Big saddle height. Kosygin trail, Mount Red Sun. Preparation for the ascent

I would like to enthusiastically describe Turtrop: the most picturesque, unique, “photogenic” ... But is there something “the most” in the Kislovodsk resort park? Isn't it beautiful, unique and "photogenic" from the top of the head on the Big Saddle to the toes at the Narzan Gallery? So let's just write.

The tourist trail in Kislovodsk is a branch of health path routes No. 2 and 3, which leads to the right, not reaching a couple of turns to the observation deck on Mount Red Sun. Its length is 10,700 meters and it ends at the top of the Great Saddle mountain.

“Love each other” - who and when installed this sign here is unknown, but it has become a noticeable sign of the beginning of the Tourist Trail. The trail is called so because it is intended for tourists, and not for rehabilitation heart patients - they go further along the health path, to the Red Sun - to measure the pulse and pressure in the first-aid post.

That is, when turning onto the path, one must be prepared to overcome simple obstacles and climb steep climbs. Therefore, we will check whether the shoes are comfortable and go.

Here is the place where you need to turn onto the trail. The health path continues to the left, to the right - the Tourist trail. And right here is a bench overlooking Elbrus.

To the left overhead are the Blue Rocks.

It seems that dogs, turtles, rabbits, magic mushrooms and other inhabitants of the Looking-Glass gathered at the cliff a century ago and were petrified with admiration for the view of Elbrus.

Mandatory item of the photo program in the grottoes under the Blue Rocks

To the right is a line of slender pines, a steep slope and a stunning panorama of the pine forests of the park and the southern part of the city.

The trail makes you feel like a real tourist, creating natural obstacles on the way.

The path passes among greenery, rocks and some man-made improvements of nature.

Trail art. Birches grow here in the most incomprehensible way.

After 5 kilometers we get to the open observation deck "Fungus". From here you can go down to the terrenkur route 2B and further to the Valley of Roses or to the bus stop number 8 (the same 4-5 km, only down). And you can continue the path to the Small Saddle. There is a very steep climb ahead.


It is believed that this staircase on the ascent to the Small Saddle was built by order of A.N. Kosygin, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, who liked to walk in these places. She seemed to have fallen from the sky. Neither before nor after there are no traces of improvement.

The final section of the steep ascent passes through a birch grove.

The ascent is over. At the top, birch trees seem to specially lay branches for tired travelers. The Small Saddle is about a kilometer away.

Here is the top of Mount Malosesedlo. Behind 7.5 km on Tourtrop.

The last 2.5 km to the top of Mount Big Saddle starts here.

Big saddle. View from the city.

View from the Great Saddle to the Greater Caucasus Range.

Why are the Small and Large saddles so called? Both mountains have a saddle, one is smaller, the other is larger. Mount Big Saddle is the highest point of the Caucasus Mineral Waters - 1408 meters. As much as 8 meters above Beshtau.

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Kislovodsk is a city, the administrative center of the municipal formation "Urban District City-Resort Kislovodsk" of the Stavropol Territory. It is part of the ecological resort region Caucasian Mineralnye Vody. Balneological and climatic resort, the largest in terms of the number of health resorts in the CMS and the second in Russia after Sochi. More than a third of all health resorts in the region are located in Kislovodsk. The city got its name due to the abundance of sources of the world-famous healing carbonic water "Narzan" (from the Kabardian "Nart sane" - "Drink of the heroes" in translation).

The city is located 234 km from the city of Stavropol, 64 km from the Mineralnye Vody station, in the northern foothills of the Greater Caucasus at an altitude of 750-1200 meters above sea level. Originated from a Russian military fortress founded in 1803. The city owes its origin and name to the source of acidic mineral water Narzan. Kislovodsk is located in the south of the Stavropol Territory, practically on the border with Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria, 65 km from Mount Elbrus. The city is located in a small and cozy picturesque valley, surrounded by the slopes of the Main Caucasian Range and formed by the gorges of two merging rivers - Olkhovka and Berezovka, flowing into the Podkumok River. The length of the valley from southeast to northwest is about 7 km.

