Caucasian Mineralnye Vody are resorts of federal significance. Open left menu Caucasian mineral waters Waters of the Caucasian mountains


Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is located between the Black and Caspian Seas, 90 km from Elbrus. IN good weather its characteristic outlines are visible at a glance.

The region occupies the southern part of the Stavropol Territory, the heart of the North Caucasus, the northern slopes of the Main Caucasian Range, is located on the same latitude as the resorts of the Cote d'Azur of France and the Italian Adriatic.

The nature of the North Caucasus is picturesque and unique. For just a few tens of kilometers from north to south, the steppe plain smoothly turns into a mountain landscape, and feather grass steppes into gorgeous deciduous and pine forests, over which alpine meadows stretch. All this splendor is crowned by the majestic two-headed Elbrus.

The height of the resorts above sea level is from 600 to 1000 meters. The main Caucasian ridge retains the moist air of the Black Sea, creating a favorable healthy climate, warm but not hot summers, mild winters.

Caucasian mineral waters are mountain resort, balneotherapy, mud and climatic, specially protected, ecological region Russian Federation, a single artesian basin of mineral waters of various types and richest in resources. The area of ​​formation of these waters is located on the territory of three subjects of the Federation: Stavropol Territory, Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria.

The uniqueness of the region lies in the exclusive concentration of numerous mineral waters of various composition, as well as therapeutic mud, exotic landscapes that create favorable climatic conditions, And resort complexes with developed infra? structure.

The resort region includes five resort towns: Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, Yessentuki, Zheleznovodsk and Mineralnye Vody themselves.

The climate, one of the healing factors of the region, is diverse, formed under the influence of several factors. The continentality of the climate is determined by the foothill character and the proximity of the snowy peaks of the Main Caucasian Range, on the one hand, and the proximity of arid steppes and semi-deserts of the Caspian coast, on the other. Studies by bioclimatologists from the Pyatigorsk State Scientific Research Institute of Balneology clearly proved that the air of resorts is characterized by high transparency, moderate natural hypoxia, high natural ionization with a low ion unipolarity coefficient. With a favorable regime of solar radiation, this combination allows for all types of climatotherapy. The surrounding mountainous alpine meadows and resort parks cleanse the air from pollution and enrich the air with healing volatile phytoorganic substances.

The most favorable, according to medical climatology, is the southern zone of the CMS. The climate of Kislovodsk and its environs is distinguished by a very large number of sunny days, an almost complete absence of wind, low atmospheric pressure, especially in the upper part of the park, partial pressure of oxygen and water vapor in the air, and increased solar radiation. Only 37 days a year are without sun. The region of other CMS cities belongs to the climatic zone with a large amount of heat and moderate precipitation. Cloudy foggy days with frost are observed mainly in the autumn-winter period, which creates a contrast with Kislovodsk, where at this time it is extremely rarely cloudy.

Therapeutic factors of CMS

  1. Mineral waters of various composition.

    In terms of richness and diversity, the group of mineral springs of the CMS is the rarest phenomenon: narzans in Kislovodsk with its “cold boiling water” seething from carbon dioxide, hot waters of Pyatigorsk and Zheleznovodsk, radon in Pyatigorsk, hydrocarbonate-chloride-sodium in Essentuki and others. In a relatively small area, there are currently over 130 mineral springs, 90 of which are used for medicinal purposes.

  2. Favorable climate in the southwestern part of the region

    This climate is used for climatotherapy, especially in the Kislovodsk resort, throughout the year, and in other resorts - mainly during the warm period.

  3. Mud of the Tambukan lake.

    Mud is used for mud therapy at all resorts in the region.

    Tambukan Lake is located 12 km southeast of Pyatigorsk, on the border between the Stavropol Territory and Kabardino-Balkaria. It is small, only 180 hectares, but the reserves of mud are more than 2 million tons, which provides the needs for therapeutic mud resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters for many years and even centuries. The water in the lake is bitter-salty - brine of sulfate-chloride-sodium composition with high mineralization.

    Tambukan has always been mysterious and a little creepy, always struck by its unusualness. Its surface seems black even in calm, windless weather, so clearly visible through the water column is the layer of the same healing mud lying at the bottom. The lake was first scientifically described in 1773 by I. Guldsnshtedt. He called it "Tambi", which in ancient Turkic means "bad, bad smell": when approaching the lake, a strong smell of hydrogen sulfide hits the nose. Kabardians from ancient times knew everything about the healing properties of Tambukan mineral waters and mud. This is evidenced by the remaining traces of baths carved into the stones near the springs, and the remains of primitive wooden and stone bathing devices from the early Bronze Age.

    Mud and brine of the lake have a pronounced bactericidal effect, so no one is found in the lake, except for brine crustaceans. Black plastic sulfide mud has a high content of organic matter, hydrogen sulfide, methane, etc. It consists of fine clay and sand.

The main indications for the treatment of diseases

The first official information about one of the oldest regions of Russia and its mineral springs is contained in the reports of Dr. Schober in 1717. By the Highest Decree of Peter I, he was sent to the region of the North Caucasus in search of "spring waters". Indications for the treatment of diseases evolved as sources were discovered. To date, CMS is the most versatile resort in the world.

Pyatigorsk. The composition of 50 springs represents almost all types of mineral waters in the region. A successful combination of carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, radon sources and mud of Lake Tambukan, a favorable climate and a wonderful natural landscape makes the city the most versatile resort in Russia. All diseases are treated here in a complex: peripheral nervous system, musculoskeletal system, digestive organs, skin, peripheral vessels, gynecological and andrological diseases, occupational diseases.

Essentuki. The waters of this resort are often compared to European resorts. It is worth noting, however, that the treatment of patients with diseases of the digestive system has long allowed Essentuki to be recognized as one of the best world resorts of this profile.

Zheleznovodsk. City sanatoriums specialize in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, kidneys and urinary tract.

Kislovodsk. Carbonic mineral waters, the climate of the middle mountains make this resort a unique place for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as the respiratory tract.

Caucasian Mineral Waters- the name speaks for itself. Famous resort places, the all-Russian balneo-climatic resort Caucasian Mineralnye Vody are four cities with their own characteristic features, cozy and attractive.

The healing power of the local mineral springs has long been familiar to the local population. Legends also tell about this, where the truth is intricately intertwined with poetic fiction. An echo of such a legend is contained in the name of one of the popular local mineral waters - narzan. This word can be translated into Russian as “heroic drink”, “water of heroes”. Narzan was considered a source of strength for a tribe that once allegedly lived in the North Caucasus - the Narts.

The first historical information about the “hot waters” of Pyatigorye dates back to the 14th century and belongs to the Arab traveler Ibn Batuta. Scientific interest in them was shown by Peter I, who sent an expedition to study. However, the information received was soon forgotten. Interest in them revived again at the end of the 18th century, when the first Russian settlement appeared in these places - the Constantinogorsk fortress, built near Mount Mashuk in 1780.

