Atlantis is an antediluvian world. Everything about Atlantis. Remnants of a former luxury



Research experience

In this study, we will try, to the best of our ability and with hope for the help of God, to reveal a number of important, but little-studied issues related to the history and causes of the death of the antediluvian world, or, more precisely, perhaps, to say - antediluvian civilization. In our opinion, there is every reason to consider this topic extremely relevant for modern people.

Authors group


1. Pyramids

2. One pre-flood civilization

3. Global energy information system?

4. About the project of creating the religion of Satan

5. Babylonian pyramid

6. Beast from the sea

7. About the collider, HAARP and "parallel worlds"

8. The logic of darkness

9. Technotronic magic


And I examined the century, and now, there was a danger from the plans that appeared in it

(3 Ride 9, 20.)


In this study, we will try, to the best of our ability and with hope for the help of God, to reveal a number of important, but little-studied issues related to the history and causes of the death of the antediluvian world, or, more precisely, perhaps, to say - antediluvian civilization. In our opinion, there is every reason to consider this topic extremely relevant for modern people.

By the will of the Lord, today, to the extent we need, the essence of the antediluvian civilization is revealed to us, that is, the civilization that was created on earth before the Flood, during which, as follows from the Bible, all mankind perished, except for the family of righteous Noah. And the main thing that is revealed to us today is that the pre-Flood civilization was not just godless, but downright God-fighting, that the construction of a global occult-satanic system was started in it, aimed at the implementation of a certain God-fighting, satanic project. That is why the Lord God destroyed this civilization, bringing a flood of water to the entire earth, so that almost the entire territory on which the objects built by that civilization were located still remains under water. Indeed, before the flood, as stated in the Third Book of Ezra, water occupied only one-seventh of the earth's surface, and now - two-thirds.

Why right now do we need to know the essence of the civilization that died during the Flood and the projects that were implemented in it? Because in our time, when the end of the world is near, active implementation of the same satanic program has been started, the same theomachous plans and projects that were before the flood - only, of course, with the addition of the use of modern methods and means. And the general, strategic plan is a plan to create a global satanic religion, i.e. on the "accession" of Satan over humanity, universal worship of him and his recognition as "the god of the Earth."

But more about this, God willing, let's say more later, closer to the end of our research. We will start our research with the following - with the pyramids.


Even from school, we know that there are pyramids in Egypt. They stretch for tens of kilometers south of Cairo. The highest and most famous is the "Great Pyramid" of Cheops, its height is 146 meters (before the construction of the Eiffel Tower in 1889, the Pyramid of Cheops was considered the tallest structure on earth). Of the so-called "seven wonders of the world", this pyramid is the oldest and the only "miracle" that has survived to this day. It is written in school textbooks that Pyramids of Egypt were built by slaves and are nothing more than cult structures - tombs intended for the burial of pharaohs. In fact, this is not the case.

As studies by Egyptologists and other scientists show, even many thousands of slaves could not erect such structures. In addition, in the pyramids no one found not only mummies, but also nothing at all confirming the theory of tombs and only tombs [i]. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine that such huge structures were erected only to bury one person (even a pharaoh). Many modern scientists, categorically disagreeing with the theory of tombs, put forward other versions, which, in their opinion, are capable of fundamentally shaking the generally accepted ideas about the history of mankind.

Careful measurements of the spatial position and parameters of the pyramids, carried out by many researchers, provided amazing information. So, in pyramids, the ratio of the length of the side of the base to the height is the proportion of the "golden section" (which provides the pyramids with a powerful energetic effect recognized by all researchers). The perimeter of the pyramid divided by twice the height gives the number pi. Various difficult-to-explain phenomena were repeatedly noted near and inside the pyramids. Inside the pyramids, in the course of experiments, points were found that are favorable for health, or vice versa - oppressive living organisms.

It should be noted that at present there is generally an increase in interest in the pyramids - this “gift ancient civilizations". Recently, many books and articles have appeared in the foreign and domestic press dedicated to the extraordinary properties of ancient and modern pyramids (see, for example: Yu. O. Lipovsky, “Pyramids heal and protect”; “Pyramids and a pendulum guard your health: Practical guidance for use ").

Office and residential buildings and other structures (gazebos, etc.) of a pyramidal shape are being built, pyramids and pyramids of different sizes are made from various materials (glass, plastic, plywood, metals, natural stone). Someone places blades in pyramids made according to the Egyptian type (i.e., observing the same proportions), and they sharpen themselves (scientific publications have also written about this phenomenon), someone germinates seeds in the pyramids, hoping for O More than usual, germination and productivity, someone in the same way preserves perishable food, someone "charges" water, creams and other cosmetics. It is believed that the pyramids bring healing to the physical body and increase the level of human spirituality, protect against geopathogenic radiation (for example, from harmful radiation from computers and cell phones), protect, remove “spoilage” and other negative influences, develop “clairvoyance”. But in most of the publications on this topic, a (very pertinent) clause is made that if the pyramids are used "improperly", health may be harmed, etc.

But back to the Egyptian pyramids. Everything suggests that they were not built by primitive manual forced labor, but thanks to the use of very developed, fantastic (in the words of modern specialists) construction technologies: almost perfect right angles, incredible symmetry of four huge faces, amazing technologies for creating and processing a huge number of stone blocks weighing from 2.5 to 15 tons or more. Some stones are from very hard rocks (granite, quartzite, basalt, etc.).

There are in Egypt monoliths, carved from hard rocks and processed, weighing 800 and even 1000 tons (these are gigantic weights). The dimensions of the blocks, of which the pyramids are composed, are maintained with an accuracy of about 0.2 mm, the blocks are smoothly polished on all sides, and the joints are fitted (without the use of any cementing material) so that a needle cannot be inserted into them.

Research carried out by modern professional builders has shown that the pyramid builders possessed some kind of unimaginable tools. So, examining holes in granite blocks, experts came to the conclusion that the drills of the pyramid builders were 500 times more powerful than the most powerful modern drills. The builders of the pyramids could, with surprising speed and ease, not only carve huge stone blocks, but also cut into solid rocks like butter (the researchers even came up with the expression: "plasticine technologies"). Some are inclined to believe that the builders of the pyramids could move and lift huge weights to a height because they had levitation technology at their disposal, which the myths and legends of many peoples of the world supposedly speak about.

Some researchers believe that the builders of the pyramids were able to influence the wave nature of the stone, counteracting gravity.

Modern science is forced to admit not only that it does not know with the help of which technologies the pyramid builders achieved such results, but also that now it is impossible to achieve such results using even the most advanced scientific developments. How did the ancient Egyptians, who did not have cranes, trucks, other construction equipment and special equipment, mined huge stone blocks, transported them over long distances, processed them at a higher level than the modern technical level, and raised them to great heights? What force - spiritual, political or economic - pushed the ancient Egyptians to such a monumental work? And if not the Egyptians, then who created the pyramids? And what is their true purpose? All this is still considered the "greatest mystery" of humanity. Let's try, with God's help, at least to some extent to make this secret manifest.


First of all, it is important for us to know that Egypt is not the only place where the pyramids remain. Similar structures have been found in many other places on the planet.: in Mexico, in South America, in China, in India, in the countries of Southeast Asia, at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, the Sea of ​​Japan ... All this suggests that it was united, global civilization.

