How many hours to fly to morocco. An Arabian fairy tale, an oriental adventure, or how and how much to fly to Morocco. Online clock for cities - Morocco

Travelers who decide to spend their holidays in the bright and unique resort of Morocco will undoubtedly be interested in the question of how many hours the flight will last. The time depends on the type of flight, direct or with transfers.

From Moscow to Morocco by direct flight can be reached in 7 hours 55 minutes, landing at the airport of Agadir. If we consider the option with transfers, then in this case some airlines can offer a flight with one connection, others with two. So, the flight time depends on the choice of the airline. The number of hours varies from 8 to 30. The weather and the number of aircraft on the runway also affect the flight time.

The distance from the place of arrival Agadir is 4620 km. The time difference is 2 hours. Time zone in Morocco is UTC+0.

There are 9 landing sites in the country of Morocco, which are located in major cities such as Rabat, Marrakesh, Agadir, Tangier, Fez, Essaouira, Ouarzazate, Dakl and El Layoune. chief international airport The country is considered to be Casablanca. No less popular is the Al-Massir airport terminal, which serves the city of Agadir.

Airport in Casablanca

Royal Air Maroc offers direct and connecting flights to Casablanca Airport. The direct flight is 6 hours. The landing site is located 30 km from the city of Casablanca. There are two lanes for takeoff and landing. The airport is equipped with all necessary conditions for passengers. A variety of restaurants and shops are offered. There are also pharmacies, exchange offices, etc. From the airport, the city can be reached by train, bus and taxi. Travel time is no more than half an hour.

Al-Massir Airport Terminal

It is located in the southwest of the country, 25 km from the city of Agadir. Differs in compactness. The comfortable lounge has two lanes (for domestic and international flights). In addition to cafes, shops, there are playgrounds for children, as well as round-the-clock pharmacies and a first-aid post. Car rental services are provided. You can book a hotel room.

Morocco airports on the map

We fly to Morocco from Moscow by direct flight

You can land in Morocco after about 8 hours. In this case, the landing will be carried out at the airport of Casablanca. The flight is operated by Royal Air Maroc. The company can also offer flights to: Marrakech, Tangier, Fes. Another carrier is Azur Air (Katekavia).

Previously, direct flights were offered by Aeroflot SU-3950. This flight has now been cancelled. It is best to book tickets for a direct flight in advance on the official website of the airlines. There are also several charter flights to the city of Agadir. The flight duration is 7-8 hours. The price of a ticket for a charter flight will be more expensive.

Summary table for non-stop flights

Duration of the flight Moscow - Morocco with transfers

Various airlines offer flights with 1-2 transfers. The most economical is a flight with a transfer in London or Paris. In this case, the trip will last up to 20 hours. Most of the time you will spend on the land where the transplant is carried out. The cities listed are the area where Schengen visas are required for entry. but no one will ask for a visa when transplanting. Staying in the country for less than a day, guests are not required to make marks in their passports or have visas.

Summary table for flights with transfers

Departure airport Airline Transfer airport (country) Flight duration (general) Arrival airport
1. Moscow, Domodedovo Aeroflot Lithuania 9 h 45 min Agadir
2. Moscow, Domodedovo Victory Germany 15 h Agadir
3. Moscow, Domodedovo Wueling Airlines Spain, UK 36 h 30 min Agadir
4. Moscow, Domodedovo Air France France, Germany 29 h 25 min Agadir
5. Moscow, Sheremetyevo Antalya Czech Republic, Belgium 27 h Casablanca
6. Moscow, Sheremetyevo Aeroflot Belarus, Belgium 22 h 05 min Casablanca

Flight Moscow – Casablanca

The cost of the flight is from 13,300 to 22,400 rubles, duration - 6 hours. With transfers, air travel can last from 9 to 22 hours. The airport of arrival is Casablanca Mohammed V International Airport.

