Where to relax in November youth. Where to relax in the beginning, middle and end of November: description of beach and ski resorts. Ski resorts in November

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We are approaching winter, and somewhere the warm waves of the sea or ocean wash the coastal sand.

There are many countries where the weather in November is suitable for a beach holiday, an even tan and swimming in the sea.

The holiday season at this time in Europe, namely in Greece, Turkey and Spain, is coming to an end, but in many exotic countries the rainy season is ending, and the weather is conducive to a great holiday at sea.

There are many exotic countries that are a great place to relax by the sea in autumn, namely November. For lovers of all types of beach holidays, there is something special.


Most comfortable weather conditions in November, Egypt has for a beach holiday. The air temperature in cities such as Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada is about 30 degrees, and the water is about 25. Many tourists do not visit Egypt in the summer, due to the sweltering heat there, which creates a lot of discomfort, so the best time than November for a holiday on the Red Sea is not found. In addition to the ancient monuments of civilization, Egypt has many well-equipped beaches, as well as excellent hotels with excellent service.

Canary Islands

Among European countries with a cold climate, quite pleasant weather in November is present in the Canary Islands. The water temperature in the Canary Islands is quite high - 20-23 degrees, and air - about 23 degrees. Here no intense heat, but in general, the sunny and dry climate perfectly contributes to an even tan and a comfortable stay at sea. Many islands of the archipelago, such as Tenerife, have a developed infrastructure and excellent service.


Holidays on magnificent beaches are also suitable for lovers shopping, because there are many opportunities for this in the UAE. There are beautiful clean beaches on the coast of the Persian Gulf, a favorable climate and well-developed modern infrastructure. The sea temperature in November here is on average 25 degrees, and the air temperature is 28-30. In the summer season, it is unbearably hot here, but for a holiday in November, there are all the possibilities.

But it must be remembered that the UAE has very strict morals, so you need to behave appropriately.


The Maldives is truly a paradise: white beaches, palm trees, clear Indian Ocean and excellent service. This vacation is considered exotic, and not everyone can afford it, but you will undoubtedly get a lot of satisfaction from a holiday in the Maldives in November. It has a wonderful climate - air temperature - 30 degrees, and water - 28.

Sea breezes perfectly allow you to endure the heat, so there are ideal conditions for relaxing on the sea.

Despite all the incredible exotic beauty, the service here is excellent.

An excellent addition are the opportunities for outdoor activities, including diving, yachting, catamaran trips.


This country is a popular destination during the winter season, and in November there is also great weather for a seaside holiday.

The air temperature here is about 30 degrees, and the water is 27.

Thailand is a great place for shopping and of course, a beach holiday. Here you can treat yourself to excellent cuisine and famous Thai massage. You can choose any area, each with its own personality.

Some are virgin beaches and clear waters of the coast, while others are popular crowded resorts with excellent service.


This beautiful resort is located in India, which has great weather in November for relaxing on the beaches - the air temperature averages 32 degrees, and the water temperature in the Arabian Sea is 27 degrees. Goa is, first of all, striking natural beauties that will not leave anyone indifferent. waterfalls immersed in greenery and white sandy beaches, as well as many ancient architectural buildings that are saturated with the spirit of India. Thanks to this, Goa is a great place for a November holiday.


An incredibly popular resort that attracts many tourists with its excellent weather conditions and excellent recreational opportunities. Here are beautiful beaches, among which you can find pristine and completely deserted, as well as beaches, which are a place of constant parties with many bars, clubs and shops. Therefore, lovers of a varied and interesting beach holiday will love Bali. The air temperature in November here is 32 degrees, and the water is 27.


Incredibly beautiful and, importantly, virgin nature is the main asset of this island. In November, the weather here is ideal for relaxing on the sea - the air temperature is quite high - 30 degrees, and the water - 28 degrees. The beach season here is year-round, but November is a favorite time for windsurfers and yachtsmen. Snow-white beaches, beautiful landscapes and coral reefs are the property of the Seychelles. You will see many national restaurants, markets, as well as ancient architectural structures. This is a great place, immersed in greenery and suitable for a November holiday by the sea.


Holidays on the beaches of Cuba last all year round, in November there are also excellent weather conditions for this - 26-27 degrees air temperature and 26 degrees water temperature. Cuba has many small provinces and cities with beautiful natural landscapes, pristine beaches, and national parks. In addition, each city has unique architectural monuments and a rich cultural heritage. Here reigns atmosphere of freedom and fun, on the beaches you can often hear the sounds of rumba and salsa and see people dancing to these rhythms. For lovers of a colorful and fun holiday at sea, Cuba is an ideal place.

Sri Lanka

Wonderful resort island, where water sports are very common and among them the main places are occupied by diving, surfing and others, so lovers of active beach holidays Sri Lanka will undoubtedly like it. The air temperature here in November is 28-30 degrees, and the water is 27. The traditional cuisine is varied and tasty, there are many restaurants, among which you can find something special for yourself. Many architectural monuments immerse in the Indian atmosphere, which will appeal to all lovers of Indian flavor. Sri Lanka is a great place for an unusual and interesting holiday.

The cost of tours (on-line) at the moment! Only real offers! All prices for holidays in November are here:

Holidays in November 2020 are full of their pleasant features and are in no way inferior to summer holidays. A beach holiday in the resorts of the Indian Ocean will allow you to enjoy warmth and comfort. The most popular destinations are Maldives, Goa, Seychelles and beaches Pacific Ocean relating to French Polynesia. The velvet season invites you to appreciate the merits of the beaches of Egypt, bask on the Greek sun-drenched coasts of Rhodes or Cyprus, visit the quiet Spanish islands of Tenerife and Madeira. No less exciting will be a trip to the cities of Europe. One of the classic examples is the Czech Republic, where to go on vacation in November is the cheapest.

Month of carnivals, holidays and festivals

November is deservedly considered the month of carnivals. The grandiose German carnival starts on the 11th of this month. It goes through several German cities, including Cologne, Düsseldorf and others. In the middle of the month in France - the festival of "young wine". The celebration begins in the town of Bojo, with a march of winemakers, starting a little before midnight. Immediately after this date, Beaujolais Nouveau begins to be bottled in all drinking establishments in Paris, Dijon, Lyon and other cities of France.
The British holiday Guy Fawkes Night is also very interesting. It begins on the night of the fifth to the sixth, when they burn the effigy of the traitor Guy Fawkes, who, back in 1605, set fire to the buildings of the English Parliament. And on the eve of December, preparations for Christmas markets are already in full swing. All European cities are starting to offer guests delicious drinks and traditional pastries right on the streets.