Almost every culture has legends about sunken cities and continents, about ancient advanced civilizations lying at the bottom of the ocean, about supermen, "cities of the gods", about a global catastrophe (flood) that our planet experienced several thousand years ago. " When the gods were angry with the people they had created, the land in which these people lived went under water, ”- said, for example, in one ancient Egyptian papyrus (dating back to the end of the second millennium BC) . In fact, almost all of these legends (myths, legends, traditions) speak of one civilization - antediluvian Numerous finds, theories and assumptions of "Atlantologists" - seekers of the dead Atlantis, as well as Lemuria, Mu, etc., speak about her. Remnants of antediluvian civilization are scattered throughout the world... These are not only grandiose pyramids, but also other unexplained objects: numerous monuments, obelisks, megaliths and other structures, undeciphered letters, ancient maps, giant ground geometric figures and lines, amazing images and objects. Among the most famous mysterious objects: statues on Easter Island, Stonehenge in England.

To create Stonehenge, stone blocks of 5 and 25 tons and several slabs of 50 tons (with a processed, polished surface) were used. And these enormous builders not only delivered from afar (as it is believed, more than two hundred kilometers, because the building material that was used in the construction of Stonehenge cannot be found any closer), but also dug huge long stones into the soil, setting them vertically. Stonehenge means "hanging stones" in Old English. In ancient times it was also called "The Dance of the Giants" and its creation was attributed to the sorcerer Merlin, a mythological character in British legends.

According to legends, the stones of Stonehenge were carried through the air - this may be an indication of some ancient levitation technology. In the 60s of the last century, astronomer Gerald Hopkins put forward a hypothesis and very convincingly substantiated it: he suggested that Stonehenge is an ancient astronomical observatory. Some believe it was a computing center. Megalithic structures like Stonehenge are found in many other places in the world ("stonehenge" in Egypt, America, Yemen, Russia and other countries).

On Easter Island located in the eastern part The Pacific, there are more than a thousand giant stone statues - some of them reach the height of a five-story building and weigh more than 100 tons. Researchers wonder: how could the ancient islanders create and move such massive works? And in the legends of the Indian tribe living on the island, it is said: the statues themselves came from the quarry in which they were carved, they were moved by some mysterious force - manu. Also in the legends there are many references to strange bird-people who descended from the sky; from these legends it follows that the bird-people possessed advanced flight technology.

At the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean in the very center of the Bermuda Triangle, a giant pyramid was discovered in the early 1990s - it is three times the size of the famous Pyramid of Cheops. Perhaps this underwater object is the key to unraveling the "mystery of the Bermuda Triangle", that is, the inexplicable phenomenon of the disappearance of ships and aircraft in this "anomalous zone". The faces of the pyramid are made of a material similar to glass or polished ceramics (it can hardly be a coincidence that this is exactly how the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops was described in Arab sources, the lining of which sparkled under the sun). The famous American atlantologist Charles Berlitz writes in his books: the pyramid in the Bermuda Triangle has existed since the time of Atlantis, and in the frame of this pyramid there is some very powerful energy installation.

In China, it turns out, there are also huge pyramids. Several dozen of these ancient structures are located in the middle of agricultural fields a few kilometers west of the city of Xianyang. Their height is greater than that of the Egyptian pyramids, the highest - 300 m (that is, twice as high as the pyramid of Cheops).

Why don't the Chinese announce loudly and to the whole world about the existence of such grandiose objects in China, which, it would seem, should expressively testify to how great and developed ancient Chinese culture was? Because, first of all, they know that it was not the Chinese who built the pyramids in China - just like the Egyptians in Egypt, the Maya and Aztecs in Mexico, not the Incas in Peru, etc. For many years, the Chinese authorities deliberately concealed the existence of a large number of pyramids in China. Only in 1997 did the German archaeologist Hartwig Hausdorff manage to get the consent of the authorities and visit the Chinese "Valley of the Pyramids". One of China's leading archaeologists, Professor Hia Nai, believes that these pyramids are not being explored today because "this is a work for future generations." Some researchers believe that Chinese scientists are afraid to invade the pyramids, fearing to find there something that could turn all our ideas about life on Earth. Chinese archaeologist Wong Shiping claims that the pyramids are arranged according to astronomical aspects and represent an example of the incredible knowledge of geometry and mathematics possessed by the ancient people.

Hence, it is clear how weak the “traditional” explanation of the pyramids' purpose as “tombs of the Chinese emperors”, proposed by “Egyptologists with Chinese characteristics”, looks like. According to more serious researchers, the pyramids are only part of a gigantic system"Holy lines" known in China as "feng shui" [v]. In ancient scrolls five thousand years old, researchers find information according to which the authors grandiose project of which the pyramids are a part, were the so-called "sons of heaven" who descended to earth several millennia ago on their metal "fire-breathing dragons".

"Sons of Heaven" (like the "bird people" from the legends of the Indian tribe living on Easter Island) are, presumably, either the antediluvian pyramid builders who could have flying vehicles (there are archaeological finds indicating this), or just demons, which, as stated in the Holy Scriptures, can appear to people in the form of "angels of light", for a more convenient seduction.

There are pyramids in the region of Tibet and the Himalayas. Ernst Muldashev, MD, who studied Tibet, believes that once the North Pole was Mount Kailash, similar to a 7-kilometer artificial superpyramid, and on the opposite end of the planet was Easter Island. If you mentally connect with one line Mount Kailash with the Egyptian pyramids and go further along the meridian, then the straight line will go straight to Easter Island. If you connect Easter Island with the Mexican pyramids, then the straight line will lead to Mount Kailash. In 1996, E. Muldashev organized an international trans-Himalayan expedition, which collected unique material confirming the existence of the "Atlantean civilization", or, more correctly, an antediluvian civilization. The main books of E. Muldashev: "From whom we came", "In search of the city of the gods."

“Every educated person has heard the legends about the powerful Atlanteans who lived on earth in time immemorial, - writes E. Muldasheva in the book "From Whom We Arose". - In special literature (H.P. Blavatsky, Eastern religions, etc.) it is said that before us there were several civilizations on Earth, the level of development of which was much higher than ours ... Nostradamus wrote (1555) that people of a previous civilization, who he called the Atlanteans, possessed by the "third eye" the bioenergetic effect on gravity. Therefore, they could easily carry huge stone blocks in space, build pyramids and other stone monuments from them ... It is difficult to say who built the pyramids. But it cannot be ruled out that they were built by the Atlanteans even before the era of modern people. Let the Egyptians and Mexicans not be offended, but it is quite possible that they did not build the pyramids - their ancestors just came to the land of the pyramids and began to live next to stone colossi ... I read from the same Nostradamus that as a result of a global catastrophe(i.e. the Great Flood .-- Auth.)that killed the Atlanteans, the Earth's axis of rotation changed and the poles shifted. "

The latter statement seems to be consistent with what Christian creationist scientists have said about the effects of the Flood. However, we, of course, should not forget that the revelations of such "great initiates and clairvoyants" as Nostradamus, Blavatsky, Vanga (who, it seems, also spoke of an ancient highly developed civilization), should always be treated critically, for, as warns us the Orthodox Church, these "prophets" are not from God.

