute tours accounted for 15-20% of sales, and now - a maximum of 3-5%. The volume of last-minute offers is indeed declining, notes Dmitry Malyutin, CEO of Level.Travel, but last summer agents managed to find such tours to Greece, Crete and domestic resorts.

Among the reasons for the disappearance of last-minute tours are the changing rules of the game in the market, Igor Blinov claims. According to him, operators have begun to use regular transportation in package offers more often. They also prefer not to immediately buy out large blocks of places in hotels and refuse unreasonable dumping to increase their customer base.

Now the concept of "hot tours" is more of a marketing burden, he notes.

With the optimization of the flight programs of tour operators and their guarantees when buying seats, Tatyana Belova, director of the agency network development department at BSI Group, also connects the refusal from last-minute tours. Last-minute tours, she notes, are single offers: for example, if a client canceled a trip at the last moment due to emergency circumstances.

Another reason Lomidze calls the lack of mass tourist destinations in the current market - for example, Egypt. Also, the reason, she says, is the reduced commission of travel agents: earlier, for last-minute tours, its size could reach up to 30%, now it is no more than 12-13%.

In the coming summer, the number of last-minute tours in the portfolios of tour operators may increase, taking into account the demand for massive seasonal destinations during this period, Lomidze admits. The growth of the segment may begin after the return to the mass market of Egypt, suggests Dmitry Malyutin.

It is no longer worth waiting for mass dumping from tour operators, which in any case implies an increase in the supply of last-minute tours, is no longer worth it, says Anna Podgornaya, general director of Pegas Touristik. According to her, the market has changed a lot and companies are no longer ready to take risks and work at a loss, as they were before 2014.

“And what are your last-minute tours now?” When I worked in a travel agency, I always heard this question from tourists every day.

At the same time, each time I had to find out what exactly a person understands by the phrase “burning tour”.

And it turns out this: for some it is, above all, cheap tour , for others this tour they can leave tomorrow . For others, it's both. And you can do it without bread, as they say.

In this article, I will explain where last minute tours come from and how to track them.

Hot tours: myth or reality

5* hotel in Egypt

Many of you, friends, know such cases: one of your friends flew to a five-star hotel, as they say, for three kopecks. And when asked how he did it, he replied enigmatically: caught a burning tour .

And now you, tormented by memories of what a tidy sum you paid off for your vacation last year in a simple "four", are determined to find the same burning tour.

It is possible to understand you, purely humanly. But to pick you up this very minute is the hottest tour to the country you are interested in, alas, not always. And the point is not at all that the manager of the travel agency, a cunning and scoundrel, kept such a tour for himself (yes, I read such versions on the Internet, in the reviews of tourists). There are just a few objective reasons that influence the appearance of burning tours.

Below I will tell you about them.

Hot tours - what is it?

To begin with, let's decide: is it always cheap tour is an burning, and vice versa, burning - cheap?

No, not always.

Cheap tours there is always: come to any travel agency, and you will probably be offered some inexpensive tour. Another thing is whether the hotel that you will be offered for this money will suit you; or the type of food (or lack of it at all); or departure date and tour duration. Simply put, there is almost always the opportunity to go for 300-400 dollars to a shabby Turkish "three-ruble note" three kilometers from the beach, on half board, for five to seven days. But do you need it?

Probably not. You would be more satisfied if for this money it was a “five” on line 1, with all-inclusive meals, and for ten days, right? And for such an offer to appear, the tour really needs to start burning!

How do hot tours appear?

In my experience, there are only two options the appearance of a burning tour:

  1. The tour operator sees that on a certain date, which, to put it mildly, is not far off, or rather, it will come very soon, he has too many seats on the flight. Too many to manage to sell them in the current mode. Then, in order to stir up interest and increase demand, the tour operator decides to reduce prices for tours with departure on a specified date and issues special offer(special offer) for this date. Voila - burning tour is ready!

Information from such a tour appears on the tour operator's website, all prices are displayed in the selection of the tour, and, with a certain quickness, you can easily fly on such a burning tour - for 20,000 rubles to a 5 * hotel. If this is what you dream of, just leave your data abroad. passports and a minimum amount of money at your favorite travel agency and ask to be informed about such last-minute tours. Then you have a chance that when such a tour actually appears, it will be yours!

You can independently track good offers from tour operators and book your favorite option here: Search for cheap tours.

