What a tourist needs to know about countries. Tips and rules for beginner tourists. Hotels in Heihe

One of the most famous Chinese cities among the Far East is Heihe. This border town is a favorite shopping destination for the residents of Blagoveshchensk. Such love is explained by the fact that the cities are separated only by a river crossing across the Amur, the length of which is 800 meters. It is very easy for the Annunciation and guests of the city to be abroad. Heihe is located in the visa-free free trade zone between Russia and China.

Relax on the weekend, renew your wardrobe or celebrate a family holiday - for such purposes, they usually go to this border town. Buying a fur coat in Heihe has become the norm among residents of the Russian borderlands.

The most difficult thing is to go through the border post, since there are many who want to, do not forget the scurrying shuttles, which the border guards let through in the first place. Port dues must be paid for passing through the Chinese customs from 45 yuan and customs duty in the amount of 50 yuan, currency can be exchanged there, but our wooden ones are also accepted.

For those who travel to China for the first time, it is worth enlisting the support of already experienced tourists, since in Heihe itself everyone is trying to get for their services and goods several times more than they really can cost.

Hotels in Heihe

Do not be afraid not to book your hotel rooms in advance. There are more establishments offering accommodation than the intended guests. You can find the best combination of price and quality. It is better to immediately stipulate in detail what is included in the price, so that unpleasant and unexpected excesses do not come out. Do not forget that in this city you can bargain everywhere, including in a hotel or hostel. For a relatively inexpensive fee of 150 yuan in a small hotel, you can get a comfortable small room, even with a computer and Internet access. For very budget tourists, there are hostels where for 15-20 yuan a bed in a room for several guests is provided. As they say for every taste and wallet.

Transport in the city

As soon as you go through customs and the city begins, you immediately find yourself surrounded by taxi drivers. It is worth bargaining with them and immediately clearly stipulate the cost, and otherwise you can overpay the place of travel many times and not get where you wanted. Every second driver offers the services of a personal guide and an interpreter for a certain commission, but it is still easier to move around the city unaccompanied, since these dubious services are not worth it. But otherwise, sometimes you come across more honest and respectable taxi drivers who can help and not out of a desire for net profit and easy money. You can ask your friends in advance and ask for the contact details of "verified" people.

It is difficult to move around the city on foot, as traffic is somewhat chaotic and does not lend itself to well-known traffic rules. Despite this, it is difficult to see cars on the streets after an accident, probably the drivers know how to masterfully operate equipment.

Attractions and entertainment

Despite the fact that Heihe is usually considered mainly a trading city, there is where to go and what to see.

Amusement park

For tourists who escaped for the weekend in Heihe with children, please General Vansu's park, famous for its attractions for every taste. The ferris wheel and roller coaster are great options for a family vacation or a date. There is also a mini-zoo in the park, which is also open to visitors.

Russian-Chinese park of national traditions

This amazing place is located 20 minutes drive to the lower reaches of the Amur. It is remarkable for several reasons. This park presents the dwellings and history of the peoples of northern China, those who lived even before the first Russian settlers came to the other side of the Amur. A little history of the Evenks, Manchus, Nanai, the park presents excellent reconstructions. The "Russian Ancient" was built in the same park. By and large, there is little in common with real villages that are in our homeland. Initially, this "attraction" was designed as a set for the Chinese version of the well-known Soviet film "The Dawns Here Are Quiet." The creators of the television series turned out to be enterprising and fake huts became a favorite place for Chinese tourists. And for compatriots, it is almost like a part of the homeland. The entrance to the "Russian village" is free, which makes visiting it even more pleasant. The path from the "village" leads to Russian style street, on which lovely brick houses and an Orthodox church are built. The most successful time of the year to visit the national park is summer - and walk around the objects, take photos, explore, and a bunch of street cafes will delight tourists who have worked up an appetite during a walk with delicious inexpensive food.


After a long day of shopping, it is such a pleasure to take a walk along the promenade. The lights of the city at night, reflecting off the water, turn the surrounding landscape into a magical place. On the embankment in the summer, there are street cafes with pleasant music and dancing. And it is so interesting to look at a familiar Russian city from the coast of another state.

For adults and fun companies in the Black River city (this is a translation from the Chinese Heihe) there are bars, restaurants, karaoke clubs and much more. At almost every intersection, you can find something that you might like. Almost the entire infrastructure is tied to the tourism and entertainment business, so you can find a suitable institution for every taste.


In Heihe, you can buy almost anything. But at the same time, you must skillfully bargain so that the allocated budget is enough for the entire shopping list. You can start shopping from the border post itself on the Chinese side, in the building itself there are shops with clothes and souvenirs.

The most famous place for shopping among our compatriots is the island Big Heihe. Any taxi driver will take you to this place. Here you can buy any product for a relatively low price: from electronics to a winter coat made of elite fur. How much you spend and buy depends only on your bargaining ability.