It should be noted that in November the prices for tours to Europe are quite low. By the end of the month, there are many last-minute tours and special offers from tour operators. We recommend that you follow the update of information about similar tours on our website or subscribe to the newsletter .

If there is no time for a long journey

Short trips are best planned with air travel, this will allow you to allocate more time for relaxation. Preference should be given to the closest countries, the most popular of them are: the Czech Republic, Italy or France, ferry crossings to Sweden or Finland are in no less demand. During the rest here you can enjoy not only excursions, but also entertainment programs of one of the November celebrations. There is no question - where to relax in November and lovers of skiing. This month, the ski resorts of Switzerland, France and Austria are already starting to work with might and main, but the season in the mountains of Spain begins a little later.

November is the time of rest with children.

November is the month of school holidays (November 1-8) and November holidays.

In November 2020, in Russia, the holiday, National Unity Day - November 4, falls on Wednesday, respectively, the days off will be November 1,4,7,8.

Therefore, during this period of time, it is more important than ever to relax with a child and go on short tours. It is worth mentioning that it is worth taking care of where to go in November for these dates in advance; it is unlikely that you will have to rely on last-minute tours at the peak of vacation dates.

Choosing exotic trips

At the beginning of the month, tours to exotic Asian countries are more actively offered. The rainy season is already ending here, and the weather is conducive to a beach holiday. Singapore is considered especially delightful at this time, where the cultures of East and West are so bizarrely mixed.
Tourists will be able to visit the royal palaces of Thailand or noisy parties on the beaches of India during their holidays. The nature of the islands is especially fascinating: the Maldives and the Seychelles. The Maldives enchant tourists with the cleanliness of the beaches and the boundless blue of the ocean.
The resorts of Mexico are also waiting for their tourists - after all, a favorable dry season is just beginning here.

Many people want their vacation to be unforgettable and full of impressions, but usually in November the weather does not make us happy and delighted. The best way to get rid of the autumn mood and change rainy weather for sunny weather is a trip abroad to the sea. It is in autumn that the holiday season is just beginning in many countries. Let's look at the most popular tourist destinations where you can relax abroad at sea in November.

Why not take a cruise? Prices are very affordable!

More and more often Russian tourists decide to spend their holidays in Thailand. And this is not surprising! Magical white sand beaches and beautiful pristine nature - these are good reasons to go to this fabulous country. In October, the rainy season ends here, the nights become warm, the average temperature is 28 degrees Celsius. November is the beginning of the tourist season in Thailand, there are more and more tourists every day, because the bright sun shines so temptingly.

In Thailand, you can visit many Buddhist temples and monasteries, look at the Royal Palace or take an evening cruise on the Chao Phraya River. On the night of the first full moon in November, Thailand celebrates the Water Festival.

On this day, all over the country, people launch boats in all bodies of water. The festival is held in honor of Mother Water. People ask her forgiveness for the pollution and express their gratitude to her. Temples, houses, locals dressed in costumes - all this strikes with a variety of bright colors for every tourist. On November 25, the annual Monkey Banquet takes place in the small town of Lop Buri.

Several hundred guests are invited to a grand vegetarian banquet, and they are all monkeys. This amazing holiday is arranged by the owner of one of the hotels. On the day of the banquet, he sends out invitations to his guests, tying them to nuts. People say that the monkeys understand everything, gather in Lop Buri and treat themselves to vegetables, fruits and rice prepared for them. Can such a spectacle leave anyone indifferent?


In November, you can go to India, and the best decision would be a trip to Goa. The air temperature there is about 33 degrees, and the water heats up to 27. A trip to the very heart of India with its colorful traditions, beautiful beaches, colorful streets and exotic nature is what you need to relax after cold November days in Russia. Such a vacation will become a trip to a fairy tale for you, it will definitely remain in your memory for many years.

In addition to all the obvious advantages, holidays in India are quite economical, which cannot but please tourists. Here by low prices you can buy many things you need on vacation so as not to carry huge suitcases with you. Do not forget to buy a windbreaker or a warm sweater, because the nights can be cool at this time. Excursions to ancient temples and monasteries, walks through the bustling markets, swimming in the warm sea and riding elephants are just a small part of what you can do in Goa in november.

Dominican Republic

A great holiday destination in November is the Dominican Republic. The ocean coast, hot sun and tropics - this is what this amazing Caribbean island is famous for. At this time in the Dominican Republic there are rains, but they are short and pleasantly refreshing. The purest white sand, palm trees and the warm sea of ​​sunny beaches make it possible to deservedly call the Dominican Republic a sea paradise.

Of course, the main attraction of the island is the beaches, the most famous and popular of which are located in the province of Puerto Plata. The capital of the Dominican Republic, the city of Santo Domingo, is now named a UNESCO Heritage of Humanity for a large number of historical and cultural monuments. Here you can visit the Cathedral of Santa Mariala Menor, where the remains of Christopher Columbus are kept, the castle that belonged to his brother, the oldest university.

Are you more interested in recent history? Then take a tour of the Museum of Modern Art. All over the island you will find cozy parks, created especially for a quiet rest after long walks. Snorkellers will be delighted with the array of tropical colorful fish, dolphins and turtles. A beach holiday with children in this heavenly corner of the Earth will be a great solution. Being engaged in active recreation, for which there are a great many opportunities, children will not only have fun, having a good time, but will also be able to improve their health.


One of the best options for a November holiday is a trip to Vietnam. At this time, the weather is already dry there, the temperature fluctuates around 25-32 degrees. Prices are lower than in Thailand, and even more so in Russia. An amazing combination of oriental exoticism and modern service will delight all guests of the country. Vietnam is deservedly called the Asian Hawaii.

Wonderful sandy beaches surrounded by amazing lagoons, waterfalls and coconut palms only prove this once again. In addition, you can visit the well-kept national parks, which are so pleasing to the eye. According to legend, in the coastal bays you may be lucky enough to see the red dragon, the local Loch Ness monster.

Climatic conditions in November in Vietnam are conducive to outdoor activities - surfing, scuba diving, paragliding, exploring the area on bicycles or ATVs. Excursion tourism is also developed quite well. Each tourist is offered a large list of excursions to choose from, so that guests of the country can choose what they like.

