Agra is an architectural wonder of India. Sights of Agra: list, photo and description G Agra India

The city of Agra is the greatest city in India with many beautiful historical sites. The city is a unique gem of India. At the time of the Mughals, Agra was the capital of India, its greatness has not faded to this day. , in Rajasthan and the city of Agra form "" - the most popular tourist route in India. And Agra is the apex of this triangle. Tourism accounts for a significant share of the Agra economy.

Geographical position of the city of Agra.

The city is located in the north of India, in the state of Uttar Pradesh. It is located on the banks of the river - Yamuna (Jamna), a tributary of the Ganges River. The river divides the city in half. The population of the city is 1,334,900 inhabitants (according to the data of 2004). One of the most interesting places in India is located near Agra - the abandoned city of Fatehpur Sikri. It is also called the "Dead City". Also near the city of Agra, 150 kilometers away, is the famous city of Jaipur, which is popular with the famous (Amber Fort), the Maharaja's Palace and many others.

Agra city climate.

The climate of the city is subtropical and humid. The city is almost always hot. During the day, the temperature reaches 42 - 46 ° С, and only with the onset of darkness does the temperature drop to 30 ° С. On average, about 695 mm of precipitation falls per year, mainly from June to September. It is best to visit the city in winter, when the weather is sunny and warm.

Historical background of the city of Agra.

The city was founded in the 15th century. The city is young, but this did not prevent it from becoming a successful trade center at that time. The first fortifications in Agra appeared during the reign of Babur, the founder of the Mughal dynasty, who captured the city in 1526.

In the 16th century, Agra became the capital (under Babur's grandson Akbar), from which time the city began to flourish. The time of this reign is called the "Golden Age" of the city. During this time was built, the city became a center of trade, science and art. There were already about 500 thousand people in the city. But in 1658, the decline of Agra began, this was due to the fact that Aureng Zeb moved the capital of India to Aurengabad.

Further, the city often changed its rulers, Agra began to be subjected to numerous destructions by the Marathas. Initially, the city of Agra was called Akbarabad, but after the capture of the Marathas, it was renamed Agra. In 1803, the city was captured by the British Empire, under its rule it began to flourish again. Industry began to develop, Agra was connected by rail with the city of Calcutta, Delhi and Benares.

Sightseeing in the city of Agra.

Undoubtedly, the most important attraction of the city is, which attracts many tourists from all over the world. The Taj Mahal Mausoleum is the greatness of history, it is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Taj Mahal is a famous structure of the Mughal Empire, built of white marble, and located on the banks of the Jamna River.

Shah Jahan built a mausoleum for his most beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died in childbirth. Grieving over her loss, he erected a monument to his love and sorrow for 22 years (1632-1650). The building was erected by 20 thousand of the best craftsmen and artisans. Inside the mausoleum there are two tombs: the shah and his beloved wife. The mausoleum complex includes a high entrance, a front yard, a Mughal garden with many fountains and a swimming pool. The walls of the Taj Mahal are lined with translucent marble. During the construction, agate, malachite, turquoise, etc. were used. An amazing feature of marble is that it is white in bright daylight, pink at dawn, and at night, in the moonlight, it is silvery. Therefore, of course, a fleeting visit to the mausoleum is not enough to see all its magnificence.

In the very center of the city of Agra, a few kilometers from the Taj Mahal, there is a fortress - the Akbarabad palace (it is also called), which Shah Akbar began to build at one time. The fortress is surrounded by a wall of red sandstone, its height is more than 20 meters, and the length along the perimeter is 2.4 km. Outside, there is a moat 10 meters deep and 9 meters wide, which surrounds the outer walls. From the outside, it does not look very attractive, but from the inside, it amazes with its magnificence. Inside the Fort there is a beautiful Pearl Mosque, Jahangir Palace, Shish Mahal, and other buildings. The fort is one of the most important fortresses in India.

It amazes with its splendor located in the city of Agra, it was built by Empress Nur Jahan for her father Jahangir. The mausoleum is located in a huge garden with many walking paths. Itmad ud Daula is certainly a small structure compared to other tombs, but very beautiful. The walls are built of white marble, decorated with semi-precious stones. Through the patterns in the marble, light enters the interior of the room. In addition to the main building, the complex includes numerous gardens and outbuildings.

Another attraction of the city is the Pearl Mosque, built by Shah Jahan. The domes of the mosque shine and resemble pearls, hence the name. Historically, it is believed that the mosque was built by Shah Jahan for members of the royal court.