Morning market

If you go shopping for a few days the next day early in the morning, you can go to the morning market, which opens at 5 am local time. You can buy everything on it. Larks can often find a good product for a lower price than if they went to the mall at lunchtime. The most remarkable thing is that the market actually looks more like a spontaneous one and opens right on one of the streets, on Kultury Street. The market closes quite early after 9 am. And the street again becomes an ordinary busy avenue.

Pedestrianized street

Heihe has a kind of local Arbat - Pedestrian Street. It houses small shops, branded boutiques and cafes. Everything that was sold a couple of hours earlier in the Morning Market can be found on Arbat, but perhaps at an overpriced price. When buying food, you should pay attention to the fact that prices are called for half a kilogram, and not as we are used to for a whole kilogram. After passing almost the entire street, you will find yourself at a fork in other streets, there, like in a fairy tale, only there is no signpost. On one side, seeds, sesame oil, on the other, homemade chemicals and perfumes. And in the third, ready-made food and all this mixed with clothing stores.

Food in Heihe

In Heihe, the question often arises of where to go for lunch, and not because there are few places, but quite the opposite because of a large selection. In hotels, which travel agencies choose, they usually only provide breakfasts, and they dine somewhere on the way between shopping trips. If you want to taste real Chinese food, then you should move a little away from the city center and go to a cafe where locals usually eat. But it is better to do this before or after lunch, which is not entirely "impressed" by the local flavor, since the culture of behavior at the table in our country and in China is different. The names of cafes and restaurants aimed at Russian tourists usually have Russian names in their names, for example, “At Lena's”, “At Natasha's”, “Putin”.


One of the famous places among fellow citizens is the Lena cafe. Reviews of the cafe among visitors are polar, but it's worth a try. The prices are not big, but the portions, on the contrary, are designed for the appetite of several adult men. The waiters understand Russian and do not annoy the guests too much. If you come not at lunchtime, but for example closer to dinner, then they can make a present in the form of a free cut and a discount coupon for the next time. In the cafe, you should definitely try Peking duck. Locals say that you cannot visit China and eat Peking duck. In fact, this is not even one, but several dishes, so you need to eat it as a whole company.

Xin Yu

A restaurant with slightly above average prices, but nice interior and good service. Like many cafes, they received both praise and criticism from visitors. The restaurant itself has an aquarium; guests of the cafe can order a dish from one of the inhabitants of this aquarium. Also worth trying is Heihe's signature salad. There are as many variations of Heihe in the cafes of the city as there are borscht recipes from our hostesses.

There are also the usual fast foods like KFS, but you can also eat in them at home.


Heihe has several samovar-style establishments where visitors cook for themselves in small saucepans. And according to the same principle "self-fire". One of the representatives of this cafe Spam, despite the inappropriate name, it's worth a look. This is "self-fire". In this institution, visitors are invited to fry themselves in small pans, sliced ​​into a thin strip of food on their own. The entrance is paid, but the cafe operates on a buffet basis. It is better to come before lunch, when there are not so many visitors and the table with food is still full.

Heihe is a city for easy relaxation and of course shopping. Shopping is excellent, you can buy a lot and bargain for little money. It is better to go to it in companies, preferably with an experienced guide, so as not to get into the network of street "help" that make money on tourists. It is also a great option for celebrating birthdays and, oddly enough, dental treatment. This service is becoming more and more popular among the Far East.

Photo courtesy of V. Borisov (victorborisov.livejournal.com/183126).

For the mass Russian tourist, Egypt, along with Turkey, has always remained one of the most popular resort destinations. Reasonable prices, year-round heat, stunningly beautiful sea with the richest underwater world - all this can compensate for any shortcomings of the tourist service, which, however, friendly Egyptians are trying to eradicate from year to year.

Most of the offers from travel agencies are directed to the two main resort centers of Egypt - Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh. Almost all major airlines regularly offer flights to these destinations. The capital of Egypt, Cairo, is also very popular.

Climate of Egypt

In Egyptian territory, the climate changes from subtropical in the north in the Mediterranean region, to tropical as you move south. 96% of the territory is desert, active life is concentrated in the delta and on the banks of the Nile. In winter and spring, the temperature does not exceed 33-35 degrees, but strong winds often blow from the desert, sandstorms are not uncommon in such areas. On winter nights, temperatures can drop dramatically, so it's best to take at least some warm clothes with you. In summer, the temperature rises, and can reach 45 degrees in August, but the sea in summer is truly remarkably warm - up to 27-28 degrees. Although in winter its temperature does not drop below 21 degrees. The swimming season is open all year round. Even extreme heat is tolerated normally, as the climate in Egypt is very dry.

