Recreation area top view. Small private paradise: recreation areas in a small cottage. Enclosed area for privacy and tranquility

A dacha or a country house with a plot of land is not only a place for growing vegetables and fruits. With the right and thoughtful organization of space in the yard, you can create a cozy recreation area that will appeal to both adults and children, while not taking up free space, and will bring original originality and originality to the landscape of the yard.

Advantages and features of recreation areas at their summer cottage

Most often, a place to relax in the yard is chosen at the stage of creating a site project, but it can also be organized with an already erected house and a planted area. The undeniable advantages that the recreation area in the country has are:

  • The possibility of organizing the process of eating in the air, especially if there is a barbecue, barbecue or a place for a fire in such a part of the yard. This suggests the presence of a roof and a table with chairs or benches;
  • Holding events and celebrations in a cozy atmosphere in the open air;
  • Practicality, due to the use of furniture and building materials in the interior of the recreation area that were not useful in the house;
  • Variety of designs;
  • Ergonomics, suitable for the specific needs of residents;
  • Relatively low costs (depending on how to make the zone and what to use for this);
  • Convenience and comfort.

The holiday period will be unforgettable, comfortable and fun for both children and adults with a relaxation area created based on the needs of all family members.

The photo shows do-it-yourself recreation areas in the country:

It should be borne in mind that choosing furniture for such areas of comfort is one that is not subject to the harmful effects of moisture. It can be artificial or natural rattan, which are practical and comfortable. If it is intended to use upholstered furniture, then it should be taken into account that all pillows and elements capable of accumulating water can, if necessary, be quickly and easily removed and put away into the house. However, they must be able to be washed in a washing machine.

As a table, any design can be chosen, both metal and using other materials or a combined type that will not deteriorate from moisture and the sun.

Attention! It should be provided in such a zone a safe area for the location of the barbecue, which can be both stationary and portable.

Recently, it has been fashionable and stylish to use an outdoor fireplace, in which it is possible not only to bake meat, but also to cook other types of food.

Various weaving plants are also actively used for the design of such a recreation area, which, growing, braid the frame of the gazebo or wall, making a shadow inside and giving coolness and freshness. The most common plants are varieties of climbing roses and ivy, grapes, creepers, clematis, hyacinia, nasturtium, kobei.

Types of recreation areas and their features

Depending on the location and type of arrangement, recreation areas built in summer cottages can be divided into the following types:


This is a kind of courtyard in the yard. Traditionally, it is equipped with such elements as a table and chairs, as well as a barbecue. Usually the patio is equipped in the open air and is not fenced off from the rest of the yard space with partitions.

Patios can be equipped with such convenient and practical elements as pools, deck chairs, umbrellas, lawns, flower beds, figurines, fountains. It all depends on the imagination and capabilities of the owners, as well as on the availability of free space in the yard.

The option of creating a patio on your own in the country is presented in the video


The traditional way of organizing a place to relax in domestic dachas is gazebos, which, unlike their ancient views, are becoming more elegant, original and refined. The arbor can be braided with climbing greenery, or built using transparent roofing materials, be equipped with a table and benches, barbecue, barbecue, or other types of elements for comfort. It all depends on preferences and opportunities.

closed area

Such a zone is practically a room in which there may be no roof or some walls. Usually, light and durable materials are used for its construction - polycarbonate, metal profiles, reed and others. It separates the rest space from the working areas.


A properly equipped terrace can also become an excellent seating area. Such a platform adjacent to the house makes it possible to install furniture and various interior items that contribute to comfort. It can be either open or closed.

Attention! The recreation area is equipped both near the house and a little further away.

In the second case, when visiting guests, their noise will not interfere with those who are already resting. But if there is a playground in such a section of the yard, it is better to build it closer to home so that you can watch the children from the window.


The ideal solution for each site can only be an individual arrangement, which will take into account both the features of the house and the features of the yard, as well as the material component. Depending on the preferences of the owners, the recreation area can be mounted by them independently or with the involvement of specialists. Even the most gloomy and provincial area can, if desired, be turned into a cozy corner of relaxation and comfort, which you will never want to leave.

