Lakes of Russia. List, names, descriptions, maps and photos of the largest lakes in Russia The second largest freshwater lake in the Russian Federation

If Finland is called “the country of thousands of lakes,” then Russia can be called “the country of millions of lakes.” After all, in our country there are over 2 million lakes, from tiny ones to those whose size is comparable to a small sea.

10. White Lake, area - 1,290 km²

There are many white lakes in Russia, but the largest of them is located in the Vologda region, near Cherepovets. It got its name because of the fine white clay, which in bad weather mixes with lake water and gives it a white color.

Intensive shipping also does not contribute to water transparency and causes severe pollution of the White Lake with oil products. The shores of the lake are densely populated, which only increases the amount of waste and runoff entering the water. Because of this, fish often die en masse in White Lake.

9. Chany - 1,708-2,269 km²

Between Omsk and Novosibirsk lies one of the largest lakes in Russia. If it seemed to you that its name is consonant with the word “chan,” then in fact it is so. Translated from Turkic, a vat means a large vessel. The area of ​​the lake is variable and is still not precisely known.

According to local legends, near Lake Chany there is an entrance to Shambhala - a mystical land of spiritual harmony and enlightenment. But local fishermen do not need to look for Shambhala to achieve harmony, because they still have at their disposal the lake’s rich (albeit depleting year by year) fish stocks, including roach, perch, bream, pike, ide, silver carp, carp and zander.

8. Uvsu-Nur - 3,350 km²

The largest lake in Mongolia, part of its northern coast and water area touches the territory of the Republic of Tuva, so it can be considered the brainchild of two countries.

The water of Uvs-Nur tastes bitter-salty, resembles sea water and approximately corresponds in salinity to Black Sea water.

Once upon a time, the Xiongnu, Mongols and Yenisei Kyrgyz tribes roamed the shores of the lake. They left behind runic inscriptions, mounds and petroglyphs. But today the coast of Uvs-Nur is practically uninhabited, which has saved the local ecosystem from human influence. The only fish species in Uvs-Nur that has commercial value is the Altai osman.

7. Lake Peipus-Pskov - 3,555 km²

A picturesque place, perfect for relaxing away from the noisy metropolis. It is located on the border between Estonia and the Pskov and Leningrad regions. And part of the name Chudsko-Pskov just came from the ethnonym “Chud”, which in Rus' was used to designate the ancient Estonians (because of their “wonderful” language).

Thanks to the beauty of the lake, numerous recreation centers with enticing names have grown up on its shores: “Far Away Kingdom”, “Teremok”, “Lukomorye” and “Chudskoe Compound”. The Estonian side does not lag behind the Russian side, and has built on its side recreational establishments with names that are not so sweet to the Russian ear: “Kauksi”, “Uusküla” and “Suvi”.

6. Khanka - 4,070 km²

One of the largest lakes in Russia and the largest freshwater body of water in the Far East generously shares its wealth with both the Russian and Chinese sides. Lake Khanka is very rich in fish, and back in the Middle Ages, Chinese emperors feasted on fish caught in its waters.

It was in the vicinity of this lake that Akira Kurosawa filmed his famous film Dersu Uzala. Indirectly, Hanka is also present in the anime series “Full Alarm”, which features the state of the same name, located within the borders of a real lake.

5. Taimyr - 4,560 km²

The northernmost lake in the world is located in the permafrost zone. Not surprisingly, it is covered with ice most of the year.

But harsh conditions are not an obstacle for many lake inhabitants, such as omul, burbot, grayling, char, muksun and whitefish. Red-breasted geese, geese, ducks, peregrine falcons and other migratory birds build their nests on the islands of Taimyr.

This region is also known for the largest population of reindeer in Russia. In addition to them, in Taimyr you can find wolves, arctic foxes and even musk oxen, which were introduced into the region in the 70s of the last century.