But here you need to keep in mind 2 points:

  • as a rule, really "burning" tours are sold out in a couple of hours after the release of a special offer from the tour operator. Therefore, those tourists who, having learned from me about a burning tour, put off making a decision until the evening (when the husband comes home from work), or until tomorrow morning (when the boss arrives from a business trip), as a rule, they didn’t fly to any last-minute tours!
  • what last-minute tours can we talk about if there are no seats on flights or there are very few of them?

Therefore, as a rule, last-minute tours do not arise during periods of high sales in tourism. And these include: New Year, May holidays, November holidays.

But very often last-minute tours happen during periods of decline in demand for the tourist destination. This may be happening the following reasons:

  • when is the low season at your chosen resort
  • due to natural disasters
  • unstable political situation in any country

2. The second case of the appearance of a burning tour is abandoned tour. Suppose some tourists who have booked a tour suddenly cancel it a week before the trip, and the travel agency begins to face fines from the tour operator for refusing the confirmed tour. In this case, the travel agency will try to minimize its losses and sell the tour for 50-80% of the cost. And such a tour, formed after the refusal of the tour, the travel agency will also offer as burning.

It is noteworthy here that information about such a tour will no longer be displayed on the tour operator's website. It will be sent to travel agents by email, WhatsApp, etc. You, being an ordinary tourist, simply do not know about such a tour, unless you have travel agent friends. Or you can fly to such a burning tour, if you are listed in the client base of the travel agency where the refusal occurred.

In all other cases, under the guise of last-minute tours, the most ordinary tours are sold.

It's just that since tourists are so taken with the lure of "hot tour", why not take advantage of that? Usual publicity stunt.

So let's clarify for ourselves once and for all what a last-minute tour is, and we will not ask the manager of a travel agency a last-minute tour for the New Year holidays in September.

Have a great trip, friends, and see you on the blog!

About what are hot tours and when to look for them. And most importantly - how not to get burned on them. Practical articles on the "Subtleties of tourism".

Hot tours - a phrase that is mandatory on the website of any travel agency. A kind of password-lure for a tourist who “googles” and “Yandexizes” the expanses of the domestic net in search of a cheap trip to the south. You can work with this or that direction or not, but last-minute tours are an obligatory must-have, without which business is not business, but so-so, a frivolous occupation for your own pleasure.

What is there to hide, the human consciousness is so arranged that when identifying an opportunity to save money, it immediately gives a signal: stop! You can pay less and still get what others paid big money for. The arguments of logic about a possibly low-quality product and a reminder of the mind that a miser pays twice, alas, often recede into the background - and we skipping rush to give our hard-earned money for all sorts of "only today" and "don't miss it."

Well, then, as a rule, the hour of retribution for greed comes: products and services turn out to be second-rate, and what we so willingly took for profit turns out to be only brilliant tinsel on the filthy essence of the object.

So with last-minute tours, everything does not always turn out as beautifully as advertising slogans promise. And the accommodation on the spot will turn out to be far from ideal, and it will take half a kilometer to the beach in the heat, and the beach itself will not differ much in cleanliness from the shore of the capital's reservoir ... However, we will not deny if your goal is an inexpensive vacation without special requirements for a hotel and other amenities, and in addition, you are ready to break away overnight and rush to the "foreign countries", last-minute trips - this is what you need. In a word, as in any enterprise, there are pluses and minuses, undercurrents and sharp stones, strategy and tactics of behavior. But first things first.

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What it is

Generally speaking, a last-minute tour is a tourist trip that, due to approaching departure dates, runs the risk of remaining unsold and thereby causing a loss to the tour operator. Like most market goods, tour packages have their own “best before ...” index, and they are good only before the start date of the trip. Accordingly, by reducing the price as much as possible in anticipation of the "burnout", you can attract customers who are looking for opportunities to save money, and thus not lose the funds invested in the tour (buying out a hotel room, chairs on a charter, etc.)

In this case, it is unlikely that it will be necessary to talk about profit, but at least it is quite possible to “recapture” the costs or, in extreme cases, go into a small minus.

As you know, the main price components of a tour package are the cost of living plus the cost of the flight. Little things, such as the cost of transfer and wages of accompanying personnel, will not be considered here. Therefore, one of two things is almost guaranteed to fall under the “burning” factor: either there are a lot of unsold seats on the charter, or there are not sold seats in the hotel. The first can happen if the forecasts for the tourist flow in this direction were too optimistic, there were too many charters, after which the harsh reality put everything in its place. “Well, they don’t love you, they don’t believe you,” as the classic wrote. As a result, Boeings and Airbuses fly empty, while, as we understand it, consuming the same amount of fuel - and therefore costing the flight consolidator at the same price - be at least 300, at least 80 people on board.

