How I spent my summer: essay for elementary, middle, high school. Essay on the topic: “How I spent the summer. A colorful description of how I spent the summer.

How I spent my summer essay

Everyone loves summer, but I just adore it. Even the summer heat doesn’t scare me; you can wait it out in the shade, go swimming in a cool river, or cool off with delicious ice cream. In winter, you have to warm up at home or wear warm and heavy clothes to avoid freezing. And in the summer, even in one T-shirt and shorts, it gets hot. There are also a lot of interesting entertainments in the summer; I like to go out of town for picnics and outings with family or friends, this is how I spent the summer.

Remembering How I spent summer, you can talk for a long time about interesting and different days spent with friends and family. Every year I go to visit my grandparents in the village, visit the river and always travel with my parents to the sea. After the last day of school, I went to visit my relatives in a village located in a neighboring region. The trip was interesting, there were no empty seats on the bus, trees growing along the road rushed past the windows.

Grandparents have a small but cozy house and a large household. In the morning the roosters would wake us up with loud crows, and I would go help around the house before it got too hot. In the afternoon they let me go to the river, where I rode my grandfather's big bike. On the way to the river, you could pick up friends. They come to visit relatives for the summer from different cities or live here permanently with their parents.

The river is full of fun and people. Adults and children are located on a small bank, cleared of bushes and trees. You can spread a blanket on the soft grass and sunbathe until the water dries up, and then go swimming again. The water in the river is very clean and cool due to the small current, it is interesting to swim against it at speed. I stay in the village for several weeks, then go to my home.

How I spent the summer with my parents

When my parents have the same vacation, we all go to the sea together. This summer there was good weather While we were relaxing on the coast, the sky was clear and cloudless. The sun warmed up well sea ​​water, and I swam a lot, going ashore when they called me to dry off. We spent every day on the beach, staying there until the evening, and instead of lunch we bought delicious and juicy fruits. Once, my dad and I went sea fishing, and the caught fish was cleaned and cooked over a fire. It turned out delicious, and mom was very happy with the surprise. The week at sea flew by unnoticed, and we returned to our city.

I spent the rest of the summer holidays at home, walking with friends in the yard. We went to city beaches together, went to the park near our house for rides. IN extreme heat I liked going to the cinema, where it was cool and smelled of popcorn. This summer I managed to watch a lot of new and interesting films. In rainy weather, I sat at home and read adventure books, friends advised me to read them, communicated with them on the Internet.

I spent this summer interesting, it's a pity that it flew by like one day.

Mini essay “How I spent the summer” Grade 1, 2. (Var 1)

My summer was very interesting. My mother and I walked a lot in the park, she bought me ice cream, it was a lot of fun. We often prepared for the start of the school year.

We memorized interesting poems and repeated letters and numbers. Over the summer I learned to count to thirty; my grandmother Zinaida taught me to count.

And also dad showed me different trees when the whole family went on a picnic in the forest. Dad said that you can’t light a fire in the forest, because the fire can become big, spread to the trees.

Various animals live in the forest, in summer there are especially many of them, they do not hide in their houses. And uncle Ruslan gave me a small fishing rod, next summer I will definitely go fishing.

Mini essay “How I spent the summer” (Var 2)

This summer has been great! June was unremarkable compared to last summer holidays. This month I was in the city and nothing unusual happened, But the next two months of summer will remain in my memory for a long time. At this time I was in the village with my aunt. Therefore, I have a lot of unforgettable memories associated with this place.

Outside the city, time does not pass as quickly as it does in the city. Sometimes you think that a whole month has flown by, but in reality it’s just a few days. My mornings are usually spent in the garden, helping my aunt. There are often problems with running water from the tap, so you have to go to the well several times a day to get it. The water there is crystal clear and cool. Sometimes there are household chores and I do them with pleasure. And after all this, I get ready and quickly run to my friends.
I have friends in the village with whom we spend a lot of time. When the weather is clear and sunny outside, we usually relax on the bank of the river, which is not far from our house, and chat about something of our own. We also love to swim in this very river. One day my aunt scolded me for not coming to dinner. Well, I just wasn’t hungry by that time, because my friend and my friends ate potatoes baked over a fire. It's simply delicious - you'll lick your fingers!
I spent the evenings at home. At this time, her friends often came to the aunt and they had their conversations and drank tea. And at that time I was lying on a stone stove and reading a book.

Sometimes the realization comes to me that the village is a tiny little world away from the city. Here life proceeds at a completely different rhythm. This is probably because here we are very close to nature and are not chasing the benefits of civilization. Every time the summer holidays end, I reluctantly return to the city and look forward to a new trip to the village, which will be filled with new unforgettable impressions!