4. Lake Onega - 9,720 km²

One of the largest freshwater reservoirs in Europe absorbs over 1000 watercourses, but only allows one to escape - the Svir River. And there are even more islands on Lake Onega than watercourses - 1650.

The most famous of them is the island of Kizhi, which contains the best examples of Russian wooden temple architecture. These buildings date back to various centuries (the oldest being from the 14th century) and were brought to the island for the purpose of preservation and accessibility to the public.

3. Lake Ladoga - 17,870 km²

This Karelian beauty is a zealous housewife. Following the example of its brother, Lake Onega, it collects many rivers and streams (over 40 of them flow into the lake), and releases only one river from its embrace - the Neva. And in the Neva delta there is the “Venice of the north” - the majestic St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad), which is.

During World War II, the famous Road of Life ran along Lake Ladoga - the only transport artery connecting Leningrad, besieged by the Germans and Finns, with the rest of the country. To deliver supplies to the city, trucks drove across a frozen lake in winter, and during navigation periods, cargo transportation was carried out by water. During the existence of the Road of Life (from September 12, 1941 to March 1943), 1 million 615 thousand tons were transported along it and 1 million 376 thousand people were evacuated.

2. Baikal - 31,722 km²

One of them still holds the title of the cleanest lake in Russia. At first, you may experience a shock when you swim to the depths and find that the boat seems to be floating in the air. And if you visit Baikal in winter, you will be greeted by the most transparent ice, the thickness of which reaches 50 centimeters.

Some European states, such as Malta (316 km²), Montenegro (13812 km²) and Albania (28748 km²), can be located entirely on the territory of Lake Baikal.

1. Caspian Sea - 371,000 km²

The list of the largest lakes in Russia is crowned by the largest enclosed body of water on Earth. The ancient Romans called it the sea because of its brackish water. In fact, the salinity of Caspian water is 1.2%, which is about 1/3 of the salinity of most sea waters.

And the word “Caspian” appeared in the name in honor of the Caspian tribes who lived on the southwestern coast of the sea in the first millennium Don. e. However, different peoples gave the Caspian their own name, and there were as many as 70 of them near the sea-lake.

Like the Aral, Azov and Black Seas, the Caspian is a relic of the ancient Sarmatian Sea, along whose shores elephants, rhinoceroses, giraffes and mastodons once roamed. It became landlocked about 5.5 million years ago due to tectonic rise and fall of sea levels.

The Caspian Sea is home to about 850 species of animals, more than 500 species of plants and 115 species of fish. Some of the most valuable species of commercial fish living in the Caspian Sea are sturgeon, Caspian bream and Caspian salmon.

Several animal species are named after the region, such as the Caspian gull, Caspian tern and the Caspian seal, which is endemic to the lake.

List of largest lakes in Russia

# LakeArea, km²Depth, mAltitude above sea level, m
1 Caspian Sea371000 1025 −28
2 31500 1637 456
3 17703 225 4
4 9616 124 32
5 4560 26 6
6 4190 10 68
7 3555 15 30
8 3350 15 753
9 1990 12 105
10 1290 20 113
11 Topozero986 56 110
12 Ilmen982 10 18
13 Khantayskoye Lake822 420 65
14 Segozero815 103 120
15 Imandra812 67 128
16 Pyasino735 10 28
17 Kulunda Lake728 4 98
18 Pyaozero659 49 110
19 Vygozero560 24 89
20 Nerpichye Lake552 12 0.4
21 Labaz470 n/a47
22 Red Lake458 4 0
23 Chum salmon452 180 93
24 Ubinskoye Lake440 4 134
25 Pekulnei Lake435 n/a0.7
26 Umbozero422 115 149
27 Vozhe416 4 120
28 Kubenskoye Lake407 13 109
29 Chukchagir Lake366 6 70
30 Portnyagino360 n/a62
31 Manych-Gudilo344 1 10
32 Bologne338 4 19
33 Lacha334 6 118
34 Udyl330 5 12
35 Mogotiyevo Lake323 n/a0
36 Vodlozero322 4 136
37 Lama318 > 300 n/a
38 Orel314 4 n/a
39 Kesey280 4 n/a
40 Small270 22 n/a
41 Kungasalah270 n/a76
42 Syamozero266 24 n/a
43 Middle Kuito257 n/a101
44 Pyhäjärvi255 32 80
45 Bustakh249 n/an/a
46 Jarroto 1st247 8 n/a
47 Kronotskoye Lake242 148 372
48 Sartlan238 6 n/a
49 Essene238 n/a266
50 Nerpichye Lake237 n/an/a
51 Vivi229 n/an/a
52 Kovdozero224 63 37
53 Keret223 5 91
54 Lake Teletskoye223 325 434
55 Seliger222 24 205
56 Nuke214 40 134
57 Lovozero209 35 n/a
58 Mainychin-Ankavatan205 n/an/a
59 Janisjärvi175 51 64