In Mexico, one of the places where pyramids have been discovered is ancient city Aztec Teotihuacan. The Czech archaeologist Miroslav Stingl in his book "Secrets of the Indian Pyramids" tells about his impressions of visiting Teotihuacan: “The pyramids here literally stunned me with their gigantic size. No wonder according to the views of the Aztecs who lived in these places a thousand years after their construction, the pyramids were built by the Atlanteans- kiname "... Substantiation of the hypothesis according to which the builders of the Indian pyramids were not the Indians, but the "legendary Atlanteans" (that is, the antediluvian builders of the pyramids) can be found in other studies. For example, in the notes of Paul Stonehill (USA) “ Egyptian secrets Mexico ".

Teotihuacan translated into Russian means: "the place where the gods touched the earth." It seems that the explanation for this name is simple: the Indians (pagans) once came to this place (knowing exactly when this happened is not very important for us; the main thing is that it was, of course, many years after the Flood) , saw grandiose miraculous structures, made a "logical" (from the point of view of a primitive pagan) conclusion that all these masses were built and the "gods" lived here, and began to use these structures for cult purposes, for which they made superstructures (temples, altars, etc.) and set up idols - for the veneration of "deities", that is, demons.

The Bible says that the gods of the Gentiles are demons. Among the Maya peoples, the main deity and mythical creator of civilization is the flying serpent Quetzalcoatl, that is, presumably, Satan. In general, the Maya were a rude and cruel people, and their culture was primitive. They practiced human sacrifice, during which the priests took out the still beating heart from the victim's chest and showed it to the jubilant crowd. Not all experts agree that the ancient Indians were related to astronomical measurements. The dwellings of the Indians were simple wigwams. And scientists keep wondering: why and where did the Indians leave their cities, in which they built such monumental structures (pyramids, etc.)? But the fact of the matter is that it was not the Indians who raised them. According to Indian legends, the pyramids were built by people with magical powers. From the ruins of Indian cult and other structures built on ancient powerful foundations, it can be seen that these superstructures were built from raw or primitively processed small stones, fastened with clay mortar.

That is the whole "secret" of the "great ancient civilizations" of the Aztecs, Mayans and Incas.


All of the above (and many more) amazing information about the pyramids gave rise to many researchers to put forward the following explanation. Since it is clear that the pyramids were not built by the ancient Egyptians, Indians, Chinese, etc., it should be concluded that they were created by some ancient highly developed civilization; and the pyramids performed not a funeral function, but were built as energy-information structures, forming in their totality a kind of global system, an energy-informational network.

According to some, this civilization is extraterrestrial. This opinion underlies the so-called theory of paleovisites, or the visits of ancient astronauts. Back in the late 19th - early 20th centuries, C. Ford (USA), K.E. Tsiolkovsky and N.A. Rynin (Russia) expressed the idea: in the monuments of the most ancient culture of mankind, traces of the visit and creation of space aliens should remain. The adherents of this theory argue that the aliens, like the true builders of the pyramids, have encrypted some of the most valuable information in their creations. In general, fantasies about the extraterrestrial origin of the pyramids are diverse. For example, according to some versions: aliens flew to Earth, built pyramids and other mysterious objects, and then, either retired, or they were destroyed by "earthlings". And there is such an option: the aliens destroyed the civilization of earthlings, which built the pyramids, and all of today's humanity seems to have descended from those aliens.

Loss of ancient knowledge. Most of the works of ancient authors have been irretrievably lost or destroyed. However, not only time is the culprit behind the irreparable loss of information about the past, especially in relation to the knowledge of the ancients. Knowledge gives a person a huge advantage over the people around him, and not all rulers like it.

This can be seen in the example of the fate that befell the manuscripts and ancient texts of the Maya. In the XVI century. the Spanish monk Diego de Landa arrived in conquered Mexico with the aim of "turning the hearts of the pagans to the true God." In one of the Mayan temples, he discovered a huge library with ancient manuscripts. All the books were burned by him. Of all the Maya libraries, only three manuscripts have survived to this day.

What happened to the writing of the Incas? Her fate was no less regrettable. During the time of one of the Inca rulers, an epidemic began, and according to the custom of those times, they turned to the oracle for help. The answer was cruel: in order to save the country, "writing must be banned." By order of the Supreme Inca, all written monuments were destroyed, it was forbidden to use writing. Only in the Temple of the Sun, several canvases have been preserved describing the history of the Incas. These handwritten panels were already in the 16th century. the Spaniards sent to Madrid, but the ship sank, and the manuscripts - the only monument to Inca writing - were forever lost to mankind.

The destruction of manuscripts and monuments of writing has the same ancient history as writing itself.

All the works of the Greek philosopher Protogoras (5th century BC) were burnt. And how many have been lost: Sophocles wrote 100 dramas, but 71 have survived to us. Of Euripides' 100 dramas, only 19. Of the works of Aristotle, only one. Of the 142 books, 35 of the "history of Rome" of Titus Livy remain. Of the 40 books of Polybius, only five. And of the 30 books of Tacitus - four. Pliny the Elder wrote 20 books on history - all are lost. It is known that from 200 thousand unique volumes and scrolls of Priam's library (Asia Minor), taken out by the Roman emperor Anthony and donated to Cleopatra, nothing remained.

Also, the libraries of the Iga temple in Memphis and the temple of the Goddess Neith, where in the VI century. BC e. Solon visited. The destroyed libraries, the Ptolemies and, of course, the Library of Alexandria in Egypt, founded in the IV century, were an irreparable loss for mankind. BC e. This library contained more than half a million of the oldest papyri. Most of them were unique.

The Atlantis manuscripts were also irretrievably lost or burned in the fire of the fire of the library of the temple of the Goddess Neith. Until the 16th century. the question of Atlantis, thanks to the slander of Aristotle, who accused his teacher Plato of lying, was closed. True, despite the dark years of the Middle Ages, sailors went out to the Atlantic Ocean in search of Atlantis. This contributed to the discovery of many islands in the Atlantic Ocean: Madeira, Azores, Canary. They were considered the remnants of the once existing Atlantis. And helped the discovery of the islands and generally renewed interest in Atlantis, the monk Brandan, who left Ireland and lived on some amazing island. The island of Brandana and the legend about it prompted many sailors to look for the "promised land".

The time of great geographical discoveries is coming. Christopher Columbus carefully studies ancient maps and a map of Toscanelli (15th century), on which the islands of Brandana, O'Brazil and even Antilia were drawn. X. Columbus, having discovered a new continent, did not know about it. After all, he went to China and India and, once on the mainland, was sure that he had arrived on the islands of the east coast of Asia.

And only 200 years after the discovery of America by Columbus does it appear on geographical maps, and Brazil is considered the legendary Atlantis. In the XVIII century. a geographic atlas is published, on which Atlantis has already been plotted.

The first scientist who considered America to be Atlantis was Francisco Lopez de Gomara. He already had the Flemish Mercator card. Gomara ushered in a new era in Atlantology, confirming Plato's words about the American mainland. And after that the science of Atlantis revived again. As reports of the common culture of the Old and New Worlds began to appear, more and more people discovered Atlantis. At first, Atlantis was placed only in the Atlantic Ocean behind the “Pillars of Hercules”, changing only places (Africa, America, Ireland, Azores, Canary Islands, etc.).