Becoming the owner of a country cottage, many of us get an excellent opportunity not only to grow environmentally friendly products, but also to enjoy outdoor recreation away from the bustle of the city. The recreation area in the country is a cozy corner where you can relax calmly, hiding from the whole world, or spend a pleasant evening in a friendly company with a barbecue smoke to boot. The arrangement of this corner of the site depends primarily on the purpose that it will perform. Let's take a closer look.

There are several common and most successful options for decorating a recreation area in the garden.

Outdoor area for outdoor activities

Arrangement open area recreation in the country will allow fans of active games and sports entertainment to fully enjoy their favorite outdoor activity.

Outdoor areas are ideal for joint children's games and for noisy adult discos under the starry sky

Enclosed area for privacy and tranquility

Such a platform is an “open room”, the walls of which can be decorative fabric curtains, trellises with climbing plants and bamboo screens.

A light canopy that allows the sun's rays to pass through will give the structure a special comfort and protect the owners in bad weather.

Mobile version of the site

The use of metal or wooden mobile structures in the arrangement of closed areas allows at any time to transform the “room” into open meadow. Such frames can be made prefabricated or simply portable.

By moving the mobile structure anywhere in the garden, you can always maintain a sense of novelty

Patio - patio, hidden from prying eyes

The patio is located between the adjoining and outbuildings. The patio looks like a closed area, but the adjacent walls of the house act as protective and enclosing supports in this embodiment. Open air room great option for organizing family holidays, receiving guests and solitude in order to soak up the sun and sunbathe.

The best option for placing and designing such a recreation area in the country is a well-lit rear side of the house that protects from dust and street noise

How to arrange a corner for relaxation yourself?

When choosing a place for a corner for relaxation, it is necessary first of all to build on the possibilities of the territory. It is possible to allocate a site and arrange an open recreation area in the country house both in the front part of the garden and in its depths.

A cozy corner in the shade of trees will create a real oasis of peace and tranquility that will appeal to people of mature age

For a playground, it is advisable to choose a site with a sunny meadow and a shady corner, ready to shelter restless kids on a hot afternoon

When choosing a place, they are guided by the following points:

  • Convenient approach of the site and the proximity of its location to the house.
  • Protection from prying eyes of passers-by.
  • The presence of a small slope that prevents the accumulation of water.

In small areas, the recreation area has a more compact shape. In areas with a larger area, you can successfully divide the recreation area in the garden into several subzones, united by a single design.

Open flat areas are chosen for a common recreation area, where there is a place for a barbecue or barbecue, a small shed or gazebo, as well as a large table with benches

For outdoor enthusiasts, a place for sports games should be provided: volleyball supports, basketball stands or a small complex of horizontal bars with ropes and rings

Stage # 2 - zoning of the territory

You can separate the recreation area from the main garden using. Plants for the design of such fences can be selected depending on the illumination of the allotted area and the taste preferences of the owner. Coniferous hedges will not only complement the design of the recreation area in the country, but also purify the air by filling it with essential oils that have bactericidal properties.

Fences can also be made from bamboo, stone and wood.

Stage # 3 - preparation of the base + paving

Thinking over the design of a recreation area in the garden, do not forget about such a functional element of the interior as.

The brazier can be used both for its intended purpose, delighting guests with a fragrant barbecue, and as a heating device, the fire in which will warm on a rainy day and allow

In families with small children, instead of a barbecue in open areas, they are often installed, which also successfully replace the traditional stove.

Outdoor fireplaces do not have open flames and therefore are safer designs.

Stage #5 - choosing garden furniture

When choosing garden furniture for a comfortable stay, designers recommend being guided by principles such as lightness and practicality.

Wicker, wooden, forged openwork or plastic can serve as an alternative to the upholstered furniture familiar to many of us.

The materials used for the manufacture of garden furniture, as a rule, are easy to care for and are not afraid of adverse weather conditions. A variety of soft flooring and cushions, which in case of rain can always be brought under a canopy, will help to decorate furniture and increase a comfortable stay.