Tourists who come to see the city of Agra also always try to visit the Shah - Jahan Marble Palace and the Dramma Mosque. Many just wander the streets of the city and see the local sights.

Excursions from the city of Agra.

Akbar, the Mughal emperor built - one of the most interesting places in India. The city is abandoned, it is also called the "Dead City". The city is located 40 kilometers from Agra. The Emperor founded it in honor of the long-awaited birth of his son. For about 12 years after its construction, the city was the capital of the Mughal Empire. Mosques, palaces, various houses were built in Fatehpur Sikri, but due to lack of water over time, the inhabitants left the city. Currently, the city has remained unchanged.

In 150 kilometers from the city of Agra is the city of Jaipur, which is popular with the famous Amber Fort (Pink Fort), the Palace of Winds and many others. Jaipur is called the "Pink City", the name was given because of the unusual pink stone that was used in the construction of the city.

A famous masterpiece of Mughal architecture is the tomb of Akbar the Great, located 8 kilometers from the center of Agra. Akbar himself began construction of the tomb around 1600. The entrance to the structure is superbly decorated with marble mosaics and leads to the carved paneled tomb on the fifth floor. After the death of his father, Akbar's son Jahangir completed the construction of the tomb in 1613.

Agra is connected with the city of Delhi by the national highway number 2, the distance between the cities is 200 kilometers. It's about 4 hours away. Agra Highway No. 11 connects with the city of Jaipur, the distance between the cities is 255 kilometers. The distance to the city of Gwalior is 122 kilometers.

The city of Agra is a fairly large railway junction, which covers a lot of cities in India.

Places for entertainment and shopping in the city of Agra.

The city has many shops, souvenir shops for tourists with various decorations, wooden figurines, which India is famous for. The minicopias of the Taj Mahal are the most popular souvenirs for tourists, everyone is trying to buy them for themselves. Marble chess is also popular. Other marble and red sandstone crafts are also available for purchase. In the shops you can buy different types of clothes, national costumes and much more. There are various cafes and pizzerias in the city. Throughout the city, there are small city parks where tourists enjoy spending time.


The city of Agra today is the center of the chemical and heavy industry in India. The sights of the city are striking in their magnificence and beauty. The Taj Mahal alone attracts many tourists from all over the world. But the fortress - the Akbarabad palace (Red Fort) - is not inferior in its grandeur. Currently recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site Taj Mahal Mausoleum and City Fort.

For exploring the entire north of India, the city of Agra is best suited for its location, as it is connected by high-speed railways with the cities of New Delhi and Delhi.

There are many other less well-known attractions, primarily ancient architecture (the Red Fort fortress, the city of Fatehpur-Sikri mosques, etc.). Agra is also known for its goldsmiths and tanners. This city is included in the "Golden Triangle" route together with Delhi and Jaipur and for many years has been considered the most popular among foreign tourists in this country.

But this popularity has a downside: only the laziest here do not want to cash in on tourists. Taxi drivers will wind up the counter and advise "good and inexpensive restaurants" where they are paid a commission, etc.

Tourist Agra is considered an unsafe city. For guests of the country, prices here are several times overstated, there are many pickpockets and other thieves on the streets. You should not go for a walk at night, especially for girls, and also wear expensive jewelry - they may "like" monkeys trained by thieves.

How to get to Agra

There are no direct flights to Agra from Russia, first you have to fly to the capital. From Delhi to Agra there is a Shatabdi Express train, it departs from New Delhi Station at 6:00 and goes back at 20:40 (2 hours on the way). The Taj Express departs from Nizamuddin Station at 7:15 am and returns at 6:50 pm (travel time 3 hours). In addition to them, all trains go through Agra to Calcutta, Mumbai and Gwalior.

In addition, you can get to Agra by bus (express from 3 hours), taxi (3500-5500 INR with 4 people per car) or by ordering a group tour (from 1500 INR, including entrance tickets). Prices on the page are for March 2019.

Search for flights to Delhi (closest airport to Agra)

Weather in Agra

Average monthly temperature, ° C day and night





  • June







The most comfortable season to visit Agra comes in early October, when the rainy season ends, but there is still no stifling heat. During the day, the air temperature is kept at a comfortable level of +18 ... + 20 ° С, everything is blooming, and, of course, there are crowds of tourists at this time of year. By December, it gets colder to +14 ... + 17 ° С, at the same time prices for flights and accommodation are falling and there are significantly fewer tourists.