In 1665 A. Kircher's book "The Underworld" was published, where Atlantis was located on a map in the Atlantic Ocean between Europe and North America. Many Atlantologists are surprised by the map of A. Kircher by the fact that the outlines of Atlantis correspond to the depths of the ocean, although they were not yet known.

In the XIX century. I. Donnelly writes the book "Atlantis, antediluvian world", which was considered the "bible" of Atlantologists. Donnelly, relying on the achievements of oceanography and ethnography and knowing the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, places his Atlantis in the same place as A. Kircher. but significantly reduces in size. For I. Donnelly, Atlantis was a biblical paradise, with the seat of the Greek gods and, of course, the land of the cult of the Sun. In his opinion, the cult of the Sun moved from Atlantis to Egypt and Mexico. Peru.

This article focuses on the disappeared continent of Atlantis.

Atlantis is one of the darkest mysteries of our time: an island that didn't exist, or an island that sank?

« Atlantis (ancient Greek Ἀτλαντὶς) is a mythical island-state. N most detailed description Atlantis is known from the dialogues of Plato of Athens; also known are the mentions and comments of Herodotus, Diodorus of Siculus, Posidonius, Strabo, Proclus.

The ancients' testimony about the location of Atlantis is uncertain.

According to Plato, the island was located west of the Pillars of Hercules, opposite the Atlanta Mountains. During a strong earthquake, accompanied by a flood, the island was swallowed up by the sea on the same day, along with its inhabitants - the Atlanteans. Plato indicates the time of the catastrophe as "9000 years ago", that is, about 9500 BC. e.

Interest in stories about Atlantis manifested itself during the Renaissance. In modern science, questions about the existence of Atlantis are controversial. There is an atlantology teaching specially developed in the late 1950s. People who search and generalize any information about Atlantis are called Atlantologists.

Atlantis is a popular object in art. "

There are NO reliable sources and evidence that Atlantis existed. There is evidence of those who lived in a time not far from the life of Atlantis, there are assumptions, there is an "underwater world", cities in the ocean on the site of the supposed island (s), there are thousands of theories and legends about how everything happened and where the continent disappeared, but there is an unequivocal answer and there is no convincing evidence that Atlantis was.

Phrases from the film National Geographic: "We consider the arguments of adherents and skeptics on an equal footing ..."

It is believed that the continent was equal in size to Asia, consisted of fertile plains with a palace surrounded by moats in the middle. This island was a paradise created by the son of the Greek god - Poseidon. Respectable residents worshiped bulls, feasted on coconuts, and walked with elephants. But the divine traits were supplanted by human nature, and they became warlike and greedy. Then, over the course of one day and one night, an earthquake and flood sank Atlantis. This is a great legend, but how reliable is it? Some are convinced of the existence of Atlantis.

The conviction of the adherents of the idea of ​​the reality of the continent is not limited to the belief in the existence of Atlantis, someone also believes that the Atlanteans (inhabitants of Atlantis) survived and later left their historical, architectural, cultural heritage in the form of various monuments.

The most likely assumptions are that Atlantis was in the Mediterranean Sea, the location is indicated on the maps. The most widespread versions are: the Gibra-Altar Strait, the bottom of the lake of the Dominican Republic, the Canary Islands, the Ozorsk Islands and, in principle, any point in the world ... The Atlantic Ocean is the most capaciously suited to the size of the island described by Plato (the central island is 3000 × 2000 stades (530 × 350 km)), a number of researchers agree with this.

Plato does not give an exact answer about the existence of Atlantis, but describes the island in detail in the dialogues: "Timaeus" (briefly) and "Critias" (more extensively).

Legend of Atlantis. Ancient world: Atlantis - myths and scientific hypotheses:

So, many versions, information, assumptions about the existence of Atlantis as a cornerstone rest on the search for a specific place where the island was, in search of evidence of the reality of the island. There are a lot of studies, theories, films, articles on this issue, but no one has yet established the exact location of Atlantis, and even more so, has not found irrefutable confirmation of the existence of the island.

But the mythical raid, or rather mystical, leaves an alluring trail of attraction, increases interest in one of the most global mysteries of our time and the prehistoric period. Legends, prototypes, unexplained phenomena, beautiful stories - this is what surrounds this island. What is it that worries people so much and does not allow in the memory and imagination of many to go to the bottom of Atlantis?

The fact is that with this continent connected (or connected by the people themselves) a lot of unquestionably important for humanity. Therefore, about the list of proofs of the reality of Atlantis, historical facts we will not talk further - why list what is described in thousands of articles and mentioned in millions of sources? We will talk about the philosophical aspect of the existence of Atlantis.

From the film (link above): “A healthy dose of skepticism won't hurt us. Perhaps Plato invented Atlantis to show the political and ethical side of violence, aggression, greed ... but deep down, I want to believe that Plato just inspired folk stories about the destruction of the high culture of the island of Tyra. "

Is Atlantis just a fiction? But then why was it invented? Probably because people, even according to the known psychological facts, need belief in something mystical, global-historical, in the existence of a grandiose past (drowned in one day), a superior race, a superman, superpowers, treasures and chests with gold and noble relics under earth. Therefore, there are myths, legends, fiction that inspire people with hope and support faith in all other legends. Bermuda Triangle, Mariana Trench, Atlantis, Spools of the Pyramids of Cheops ...

“The most widespread opinion among historians and especially philologists: the story of Atlantis is a typical philosophical myth, examples of which are full of Plato's dialogues. Indeed, Plato, unlike Aristotle and even more so historians, never set himself the goal of communicating to the reader any real facts, but only ideas illustrated by philosophical myths. To the extent that the story is verified, it is not supported by all available archaeological material.

Indeed, there is no trace of any advanced civilization in Greece or in the west of Europe and Africa, neither at the end of the ice age and post-ice ages, nor in subsequent millennia.

As for the death of Atlantis, it is obvious that, having composed this country, Plato had to destroy it simply for external plausibility (to explain the absence of traces of such a civilization in the modern era). That is, the picture of the destruction of Atlantis is dictated entirely by the internal tasks of the text. "

Atlantis, in addition to scientific, theosophical, philosophical, psychological reasons for its appearance, has more banal ones - we need Atlantis, we just need it, at the everyday and dreamy level.

"The myth of Atlantis gives a huge scope for imagination, we dream of an ideal society where people live peacefully and amicably ... We think - why, if people lived like this before, we can not live like this today?"

This island is the prototype of Paradise after the Fall ... the Atlanteans lived there - people with superpowers, there they were looking for the origins of the highest race, Atlantis is called the cradle of the world, world culture.

Sometimes there are suggestions that if they finally found Atlantis and reliably established that it existed, everyone would be disappointed: you never know, maybe a couple of pegs and ruins were sticking out at the bottom of the sea. And so - emptiness, abyss, everything and nothing - scope for imagination and admiration.

Both fiction and full acceptance of the existence of the island are two extremes, which, in fact, give nothing to mere mortals. That, for example, to the villagers today there was Atlantis before or not? What about the great cultural heritage of the poor people of Africa, where people are dying of hunger?

But in general for the world (for a scientist, a prosperous part of the population) - Atlantis is a separate planet, with values ​​that you cannot find today, people-geniuses lived there - Atlanteans, who made achievements and discoveries incomparable even with the modern century, and confirmation of the fact of existence Atlantis would radically change the whole history.