Egypt beaches

The shores of the Red Sea with sandy beaches are the real pride of Egypt. The best coastal resorts - Hurghada, Sharm El Sheikh, Soma, Makadi Bay, Safaga, El Gouna are famous for their incredibly blue, as well as gentle and warm sea. The water in the Red Sea is very clean and salty (which is often suitable for tourists who come to restore their health). Not a single freshwater river flows into the Red Sea, which maintains its constant salinity at a very high level.

The beaches of Egypt always offer a wonderful opportunity to do water sports, scuba diving, and sailing. Every tourist will find entertainment for every taste.

The beginning of the journey. customs control

For citizens of the former CIS, an Egyptian visa, worth $ 25, is issued at the airport (a special stamp is glued to the passport). A visa for children with a passport is also paid.

Customs in Egypt have their own specific requirements. Corals and shells cannot be exported from Egypt. Foreign currency is imported without restrictions, for personal use it is allowed to import 250 grams of tobacco, a liter of alcohol or 50 cigars. You can take out 2 liters of alcohol purchased in duty-free shops.

Transport in Egypt

You can get around by local shuttle buses (£ 2 per person) or by taxi (depending on the distance of the route). It is advisable to agree in advance with the driver about the price and not deviate from the agreed amount. It is better not to rent a car, it is not very safe due to the low traffic culture in the country.

Safety regulations

As for the rules of conduct, they primarily concern beautiful ladies. Egypt is a Muslim country. Mini-skirts and open blouses will not be the best choice, although the Egyptians, in principle, are used to foreign tourists. It is not worth flirting with the locals, just as openly swearing with them and insulting them.

When swimming in the sea, it must be remembered that corals can injure an unwary tourist, and you can meet marine life on them, which should not be disturbed. Do not drink tap water in the hotel - it can cause severe stomach upset. Money and valuables must be kept in a safe. Theft, unfortunately, is quite common in Egypt. Currency exchange is best done at a bank. You can also do this at the hotel, but this is unlikely to be beneficial. After the exchange, it is important to verify the received money. Dexterous Egyptian fraudsters sometimes substitute large bills for smaller ones, using similar-looking banknotes.

Types of local population

While traveling in Egypt, you may come across interesting types of locals. Surely during the excursions you will see extremely annoying Egyptians begging for "baksheesh". Most often these are children, but adults do not disdain begging. Offering a variety of services, from photography to the services of a guide or guide, and in any case, the result will be the same - you will be asked to give the assistant "baksheesh" with a smile. If you do not want to part with your finances more often than you should, it is better to be on the alert. Also, an innocent tourist at every step will be awaited by local traders and “lovers of ride”. Often, merchants call to their shop, claiming that he will simply show the goods, and there is no need to buy anything. But rest assured, they are not going to let you out without buying. Therefore, if you do not need this or that product or service, be firm and do not respond to the pleas of the locals. Remember - tourists are one of the main ways to make money for them.

Tipping in Egypt is also a different story. Be prepared to ask them of you for any, even insignificant service, and not giving a small reward is considered bad form. It is better to have a certain amount of small money with you, in local or foreign currency. It will be enough to give one or two Egyptian pounds, depending on the situation.

If you have any problems with the locals, there is a special tourist police in Egypt. These are people in black uniforms with a machine gun or a pistol. They can be found almost everywhere in resort towns. You can always turn to them for help. The mere mention of the tourist police often silences even the most lively local.

Egypt hotels

All of them are almost 100% all-inclusive. For comparison, there are much fewer such hotels in the resorts of Turkey and Greece. Typically, breakfast included and half board are most often offered there. It happens that a hotel in Egypt is located far from the village, but they all have a well-developed infrastructure. A large number of all kinds of services: restaurants, bars, cafes, shops, entertainment establishments are most often located right on the territory of the hotel. Many services are offered free of charge, but there are always those for which you have to pay extra. This should be clarified as you arrive at a particular hotel.

Payment systems in hotels may vary. Some use a magnetic card system that records the amount of paid services during the holiday, and some use a check system. Any receipts issued by the hotel staff must be kept with you and not thrown away until final check-out. Some services may be paid for in cash.

Check-out in all hotels is done at 12.00, check-in - at 14.00.

It is worth repeating about the safe for storing money and valuables. You should definitely use it and keep the code secret from strangers. It can be free or offered for a separate surcharge of $ 1-3.


In Egypt, you can choose for yourself: eat in a restaurant for tourists or in canteens and public catering for local residents. The choice of food in restaurant canteens is usually very varied, but it is better to give preference to dishes more familiar to a Russian person, without "exoticism". You cannot drink tap water, it is recommended to drink only water from tightly packed bottles. If you prefer local eateries, go for the more crowded. Locals will not go to a canteen where they do not cook well or wash dishes. It is not accepted to eat with the left hand in Egypt, this hand is considered "dirty, unclean." Bargaining should be moderate in local eateries, prices are low initially.