The date of birth of the resort is considered to be 1803, when the state significance of the Caucasian mineral waters was recognized and the study of their medicinal properties began. Settlements spring up near the springs. The first such settlement was Goryachevodsk at the foot of Mashuk. In 1830, it was renamed Pyatigorsk - after the name of the nearby five-domed mountain Beshtau. Then there were Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk.

The poetic discovery of the Caucasus belongs to the great Pushkin. The first time he saw the Caucasus was on the waters, where in 1820 he arrived with the Raevskys, heading into exile. And this meeting left an indelible mark on Pushkin's poetry. He himself wrote about this in a dedication to N. Raevsky to the poem "Prisoner of the Caucasus":

Where is the cloudy Beshtau, the majestic hermit,
Auls and fields ruler five-headed,
Parnassus was new to me.

There have been many outstanding people on the waters. Such great names are associated with the Caucasian Mineral Waters, such as: Odoevsky A.I., Ogarev N.P., Glinka M.I., Rakhmaninov S.V., Balakirev M.A., S.I. Taneev, L.V. .Sobinov, Chaliapin F.I., Gorky A.M., Mayakovsky V.V., Yesenin S.A., Repin I.E., Yaroshenko N.A., Tolstoy L.N. But a special place among them belongs to M.Yu. Lermontov.

Lermontov was on the waters several times, first as a child, then during his exile to the Caucasus in the army. He knew the Caucasus perfectly, knew the society that gathered on the waters. The novel "Princess Mary" was written based on the impressions of life on the waters. It has full recognition of cities and their environs, characters and types. A gifted painter, Lermontov was also one of the first to create a romantic landscape of the Caucasus. In Pyatigorsk, in the 27th year, Lermontov's life was cut short, he was killed in a duel. A memorial to M. Lermontov was created at the resorts. And in the center of Pyatigorsk, a monument to M. Lermontov was erected in 1889, created by the sculptor A. Opekushin with funds raised by subscription.

Today Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is a recognized balneological resort. At least a million people are treated and rested here every year. The main wealth of the resort is its mineral springs, unique in their diversity and healing properties, supplemented by deposits of therapeutic mud. Treatment at the resort is carried out strictly on a scientific basis. Each of the resort towns, depending on the composition of the springs and the microclimate, specializes in the treatment of various diseases. And all together they bring people health and joy. In the cities of Caucasian Mineral Waters, health resorts with a high level of service have been created, much is being done here for the convenience of those who come for treatment and just relax.

Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is located in the middle of the 700-kilometer isthmus between the Black and Caspian Seas on the northern slopes of the Main Caucasian Range, just 90 km from the high mountain in Europe - Elbrus, the two-headed peak of which is clearly visible almost throughout the region. Occupying an area of ​​about 6 thousand square meters. km, the region is characterized by great contrasts of natural conditions.

In the south, in the foothills of Elbrus, are the valleys of the Khasaut and Malka rivers, in the west - the upper reaches of the Eshkakon and Podkumka rivers, in the north, beyond the city of Mineralnye Vody, steppe expanses extend. The Caucasian Mineral Waters region occupies the southern part of the Stavropol Territory. It borders in the southwest and west with the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, and in the south with the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

In the vicinity of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody there are many wonderful places that attract with the beauty of nature, interesting tourist routes. People are attracted to these places by the proximity of mountain peaks, amazingly beautiful intermountain valleys with elegant vegetation, fresh alpine meadows, noisy azure-blue waterfalls, swift transparent rivers, an abundance of mineral springs, exceptionally clean, always cool air, saturated with phytoncides with a tart smell of resin and needles. Bus excursions are organized to these areas - to Teberda, Dombai, Arkhyz, Baksan Gorge, Chegem Gorge, to the foot of Elbrus, Blue Lakes.


The region is a sloping plateau, gently descending from south to north. According to the nature of the relief, the region is divided into two parts: the northeastern part, where laccolith mountains rise against the background of the plain, and the southwestern part, with characteristic features of the mountain landscape.

On the territory of the region, four types of landscapes can be distinguished, belonging to the transitional type - from flat to mountainous:

1. Piatigorsky low-mountain intrusive (with quasi-laccoliths) on the foothill sloping alluvial terraced plain with steppes, forest-steppes, broad-leaved forests, xerophytized mountain meadows on chernozem, mountain-forest and mountain-meadow soils. It occupies almost half of the territory of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody. The plain is cut by the valleys of the Kuma and Podkumok rivers, tributaries of the Bugunta, Yutsa, Dzhutsa. Three levels of Pleiotocene terraces are well developed here - Goryachevodskaya (100-110 m), Dzhamgatskaya (55-75 m), Pyatigorskaya (24-30 m).

The terraces form extensive interfluve surfaces and are covered with cover pebbles. 17 picturesque insular dome-shaped mountains rise above the plain, representing near-surface Miocene-Pliocene intrusive massifs: Beshtau (1399.8 m), Dzhutsa (1198 m), Zmeyka (994 m), Mashuk (993 m), Yutsa (972 m), Razvalka (930 m), Camel (885 m), Golden Kurgan (884 m), Sharp (881 m), Sheludivaya (875 m), Zheleznaya (859.4 m), Bull (821 m), Kabanka (Dupaya, 772 m) , Bald (740 m), Medovaya (721 m), Dagger (almost destroyed), Kokurtly (406 m). The mountains of the Pyatigorsk landscape are unusual geological and geomorphological formations. In the bowels of the mountains there are rare mineral paragenesis containing compounds of uranium, boron and rare earths, including a unique aqueous calcium, cesium and uranium phosphate, called lermontovite.

In the Quaternary, in a number of places in the Pyatigorsk landscape, thick strata (up to 70 m) of travertine were formed as a result of the release of carbon dioxide sources (Hotaya). In travertines and limestones, karst is observed in the form of funnels, caves, niches, ponors (for example, Proval on Mount Mashuk).

Mineral water deposits here are formed in the original hydrogeological structure. The aquifer complex of monoclinal salt-rich Mesozoic-Cenozoic marine deposits is combined in it with a zone of permeable magma-conducting faults. Laccolith mountains are the main pharmaceutical laboratories in this system. Mineralized porous and fissure vadose waters, falling into the jets of hot solutions and gases rising from their depths, are saturated with them, and then rush up the ring and radial faults and, mixing in countless cracks, give a variety of healing mixtures. The cities of Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Lermontov, Essentuki, Mineralnye Vody and other settlements are located on the territory of the Pyatigorsk landscape.

2. Kislovodsk mountain-hollow to inter-bush dissected erosion-tectonic depression with meadow steppes on mountain chernozems and alluvial soils of river floodplains. It starts from the rocky ridge, uniform in relief, from which the Bermamyt plateau slopes gently towards Kislovodsk with the flat peaks of the mountains Big (2643 m) and Small (2592 m) Bermamyt, Shadzhatmaz (2070 m), located in the vicinity of Mount Elbrus (5642 m). To the north-east of the Bermamyt plateau stretches the Pasture Range, divided into two parts by the Podkumok River. One part is called the Dzhinal Range ( highest point Mount Maly Dzhinal, 1584 m above sea level), the other - Darya Heights (with the highest elevation of 1419 m above sea level). From the Darya heights to the northeast, the Borgustan Plateau descends gently.