In November, Vietnam hosts the stunning Ok Om Bok festival, held in honor of the spirits of the river and the moon. The most interesting part of it is the junk rowing competition. If you manage to visit this holiday, you will be able to learn many amazing traditions and exotic customs of this magical country.


If you are ready to go to the other side of the Earth for warmth and sun, the best holiday option in November is the Maldives. At this time of the year there is a bright sun, and almost no rain. Here it is, a real tropical paradise! Lush greenery, flowering of exotic plants with a pleasant sweet aroma - all this you can only find there.

The Maldives is the most suitable place for a relaxing holiday, complete privacy and achieving harmony with nature. Even though in November, due to the opening of the holiday season, the number of tourists increases significantly, you will not see huge crowds of noisy people on the beaches.

Everything here is organized in such a way that you can feel like the one for whom the sun is shining here, and the waves are quietly rustling. Amazing landscapes, bays full of bright corals and sterile cleanliness - these are the features of the beaches in the Maldives. The water temperature in November is about 28 degrees, which makes swimming and diving extremely enjoyable.

By the way, diving schools are open for everyone on almost every island. The underwater world here is striking in its colorfulness and diversity: colorful fish, beautiful coral gardens, caves and thickets - all this surprises, shocks and leaves an indelible impression. On November 11, Republic Day is celebrated in the Maldives, accompanied by parades, colorful carnivals and colorful fireworks.

Although the weather in November on the Turkish coast cannot be called beachy, there are many very attractive features in the rest here. Comfortable air temperature (+22°-23°) and water (+18-20°) create a gentle atmosphere of May. There are no noisy crowds on the beaches, you can safely walk along the Cote d'Azur, bask in the warm rays. Fans of refreshing showers may well still swim, and fans of the heat should start hardening, plunging briefly into invigorating waves. The best places in Turkey for a beach holiday in November are Side and Alanya, because it rarely rains here, the days are warm. In the evening it is noticeably cooler - you should stock up on a set of warm clothes.

In addition to being on the beach, November is the right time for memorable excursions to the historical and cultural sights of a country with a rich past. Those who go on sightseeing tours have the opportunity to see the grandiose monuments of the Ottoman Empire: the Blue Mosque of Ahmed, the Sultan's Topkapi Palace with a museum of Turkish weapons, the Hagia Sophia (St. Sofia) with a "weeping" column. Tourists will be impressed by the famous bridge laid across the Bosphorus Strait (length - 1.5 km, width - 33.5 m, height - 64 m).

Everyone walks along it with pleasure, admiring the magnificent landscapes spreading below. Undoubted success will be participation in the celebration of Ataturk's Memorial Day (10.11) and the Feast of Sacrifice (17.11). November in Turkey is the ripening season for generous gifts of subtropical nature in the form of citrus fruits, bananas, peaches, vegetables, which at this time cost a penny, and you can eat enough and buy them for future use.

If you like to relax on the sea coast during the “velvet season”, then in November you need to go to the Emirates, where it is in full swing. The sultry heat has gone, the air has become cooler (+28-30°), the waves in the Persian Gulf are so gentle (+25°) that you don’t want to leave the warm water. It is slightly cooler off the coast of the Gulf of Oman (+23°), but it is warmer here at night. In November, tour operators practice significant discounts on tours for groups of more than 3 people - you can take advantage of this and go with the whole family.

You don’t have to worry about leisure – you won’t be bored: there are many well-equipped water parks, amusement parks with dizzying rides, zoos and various entertainment centers. A visit to all these sites, including zoos, will appeal to both adults and children, especially since this can be done with big discounts for tickets.

The last month of autumn in the UAE is the season of various colorful festivals, international fairs and art exhibitions. If you are lucky enough to visit the National Festival, you can win a valuable prize or money from the lottery. It will be an extraordinary pleasure to participate in an interesting, bright holiday of Muslims - Ramadan. In a word, there will be many pleasant impressions!

Holy, blessed, promised land - this is how Israel is most often called: an amazing subtropical country washed by 4 seas, making its coast a continuous beach. In November, there is a rich choice of places for a wonderful holiday, not overshadowed by unbearable heat. In the northern part of Israel, rains begin to fall more often, bringing additional coolness, which creates additional comfort.

In the south (off the coast of the Red Sea) it rains very rarely, but even without them there is no heat, so a beach holiday on white sand will be simply luxurious. Here is a paradise for diving enthusiasts: the coral reefs near Eilat conquer thousands of tourists with their unprecedented beauty, arriving here from all over the world.

Not only scuba divers can admire the famous reefs - an underwater observatory has been erected here, from which a magnificent view of the underwater kingdom opens. Choosing the coast of the Dead Sea in November, you can successfully combine beach activities with a range of wellness procedures, famous for their effectiveness.

Those who are interested in the historical past of the Promised Land can choose the Sea of ​​Galilee, on the coast of which there are many ancient monuments and all sorts of attractions. Excursions to holy places will leave the deepest impressions, spiritually enriching everyone. A visit to the Ein Gedi National Reserve will be unforgettable. ancient fortress Masada, Sdom salt mountain and other interesting objects. Holidays in November in Israel is a truly magical stay in a blessed land.

If in many places from November to March the weather cannot be called beach weather, then in exotic Sri Lanka this is the best time for an amazing vacation filled with unusual impressions and feelings never experienced before. In November, daily tropical showers stop here, and thousands of tourists rush to the former island of Ceylon to splash in the waters of the Indian Ocean and taste all the delights of the surrounding exotic.

And there is more than enough of it here: the famous Ceylon tea, the unique Spice Garden, many Buddha statues, the elephant nursery, the Royal Botanical Garden with a huge collection of wild orchids. Here, at every step, you can meet monkeys peacefully adjacent to people, ride elephants, enjoy unfamiliar fruits, see with your own eyes how the famous batik fabric is created in handicraft factories.

For those who focus on staying on the beach, it is better to go to Sri Lanka in the 2nd half of November, when the monsoons completely calm down, the ocean waves decrease, and the ocean becomes more gentle. But those who visit this wonderland in early November will not regret anything. Fans of water skiing will ride the waves to their heart's content, and "sloths" will soak up the velvet sand. Excursions to local attractions in November will give you new knowledge about national traditions and entertainment and amazing experiences that you have never experienced before.