If you want to buy souvenirs from the land of the pharaohs for yourself or your family, you will always be offered various figurines depicting gods, pictures from papyrus, figurines from alabaster, basalt or granite, hookah, perfumes from aromatic oils. The prices of the overwhelming number of stores are either approximate or far from the truth. Bargaining in stores should be "until you lose your pulse" - the price can be knocked down several times! Bargaining must be thoughtful, unhurried and not hesitant. Those who buy without bargaining are not highly respected in Egypt. After hearing the £ 300 price tag, feel free to suggest 10! The cost of the goods will be clear already in the bargaining process. It is also necessary to check the quality of goods on the spot. For example, stone figurines may not be stone at all, but made of painted plaster, on which it is easy to leave a white stripe. Aromatic oils should only be purchased from specialized factories. A visit to such a factory is often included in the tour price. The shops on the territory of the hotel most often buy these oils and dilute them. The quality of the papyrus also varies. Low-quality and short-lived factory stampings are sold cheap, at 1-3 pounds each, but high-quality papyrus prints will cost much more. They are easy to distinguish by their neat drawing technique and, if possible, be crumpled and rolled up without damaging them. You should check the hookah you bought, you often come across souvenir hookahs, the use of which is very difficult or impossible for the intended purpose.

Egypt landmarks

Egypt is a country with a rich and ancient culture. Millions of tourists come here every year to see the ancient pyramids, temples, museums of antiquities. Most of the attractions are concentrated in Cairo, Luxor and Aswan. In Cairo, on the central Tahrir Square, there is the world famous Museum of Egyptian Culture, and if you are in the capital, be sure to visit it. If you are a student or schoolboy, having issued an ISIC international student card, you can save up to 50% of the ticket price. In addition, you will have an additional international document in your hands, which can be useful in case of an emergency, for example, the loss of other identity documents or getting into the police. Also in Cairo, in the Giza district, there are the well-known Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx. Every tourist will be interested in seeing one of the seven ancient wonders of the world. You can get there by a local minibus, which can be found in the square (if you are traveling on your own).

You can go on excursions by ordering them from the guide of your travel agency, which you can always find at the hotel. But it is worth remembering that tourists traveling on an excursion with such a guide do not have the right to move between cities, since they are tied to a specific hotel! You can easily organize your trip on your own and get to the cities of interest from the bus station in Hurghada or Sharm El Sheikh. However, you should always remember that unknown guides should not be trusted. Money and documents must be kept with you and monitored; it would be best to buy a special bag for them, which is hung around the neck.

In addition to Cairo, Luxor deserves special attention - a city in the south of Egypt, one of the most interesting for fans of Egyptian culture. This is one of the ancient capitals of Egypt, which was called Thebes. The city is divided by the Nile into eastern and western parts, the eastern one in ancient times was considered the city of the living, in which ordinary people lived, and the western one was the city of the dead, and there is also the Valley of the Kings, and the dead pharaohs were buried in it. On the eastern bank of the Nile, there is an ancient temple of the sun god Amun-Ra, where hundreds of unique statues, columns and paintings have been preserved, whose age reaches 4.5 thousand years. On the west bank you can visit the tombs of the ancient pharaohs, the entrance ticket gives the right for 3 such visits. Also within the boundaries of Luxor, you can visit the perfectly preserved temple of the ancient queen of Egypt Hatshepsut.

In the very south of the country, on the border with Sudan, there is the city of Aswan, famous primarily for its Abu Simbel temple. Also in Aswan, tourists are offered an unforgettable sailing boat trip along the Nile, excursions to local tombs, a cozy botanical garden, the Aga Khan mausoleum. Entrance fees to any of the temples do not exceed $ 4 per person.

The Egyptians themselves prefer to rest in Alexandria in the Mediterranean in the summer, and in Aswan in the winter.


Egypt is not only an ancient country with a distinctive and mysterious culture, but, undoubtedly, the main "health resort" and a place of tourist pilgrimage for residents of the post-Soviet space. Be that as it may, this country is truly fascinating. Despite the peculiarity of local customs, flaws in the tourist service and an unusually hot climate for a Soviet person, a visit to this country will bring a lot of unforgettable impressions, pleasure and reveal all facets of the exotic beauty of the East.

Holidays in Egypt- this is when at any time of the year you can go to the warm and gentle sea, recharge with positive emotions and feel the unforgettable flavor of the East. Tour operators will be happy to offer a wide variety of leisure options in all resort areas Egypt... Resorts differ among themselves in cost, level of service, distance from big cities and the presence of attractions. The Egyptian land is rich in memorable places of past eras, and the warm waters of the surrounding seas and unforgettable landscapes will make the educational journey truly unforgettable. In addition, rest in Egyptian resorts compares favorably with democratic prices.