Therefore, according to the adherents of the idea of ​​the reality of the continent, to believe that the island was worth at least because it gives hope that in the future we will be able to achieve more than the Atlanteans.

None of us can deny or confirm the existence of the island in the past. Therefore, different versions have the right to life - not only those that say that Atlantis is a fiction.

Helena Blavatsky in Atlantis saw far from being a myth, moreover, the island, according to Blavatsky, was considered a myth by narrow-minded and uninitiated people. And other followers of mystical teachings gave Atlantis a special place in world history:

“The book by H. P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, states that the evolution of the Fourth Root Race took place in Atlantis, which preceded modern humanity.

In 1882, the famous theosophist A.P. Sinnett announced that he had allegedly received an answer to his questions about Atlantis from the Tibetan Mahatma K.H. K.H. wrote:

“The sinking of Atlantis (a group of continents and islands) began during the Miocene period - (as now, there is a gradual sinking of some of your continents) - and it culminated first in the final disappearance of the largest continent - an event that coincided with the rise of the Alps, then came the turn of the last of the islands mentioned by Plato.

The Egyptian priests of Sais told Solon that Atlantis (the only remaining large island) had perished 9000 years before their time. This was not a fictional number, for they had carefully guarded their achievements for millennia. But then, I say, they only mentioned Poseidonis, and would never have opened their innermost chronology even to the great Greek legislator ...

The great event - the triumph of our "Sons of Light", the inhabitants of Shambhala (then - an island in the Central Asian Sea) over the selfish - if not completely vicious - magicians of Poseidonis happened exactly 11,446 years ago. Read the incomplete and partially veiled explanation in Isis, Volume 1, and some things will become clearer to you. "

Theosophists believe that the civilization of Atlantis reached its peak between 1,000,000 and 900,000 years ago, but collapsed due to internal conflicts and wars resulting from the illegal use of magical powers by the Atlanteans.

W. Scott-Elliot, in his History of Atlantis (1896), argues that Atlantis ultimately split into two large islands, one of which was called Daitya, and the other was Ruta, which was later reduced to the last remnant known as Poseidonis.

C. Leadbeater asserts that there is an occult museum in Tibet, which contains samples of the cultures of all civilizations that have ever existed on Earth, including the civilization of Atlantis.

Four maps of the continent, reflecting the history of its destruction, placed by Scott-Elliot in the "History of Atlantis", are copies of maps from the said Tibetan Museum. "

In addition, a number of researchers speak about the cyclical nature of earthly processes and phenomena, about the regularity of certain events. For example, that earlier the percentage of land was much higher, many cities went under water, and Atlantis also disappeared. And another thing: Atlantis, as

the world during the flood, like Sodom and Gomorrah and many other "sinful" areas with a congestion of "depraved" people - went under water precisely in order to punish from above for their corruption.

After all, many say that the inhabitants of the island have lost their human dignity, committed lawlessness, gone mad with power, subjugated the surrounding areas, wanted more, having so much - for which they paid. This story has both a moral and philosophical meaning: people are always people, they are not perfect, money, wealth, power spoil everyone. And even the most beautiful paradise will always collapse, because at the root of human nature lies retreat from virtues.

An excerpt from the book "Atlantis Unveiled" by E. Blavatsky:

“These people [initiates] believed in the story of Atlantis, they knew that it was not a fable, and they argued that in various epochs of the past, huge islands and even continents existed where only desert waters now rage.

In their sunken temples and libraries, the archaeologist would find, if he could research, materials to fill in the gaps in what we think of as history.

They say that in a distant epoch a traveler could cross what is now the Atlantic Ocean almost its entire length by land, moving only by boat from one island to another, where at that time there were only narrow straits. "

Briefly about the article: A country that thousands of years ago could have conquered all of Europe. Huge marble palaces, multi-decked ships, tall strong people, unprecedented weapons, mysterious magic of priests, nobility and ambition - all this could become a reality of our history, if not for ...

Lost civilization

Atlantis - Reality or Dream?

All that is hidden now, time will reveal.

Quintus Horace Flaccus, Epistles, 6:20

A country that thousands of years ago could have conquered all of Europe. Huge marble palaces, multi-deck ships, tall strong people, unprecedented weapons, mysterious magic of priests, nobility and ambition - all this could become a reality of our history, if not for ...

Thousands of books and articles have been written about the ancient land of Atlantis, buried in the deep ocean. What was Atlantis? An ancient and powerful human civilization? Or maybe a refuge for aliens from distant worlds? Why did Atlantis die? Was she a victim of a natural disaster or a destructive war with the use of mysterious weapons?

Other ancient authors also wrote about Atlantis and its inhabitants. True, almost all of them lived after Plato, and therefore, most likely, relied on the data provided by him.

An exception is the “father of history” Herodotus (485-425 BC), who mentioned the Atlanteans who lived in North Africa. However, this tribe got its name from the Atlas mountain range.

The surge of interest in the problem of Atlantis occurs at the end of the 19th century. In 1882, the American Ignatius Donnelly published the book Atlantis - Antediluvian World, where he argued that this legendary land is the ancestral home of all mankind. To prove the theory, he used the data of archeology, biology and mythology, compared the legends, languages ​​and customs of peoples on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Donnelly's work initiated the modern view of the Atlantis problem and became a source of inspiration for other authors. The result is more than 5000 titles of scientific, popular science and fiction books.

Broken phone

As you can see, atlantology is based on a shaky foundation. You are especially convinced of this when you analyze Plato's texts soberly. The philosopher learned about Atlantis by hearsay, and the whole story resembles a child's game of "spoiled phone".

So what does Plato say? His great-grandfather Kritias, being a 10-year-old boy, heard about Atlantis from his then already 90-year-old grandfather, also Kritias. And he, in turn, learned the tragic story of the Atlanteans from a distant relative, the great Athenian sage Solon (640 - 558 BC). Solon, on the other hand, received a "baton" from the Egyptian priests from the temple of the goddess Neith in the city of Sais (it has not survived to this day), who from time immemorial allegedly kept historical records in the form of hieroglyphs on temple columns. It turns out to be a rather long chain of intermediaries ...

Assuming that Plato did not invent anything, there is still plenty of room for error. Critias Jr. claimed that the history of Atlantis shocked him, so he remembered it in detail. However, there are direct contradictions in the dialogue. For example, in one place Critias says that: "... the story is indelibly engraved in my memory," and in another - that: "... after such a long time, I did not remember the content of the story enough." Further, it turns out that he had some kind of notes. Memorable notes from grandfather or Solon? Yes, and grandfather Critius in his 90s could easily confuse a lot of everything, not to mention the fact that many of the details of the legend about the sunken earth, possibly the fruit of senile bragging. “And I’ll tell you, granddaughter, a great-a-dviv fairy tale!”.

So perhaps Aristotle was right in whole or in part. Plato really could invent the history of Atlantis to illustrate his views (remember "Utopia" by Thomas More). Or, for all his honesty, the philosopher compiled dialogues from some other sources about Atlantis that have not come down to us, historical and geographical works of various authors, legends, myths and his own speculations. Well, Plato simply could have come up with a chain of storytellers for greater reliability.

True, the ending of "Cretius" is most likely lost. Perhaps the "lost files" contained all the answers?