The Kislovodsk landscape is one of the rare in the North Caucasus and exceptionally picturesque. It covers the bottoms and slopes of the intramountain erosion-tectonic basin and adjacent parts of the Podkumok river valley. Relatively low altitudes (800-1500 m above sea level), orographic isolation create here a special salubrious climate with clear windless weather. The presence of carbonic mineral springs of the Kislovodsk deposit gives additional value to the landscape in terms of recreation. The Kislovodsk structural-erosion depression was developed by the Podkumok River and its tributaries at the site of the outcrop of Cretaceous sandy-argillaceous deposits. The Podkumok River flows through the middle part of the landscape with its tributaries Eshkakon, Alikonovka, Berezovka. The foothills of the Dzhinal Range have been turned into a resort park with a variety of local and introduced species of trees, shrubs, health paths, recreation facilities, and recreational infrastructure. The area of ​​the spa park is 1340 hectares. The park is the pearl of the resort. Shady groves, cozy meadows and alleys have become not only a favorite vacation spot for holidaymakers, but also a kind of museum of flora in the Caucasus. More than 250 species of trees and shrubs have been collected here, including Amur velvet, noble chestnut, red oak, black walnut, Manchurian walnut, Sosnovsky pine, Crimean pine, walnut and others. There is even the rarest relic tree - kinkgo. Special attention is paid to the decorative design of the park. Many flowers are planted in the park, which decorate it until late autumn. The length of the health path is more than 70 km.

The sandy and chalk mountains surrounding Kislovodsk are very beautiful and form numerous terraces with deep caves and grottoes. Separate blocks of red sandstones, being weathered, took the most bizarre shape. In Kislovodsk Park, Red Stones became such a memorable place. In the Kislovodsk region there are picturesque natural areas and objects of nature - Ring Mountain, Berezovka Gorge, Honey Waterfalls, Charm Valley, Lermontov Waterfall, Lermontov Rock, Red Stones, White Stones, Blue Stones, Big and Small Saddle, Air Temple, Red Sun and a lot others.

3. Borgustansky structural-denudation mid-mountain karst on Cretaceous monoclinal structures with mountain meadows, steppes and meadow-steppes on mountain-meadow chernozem-like soils and on leached and mountain chernozems. Borgustan mid-mountain landscape covers the western part of the territory of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody. The southern slope of the Borgustan Range abruptly breaks off to the valley of the Podkumok River with several ledges of structural terraces composed of Upper Cretaceous sandstones, tuff sandstones, marl limestones, silicified shales, marls and carbonate clays of the Upper Cretaceous. The northern slope slopes gently towards the valley of the Kuma River. The vegetation is represented by steppes and meadow-steppes. Rare xerophilic flora has been preserved on the southern slopes.

4. Djinal monoclinal landscape enters the territory of the CMS with its north - western part. The southwestern slopes of the Dzhinalsky Range are steep with structural terraces, the northeastern slopes are gentle, cut by river valleys and gullies. The upper parts of the landscape are occupied by subalpine forb meadows; oak, hornbeam, ash forests with hazel grow along the beams on the slopes.


The climate of the region is diverse and is formed under the influence of a number of factors. The foothill character of the terrain and the proximity of the snowy peaks of the Main Caucasian Range on the one hand, and on the other hand, the proximity of arid steppes and semi-deserts of the Caspian coast determine the continental climate of this region.

In shaping the climate of the region, the decisive role is played by its southern location, which provides a large inflow of solar energy, features of atmospheric circulation in the south of temperate latitudes, relief and height of the terrain above sea level, creating climatic differences in certain parts of this region. The pasture range (Dzhinalsky and Borgustansky) divides the territory under consideration into two unequal parts: the southern part - the Kislovodsk region with features of a temperate continental climate of low and middle mountains, and the northern part - Yessentuki, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk with typical features of the steppe zone. The degree of climate continentality, which characterizes the variability of air temperature and humidity during the year, decreases in this territory as the height of the area above sea level increases from the northeast to the west. So, in Pyatigorsk (576 m) the climate is sharply continental, in Kislovodsk (890 m) it is continental, in Dzhinal it is slightly continental, and in Bermamyt (2586 m) it is transitional.

The most favorable, according to medical climatology, is the southern zone. The climate of Kislovodsk and its environs is distinguished by a large number of clear days, low wind speeds, low atmospheric pressure, partial pressure of oxygen and water vapor in the air. The air is clean and transparent. The average annual air temperature in January here is 3.7°. On some days in winter, the air temperature can drop to 33° below zero, or rise to 20° warm. In the daytime, on more than 50% of days in winter, the air temperature during the day is positive. Summer is usually pleasant. The average monthly temperature in July is 19°. The intensity of solar radiation is increased. During the year, the number of hours of sunshine reaches 2147 hours. Only 37 days a year are without sun. Snow cover lasts 40-45 days. Autumn is long, warm and sunny. Spring is long, cool, rainy.

The resort area of ​​Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk is a climate zone with a lot of heat and moderate precipitation. The average temperature in July is 22°, in January 4.5°. The average annual precipitation falls within 600 mm mainly in spring and early summer. Compared to the southern zone, the average annual air temperature is higher here, relative humidity is at the level of 65-71%, the number of days with fogs and without sun is 85-120, days with precipitation 120-160, and frosty days are about 90. Cloudy days with fogs and hoarfrost are mainly in the autumn-winter period, which creates a contrast with Kislovodsk, where it is mostly sunny at this time. The duration of the frost-free period decreases from northeast to southwest from 190 days in the area of ​​the city of Mineralnye Vody (300 m above sea level) to 80 days a year on Mount Shatzhatmaz (2070 m above sea level).

Rivers and lakes

The Darya Upland is the feeding zone of the headwaters of the Darya, Kuma, and Bogunta rivers. On the slopes of the Darya Upland, there is the Essentuchok nature reserve. The area is composed of sedimentary rocks: limestones and dolomites of the Lower Cretaceous in combination with sandstones and marls. From above, these rocks are covered with a cover of Quaternary deposits, but in some places it is almost completely washed away.

The fragmentation of the territory is significant. Deep valleys and gorges of medium and small rivers and streams, as well as dry valleys flowing into them, dissect the relief of the territory in such a way that it gives the impression of a typically mountainous country, although the absolute heights do not exceed 800-1200 m above sea level.

Limestone deposits are fissured, permeated with numerous voids and easily permeable to atmospheric precipitation, being the aquifers of the feed zone of the Kavminvod springs. The impervious horizons, dipping obliquely to the northeast, are clays of the Lower Cretaceous, clays of the Maikop stage, and dense metamorphosed shales of the Paleozoic basement.