Mini essay “How I spent my summer” (Option 3)

With the onset of summer, many people feel a surge of strength and vigor. I wouldn’t say that they weren’t there before, but in the summer it feels somehow special.

In the summer, you can waste time on things that you don’t have time for during school days. For example, communicate more with friends, kick a ball with the guys, spend more time with family, eat ice cream, swim in the river, sleep longer than usual...
Also in summer, many different fruits and berries ripen on the trees. This is also very pleasing! In the summer, my parents and I often go to the dacha, and it’s also very interesting there. Mom tells me a lot of new things about plants. In general, plants are my hobby!
In the summer, everything around is transformed into very bright colors. Of course, they are no less attractive and beautiful than at other times of the year, but they are still special in the summer. Sometimes my parents or friends and I go out into the forest. We have a picnic there and watch the life of the animals living there: hedgehogs, bunnies, raccoons, squirrels... We also very often go fishing with dad, and sometimes even spend the night. This is an indescribable atmosphere! There you can fish, swim in the river, sing songs by the fire when evening comes... One day we caught a whole bucket of fish, and when we arrived home, my mother prepared a delicious fish soup. This turned out to be a delicious meal!
I can safely say that summer is my favorite time. It would be great if it lasted a little longer!

A selection of essays about “Summer” for grade 5

Essay “How I spent my summer”

Summer is a wonderful time of year. Every summer I spend in my own interesting way. This year my holidays were great. In June, I went to the sea with my mom and dad. There we visited a dolphinarium, a zoo and a water park. I had many good experiences.

In July I spent time with my friends in the yard. One day it rained heavily and many branches fell. Then my friends and I built a house from twigs, in which we had fun. We all went on a picnic together, played football, volleyball and had competitions.

In August, I went to the village to visit my grandparents for two weeks. There I learned how to milk a cow and care for chickens and ducklings. And the most memorable thing was fishing. Grandfather made a fishing rod for me, and I caught my first fish. The summer was wonderful. The holidays left behind many pleasant memories.

Essay “How I spent my summer holidays”

Of all the school holidays, I like summer holidays the most because they are the longest and occur during the hottest period. Summer is one of the most best seasons year, which provides many options for spending time. You can walk outside all day instead of sitting at home. Go to the sea, lake, river. Enjoying the nature.

I like to go out into the forest in the summer and admire the surrounding vegetation. All the trees around are green, wild flowers grow under them. They are just beginning to bloom and dawn. From biology subjects, I learned several wild useful flowers - yarrow, chamomile, which many people know. There are many other colors too. There are especially many spruce trees in our forest plantation, under which many old cones and old needles have fallen after last winter.

I also like summer holidays because the sun rises early and sets late. The days are very long and the nights are warm. You can go outside in the evening and admire the sunset. After the sun has set, it is nice to sit or walk along the street, enjoying the warm air, listening to the crickets and admiring the starry night sky.

During the summer holidays you can play various sports games: football, volleyball. You can just walk and admire the beauty of summer, how the trees and flowers bloom. In summer, many people go to the sea, river, swim, sunbathe, and have fun.

Essay “My Summer Vacation” 5th grade

Summer holidays are three wonderful months that you can spend however you want. You can meet with friends as much as you want, read any books, travel, or go to your grandparents and meet the children who live there. Summer holidays mean that you can sleep as much as you want, and then kick a ball in the yard as long as you want or sew clothes for dolls, sitting with your girlfriends on a spread blanket in the yard. And also - you can eat ice cream every day.

What haven’t we written! It seems like the holidays were long and there were a lot of events. There is nothing to tell the teacher. It seems that today's children fall into a stupor in the same way when they pick up a pen in the first days of school. And they write this... We have collected for you the funniest pearls from school essays about summer.

“How I spent the summer is no one’s business. This is my personal business, since summer is my personal time, I am not obliged to account for it in the essay. We must respect human rights! And if you give me a bad mark for this essay, then you and I, Ekaterina Mikhailovna, will see each other in the European Court.”

“But there is no summer. I've never seen summer. Autumn immediately follows spring. In spring everything is green, in autumn everything is yellow, in winter everything is white. What about in the summer? There is no summer. I didn't notice summer. Either it was still spring, or it was already autumn.”

“Twitter, TV series and food. #I've said everything."

“I spent this summer with my imaginary friend Akakiy. All summer he accompanied me in my adventures. I also hung out with cows and chickens in the village. I was so bored that I talked to the tomatoes and cucumbers, but they turned out to be somehow silent.”