Fresh water is Russia's main wealth. This is something our children and grandchildren should be proud of. It is in the Russian Federation that the world has the most clean water. Below is a ranking of the ten largest Russian lakes by area, which are considered among the cleanest and deepest in the world. Well, are you ready? Go…

Lake Ilmen is located in the Novgorod region. Its area is 982 sq. km. The greatest depth is up to 10 meters.

This lake has a very winding coastline. Its area is 986 sq. km. The maximum depth is up to 56 meters. This place is very popular with kayakers and fishermen.

White Lake is located in the Vologda region. Its area is approximately 1284 sq. km. The average depth is 5–7 m. Approximately 29 species of different fish live here.

Lake Chany is located in the Novosibirsk region. Its water is salty. The area varies according to various estimates from 1400 to 2000 sq. km. The greatest depth is 7 m. According to ancient legends, a huge snake lives in this lake, which devours people and livestock.

Lake Khanka is located in the Russian Far East. Its maximum depth is about 11 m, area - 4,070 sq. km.

Lake Taimyr is located on the peninsula of the same name in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and is considered the northernmost in the world. Almost always covered with ice. Due to fluctuations in water level, its area may change and reach 4,560 sq. km. Max. depth - up to 26 m.

Lake Onega is located on the territory of Karelia, Leningrad and Vologda regions. Its Area is approx. 9,700 sq. km. The greatest depth is 127 m.

Lake Ladoga is located on the territory of Karelia and the Leningrad region. It is the largest freshwater lake in Europe. Its area is more than 17.6 thousand sq. km. Maximum depth - 230 meters. 35 rivers flow into it.


Baikal is the deepest freshwater lake on the planet (1640 meters). Located in eastern Siberia. Its area is more than 31,700 sq. km.

The Caspian Sea is the largest lake on the planet. Located on the border of Europe and Asia. Its waters wash the shores of 5 countries (Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Iran, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan). Square - 371,000 sq. km, max depth - 1025 meters. The water in the lake is salty.

Posted Mon, 15/08/2016 - 08:53 by Cap


In early Russian written monuments, the origin of the name is unknown. Probably the ancient, Dauphinian origin of the name of the lake.

There are several versions of the origin of the name:
Academician A. M. Sjögren derives the name of the lake from the Finnish. ääni - sound, voice, hence - “sounding (noisy) lake.”
A.L. Pogodin deciphers this toponym from the Sami. agne - “sand” + jegge - “low-lying plain”.
Professor, Doctor of Philology I. I. Mullonen believes that the name of the lake could have come from the Sami. äne and Baltic-Finnish änine/äniz, which means “large, significant”.