It's in the details: the choice of accessories

It is known that comfort is created at the expense of trifles. Ceramic figurines of fairy-tale characters peeking out from under the bush, various baths and drinking bowls for birds, bells and pendants, decorative lanterns - the choice depends only on your imagination. Flowers are, of course, a striking addition to the interior: flower pots, floor pots with dwarf conifers, pergolas and arches with climbing flowering plants.

At night, an atmosphere of comfort in the recreation area will help create all sorts of lamps and luminous stones.

Whatever option the owner of the site chooses, the main thing is that the design of the recreation area is organically combined with the landscape of the area and the house itself.

For some summer residents, a personal allotment of land is almost the only corner on the planet where you can isolate yourself from the bustle of the city and spend a weekend in nature. That is why one of the main objects in the country is a recreation area. Even if the site is small, it still allocates space for a gazebo or a canopy of the simplest design. And on a large area, entire complexes are being created, including barbecues, playgrounds and flower arrangements with ponds.

How to choose a place for a recreation area

Where to make a recreation area largely depends on the size and. But there are well-established principles, following which helps to find a suitable place for this.

What to consider when choosing a place to stay, 5 rules:

  1. Remoteness from the road will protect against the penetration of dust and noise;
  2. The presence of a canopy makes it possible to turn gray in the fresh air in inclement weather;
  3. Concealment from neighboring areas and the street guarantees an atmosphere of confidential, confidential environment;
  4. The lee side provides calm and comfort in windy weather;
  5. Convenient approaches allow you to quickly reach the resting place;
  6. Proximity to home allows you to quickly move things, dishes or products from the premises.

Analyzing the reviews of summer residents with experience, there are three possible options for locating a recreation area in the country: under a canopy in the yard, in the garden under the trees, and, most successfully, in the gap between the house and the garden. The convenience of the latter option is that on the one hand the site is protected by a wall, and on the other by trees. Dust does not enter here and street noise does not reach. Decorative vegetation is planted along the fence from the side of the neighboring site, which will also create a reliable, impenetrable curtain.

Important. Least of all suitable for leisure activities, since it borders on the street. If there are no other options, you need to isolate this part of the cottage, fencing it off with a blank fence and tall shrubs with a dense crown.

The principles of creating a recreation area

A large plot of land gives great opportunities to equip a recreation area for all occasions. Here you can distribute sites for various purposes throughout the territory (rest with friends, with family, with children, for solitude). And you can do the opposite: collect everything in one place, highlighting sub-zones for outdoor activities, feasts with a noisy company, children's games.

The site on a small plot of land is equipped with all the attributes necessary for recreation, as well as on a spacious plot. The only difference is that everything is very compact. On a modest area, a place for flower beds is being cut. Of course, you don’t need to completely abandon them, the type of flower garden is simply adjusted. Suitable low curbs, broken along the paths and fences. They use undersized varieties Tagetes, zinnias, lavaters, gazania. Shrubs with a lush crown are replaced by climbing plants such as morning glory, kobei and ornamental beans.

The playground for children is located near the resting place for adults, so that the kids are in the field of view of their parents. A soft base is created on the playground: sand is poured, a grassy lawn is arranged or artificial turf is laid. Depending on the age of the children, slides, sandboxes, swings, a small gazebo with benches are installed in the play area.

Varieties of recreation areas in the country

Officially, no one has yet classified vacation spots in summer cottages, but it is quite possible to make a conditional division. According to the design method, 5 types of recreation areas can be distinguished: a terrace, a patio, an open-type gazebo, a closed-type gazebo and a green room.


The open terrace is, as it were, part of the house, and at the same time is located outside it. On it, the air temperature is almost the same as on the street, so there is every reason to consider the terrace a place for outdoor recreation. Convenience lies in the proximity to the living quarters and the kitchen, so that dishes and other necessary items are always at hand.

The effect of being in nature is created by plants in flowerpots and hanging planters placed around the perimeter of the room. In order to complete the feeling of unity with nature, a garden with flower beds is laid out on the plot in front of the house. The composition can include a fountain, waterfall or pond. Having equipped the terrace under the dining room, you can enjoy being outdoors several times a day.