"Pros and cons"

Plato describes the land of the ancestors of the Hellenes as follows: "It stretches from the mainland far into the sea ... and is immersed on all sides in a deep vessel of the abyss." But the ancient Greeks did not know about the presence of depths of more than several tens of meters! Atlantologists believe that Plato's words about the “deep vessel of the abyss” are evidence of the knowledge that has survived since the time of the Atlanteans. However, Plato could use this phrase as a poetic comparison. Or, based on the presence of steep shores of Attica, independently conclude that if the rocks abruptly break off into the sea, it must be very deep there.

On the other hand, the war of the ancient Hellenes with Atlantis is very similar to the war between the Greeks and the Persians. The thought involuntarily creeps in that the philosopher projected the events of real history onto the distant past. The description of Atlantis in relief and natural data resembles the island of Crete. The Temple of Poseidon, the main religious building of the Atlanteans, is very similar to the sanctuary of Aphrodite in Cyprus. The sculpture of the god of the seas on a chariot drawn by six winged horses resembles a very real statue of Poseidon by Scopas (4th century BC). Coincidence or fraud?

Where is this street, where is this house?

Atlantologists also argue about the whereabouts of the legendary land, although it would seem very clear from Plato's dialogues that the island was located precisely in the Atlantic.

Plato says that to the west of the Pillars of Hercules (the ancient name of the Strait of Gibraltar) lay a huge island, larger than Libya and Asia combined, from which it was easy to cross other islands to the “opposite continent” (America?).

Therefore, many of the atlantologists believe that traces of Atlantis should be sought somewhere at the bottom of the ocean of the same name. Possibly close to existing islands that could have been the high mountain peaks of a sunken land.

At the same time, atlantologists stubbornly ignore the simplest fact - if an asteroid capable of flooding a hefty island crashed to Earth, it would cause such an increase in atmospheric temperature that almost all life on the planet would be destroyed.

Myths of the peoples of the world

The "father" of Atlantology Donnelly and his followers consider mythology to be the key proof of the existence of Atlantis, or rather, several legends that coincide among many peoples.

Firstly, these are the flood legends that are found in almost all of humanity. The gods, tired of human mischief, flood the entire earth with water, adding a number of weighty means of re-educating sinners - in the form of a rain of fire, for example.

Secondly, the legends about aliens from distant lands (not to be confused with aliens!). An unknown person arrives from somewhere far away, speaking in an incomprehensible language and teaching the natives various useful things.

Thirdly, legends about cosmic cataclysms. Something hefty is falling from the sky - a stone, the moon, the sun, the dragon. It does not bring anything good to people. The people left out of business scatter, who where ...

Atlantis in the Mediterranean?

In addition to the Atlantic Ocean, the sunken island is also placed in other parts of the world. The Mediterranean Sea enjoys special love.

On closer inspection, this theory does not seem to be nonsense. Plato wrote that after Atlantis sank, "the sea in those places became ... unnavigable and inaccessible due to the shallowing caused by the huge amount of silt that the settled island left behind." It is unlikely that shallow muddy waters in the Atlantic Ocean, with its significant depths, would serve as a serious obstacle to navigation. But in the Mediterranean there are plenty of such places. And the nature of Atlantis may well be correlated with almost any Mediterranean island.

Poseidon, the god of the seas, fell in love with a simple girl Kleito, who bore him 5 pairs of twins, who laid the foundation for the Atlantean people.

The Atlantean state was similar to the Earthsea of ​​Ursula Le Guin - an archipelago of several islands, the length of the main of which was 1110 km, width - 400 km. The climate is presumably tropical, as elephants were found on the island. On the southern side of Atlantis was its capital - the city of Poseidonis with a diameter of about 7 km. In the center of the city there was a lake, in the middle of which lay an islet with a diameter of 965 meters, pierced by canals, with the palace complex Acropolis, surrounded by two earthen ramparts. The outer shaft was covered with copper, the inner one - with tin, the walls of the acropolis were faced with orichalcum (a metal unknown to us). The Acropolis included the joint temple of Kleito and Poseidon, surrounded by a golden wall, and the temple of Poseidon himself with a huge statue of the sea god inside. Outside, around the temple, there were images of wives and relatives of the kings of Atlantis, offerings from their vassals.

The population of Atlantis was about 6 million people. State system - monarchy: 10 kings-archons, the highest of which bore the title "Atlas" and lived in Poseidonis. Every 5-6 years council meetings were held - "courts" of kings, before which "sacrifices of the bull" were organized (a similar custom existed in Crete).

The Atlantean army numbered 660 thousand people and 10 thousand war chariots. Fleet - 1200 combat triremes with a crew of 240 thousand people.

Atlanteans - the ancestors of the Russians?

Some scientists go their own way, placing the legendary land in the most exotic places. In 1638, the English scientist and politician Francis Bacon in his book "Nova Atlantis" placed Atlantis in Brazil, where, as you know, there are many wild monkeys. In 1675 the Swede Rudbeck argued that Atlantis was in Sweden and Uppsala was its capital.

Recently, for the lack of virgin settlements, they turned to our endless expanses - the Azov, Black and Caspian Seas, too, were honored to embrace the completely lost Atlantis. There is also a charming theory that the Atlanteans are the ancestors of the ancient Russians, and the legendary land of Plato ... the sunken city of Kitezh! True, after the stories that Adam and Eve were from somewhere in the Moscow region, the Russian-Atlantic version does not look sensational enough anymore.

R. Silverberg in "Letters from Atlantis" shows the events of a thousand years ago through the eyes of a modern man, whose mind moved into the body of an Atlantean prince (an obvious remake of Hamilton's "Star Kings"!).

A time traveler can also become a witness to the events of the past ("Dancer from Atlantis" by P. Anderson, "Atlantis Endgame" by A. Norton and S. Smith).

Sometimes the Atlanteans became aliens from outer space (A. Shalimov, “The Return of the Last Atlas”), or were the first earthlings who came into contact with alien intelligence (V. Kernbach, “A Boat Over Atlantis”; G. Martynov, “The Spiral of Time”) ... Perhaps it was the dastardly aliens who destroyed Atlantis? Here is the hero of the cycle "Atlantis" by G. Donnegan, the tough special forces soldier Eric, together with his comrades from the squad of "Navy Seals" is trying to stop the insidious aliens-shads, who once treacherously drowned the unfortunate Atlanteans.

Many books tell about the adventures of outcasts who survived the disaster. Some have preserved the remnants of civilization under water (“Atlantis under water” by R. Kadu, “Maracot's abyss” by A. Conan Doyle, “End of Atlantis” by K. Bulychev). Others have slipped away. To America (“The Temple. Manuscript Found on the Yucatan Coast” by H. F. Lovecraft), to Africa (“Tarzan and the Treasures of Opar” by E. R. Burrows); to Spain (“This distant Tartess” by E. Voiskunsky and I. Lukodyanov); even to Britain ("The Stones of Power" by D. Gemmel). For some Atlanteans, the shock of the death of their homeland turned out to be so strong that other planets seemed to be their best refuge (A. Tolstoy, “Aelita”; A. Shcherbakov, “Cup of Storms”).

