What do you need to rent an apartment? The procedure for formalizing the rental of an apartment - taxation, contract and important points. Fines and other penalties for illegal transactions

To begin with, it is worth deciding who has the right to rent out residential premises? First of all, these are the owners of apartments, that is, citizens in whose name it is issued.

If the owner cannot personally be present at the lease of his property, then another person can act on his behalf by a notarized power of attorney.

If there are several owners of the apartment, then each of them must obtain consent to rent out housing, also certified by a notary.

Residents living on the basis of a social tenancy agreement can also rent out part of their apartment for rent, but only after obtaining the appropriate permission from the local authorities.

It's important to know! Regardless of whether the housing is owned or rented by municipal authorities, when deciding to rent out parts of the square meters in an apartment in which more than one person lives, it is necessary to obtain written consent all adult family members living and registered in this apartment.

In the presence of minors, the official permission of the guardianship authorities at the place of residence is required to rent out part of the living space.

Written consent must also be obtained from neighbors if the rented room is located in a communal apartment.

For the information of those whose apartment is located, it will not be possible to rent it out without the consent of the bank. The main reason is that the mortgage loan was issued for the use of residential premises for private purposes. Renting out an apartment is already a business activity. The Bank has the right to demand early repayment of the loan.

Is it possible to do without intermediaries?

The decision to rent an apartment has been made. The question arises, how to proceed? Of course, you can contact a real estate agency and use its services. Most likely, in a decent company there will even be ready-made candidates for settling in an apartment.

But, it should be borne in mind that the agency does not bear any obligations to the landlord. That is, the client is usually a stranger, and if a conflict situation arises in the future, the landlord is left alone with the tenant.

Therefore, you can do rental of housing on one's own. It is necessary that during the period of searching for and renting housing, the landlord has free time to conduct telephone conversations and to show the apartment.

To successfully rent an apartment, close attention should be paid to following questions:

  1. Prepare the apartment for rent: take out unnecessary things, make cosmetic repairs if necessary, be sure to put plumbing, electrics, and all counters in order.
  2. Decide on the price of renting an apartment.
  3. Decide how to search for clients.
  4. Prepare in advance.
  5. Have all the documents required for renting an apartment.
  6. Find out what taxes you will need to pay on income from renting a home.

Determining the optimal rental price

First you need to determine which category the apartment for rent belongs to. The division in the real estate market is purely conditional, not fixed in any way by law, but it is quite an important, practically decisive moment in determining the monthly rent. So housing can be:

  1. Elite- houses are usually located in prestigious areas, with an individual layout and European-style renovation.
  2. Business Class- These are apartments in mass buildings, quite spacious, usually well renovated.
  3. Economy class- small apartments, most often on the outskirts of the city, the quality of repairs at the discretion of the owner.

In addition to the apartment category, the following factors influence the rental price:

  1. Distance of the residential building from the center(the closer to the outskirts of the city, the lower the price).
  2. How developed is the infrastructure(presence within walking distance of shops, kindergartens, schools, sports and entertainment centers).
  3. transport interchange(how quickly and conveniently to get from the location of the house to other areas of the city).
  4. Filling the apartment with furniture and household appliances.

Having soberly assessed the level of the rented apartment, you need to conduct your own marketing research. To do this, a selection of ads from the Internet or from print publications is carried out with prices on the rental housing market of exactly the category and area of ​​​​location to which the apartment for rent belongs. Based on the collected data, the price of the rent is determined.

How to find clients

When self-renting housing, there are several ways to find tenants.

  1. First you need to try to find a client through your friends or relatives. Perhaps this is the best option, since the client will not be a person from the street, but with a recommendation from people he trusts.
  2. Placing an ad about a rented apartment in various media: on special sites on the Internet, on television (creeping line), in print media.

In the ad, you need to most fully cover the data on the rented housing: area, floor / number of floors, area where the house is located, infrastructure, availability of repairs, furniture, household appliances. It is also necessary to list the requirements for a future tenant (gender, age, marital status, presence of animals) and rental price.

At the first meeting with a potential tenant, you should definitely look at his passport.

Lease contract

Having decided on the candidacy of the tenant, an agreement is signed on renting an apartment. This document should be approached not formally, but with all responsibility, try to cover all important issues in it:

  1. Information about the apartment and the landlord: address, number of rooms, a document confirming the ownership of the leased housing.
  2. Information about the tenant: a list of all tenants who rent an apartment, their passport details, permanent registration address.
  3. The terms of payment for the rent are negotiated: the monthly amount, terms and methods (transfer from hand to hand, transfer to a bank account, crediting to the landlord's card). It is necessary to provide for the payment of the “last installment” - a deposit when payment is made for the first and last month of residence, which is a kind of insurance for the owner of the apartment from unforeseen situations.
  4. The owner will no longer be able to come to his apartment at will, so the time and date of the visit should be noted in the contract.
  5. A clause on the responsibility of the tenant and on cases of early termination of the contract is obligatory: violation of public order, accidents due to the fault of the tenant and damage to property, delay in rent.
  6. There must certainly be a clause stating that the apartment is rented only for personal use (residence) and its sublease is prohibited.
  7. Other living conditions: the number of people, the presence of animals.
  8. Contract time.