Canary Islands

Rest in November on a unique archipelago consisting of 7 large and many small islands formed as a result of a volcanic eruption is a great pleasure. Here, the daytime air temperature in November is very comfortable (+22°-24°), and the water is +20°, a constant breeze blows, which allows you to actively engage in all kinds of sports. water sports. Given the significant discounts on tours at this time, the Canary Islands are at the peak of the tourist season. Surfers from different countries demonstrate their brilliant ability to conquer the turquoise waves of the Atlantic.

A lot of canoes, boats gliding between the islands, carrying tourists. Children are also not bored here: excursions to the dolphinarium, zoo, nature, in addition to beach activities, they will really like it. Particularly popular are the islands of Tenerife and Gran Canaria, which differ from each other in their peculiar landscapes and unique natural attractions.

It will be interesting to participate in the grandiose celebration of St. Martin's Day, which is celebrated at the end of the harvest season (11. 11). Wide festivities with incendiary dances, general fun will decorate the stay of tourists here quite well.

The legendary "Island of Freedom" in November welcomes its guests with magnificent summer weather, when there are practically no stormy rains, and the sun is not as hot as in previous months. Holidays on the Caribbean coast will be simply heavenly: the sun is quite hot, in water that heats up to 25 °, you can swim around the clock.

It is delightful to stay in November and on the Atlantic, although a storm is possible at the beginning of the month. On such days, you can indulge in trips to historical, cultural and revolutionary sights, visit the famous tobacco museum, take part in various holidays (for example, St. Cristobal). Everyone will enjoy the temperamental Cuban dances, fervent songs and the vitality of Cubans.

Even simple walks among exotic natural beauties will be an exciting experience. Fans of cave exploration can go in for speleology, there is a large field of activity for them. It will be interesting to visit the factories where the unique production of the famous Cuban cigars and rum is established. Tourists will like spicy, juicy dishes of national cuisine and the unusually cordial attitude of Cubans.

The homeland of the ancients and the Aztecs and the Mayans, full of magical mystery, shrouded in romantic legends - Mexico with its passionate energetic inhabitants, with sparkling multi-colored colors of nature, wonderful beaches of the Caribbean and Pacific coasts attracts hundreds of different kinds of tourists in November.

Among them are those who prefer the famous VIP resorts of Acapulco or the Rivera Maya and those who are eager to see the legendary monuments of antiquity - unique pyramids and ancient Indian settlements. The last autumn month in Mexico is the height of the beach season, when the rains stop almost everywhere, calm sets in on the expanses of water, the water temperature (+ 25-26 °) and air temperature (+ 22-28 °) are super comfortable. Open underwater expanses for scuba divers and divers.

Surfers can easily find suitable waves, just as swimmers and sand lovers will find their best place under the Mexican sun. November is a good time to visit the capital of Mexico City, where it is not at all hot, but warm enough, which allows you to easily make excursions to numerous sights and museums (there are 50 of them). Amazingly beautiful parks, interesting archaeological excavations leave an unforgettable impression.

Here every year (20. 11) the celebration of Revolution Day is held with wonderful concerts, carnivals and processions. On November 22, those who wish can listen to plenty of mariachi - national music that sounds in honor of St. Cecilia's Day. And what is it worth to taste the real burning and unusually delicious Mexican dishes and chat with the temperamental, friendly inhabitants of this truly beautiful country!

Indonesia, Bali

When autumn becomes as cold and rainy as possible in northern latitudes, summer is in full swing in Indonesia. Hot heat is often replaced by heavy rain, and so on in a circle. The rains are short-term, the tropical sun quickly drains their traces, so in November the climate here is humid and hot.

Indonesia is the largest island state that borders the Pacific and Indian oceans. Each part of it is beautiful in its own way. The pristine nature, picturesque landscapes, clean beaches, rich flora and fauna attract tourists from all over the world. But the island of Bali has become the most popular destination.

"Paradise", "island of the gods", "island of love", "island of volcanoes" - all these names characterize Bali from different angles. This is a place of contrasts. These are warm ocean waters for surfing and diving. This is a tropical jungle with monitor lizards and monkeys. These are active volcanoes and fertile land. This is a lot of ancient temples. It is autumn, when the flow of tourists decreases slightly, that you can fully enjoy the beauties of the beaches and the sights of Bali.

Active tourists will surely like Kuta - a city with a lot of entertainment and high service. It is here that the music festival dedicated to the end of the season is held annually. On it you can meet many world stars. As an educational pastime, you can go on excursions to temples, visit the sacred forest of monkeys or the zoo. You definitely won't be bored here.

China, Hainan

The rainy season ends by the end of autumn, and the velvet season begins - the perfect time for a comfortable stay in Hainan. It’s not cold yet, but the exhausting tropical stuffiness is already departing, giving way to a climate more familiar to us. "Lord of the tropical latitudes", Hainan attracts with its extraordinary beaches, local attractions, as well as culinary delights.

Here you can not only gain physical strength after a busy year. Against the backdrop of oriental calm and slowness, it is easy to recover morally, to be filled with peace. The tourist infrastructure is concentrated in the south in the city of Sanya. This is an attractive place for surfers and diving enthusiasts. But not only the beaches attract vacationers, but also a rich excursion program. It introduces natural diversity: the Butterfly Museum, Monkey Island, a safari park, one of the largest botanical gardens, an extinct volcano - the list goes on.

There is also a place for fun. In the last month of autumn, the Festival of Joy and Fun is held in Hainan. It is accompanied by competitions, performances, concerts and show programs. And on November 11, mostly in bars and nightclubs, the Bachelor's Day is noisily celebrated.


Swim in two unique seas at once, the Red and the Dead, improve your health and visit holy places - all this can be easily combined in Jordan. The weather is pleasant, the summer heat no longer bothers vacationers. Possible vagaries of the weather in the form of starting rains will not spoil the rest. It's nice to be here at any time of the year. Most popular destination- Aqaba.

The city is called the “Jordanian window to the sea”, after the long deserts its nature is perceived as a fabulous oasis. Aqaba is located on the Red Sea. Its special microclimate is created mountain ranges that surround the city. The water is warm, the air temperature is also the most comfortable for adaptation. Therefore, a beach holiday at the end of autumn can be unforgettably spent on the well-groomed coastline of Aqaba, especially for families with children.

In addition, the city can captivate you with its cultural and historical attractions. They will introduce you to the ancient rich history of Jordan and reveal the secrets of the Middle East. To do this, you should definitely visit the Mamluk fortress, the cave of Lot, the Mujib reserve, as well as the "city of a thousand pillars" Jerash, Madaba and the legendary Jordan River.