“Well, I didn’t spend it badly. Except that I was in a godforsaken village for almost two months. But grandma's pies were of the highest quality. And it was fun with the guys whom I hadn’t seen for about five years.” (Spelling and punctuation preserved. – Ed.)

“Well, I had a normal summer. I didn’t do anything, I ate, I didn’t go anywhere. I also watched “X-Men”, but somehow they weren’t very good. I don’t want to go to school, it would be better if summer didn’t end.”

“I spent the rest of the summer with my grandmother at the dacha, she always has a lot of work, so I helped her: chopped, sawed and dug.”

“From June 1 to July 15, my grandmother and I picked berries, and from July 16 to August 31, mushrooms. In addition, haymaking is planned, and we are also fattening the pig.”

“I didn’t rest at all this summer. I worked a lot and hard. Took out the trash. I bought bread."

“In the summer I went to visit my grandmother in the village. The village is called Bet Zera, it's in Israel. It’s good in the village: you can read books, play the violin and piano, and eat. It's a good summer in Israel!”

A selection of essays about “Summer” for grades 7-8

Essay “How I spent my summer holidays”

1. Goodbye school!
2. Hello summer:
a) holidays are rest;
b) love of travel;
c) alone with nature.
3. “I want the summer to never end.”

Each of us is waiting for summer. For many, summer is their favorite time of year, primarily because summer is the biggest vacation. Who doesn’t dream of sunbathing, swimming to their heart’s content, or maybe just taking a break from the hustle and bustle of school. As soon as the spring sun warms up, we are already making plans for the future on how we will spend the summer holidays. We all can't wait to finish school quickly and hear the last school bell. On the one hand, it’s sad to part with school friends for several months. But on the other hand, warmth, sun, good mood, the thought that we have a lot of free time and can walk as much as we want makes us so happy that we think only about one thing: that the holidays come quickly.

Guys spend their holidays differently. Some vacation with their parents at the seaside, others - with relatives in the village or at the dacha. Some stay at home. But no matter where we are, summer holidays are still a wonderful, unforgettable time. This is a vacation. The main thing is to spend this time usefully, so that you have something to remember for the next year. Some believe that in the summer it is necessary to go somewhere far away from hometown. Of course, we associate summer with warm sea, exotic nature. Who doesn’t want to soak up the sand, swim, and play in the waves! Some people like to relax away from the bustle of the city and go out of town, where they can swim in a clean river or lake, lie in the shade under a tree, and enjoy the singing of birds. During the summer holidays you can have a good rest at home. A river, a dacha, helping parents, walks in the park, picnics with friends... Is it possible to refuse this?

Among my friends there are many who love to travel. Visiting different cities and countries, people learn a lot of new and interesting things. I like to travel too. And if parents have the opportunity, we go to those cities that we have not yet been to. Our dream is to visit Prague and Paris. I know that this dream will come true, and we will wander the streets of Prague and admire the beautiful Paris. But we are sure that in our country there are also many places that cannot leave anyone indifferent. “The corner of Russia is dear to me - my kind father’s home,” wrote E. Sheveleva.

Probably, each of us has a favorite corner, a favorite place that we love to visit. My family and I often go out of town in the summer and relax in nature. Nature for us is not only a place of relaxation, but also a source of inspiration and strength. Imagine a hot July day. Who wants to sit in an apartment in this weather? So the whole family is heading out of town for a few days. We relax, swim, listen to birdsong, the murmur of a stream, and admire the flowers. It is generally difficult to imagine summer without flowers. And flowers are always a holiday for a person. With them joy and good mood come to us.

“I really want summer not to end...” Have you noticed that this song is played very often in the summer? Probably, many people want such beautiful weather to last longer, so that the summer mood does not leave us all year round. But the Indian summer will still delight us with the last warm days, and the holidays, unfortunately, will go away along with the summer. Let's not be upset, because we will meet with friends with whom we will share our impressions, plans for the future and together we will look forward to the new summer.

Essay “How I spent my summer holidays”

For me, summer is a holiday that lasts three months. At this time of year there is always a good mood and many interesting activities. For example, you can ride a bike, play volleyball and go to all sorts of open-air festivals. However, most of all I like to walk with friends, chat and admire the summer colors.

When the long-awaited warmth arrives, I can finally put on my favorite bright dresses and light shoes. It becomes pleasant to walk, and nature amazes with its diversity, so there is something to see. In the summer, even people are kinder, because they no longer need to shield themselves from the wind and hide from the cold. Therefore, I spared no time to enjoy the sun and its caressing rays. For example, I went swimming and sunbathing several times. I also often rode my bike early in the morning to catch the sunrise in the park.