At its core, a patio is a patio near a residential building, adapted for relaxing over a cup of coffee or tea. Sometimes the patio is referred to as an open-air room, since not in all cases it is equipped with a canopy.

A small area of ​​a round or rectangular shape is laid out with paving slabs or poured with concrete, surrounded by lattice walls entwined with vines, and a classic-type patio is ready.

Elegant furniture is installed inside: a table, chairs, a chest of drawers for dishes. The walls can be replaced by sheer curtains: light cambric or tulle fabric is hung from the pergola beams.

To create a slight shading, the fabric can be stretched in the form of a dome. The scattered shadow cast by the fabric contributes to a pleasant, comfortable environment.

Open gazebo

The rating of the most ordinary gazebo always remains on top. This building is a platform fenced around the perimeter with a parapet height about 80 cm, and a roof fixed on vertical racks. The floor is laid slightly above the soil level so that the structure is not flooded with rainwater.

A table is set in the center of the gazebo, sometimes of a stationary type, and benches are located around it. The beauty of the structure is that it takes up little space, and it can be installed in any corner of the garden. Arbors come in different sizes and can accommodate up to 6 or more people.

Closed gazebo

If the summer cottage is also used in winter, it is better to build a closed gazebo, which is equipped with an entrance door and windows.

True, glazing should occupy most of the walls so that in the summer the doors can be opened and fresh air let in.

In addition to the barbecue (barbecue), a closed gazebo is equipped with a fireplace or a wood-burning stove so that it is comfortable to relax in it in winter. Naturally, in this case, good ventilation should be provided in the project.

green room

An innovation in the landscape design of summer cottages is green rooms. The recreation area is divided into several areas, which are separated from one another by walls of greenery, thin curtains or lattice pergolas entwined with vines.

If you need to create a completely enclosed secluded place, it is surrounded by an impenetrable tall green hedge of deciduous shrubs. (privet, barberry, mock orange) or coniferous trees ( juniper, thuja).

There can be one, two or more rooms (or bosquets), depending on the possibilities of the garden and the needs of its owners. Open-air premises are furnished with comfortable furniture, decorated with flower beds, garden figurines. If there are several such "rooms", each of them is equipped according to its intended purpose: a playroom for children, a family barbecue, a relaxation corner.

How to arrange a recreation area

A comfortable pastime in the country depends a lot on how comfortable garden furniture is. Usually, plastic, rattan, wooden or metal tables and chairs for the garden are used in the design of the recreation area. But there are also other pieces of furniture that give the atmosphere a special chic.

With a hammock

A hammock is quite an exclusive thing, although it is not an innovation in summer cottages. It can be hung on the terrace or in the gazebo and used as a complete piece of furniture along with armchairs and benches.

But the best option for using a hammock is to create a secluded place in a secluded corner of the garden. With this application, the hammock does not need a sophisticated setting, as the natural environment is the best environment for creating a romantic mood.

With a swing

Swings are used as an additional or main item in the design of the resting place. For example, when arranging a barbecue area, even the most capacious swing is not enough. Therefore, they are installed as an additional element to create a more relaxed atmosphere.

The swing can be placed on the spacious terrace, under the pergola or in the garden for privacy. Staying in nature will be even more pleasant if you put sofa cushions and cushions on the seat.

With sunbeds

If the recreation area is more intended for relaxation and recuperation, it is equipped with lying furniture. These are various sunbeds, trestle beds, couches and sofas. They allow you to completely relax, spend time reading or just take a nap, leaning back on soft pillows.

Advice. Plastic and wooden trestle beds and deck chairs are additionally equipped with fluffy blankets or mattresses. Their presence will make leisure more comfortable.

With grill and barbecue

It is impossible to be in nature and not cook meat on an open fire. For a barbecue or barbecue, a place is allocated not far from the covered area, so that the “cook” has the opportunity to communicate with the company without interrupting cooking.

Having a specially equipped hearth on the site, it is not necessary to cook delicious dishes every time. You can just fry sausages or boil water for tea.