In the city of Kislovodsk, Russia //

The terrain is mountainous, cut by ravines and gullies. The districts of the city are located at different heights above sea level. The lowest point of Kislovodsk is 750 m above sea level at the exit from the city, and the highest point is 1409 m on the Big Saddle in the Kislovodsk park.

The landscape of the city and its environs is very picturesque. The city is surrounded by sandy and chalk mountains, forming numerous terraces with deep caves and grottoes. Separate blocks of red sandstones have taken a rather bizarre shape as a result of weathering. From the east, the city is fenced by hills, interconnected by small hills, and a chain of chalk mountains, which together form the middle part of the Dzhinal Range (altitude up to 1500 m).

Dzhinalsky Ridge, Russia //

From the north, the Kislovodsk valley is bounded by a chain of terraced chalk mountains of the Borgustan Range, reaching a height of 1200 m above sea level. The Borgustan and Dzhinal ranges are spurs of the Pasture Range, one of the northern ranges of the Greater Caucasus. From the south and southeast, the Kislovodsk valley is bounded by the cuestas of the Rocky Range - the Kabardian Range up to 1600 m high and the Bermamyt Plateau, cut by the gorges of the Alikonovka, Berezovka and Olkhovka rivers.




The mountains surrounding Kislovodsk protect it from winds and fogs, providing it with a special microclimate. Despite the fact that the city is located in a deep valley among the mountains, the air here never stagnates, as the valley is continuously ventilated by a free stream of fresh mountain air flowing along the river gorges. Kislovodsk is located much higher than other resorts of the KMV and is protected by a chain of mountains reaching an altitude of 1200 to 1600 m above sea level, while low stratus clouds coming from the east and southeast rise only to a height of 1000-1200 m. That is why Kislovodsk is located in more favorable climatic conditions, which gives it the character of a mountain climatic station.


The city is very green, it has many squares, flower beds. The decoration and pride of Kislovodsk is the Resort Park. On the slopes of the mountains surrounding Kislovodsk, there are subalpine meadows, in the vicinity - mountain-steppe vegetation. 70 thousand birch trees and 30 thousand Crimean pine seedlings were planted on an area of ​​13 hectares in the area of ​​the Dzhinal tract and in the Charming Valley (mineral springs feeding zone). Numerous orchards are located in Kislovodsk and its environs.





The area of ​​the Kislovodsk resort park, according to the results of surveying conducted in 2009, is 948 hectares. For comparison, the largest urban park in the UK (Richmond Park) has an area of ​​955 hectares, the area of ​​the park of the Palace of Versailles is 800 hectares. The park is located on both sides of the Olkhovka River and contains over 250 species of trees and shrubs, including cedar, fir, birch, pine, spruce, black walnut, Chinese paulownia, cork tree, etc. More than 800 types of herbaceous plants. There are ornamental plant nurseries and greenhouses in the park. More than 80 varieties of profusely blooming roses have been planted at the "Platform of Roses" and in the "Valley of Roses". Squirrels have acclimatized in the park, trustingly taking food from the hands of people, various species of birds. The monument of nature is the Red Stones, which come out in several places in the park and are sandstones with a red-brown color and various forms of weathering.

Kislovodsk resort park, Russia //

Work on the arrangement of the park began in 1823 by order of General A. Yermolov. The work was carried out by military detachments of the lower ranks. In order to be able to plant trees, fertile black soil was brought to the rocky shores of Olkhovka. After the appointment of Prince M. S. Vorontsov in 1845 as the governor of the Caucasus, work on the development and improvement of the Kislovodsk park was continued. From the Crimean possessions of Vorontsov, the best varieties of garden and flower seeds, seedlings of trees and shrubs were delivered. In addition, plants were brought from Tiflis and Riga, Western Ukraine and the gardens of the North Caucasus. 1903 is considered the beginning of the second phase of the park's construction. On the territory of the alienated Cossack lands, under the leadership of landscape gardener Albert Regel, a Medium park. Plants such as Caucasian fir, balsam fir, Caucasian pine, pedunculate oak, common ash, oriental spruce, and European spruce were planted on the bare slopes. The seedlings were imported from the nursery of Count Zamoyski (Poland). In 1910, the so-called "Pine Hill" was founded, the slopes of which are now covered with a grove of Scots pine.


