When is the best time to go to Finland? Weather in Finland: when is the best time to go to rest When is the best time to relax in Finland

The question of when is the best time to go to Finland does not have an unambiguous answer. Of course, Finland has a definitely high tourist season. This is summer, moreover July and early August, when it is warmest here. And of course it's winter and Christmas. Many people want to celebrate the New Year in the homeland of Santa Claus. The low season in Finland generally occurs in November and March-April.

At this time, it was cold and cold here, strong winds blow, which are not very comfortable even for winter activities. If you are deciding when to fly to Finland, decide on a vacation, and decide for yourself what you want more - to see the northern lights, white nights or get to know Joulupukki. TRIPMYDREAM will help you determine when is the best time to relax in Finland, the main thing is to choose the season and the direction of your vacation.

Holidays in Finland in winter

The weather in Finland in winter meets all the expectations of a winter fairy tale. In the north of the country, beyond the Arctic Circle, the thickness of the snow cover reaches 40 centimeters. There is a little less snow in the center and in the south, but you are always guaranteed 10-15 centimeters of snow for skiing. Winter landscapes, freezing lakes and never freezing springs - all this awaits you from late autumn to early spring.

And, of course, the magical northern lights beckon guests from all over the world. The world-famous village of Santa Claus, or rather, the Finnish Santa Claus, Joulupukki, is located in Rovaniemi. In winter, you can visit the Arctic Zoo Ranua, or the husky farm in Vuokatti, or the theme park town of Sloland near Rovaniemi. Ski centers throughout the country, even though there are no high mountains, are open all winter. Visit Luosto or Levi.

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Holidays in Finland in spring

The weather in Finland is damp and cold in spring. In March, snow begins to gradually melt off the coast and in the southwest of the archipelago. During the day, the weather is often clear with a weak wind, but on cold nights the water freezes, forming ice in the morning. In April, the thermometer shows + 7 ° C, and the snow is finally melting on the coast. In May, it is observed up to + 15 ° C, in the southern and central regions young grass breaks through the frozen ground.

The sun is gradually returning to the north, rising higher and higher, the days are getting warmer. But even now, sharp cold snaps are possible, even at the end of May. In some years in Lapland, air temperatures were recorded as low as -30 ° C in March, in April and up to -20 ° C. At the end of May, thawed patches cover the forest regions and the northern territories of the country. This is a good time for excursions to major cities like Helsinki or Turku. But in general, spring in this country is considered a low season.

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Holidays in Finland in the summer

The weather in Finland is moderately warm in summer. During the day, the air temperature ranges from + 19 ° C to + 21 ° C. July is warmer than other summer months. The southeast of the country has the highest average daily air temperatures, here they are 3 ° C higher. Tropical winds from the Atlantic penetrate here, which raise the temperature up to + 30 ° C. The coastal southwestern part of the country is considered the sunniest region in all of Northern Europe.

Daylight hours during the "white nights" in the Arctic Circle lasts 20 hours a day for 73 days. In the south, it is much darker at night, the level of illumination at this time resembles twilight. The early summer is rather dry; in July and August, the season of heavy rains and thunderstorms begins.

Summer is considered a time for excursions, walks and exploration of this country. Visit Lemmenjoki National Park near Inari, a conservation area in the Finnish province of Lapland. Excursions to Petyavesi are interesting for lovers of antiquity. Turku, Imatra, Helsinki are waiting for you. Visit the Moomin Valley in Tampere You can also go fishing and hunting on the Åland Islands.

Choose the best travel time to Finland easy - the main thing is to know its main purpose and the region where it is planned to go. The country itself is very diverse in climate and nature, sometimes you want to travel around as many places as possible and see as many beauties as possible during a trip.


If you take in the general concept of travel in Finland, then the time from May to September is considered the most favorable for these purposes. Firstly, it was during this period that the country had consistently warm and dry weather conditions. The further you go to the north of the country, the longer the daylight hours will be there.

May-September is ideal for:
- fishing;
- rafting on boats, kayaks;
- walking tours;
- visiting all sights, historical places;
- classic relaxation in the bosom of nature.

By the way, most of the museum complexes, camping sites, tourist centers and beaches are open exclusively in the summer. Also in the summer you can take part in various cultural events, sports competitions and folklore festivals.
And most importantly - on June and July days in the north Finland an incredibly beautiful and picturesque phenomenon begins - the Polar Day!
The only BUT: in summer, long drizzling rains with a dense curtain of clouds are not excluded. Some areas of the country are seriously flooded, which precludes normal movement on them. But even with this significant drawback, good roads and the highest level of service fully compensate for everything.