From March to mid-June it is hot here, the air temperature rarely drops below +35 ° С, and sometimes even reaches +45 ° С. The rainy season begins in mid-July, which lasts until the end of September, and August is considered the wettest month here - it can rain for about two weeks.

Agra Hotels

Usually tourists come to Agra for no more than a couple of days, and the hotel fund can handle such a flow. There are both budget and expensive accommodation options, but, as in the whole country, in Agra, even an expensive hotel of a large international chain does not guarantee impeccable service. The maids can "forget" to change bed linen or dishes in the room, not bring a bathrobe or slippers. In well-known hotels, after a reminder, the shortcomings will be corrected, and in budget local hotels - it is absolutely not necessary. The photos on the site do not always correspond to reality, you should only focus on the reviews of guests.

The most convenient area for accommodation is Tajganj, from where you can walk to the Taj Mahal. There are housing in different price categories, but in general the prices are higher than the city average. Another popular area for guests of Agra is Rakabganj near the fort and the Pearl Mosque: there are few budget options, but there is a large selection of mid-range hotels (considering Indian prices, this is still available).

The range of prices is from a couple of dollars per day to several hundred. Accommodation even in a hotel of a large international chain will be relatively inexpensive compared to similar in Europe. A double room in a 4-5 star hotel with a pool, terraces and views of the Taj Mahal will cost about INR 6900 per day or more. A room in a guesthouse in the city center costs from 830 INR for two, the conditions are quite spartan, but a shower and a bed will be required (and if you are lucky, then an air conditioner).

A hotel corresponding to a European 3 * can be found here for INR 1700-2100 per day (double room).

Shopping in Agra

In Agra, it is worth buying products from local artisans. They are real virtuosos in their field, and the price depends primarily on the level of skill.

  • Handmade genuine leather products from local craftsmen: shoes, bags, belts and other accessories. A few years ago, these were just comfortable and high-quality things made of well-made leather, but today craftsmen pay great attention to the appearance of products, and you can buy real designer shoes and accessories in local markets and shops. There are about 60 tanneries operating in the city, and most of the artisans are employed in this area.
  • Embroidery- even Empress Nur Jahan herself was a wonderful embroiderer, and this skill is still honored in Agra.
  • Jewelry- when buying jewelry, you should be as careful as possible: they can slip a perfectly cut, but not a precious stone, this is especially common in the markets. In specialized jewelry stores, the probability of buying a fake tends to zero.
  • Other interesting souvenirs from Agra are miniature marble replicas of the Taj Mahal, also often bought here carpets and traditional clothes from natural silk and cashmere, scarves, plaids and shawls.

The most popular place for shopping in the city is the Sadar Bazaar, here the most pleasant prices, and you can (and should) bargain. It is located next to the train station, within walking distance of the Taj Mahal. Here you should pay attention to sweets, in particular the local delicacy - pumpkin sweets (aka winter melon).

There is a shopping center in Agra, where you can find in one place literally everything that the city is rich in - Gangotri. Check out the silk paintings and leather bags from West Bengal.

To the craft village Shilpgram go for leather accessories, marble statues and copper utensils. Here you can not only shop, but also see the craftsmen at work, drink something tasty in the bar, and in February the village hosts an arts festival - a celebration of all the craft traditions of Agra. By and large, Shilpgram is an open-air ethnographic museum where you can see how ordinary people lived.

On Kinari bazaar it is worth going for jewelry: they are of the highest quality here, there are practically no fakes. There is also a large selection of wedding accessories, enamel and embroidery decorations.

Cuisine and restaurants

With cafes and restaurants, the situation is the same as with hotels - there is for every budget. When choosing a place, you should not be guided by the recommendations of taxi drivers and hotel staff - in almost 100% of cases they will recommend the institution where they receive a percentage for each brought tourist. Pay attention, where the Indians themselves dine, most likely, it will be good there.

In the tourist area of ​​Taj Ganj, there is a huge selection of cafes and restaurants, but prices are "tourist" and the cuisine is mediocre. For authentic Indian food, head to the Sadar Bazaar area.

The Joney's Place diner is cheap (food prices range from INR 50 to 130), but at the same time colorful and quite tasty. Yash Cafe restaurant is considered one of the best among the tourist, it serves Indian and European cuisine, and for those who arrived for the day, there is a luggage room.