At present, the Kislovodsk Park consists of three sections: the Old, or Lower, Park, leading from the Narzan Gallery to the Mirror Pond and the Glass Stream; New, or Middle, park, starting from the Rose Square and ending at the Gray Stones; and the largest Mountain Park in terms of area, stretching from the Gray to the Blue stones and further to the small and large saddle.


In the Kislovodsk resort park, for the first time in Russia, a route for therapeutic walking was laid - health path. Currently, there are 6 health path routes with a length of 1700 to 6000 m, originating from the Narzan Gallery. The health paths are strewn with red sand, every 100 meters there are information plates indicating the distance from the Narzan Gallery, the steepness of the slope and the height above sea level.



Routes are divided into three categories according to length, angle of ascent, pace of walking and frequency of rest. The easiest route, 1700 m long, has a maximum climb angle of three to four degrees. The most difficult routes are recommended only for well-trained people. The total length of the health paths is more than 30 km, they are located at an altitude of 800 to 1409 meters above sea level



The central resort street of Kislovodsk is Kurortny Boulevard. This is a pedestrian boulevard and therefore both guests of the resort and its residents constantly walk along it. The resort boulevard is half a kilometer long, dressed in new tiles with manicured lawns along the edges and large rectangles with flower arrangements located in the center, which change from year to year and remain unfading until late autumn. Previously, the boulevard was called Poplar Alley, and now the boulevard is framed by rows of ancient poplars and newly planted trees. These trees provide shade and pleasant coolness on sunny summer days. The Kurortny Boulevard, like a stormy mountain river, embraces the Narzan Gallery on both sides, an architectural monument and one of the most recognizable symbols of Kislovodsk, continues its movement towards the Kurortny Park and rests on its paths and the snow-white Colonnade - the main entrance to the park. At its other end, the boulevard meets the street named after. Kirov and goes to the famous among the townspeople cafe "Snezhinka", where for many decades they have been preparing donuts and milkshakes known to every citizen and many guests of the resort.

Kurortny boulevard in Kislovodsk, Russia //

In that part of the boulevard, which in the form of a small square is located after the Narzan Gallery and in front of the park itself, there is Kislovodsk Mont-Mart. This small square has become a haven for Kislovodsk artists, who, standing by the trees, which remind of the approach of the park, sell their paintings and immediately create new ones. Including you can buy a pencil drawing with your own image. And right before the boulevard meets the Narzan Gallery, on small playground on the ground, a large star is laid out of slabs, symbolizing the center of the resort city, similar to the zero kilometer in Moscow. This place is the very center where the heart of the spa town beats. In addition to restaurants and cafes on the boulevard, you can find many shops where you can buy a wide variety of resort products, including those with a North Caucasian flavor.


There are several hotels on the boulevard: "Korona Kislovodsk", "Venice", "Pan Inter Kislovodsk", "Grand Hotel", "Park Hotel". Also here is one of the oldest boarding house "Kurortny", and in historical buildings opposite the Narzan Gallery - the sanatorium "Narzan". And of the sights on the boulevard - the Main Narzan baths.

That's all about the beautiful resort city of Kislovodsk. Next time we will drive along the road from Kislovodsk to Arkhyz, stop at the Gum-Bashi pass, which offers an excellent view of the entire Caucasus Range, and also plunge into the beauty of Arkhyz!



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In my photo sketches, I often talked about the mountain, and the mountain next to it, although not so often visited, but also inhabited and no less loved, for some reason was left without attention.

I will try to correct this omission and devote several subsequent posts to detailed photo stories about the Small Saddle (hereinafter - MS).

The road to the MS starts immediately from the top of the Red Sun.