The second also falls into the realm of unfulfilled dreams, consistent with unsupported optimism about charters. If a charter "Boeing" throws half as many tourists to the southern lands, it means that this same half will be settled in the hotel. The rest of the rooms will be empty, or rather - bought out by the tour operator, only now they are not inhabited by "live goods".

There is only one way out of both situations: to lure a potential buyer walking on the Internet or running past a showcase of a travel agency with capital letters: BURNING TOUR, departure tomorrow / the day after tomorrow / Saturday, etc. As they say, give what you want, just buy.

Another reason for the "burnout" of the tour, this time depending not on the domestic clientele, but on overseas hoteliers, is a large number of free rooms in the hotel. Since the hotel is designed not only for tourists from Russia, the degree of occupancy is subject to fluctuations in the tourist market of other countries. And here, as you know, you can’t predict anything in advance: where the next crisis will break out in Europe, and where the volcano will start spitting. In a word, the Spanish or English tourist community is sitting at home, the rooms intended for it are not filled, and hoteliers are trying to fill the empty rooms with tourists from more successful countries: they set attractive prices and “ask” to send at least someone. Usually these are mid-range hotels and hotels designed for mass tourism - luxury establishments are less hysterical in terms of occupancy, as their customers are more unsinkable in worldly storms.

When they are

Despite the fact that many raspberry-travel agencies all year round convince us of the availability of last-minute tours in almost all directions, these birds of the tourist market have their own migration season, after which everything that is offered under the “burning” tag is nothing more than the desire of the travel agent to attract a buyer who is greedy for tempting benefits. In other words, there is no need to look for a really hot tour in the high-demand segment at this time of the year. For example, at the height of the “winter heat” season, you should not count on a burning “super special offer” to Thailand or the UAE - these countries already do not know the end of tourists who want to have a good rest on exotic beach in the middle of the Russian winter. It is quite another matter - the same Emirates at the end of September: the start of the season, the summer heat has not yet completely lost its positions, hotel rooms have already been bought out, and the supply may turn out to be more than demand ...

Another example: April (and often June) Tunisia. The flight program begins at the end of March, while several airlines take off into the air at once - at least four flights a week are provided. Resort hotels are also far from full: the sea has not yet warmed up, and only lovers of Epiphany bathing and hefty men dare to go there. There are all the prerequisites for "burning" - and in April, a week-long burning vacation in Sousse or Hammamet can cost as little as 200 USD per person. In addition, many hoteliers issue special offers such as “thalassotherapy included in accommodation” or “children under 2 years old free of charge” - thus, a last-minute trip can be doubly beneficial: it will cost less and you don’t need to pay for additional services.

Another, so to say, symmetrical, period of distribution of last-minute tours is the end of the season in this direction. The number of boards per week is not decreasing as rapidly as demand, and hotels are no longer packed to capacity due to the “whisper of the weather”: the cooling of the sea or the approach of the rainy season. The result is a reduction in prices for the next flights and a great opportunity to pay less for a vacation (unless, of course, other factors scare you).

The sea is affordable

When they never happen

In addition to high and low seasons in tourist destinations, there are periods in the year when the very concept of a last-minute tour is absurd. We are talking about national holidays (of which we have a lot, but New Year and May holidays are especially popular in terms of tourism) and the traditional holiday season in July-August. It is clear that at this time, almost the entire population, if not of our vast, then of its large cities, definitely storms the offices of travel agencies and “puts down” the servers of Internet sites in search of trips “to the south”. In this blessed period from the point of view of the players in the tourism industry, everything is sold: both expensive “fives” with their own helipads, and penny “kopeck piece” with a view of the wasteland. The question in this case is “how to fly away?”, and not “how to fly cheaply?”. Accordingly, 99% of special offers with the “burning” tag will be another piece of cheese in a mousetrap: a tourist will either be relocated to another hotel, or under the guise of “crazy discounts”, a tour will be sold at a general market price, no lower than that of competitors, or, in the worst case , will appropriate the money for themselves in a one-day company and generally will not be sent anywhere. In isolated cases, tours can burn out in the high season, if, say, a trip is canceled - a single or an entire conference - then they will try to sell such a tour package through word of mouth - partner agencies, social networks, online stores of burning trips.