Egypt is located in the northeastern part of Africa, and a small part of it on the Sinai Peninsula, which belongs to Asia. These lands were called Egypt by the ancient Greeks - after the name of the main city of ancient Egypt, Memphis. In Greek, it sounded like Hikupta, or in common parlance as aegyptos. The history of this country dates back to the turn of the third millennium BC. Pharaoh Menes united Upper and Lower Egypt into a single large state.

Cairo - the capital of the Arab Republic of Egypt
The capital of the republic - the city of Cairo - is the largest metropolis in Africa, the Egyptians often call it Masr. The population of the Cairo metropolitan area has long exceeded the threshold of seventeen million inhabitants. A messy and bustling metropolis full of traffic and people, Cairo is considered the Rome of the Arab world due to its abundance of historical architectural landmarks. The most ancient mosque is Amra - built in 642. Among the museums, the Egyptian Museum stands out, most often it is called the Cairo Museum. This museum complex, located in Tahrir Square, began its work in 1902. The collection of exhibits exceeds 120 thousand items and includes all historical periods of the era of ancient Egypt. Both the uniqueness of the exhibits and the majestic interior of the premises are striking.
The historical part of Cairo is a chaotic development. It attracts tourists and, therefore, merchants - almost all the streets have been turned into one large market. At the foot of the Al-Azhar mosque is the world's most famous bazaar - Khan al-Khalili. There is everything your heart desires, you just have to search. Shoe shiners, stalls with fake gold, cats (as one of the symbols of the country) - all this creates an indescribable feeling of a journey into the distant past. The metropolis has a great variety of restaurants, cafes and just eateries, and the most extravagant and pretentious restaurant in the capital is located on the top floor of the Cairo TV Tower - the staff of this institution wears clothes from the era of the pharaohs.

Giza - Great Valley of the Pharaohs
In the western suburbs of Cairo is the valley of the pharaohs - the Giza plateau. It is here that millions of tourists from all over the world can visit the only one of the surviving seven wonders of the world: the ancient pyramids, guarded by the imperturbable Sphinx. The road to the pyramids is lined with restaurants and cafes, nightclubs and shops. They all grew up along a great highway in anticipation of tourists. You can also get to the pyramids by metro, however, the last stop is located two kilometers from the attractions. In addition to the three pyramids and the frozen Sphinx, the historical complex includes temples, one of which is the temple of the dead, as well as small pyramids that served as the last refuge for the wives of the pharaohs and priests.

Luxor - the ancient capital of Egypt
Cruise ships plying along the Nile, or a night train from Cairo will take the traveler to the ancient treasury of Egypt - Luxor. At the time of the pharaohs, it was the capital of Egypt. There is no city in the whole world where there are so many ancient monuments at once. The Nile divides Luxor into the city of the dead and the city of the living. In the city of the living, there are the world famous temples of Luxor and Karnak, which were once connected by an alley of sphinxes. The Column Hall of Pharaoh Seti I impresses with 16-meter columns, decorated from top to bottom with colored bas-reliefs, there are 134 in total. The temple itself was erected under Ramses II in the XIII century BC, it has a length of 250 meters. At the entrance there used to be six gigantic statues, today only two have survived - Ramses II and his wife Nefertari. One of the obelisks also survived, the second was taken to Paris by the emperor Napoleon.
The famous "Valley of the Pharaohs" is located in the city of the dead on the left bank of the Nile. To date, about forty tombs of Egyptian rulers have been found here. The tombs were carved into the rocks, and on the surface there was a walled-up entrance, which closes a tunnel about 200 meters long from treasure hunters, leading to a depth of 100 meters from the surface and ending with the rooms of the tomb. The walls and ceilings are also decorated with colored images that tell about the earthly affairs of the deceased. No less popular is the temple of the legendary Queen Hatshepsut and along with it the ruins of the burial temple of the god Amon-Ra - though only two 20-meter colossus of Amenhotep have survived from it.

The Nile is the greatest river in the world
This is one of the largest and deepest rivers on the planet. The Nile is the source of life for the Egyptians and occupies a special - sacred place in it. In the hot summer months, it does not dry out and does not even grow shallow. During the flood period, it paints the flooded banks red, leaving fertile river silt. The river is amazingly huge and flows through the territory of seven African countries, including Egypt. Since the century before last, cruises for wealthy tourists have been in great demand - and today they are no less popular. From Luxor to Aswan in five days, on a comfortable boat, while stopping for an excursion to the ruins of ancient temples, this is a very exciting journey. On the banks of the Nile there are such large cities as Cairo, Luxor, Alexandria, Aswan. Alexandria, founded by Alexander the Great, was famous for its now-lost artifacts: a library and a lighthouse that was once a wonder of the world. In Aswan, a dam was built that tamed the Nile and made it possible to harvest three times a year. On the banks of the sacred river, there are cities such as Beni Mazara, El-Fayum and El-Minye, loved by the wealthy Egyptians.