The gazebo, which is visible in the photo, meets those who have risen on the lower peak of the MS - it just so happened that in the Caucasus the mountains are "traditionally two-headed" (just kidding)

The MS is famous for the fact that on its "saddle" there is an upper station of the cable car and, further, at an altitude of 1250 m above sea level. - Olympic sports and training complex (more precisely, its upper base).

In total, the height of the MS (upper peak) is 1325m, and from there wonderful views of Kislovodsk, the Dzhinalsky Range, the pasture range of the Bechasyn Plateau, indented by numerous "velvet" canyons, and, of course, Elbrus, which from the MS is visible almost from the base, open up.

But everything is in order.
Today we will just start the hike and take our time to look at everything around.

* Ascent to the mountain Small Saddle *

The straight road leading to the MC from Red Sun is quite steep at first and not easy to walk in the heat (you go from shade to shade).

In the photo, the angle of elevation seems to be more gradual, but remember those pines that start immediately after the open area - the next photo is from them.

* View of the top of the Red Sun from the pines from the previous photo. *

Further you can see part of Kislovodsk, waves of mountain ranges. On the "penultimate" ridge, a Beautiful (Red) mound sticks out in a triangle, behind it (to the right) rises Rome Mountain (where an ancient human settlement was found), and even further - the Borgustan Range goes beyond the horizon.

We were looking to the West. And now let's turn our heads to the left, to the South - there we are kept company, amiably sparkling with snow, not just anyone, but the main deity of the Caucasus:

* From this height, Elbrus is visible somewhere half its height *

And not far from us, aerial trams of the cable car run (there are two of them, red and yellow):

* View from the slope of the Small Saddle to the pasture range of the Bechasyn Plateau and Elbrus *

From time to time along the road there are such drains for water:

*Road for the brook*

Gradually, the straight road turns into a serpentine, rising along the rocks:

* Serpentine *

I admired the masonry of the wall (made of the same red sandstone as the path that runs along the health path):

* Red sandstone wall *

In the same place, on the side of this path, for the first time in my life I saw a white "watch" (the ones that I had seen before were always pink):

* Field carnation or simply "watch" *

"Watch" because if you take the flower by the receptacle with your thumb and forefinger and make them move like winding a mechanical watch, then the flower petals will rotate like clock hands. Such is the sad experience of childhood.

But let's digress from the wall and the plants near it and see what happens on the opposite side of the path. And there already the yellow tram enters the gorge, having overcome it, it will reach the upper station of the cable car.

* Cableway to the Olympic Complex *

Mount Small Saddle is a natural landmark and excellent viewpoint, which offers a beautiful view of the city of Kislovodsk. Its height is 1325 meters, in good clear weather from the top you can admire the beauty and grandeur of the mighty Elbrus. Not far from the Small is the Big Saddle - a mountain whose height reaches 1409 meters.

The Small Saddle is part of the Kislovodsky National Park, which is home to native and exotic tree species. The abundance of vegetation and the richness of the animal world allow you to enjoy the beauty of the local nature and take a break from the noisy city life. People come here who want to restore and strengthen their health, which is facilitated by the mild climate and clean air. There are several trails of health paths along the territory of the park - recreational walks and a hiking trail that will lead to the Small Saddle mountain.

Preparation for the ascent

The summit attracts many vacationers who come to Kislovodsk. Climbing the mountain is carried out all year round, because nature at different times of the year is revealed in different ways. In spring and summer it is nice to enjoy the greenery, flowering and aromas in the air. In autumn, the poetic charm of the elegant dressing of trees delights. The winter landscape is truly fabulous, and the air in the mountains is fresh.

To make the walk memorable and enjoyable, you need to choose comfortable clothes that will not hinder movement. Shoes must also be suitable for walking in mountainous terrain. It is important to remember that the air in the mountains can be cool even on warm summer days, so you should bring a sweater or windbreaker with you. The local weather is often capricious, the rain can take you by surprise quite suddenly, it will not be superfluous to take an umbrella or a raincoat. A hat will also come in handy, which will save both from the scorching sun and from the oncoming wind. In addition, it is worth taking drinking water with you and food if you wish - you can have a picnic at the top or on the way, it will allow you to restore the strength that will be required for the way back. If you do not want to take food with you, you can have a bite to eat at the food outlets located in the park.