What is good about last-minute tours is clear without explanation - the opportunity to relax for less (and sometimes just ridiculous) money with the same amenities and the same range of services as compatriots living in your hotel, but who purchased a ticket in advance. The difference between the initial and "burning out" cost of the tour is from 30 to 50%, sometimes discounts reach 70%. Of course, the principle “who does not risk, he does not drink champagne” has not yet been canceled: purposefully catching a burning ticket, you can not wait for one - everything will be sorted out before you.

Another, less obvious, but for many the most “juicy” plus is the adventurism of the enterprise. Agree, there is something alluringly free and spy-pirate in this: like this, not preparing and not even having time to tell your friends, leave things in a suitcase and lie down on the beach somewhere in the banana republic tomorrow.

... and cons

The disadvantages of burning tours are a wagon and a small cart. First: lack of confidence in the success of the enterprise. If, contrary to your forecasts, tours to, say, Antalya in April will be in high demand, there is a risk, expecting a price reduction, to stay “on the beans”, not to fly anywhere at all and thoroughly ruin your vacation. Second: there are no guarantees that you will fall into exactly you desired hotel: if the hotel is popular among tourists, it is likely that there will be no places in it. In addition, there is a risk that you will have to check into an unknown hotel at all: the tour operator may not have time to confirm the one declared on the tour for such a short time before departure, and in some cases unscrupulous travel agencies even settle in a deliberately different hotel. “And what did you want - a burning tour, and they moved you to a hotel of the same category!” - there will be a standard answer, which is legally impossible to find fault with. Another nuance is connected with last-minute tours to visa countries. It makes sense to focus on them if you have a valid visa in this country- otherwise, you may not have time to settle visa formalities before the date of departure. Finally, let's mention travel cancellation insurance, which can be issued no later than 10 days before the start of the trip. In the absence of such, and if the tour for one reason or another does not take place, the tourist can lose almost the entire cost of the trip - so in this case it is easy to get lost in the wilds of benefits and risks and outwit yourself.

Behavior strategy

Finally, a few tips for those daredevils who, defying risk and danger, want to go on vacation without fail on a last-minute trip. First of all, if you are in any way dependent on the work schedule and not every one of the 365 days of the year is ideal for starting a trip, do not wait until the last day. Yes, it is possible that prices will really fall incredibly and the rest will cost mere pennies, but it is still wiser to strike a balance between the cheapness of the enterprise and the reality of its implementation.

In other words, it is better to overpay 200 USD and leave than not overpay and not leave.

Secondly, you should not scrupulously look for a tour at a mega-low price among a dozen similar offers, and even offered by an unknown office. Cheap vacation"- there is a high probability of fraud. They will take money from you, this is indisputable, only they will not issue documents for the trip, and during a personal visit to the office of a travel agency there is a risk of stumbling upon a “closed” sign. Thirdly, when going on vacation on a last-minute tour, keep your packed suitcase ready - it is quite possible that you will have to fly out tomorrow, and being late to the airport because of a swimsuit that did not want to be in any way is a sad ending for such an advantageous offer.

And finally, the last thing - stock up on optimism and aim for a good mood, no matter what. Whether you have to enjoy the hiss of Jacuzzi bubbles in a five-star hotel room for the price of a three-ruble note or fight the air conditioning system in a more than modest hotel in a 40-degree heat - one fortune knows. And if so, then boldly look into her face, fate loves the brave! And "but pasaran"!

Attitudes towards burning tours are different. Someone only flies like that, and someone bypasses, overshadowing with an Orthodox cross. We tried to tell why tour operators carry out such generosity attractions, and what the desire to save money on vacation can result in.

Where do hot tours come from?

What do sellers do when the "doctoral" expiration date comes to an end? That's right - they write "promotion" and reduce prices. It's the same with hot tickets. The tour operator buys seats on planes and hotels in advance, and when there are free rooms at the beginning of the tour, it sells them cheaper. The company gets rid of unclaimed vouchers at cost and does not incur losses.

Hot tours are a fair deal. The price drops approximately 10 days before departure. If suitcases are always ready, and you agree to break away on vacation at any time, this option is for you. A good way to save a few thousand rubles and visit the country of your dreams.

But there are nuances.

What is the catch of burning tours?