The main beach of Novgorod is located on the banks of the Volkhov, right next to the walls of the Kremlin. However, in hot weather it is packed to capacity, and it would seem that relaxing on Ilmen is more pleasant than in the city. However, the lake shores are low, often swampy, overgrown with reeds and indented by channels, so there are few beaches in the usual sense on Ilmen. All places suitable for swimming can be recognized by the quality of their dachas and country houses - real estate in “resort” areas is expensive. A good sandy beach is located near the Perynsky monastery, a good one is near the villages of Ondvor and Ilmen, as well as near Sergovo. They are all wild, i.e. unfurnished. Their cleanliness depends only on the environmental consciousness of vacationers, which still leaves much to be desired. On the southern shore of the lake, 30 km from Staraya Russa, there is the popular town of Korostyn with a pebble beach.

Another name is Ostashkovskoye, after the name of the city of Ostashkov, located on the lake shore.
The area of ​​the lake is 260 km², including about 38 km² of islands (there are more than 160 of them on Seliger). The largest is Khachin.
The area of ​​the entire basin is 2275 km².

Maximum depth: 55 m
Area: 300 hectares
Altitude: 1790 m
Administrative region: Ust-Koksinsky
Tourist area: Katunskie squirrels

Its name comes from the Altai tribe of Teleuts, and in Altai it is called Altyn-Kol, which means “golden lake”. According to an old legend, in ancient times there was a famine in Altai. One Altai man had a large gold bar, but, having walked all over Altai, he could not buy anything with it. Frustrated and hungry, the “rich” poor man threw his ingot into the lake and died in its waves. Since then, in the Altai language the lake has been called Altyn-Kol - “golden lake”.

Translated from Bashkir, the name of the lake means “Beaver Lake”. Beavers lived here before, but now you won’t see them here anymore.

There is another version: but according to legend, on the northern shore, on the red sandy mountain from which stones fall into the lake, there used to be a khan’s headquarters.

Over time, the area began to be called “Khan-tora”, “Khan-torganer”, the place where the khan lives gradually began to be called Kandra.

The food is mixed, snow, underground and rain.

The water in the lake is slightly brackish with high mineralization.

The vegetation is represented by reeds, cattails and common reeds.

Lake Asylykul was formed, as many researchers claim, on the site of a giant karst sinkhole, gradually filled with water due to precipitation and groundwater. This happened, according to scientists, a million years ago.

In strong windy weather, it resembles the sea: huge waves wash ashore, truly creating the sound of the sea surf. The southern coast is a rather steep slope with a height difference from 210 to 370 meters. The eastern side of this slope is covered with mixed forest, the middle part is covered with young larch and pine plantations.


There are several translation options for the name of the lake - “bitter lake”, “collapsed lake”, “bright lake”.

The presence of the word “bitter” in one of the interpretations of the name is explained by the salinity of the lake due to the high mineralization of the water due to the drainage of the lake. A kind of small sea in the center of Bashkiria.

first ice on Lake Galich

The water level in the lake is 100 m above sea level. Lake Galich is fed mainly by groundwater. From the eastern side several rivers flow into it, the largest are Chelsma and Serednaya, and Vyoksa flows out.
On the southern shore of the lake is the city of Galich.
The lake is rich in fish, but in recent years there has been a tendency for it to become shallower. Due to the shallowness of the water, 70% of the reservoir's area is overgrown with thickets and silt, which can threaten the lake's ecosystem.