You can dine, admiring the beautiful views of the Taj Mahal, in the restaurant at the Saniya Palace Hotel (prices for meals - from 70 INR). Excellent and truly authentic Indian food is served at Pinch of Spice, while Cafe Coffee Day is the best breakfast to go.

A licensed guide to India, The Grand Gopika Thalia by GMB restaurant recommends its guests in Agra. It serves traditional Indian cuisine that is appreciated even by the locals. The food is like homemade, and it is also a paradise for those with a sweet tooth - there are more than 100 types of sweets on the menu! Besides, tourists should look into the Pinch of Spice. Indian cuisine with European service (as well as dishes with less spices) and a pleasant interior.

The best pictures of Agra

Agra entertainment and attractions

Agra is a tourist town that has perfectly preserved its medieval appearance with narrow crowded streets, shops with silver and gold products, historical buildings and masterpieces of Mughal architecture.

Taj Mahal

The city of Agra is known all over the world thanks to the mausoleum of the beloved wife of Padishkh Shah Jahan, the pearl of Indo-Islamic architecture - Taj Mahal. This building - a symbol of love - is located on the banks of the Yamuna River, decorated with marble and covered with verses from the Koran. Pay attention to the 22 small domes located above the gate - they symbolize the time spent on the construction of a perfectly symmetrical monument.

The interior of the building amazes with the luxury of decoration using precious and semi-precious stones, which were worked on by true masters of jewelry.

Entrance for foreigners costs 1300 INR, along with the ticket they give out shoe covers and a bottle of water; children under 15 years old are admitted free. Video and photography with professional equipment is prohibited, permission to shoot with a regular camera will cost an additional 25 INR.

The line is first divided into foreigners and Hindus, and then into male and female. When going up to the site on which the Taj Mahal is located, and entering the mausoleum itself, you need to put on shoe covers. Entrance to the complex is allowed only by pedicabs or electric vehicles.

Taj Mahal

Tomb of Itmad-Ud-Daula

Small Taj, or the tomb of Itmad-Ud-Daula, is another unique historical monument located in the center of the Persian Park. The tomb was built for the parents of Empress Nur Jehan. It is a small building of yellow marble, decorated with white and black designs. It is also called the "jewelry box" for its beautiful interior decoration, rich mosaic of gems and graceful openwork marble panels.

Red Fort

The Red Fort, or Agra Fort, is a red sandstone fortress built in 1565. The construction of the fortress began under the Mughal Emperor Akbar, and the fort was finally completed during the reign of Shah Jahan in the early 17th century. The complex includes several mosques, audience halls, palaces and gardens. The architectural style of the fort contains features of Islamic and Hindu architecture, giving it a special charm and beauty.

The fort is shaped like a crescent. From the inside, it is trimmed with marble and ornamental stones, and it is also surrounded by a double battlement about 21 meters high.

Agra Maps

Fatehpur Sikri

No less interesting for tourists is Fatehpur Sikri, or the City of Mosques of Emperor Akbar. Several legends are associated with the emergence of this amazing place. One of them says: Emperor Akbar wanted a son so much that he went in search of the Sufi mystic Salim Shikhti. It was on the site of the future city that he prayed for help, and soon the emperor really had a son. After the miracle happened, Akbar vowed to build a dream city on this place. For a long time, the city amazed residents and visitors from all over the world with its beauty. The inner fortress of the city, the mint and squares to this day remind of the perfect feat and skill of the architects of that time. Here is the grave of Sheikh Salim Shikhti, where thousands of pilgrims from all over India come.

Emperor Akbar, who had done so much for the city, died in 1605. He began to build the mausoleum during his lifetime, choosing for this a square-plan Chakhar-bagha park. The tomb of the emperor is made of red sandstone, decorated with marble mosaics and carved panels.

In the north of India you will find a city of amazing beauty - Agra. It is located on the banks of the Yamuna River. From 1528 to 1658 Agra was the capital of the Mughal empire, and today the city attracts buildings of those days. Hindi is spoken here, but Urdu and Punjabi are also spoken. Agra has changed its rulers more than once. And in 1803 the city was captured by the British, under their leadership, Agra became an important trade center with a developed industry.

Climate and weather

The climate of the city is humid, tropical and characterized by hot weather. From April to July, the temperature during the day can be 40-46 ° C, sinking at night to 30 ° C... But the monsoons are not as strong as in other cities in India.