It is permissible to arrange a place for cooking inside a closed gazebo, and then bad weather will not interfere with rest. It is only necessary to provide for the removal of smoke through the exhaust pipe and make good ventilation.

An interesting idea for a recreation area with a garden stove. The design in appearance resembles a Russian stove and is suitable for creating a rustic style in the country. It is laid out of brick or natural stone. In the lower part there is a place for storing firewood, coal, shovels and skins. In the central part there is a hearth with a chimney, and on the sides there are shelves for storing dishes. The stove can be built in an open area and in a spacious gazebo.

Recreation area design ideas

The aesthetic side in arranging a place to relax is no less important than the practical one. The design of the environment should be conducive to calm, cause a desire to relax and enjoy the pleasant scenery. How to fill the landscape will tell the terrain and the availability of free space.


The pool has a big plus - you can cool off in it in the summer heat. The space near the water itself and the recreation area are laid out with tiles that are non-slip when wet, and the entire adjacent territory is sown with a lawn.

A polycarbonate canopy over the water will create a greenhouse effect, and the water will retain heat longer. You can complement the atmosphere with a bar and several sun loungers and umbrellas.

Important. For safety reasons, the area around the pool should be well lit in the evening. For this, landscape sealed LED lamps are used.

Creating a recreation area with a pool is a good but expensive idea, so an artificial pond is often arranged instead.


On a hot day, it is much more pleasant to relax on the shore of a reservoir, even if it is not suitable for swimming. Coolness comes from the water, the air becomes fresher, and this is not the only reason to create an artificial pond in the country. A landscape with a pond always looks more interesting than without it, and vegetation planted near the water looks more lush and attractive due to the special microclimate.

You should not refuse a reservoir in the country because of the apparent complexity of its creation. If you do not have the courage to take on the project of a dynamic hydraulic structure (stream, waterfall, cascade), you can create a small static pond.

It is easy to build from a suitable container: an old bathtub, a plastic tank, a wide basin. The vessel is dug into the ground, covered with a dense film and filled with water. The edges of the film are masked with stones, pebbles, sand or gravel, and vegetation inherent in natural reservoirs is planted around.


A mesh filled with stones is not a new, but still rare, way of landscaping a garden. Gabions are a solid wall, impervious to wind, noise, dust and prying eyes, completely isolating the resting place. As a rule, they are mounted in areas with elevation changes as retaining walls. But a cozy corner with gabions can also be made on a flat area, enclosing a resting place with them on one or two sides.

Advice. In a landscape with gabions, flower beds should definitely be used. Otherwise, the composition will turn out to be somewhat gloomy.

Additional details

Small, sometimes unexpected details give color to the recreation area. They often do not carry a practical load, but help create a picturesque, unique landscape. Flower beds in pieces of furniture have become a fashionable element of the landscape.

Look very cute daisies or viola, peeking out of the chest of drawers, or a petunia planted on the bed in the form of a bedspread.

Old rubber boots, teapots, punctured cups adapt to flower vases - they are hung on trees, placed on the porch of the gazebo, simply placed in a flower bed.

Thematic garden figurines are always in place. For example, frogs, fish, waterfowl look interesting on the shore of the pond.

Other animals can also find a place in the garden, near the benches, in flower beds.

Not to mention solar-powered garden lights. They are used where there is no possibility to conduct electric light. Lanterns are stuck into the ground along the paths and around the resting place, and illuminate the area as soon as dusk falls. Thanks to them, you can navigate well in the garden at night, sitting up late for a conversation.

How to do it yourself

Pallet garden furniture

After the construction of a country house, materials always remain: bricks, building blocks, timber, boards, and so on. They can be used in creating a place to relax with a pergola (canopy). Brick is used to create garden paths, retaining walls, raised flower beds, and lumber is useful in building a simple tent.