During the day, we walked with our friends: discussed the news, listened to music and watched videos. Sometimes we would go to someone's house and experiment with cooking in the kitchen. We also took a lot of photographs during our walks, because my friend had recently been given a professional camera as a gift. Now we have photos as good as the models'.

We also went to the cinema and to a cafe, where we had a great time. When I came home, the first thing I did was write about my impressions in social network. It was this summer that I discovered that I’m pretty good at it, so I’m even going to start my own blog someday.

Of course, it's a pity when summer passes. However, I only have bright and good memories of the holidays, because I spent them with pleasure and benefit. I hope the school year will be as enjoyable and productive.

Essay “How I spent my summer” 7th grade

This summer has been interesting. The first month of vacation was very similar to previous summer vacations, since I stayed in the city. However, the next two summer months turned out to be incredibly interesting for me - I spent them in the village with my aunt. It is with these days spent outside the city that the most vivid events and indelible impressions my summer.

Time in the village passes slowly, not at all like in big cities. It feels like a whole month has passed, when in fact it’s only a week. My morning usually starts with helping my aunt in the garden. Our village is located far from the village, and tap water is an unheard of luxury. So I go to the well with two old iron buckets. The water there is stunningly clean and very cold. I also help my aunt around the house, but whenever possible I run to play with my friends.

I have good friends in the village. We spend everything together free time. In the hottest time, we sit for hours on the bank of the river. After a swim, we frolic with all our might and look at the passing barges. One day my aunt gave me a hard time because I didn’t come to dinner. But in fact, I didn’t feel like eating at all, because together with my friend Pashka we were baking potatoes in the fire. It's such a pleasure to transfer hot potatoes from hand to hand, and then break them and eat them piece by piece. Do you agree that this is not a bowl of cooked soup? And most importantly - how much romance and happiness there are in these summer days, spent as if in another world!

I spent summer evenings in a real wooden hut. As a rule, after dinner my aunt was visited by her friends. Sitting at a large round table, they drank tea. And I was hiding on a large stone stove, or looking at books, or “getting my head around,” as my grandmother liked to say. But to tell the truth, I kept a diary, and, like Robinson Crusoe on a desert island, I counted down the days remaining until I returned to the city.

Sometimes it occurs to me that a village is an island remote from the city, and life on it follows a different rhythm. Whether because of the closeness to nature, or perhaps simply because big cities in the endless pursuit of technological progress, we were torn away from a calm, measured life. But be that as it may, I am a city person. Which means my place is there. And yet, every time I leave this quiet island of tranquility, I will miss my village.

Who doesn't love summer, especially in childhood. And now we will write an essay about the summer spent.

How I spent my summer: an essay for schoolchildren. Options for junior, intermediate and high school.

How I spent my summer: an essay for elementary grades

Summer is my favorite time of year, because it’s warm outside, you can walk all day, and most importantly, because it’s the holidays!

Every day in summer is long and fun. Even if you sleep long in the morning, you still have time to do a lot of interesting things: play with friends, and if there is a river or forest nearby, then also swim or wander in search of berries, interesting branches or leaves, flowers. Then you can collect a herbarium, as we were assigned for the summer at school. And I always listen to birds singing in the forest, they are so different! And I have already learned to identify some of them on Twitter.

In the rain, when you don’t want to leave the house, you can watch TV, play on the computer, or read. And you can also help your mother and put things in order in your room, she always asks me about it. I love summer very much and I want it, as the song says, to never end.

rare classes

I really love my school, teachers and classmates, but I still look forward to the summer holidays every year.

This summer, during the first days of the holidays, I just relaxed. We spent the whole day walking with our friends, going to the cinema, and then discussed the film for a long time, comparing our impressions. We went to the city beach several times, where we swam and sunbathed, which is very beneficial for the body. In the evenings I read the books we were assigned for the summer, drew and knitted. By the way, over the summer I managed to knit myself a beautiful long scarf for the winter, and the same one, only in a different color, for my little sister.

Later, my sister and I went to the village where my grandparents live. It was also a lot of fun here, and every day was different. I met village girls and boys, with whom we went to the river to swim, and in the evening we went out into the field, picked flowers, making beautiful bouquets. From them I learned many names of wildflowers that do not grow in our city.

Of course, we helped our grandparents. They have chickens and ducks, and my sister and I fed them every day. They also weeded the beds and collected cucumbers, which they then helped grandma roll into jars.