A real exotic fairy tale awaits you in Mauritius. November here is comparable to the end of spring in northern latitudes. This is the beginning of the season, when there is still no influx of tourists, and the rest can be calm and measured, with a touch of luxury. White-sand beaches and warm waters of the Indian Ocean have created a paradise for those who like to soak up the sand. Romantic dates and wedding ceremonies are frequent events on local beaches, attracted by the gorgeous scenery.

The rich and vibrant underwater world attracts divers here. Fishing is popular all year round. Many hotels give out the necessary equipment and tackle to amateur fishermen, and also deliver them to the open sea. In addition, you can go canyoning, ride over the abyss, swim with dolphins, visit a crocodile farm, go in for sports, shopping and much more. If you want the vacation of your dreams, go to Mauritius.

Columbus also called Jamaica the most beautiful island in the West Indies. Sunny weather, warm Caribbean Sea, and all this to rhythmic reggae music - what could be better for relaxation? It is comfortable to relax here: the hurricane season is ending, there is no hot heat, but it is not cold either. It is often recommended to visit Negril - one of the cleanest resorts in the world.

You can see picturesque landscapes, cascading waterfalls, tropical forests in Ocho Rios. Jamaica has become a popular center for music festivals. Music is heard from every corner. In addition to festivals, there is also something to see. The museum of the legendary Bob Marley, the ancient Appleton winery, the famous Blue Lagoon, Blue Mountain mountain plantations - one of the best coffees in the world.

In Jamaica, African, Caribbean and British features intertwined in an amazing way, creating their own unique culture. The locals are very cheerful and hospitable. They delight visitors with their sincere smiles and serenity.

Seychelles is an incredibly beautiful place in the Indian Ocean, where summer lasts all year round. But the weather is not the same at different times of the year. At the end of autumn, the Seychelles meet the rainy season, which is accompanied by high humidity. It is worth noting that tropical rains are fleeting in nature: before the downpour hits the island, the sun is already peeking out from behind the clouds. Therefore, precipitation does not have time to spoil the rest of tourists. Relaxation and carelessness - that's what reigns in the Seychelles. Not surprising, because this is the safest state in the world.

The cleanest beaches and clear azure waters magically take away fatigue and fill you with strength - physical and mental. This is one of the popular "wedding" destinations. Having a wedding ceremony on the ocean and then a fabulous honeymoon is perfect! The abundance of good hotels, delicious local cuisine (Creole), a high level of service - all this is evidenced by the reviews of tourists.


Africa has always been associated with eternal summer. And Tanzania and Zanzibar are something far away, covered with legends and myths. But recently, tourists are increasing the demand for this destination. Basically, these are travelers looking for exotics and experiences. Like many other African countries, Tanzania is distinguished by the absence of autumn. The weather here in November is warm, even hot. This is a good time to travel, only for those who are not afraid to meet the African exotic.

There is so much to see in Tanzania. This is the highest point of the Kilimanjaro continent, the largest lake Victoria, kilometers of snow-white beaches and indescribable panoramas, ancient cities and outposts, the place where the legendary Freddie Mercury was born, etc. The local flavor is so organic, as if it takes you to Arabian tales about Scheherazade and Aladdin. Safaris are of particular interest. This is a good way to see the diversity of African wildlife in its natural environment and even go hunting. After such an unusual holiday, it is difficult to remain indifferent.


In November, the beach season in Europe comes to an end, but you can bask on the warm sand in Egypt almost all year round. The air temperature here is about 32 degrees Celsius, and the water is 26. In addition to the cleanest sea, huge beaches and wonderful service in Egypt, you can always enjoy unique excursions. Amazing architectural monuments of the era of the pharaohs and the Greco-Roman Empire are still preserved here.

In Cairo, you simply must look at the only wonder of the world that has survived to this day - the Pyramids. In Luxor (the ancient name of which is Thebes) there is a complex with the temples of Tutankhamen, Amenhotep III and many others. On the Sinai Peninsula, there is a unique natural monument "colored canyon" - a huge gorge that runs along the bottom of the ancient ocean.

In addition, here is the most beautiful place on the Red Sea coast - the national reserve Ras Mohammed, the magical world of corals and fish. In Egypt, you can go fishing, diving, you can ride a quad bike in the desert. In a word, everyone will find something to their liking in this beautiful place. Towards the end of November, Ramadan is celebrated here.

This is one of the reasons for the huge number of holidaymakers in Egypt at this time. Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant situations, take care of booking hotel rooms in advance. The best option for a November holiday in Egypt would be a holiday in Hurghada, where it is warmer than in other parts of the country, there are clean sandy beaches and many water parks.

Holidays abroad in November are a great cure for blues and stress. In our article you will find many ideas where to relax in November abroad and how to make your vacation unforgettable.

Where to go for a weekend in November

If you are tired of the workload, and there is no time for a full-fledged vacation in November, a weekend in interesting place, in other words - "weekend tour". Such services are now offered by many travel companies. Weekend tours are sightseeing and gastronomic trips, trips to festivals, beaches and resorts.

Popular weekend tours are tours to European capitals and cities (Rome, Paris, Berlin, Dresden, Prague, Budapest, Warsaw, Krakow), as well as cities in Turkey (Istanbul, Antalya) and CIS countries, where you can have a relatively inexpensive vacation in November.

Wonderful romantic weekends can be spent in medieval European castle-hotels. Luxurious interiors with antique furniture and art objects, magnificent gardens, marble fireplaces create a truly fabulous atmosphere. This vacation is perfect for a honeymoon or holiday event.

Some travel agencies offer special wedding tours to exotic countries or islands. For example, the package of a wedding tour to India includes wedding national costumes, services of a photographer and make-up artist, and decoration of the place. At the end of the ceremony, the young people are given a marriage certificate.

Excursion tours in November

If you are planning your vacation in November and are looking for the best place to go, choosing old Europe will not be a mistake, moreover, at this time, tour prices can be very affordable.

A trip to Europe will definitely appeal to history buffs and connoisseurs of beautiful architecture. Moving on modern buses will make the trip comfortable, and specially designed routes will open many sights of the cities of Austria, Hungary, Germany, Italy, Poland, the Czech Republic, France, Spain. If you stock up on warm clothes, you can plan a vacation for November in the Scandinavian countries - Sweden, Norway, Denmark.