It's important to know! An agreement concluded for a period of more than one year is subject to mandatory registration with authorized state bodies. Therefore, the contract is usually concluded for 11 months with a further prolongation. It is also necessary to register the contract if the tenant is a legal entity.

Documents required for renting an apartment

In order to ensure that no one has any unnecessary questions when renting an apartment, the following documents are required:

  1. Certificate of ownership of the dwelling.
  2. Passport of the landlord or a person representing his interests.
  3. Notarized power of attorney representative of the owner of the apartment.
  4. Written permission from all residents of the apartment and co-owners of the property.
  5. Certificate of absence of arrears in utility bills as of the date of tenant's move-in.

For your information! To the tenancy agreement must. The act contains an inventory of the property transferred for use and its condition. The condition of the apartment, communications and plumbing is also described.

Taxation of rental income

The income received from renting out an apartment is subject to personal income tax.

A declaration in the form of 2-NDFL is submitted to the tax office once a year until April 30 of the year following the reporting one. Let's say the apartment was rented out in 2015, the declaration is submitted within the specified period in 2016.

A copy of the tenancy agreement is attached to the declaration.

Mistakes when renting an apartment

Usually mistakes are made by inexperienced owners of living space, who rent out their apartment for the first time. In this material, the case of renting out housing without a contract will not even be considered. No contract, no commitment.

The main mistakes in a frivolous approach to the clauses of the lease agreement are their incomplete coverage. If any of the conditions is not specified, then the following situations are likely to occur:

  • new tenants or animals appear in the apartment;
  • housing;
  • property was damaged, and it is not possible to recover the damage.

Another common mistake: no additional information about the tenant. Of course, his main document is his passport, but it is useful to ask about his place of work (study), take the phone numbers and addresses of close relatives.

How to minimize problems when renting an apartment? Video Answers

Fast, with the maximum benefit and without trouble - this is what every landlord dreams of. Indeed, among the tenants there are cunning guys who are able to re-let the apartment to ten more citizens, taking the master's TV as parting. How to anticipate such situations?

Before answering the question “How to rent an apartment officially”, we suggest that you first answer another one.

Why should I rent an apartment officially?

We will not appeal to your conscience and tell you that breaking the law is not good. Instead, let's outline the main risks faced by a person who illegally rents out his property:

  1. Scam. If you rent housing illegally, you may be faced with the fact that in your apartment there will be completely different people to whom you originally rented the apartment. Or worse, you may even lose your home;
  2. Unexpected expenses. If you do not determine in advance the procedure for paying all expenses (utility payments, telephone, etc.), then it will not be easy, for example, to get money from the employer to pay for his telephone conversations with relatives from a distant but native city;
  3. Damage to property. How can you later prove without a contract that before the tenant appeared in the apartment there was a different TV, there were not 4, but 5 shades on the chandelier, and there were no stains on the carpet?
  4. Problems with law. The current legislation does not provide for liability for “renting an apartment without a contract”, however, there are rules providing for liability for failure to submit a tax return ( Art. 119 Tax Code of the Russian Federation) and tax evasion. Moreover, we draw your attention to the fact that for non-payment of taxes it is provided as a fine ( Art. 119 Tax Code of the Russian Federation), and criminal liability ( Art. 198 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

We hope that now you are inclined to rent apartments legally.

But before you start offering your apartment to your friends or posting ads on the Internet, we advise you to familiarize yourself with some regulatory documents and make certain calculations.

Analysis of income, expenses and taxes


Everyone wants to earn income from their activities, rent is no exception. In order to determine potential income, you can see similar rental offers: apartments in your area in approximately the same condition, for example, using our .


So, the amount of income is approximately clear, now let's decide on expenses: , and property (if you see fit), and of course, . As for taxes, to get a complete picture, we can invite you to read articles on this topic on our portal. Here we simply note that when renting an apartment, there is multiple tax options, so it is quite possible to choose the best option for yourself:

  1. The individual paying;
  2. Individual entrepreneur on the general taxation regime (payment of personal income tax);
  3. - ch. 26.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  4. Sole proprietor using - ch. 26.5 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

For simplicity and clarity, you can use the prepared by us by entering the relevant data for you.

As you can see, in terms of taxation, a greater choice is given to individual entrepreneurs. You can find more detailed information about the features of renting an apartment for individuals and individual entrepreneurs in our article. .

Relations with tax authorities

Upon receipt of payment under a lease/lease agreement, you have an obligation to pay tax. It is necessary not only to pay the amount itself, but also to provide it to the tax authorities documentation confirming that this amount is calculated correctly.

Tax return forms are approved Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Also, the tax authorities may require you to provide the contract itself and documents confirming receipt of payment.