Depending on physical fitness and availability of free time, there are several options for traveling to the top of the Small Saddle.

The fastest and least tiring option is to get to the mountain by taking the cable car most of the way. To do this, you need to reach the lower station, located near the pavilion "Temple of the Air". The ride by cable car will take about 8 minutes, the cost of the service is 200 rubles. from an adult and 120 rubles. from a child aged 5 to 10 years. From the top you have great views of the park and surroundings. The upper station is located next to the Olympic complex, from here it is about 2 km on foot to the top of the mountain. Depending on the speed, this journey takes an average of 40-60 minutes. If after the ascent there will be strength and desire, then it is worth getting to the top of the neighboring Big Saddle mountain, which offers a breathtaking view of the surroundings of Kislovodsk. The way back can be done completely on foot or walk to the cable car and go down on it.

Another option is more energy-intensive, but at the same time more picturesque and interesting. This is hiking route, which goes to the choice of health path No. 2 or No. 3 and then, not reaching their end point, goes to the hiking trail.

Please note that the walking route is quite long, people who do not have health problems can overcome it. The route along the health paths to the tourist trail is about 5 km, the trail to the Small Saddle Mountain goes for almost 6 km.

Terrenkur No. 2 is easier - the angle of inclination of the path is moderate, part of the route passes through a pine forest. On a hot day, the shade from the trees saves from the scorching sun and gives coolness, and the air of the coniferous forest is not only pleasant, but also useful. The route starts from the Narzan Gallery, along its length there are such sights as the Lermontov platform, the Colonnade, the Chess House, the Royal platform, the Temple of the Air pavilion.

Terrenkur No. 3 is considered a difficult route, it has steeper climbs and is designed for fairly good physical fitness. It starts at the same point, passes by the Royal site, through the Red and Gray stones, at a certain point it connects with the second route. It is necessary, before reaching the end points of the route, at 52 stations to go to the right - to the tourist trail. It passes through picturesque places, on the way there are natural grottoes, caves and viewing platforms.

You can combine a hiking route and a cable car ride - walk to the top of the mountain, and then go down the cable car or vice versa.

How to get there

The path to the top of the Small Saddle mountain passes through the Kislovodsk National Park, the nearest stop to the beginning of the route is Colonnade. Next, you will need to go to the lower station of the cable car or overcome the path along the health path, and then along the tourist trail.

You can also get to the park by car or using taxi applications: Yandex. Taxi, Gett, Red Taxi.

View from the Small Saddle mountain: video

For a long time already, and so, I twist summer pictures from Kislovodsk, in the end I realized that I would never post them, so I decided to close my eyes and post them as they are.

In July 2011, during the two weeks I was there, only a few sunny and clear days fell, the rest of the time it rained constantly. But surprisingly, it was last year that I still managed to stomp to the Upper Saddle and even see Elbrus from these angles for the first time. In 2010, despite the dry and hot summer at the same time, I was not lucky to reach the Upper Col - already on the approaches to it, freezing rain drove back, falling instantly as if from a huge heavenly vat, nor Elbrus to see - always hiding in a haze .

This time, I practically did not photograph the busiest tourist areas on Kurortny Boulevard and in the lower part of the park - although these are beautiful, but already beaten places, yes, I had them before. Running quickly past them, each time I hurried up and up, to the most sparsely populated, but the most interesting part of this huge park for me (the largest in Europe - more than 1350 hectares, 200 years of history, more than 100 km of health paths).

1. The sandy road winds through the coniferous forest, the rise here is almost not felt, the air is dizzying and silence.

2. In the rain, these paths become quite slippery, so you have to be careful going down them.

3. Blocks hang overhead, on which petrified snakes and lizards seem to bask in the sun.

4-5. But the park is full of not only stone animals, but also real ones that love nuts and seeds, for example.