Finland- the country of snowboarding, biathlon, cross-country skiing and everything that may be connected with this. But you can also ski in Transcarpathia, in Italy, Poland and other European countries, but to celebrate the New Year in an authentic family way, surrounded by a fairy-tale forest, living in a wooden hut, around which deer stroll slowly - this is only in Finland!
Where, if not in Finland, you can go ice skating, wooden sledges not on an artificially flooded ice rink, but on a frozen lake, where under a thick layer of ice you can see the beauty of the underwater world.
Where else but in Finland can you admire the clock of the Northern Lights?
Only in this country you will be offered to take a steam bath in a real Finnish sauna!
The ideal Finnish winter begins exactly at the end of November and lasts until the first days of March. Moreover, in the south of the country it is damp, cool, drizzling rains are replaced by sleet. And here is the north Finland during this period - just a fairy tale! During the above seasons, the average daily temperature in the northern Finnish regions almost never falls below minus 12 degrees Celsius. The weather is mostly sunny during the day and snowfall at night.
The only drawback of the north in winter is the very short daylight hours. It gets dark already at three o'clock in the afternoon. But this is not critical - on average in Moscow in December it gets dark around four o'clock in the afternoon. The Finns are thoughtful people and respectful of the resting locals and guests - every sports ground, track, footpath has impeccable lighting, therefore, in the evening there should not be any discomfort in this regard.
The very north Finland- this is the coldest. But Russians, accustomed to extremely low winter temperatures, are not afraid of this fact. At the latitude of Rovaniemi, for example, thermometer readings fall below zero in October, and daylight hours from October last only four hours. The average daily temperature is minus eight degrees, but this can hardly stop those who want to enjoy the incredible beauty of nature, completely immerse themselves in the world of skiing. And the northern regions of Finland are just conducive to sledding, reindeer sledding, organizing skiing, watching the wonderful, beautiful, fabulous northern lights (in September, October, February, March).
The very peak of the season for skiing in Finland- the end of the calendar winter months - long daylight hours, warm, clear, sunny weather.
Many will be interested in why exactly during this period the demand for alpine skiing is increasing? Are people so attracted to sunny weather and comfortable temperatures? No, the reason is slightly different. From the end of February to the middle of March, the "ski holidays" begin in Finland. This period coincides not only with the winter holidays for schoolchildren and students, but also with the vacation period of most Finns. Many simply go on vacation with whole companies, going to the ski slopes with their families, working collectives.
Therefore, if you want free skiing on the slopes, the choice of rooms in hotels and a minimum of people - this is definitely not for February-March! The hotels will be overcrowded, the ski slopes will not be crowded. If, well, you really want to get to Finland during this period, then you should take care of the advance booking of hotel accommodation (three to four months in advance), train or plane tickets, ski passes.
The same "ski" excitement is typical in the pre-Christmas days, which should also be taken into account when organizing recreation in this country.

Ski resorts in Finland

Generally call Finland ideal in terms of ski entertainment is difficult - despite the perfect condition of all the slopes, they do not differ in some interesting routes, steep slopes and incredible slopes. But if it is only planned to start skiing for the first time, then the Finnish ski resorts are just right.
All rental equipment is brand new. That is why you do not need to worry about the quality of the services provided and the service in general. The ski season starts from November 10th and lasts until May 5th. Ski-pass fees for a period of five days will vary from eighty to one hundred euros.

In the northern part of the country there are Kuusamo Ruka, the resorts of Pyhä, Vuakatti, Levi, Saariselkä and others.
In the southern part - the resorts of Messilä, Ellivuori, Kalpalinna.
In the central part of the country - Tahko, Himos, Koli and others.

In what months is it better to give up a trip to Finland altogether?

Starting from the fifteenth of October to the twentieth of November, as well as from the tenth of April and up to the beginning of May, the country, regardless of its region, is very cold, damp and uncomfortable during this period. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to organize a trip to Finland in other months, it is best to consider this option.

Despite the relatively high cost, in 2020 most of our compatriots bought Christmas tours. In the period from February to March, the ski resorts of Iso-Syute, Himos, Tahko are steadily popular.