How to make a canopy:

  • Wooden poles or bars at least 10 cm dig in at the corners of the marked area;
  • The space between the supports is leveled, covered with rubble and poured with concrete. Instead of a concrete base, you can make a wooden flooring on the logs;
  • The pillars are connected along the top by transverse beams, on which the crate is mounted;
  • A roof is laid from boards, polycarbonate, or a fabric awning is stretched;
  • For the stability of the canopy, the supports are additionally interconnected in the middle places, but not from all sides: a passage is left on the most convenient side for using the canopy.

Unpretentious at first glance, the building can be easily turned into a cozy corner. Furniture is installed inside: a table, chairs, benches. They can be made from improvised materials, or you can buy finished products.

Climbing perennials are planted along the perimeter of the hut. Of course you can plant parthenocissus, but it is too often used for landscaping such places, and, besides, it gives a lot of growth. It is better to use something more exotic, for example, kampsis, actinidia, evergreen ivy.

Each owner of the house, over time, thinks about ennobling a comfortable area for relaxing on his site. What could be more beautiful than relaxing, or eating in the air, and even more so, on your own, comfortably equipped territory?! Of course, if the area near the house is very small, you can organize flower beds or flower beds on it, put a barbecue or the same outdoor version of the fireplace. Well, if you have quite a lot of space, what's the point of limiting and infringing on yourself in something?! Indeed, in this case, the recreation area of ​​the courtyard of a private house can be equipped with everything necessary for maximum convenience and comfort.

Here you can view a selection of photos of a recreation area in the yard with a non-trivial approach to the most ordinary elements of your landscape, industrial motifs, original and unusual combination of materials, as well as a lot of greenery, which together allows you to create a comfortable stay in your own yard. It is about this option for arranging a recreation area that we will tell you in more detail.

One of the options ... how to arrange a recreation area in the yard

You can equip a platform made of wood, on which you will go from the back door of the house. And in its lowland, organize a soft zone equipped with a canopy that protects you from the sun on hot, sultry days, as well as from rain in bad weather. The entire hanging area can be ennobled with soft sofas, in which you can remove the backs and seats. This version of furniture is quite practical, since it will still be in outdoor conditions, which means it will get dirty much faster than household items.

On one side, a recreation area can be fenced off by a fairly high brick fence. On the other hand, the fence is made of concrete slabs, which hide the chimney of an outdoor fireplace and also serve as a backdrop for images from the projector. Having such vertical planes on your site, the main structure of your canopy will rely on it. In turn, the structure is made of metal and wooden materials covered with polycarbonate.

High walls - fences allow you to create shade on hot summer days. But, despite this, in the recreation area it is still required to organize the backlight.

Illumination can be arranged in a wide variety of modifications. For example, large spotlights can be attached to the beams, and local lighting from the "18 Watts" wholesale store can be arranged in the fireplace area.

Spotlights, which you fix on metal channels, can be deployed at all, in different directions. Thus, you will create a unique atmosphere!

Arrange switches at the entrance to the recreation area. Near them there should be a socket in case of need to connect any electrical appliances.

With a projector pointed at a concrete wall, you can have a get-together like in a home theater, but also in the fresh air! It will be comfortable for a large family and a large group of friends.

The table can be organized by placing 3 construction pallets. And to soften industrialism, plant flowers and plants near the brick fence, this will “soften” the situation and bring a feeling of unprecedented “naturalness”.

Lighting can be arranged under the wooden platform so that you can safely and safely move around the site at night.

Plants for plantings use different ones, which will have different heights, seasonality and a lot or year-round flowering. In combination with a mound of stones, the landscape design of your site will be cozy and harmonious.

Dacha is not only beds with vegetables, but also outdoor recreation. Where, if not here, you can relax after a week of work, spend time with your family outside the bustle of the city, organize a picnic with friends. In order for leisure to be as comfortable as possible, the recreation area needs to be properly equipped - choose the right place, think over the design, choose the design. There are many interesting ideas on how to make an open area in the country. The main thing is to be patient and inspired.

Placement options for recreation areas

Depending on the preferences, number and age of family members, the "relaxation corner" can be located:

  • in a completely open space;
  • under a canopy;
  • at the walls of the house;
  • near the tree;
  • near the reservoir.