Razval is a small salt lake of artificial origin, located on the southern outskirts of the city of Sol-Iletsk, Orenburg region. Lake Razval is the largest of the group of Iletsk lakes: Tuzluchnoe, Teploye, Dunino, Novoe, Maloe and Bolshoye Gorodskoe lakes.
In the middle of the 18th century (1754), the industrial development of the Iletsk salt dome began in the Sol-Iletsk district of the Orenburg region. At the point where the salt core emerged on the day surface, Mount Tuz-Tyube rose. By the end of the 19th century, a basin up to 35 meters deep, 300 meters long, and 240 meters wide appeared in place of the mountain. In April 1906, as a result of the flooding of the basin by the flood waters of the Peschanka River, Lake Razval was formed with an area of ​​6.8 hectares with maximum depths of up to 22 meters.
The water in Lake Sol-Iletsk is a saturated saline solution containing more than 200 grams of salt per liter of water.
Lake Razval does not freeze even in the most severe frosts, and from a depth of 2-3 meters to the bottom it has negative temperatures all year round. In terms of the chemical composition and salt concentration, the water in Lake Sol-Iletsk is similar to the water in the Dead Sea. There are no living organisms or vegetation in the lake. No household waste is dumped into Razval, so the lake is environmentally friendly.
Due to the high salinity, the water in the lake has a higher density than the human body, and therefore it is impossible to go to the bottom while swimming. Since 2002, the lake has been surrounded by a lattice-metal fence.
There are several restaurants and a beach disco here. People from various countries come to the lake, mainly Russia and Kazakhstan.

Lake Tuzluchnoe (mud)
It is the oldest of all the surviving lakes of the Sol-Iletsk salt dome.
The area of ​​the lake is 23,750 sq. m., depth 2.5 meters, thickness of the mud layer up to 2 meters or more. The most active part of the mud is the colloidal complex.
It contains iron sulfide, silicic acid, and tiny clay particles. Hormones and biogenic stimulants - substances make up the most valuable part of the mud. A course of treatment with mud helps to resolve scars, improve joint function, scar ulcers, relieve chronic pain syndromes, normalize the function of the reproductive system, and treat the female genital area.

Lake Dunino (bromine, formed in 1896)
Formed in 1896. It is located 50 meters east of Lake Razval
The area of ​​the lake is 88,550 sq.m. , depth 13 meters. It contains more than 20 thousand cubic meters of healing mud and a lot of bromine.
Swimming in this lake is recommended for people with increased irritability, nervous breakdowns, as well as patients with initial manifestations of hypertension, stomach ulcers, and skin diseases.
In the lake, crustaceans and salted brine shrimp multiply in large numbers, which give the lake a unique color. One liter of water contains 165.5 grams of various salts.

Located 40 km west of the city of Chita. (right tributary of the Selenga).
The water surface area is 58.5 km², the catchment area is 256 km², the volume of water is 0.610 km³.

Length - 10.9 km, greatest width - 6.8 km. Height above sea level - 965.1 m.
The water in the lake is fresh and running. Mineralization - 100-200 mg/dm³.
Lake Arakhlei differs from other Ivano-Arakhlei lakes in its significant depths - the greatest depth is 19.5 m in the northeastern part of the reservoir.
In the central part, depths reach more than 16 m. A rapid increase in depths can be observed in the northern part of the lake. In the southern part the bottom is flat with a gradual increase in depth towards the center of the lake.

Lake Arakhlei
In the coastal part the bottom is sandy and pebble, down to a depth of 3-5 meters it is sandy and silty. The rest of the bottom is covered with organic silt.
Two small rivers flow into the lake - Domka and Gryaznukha (Shaborta).
In high-water years, the Kholoi stream flows out of the lake and flows into Lake Shakshinskoye ().
On the shores of the lake there are the villages of Arakhley, Preobrazhenka and various recreation centers.

(Beklemishevskie lakes, Chita lakes) - a system of lakes.
It is located at an altitude of 945-965 meters above sea level in the basin between the Osinov and Yablonov ridges west of Chita.
It consists of 6 large lakes with a water surface of more than 10 km² (Arakhlei, Shakshinskoye, Irgen, Ivan, Tasei, Bolshoi Undugun) and approximately 20 small reservoirs with an area of ​​less than 1 km².
Ivan and Tasey belong to the Lena basin, and Arakhlei, Shakshinskoye, Bolshoi Undugun and Irgen belong to the Baikal basin.
The lakes are the center of the protected area of ​​the Ivano-Arakhleisky reserve.


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Waterfalls of Russia.