7-8. Or feathered-winged, singing-chirping in different voices to the accompaniment of silence.

9. If you got here, it means that you have walked 5.8 km from the Narzan Gallery (the beginning of the park), overcame an elevation difference of 245 meters and are on Mount Red Sun, just in front of the monument to M.Yu. Lermontov, looking out from behind your back Elbrus on the horizon.

10. If you look a little to the right from this place, you will see an overview of the lower part of the park. In the foreground are rocks, now also famous for the fact that just over there from that flat stone a little further from the place where the guy with the camera is standing, timag82 did shooting his circular panorama as I understand it. I confess, the place is scary, I decided to do the most - to sit on the stone, where the guy is standing, to take a picture.

11. However, the abyss below does not scare many at all, they climb like true stuntmen, without any insurance.

12. From this place further to the Blue Stones the road will go up rather steeply and the untrained will have to breathe a little more often and deeper than usual. Well, or according to the smart principle, you can’t go uphill, you can go down, reach the cable car station (in the summer it works constantly if there is no rain) and drive up in a few minutes. Once I also joined the smart company to take a picture of the Blue Stones from this angle:

13. And here you can see a piece of a winding path, lost in a pine forest, for those who decided to overcome the climb on their own.

14. In good weather, for those who are not too lazy to get up early, if the gray-haired volcano has a mood, then he can reward the afflicted with the contemplation of his two-headed cap. After 10-11 days, as a rule, it is already covered with a barely noticeable haze and it hides. If you walked, it means that a distance of 5.5 km will be rewound to this point on your speedometer and the difference in heights overcome from the beginning of the path will be some insignificant 350 m (absolute height 1167 m).

15. From here to Elbrus is about 65 kilometers, far away ... But if Elbrus does not go to you, then you can approach it at least a little, even if only for a few kilometers. To do this, from the Olympic complex, you need to go deep along a narrow path where no human foot has set foot and only rare tourists decide to send them on that path, into the dense forest (almost no joke).

There is only one path, it doesn’t turn anywhere, it doesn’t offer to choose right-on-nale-directly, but just goes to itself and goes across rough terrain right to the Small Saddle. Sometimes, with a wild crunch amid the deafening silence, a maniac can jump out onto the path, or rather a maniac in the guise of a horned ruminant artiodactyl - do not be alarmed, they do not touch anyone, they are just curious who else is grazing here. I really got scared and out of fear I missed with autofocus, well, nothing, the horns seem to be visible.

16. Closer to the goal, the forest parted, alpine meadows begin and a view of the horizon opens up.

17. Riders on the Dzhinal Ridge.

18. And here is Elbrus from the Small Saddle (in zoom), we are at an altitude of 1332 m, 7.5 km have been covered behind our shoulders, the elevation difference of our path was 515 m. Well, now we can rest on our laurels.

19. However, as the ancient Chinese said, “to see the great, move away from it at a certain distance,” perhaps you should heed their advice and climb the Big Saddle - there, the second hat on the right is not covered with forest.

20. It is only some 2 kilometers from the Small Saddle, this highest point Kislovodsk environs (1410 m), the elevation difference from the lowest mark of the city - the Narzan Gallery is 593 m.

21. And here it is a red flag with a triangulation sign - the height is taken!

22. The city is somewhere far away and below, in optical zoom.

23. And actually here it is - a dormant volcano. A bonus to it from this height is also the view of the Main Caucasian Range.

24. Going back, I notice a rock that seems to me like a sphinx, or at least the petrified muzzle of a dog.

Well, at the end of a few familiar views of the city.
25. Bridge "Lady's Caprice" over the river Olkhovka.

26. View from Mount Sosnovaya to St. Nicholas Cathedral.

27. Memorial to those who died in the Great Patriotic War.

28-29. Resort boulevard. Another thing I like about Kislovodsk is that even a gloomy rainy day here seems bright and sunny due to the abundance of bright flowers and flower beds.