A gastronomic tour to Provence will acquaint you with all the secrets of the “silent hunting” season for truffles, as well as different types of wines. Wine tours in Bordeaux, Tuscany or Alsace offer tourists wine tasting, excursions to vineyards and overnight stays in castles. Beer lovers will certainly appreciate beer tours in Prague or Munich.

At the end of November in many European cities (Prague, Brussels, Dresden, Copenhagen, Salzburg) Christmas fairs and markets begin to work.

Best Festivals and Celebrations in November

The festival is a great place where it is better to relax in November for lovers of national color, folk traditions and fun.

Every year in November, the Spanish city of Baena celebrates "Las Jornadas del Olivar y el Aceite", an olive and olive oil festival dedicated to the end of the harvest in the area. The town is considered the Spanish capital of olives and one of the world leaders in the production of olive oil. For the first time the festival took place relatively recently - in 1997, it usually lasts three days. Every year the program of the festival changes, but the Ruta de la Tapa competition remains the same, in which the best institutions of the city participate. A cafe, restaurant or bar creates a special mini-menu of three appetizers using olives or oil.

Everyone can taste these dishes, and those who manage to go around all the establishments and taste all the dishes will receive a prize of fifty liters of olive oil and a dinner for two in the most "olive" restaurant of the festival. During the festival, guests can enjoy music, songs, dances, performances, taste different types of wine, get acquainted with the best Andalusian cuisine and buy souvenirs. In the center of Baena is the Museum of the Olive, worth a visit to learn about the rich history of the olive culture.

Every year in November, on Saturdays and Sundays, starting from the second Saturday, the Italian city of San Miniato hosts the Festival of white truffles - the most valuable mushrooms in the world. At this time, the season for their collection takes place here, and since the mushroom is stored for only ten days, they celebrate every weekend. The festival program includes tastings, master classes on choosing and cooking truffles, auctions where guests buy mushrooms, fairs with various delicacies.

During the festival, you can try local cuisine using white truffles - pasta, risotto, butter, sauces, creams, fonduta. You can also go on a "silent hunt" with an experienced mushroom picker - triphalau. In the collection of truffles, the help of a specially trained dog or pig is required.
On the third Thursday of November at midnight in France comes the Beaujolais Nouveau festival - a new Beaujolais, a young wine made in Beaujolais, a region with not very fertile soils in the south of Burgundy. In general, Beaujolais wine made from Gamay grapes is inferior in quality to Bordeaux or Burgundy wines, it matures quickly and is not suitable for long-term storage, so the celebration of the new Beaujolais is more commercial.

The motto "Beaujolais Nouveau est arrivé!" ("Beaujolais Nouveau has arrived!") appears on posters in the establishments of the town of Beaujoux about a week before the holiday. On Thursday night, in the main square of the town, a huge crowd waits for the moment when the first bottle of new wine will be uncorked. This happens after twelve strikes of the bells of the church of St. Nicholas, by the light of torches from the vine, the wine is poured and tasted. In Lyon, the celebration begins in the evening and is accompanied by concerts, fireworks and a tasting of the hero of the occasion. Folk festivals with obligatory refreshments of young wine, sausages and baked apples are made in many cities of France. The holiday, which is called the "New Year of Wine", gradually goes beyond the borders of France.

Until 1846, Beaujolais was bottled in 1 liter bottles (“Lyon bottle”), and then its volume was reduced to 460 ml and began to be sold in batches. In the bar, the bottles lined up in a row, and drinkers paid per meter, that is, 12 bottles. The thirteenth was offered free of charge.

On November 22, Mexicans celebrate the feast day of Saint Cecilia (Cecilia), who is considered the patroness of musicians. Every year on this day street musicians, mariachis, gather in the capital's G. Garibaldi Square. They are divided into teams of 9-8 people, and play the violin, guitars, percussion and wind instruments. Mariachis compete to see who is the best.

In November, in Thailand, you can witness an amazing action: on the festival of light and moon, Loi Krathong, Thais launch banana leaf rafts decorated with flowers, inside which a candle burns and fragrant sticks are fragrant. It also hosts an international fireworks festival dedicated to the King's birthday.

Holidays and festivals are also celebrated in November:

  • India: Ganga Mahotsava - the launch of burning lamps along the Ganges in Varanasi.
  • Germany: Berlin Jazz Festival.
  • England: Guy Fawkes night;
  • Azerbaijan: pomegranate holiday.

Where to relax in November: ski resorts

Skiing in November is a wonderful form of recreation, especially since there are plenty of places where you can go, since at this time many ski resorts in Europe open a new season. First of all, these are ski resorts on the slopes of the Alps in Austria, France, Italy and Switzerland.

One of the most popular ski resorts in Austria is Sölden, located in the Ötztal valley in Tyrol. It combines winter and glacial skiing areas in an amazing way, thanks to which the skiing season begins in October and ends in May. This resort is home to the famous "Big Three" peaks: Gaislachkogl, Tiefenbachkogl and Schwarze Schneide.

These areas are accessible for skiing and visits by guests of the resort due to the lifts. The resort is suitable for both professionals and those who are just taking their first steps on skis. Even the absence of snow is not scary here: the resort is equipped with an artificial snow system. At the service of tourists 145.5 km ski slopes, 33 lifts, an ice rink, ski schools for adults and children, a snow park, viewing platforms, many cafes and restaurants, cinema, shops, nightclubs.

The French resort of Val Thorens, which is part of the largest ski area "Three Valleys", is considered one of the highest European resorts. It is located at an altitude of more than 2300 m. The resort town was built at the intersection of ski slopes, so it takes just a few minutes to walk from the house to the skiing place.

The total ski area is 600 km. There are also 180 lifts, ski schools, playgrounds and a snow park, dozens of bars and restaurants, spa centers, a cinema, a library, a concert hall. A feature of the resort is that even people with disabilities can ride on it. Val Thorens offers its clients dog sledding and mountain biking, ski excursions and snowshoeing.

Another French resort opened in November is Tignes. Its infrastructure is also very developed, because it used to be a training base for the Paralympic team. There are 154 slopes for skiing and 90 lifts.

At the beginning of the month, Les Deux Alpes hosts an autumn snow sports festival.

The largest ski resort in Italy - Livigno - is located near the Swiss border near the city of Bormio. There are almost no winds here, and the snow cover reaches 2.5 m.

The most popular and largest ski resort in Switzerland, Zermatt is open all year round. As for the quality and equipment of the slopes, this is one of the best ski resorts, which, moreover, is famous for its beautiful natural scenery. Here is the highest station for ski lifts with a height of 3885 m. The total ski area of ​​the Zermatt resort is 360 km. It is equipped with 35 ski lifts, snow parks, ski schools, cafes and restaurants.