Flight Moscow - Agadir

The minimum ticket price is 12,000 rubles. About 7 hours will be spent on a direct flight. As for transfers, depending on their number (one or two), the total time can stretch up to 22 hours.


The most positive reviews about Royal Air Maroc. In order to save money, it is recommended to buy tickets from this carrier. Service at a high level. During the flight, they offer full meals, as well as snacks.

Even cheaper will be a flight with a transfer in Istanbul, operated by Turkish Airlines. The advantage of connecting flights is the opportunity to relax a bit and admire the city, where you have to wait for the second plane.

Tourists are advised to travel to Morocco between the end of May and the beginning of October.

  1. Upon arrival, it is better not to rent your own transport, but to use public transport. You can ride a taxi for only 50 diram.
  2. The cities are full of currency exchange offices. US dollars are most readily accepted.
  3. Moroccan culture is markedly different from European. There are few tourists from the west. In order not to spoil the impression of the trip, it is recommended to completely disconnect from the negative perception of local customs.
  4. The water on the beaches remains cool even in the peak of the summer heat. It is recommended to be careful when bathing, grab warm clothes.
  5. During the high holiday season, the hotel must be booked in advance. Otherwise, tourists risk being left without housing.

Traveling to Morocco on your own is very easy! We have developed for you detailed description travel itinerary in Morocco with a well-developed travel budget. The goal is to go around the whole country without missing anything interesting.

Morocco is great option for independent travel. First, for the Russians open visa-free entry. Secondly, it is a very safe and politically calm country, which, among other things, is considered the most Europeanized Arab state. And thirdly, there are so many things to see in Morocco that it is absolutely pointless to go there on a package tour. If Morocco - then only on your own!

Exchange rate: 1 Moroccan dirham (MAD) ≈ 7 RUB.

We present you the scenario of the deepest immersion in this amazing country.

Morocco: how to get there

The easiest way get to Morocco from Russia is an air flight. Many options are possible. These are direct Royal Air Maroc flights from Moscow to Casablanca, and a whole fan of possible combinations of flights with connections in different European cities (Paris, Brussels, Madrid, Rome, etc.). There is even the option of getting to Morocco by sea: first it will be necessary, and from there, from one of the southern ports, take a ferry to Morocco. Swimming will last from 1 to 2 hours. However, the last two options suggest the presence of. In addition, they are unnecessarily tedious and time-consuming.

One way or another, in order to find the best option for both price and convenience, you need to compare all possible options. Ticket Search all airlines provide services and Skyscanner. To learn how to find and book flights at the lowest price, study.

And, of course, it always makes sense to keep track of new ones on our website.

If you feel that you are not ready to organize an independent trip to Morocco, but you want to go to this beautiful country, then fly on a tour. You can also find tickets online.

Hotels in Morocco

In popular tourist places, finding a hotel is not a problem. There is a wide choice of hotels for every taste and budget in Chefshaun, Casablanca, Agadir, Essaouira, Rabat, Marrakech, Ouarzazate and many other cities.

It is better to book accommodation in advance, especially during the high season.

We recommend searching hotels on the service. This is a search engine, it compares hotel prices for all popular booking systems (Booking, Agoda, Ozone, Ostrovok, etc.) and finds the best option. In general, it provides a wide choice, and allows you to make a reservation on best price. Pay attention to hotel reviews and ratings - they are formed by tourists themselves, it is useful to use this when choosing a good hotel.

We also recommend paying special attention to the service (experienced travelers probably know it). It can book very interesting housing from the owners. Instead of a banal hotel, you can check into authentic riads, apartments or houses - and this, you see, is much more interesting, as well as more comfortable and often even cheaper. The choice of housing is very wide - thousands of options. Check it out, you'll definitely like something!

So, our independent trip to Morocco has begun - we are in Casablanca!