The floodplain ecosystem of the rivers is represented by a willow-poplar cenosis, including Greek mountain ash, beautiful and Tatar maples, relict (tertiary) species - light maple, Glagolen mountain ash, about 19 species of willow, white poplar, black poplar, Sosnovsky, common hazel, forest grapes. In swampy areas grow narrowish pondweed, chastuhi cereal and plantain, as well as cereals - southern reed, bent rhizome, ground reed grass, forest bluegrass, flattened, swampy, false-sharp sedge, coastal, barley row.

Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is a unique region in terms of the wealth of resort resources and, above all, deposits of mineral waters. There are deposits of mineral waters of various chemical and gas composition with a total debit of 14.5 m3/day. Among them are the famous Slavyanovsky and Smirnovsky springs, Kislovodsk narzans and mineral waters Essentuki 4 and 17; Pyatigorsk sulfide and radon waters, Nagut waters of the Yessentuki 4 and 17 type, Borjomi, Arzni and others. Among the most valuable deposits of carbonic mineral waters are Kumskoe and Nagutskoe, the exploration and exploitation of which has led to an uninterrupted supply of valuable carbonic water to the Kislovodsk resort and the prospects for a significant increase in the bottling of mineral waters such as Essentuki 4 and 17.

But there are few natural lakes in the region. These are the salty Lysogorsky lakes and lake Karras. Lake Tambukan has an important balneological significance, it produces therapeutic mud, which is rated as one of the best. This is silt fine-structured mud containing organic and inorganic acids, gases, which has antiseptic properties. Healing mud of Lake Tambukan is used not only in all resorts of Kavminvod, but also in Nalchik.


On the mountains of Pyatigorye one can trace unique island ecosystems with altitudinal zonality. More than 1,300 plant species grow in a relatively small area, forming a gene pool of rare diversity. According to the ecological and botanical station of the Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, several dozen relict and endemic plants and more than a hundred medicinal plants grow in the Pyatigorsk mountains. Of particular interest is the Beshtaugorsky forest area with plantations of oriental beech, edible chestnut, Norway maple, linden, willow, willow, alder, hazel, hawthorn, euonymus, elderberry, blackthorn, dogwood, barberry, oak-ash and ash, rowan-birch crooked forest, unusually picturesque subalpine glades, as well as forests with rare and endangered plant species on Mount Lysaya. From the second half of March, the steppe valleys and lower slopes of the mountains come to life and are covered with flowers. In the forests, violets, primrose bloom in a continuous cover, in the steppe - saffron, hyacinths, yellow adonis. In the virgin island steppes to the west to Essentuki and to the east beyond Mashuk, along the high left bank of the Podkumok River, fiery red adonis blaze in the fields, along the mountain slopes wild irises, white anemones, and pinkish rosehip flowers. On the top of Mount Beshtau, azaleas, yellow lilies, and Wilhelms mytnik delight the eye. And along the steppe foothills of Beshtau, gigantic poppies are sometimes found. Large-flowered pollenheads grow on the northern slope of Mashuk, green-colored lyubka. On the northern slope of the Golden Kurgan, you can see an ordinary nest.

The decorative and horticultural and fruit vegetation is rich and varied, the Walnut Grove on the western slope of Mashuk has become one of the sights of the Caucasian Mineral Waters region. The area is replete with orchards, vineyards, berry fields, orchards, the richest park vegetation. Living museums of flora are legally considered the Perkal dendrological nursery, located on the northeastern slope of Mount Mashuk, the botanical garden of the Pyatigorsk Pharmaceutical Academy.
The natural attractions of the Pyatigorsk landscape include slate mountains with steppe, forest and mountain-meadow vegetation and picturesque rocks, the Hot travertine mountain, Perkalskaya rock with bone remains of extinct animals, Mashuksky and Lysogorsky Provals, island permafrost and Saltpeter cave on Mount Razvalka, Eagle and Goat rocks, Monastic glade on Mount Beshtau.

The forbs of the meadows create a unique flavor - Tatar katran, rough burdock, Siberian and poster grains, gray and Caucasian cinquefoil, pharmacy burdock, common meadowsweet, a lot of legumes, blood-red geranium, Siberian hillock, giant eryngium, Russian mustard, Siberian hogweed, centaury small , geneva tenacious, spear-leaved skullcap, purple mullein, upright woodruff, tenacious bedstraw, double-pinnate scabiosa, coarse-grained ragwort, very high bellflower, sorrel sorrel, meat-red buckwheat, cereal asterisk, divaha prolific, narrow-leaved peony, ranunculus bathing suit, elegant ranunculus, about 40 species of Compositae, more than thirty species of cereals and many others. Steppe ecosystems are distributed mainly on the southern slopes of medium steepness. In mature steppe cenoses, dense shrub perennial grasses dominate: the most beautiful feather grass, pinnate and hairy, Valais fescue, white-bearded, soddy pike, shady colchicum, thin asphodolina, mouse hyacinth, Husson's birdman, false yellow and whitish onion, iris (net saffron, Crimean iris and Marshal ), early sedge and blackhead, spring adonis.

In subalpine meadows, there are Steven's dandelion, Caucasian dryad, Fisher's cornflower, hairy feather grass, beautiful feather grass, saxifrage, glacial foxtail, dotted areas of lamira blackhead, drooping bell.

This area is dominated by complex multi-layer broad-leaved forests with a developed shrub layer. Among the trees, beech, olive, elm, hazel, maple, rose-flowered and other families are common, pedunculate and chalk oaks, common ash, hornbeam elm, rough, Caucasian hornbeam, common hazel, gray alder, gray and Tatar maples, bare carp, eastern apple tree , Caucasian pear, plum, sometimes there is an oriental beech.

Shrubs are mainly represented by honeysuckle, euonymus, olive, pink flowers: black elderberry, southern svidina, common viburnum, common privet, warty and European euonymus, mountain ash and Greek. On the forest edges and glades, fruit-bearing vegetation is found: dog rose, Caucasian blackberry, raspberry, mountain ash.
In this area, you can often find rare and endangered plant species: feather grass, beautiful and Caucasian feather grass, thin asphodelina, Caucasian snowdrop, fake and forked iris, netted saffron, meat-red orchid, katrans and others.


In the forests and steppes there are many foxes, badgers, weasels, hares, hamsters, hedgehogs, steppe ferrets, field mice, jerboas. In rare cases, snakes and large lizards can be seen on the slopes of the mountains. In the steppe areas, one can occasionally see a hare and a jerboa, a gray hamster, and a hedgehog. Vole mice live here. The mounds of earth, lined up in a row, testify to the underground work of the common mole rat. Of the predators in these places, the steppe polecat, weasel, fox, and occasionally the wolf hunt. Squirrels have taken root well in city alleys and resort parks. Red fluffy animals have settled in here, they are not afraid of people, they take nuts and seeds from their hands.