The time of the greatest precipitation is from June to September. And it is better to go there in winter, because during this period it is warm and sunny.


Agra is truly one of the most beautiful cities in India. Since it is located in the northern part of the country, here you will not see golden sandy beaches and ocean waves, but this does not prevent the city from being enchantingly beautiful.

Perhaps its appeal lies in the ancient buildings of the Mughal Empire and their most beautiful pearl - the Taj Mahal. Majestic and beautiful, it has attracted thousands of tourists. No wonder he is recognized as a new wonder of the world.


In Agra you will see Taj Mahal(1632-1650 c.). In 2007, it was recognized as the Seventh Wonder of the World of our time, it is a real pearl of India, a monument of great love and unique beauty of architecture. Will meet you Agra Fort- majestic and powerful. It includes a large complex of palaces, gardens, squares, mosques.

Unusually decorated marble tomb building Itemad-ud-Dauli will give you its affectionate beauty, and the Garden of Eden Rambach will amaze you with its picturesqueness. Needless to say, there is really something to see in Agra.


It will not be difficult for you to have a snack or a hearty meal here. There are many different places where food is sold in Agra. For a quick bite to eat, head to the small bars and cafes. If you prefer lunch at an inexpensive restaurant, then at your service will be Garden View Restaurant and Only Restaurant serving Indian, Italian and Mexican cuisine.

French cuisine, as well as Indian and continental food, you can taste in Novotel Brasserie... The Mongolian restaurant Nauratna will also serve you top notch.


Agra hotels are distinguished by their coziness and beauty, and the staff - hospitality. Inexpensive three-star hotels Amar Yatri Niwas, Utkarsh Vilas, Pushp Villa located a kilometer from Taj Mahal, a Howard Park Plaza, Marina, Clark Shiraz, higher class, located in the very center of Agra. Fashionable Oberoi amarvilas will satisfy the most discerning guest.

Entertainment and recreation

After seeing the many attractions, relax in one of Agra's gardens or visit the spa. An elephant safari and the search for Bengal tigers will delight you with vivid impressions. In addition, the hotels offer tourists a wide range of entertainment, including Indian dancing.

In the evenings in the garden by the restaurant Taj khema, located opposite the Taj Mahal, hosts musical performances with folk dances. Be sure to visit the art gallery Agra Art Gallery.


You won't find a wide variety of shops in this city, but don't be discouraged. Known among tourists Kinari bazaar... At this bazaar you can buy literally everything: shoes, clothes, spices, marble, jewelry. The population of Agra is famous for its artisans, among the crafts the most widespread are carving and inlay on marble.

Red sandstone souvenirs are in demand, especially a miniature copy of the Taj Mahal. When buying, you can bargain until the price drops by 30%.


There is no metro in the city of Agra. Therefore, all trips will have to be made by bus or train. Agra is connected with other cities by many road, rail and air routes.

The cheapest way to get around is by bus. The cost of air and rail transport is approximately equal.


Agra has a developed telephone line network. You can call anywhere in the world. You can also use a mobile phone by purchasing in advance SIM card. Postal services are well developed. Internet cafes will provide inexpensive and fast internet.


While in Agra, you need to remember about the special religiosity of its inhabitants. Women should wear long, closed clothing. Short skirts and sweaters are strictly prohibited. When entering holy places, women must cover their heads with a scarf. Do not make noise, for this you may be kicked out. It is not customary to swear in public. In case of strong alcoholic intoxication, it is better not to go outside, especially in the central regions.

Business climate

In the present period, Agra is a very large transport hub, as well as the center of light industry (leather and footwear, cotton spinning, cotton), food industry, and metalworking. There is a university.

Handicrafts are developing: the production of jewelry, various creations from marble and red sandstone.

When making excursions around Agra, it is worth listening to the advice of guides and people who have already been in the city. When walking around the bazaar, be vigilant. Beware of old wooden balconies that hang over some of the display cases. Keep your eye on the road as you may even come across cattle along the way.

Agra is one of the most visited tourist cities in India due to the preserved monuments of ancient architecture. Together with the cities of Delhi and Jaipur, visiting Agra is included in the most popular route for tourists - the "Golden Triangle of India".

The city with a rich history is located at the intersection of ancient trade routes and today is a major transport hub in the country. Developed transport links allow you to get to the city by any means. The most comfortable, fast and inexpensive of them is considered to be the railway one: the road from Delhi takes 3-4 hours. However, it is extremely difficult to see all the sights in one day.