When my parents started their vacation, they also came to the village. We lived here for a week with our entire large family, together we harvested everything that had managed to ripen by this time and filled the cellar with preparations. Our dad is an avid fisherman, and one day I went with him to the river early in the morning. True, dad grumbled if I talked loudly, because he says that fish like silence. And yet, my loud joy at every fish I caught did not hurt - we returned to dinner with an excellent catch and in the evening we all ate with appetite the fried fish that my grandmother had prepared according to her secret recipe.

So flew two weeks, and it was time to return home. My parents soon went back to work, and I still had a little time left to finish reading those books that I didn’t have time to read at the beginning of the summer, and, of course, take a walk. Summer has just ended, and I’m already looking forward to the school year flying by and once again enjoying the warm sun.

How I spent my summer: an essay for c senior classes

What a wonderful summer! It is so different, and each month is different from the previous one: the freshness of green foliage in June, the richness and depth of colors in July, the first treacherous inclusions of yellow and red shades in this greenery in August. In summer, the sun is very special, it can be scorching, and it can be gentle, caressing the skin with its warm rays. And even the rain in summer is wonderful, be it a summer warm mushroom rain through the sun shining in the sky, or a powerful thunderstorm shower, with thunder, lightning, darkened sky and gusty wind, ending with silence and the quiet splashing of the last drops on the puddles.

This summer was the last in my school life, the next one will be a time of exams, worries, graduation from school and admission to university. Therefore, I tried to spend it intensively in order to fully enjoy the last carefree school holidays.

My summer program included all the entertainment of my childhood: amusement parks and carousels, a Ferris wheel from which I saw my house and waved to it, rejoicing like a child. There is a small lake in the park in which swans swim, and I often fed them, throwing pieces of bread and watching how importantly and leisurely they swam to the treat. It was so nice to just wander through the quiet alleys, in the light of the lanterns, quietly talking with your best friend about your most intimate things, about your likes and plans for the future.

There were cultural entertainments in my summer: cinema, theaters, concerts. For the first time I independently chose for myself Opera theatre, because this is an art that is very important to understand and be able to listen to. And I did not regret my choice, because I realized that music can be very different, and classical music, which we practically do not listen to in today’s modern rhythms, is also beautiful and amazing.

Every day opened up something new for me, because I looked at it with completely different eyes, the eyes of an almost adult person. And even the traditional annual trip to visit relatives in a neighboring city was not entirely ordinary. For the first time I realized that family members remain the same no matter where they live. This happened because I felt that I really missed my uncle and aunt, my cousin, although before we often quarreled, and sometimes even fought. I was very glad to see them, and prepared a separate surprise for each, depending on their tastes and hobbies.

And this summer, my parents and I spent part of their vacation together (how good it was that mom and dad had the same vacation!). Early in the morning we got into the car and went on a trip to the sea. But the sea was the final goal of our voyage; before getting there, we stopped in different cities, visited local sights, and went to museums. It was so interesting and exciting to see with my own eyes much of what we studied in the school curriculum, in history and geography courses. This is very useful, because once learned information spontaneously popped up in memory.

The sea... How I would like to live here forever, listen to the sound of the surf, say hello every morning to the waves rushing onto the shore, expose my face and shoulders to the sun, watch the seagulls, not particularly afraid of us people, walking along the shore and secretly looking into bags in search of delicious. Before my eyes, a seagull snatched his catch right out of the hands of one guy who was catching some small fish from the shore. She immediately took off into the sky, apparently in a hurry to get away from the crime scene and not share it with her friends.

How different sea ​​air to ours, city! There is no dust at all, it is clean and saturated with salt, it is so easy to breathe here. Yes, it’s a pity that you can’t live here all your life. However, local residents they say that in winter the sea is not at all attractive, it is dark and cold. So, perhaps it’s good that my dream remains just a dream for now.

And, of course, in the summer I read a lot. On the road, e-books helped me out, and at home - real ones. They say that young people don't read much these days, but that's not true. We are different, and among us there are many who want to learn new things, plunge into the past, think and cry. This, of course, is possible with the help of films, but I still prefer books, because only with them you can give free rein to your imagination, imagine images of characters, and not look at them like in a movie. You can put the book down at the most intriguing page and give yourself the pleasure of anticipation and anticipation. Therefore, over the summer I read two dozen new books, receiving great pleasure from what I read.

I spent the last days of my summer at home, helping my mother, learning new recipes from cookbooks. After all, adulthood is waiting for me very soon, and I need to enter it prepared. Cooking is our family hobby; my grandmothers and mother cook very tasty food, and I also want to keep up with them.

This was the last summer of my childhood. Bright, saturated, leaving behind warm good memories.

Video: How did I spend my summer?