The most popular ski resorts in Finland are Levi, Ruka and Ylläs. Every year in November Levi hosts the FIS Slalom World Cup.

To have access to the ski lift, you need to purchase a ski pass at the ski resort, which is a credit card-sized card with an embedded microchip that acts as a pass. Access to the lift is made automatically after you bring your ski pass to the validator. Usually resorts offer ski passes for half a day, a day, three days and a week. It is not subject to exchange or return..

Where you can fly to the sea in November, the best resorts

There is nothing better than to escape from the usual autumn dampness in the summer. In addition, a beach holiday in November can cost you quite a bit, because airlines, hotels, restaurants and museums offer discounts and discounts at this time. Special offers. Travel companies offer many tours in November at sea and will tell you exactly where to go.

United Arab Emirates. The hot tropical climate is just right for an autumn vacation, so an influx of tourists is possible here. The weather at this time is characterized by the following temperature indicators: during the day about 30 ºC in Sharjah, Ras Al Khaimah, Abu Dhabi, 32 ºC in Dubai, 28 ºC in Fujairah, at night 17-18 ºC; water in the Persian Gulf warms up to 25 ºC, in Oman - up to 23 ºC.

In addition to a beach holiday, in November in the UAE you can do shopping, excursions, ride a yacht or boats, hunt for pearls, visit many cultural events. In November, these are horse racing, camel racing, golf tournament. Abu Dhabi hosts the Formula 1 Grand Prix at the end of November.

In Muslim countries, it is better for a woman not to appear on the streets in too open clothes and unaccompanied, because there are strict moral and ethical rules.

Egypt. In November, the Red Sea is pleasant: the air temperature is not as high as it is in summer (25-30 ° C during the day and 17 º C at night), and the sea is also quite warm (25 ° C). In the central regions, the air temperature can even reach 35 ºC, but by night it gets colder to 10 ºC. At the end of autumn in Egypt, you can not only swim, but also have fun or enrich yourself culturally, the absence of heat greatly contributes to this. You can travel comfortably, go on an excursion to the most famous sights or ride a jeep through the desert, surf, kite surf or scuba dive. Egypt hotels free tourists from all domestic problems by offering food all inclusive. It is worth noting that often at the end of the month, vouchers are cheaper, which will contribute to a budget vacation in November.

Sri Lanka. Island in the Indian Ocean a good place November holidays for those who are tired of the bustle of the big city and want to enjoy beautiful landscapes, exotic fruits and beach holidays. Windsurfing is very common here: wave conquerors come here from all over the world, and beginners can improve their skills at the surfer school. Also on the island you can do sea fishing, sightseeing or go on an excursion to tea plantations.

Israel. The warm Dead Sea and reduced prices in November contribute to a beach holiday where it can be problematic to go in the summer - in Israel. In the summer months it is very hot there (40 ° C), and the prices for tours "bite". In November, the temperature indicators are quite comfortable: the air warms up to 27 ° C, and the water - up to 25 ° C. In such conditions it will be convenient to relax on the beach, travel, attend excursions and improve your health. True, precipitation is possible at this time, but usually there are few gloomy days in the month, and the rain ends quickly. It rarely rains in Eilat, besides, here you can not only just spend time at sea, but also go diving, shopping, walking (for example, in the City of Kings park).

There are many more options where to go to the sea in November: Maldives, Seychelles, Canary Islands, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Indonesia, the Spanish islands of Tenerife and Madeira. In Cyprus, according to local residents, it is already cool for swimming in November, but many tourists are not afraid of a water temperature of 20 ° C at all.

The best places to stay with kids in November

If you are planning to go to Thailand, then children can get a great charge of emotions in the water park near of Pattaya Park in Pattaya, it will also be interesting in the dolphinarium and the Nong Nooch tropical garden. In Bangkok, it is worth visiting the amusement park Siam Park and Dream World - Asian Disneyland.

For an autumn seaside holiday with children, you can go to the Canary Islands, the Dominican Republic, Sri Lanka, Jordan, Israel. The latter countries have excellent recreational resources for improving the health of children. Eilat is a popular Israeli resort for families.

Holidays with a child in November in Mexico will be wonderful on the island of Cozumel: there is very clear water and snow-white fine sand. The KidZania entertainment center in Mexico City is a prototype of a real city, which includes smaller copies of buildings, shops, theaters, and public transport. After choosing a profession, children can spend the whole day here, earning local "money" to access entertainment and gift shops. Adults are not allowed to enter the play areas. For a family vacation, the Gray Whale National Park is well suited.

Today you can give a child a holiday not only in Mexico: today KidZania centers are located in Turkey (Istanbul), India (Mumbai), Thailand (Bangkok), Egypt (Cairo), Russia (Moscow), Great Britain (London), Brazil (Sao Paulo). ).

Rest in Europe, children will also really like it. Perhaps the weather for visiting Disneyland Paris in November will not be quite suitable, but there will not be many tourists. In Paris, children can also be taken to the Museum of Science and Technology, Parc Asterix, Parc La Villette, and the Parisian suburb of Le Bourget is the Museum of Cosmonautics and Aviation.

In Vienna, children are sure to love the Zoom children's museum, interactive entertainment center and the oldest zoo, while must-see places in London are the London Eye and the Harry Potter Museum.

Not only children, but also adults will be interested in the Micropia Zoo in Amsterdam, where microorganisms live. It is like a laboratory equipped with microscopes connected to large screens.

The best countries for shopping: where to go shopping in November

Probably, many have heard the term "Black Friday", which has recently reached the Slavic latitudes. It marks the day of discounts and sales, which comes after the American Thanksgiving holiday, which is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. Today, the tradition of mass sales has spread not only to America, but to the whole world. In order to buy discounted goods, many buyers are ready to spend the night near stores and stand in long queues or stay up until late at night ordering products from online stores. Some stores are extending Black Friday until December 1st. Black Friday was the origin of the idea of ​​creating a "no shopping day" - an international day of protest against excessive consumerism.

When exactly and why the phrase acquired its modern meaning is unknown. For many years, Black Friday marked the collapse of the gold market on September 24, 1869. Later, from the 1920s, any Friday the 13th was called "black". Newspapers in the 1970s in Pennsylvania and Philadelphia feature stories of the hectic day after Thanksgiving, the day of the biggest shopping around Christmas and the biggest traffic congestion.