When is the best time to relax in Egypt

Almost 95% of the land is desert. The proximity of the equator determines the appropriate climatic conditions. The coasts of the Mediterranean and Red Seas, as well as the world's second largest river, the Nile, mitigate the brutal desert climate. You can have a rest in Egypt all year round: given the low level of air humidity, high ambient temperatures are much easier to tolerate. Of course, the cost of the rest also changes depending on the weather conditions. Traditional summer holidays will exhaust you with heat and scorching sun. The air temperature in the shade reaches +50 degrees Celsius, at night the heat drops to + 25-30 degrees. Sunbathing at this time of the year becomes quite dangerous (because of the constant wind from the sea, you can not keep track of the temperature), therefore it is necessary to use a cream with the highest degree of protection from the sun's rays. Excursions in such weather are the lot of the most persistent and desperate travelers.
Autumn is considered a velvet season. The water of the Red Sea resembles fresh milk, and the air becomes less scalding. September is still not crowded - the most windless month of the year. The cost of rest starts to rise from the end of the month. The following autumn months are the most wonderful for a vacation in Egypt. The sea gently meets with warm waters of +28 degrees, the nights are pleasantly cool, while the temperature does not drop below +15. The weather is comfortable during the day - the air warms up to +32 degrees.
In December, weather conditions remain pleasant - the Red Sea is still quite warm. On the eve of the new year, prices for vacations soar again and stay until January 12. After this date, prices fall until the beginning of the next off-season: many tourists choose to travel to Egypt exactly this time. A slight inconvenience is the increasing amplitude of the difference between day and night temperatures, as well as strong winds. February was marked by a slight increase in prices and an influx of Arab tourists visiting Mecca after the Hajj. March marks the still not warmed up (by local standards) sea (+23 degrees Celsius) and the beginning of a new tourist season. Already in April and May, some of the most favorable weather conditions develop, which, of course, is reflected in the increase in the cost of recreation.

- Egypt- a country with a colorful population. Service in hotels, with the exception of large European chains, is slow. There is an old Russian proverb “if you don’t help, you won’t go”. Tipping is the main source of income for service personnel and an excellent accelerator of any process. In the language of local residents, tip is usually called "baksheesh". We must be prepared for the fact that if any service is needed from the Egyptians, then practically nothing will budge without baksheesh. You may be asked for 10-15 dollars, but 1-2 dollars will be quite enough. An alternative is to contact the hotel or restaurant manager.
- When buying anything in Egyptian shops and markets (even in some restaurants), it is vital to bargain to the bitter end. This is a national and favorite feature of local merchants in goods and services. If you immediately lay out the required amount, then the merchant will treat the buyer without much respect, and after bargaining properly (the main thing is not to get personal), you can drink tea with the owner in the same store or smoke a hookah together, chatting on abstract topics.
- A large influx of tourists, and receipts from tourism are one of the main income items of the republic, has caused a natural increase in the number of pickpockets in crowded places. Safes in hotel rooms are also not famous for their reliability. When traveling to this country, it is better to leave precious jewelry and expensive equipment at home - it will be an order of magnitude calmer, and careful supervision is necessary for documents and wallet. In most hotels you can take (free of charge) a safe deposit box at the "reception" and safely store documents, money and other valuables in it.
- When taking photos or filming a video about your vacation, you must remember that Egypt is a country of Muslims, and they are extremely negative about video and photography. It is necessary to ask permission from every person who wants to capture, but if an Egyptian, a military facility or a government institution gets into the lens without consent, this can threaten the operator with serious troubles.
- Girls and women, as well as their guides, should be prepared for increased interest from the male population Egypt- Naturally, if they defile in revealing outfits or abuse makeup. Increased interest is expressed in open and impudent harassment, and the guide may even be offered baksheesh for the lady.
- It is important to remember that breaking coral branches and collecting fragments of archaeological sites is strictly prohibited.
- On the banks of the sacred Nile River, it is forbidden to walk barefoot, sit on the ground without bedding and swim in the waters of this river.
- Sunbathing "topless" is prohibited on all beaches of the country.
- Lovers of alcoholic beverages should be prepared for arrest if they appear drunk in a public place.
- From Egypt you cannot take out antiques, coral branches, any items of flora and fauna - even if it is a shell taken from the shore. However, if you bought coral products in a store, be sure to take a check, presenting it at customs you will not have any problems with exporting the souvenir.
- Water from open sources (from the tap or from a dealer for bottling) can cause significant harm to health, it is not recommended to rinse your mouth while brushing your teeth.