The world of birds is unusually rich. Bald eagles, hawks, falcons, kites, red-footed falcons, tits, blackbirds, woodpeckers, warblers, nightjars, jays, buzzards, European dawns are found on Beshtau. In the steppe there are many larks, quails, buntings, wheatears, coinage, meadow and field harriers, rollers, kestrel, imperial eagles. Pheasants, warblers, yellow wagtails, sandpipers, ducks are found in river floodplains. Of the migratory birds in the summer, starlings, pigeons, hoopoes, owls, swallows, and golden bee-eaters nest in the Caucasian Mineral Waters. Crows, rooks, jackdaws roam in large flocks. Warblers, greenfinches, blackbirds, prosyanka, goldfinches, warblers, and shrikes live in bushes. Orioles, nightingales, hoopoes can be seen in the parks. Woodcocks arrive in spring and autumn. Starlings, swallows, sparrows, pigeons, pheasants, white-fronted thrushes, mountain swallows, and ravens live in the city. Near Beshtau there are warblers, waders, corncrakes, yellow partridges, and black swifts. Black swifts, alpine jackdaws, eagles, falcons, griffon vultures, stone partridges nest on mountain cliffs. In the shallow and fast Podkumka there are many small fish: minnows, roach, barbels.


"Once the elders of one of the tribes of the Sahara came with an excursion to Niagara Falls. The gray-bearded elders froze in amazement. After a while the guide offered them to go further, but they asked to wait. "What?" asked the guide. "Until the water runs out..."

Filling their glass with sparkling moisture at the source, hardly anyone realizes that they are drinking ... the rain that fell 100, and maybe more years ago on the northern spurs of the Caucasus - the Dzhinalsky Range.
Here are the doors to the natural "kitchen" in which the well-known "Narzan", "Essentuki", "Mashuk" and "Slavyanovskaya" are cooked. Composed of thick layers of sedimentary rocks (marls, limestones, sandstones), Dzhinal lowers its slopes to the north, passing under resort towns, skirting Beshtau and Mashuk mountains, Zheleznaya and Zmeyka. And if the ridge itself is a feeding zone for mineral waters, then its underground slopes are their transport system.

Not far, it seems, from Kislovodsk to Pyatigorsk or Zheleznovodsk, only a few tens of kilometers. But rainwater travels this path for a painfully long time. After all, the speed of its movement along the huge "biscuit" of sedimentary rocks is only about 40 meters per year! On this way, the water has time to be enriched with various salts of sedimentary rocks. But this is not yet mineral water, it is still its "semi-finished product". And through different layers of the "pie", at different speeds, at different temperatures, the future "Slavyanovskaya" or "Essentuki" flows in its own, only known to her labyrinths. It will become mineral water in the "unloading zone" - in the Kavminvod region.

Birth medicinal waters each resort has its own characteristics. But the "kitchen" is the same for everyone.

It has been operating for many millennia at a depth of several tens of kilometers, where huge blocks of the earth's crust collide with "foreheads".

Here is a zone of anomalously high pressures and temperatures. Everything is possible in this underground laboratory. Ordinary limestone can become noble marble, and loose marl - the strongest granite. And the by-product of these transformations is carbon dioxide. Through a system of faults and cracks, it tends to the surface. In the underground meeting places of the former rainwater and carbon dioxide, mineral water is born. Significant evidence of the "weakness" of the earth's crust in the region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters is the famous local mountains of laccoliths. They did not become volcanoes like Elbrus. But they only lifted the cover of sedimentary rocks and created new, so-called calcic faults, through which mineral water came out to people.

The role of a kind of elevator that raises water to the surface is performed by the same carbon dioxide. Geologists call this phenomenon “gas lift”. Now it is clear that the faster and from a greater depth mineral water rises to the surface, the hotter it is and the more carbon dioxide it contains and vice versa.

Well, what happens to the water that has passed the network of faults and has not come to the surface. Where does the river flow, composed of underground streams of the Dzhinal Range?

Through a "layered cake" of sedimentary rocks, it gradually descends to a depth of several kilometers and flows into a huge, very salty sea lying under the Terek-Caspian lowland. But not all water is lost forever. Part of it, colliding with a wall of impermeable rocks near the Nagutskaya station, rises almost to the surface and, as if offended by the inhospitable reception, flows back, making its way to the sun in the area of ​​Essentuki. This water was longer in the underground "kitchen", and therefore more saturated with salts.

Concluding the story about the deep journey of a small raindrop, it is worth mentioning one unique place. Hydrogeologists named it the Nagut deposit.

Here, Jinal's salt cake shattered against a wall of hard rock. And in this mishmash of cracks and faults you can find all the mineral waters of the Caucasus: "Slavyanovskaya" and "Smirnovskaya", "Narzan" and "Essentuki", "Mashuk" and "Borjomi". These riches will still serve the health of people!

Thousands of years will pass... But as long as rain falls from the sky and fire burns in the underground forge, Caucasian Mineral Waters will remain what they are - the eighth miraculous Wonder of the World!

The story of hydrogeologists L.A. Skok and
M.A. Samotei recorded S.P. Prokopov.
Zheleznovodsk city.

Tatyana Solomatina

What attracts tourists to the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody region?

Good afternoon dear friends!

Today I am starting a series of articles about a wonderful place for recreation and treatment - the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody region.

In the first publication, we will get to know this unique resort a little. I will talk about the location and climate, about the cities of this region and natural mineral springs. After reading to the end, you will find out why a large number of people come here for rest and treatment regularly, and perhaps you will also have a desire to go to this wonderful place.

The resort is very interesting, I visit it regularly, so a lot of information has accumulated, I plan a number of articles, the first one is already in front of you, read and share your impressions in the comments, I will be glad to hear from you.

Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is an excellent choice for recreation and treatment, due to its unique location, mild climate, beautiful natural environment and developed infrastructure.

But the main thing that attracts numerous guests to the region is the healing springs, the water from which is widely and successfully used to treat many diseases. Having been here you will not only relax, but also significantly strengthen your body.

This region is located in the Stavropol Territory on the northern slope of the Caucasus Mountains. Resort towns are located close to each other, which allows you to go around them all and get a general impression of this place.

The natural landscape is very diverse, small hills, densely covered with unique broad-leaved forests, alternate with the steppe part, which in summer pleases the eye with lush grass and bright wildflowers.

Due to the lack of serious industrial production, there is crystal clear air and silence.


This region has a favorable climate, which is well suited for climatotherapy. Balneologists use it as a healing factor.

It has a moderate winter, the average temperature is -4 degrees, a comfortable summer is +22 degrees.

Due to the diversity of the terrain, the climate of all the cities of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody differs slightly. It depends on the height above sea level, the protection of the mountains, the proximity of the steppes.

Southern resort - Kislovodsk, the most sunny city KMV, respectively, the air temperature here is usually several degrees higher than in other cities of the region.

Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk and Essentuki are located a little lower than Kislovodsk, but it is also warm here and there is very little rainfall. And small mountains - Mashuk, Beshtau, Zheleznaya, often become a barrier from strong steppe winds.