Mid-November - February is a fixed period for seasonal sales in the UK, but small sales of items from past seasons in stores occur all year round. During the sales period, discounts sometimes reach 70 percent, and often things are discounted several times. The main shopping street in London is Oxford Street, where there are more than 300 shops. There are entire "sale villages" in the UK, such as Bicester Village in Oxfordshire (about an hour from London), where there are more than a hundred shops of different brands. Large outlet centers and mono-brand outlets are scattered throughout the country.

At the end of November, discounts also begin in Germany, but at that time they are small (up to 20%) and concern democratic brands.

When shopping in the EU countries, Israel, Turkey, Thailand and others, you can get some money back thanks to the Tax Free system (reimbursement of part of the value added tax (from 7 to 22%).

From November to April, the Global Village Fair is open in Dubai. This is a huge exhibition complex representing the planet in miniature: there are pavilions or stands of different countries with an assortment of goods that reflect the national flavor. The fair also has about 30 restaurants of national cuisine, an amusement park and an artificial pond. The program of the fair is very rich: concerts, theatrical performances, fashion shows, fire shows, demonstrations of the elements of the brightest festivals in the world.

Also in November, Dubai traditionally hosts the International Jewelery Week - the largest jewelry exhibition in the Middle East, where you can get exclusive jewelry from famous masters or world brands.

Exotic countries to visit in November

India. The coast of Goa is a great place where you can spend your holidays, in November there are quite favorable conditions for relaxation, the monsoon time passes and sunny days come. True, rare rains are possible, but they are often short-term and warm. Autumn air temperature indicators are at the level of 30-32 ˚C during the day, not lower than 22 ˚C at night. The water temperature of the Arabian Sea is 28-29 ˚C.

The rest of the northern part of Goa is more like for young people, this is an area where night life with beach discos and parties. The resorts of Anjuna, Baga, Vagator, Calangute, Candolim are places where you never get bored.

For a relaxing holiday, the southern part of Goa is more suitable, in particular Arossim, Cavelossim and Colva. In November, Karwa Chowt (festival of married women) and Diwali (festival of lights) are celebrated here. In addition to a beach holiday in Goa, you can participate in sightseeing tours and see the sights: the Anjuna flea market, the Arvelem caves and waterfall, the Rudreshwar temple, the bird sanctuary, the elephant village and others. Fans of outdoor activities will enjoy fishing on a yacht, a boat trip on water modes of transport where you can admire the dolphins, or an excursion to the Dudhsagar waterfall. Nature lovers will be interested in going to Kollem - the village of elephants.

Thailand. November is the beginning of the high season in Thailand. Temperature indicators at this time are at the level of 30 ˚C during the day and 25-27 ˚C at night, the water warms up to 27-29 ˚C, so you can swim with pleasure without languishing from the heat. For a holiday in November, such areas as Phuket, Pattaya, Koh Chang are great. November vacation in Pattaya promises to be interesting and unforgettable. In addition to relaxing on the sea, you can take a trip on a yacht, ride water skis, jet skis, an inflatable banana or parachute. Extreme lovers can test their courage by jumping from the tower of Pattaya Park. A ferry or boat will take you to the islets where you can dive. After an active holiday, Thai massage and herbal sauna will help to restore strength, and women will definitely appreciate the local spa treatments and rejuvenation courses.

At the end of November, an international beauty contest Miss International Queen is held in Pattaya, where they choose the most beautiful of transgender women, that is, former men who have taken advantage of sex change operations and hormone therapy.

In Phuket comes a wonderful time for diving. Worth seeing and local attractions: the temple of Wat Sri Sunthorn, temple complex Big Buddha, Palace of Arts, Thalang National Museum, Seashell Museum. On the island of Maprao Yai you can visit a pearl farm. But the island of Koh Chang in November should go for a beach holiday. This is a place with magnificent scenery, where you can see waterfalls, mountains and rainforests.

In many resorts in Thailand, boat races are held in November, and in Surin, an elephant show is held on the third weekend of November.

Mexico. A distant country on the other hemisphere, where you can fly in November, can surprise and amaze with its culture, history and beautiful seascapes. In November, when the air temperature in major resorts (Acapulco, Cancun, Cozumel, Playa del Carmen) is 29-32 ° C, the high tourist season begins here. Water in the Caribbean Sea warms up to 28 ° C, off the Pacific coast - up to 27 ° C. Going on excursions in this country, you will get acquainted with the ancient civilizations of the Aztecs and Maya, see the amazing temples and pyramids of Teotihuacan, Taxco, Puebla.

Cozumel Island is a favorite place for divers: through the clearest water you can see corals and wonderful marine life. An obligatory point of rest in Mexico is acquaintance with the famous Mexican cuisine, unthinkable without hot chili peppers, corn tortillas and beans. Be sure to try burritos, tacos, quesadillas, fajitas, chili con carne, and try different types of tequila. And as souvenirs from Mexico, tourists buy woven bedspreads, ceramics, silver jewelry, cactus sweets, ponchos and sombreros, hammocks and, of course, tequila.

Did you know?According to Mexicans, tequila should be drunk without lime and salt, and washed down with tomato juice seasoned with chili peppers.

Where can I go without visas in November

Countries for holidays in November, for which you do not need to apply for a visa, are:

  • Egypt (free visa is issued upon arrival at the airport);
  • Thailand (a tourist visa for 15 days is issued at the border);
  • Sri Lanka (visa is issued as part of a tourist group at the border or in electronic form).
  • Israel;
  • Cuba;
  • Dominican Republic;
  • Turkey;
  • Tunisia;
  • Mauritius (visa at the airport);
  • Maldives (visa at the airport);
  • Seychelles;
  • Montenegro;
  • Jordan.

To travel to Cyprus, India, UAE and Mexico, you will need an e-visa, which can be done online.

Where not to go on vacation in November

For a holiday in November in Vietnam, only the region of the extreme south is suitable, in the rest of the territory typhoons are observed or the proximity of winter is felt. For example, very unstable weather happens on Vietnamese resort Nha Trang. Clear sunny days can alternate with cloudy and rainy ones, the water becomes cold, and the waves are very strong. In the western regions of Thailand, the rainy season is also possible. In November, the beaches of European countries are also closed for swimming.

If you have the opportunity, then why not organize yourself a foreign autumn vacation or weekend? Set aside some time for relaxation in November, and travel agencies will definitely tell you where it is better to go on vacation.