Some travelers, having visited Kas (this is how the Moroccans themselves call this city for short), dissuade them from going here, they say, the city is not authentic and there is nothing to do here. Don't believe me - they lie. Going to the second largest city in Africa is one hundred percent worth it. The city is beautiful because it is an explosive mixture of the most heterogeneous elements: there are colorful slums, partly reminiscent of the slums of Rio, partly Negro quarters of American metropolitan areas, there is also the spirit of Miami and something from South European port cities like Marseille, well, and of course, its life flows in the medina.

You can stay in Casablanca for two or three days - this is quite enough to explore the city.

How to get from the airport to Casablanca

Casablanca Airport is located at a fair distance from the city itself - about 40 kilometers. A taxi will cost unrealistically expensive - 300 dirhams. Therefore, the easiest way to get cheaply (and at the same time comfortably and quickly) from the airport to Casablanca is by train. The station is right under the airport, trains run every hour. A second class ticket will cost 40 dirhams. We go to the central station of the city - Gare Casa Voyageur.

Hotels in Casablanca

The cheapest hotels can be found in the medina. A double room can be booked for 100 dirhams. But get ready for the fact that there will be no toilet and shower in the room, and you will have to pay an additional 10 dirhams per person for hot water.

Hotels with a higher level of comfort will cost around 150-200 dirhams. They can be found in the central area of ​​the city. See also housing options on the service.

Public transport in Casablanca

The pride of the city is an ultra-modern tram that connects two sleeping areas, the city center and the beach. A ticket costs 7 dirhams and is bought from special vending machines that stand next to each stop. Having bought a ticket, you pass through the turnstile and board the tram. This type of transport is considered expensive and is used only by the middle class. But it is really a comfortable and fast mode of transport.

A ticket for scheduled buses is cheaper - 3 dirhams. But keep in mind that buses are often packed to capacity.

Pti-taxi (small taxi) will take you depending on the distance for 10-20 dirhams. No more than three people can sit in the car. You can ask to turn on the meter, or you can agree on a price in advance.

Grand taxis (old Mercedes) carry up to 6 passengers. The fare will cost about 6 dirhams.

Bypassing Casablanca far and wide, you can go further. From the already familiar Casa Voyageur station, we go by train to the small resort town of Asilah, which is located almost in the very north-west of the country on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. It is better to take a ticket to the first class, taking a second class ticket, you run the risk of being left without a seat and spending five and a half hours in a stuffy car, either standing on your feet, or sitting in the vestibule or even the toilet of the car with a density of four to five people per square meter. The price of a 1st class ticket is 164 dirhams.

Fum-Zgid and Erg Shigaga

From Tangir we return to Ouarzazate, where we transfer to another bus, following to Fum Zgid. A ticket for the latter will cost 60-70 dirhams.

Foum Zgid is a small village in southern Morocco, close to the Algerian border. It is attractive because from here you can go to the sand dunes of Erg Shigaga. To do this, you will need to look for people who make these trips to the dunes, and agree on an excursion. Alas, the only way (unless, of course, you have your own SUV). As a rule, in the dunes, people spend the night in a small Tuareg settlement, meet sunset and dawn, and return back to Fum Zgid during the day.

Choice of further path

In Phum-Zgid we take the morning 9-hour passing bus and go to Guelmim (the ticket costs about 90-100 dirhams). The path is long, so it is better to leave at 9 o'clock in the morning. The bus will arrive in Guelmim in the afternoon. And here you have to make an important choice about the further route.

The most desperate can move south to the unrecognized Western Sahara, which is actually controlled by the Moroccan government. Western Sahara is more than a thousand kilometers of monotonous desert landscapes. If you are ready for this, then welcome to Dakhla - a city located at the crossroads between real Africa and Morocco.

By and large, there is nothing to see in the city, but here you can feel yourself on the very edge of the Earth. After all, on one side of you there is an endless desert, going thousands of kilometers deep into the mainland, and on the other, an even more endless Atlantic Ocean. For this, it is certainly worth enduring the many hours of the bus ride. Dakhla is also known for its waves and therefore is a kind of mecca for surfers. The geographical location of Dakhla is also unusual: the city is located on a narrow peninsula stretching for 40 kilometers.