The main resorts of KMV

Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is a fairly large region, I will introduce you to the main resorts, which can be safely attributed to Zheleznovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Essentuki and Kislovodsk. You can read more about each of them in separate materials, links to which will be at the end of each description.

A very cozy small town located at the foot of Zheleznaya Mountain. The resort is just immersed in greenery, and a magnificent park with centuries-old trees and winding paths is simply conducive to leisurely walks and contemplation of the beautiful nature around.

The city is well-planned and the resort infrastructure is located separately from the residential area. Almost all sanatoriums are built within walking distance to natural springs, which is important for the guests of the resort. This is the smallest town in the Caucasus Mineralnye Vody region, however, it is also rich in mineral waters.

The resort specializes in the treatment of the genitourinary system, digestive organs, metabolic disorders and other related diseases.

The main component of the treatment is drinking Slavyanovskaya and Smirnovskaya mineral water, the pump rooms of which are located in the Kurortny Park. Also in the treatment is widely used silt mud of the Tambukansky and Lysogorsky lakes, which is rich in iron, iodine, zinc and silver.

You can find out more about the resort.

Pyatigorsk is big resort town, located just a 10-minute drive from Zheleznovodsk at the foot of Mount Mashuk. The resort picturesquely blends into the mountain landscape, from Mount Mashuk, which can be climbed both by funicular and on foot, it is clearly visible.

There are many health resorts in which they successfully treat the musculoskeletal system, joints, and help with gynecological diseases. As in the whole region, the main factor of recovery is drinking cure, climate therapy, mud therapy.

I wrote even more information about the resort.

The city is located 30 minutes drive from the airport Mineralnye Vody. The resort is quite small, located on the flat part of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody region, but also very green.

Here are well-known sources - "Essentuki". This mineral water is good for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, this is the main direction of treatment in local sanatoriums.

Read more about the resort.


The most popular resort in the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody region. It is located at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level in a green valley surrounded by the Caucasus Range.

A very warm, sunny and cozy city, despite the constant abundance of guests, there is no feeling of crampedness and mass character.

A chic park, almost 1000 hectares, which was completely created by people only 200 years ago, now occupies a dominant role in the architecture of the city.

About a third of the KMV sanatoriums are located in Kislovodsk. Mineral water "Narzan" helps in the treatment of people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract. Patients who have suffered a heart attack are successfully rehabilitated here. The resort specializes in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

This is interesting

Most of the guests of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody region come here for rehabilitation and treatment. However, these places are rich not only in their healing factors. Of course, there is no sea here, but clean air and magnificent mountain landscapes that can brighten up the vacation of any person.

No wonder, many years ago, famous great people liked to come here. A. S. Pushkin visited the CMS twice, M. Yu. Lermontov lived here for a long time and many of his works are dedicated to these places. The list of great people is quite large, they all admired the amazing nature and hospitality of the local population.

Now Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is a well-developed resort, which is interesting not only in terms of treatment, there is something to see here, many significant historical sights and amazingly beautiful natural places.

I wrote complete tourist information about the region in the article. See also the review of the resort.

Perhaps you are at a loss with the choice of a resort, write to me by mail, I will try to help. Read more about cooperation. If you liked this article, please share it with your friends in social networks. Subscribe to blog updates, new readers are always welcome. Until then, I say goodbye to you.

Tatyana Solomatina

Completed by: Zabolotnaya Kristina and Kolesnikova Yana

Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is one of the most densely populated areas of the North Caucasus. The average population density is more than 150 people per 1 km2.

The composition of the Caucasian Mineral Waters includes 7 cities:






Mineral water


And also 3 districts - Predgorny, Mineralovodsky and Georgievsky.

Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is more than 500 thousand hectares (5.3 thousand sq. km), located on the territory of three constituent entities of the Russian Federation within the boundaries of the district of the mountain and sanitary protection:

in the Stavropol Territory - the cities and resort towns of Georgievsk, Mineralnye Vody, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Lermontov, Essentuki, Kislovodsk.

The region is located in the south of the European part of Russia, almost at the same distance from the Black and Caspian Seas - within the junction of the Mineralnye Vody inclined plain and the northern slopes of the Greater Caucasus.

in Kabardino-Balkaria - Zolsky district - 9% (therapeutic mud of Lake Tambukan, Narzanov Valley and others);

in Karachay-Cherkessia - Malokarachaevsky and Prikubansky districts - 33% of the territory (zone of formation of mineral springs).

The region is located in the south of the European part of Russia, almost at the same distance from the Black and Caspian Seas - within the junction of the Mineralnye Vody inclined plain and the northern slopes of the Greater Caucasus.


KMV is one of the oldest resort regions in Russia. The first written information about its mineral springs is found in the doctor G. Schober (1717), who was sent by Peter I to examine the mineral storehouse North Caucasus. First detailed descriptions they were made by I. A. Guldenshtedt (1773), and then by P. S. Pallas (1793). After a study of the hot spring in Pyatigorsk (1801) and the conclusion of a special commission on the possibility of using mineral waters for therapeutic purposes (1802), by decree of Alexander I of April 24, 1803, the provision on the Caucasian Mineral Waters was approved, when the historical Rescript "On the recognition of the state significance of the Caucasian Mineral Waters" was signed and the need for their device, ”and their official existence as a resort area began.

The history of the development of this unique resort region of the Russian Federation was characterized by ups and downs, with the transition from state management to private counterparties. Long distances from central cities Russian Empire When those wishing to receive medical treatment on Hot, Iron and Sour Waters were forced to make a real journey on horse-drawn carriages lasting one and a half to two months, military operations in the Caucasus, the unsettledness of the sources and resorts themselves - all this created certain difficulties in the development of the Caucasian Mineral Waters.


The relief of the region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters begins at the foot of Elbrus, where the Rocky Range with a number of peaks clearly stands out. The dissected relief, which creates a wide variety of landscapes, is explained by the long development and complex geological structure of the territory. The northern part of the region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters is open, it is revived by laccolith mountains - failed volcanoes: magma could not pass through the thickness of sedimentary rocks and froze in the form of domes. The southern part of the region is cut by deep gorges and gullies. All local mountains are laccoliths, that is, stone pits. About 10 million years ago, the formation of mountains began in this area. Magma rose through narrow cracks in the earth's crust, breaking up, lifting layers of the earth and in some places bursting to the surface. On other mountains, lava masses were exposed due to the process of weathering and erosion. There was not enough temperature for powerful eruptions. But the set of chemical elements and minerals that filled these stone pits turned out to be unique and determined the amazing variety of mineral waters of future resort cities.

Tatyana Solomatina

Hello dear readers! With pleasure I continue the theme of rest and treatment in the Caucasian Mineral Waters (CMW).

This information will be of interest to everyone who is going to rest and treatment in CMS for the first time. I will tell you how you can get here, I will advise you at what time of the year it is more comfortable to relax, and when it is better to come for treatment, I will write according to what criteria you need to choose a resort and housing, I will give some practical advice on all these issues.