In the recent novel by V. Panov "The Chair of Wanderers", the ancient artifact of the Atlanteans, the Throne of Poseidon, turns out to be a catalyst of powerful forces. Even Batman ("The Black Egg of Atlantis" by N. Barrett) joins the battle for the legacy of the Atlantis when the Penguin Man tries to take possession of an ancient object that gives dark power.

Why did Atlantis die?

There is also no agreement when clarifying the reasons for the death of the island.

In addition to the basic, albeit completely unrealistic, version of the fall of a giant meteorite, the hypothesis of a powerful earthquake is very popular. In history, there are cases of a sharp subsidence of the earth by several meters as a result of such a natural disaster. For example, the death of the pirate capital Port Royal in Jamaica in 1692, when the city plunged 15 meters into the sea. Strong earthquakes, especially those centered on the seabed, can trigger tsunamis. A typical example of such a disaster is the tsunami resulting from the eruption of the Krakatoa volcano in Indonesia in 1883, when the wave height was about 40 meters. Such waves are quite capable of burrowing under themselves the coastal zone of the mainland or even an entire island.

In addition to more or less scientific explanations, there are also occult-fantastic theories about Atlantis, sometimes very specific. For example, members of the Rising Atlanteans sect, founded in the 70s of the last century, believe that the Atlanteans are the descendants of aliens who then laid the foundation for Egyptian civilization.

The bestsellers of the ophthalmologist Ernst Muldashev, terribly popular among some Russians, also contain amazing discoveries. It turns out that the Atlanteans possessed extrasensory perception, and 75,000 years ago, with the help of psychokinetic energy, they erected the Egyptian pyramids. A number of great personalities - Krishna, Buddha, Christ - were also Atlanteans. And somewhere in the depths of Tibet in caves, the surviving Atlanteans still sleep in a special form of suspended animation - samadhi.

Is Atlantis a myth?

For all the many controversies, the only thing that cements the discordant ranks of Atlantologists is the idea that Atlantis did exist. However, there are also many who declare: Atlantis is a myth!

Their main arguments are as follows. First, apart from Plato's dialogues, there are no other reliable references to Atlantis. Secondly, the island had to be too large, and it is not easy to stick it somewhere in terms of geography. Thirdly, modern geological and oceanographic studies do not confirm the sinking of a large part of the land to the ocean floor. Fourth, there was no developed human civilization 10 thousand years ago. But for any of these arguments, if desired (and many have it!), No less logical counter-arguments can easily be found.

The most impartial scholars nevertheless admit that Plato's dialogues contain a rational kernel and that they describe real natural disasters, comprehended the Mediterranean - the same Crete.

The only thing that can draw a line under long-term discussions, undoubtedly proving the truth of the legend, is the discovery of the remains of Atlantis on the sea or ocean floor. But is it possible?

Remnants of a former luxury

Scientists from many countries are constantly exploring the seas and oceans, making from time to time the most valuable archaeological discoveries. True, so far nothing has been found that would prove the existence of a sunken mainland or a huge island. Considering the constant improvement of the technical equipment of such expeditions, epoch-making discoveries may not be far off. Another question - what can scientists find at the bottom?

The main building materials of antiquity were marble, granite, basalt and sandstones. For thousands of years in seawater, most buildings will completely dissolve, except for some of the marble structures. In addition, sunken buildings can be destructively affected by some types of molluscs and by strong undercurrents.

In salty seawater, metals undergo accelerated corrosion. Iron oxidizes after 200 years at sea, copper and copper alloys disappear after 400 years. True, if copper items are large (bells, cannons, anchors), a layer of carbonates forms on their surface that can protect the item. But high-grade gold can stay in water for a very long time.

Wooden objects perish in a couple of centuries, and high-quality ceramics lie at the bottom for thousands of years. At the same time, many objects, if they quickly become overgrown with corals, can also be stored for a long time - however, it is difficult to detect them in this case. In general, some of the heritage of the Atlanteans is theoretically capable of surviving to this day.

Perhaps a miracle will happen, and humanity will take a fresh look at its history? Schliemann was also once laughed at, and he, in spite of everything, discovered the legendary Troy ...

The debate about whether the existence of Atlantis was a reality or a beautiful legend has not subsided for many centuries. On this occasion, a large number of the most contradictory theories were put forward, but they were all based on information obtained from the texts of ancient Greek authors, none of whom personally saw this mysterious island, but transmitted only information obtained from earlier sources. So how true is the legend of Atlantis and where did it come from in our modern world?

An island that has sunk into the abyss of the sea

First of all, let us clarify that under the word "Atlantis" it is customary to understand a certain fantastic (since there is no direct evidence of its existence) island located in the Atlantic Ocean. Its exact location is unknown. According to the most popular legend, Atlantis was located somewhere near the northwestern coast of Africa, bordered by the Atlas Mountains chain, and near the Pillars of Hercules that framed the entrance to the Strait of Gibraltar.

The famous ancient Greek philosopher Plato placed it there in his dialogues (works written in the form of conversations between historical or fictional persons). On the basis of his works, a very popular legend about Atlantis was subsequently born. It says that around 9500 BC. e. in the above area there was a terrible earthquake, as a result of which the island forever plunged into the depths of the ocean.

On that day, an ancient and highly developed civilization, created by the islanders, whom Plato calls "Atlanteans", perished. It should be noted right away that, due to similar names, they are sometimes mistakenly identified with the characters of ancient Greek mythology - the mighty titans holding the firmament on their shoulders. This mistake is so widespread that when seeing the sculptures by the outstanding Russian sculptor A.I. Terebenev (see photo below), decorating the portico of the New Hermitage in St. Petersburg, many people associate with heroes who once sunk deep into the seas.

The riddle that excites the minds of people

During the Middle Ages, the works of Plato, as well as most other ancient historians and philosophers, were consigned to oblivion, but already in the XIV-XVI centuries, called the Renaissance, interest in them, and at the same time in Atlantis and the legend associated with its existence , has increased rapidly. It does not weaken to this day, giving rise to heated scientific discussions. Scientists all over the world are trying to find real evidence of the events described by Plato and a number of his followers, and to give an answer to the question of what Atlantis really was - legend or reality?

The island, inhabited by people who created the highest, at that time, civilization, and then absorbed by the ocean is a mystery that excites the minds of people and encourages them to look for answers outside the real world. It is known that even in Ancient Greece, the legend of Atlantis gave impetus to many mystical teachings, and in modern history it inspired theosophical thinkers. The most famous of these are H. P. Blavatsky and A. P. Sinnett. The authors of all sorts of pseudoscientific and simply fantastic works of various genres, also appealing to the image of Atlantis, did not stand aside.

Where did the legend come from?

But let us return to the writings of Plato, since it is they that are the primary source that has sparked centuries of controversy and discussion. As mentioned above, the mention of Atlantis is contained in two of his dialogues, called "Timaeus" and "Critias". Both of them are devoted to the question of state structure and are conducted on behalf of his contemporaries: the Athenian politician Cretius, as well as two philosophers - Socrates and Timaeus. Immediately, we note that Plato makes a reservation that the primary source of all information about Atlantis is the story of the ancient Egyptian priests, which was orally passed down from generation to generation and finally reached him.

The troubles that befell the Atlanteans

The first of the dialogues contains a message from Cretius about the war between Athens and Atlantis. According to him, the island, whose army his compatriots had to face, was so large that it surpassed all of Asia in size, which gives reason to rightfully call it a mainland. As for the state formed on it, it amazed everyone with its greatness and, being unusually powerful, conquered Libya, as well as a significant territory of Europe, stretching as far as Tyrrenia (Western Italy).