Reservoirs occupy a larger surface area of ​​the planet than land. And if you look at the Earth from space from the Pacific Ocean, you may not see land at all. However, the bulk of the water that exists in nature is salty; fresh water occupies only a small share in the overall ratio.

Most lakes on the planet are fresh, although there are also salty ones. And the list of the deepest of them will clearly demonstrate that in our country the nature is diverse, and there are both completely fresh lakes, with crystal clear water, and salty ones no less than the seas.

Fifth place - Lake Taimyr

This lake is located on the peninsula of the same name, and its depth is actually relatively small - only 26 meters. It is from such a small point that the demonstration of the unimaginably diverse resources that Russia possesses will begin. This lake is also unique in other respects - there are a lot of fish here, including valuable species. The inhabitants and the flora itself, as well as the fauna, are comparable to Lake Baikal and other nearby large bodies of water.

Fourth place – Lake Onega

This large lake is located on the territory of the Leningrad and adjacent regions, one of the largest lakes in Europe and Russia, and, moreover, it ranks fourth in depth. Depth indicators here reach 127 meters, although on average it is only 30 meters. Dozens of rivers flow into the lake, and only the Svir comes out of it, which heads into Lake Ladoga, another large and deep body of water.

Third place – Lake Ladoga

This lake is also located on the territory of the Leningrad region, and its depth turns out to be more significant than the previous one, reaching 230 meters. More than 30 rivers flow into it, and only one flows out, the Neva. This lake has its own harsh character and there are often strong waves that create problems for ships and vacationers. There are islands here - environmental protection zones, and in general, these places have enormous historical value, just like the surroundings of Lake Onega.

Second place – Caspian

Many will be indignant and say that the Caspian is not a lake at all, but a sea. But it is not so. The Caspian Sea is a full-fledged lake that has salty water, like the sea, and even has an oceanic lithospheric plate underneath it. However, it has no communication with the ocean, either direct or through other seas, and therefore it is a lake. It is located behind the Caucasus Ridge, which separates the reservoir from the Black Sea, although scientists do not deny that in the past it was a single system. The only controversy lies in the period in which the Caspian Sea separated from the Black Sea - relatively recently, in historical times, or several million years ago.

Be that as it may, the depth of this reservoir is 1025 meters, and when compared with previous lakes, it is in the lead by a strong margin. It has no drainage, but is filled by more than 130 rivers and streams. It is worth noting that the Caspian Sea is rich in commercial fish, and there are also significant deposits of oil and gas underneath it.

The deepest lake in Russia

The deepest lake in Russia is Baikal. Moreover, it is the undoubted leader in both depth and volume of fresh water reserves, and it is the leader not only in Russia, but all over the world. Maximum mark by the depth for this reservoir is 1642 meters. This is a lake of tectonic origin, which was formed by a crack in the earth’s crust - like, for example, Tanganyika in Africa, but it is at least 200 meters shallower than Baikal.

Baikal is also one of the most ancient lakes, since the period of its appearance is dated in the range of 20-30 million years ago. The lake is also a record holder for cleanliness.– the water here is clear, practically untouched by human activity, since it contains microscopic crustaceans, which, in fact, ensure its purification. The inhabitants of this reservoir are also unique; many of them live only here and are not found anywhere else in the world. A lot of tourists come here - and I want to believe that this factor will not spoil the ecology of the area.

These are the deepest lakes in the country, each of which is unique and inimitable. One of them is generally considered to be a sea - this is, of course, the Caspian Sea, and the other claims to be the future ocean. At the site of Lake Baikal, tectonic activity continues, the plates here are moving apart - not quickly, by millimeters per year, but steadily. The reservoir will expand and deepen, and it is obvious that at this point the continent will one day be torn into two parts, and salty ocean water will pour into its bosom. Zero will become the sea, and then the ocean - this is his expected evolution. But the Caspian Sea, on the contrary, will most likely disappear from the face of the earth in a few million years. This is exactly what many scientists believe, but only life will show what will actually happen.