After meeting with Dakhla, you will need to return to Guelmim by the same road.

It makes no sense to linger in Guelmim, so we immediately take a grand taxi and go north to the port town of Sidi Ifni, located 60 kilometers from Guelmim.

Sidi Ifni is the place where you can finally truly unwind after hard journeys through the desert. It has a great beach and a great selection of seafood.

And 15 kilometers to the north is the main pearl of these lands - known throughout the world for its amazing arches. This place is not to be missed. You can go there by grand taxi for 20-30 dirhams, depending on the agreement.

To get to Essaouira, you will first need to get to Tiznit (by CTM bus for 25 dirhams), and from there take a bus to Essaouira (80-100 dirhams).

In Essaouira it will be possible to relax even more than in Sidi Ifni. Here, too, there is an excellent beach, an abundance of seafood, as well as a large number of clubs, discos and even museums. Essaouira has an excellent medina, where it is best to stay (a decent double room can be found for 100 dirhams). Another pride of Essaouira is a wonderful port, which is best to visit early in the morning.

The finish

Essaouira will be the end point of the Moroccan journey. All key cities, places and sights have been examined - now you can go back to Casablanca, and from there fly home.

The bus from Essaouira to Casa will cost about 100 dirhams. In Casablanca, we take a train to the airport (40 dirhams), and in a few hours we arrive in Russia.

On this our solo trip to morocco will end. But there is no doubt that having completed this fantastic trip, you will again want to repeat it somehow. Believe me, to realize this amazing journey is not much more difficult than reading this text. Honestly. Just do it.

P.S. We did it, so can you.

Intro image source: © ameztegui / / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

The world-famous fashionable resort of Morocco attracts all tourists without exception. And although you will have to pay a lot of money for such a vacation, crowds go there every year.

Despite the fact that many of our compatriots prefer to spend their holidays in these places, not everyone knows how much to fly to Morocco from Moscow by direct flight. Therefore, it is better for travelers to answer this question in advance and deal with all the tourist subtleties.

It is important to know how many hours the flight to Morocco from Moscow takes. If you choose a direct flight for a flight, then you can get from the capital of Russia to Morocco for 8-8.5 hours. However, the end point of the trip is Casablanca. It is also worth noting that earlier it was possible to fly to the resort of Agadir on many charter flights, departure air transport was carried out from the airports of Moscow and St. Petersburg. It is difficult to say now how long it is to fly to Agadir from Moscow, because due to the unstable situation in the country, many airlines have canceled direct flights in this direction. Currently, travelers can buy a ticket for a direct flight, which is operated by the national carrier of Morocco - Royal Air Morocco. The company operates direct flights to Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Flight time from Moscow to Morocco with this carrier is 8 hours 10 minutes. The same direction is served by air transport. Aeroflot SU-3950. However, the airliners will be able to take to the air only if all the seats are sold. Since both air transports operate joint flights, it is not known which aircraft will be the first to leave for the destination.

Where can I buy a boarding ticket for a direct flight?

Passengers will have to make an effort to buy a ticket for a direct flight, which is operated by the previously listed carriers. It is best to book seats in advance through the official website of the airline. Quite often, users of ticket search engines cannot find a boarding ticket for the desired flight, although it is known from reliable information that the plane takes off on the right day. To be on the safe side, it's best to book your seat in advance as this activity only takes a few minutes.

What flights can a traveler fly to Morocco?

Travelers can choose any flights for flights, there are three of them in total:

  • direct flight;
  • with one or more transfers;
  • chartered flight.

If a direct flight takes 8-8.5 hours, then how long does it take to fly to Adagir from Moscow on a charter? Such a flight will take from 6 to 7 hours. Travel time depends on weather conditions, the number of aircraft waiting for their turn on a special strip for takeoff and landing. Of course, on a charter flight, the cost of a seat will be much higher, but you can reduce the flight time.