Pearl of the city - Taj Mahal changes its color depending on the position of the sun, so that its changing species alone will suffice for a day of review. In addition to architectural monuments, the city has preserved ancient craft traditions, conquering with their originality and exoticism.

Fort Agra is also called the Red Fort. After the overthrow of the Delhi Sultanate in 1526, the Mughals captured Agra along with the fort and its many treasures, including the famous Kohinoor diamond.

The Mughal emperor the great Akbar in 1558 moved his capital here and began to restore the citadel. During his reign, the best architects, craftsmen and artisans came to the capital. The work was completed under his grandson, Shah Jahan. Three emperors of the Mughal dynasty made their additions to the complex, which is located on 91 hectares and has the shape of a crescent.

The fort was listed as a UNESCO Cultural Heritage Site in 1983, and in 2004 was awarded the Aga Khan Prize for Architecture. The fortress city has collected parts of both Hindu and Islamic styles. Unfortunately, a small area is reserved for excursions.In the complex, behind the walls of red sandstone, a huge number of pavilions, gardens, palaces, mosques and towers are hidden. The octagonal tower overlooks the Taj Mahal, located on the other side of the Yamuna River.

The Taj Mahal is considered an architectural symbol of India, attracting more than 2.5 million tourists from all over the world annually. The reason for the establishment of a majestic monument of culture, history and architecture was the boundless love of Emperor Jahan for his wife Mumtaz. Mumtaz Mahal died suddenly during childbirth. After a year of desperate grief, the once majestic emperor, who expanded the territory of the Mughal Empire, gathered its best masters to build the most beautiful tomb for his beloved wife.

There are two tombs stored in the mausoleum: the emperor wished to be buried next to his beloved wife in the most magnificent palace, on the creation of which they worked more than 20,000 workers... The walls of the mausoleum were decorated with precious stones (more than 28 types), the door was installed in pure silver. The mausoleum is based on marble slabs.

Unfortunately, not everything was saved. The British were accused of plundering the monument: many carpets, mosaics, stones and jewelry were removed. Today, in order to preserve its snow-white appearance, the Indian government ordered the removal of harmful industrial enterprises outside Agra, as well as excluding transport on the territory of the complex. It includes the main entrance, the mausoleum and gardens, as well as the surrounding mosque on both sides of the mausoleum and a guest house in symmetry. The garden covers an area of ​​300 square meters. And in a wide water channel in front of the main entrance, a majestic monument is reflected, which is under the protection of UNESCO.

Fatehpur Sikri is a ghost town 35 kilometers from Agra. Emperor Akbar the Great began building his capital there. The complex of architectural monuments of this capital is made in a unique Mughal style. There is also the tomb of the prophet who predicted three sons to Akbar. The city was built up for 14 years, and then it was deserted, presumably due to the lack of water supply to the growing city. The complex is now also under the protection of UNESCO.

The tomb of Akbar the Great with a tombstone is made of marble in Muslim, Christian and Hindu styles. Decorated with a variety of mosaics and ornaments, surrounded by a beautiful 48 hectare garden and a huge wall with four gates. The Gate of Splendor is the only real one.

The Itmad ud Daula mausoleum was erected for Emperor Jahangir in 1628. The mausoleum is also located in a picturesque garden with many alleys and paths. The walls of the architectural monument are made of white marble and inlaid with various precious stones. The interior decoration in colors such as black, yellow and white creates an unimaginable contrast and dazzles the imagination. On the territory of the complex there are preserved structures made of red sandstone.

The Chini-ka-Rauza mausoleum was erected by Emperor Shah Jahal for his devoted minister in 1635. The building is square in shape with turrets at the corners. Each wall has 24-meter arches, which are lined with tiles, which corresponds to the Indo-Persian style. The quadrangular hall with the tomb is surrounded by four more small halls, which are lined with tiles of different colors. Tourists can also see nests of colored parrots in the corners. Unfortunately, the brightness of the tiles dimmed greatly over time, and the north and south gates collapsed.

The Rambach Garden is considered the oldest garden of the Mughal era, in which rare plants listed in the Red Book have been preserved. The garden showcases the Muslim concept of paradise. A huge number of cobbled paths, pavilions, shady and bright open spaces, fountains, ponds and canals: all this can still be enjoyed in the Garden of Eden.

Location: Near Aligadh Hatrash Road, Firojabad Road.