As with many good proposals, there are "buts" here. You may not know the truth about why the tour costs so little. Cases that the tour operator is happy to report:

  • tourists refused at the last moment;
  • sale of seats before the start of the season;
  • the tour operator miscalculated the demand by buying extra seats.

But when the offer is really good, there will always be buyers for it. Sometimes places sharply become cheaper for other reasons.

What to look out for

Season. The main reason for low ticket prices is the lack of demand. This happens when at the resort bad weather, rainy season, hurricanes and earthquakes. Before paying, try to find out more about the country you are flying to. Read the news, weather reports, and just in case, check if there are military actions nearby - this can also happen.

Departure city. Most of the last minute tours are tours from Moscow. Before you buy, calculate how much it will cost you to get to the capital and back. Add to this the risks that a long journey brings: you can miss your plane, you need to book a hotel in Moscow, there is little time to pack. Even if you save money, you can spend a lot more nerves.

Number of days. Sometimes last minute deals are unclaimed tours. These are short trips for 3 days / 4 nights or 7 days, of which one will go for a flight, and two more for acclimatization. You can't call it a perfect vacation. In addition, a short tour will not cost much less than a week or 10-day package - and good deals in season with such terms are hard to find. It happens that a short vacation for 3-4 days is reduced due to unforeseen circumstances - when you buy last-minute tours, everything can be.

The reputation of the travel agency and tour operator. Avoid fortune systems and lotteries with similar names. Especially during the season and without a specific hotel. Often a good hotel with a high rating is announced on the tour, but with the possibility of replacing it with another, of the same star rating. Make sure there is no such clause in your contract. Otherwise, upon arrival, you may be placed in a hotel with poor food, dirty linen and insects in the rooms. An irresponsible travel agent may fail to warn the traveler of these risks, so the holiday could be ruined.

Lack of choice. A hot ticket can be a real adventure. If you buy a tour "for luck", then it's time to get acquainted with the features of the hotel, its suitability for family vacation simply no. The decision to buy must be made quickly, otherwise someone else will outbid a chic offer.

Where is it better to fly on a burning tour

Despite some risk, last minute deals remain the most popular way to travel cheaply. In fairness, there are far fewer bad reviews about tours than enthusiastic recommendations from tourists.

When looking for tours, it is better to bet on visa-free countries or those where a visa is issued upon arrival - Turkey, Turkey, Thailand, Vietnam, UAE. Holidays in Europe on a last-minute tour are suitable for those who have a long-term visa in their passport. The rest may simply not have time to do the paperwork and are at great risk of rest.

Choose safe countries for your vacation where there is no risk of getting sick. For example, if you are planning to go to India for the first time, experienced travelers recommend up to 10 vaccinations: against typhoid, diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis A and B, meningitis. This applies to adults and children. In the case of a burning ticket, you may not have time to get vaccinated. Of course, the risk of getting infected is not too high, but "Shiva saves the safe."

The farther and more exotic the country, the more difficult and longer the preparations for the flight. When traveling for African exotics, you need to study local eating habits, learn about the poisonous inhabitants of the seas, rivers, oceans, and buy essential medicines in advance. Medical insurance does not protect in all cases, and it will be fabulously expensive for a foreigner to be treated on the other side of the planet.

Important advice: If you found good suggestion which suits you, do not hesitate. In a couple of hours someone else will definitely buy a profitable ticket.

Alternative - early booking

Like it or not, last-minute trips are to some extent a roulette for the lucky ones. Tours at reduced prices go to those who are ready to break away abroad at any time, are not tied to the deadlines for submitting reports and do not wait for permission from their superiors to take a vacation. When you are used to planning everything, then for sure such a vacation will disappoint. If not a hotel and a flight, then the inability to plan everything.

If you are not one of those who are going on a week-long trip abroad in five minutes, it is better to book tours in advance. By doing this, you save up to 30% of the cost of the tour, which is comparable to discounts on last-minute tours. Do not wait until the last minute - no one guarantees that last-minute tours will appear. Tourists will redeem all their reservations, there will be no force majeure in the country, no one will refuse a trip at the last moment - and that's it, there are no normal last-minute trips.

The first screen is the prices for tours to India for the next week. The second screen is the same tour of " early booking"40 days before departure. All dates are high season, the price difference is about 24,000 for two.

Choose a tour 3-4 months before holidays, make an advance payment of 50%, and the rest - a couple of weeks before departure. So you are guaranteed to get a comfortable stay in the chosen hotel, at the right time and with a convenient departure.