In 9500 BC. e. The Atlanteans, wishing to conquer Athens, brought down on them all the might of their formerly invincible army, but, despite the obvious superiority of forces, they could not achieve success. The Athenians repulsed the invasion and, defeating the enemy, returned freedom to the peoples who were until that time in slavery to the islanders. However, this misfortune did not recede from the prosperous and once prosperous Atlantis. The legend, or rather, the story of Cretius, underlying it, tells further about a terrible natural disaster that completely destroyed the island and forced it to plunge into ocean depths... Literally within a day, the raging elements wiped out a huge continent from the face of the earth and put an end to the highly developed culture created on it.

Commune of Athenian rulers

The continuation of this story is the second dialogue that has come down to us, called "Kritiy". In it, the same Athenian politician tells in more detail about the two great states of antiquity, whose armies met on the battlefield shortly before the fatal flood. Athens, according to him, was a highly developed state so pleasing to the gods that, according to legend, the end of Atlantis was a foregone conclusion.

The description of the system of government that was arranged in it is very remarkable. According to Cretius, on the Acropolis - a hill that still stands in the center of the Greek capital - there was a kind of commune, partly reminiscent of those that the founders of the communist movement drew in their imaginations. Everything in her was equally and everything was enough in abundance. But it was inhabited not by ordinary people, but by rulers and warriors who ensured the maintenance of the order they liked in the country. The laboring masses were only allowed to gaze with reverence at their shining heights and carry out the plans descended from there.

Arrogant Descendants of Poseidon

In the same treatise, the author contrasted the high-proud Atlanteans with the humble and virtuous Athenians. Their ancestor, as is clear from the writings of Plato, was the god of the seas himself, Poseidon. Once, having witnessed how an earthly girl named Kleito did not live in the waves of her young body, he was inflamed with passion and, evoking feelings in her, became the father of ten sons - demigods-demihumans.

The eldest of them, Atlas, was put in charge of the island, divided into nine parts, each of which was under the command of one of his brothers. In the future, his name was inherited not only by the island, but even by the ocean on which he was located. All his brothers became the ancestors of dynasties that for many centuries lived and ruled on this fertile land. This is how the legend describes the birth of Atlantis as a powerful and sovereign state.

Island of abundance and wealth

In his essay, Plato also cites the dimensions of this legendary mainland island known to him. According to him, it reached 540 km in length and at least 360 km in width. Highest point This vast territory was a hill, the height of which the author does not specify, but writes that it was located about 9-10 km from the sea coast.

It was on it that the ruler's palace was built, which Poseidon himself surrounded with three land and two water defensive rings. Later, his Atlantean descendants threw bridges over them and dug additional channels through which ships could freely approach the berths located at the very walls of the palace. They also erected many temples on the central hill, richly decorated with gold and decorated with statues of the celestials and earthly rulers of Atlantis.

Myths and legends, based on the writings of Plato, are full of descriptions of the treasures owned by the descendants of the sea god, as well as the wealth of nature and fertility of the island. In the dialogues of the ancient Greek philosopher, it is mentioned, in particular, that, despite the dense population of Atlantis, wild animals lived very freely on its territory, among which there were even not yet tamed and not domesticated elephants. At the same time, Plato does not ignore many negative aspects of the life of the islanders, which caused the wrath of the gods and caused the catastrophe.

The end of Atlantis and the beginning of the legend

Peace and prosperity that reigned on it for many centuries collapsed overnight through the fault of the Atlanteans themselves. The author writes that as long as the inhabitants of the island put virtue above riches and honors, the celestials were supportive of them, but turned away from them as soon as the glitter of gold overshadowed spiritual values ​​in their eyes. Looking at how people who had lost their divine essence were filled with pride, greed and anger, Zeus did not want to restrain his anger and, having gathered other gods, gave them the right to pass their judgment. At this, the manuscript of the ancient Greek philosopher breaks off, but judging by the catastrophe that soon struck the wicked proud, they were considered unworthy of mercy, which ultimately led to such a sad outcome.

The legends of Atlantis (or information about the events that actually happened - this remained unknown) attracted the attention of many ancient Greek historians and writers. In particular, the Athenian Gellanik, who lived in the 5th century BC. e., also describes this island in one of his writings, however, calling it somewhat differently - Atlantis - and not mentioning its death. However, modern researchers, for a number of reasons, believe that his story is not related to the lost Atlantis, but to Crete, which happily survived the centuries, in the history of which the sea god Poseidon also appears, having conceived a son from an earthly virgin.

It is curious that the name "Atlanteans" was applied by ancient Greek and Roman authors not only to the islanders, but also to the inhabitants of continental Africa. In particular, Herodotus, as well as a no less famous historian, is the name given to a certain tribe that lived in the Atlas Mountains near the ocean coast. These African Atlanteans were very warlike and, being at a low stage of development, waged constant wars with foreigners, among whom were the legendary Amazons.

As a result, they were completely exterminated by their neighbors, the troglodytes, who, although they were in a semi-animal state, still managed to win. There is an opinion that Aristotle said on this occasion that it was not the military superiority of the savages that led to the death of the Atlantean tribe, but the creator of the world Zeus himself killed them for committed iniquities.

A figment of fantasy that has survived for centuries

The attitude of modern researchers to the information presented in Plato's dialogues and in the writings of a number of other authors is extremely skeptical. Most of them consider Atlantis to be a legend with no real justification. Their position is primarily due to the fact that for many centuries no material evidence of its existence has been found. This is indeed the case. Archaeological data on the existence of such a developed civilization in West Africa or Greece at the end of the Ice Age, as well as the nearest millennia to it, are completely absent.

It is also perplexing that the story, allegedly told to the world by the ancient Greek priests and then reaching Plato in oral retelling, was not reflected in any of the written monuments found on the banks of the Nile. This involuntarily suggests that the ancient Greek philosopher himself composed the tragic history of Atlantis.

He could easily borrow the beginning of the legend from the rich domestic mythology, in which the gods often became the founders of entire peoples and continents. As for the tragic denouement of the plot, he needed it. The fictional island had to be destroyed to give the story external credibility. Otherwise, how could he explain to his contemporaries (and, of course, descendants) the absence of traces of his existence.

Researchers of antiquity pay attention to the fact that talking about the mysterious continent located near the western coast of Africa, and about its inhabitants, the author gives exclusively Greek names and geographical names. This is very strange and suggests that he invented them himself.

Tragic mistake

At the end of the article, we will cite several very amusing statements that are made today by zealous supporters of the historicity of Atlantis. As mentioned above, today it was raised on the shield by many supporters of occult movements and various kinds of mystics, who do not want to reckon with the absurdity of their own theories. They are not inferior to them and pseudoscientists, trying to pass off their fabrications for the alleged discoveries made by them.

For example, in recent years, articles have appeared on the pages of the press, as well as on the Internet, more than once that the Atlanteans (whose existence the authors did not question) achieved such high progress that they carried out extensive research activities in the field of nuclear physics. Even the disappearance of the continent itself without a trace is explained by the tragedy that occurred as a result of their unsuccessful nuclear test.