For quiet family gatherings and meals, daytime walks with children, the area near the back wall of the house is best suited. If there is an emergency door there, this will be an additional bonus - it will be possible to quickly take out and bring in dishes, food, toys, furniture. It is advisable to move the site for noisy parties with friends away from home so as not to disturb other family members in the late evening.

Comfortable and stylish area with a fireplace

An ideal place for romantic "tete-a-tete" will be a secluded cozy corner under a beautiful tree. It is advisable to equip an open area at the dacha of an elderly couple at the main entrance.

As for the “scale” of the recreation area, there are no restrictions on this issue. You can either modestly ennoble a small area of ​​​​the territory, or create a multi-level platform with a fountain, pergola, swings and other “decorations”.

Recreation area for a large company

The main types of open areas for a personal plot

Which postcard platform for a summer residence or a country house to choose depends on the lifestyle of the owners and their preferences regarding relaxation.

Beach type recreation area

If you plan to actively sunbathe on your site, a la beach area can be arranged right in the middle of the lawn. It is better to choose a place for a relaxation zone from the back of the house - away from possible street noise and ubiquitous prying eyes. It is desirable to design the base of the site according to the type of podium in order to avoid stagnation of rainwater on it. As a flooring, it is recommended to choose a terraced board or stone.

To “furnish” the country mini-beach, sun loungers, mobile sun umbrellas, a small table, and benches are used. A swimming pool, fountain or artificial pond will perfectly complement the summer atmosphere.

Cozy seating area with sun loungers

Territory for active leisure

Fans of outdoor activities will surely like the idea of ​​arranging an outdoor sports ground. Under it, you should take the most flat area of ​​\u200b\u200byour possessions away from windows and flower beds. Since the selected area will be subject to active trampling, it must be sown with special “wear-resistant” grass mixtures or sports rolled turf should be laid.

The size of the sports ground is determined by the type of activity:

  • basketball will need about 50 square meters. m;
  • for tennis or football - at least 60 sq. m;
  • for mini-volleyball - 40 sq. m;
  • outdoor exercise equipment or horizontal bars can be freely marked on 30 sq. m.

Using mobile equipment for sports and installing it just before the game, you can make your active leisure time diverse.

Sports ground for outdoor activities in the country

Cozy room under the tree

The easiest way to create a cozy outdoor seating area is to create space under a large spreading tree. The foundation of such an open area is desirable to make as close as possible to natural motifs. An excellent solution would be its paving with wooden cuts.

The choice of furniture for a place of rest depends on its purpose: if it is possible to receive guests here, a table and comfortable chairs are required. For a sweet afternoon nap, a hammock comes in handy. Reading books or working on a laptop will be comfortable on a cozy bench with a couple of pillows.

The trunk bench is ideal for relaxing in the summer heat.

Observation deck on site

If your country house has a powerful enough tree, a recreation area can be arranged not only under it, but also on it. Even a relatively young tree will do if the piles and not the trunk itself serve as the support for the structure. How to make an open observation deck in the country:

  1. Mark the position of the corner posts.
  2. Saw off the posts, taking into account the desired height of the structure, and concrete them.
  3. Connect the railing to the posts (top trim).
  4. Make a horizontal strapping at the level of the future floor.
  5. Attach the lags to the bottom harness.
  6. Install the floor and walls. You can use chipboard for outdoor work.

A platform on a tree will look original if you style it like a fortress tower or a ship deck.

Viewpoint on a tree - a cozy refuge for contemplating the beauty of nature

Patio area and its features

Patio - an open-air room - an ideal place for organizing family holidays, receiving guests, solitude with your favorite book in the warm season. Traditionally, such a platform is located at the back wall of the house, if the walls of outbuildings or a fence are adjacent to it in a U- or L-shape.

But this is optional. You can arrange a patio in any convenient place, the main thing is to stick to the main idea - to create an atmosphere of maximum security. Trees, shrubs, flower beds, hedges, etc. will help in this. An abundance of decorative elements is inherent in the patio:

  • fountains;
  • mini waterfalls;
  • alpine slides;
  • statues.

An abundance of greenery and flowers always decorates the patio.