I have collected everything about CMS in one place. Here is the information that I myself once searched for on the net, perhaps it will help to draw up an approximate picture of rest and treatment in this place. Interested? Then let's study the material in order.

KMV is located in the Stavropol Territory, so getting here for rest and treatment is not difficult at all. There is an airport and railway stations here. For those who live nearby or simply prefer to travel by personal transport, there are no problems either, the roads are good, and at every sanatorium or hotel, there is almost always a parking lot.

By plane

KMV International Airport is located in the city of Mineralnye Vody ( ), it is small, but quite comfortable and accepts many flights from different regions of the country (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Cherepovets, Kursk, Nizhnevartovsk, etc.). d.).

The distance from the airport to the KMV resorts: Kislovodsk - 55 km., Essentuki - 40 km., Pyatigorsk - 25 km., Zheleznovodsk - 20 km.

You can take a taxi from the airport, you can order a transfer from a sanatorium or hotel, in some places this service is provided free of charge.

Unfortunately, getting to the place by public transport is not very convenient, there is no direct connection with the cities from the airport. But a fixed-route taxi No. 11 goes to the railway station, travel time is 20-25 minutes, the interval is 20 minutes (the bus station passes by). Further, to any resort can be reached by train. Electric trains, at the time of writing, follow with an average interval of 1 hour.

Also, from the railway station there is a bus No. 223 to Pyatigorsk and No. 107 to Zheleznovodsk (stop at the station square). There are also buses to Essentuki and Kislovodsk, they only depart from the bus station.

By train

The resort can be reached by train. Moreover, there are railway stations in almost all cities of the region. Mineral water - . As a rule, there is a lot of public transport on the forecourt, which will not be difficult to get to the place you need.

If public transport does not suit you, then you can take a taxi or order a transfer in advance, I wrote about this a little higher. The difference is only in cost, the price in the city is of course cheaper than what you pay when traveling from the airport.

The only resort, of the above, where trains do not go long distance, this is Zheleznovodsk. Guests who travel to this city for rest and treatment buy train tickets to Mineralnye Vody, this is the most convenient option if you choose such a movement. Next by bus or taxi.

By car

If you are going to travel by car, then it is difficult for me to get you directions, because everyone has a different starting point. I can only say that the roads in the KMV are excellent, with the exception of mountain paths and some streets in the resorts themselves, signs hang on every corner, locals good-natured and happy to tell you the direction if you suddenly get lost. Although with the current technology (navigator) and decent roads, it is quite difficult to get lost.

  • If you are from Moscow and are not afraid to fly, then it is easier, and most importantly, cheaper to travel by plane. No matter how much I tried to compare the prices for travel in a compartment and a flight, the second option cost less or came out in the same amount as moving in a reserved seat, even taking into account the transfer. Therefore, the statement: “The train is more economical!” - delusion.
  • For those who plan to get to the place from the airport by taxi, it is better to take care of the car from home. It is not difficult to find several carriers on the Internet, their websites have all the information on the cost. The fact is that at the airport you will pay 30% more, and it is unrealistic to catch a sane (for the price) driver there (your own mafia). You won’t be able to get on the highway either, it’s far enough from the terminal.
  • If you already know where to stay, ask about the transfer. Sometimes it's free. If not, then compare with the cost of a taxi. Most often, a pre-booked taxi is cheaper.
  • You can save money by ordering a taxi in both directions at once. Usually, all carriers offer this service and the trip is 10% cheaper. However, this option is only suitable for those who know the exact date of departure.
  • If you decide to get public transport, then look at the train schedule for your dates at home (winter is different from summer). I usually look at this site -, there is always reliable information here. Buses are a bit more complicated, read the forums and recent reviews.

When and for how long to go?

The answer to this question largely depends on the purpose of the trip. As a rule, all guests of the resort are divided into two main groups. Some come here to relax, go around all the interesting places, and at the same time get a little healthier. Others come first of all to undergo treatment, and at the same time to explore the surroundings, if there is time left and there is a desire.

You may ask me: "What's the difference?". The answer is huge. Of course, you can come at any time of the year, for any period, and for any purpose, however, in order for your trip to be as comfortable as possible and your goal to be achieved, I advise you to listen to my recommendations. Let's look at both options separately.

For treatment

It is better to come to the resort for treatment from November to April, and it is advisable not to fall on holidays.

The thing is that in the summer months, a priori, a lot of people, sanatoriums and hotels are packed to capacity.
Accordingly, for the procedures of the queue, the staff is stressed out due to the influx of people, often there are minor hitches that spoil the mood. Some narrow specialists go on vacation - they are also people and do not want to relax in the winter. There are many families with children, there is no silence, which many people rely on when they come for treatment.

This list can still be continued, but I think you yourself understand that being treated in the “off season” is much easier and more fruitful.

Another important plus is the cost. In winter, the price of vouchers is much lower, plus promotions are regularly held to attract guests. The money saved will always be useful for purchasing the medical services that you need, and are not included in the cost of a tour or course.

I think that we have dealt with the first question, now I want to talk a little about how many days you need to come for treatment.

Remember, back in the USSR, a resort voucher was almost always for 21 days. Previously, I did not understand why there were so many, if the voucher for this period included procedures, only 10 pieces each. It seemed that already two weeks - for the eyes.

However, not all so simple. The fact is that for a full-fledged treatment, both water procedures (baths, a pool, etc.), as well as mud or physiotherapy are usually prescribed. And it is impossible to combine, so they are done every other day, one day water, the other electro or mud therapy.

Accordingly, it takes 20 days if you want to take 10 pieces of each. This is not counting the missed first day, on which you need to visit a doctor in order to get appointments and schedule them by time and day.

And do not forget that on Sunday, treatment is not carried out, or is carried out partially.
Of course, it is not necessary to do 10 procedures, you can take less, then the number of days needed will be reduced. However, here we are considering people who travel for the purpose of treatment, so for a good effect, you need to come for at least 21 days, and preferably in winter, when there are few people.

To rest

For those people who come to the region on vacation, it is much easier. Two weeks is quite enough to have a good rest and visit all interesting places. Even this period can be reduced, but then you will have to sacrifice days for a relaxing holiday, or not see everything.

As for the time of year, the period from May to October is more suitable for a holiday in the CMS. The weather is almost always comfortable, warm, rains are usually rare and short-lived, there is almost no wind, and nature reveals all its beauty.

Which resort to choose?

Each city of the CMS is beautiful and significant in its own way. However, if your goal is rest, then I recommend choosing Kislovodsk. In my opinion, it is most conveniently located relative to all interesting places. Moreover, it seems to me that there are more entertainment and a better developed tourist infrastructure, one Spa Park costs more than all other objects.

However, this is my personal opinion, and you have the right to disagree with me.

Attention! Those who travel to this region for treatment should choose a resort based on the disease that brought them here.

- diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, digestive organs, metabolic disorders, andrological diseases. Additional information on the resort can be seen.
Concomitant treatment: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, ENT organs, gynecological diseases.