A scheduled flight may include a transfer or be carried out without it. Flights without transfers are very rare. This issue is resolved at the government level and only if there are so many people who want to get to Morocco that charter flights cannot deliver everyone. How long does a flight to Morocco from Moscow take on regular flights can be found on the official website of the carrier company, but basically such a flight takes no more than 7 hours.

The seating cost will be approx. 1.5-2 thousand rubles cheaper than a regular ticket.

Morocco is an amazing country

What is the most economical way to fly?

This is considered a flight with a transfer in Europe. The transplant can be carried out both in London and in Paris. Of course, the flight time will increase, and several times (on average, such a trip can last up to 22 hours). Moreover, the traveler will be in the air for about 7 hours, and the rest of the time is allotted for waiting for the second air transport. But we should not forget that each plane takes off and lands on a schedule, which can be found at a European airport after landing. Therefore, some travelers may have to wait only a couple of hours and they will again go to the sky on the second plane.

Which airports in Morocco welcome tourists?

There are several tourist airports in Morocco. The most famous of them are the following:

  • Casablanca airport;
  • Al-Massir is an air terminal serving a large city called Agadir.

Airport in Casablanca

Terminals are provided on the territory of the terminal, which provide connecting transitions to two lanes for takeoff and landing. The airport has:

  • coffee houses and restaurants;
  • internet and television;
  • hall for rest and conferences.

Agadir airport

Al-Massir Airport Terminal

The airport serving Agadir is located 25 kilometers from the city, has one runway, and offers guests the following services:

  • buy the right product in numerous stores;
  • have lunch or dinner in restaurants or coffee houses;
  • entertain children with fun games in special rooms;
  • hold meetings or meetings in special conference rooms.

In addition, tourists can rent a car here, use the services of a medical center, exchange money for local currency, etc.

How long does it take to fly to Morocco from other Russian cities?

Travelers will be able to fly to Morocco not only from Moscow, but other airports in major Russian cities also carry out such a flight. The flight time will, of course, increase, and tourists will need to make a transfer. The travel time will vary due to the distance from a major city in Russia to the aircraft's final landing point:

  • The trip from St. Petersburg will last 9-9.5 hours;
  • 10-10.5 hours the plane will be on the way from Yekaterinburg;
  • A traveler who boards a plane in Novosibirsk will need 12-12.5 hours.

It is easy to calculate how long a flight to Morocco from Moscow and other major Russian cities takes, as well as which flights fly in this direction. But which route to choose, with or without a transfer, the tourist himself must decide based on his preferences, wishes and money.

In contact with


Morocco is one of the most popular tourist destinations. Travelers are attracted by the beaches of the Atlantic Ocean and mediterranean sea, cultural attractions, bazaars of old Arab cities. The country receives guests at the airports of several cities: the capital Rabat, Casablanca, Marrakesh, Agadir, Fes. Holidays in Morocco belong to a higher price category than, for example, in Turkey or Egypt. Longer distance also affects the final cost of the trip and the duration of the flight.

How many hours to fly to Morocco from Moscow? A direct flight is definitely the fastest way to get into the country: it will take 6 hours to fly to Morocco. There are also connecting flights, which are slightly longer than direct ones: fly from 7 to 10 hours. The cheapest options, including a transfer, lead to Casablanca and Marrakech, the cost starts from 12 to 24 thousand rubles, depending on the month, to other cities - from 20 thousand rubles. Significantly increases the number of charter flights from May to October in Agadir - a resort on the Atlantic coast.

Direct flights to Morocco

You can regularly fly directly from Moscow to Morocco to Casablanca, which is the largest city in the country. Departures take place on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The main carrier in this direction is the Moroccan Royal Air Maroc. Other cities can be reached by using flights with transfers, which are operated by many world companies.