Fishermen, walkers and nature enthusiasts believe that summer is the best time to travel to Finland in 2020. This is evidenced by the statistics of renting cottages.

Winter's tale

The richest, although not cheap, rest in winter, especially tours to Finland for the New Year. It should be noted that on December 24-26, all institutions and shops, except for grocery ones, are closed. All comers are welcomed by the village where Joulupukki (local Santa Claus) lives, located near Rovaniemi. In fact, this magical village is an amusement and amusement park.

St. Valentine and February 23 give the opportunity to see the Northern Lights. Reindeer and dog sledding, ice hotel rooms, Arctic fauna at Ranua Zoo are available until mid-April. Extreme lovers will love ice diving.

Saariselkä and Levi are ski resorts that are ideal for spending the Christmas holiday season in Finland. And the prices here are lower than in Rovaniemi.

Spring North

The first half of spring is dominated by cold weather, all ski and snowboard trails work. You should know that:

  • On March 8, polar flashes still often appear in the sky;
  • April frees the land from snow, reindeer walks end;
  • May holidays are best spent at spa resorts.

In the spring, it is worth visiting here for those who want to save a little or go on vacation to Finland for excursion purposes.

Summer holidays

Families should come here in the summer on vacation with children for health improvement. High ecological indicators are provided by winds from the Arctic and Atlantic oceans. The purest water of the lakes is collected from the melted arctic snow.

Having rented a cottage, vacationers buy the purest rural products. At the same time, you can see the life of the European hinterland. Children will enjoy the Moomin Park, water activities, and deer walking freely along the forest edges.

July-August is the best time when it is better to go to Finland for tourists who want to combine outdoor recreation with a cultural program.

Autumn travel

It is advisable to devote September-October to excursions. Autumn is a low holiday season in Finland. Services of guides, hotels, restaurants and other establishments are significantly cheaper, which makes the trip attractive from an economic point of view.

In Helsinki, Turku, Espoo, Vantaa, tourists will be offered inexpensively to visit theaters, museums, exhibition halls. Interesting bus trips around the country, introducing the ancient settlements, temples of the pagan gods of Scandinavia.

From the end of October, it gets significantly colder, and the November holidays can already be celebrated at the ski resorts. The second half of November is the time when it is better to go to this country for inexpensive ski and educational tourism.

Finland Russians have long ceased to be associated with “ northern dachas"Petersburgers. Today it is one of the most visited countries in Scandinavia with a stable tourist flow throughout the whole year. First of all, people go to Suomi for magic New Year's Eve in the company of a genuine Santa Claus, for the unique beauty of the winter nature of the Arctic, as well as for rest in quite democratic ski resorts. Contrary to popular stereotype that Finland is a country of exclusively winter destinations, we hasten to reassure you of this: summer vacations here are no less popular and exciting. In addition to exploring numerous attractions, which are several centuries old, tourists are attracted by good fishing, sea Cruises, rafting on river rapids, water wellness centers with a "tropical" climate, as well as numerous international festivals.

Finland is beautiful. Despite the very harsh climate, this Scandinavian country can be called an almost ideal place to live and relax. When to go to Finland is not an easy question, because each of the four seasons here is remarkable in its own way.

Tourist the Finnish market is experiencing essential rise twice a year: in winter and in the summer. During this period, the country has been visited by about 2 million Russians, who occupy a leading position among tourists in the Finnish direction. Many believe that the climate of this country is very similar to the climate of Russia, but in the meantime, many of our compatriots go to spend winter vacation exactly to Finland. What is its attraction? Well, firstly, the well-known fact of living in Lapland of the very real Santa Claus does not leave indifferent not only children, but also adults. After all, deep down absolutely everyone wants to believe in a kind fairy tale full of miracles.

Scandinavian autumn is distinguished by its bright colors, when everything around is buried in the golden and crimson colors of autumn leaves. The main summer "inconvenience" disappears - mosquitoes, picturesque views are pleasing to the eye, so if a calm, measured rest against the backdrop of beautiful landscapes is among your priorities - welcome to Finland in autumn!