- diseases of the organs of movement, peripheral nervous system, peripheral vessels of the lower extremities, digestion, skin diseases, gynecological and andrological diseases, metabolic disorders. Read about the resort.

- diseases of the digestive system and metabolic disorders.
Related profiles: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, consequences of injuries, gynecological and andrological diseases. I wrote about the Essentuki resort.

- diseases of the circulatory system, chronic respiratory diseases of a non-tuberculous nature, bronchial asthma without frequent and severe attacks, glaucoma.
Related profiles: neurological diseases, diseases of the digestive system and the musculoskeletal system, gynecological. Read more about the Kislovodsk resort in the article.

An important role in the specialization of a particular place is played by mineral springs, which are rich in resorts. Therefore, when choosing a place of treatment, always pay attention to the water that is suitable for the treatment of your specific disease.

For example, although urology is treated in almost every resort in the region, it is better for people with a disease of the genitourinary system to go to Zheleznovodsk. Because only there is a source of Smirnovskaya water, which is most suitable for the treatment of urological diseases.

The name of the Essentuki resort speaks for itself. The well-known water perfectly treats diseases of the digestive tract. "Narzan", which is in Kislovodsk, is also recommended for the treatment of certain diseases.

I will not list all the diseases (I am not a doctor), I think that the meaning of the above is clear. Which source is best for you, only a doctor can determine, so my conclusions are for informational purposes only.

Where to stay?

Where to stay also depends on many factors: financial situation, physical condition, purpose of the trip, etc. Let's try to consider some of the possible options.

Basic moments

It is easier and cheaper for those guests who come to rest by car, and consider treatment as an addition to the rest. In this case, having a car allows you to rent housing a little further from the main resort places which saves a lot on the budget.

For those who do not have a means of transportation, it is better to choose housing within walking distance to the sources, so as not to waste money and time on moving around the city. But as you know, such a lease will be more expensive.

Attention! The question of the distance between housing and healing springs is especially relevant for people who come to the resort for treatment. They simply need walking distance and this is a paramount issue when looking for housing, regardless of whether you stay in the private sector or choose treatment in a sanatorium.


The most convenient way to relax and get treated is to buy a ticket to the sanatorium. The advantages here are obvious. All in one place, food is included in the price, no evening entertainment, treatment is scheduled by the hour, there is always medical staff, you don’t have to go anywhere, etc.

The cons are not so serious: adherence to the regimen (smoking, drinking alcohol, meals by the hour and what they give), the choice of procedures depends on the doctor (though you can change it). In my opinion, the only worthy minus is the cost. But, dear readers, you always have to pay for comfort and convenience.

I can only give you a few tips:

  • If you purposefully go to a sanatorium, then when choosing, focus primarily on the distance from the pump room, or the presence of one in the sanatorium itself, which also occurs, though very rarely.
  • It is not always reasonable to pay for specialized treatment programs. If necessary, pay on the spot. I had a case when certain expensive procedures could not be done due to a concomitant disease. True, I was lucky, they were replaced with cosmetic procedures and the money was not lost. However, not everywhere they meet, this is the exception rather than the rule.
  • Do not neglect the heading "our doctors" on the website of the chosen sanatorium. From the description and schedule, you can usually understand how staffed with specialists, whether this or that doctor is permanent, or visiting. I don't think you need to explain what it's for.
  • Buy a ticket directly on the website of the sanatorium, if you have problems with check-in, issues are resolved faster than through intermediaries.
  • Be sure to read the latest reviews before choosing. There is usually a lot of information on the net, but it may be outdated.

In more detail about rest and treatment in sanatoriums, about who this type of holiday is not suitable for, I wrote in another article. Separately, I will make reviews of sanatoriums in which I managed to be treated. One review about the Kislovodsk sanatorium, read. Subscribe to my newsletter, you will be the first to receive new publications!

Hotels and the private sector

In any city you can stay in a hotel, it is not difficult to rent an apartment or a house. I have never gone on vacation and treatment in CMS in this way, however, there are enough services where such options are presented, they are not difficult to find on the net.

This is a good choice for those who want to save money, especially if the train is large and you are traveling for a long time.
The main recommendations here are simple - try to choose accommodation closer to the pump rooms and read the reviews. However, you must understand that private housing is always a lottery and a lot depends on the decency of the owners.

Do not forget that if your goal is treatment, then you need to decide in advance in which medical institution you are going to purchase a course and choose accommodation nearby. Because there are usually a lot of procedures, walking long distances every day is certainly useful, but quite difficult. It is necessary to calculate well your physical capabilities, otherwise the treatment will not work for the future.

For now, that's all I had planned to tell you today. You can read general information on the CMS region.

Now I say goodbye for a while.
Tatyana Solomatina

Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is a famous Russian brand that many generations have trusted with their health. Our fathers and mothers walked around the resort parks of the KMV, for sure there is an old and funny photo from Pyatigorsk in the grandmother’s album. The local resorts have preserved an amazing combination of the beauties of nature and exquisite architecture, the very subtle essence of the Caucasus, which fascinated Lermontov, without getting tired of developing and adapting to the requirements of the time. It has everything - from a conveniently located airport to cozy hotels and modern cinemas. And the hospitals of the resort conglomerate not only have not gone out of fashion, but continue to be wildly popular (look at the prices!) And improve in terms of relieving guests from all over Russia from hundreds of sores. Welcome to KavMinVody!

Resorts KavMinVod

CMS resort cities are close in a neighborly way, but different in essence. The first guests are met by Zheleznovodsk. Sometimes it seems that there are more tourists in this small town than locals. Stretched along the only main street, it is clearly divided into resort and residential parts. In the resort, from the side of the Beshtau station, eminent health resorts, the Kurortny Park and sights are located. Residential is no different from ordinary Russian panel-brick cities. It is worth going here to the market and to supermarkets, the prices in them are lower than in shops near sanatoriums.

There are more than 100 mineral springs and large reserves of healing mud mined on the Tambukansky and Lysogorsky lakes at the disposal of the health resorts of the KMV.

Important miraculous sights are the immature volcano Zheleznaya Gora, the Grotto of the Permafrost of Mount Razvalka, Ring Mountain near Kislovodsk, Hot Mountain and Mashuk.


The diversity of the relief creates noticeable differences in the climate of the resorts of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody. In Pyatigorsk, summers are warm, winters are moderately mild (a third of winter days are with rains, thaws, fogs) and 98 clear days a year. Kislovodsk is famous as a winter climatic resort, the winter there is clear and dry, and the number of sunny days a year is 150. The resort is also distinguished by the constancy of atmospheric pressure, which favorably affects the healing process. The climate of Zheleznovodsk corresponds to the mountain-forest and moderately dry climate of the middle mountains of the Alps. There are 117 clear days a year here. Essentuki are distinguished by contrast - summers are hot and dry, winters are frosty and rainy, the number of clear days in a year is 112.