Popular resorts of Egypt

Sharm El Sheikh - a resort pearl of Egypt
The beauty of the underwater world is evidenced by the fact that Jacques Yves Cousteau himself several times anchored his "Calypso" in the bays of this resort. Fantastic pictures from the world of coral sponges, colorful reefs, anemones, algae from billions of inhabitants of these underwater landscapes will impress even the most sophisticated divers. The resort is more suitable for a comfortable stay on the beach in a completely relaxed state. The hotel staff tries to do everything to make the rest as comfortable as possible. However, do not forget that the quality of service directly depends on the "stars" assigned to the hotels. Not far from Sharm el-Sheikh are local attractions: the natural park of Ras Mohammed, Mount Solomon and the famous monastery in the valley of the mountains. Along with amazing diving and luxurious yachting trips, all this will dilute a little monotonous, but pleasant vacation. For tourists' information: the only sandy beach where you can safely go into the sea without fear of getting hurt by corals is located in Sharm el Maya Bay.

Hurghada is the second most popular resort in Egypt
Until recently, Hurghada was a small village, until the English tycoons of the tourist business built the first Sheraton Hotel in the late 70s of the last century. From that very moment, the development of the coast in this place did not stop for a minute. Today, more than 370 hotels of various classes are open here. The city is divided into three districts: Sakkala, Dahar and New Hurghada. Each of them has a lot of hotels for a wide variety of wallets and tastes. There are a large number of public and private beaches, entertainment venues and nightclubs. The peculiarity of the resort is that it is located closest to the world famous pyramids in Giza, Luxor, Alexandria and Cairo, which makes it especially attractive for those wishing to visit these places. And the azure waters with coral reefs attract surfers and divers.

Dahab - a budget resort in Egypt
On the coast of the Gulf of Aqaba, just an hour's drive from Sharm el-Sheikh, there is a resort for lovers of secluded relaxation. Perhaps Dahab is the only place in Egypt where you can go just like that - "savage". Small and cozy hotels, budget guesthouses and Bedouin campsites make this place attractive in its own way. It is very pleasant to rent a house with amenities and air conditioning from 3 to 10 dollars per day. The resort is divided into two parts: on the one hand, there are a few comfortable hotels, on the other - a "Bedouin village" strewn with national restaurants, cafes and inexpensive, unassuming housing. Diving is a traditionally popular pastime here. You can also drive through the desert in a jeep or glide over the waves of the Red Sea in a real ship in Gabr Il Bente. You can just fall into a soft silk sofa in one of the many hookah lounges and contemplate the azure waters of the Gulf of Aqaba. The breathtaking beauty of the Sinai Mountains can be seen by visiting the Ras Abu Galum Nature Reserve. Colored and White canyons are unique natural phenomena for which Dahab is famous. The sandy masses play in the sun's rays with all the colors of the visible spectrum and the white soft sand, pleasantly caressing the feet of travelers, are worth making an excursion to this unique place. Beautiful mountains, azure sea waters strewn with surfers' sails, white camels on the shore - this is all Dahab. Affordable rental prices attract many young people to this cozy resort town.

The resort town is located on the border Egypt with Israel and Jordan. For this reason, it is unacceptable to walk here at nightfall and, of course, there are no nightclubs either. In this city the police Egypt especially zealous about their duties. Despite this flavor, the resort is very popular. Coral reefs in beauty and diversity are not inferior to Dahab and Sharm el-Sheikh. And hotels with high-quality service and comfort will allow you to fully relax. The city is popular with Israelis and vacationers with children. Pharaoh's Island, which was once a port for the Phoenicians, is seven kilometers away. The famous Saladdin, the Egyptian sultan, left more than one secret here. On the most picturesque beauty of the island, there is a Crusader fortress built in the XII century. The northwestern tip of the island is popular among divers for the extraordinary beauty of the underwater world. A yacht trip to the island and a visit to the museum is one of the must-see routes for all vacationers at this resort.

Egyptian cuisine

The nutritional features of the ancient Egyptians have survived to this day. Today it is an abundance of mouth-watering flour sweets soaked in freshly squeezed fruit juice and honey, a huge selection of vegetable and fruit side dishes and a variety of meat and fish dishes. The basis of the local cuisine is its bread. So, in the country it is customary to serve bread cakes - they start to eat them while they are still warm, while they have the shape of a slightly inflated ball. Bread products are made from different flours, but the tastiest are those made from classic white. Each baker prepares them according to his own recipe, the ingredients and proportions of which are carefully kept secret: in all of Egypt you will not find two identical cakes! Before the main course in Egypt, it is customary to serve snacks - with a hot cake, they are simply divine. These are baba-ganuk (eggplant caviar with garlic and olive oil), chickpea hummus, and tahini. However, there is a danger of overusing them - the main dish simply does not fit. Egyptian cuisine, like any other oriental one, is replete with pungent and spicy flavors.
Get acquainted with national soups: shurpa, chorba, krachoba, full medames, molokheya and many other incredibly delicious masterpieces of local culinary traditions.
The Egyptians traditionally deeply fry meat and fish. Kebab, kyufta, pastroma, tarbes, Egyptian beef, Cairo lamb and many other meat dishes are ready to offer local chefs. The ability to cook fish is in the blood of the Egyptians - it is especially good.
Drinks are no less tasty and varied: hibiscus (cold - quenches thirst and lowers blood pressure, and hot, on the contrary - increases), sahib, asyr asyp (cane juice made right in front of the eyes of those who wish). From desserts, we recommend trying the delicious national dish Basbusu.