Wildlife SOS is a wildlife sanctuary. Tourists are especially impressed by elephants, which can be approached and even touched. The park also contains bears.

Location: National Highway - 2.

Javab Masjid is a red stone guest palace located to the right of the Taj Mahal. From under the numerous arches of this palace, picturesque photographs of the main pearl of Agra are obtained.

It becomes clear that you can endlessly enjoy the views, parks, architectural ensembles of the ancient homeland of the fabulous Aladdin. Also, do not miss the opportunity to bargain with sellers at the ancient bazaar, choosing carpets, leather or stone products. And a ride in a green and yellow auto rickshaw for a cent? The oldest legendary city continues to receive millions of tourists from all over the world.

Agra is a city, first of all, known for its architecture, because during the reign of the Mughals, the most eminent artists of that time flocked here. Many parks, palaces, forts and mausoleums were built.

Each of the structures is unique and inimitable, which attracts tourists to come here, deep into India. It should be noted that the city is quite densely populated - 1,600 million people. Perhaps that is why Agra is considered one of the most unsafe cities in India, and also the most expensive.


Among the attractions of Agra are the following:

  • Fatehpur Sikri

In 2007, the Taj Mahal was officially added to the new list of wonders of the world. This popularity is due to the richness of the decoration of this historical monument. For 17 years, workers painstakingly cut out unique patterns from marble blocks, which were subsequently decorated with precious stones. Since the Taj Mahal was conceived as the mausoleum of Shah Jahan, there are floral ornaments inside the structure, symbolizing the Gardens of Eden.

This fort was built over a decade by Emperor Akbar. As conceived by the architects, the structure was supposed to resemble a crescent moon. Outside the walls of the fort, they have located a whole complex consisting of vineyards, pavilions, the decoration of which can delight even the most sophisticated traveler.

Deserves special attention octagonal tower because it is from there that you can admire the Taj Mahal. In addition, the tower itself is decorated with mosaics, which is a very typical phenomenon for Indian architecture.

Jama Masjid is a Friday mosque located in the center of the old city. The construction of the mosque was carried out under the supervision of the daughter of Shah-Jahan, and perhaps that is why the building is decorated with characteristic zigzag ornaments. During the Mughal times, the area around the mosque was a fairly lively place where taverns and shops were located.

Now you can just walk along these streets, enjoying the atmosphere of the old days of this part of the city. It is worth noting that there are many souvenir shops where you can buy jewelry and gold.

Itimad-ud-Daula is another mausoleum, like the Taj Mahal, only built a few years earlier. In the broad masses, this structure received the name "Little Taj"... But it is still worth a visit to Itimad-ud-Daula, as there are impressive patterns and mosaics, which are certainly noteworthy.

Fatehlur Sikri is also known as Mosque cities of Emperor Akbar... Many legends are connected with the construction of this city. One of them says that Akbar really wanted to have a son, and therefore decided to find the mystic Salim Shikhti to help him. It was at the place where the emperor prayed to the sage for a son and Fatehlur Sikri was built. Subsequently, eminent guests who came there did not get tired of admiring the beauty and originality of the buildings.

Weather in Agra

Due to the fact that Agra is located in the subtropical climatic zone, the temperature from April to July can reach 45 ° C. That's why best time to visit Agra is winter when the temperature does not exceed 25 ° C.

How to get there

You can get to Agra by the Shatabdi Express train, which runs daily from Delhi. The train departure time from NewDelhiStation is 6.00 am. The Taj Express also departs from Nizamuddin Station at 7.15 am. The journey will take about 3 hours.

If it is not possible to take these special trains, you can get to Agra by any other one going to Calcutta or Mumbai.

For lovers of bus travel, there are flights to Agra, the trip will also take no more than 3 hours.

Where to stay

The main criteria for choosing a hotel in Agra are accessibility, proximity to the center and comfort. The most expensive area of ​​Agra is considered Taj Ganj as it is located very close to the Taj Mahal.

But if you try, even in such a place you can find acceptable and inexpensive guesthouses.

It is not necessary to book a room in advance, because in India it is quite customary to bargain with the owners of hotels, shops, and so on.

It is also not worth counting on clean and spacious rooms in guesthouses; interruptions with hot water are not excluded. But the cost of living will be significantly lower than the luxury hotels on Fatehbad Road.

Among the budget options are the following: Shanti Lodge, Hotel Shyam Palace, Rahi Tourist Bungalow Hotel Agra.