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Russia is a huge state, covering a colossal number of cities, villages and lakes. Yes, yes, on the territory of the Russian Federation there are over 2,000,000 lakes, the total area of ​​which is more than 350 thousand square kilometers. At the same time, our state contains the largest lakes in Europe, although only a small part of the country is part of the continent. We bring to your attention the largest lakes in Russia . On the list you will see not only spacious, but also unique bodies of water, the likes of which cannot be found throughout the world.

Top 10 Largest Lakes in Russia


Volgograd region

The list of the largest lakes in Russia opens with White Lake. The unique reservoir is located on the territory of the Volgograd region. The area of ​​this amazing place is 1300 square meters. The depth is 5-7 meters. In some locations the figure reaches 20 meters. For this reason, diving in this place has been successful for many years. Many tourists are interested in underwater pits. Currently, 29 species of fish are registered here.

It makes no sense to talk about a large number of fishermen.

Novosibirsk region

Chany is in penultimate place in the Top 10 lakes. The area is 1.2 square meters. The depth is 12 meters. It is worth noting that there are a huge number of legends about this lake. According to one of them, a large monster lives in the depths of the island, which eats livestock and poor fishermen. Many adults believe in this epic. Although, most local residents claim that the myth of the underwater serpent was created to attract foreigners. No matter how funny it may seem, many travelers really want to see an underwater kite.

Republic of Tuva

We are talking about the largest lake in Mongolia, which also covers Russia. It should be noted that in the vastness of the Russian Federation, this lake is part of the Republic of Tuva. By no means, in our state there are only 12 square kilometers of the lake out of 3,350 existing ones. The depth of this reservoir is 15 meters. It is worth noting that this reservoir is drainless. Consequently, no river flows out of the lake. Finally, it should be noted that Uvs-Nur is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Pskov region

This reservoir is slightly larger in size than Lake Uvs-Nur. It is located on the territory of the Pskov region. Moreover, part of it reaches the border of Estonia and the Leningrad region. The reservoir consists of several lakes, including Pskovskoe and Teploe. The total area is 3,555 square kilometers. The depth is 15 meters. In total, the Lake includes 30 rivers. Only one follows - Narva.

Far East

The reservoir, with an area of ​​4.2 thousand square kilometers, is located on the border of China. The maximum depth of this lake is 11 meters. The amazing diversity of the underwater world is due to the unique location of one of the largest lakes in Russia. Every year there are many tourists here who can enjoy the culture of two states at once. In total, there are approximately 75 different species of fish in the lake. Some individuals are listed in the Red Book.

Krasnoyarsk region

The northernmost lake in the world is Taimyr. The entire reservoir is covered with ice, but only one and a half meters is in a liquid state. The unique lake freezes to the very bottom in winter. Moreover, its depth is 26 meters. Not surprising? In addition, the area here can vary from 3.9 to 4.56 thousand square kilometers. This is due, of course, to a change in the state of aggregation. The flora of the lake is represented by arctic faunas. The Verkhnyaya Taymra river flows through the lake, thanks to which the lake melts, but only from time to time.

On the territory of the Leningrad, Volgograd regions and Karelia there is a lake named after the Republic. The area of ​​the lake is 9.7 thousand square kilometers. The maximum depth is 124 meters. This beautiful body of water is famous for its clean water and interesting history. There are numerous monuments right on the banks of the reservoir.

Lake Ladoga is one of the largest lakes in Russia. This body of water extends over an area of ​​17.6 thousand square kilometers. Its maximum depth reaches 230 meters. It is located on the Northwestern side of the Russian Federation. It should be noted that Onega is similar to Lake Ladoga. In fact, they are located on one side of the amazing Baltic Sea basin. Why amazing? Because it amazes with the presence of the underwater world. Accordingly, Lake Ladoga is rich in various types of fish.