Direct flights to Morocco:

Connecting flights to Morocco

Various airlines offer flights to Morocco with 1-2 transfers. When planning connecting flights, keep in mind that you won't be able to leave the airport's transit zone without a visa. It is possible to stay in it during the day and only if it is available: in some airports it is not available or has limited opening hours. It is important to know about the requirements of the airlines - they are different for each. In an effort to find the cheapest option, a situation may arise when you have to make an unplanned surcharge for excess baggage if you do not know the requirements for transportation.

How long is the flight to Casablanca?

Connecting flights to Morocco are an alternative to direct flights for those who want to save on route and spend only a little more time on the flight. The cost can be 12 thousand rubles, which is half the price of direct flights.

Many airlines offer connecting routes to Casablanca:

  • Royal Air Maroc;
  • Air France;
  • Alitalia;
  • Lufthansa;
  • Turkish Airlines;
  • Vueling;
  • Aegean Airlines;
  • Iberia;
  • Air Arabia Maroc;
  • Emirates;
  • Etihad;
  • Eurowings;
  • Qatar Airways;
  • TAP Air Portugal;
  • Transavia;
  • Turkish Airlines.

Tickets to Casablanca for the next few days

departure date Return date Transplants Price Find a ticket

1 transplant

21 729

1 transplant

19 024

1 transplant

15 501

1 transplant

15 229

1 transplant

15 243

1 transplant

18 883

How long is the flight to Agadir?

There are slightly fewer airlines offering flights to Agadir. You can get to the popular Moroccan resort by making a transfer in the already mentioned Casablanca or in Europe. The cost of round-trip tickets starts from 20 thousand rubles and reaches a peak (about 60 thousand) during the New Year holidays.

As a rule, to fly to Morocco, tourists choose the Royal Air Maroc company and the route to Agadir with a transfer in Casablanca. The price of such a travel option is 46 thousand rubles, the duration of the trip is up to 8 hours. The Moroccan carrier offers two more flights in this direction, lasting 11 and 13 hours. The cost of these flights is 17 thousand rubles, and the connection will last from four to six hours.

How much to fly to Rabat, Marrakesh, Fes

The presence of connecting flights allows travelers to visit other cities of Morocco: Rabat, Marrakesh, Fes. The choice of airlines and the corresponding price tariffs determines how much to fly to Morocco.

Flights to Morocco from Russian cities

Not only residents of the Russian capital may be interested in flights to Morocco, but also representatives of other Russian cities. In this case, there is no way to do without transplants. The table below shows how many hours to fly to Morocco from St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan and other major cities.

Morocco is not an intensive destination for flights from Russia, but the country is very diverse and original. With proper planning, it will not be difficult to fly to Morocco from Russia: despite the availability of transfers, airlines offer both fast and affordable flights. With the help of air ticket aggregators, it is easy to choose the best option for yourself.

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Agadir Airport is located 25 km from the city and is equipped with all the necessary infrastructure. The airport has a small duty free.

Direct flights

There are no direct regular flights from Moscow to Agadir; there are direct charter flights during the high season. Most of the flights to Agadir during the year are organized with one change in Casablanca.

How long is the flight to Agadir from Moscow?

Non-stop flight time from Moscow: 6 hours
Time difference between Moscow and Morocco: -4 hours

Agadir Airport - Agadir Airport (Agadir AI-Massira Airport, AGA)

Address: 25 km from the city center
Phone: 05 28 83 91 02

How to get from the airport to the city

By bus number 22, which is located outside the airport. The bus is coming to the suburbs of Agadir, where you will have to transfer to buses number 20, 24 or 28. The total fare is 7 dirhams. This is not the most convenient way to get to the city.

taxi rank located in the arrivals area. The price is fixed - 200 dirhams (700 rubles).
Travel time: 20 minutes

At Agadir Airport, you can rent a car from an international or local company.