Second, take a steam bath noisy company in a hot finnish surrounded on all sides by a dense winter forest, and admire the world's most spectacular natural phenomenon, the radiance of the "Aurora Borealis" - incomparable pleasure... And, thirdly, the meeting of the New Year can be combined with a vacation at ski resorts. As for the summer, this is the "hot season" of rest in ecologically clean regions of the country - in the bosom of virgin nature among crystal lakes and "mushroom forests". And the most important thing. Accommodation prices in the high season rise by 20% -40%, in addition, some cottages (very popular as accommodation facilities) are rented for a period of 1 week or more. Usually, booking possibly strictly from Saturday, less often from friday.

V Finland, in addition to the ancient cities, huge farm areas and delightful national parks, there are many other attractions. For example, thematic park-island Moomin, home of Santa Claus in Rovaniemi, the Arctic zoo "Ranua", located nearby, and the Museum of the Northern Shining to Pokhiyan-Kruunu. Best time for exploring the cultural heritage of Finnish cities, it is late spring and early autumn. Summer can also be taken into account, but heavy rainfall occurs during this period. A trip to Lapland should be planned for the winter. True, in pre-holiday period there are a lot of people, but for the sake of non-transferable the feeling of magic and fairy tale that covers you already from the first minutes of staying in the "holy of holies" of Santa Claus, you can easily close your eyes to this.

A special piquancy color Finland gives what quarter its territory is located in the Arctic Circle, where the sun does not rise above the horizon in a certain part of the year. Here, about 200 times a year, a beautiful sight is observed - the northern lights. The so-called "season" of this natural the phenomenon lasts from August to April. But the greatest probability to contemplate it - in clear weather from October to March. There are a few ways watching the northern lights, but one of the most romantic is the glass igloo hotel in Lapland. by the way, according to Japanese beliefs, children conceived at the moment glow polar lights, will have a happy destiny.

Spring is very short here, but very bright and colorful. Nature seems to come to life in one day, everything is filled with life and light. Fresh wind, smell of earth, first flowers - spring Finland is so gentle in contrast to the harsh winter!

Finland famous for by their balneological resorts or, as they are here yet are called water and wellness centers. Some are located at ski stations, others along the edge of the sea or on the shores of natural reservoirs, and others in urban green areas. Here you will be helped to relieve stress, lose weight, rejuvenate, get a powerful boost of vivacity on the whole the next year, and also cure some chronic diseases. On health improvement you can come at any time of the year, but if you have the time, it is best to plan this kind of vacation for late spring, summer and the first half of autumn, when the weather is pretty favorable.

V Finland can be purchased stylish and quality clothing, as well as good quality household goods. Twice a year, as in any European country, grandiose sales are held here. The most generous are post-Christmas, starting from December 27. During this time, discounts can be up to 70%. Summer they start at the end of June and coincide with the Johannus holiday. This is a great opportunity not only to update your wardrobe, but also to purchase at affordable prices. jewelery decorations, all kinds souvenirs and ceramics.

In the summer Finland the weather is moderately warm, during the day the air temperature ranges from +19 ° C to +21 ° C, and July is the “hottest” month of the year. In the south east country celebrated the highest average daily air temperatures are generally 3 ° C higher, although sometimes tropical winds from the Atlantic penetrate here, which lead to an increase in the thermometer to +30 ° C. Coastal Southwest country considered the sunniest area in all of Northern Europe. Light a day in the period of "white nights" in the Arctic Circle lasts for throughout 20 hours a day for 73 days. In the south, it is much darker at night, the level of illumination at this time resembles twilight. It is rather dry in early summer, but in July and August comes the season of heavy rains, often accompanied by thunderstorms.

Calendar winter comes in Finland already with subzero temperatures. V january and February in Southern Lapland, in Rovaniemi, the air temperature ranges from -14 ° C to -20 ° C. On the coast of the southern and western parts of the country, as well as in Helsinki, these figures are slightly higher - from -3 ° C to -10 ° C. Here, as a rule, it snows only on Christmas, and even then in much smaller volumes. For comparison: height snowy cover in the south - from 10 to 30 cm, in Lapland - from 60 to 100 cm. In the northernmost part of the country, in Utsjoki, the "polar night" reigns in winter. The sun does not rise over horizon within 1.5 months, it should be expected no earlier than mid-January. And until that moment, street lamps “work” instead. But the inhabitants Arctic can admire the mesmerizing spectacle - "Aurora Borealis". At the latitude of Rovaniemi, it lasts only two days, in the days of winter solstice... In southern Finland, you can occasionally observe its echoes, here daylight hours lasts about 6 hours a day.