Souvenirs from Egypt

Leaving the land of the pharaohs, each tourist takes souvenirs with him for friends or for himself. Of course, papyrus is in great demand among tourists, but every traveler should know that it is banana - it is almost impossible to find reed papyrus! One of the main souvenirs from Egypt is "faron tea" hibiscus - such a drink in the territory of the former USSR, and in other countries of the world, simply cannot be found! Scented oils are best bought from factories as they tend to be watered down in traditional shops. However, handmade bottles deserve the attention of buyers. Silver jewelry made by Bedouin jewelers is amazing in its beauty, craftsmanship and originality of patterns. Deserved demand among travelers is used for wooden products inlaid with mother-of-pearl - it so happens that the beauty of these gizmos is simply mesmerizing! Leaving the land of the pharaohs, you must definitely buy either a scarf or a shawl - in terms of beauty these things can give odds to any others, but it is not a fact that they were made here. Do not forget about spices, magnets and hookahs - there are simply no such offers here, for every taste and color - both for a penny and for quite decent money!

Egypt will generously endow all tourists with a first-class vacation, delightful landscapes of landscapes and underwater depths. The trip will allow you to get to know and understand better the hospitable, hardworking people who managed to preserve the memory of their great history. Vivid impressions will keep the traveler warm for a long time and someday they will definitely bring him here again!

Traveling abroad for the first time is an ordeal. I would like to have a good rest and avoid the troubles that can happen due to ignorance or unpleasant incidents. Here are some tips for a tourist - a beginner, who will teach you what to do if troubles still overtake you.
1. The main thing is not to lose your passport. Therefore, make some paper copies, and be sure to send a photocopy of the documents to yourself by email.
2. Before the trip, find out the phone numbers of the Russian embassies in the countries you are going to visit.
3. Do not keep money next to documents, do not carry a lot of money with you. Never put money in your purses.
4. Before crossing the border, find out the list of things and products that cannot be exported. Pay particular attention to meat and dairy products when entering the European Union.
5. Do not buy jewelry on the street. In 100% of cases, it is a fake.
6. Avoid demonstrations and large gatherings. There will definitely be pickpockets in the crowd. And if this is some other unauthorized demonstration, then under bad circumstances, you can get into the police, and there no one will be in a hurry to establish your identity.
7. Avoid people who impose themselves on you: they are trying to show something, to lead somewhere. Most likely, you will be escorted to the nearest back street, and there you will be stripped down to your underpants.
8. Do not let go of the camera.
9. Find out about discounts at the museums you want to visit. Some museums have big discounts on tickets on certain days of the week.
10. Try to find as much information as possible about the country you are going to before you travel. It is useful to know that in Germany almost all shops are closed on Sundays, and in Arab countries, in no case should women be photographed.
11. Always have your hotel card with you. It usually has a small map, advice on how to get to the hotel. Even if you do not know a foreign language, you can still use gestures to explain to the locals that you are looking for a hotel whose name is written on the card.
12. Each hotel at the reception has free city maps, these maps usually indicate the main attractions and how to get to them from the hotel.
13. Be sure to buy health insurance. Treatment abroad is very expensive.
14. Do not play with fate and wander alone in an unfamiliar city. If you are attacked, then run away and shout not "police", but "police".
15. In Arab countries, street vendors are very annoying. They grab the tourists by the hands, by the clothes. But it is worth repeating the magic word "policy", "police" several times, as in a second the crowd of hucksters disperses.
16. Do not hesitate to ask the administrator at the Reshenna how to go where and whether it is worth going there. Administrators will give you helpful tips and even draw a map.
17. If you are robbed, just shout “POLICE” on the street, in a few minutes someone will come up to you and show you where the nearest police department is.
18. In the event of an unforeseen situation, you should not explain with representatives of local law enforcement agencies, as well as sign any protocols and other documents in a foreign language in the absence of employees of the consular office of the Russian Federation in the host country, since such testimony under the legislation of a number of countries may be constituted the basis of the accusation of committing a crime.

We wish you a safe and fun stay

“For the first time abroad. What a beginner tourist needs to know "
in the newspaper "Northern Territory"
of March 14, 2011

Chief State Sanitary Doctor in Krasnoselkup District
E.Yu. Gerasimova