The design of such a site is chosen in accordance with the possibilities of the territory and the preferences of family members. Spacious country patios are equipped with all the necessary attributes of a pleasant feast:

  • large table;
  • comfortable chairs;
  • canopy;
  • fireplace;
  • barbecue.

The perfect solution would be to install in the pool patio area. In combination with a juicy green-floral design, you get a real paradise.

Creating a recreation area with your own hands

An outdoor area in the country should be not only beautiful, but also practical. We must not lose sight of the importance of technical issues, in particular, the competent choice of materials for paving.

Which base material to choose

It is better to refuse bulk materials (sand, expanded clay, gravel). They complicate the cleaning of the territory, make light portable furniture unstable. Best suited for paving a recreation area:

  • a natural stone;
  • paving slabs;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • clinker brick;
  • concrete plates.

Wooden flooring is also very popular. But remember: wood must be treated with antiseptics.

The wooden base of the playground looks great

The site of the territory selected for the open area is freed from sod, deepening by 15-20 cm. The surface is leveled, tamped and treated with a herbicide that prevents the germination of weeds. The area is filled with a layer of rubble and sand. Then the selected base material is laid and (if necessary) the curb is installed.

Water drainage from the territory

So that the water on the site does not stagnate, the base must be made with a slope in one or two directions. If the paving is made of uneven and / or small elements, the slope should be at least 2 cm per 1 m. For smooth coatings, 1 cm per 1 m is sufficient.

The drainage itself can be made open at the edges of the site or underground. In both cases, it is necessary to provide for the drainage of water into a drainage well. Open drainage elements should be selected in accordance with the general style of the recreation area.

Arrangement and decoration of space

To make an outdoor area for leisure as comfortable as possible, it needs to be properly and beautifully furnished. Furniture should be comfortable; if you like gatherings in a large circle, it is very important to calculate a sufficient number of seats. An excellent choice would be a wooden or glass table with garden chairs and sofas. You can also purchase several rocking chairs, deck chairs, a decorative bench.

Minimalist outdoor area

Arched canopies, richly entwined with flowers and greenery, will add special charm and airiness to the open-air area. A fireplace or barbecue will make a truly warm and “completed” recreation area. To add a special chic and color to the courtyard will give its design in a certain style - romantic, fabulous, classic, national, exotic. Figurines, vases, souvenirs, textile decorations will help in this.

Children's leisure in the country

Equipping a recreation area, do not forget about the children. A small play space will allow them not to get bored during family gatherings. Be sure to provide a swing. The place for its installation should be chosen taking into account the swing amplitude. The easiest option is a rope swing mounted on a strong tree branch.

You can also install a sandbox. A huge selection of models will allow you to successfully fit the product into the overall design of the recreation area. The most convenient plastic sandboxes - they are safe, durable, easy to clean. Light weight and modular design allows you to remove them to the barn at any time.

Swing in the garden - a joy for children and adults

Stylish and fast platform from pallets: a master class

An excellent do-it-yourself outdoor area can be made from euro pallets - a simple and cheap material that has a wide design potential. To create a recreation area you will need:

  • about 50 pallets (size 100×120 cm and 80×120 cm);
  • angle grinder;
  • sandpaper;
  • dye;
  • roller

Treat all euro pallets with a grinder and sandpaper. Using a roller, paint them in the desired color (it is better to choose light shades). It is advisable to use garden fleece as the basis for the site: this material will not allow rainwater to accumulate. When the pallets are dry, line the floor with them.

Laying painted pallets on the base

Then install and fix the pallets intended for the side walls and backrest. Create seating and a table of the right size. To create coziness on the site, decorate it with bright accessories, lay out multi-colored pillows on the “improvised sofa”. Garlands, candles in original candlesticks, lanterns will create a special atmosphere.

Appearance finished site

As you can see, a cozy corner of relaxation in your country house or in the country can be arranged even with a minimum of waste. You just need to turn on your imagination and not be afraid of bold ideas. After all, the "paradise", created with trepidation by one's own hands, will certainly become a favorite place for the whole family to spend their leisure time!