Neither an individual, nor, in some cases, even an individual entrepreneur are required to maintain “full-fledged” accounting records like legal entities. But there are still accounting requirements. For example, individual entrepreneurs applying the Simplified Taxation System are required to keep a book of income and expenses ( 346.24 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In any case, the fact of receipt of payment must be recorded by a receipt or bank account statement if payment is made by bank transfer.

So that this is not a problem, you can always use our services:

  • for individuals and

Not only harm, but also benefit

By renting real estate legally and paying taxes on it, you not only bear the costs of the taxes themselves, but also ... you get the opportunity to get out of a completely different zone of risks arising from “black rent”, when you cannot go to the police or the court in a conflict situation. Appeal to laws and their violation.

When renting legally, you are not afraid of threats from the tenant that he will report to the Federal Tax Service that the responsibility for the fact that 40 illegal immigrants live in the apartment will be assigned to you, and not to the responsible tenant, that in case of damage to your property or property your neighbors, you will be able to resolve this issue through the courts, etc.

In addition to these indirect situations, there are also direct benefits from formalization lease relations. So, for example, in certain situations you can apply for or tax relief on real estate used in commercial activities.

other expenses

Now that we have dealt with taxes, these are not the only costs. Which is worth evaluating, direct swarming about renting out real estate. When you decide to rent out real estate, you become an entrepreneur, and therefore you need to treat it like a business.

You need to minimize the risks of damage to the condition of the apartment, property, as well as possible damage to third parties. You can manage this risk either by contacting an insurance company (only when purchasing an insurance policy, make sure that the apartment being rented falls under the insured event) or by independently creating a reserve for unforeseen events. You can read more about this in a separate article.

And also, when renting out your property, you should keep in mind that tenants, while living in an apartment, subject it to natural wear and tear and, no matter how neat and decent they are, and after several years of renting out real estate, the apartment will need cosmetic repairs. Whether or not to create a reserve for these purposes is up to you, but keep in mind that such a need will arise, in any case, it is necessary.

Lease agreement

We hope that as a result of the calculations made above, you are in profit and we can move on to the next paragraph. Decide what and with whom you need to agree on in order to get the right to rent out housing. We discussed this topic in articles and . But so as not to burden you with a lot of links, below is a table that clearly demonstrates which consent is required in which case.

all owners
Landlord's consent Consent of all
members of your
living together
with you
Consent of roommates
Own apartment Yes
Municipal flat Yes Yes
room in
Yes Yes
room in
Yes Yes Yes
A room in a non-privatized apartment Yes Yes
Room in

More about the contract

Which contract to choose?

You have determined whose consent is needed and probably already know how to get it. Now it's time to move on, perhaps, to the most important part of the lease - the contract.

Of course, you will coordinate and sign the contract itself with the tenant / tenant. But it will be useful to determine in advance which contract will need to be concluded.


In order to legally rent out housing, no doubt, it will be necessary to study some norms of the legislation, in particular, the Civil and Tax Code. Perhaps look for answers to your questions in specialized forums.

But on the other hand, the legislation is written in order to protect our legitimate rights and interests, and by applying it correctly, you can benefit for yourself and reduce risks.

In this article, we tried to tell you how to properly rent an apartment from the decision to do it until the moment you pay taxes. Unfortunately, it is impossible to describe all the nuances of all particular cases of rent in one article, the amount of information is too significant. But more detailed information can be obtained on the relevant sections of our portal.

And we will advise you, help you to issue a tax deduction, decide on the form of taxation.

Before renting out an apartment, decide how you will pay income taxes for renting out your property. You can:

  • before renting out housing, registering an individual entrepreneur and for renting out residential premises - 6% of the potential income;
  • at the end of the year, submit a tax return and (personal income tax) - 13% of the income actually received;
  • register as self-employed and - 4% of the income actually received from renting housing to individuals or 6% - to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

If you are a tenant of residential premises under a social tenancy agreement, you can sublease housing only as an individual. Thus, you will need to pay income tax.

2. How to rent an apartment and pay taxes on a patent?

A patent is a taxation system for individual entrepreneurs that works according to the following principle: the state sets the approximate annual income that an individual entrepreneur can receive from his activities (in this case, from renting out housing). This is the tax base. The cost of a patent is 6% of this amount. From other taxes, in particular In relation to real estate that is used to generate income.

"> property tax , the entrepreneur is exempt.

In Moscow, the cost of a patent for renting residential premises depends on the area of ​​​​the apartment and the area in which it is located. To accurately calculate the cost of a patent, you can use the website of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of Moscow on the website or the service on the website of the Federal Tax Service.

If the patent taxation system suits you, follow these steps:

Step 3

Step 4 If necessary .

3. How to rent an apartment and pay personal income tax?

Personal income tax (PIT) is a tax that is paid on any of your income. Most often (for example, when you receive a salary), contributions to the tax office are made by an organization or individual entrepreneur from which or from whom you receive income (employer). If you're renting out your property, you'll have to pay the income tax on your own. The rate is 13%.

To do this, you must first declare income by filing a tax return in the form of 3-NDFL, and then pay income tax.

If this system of taxation suits you, follow these steps:

Step 1. Sign a rental agreement (sublease, lease).

Step 2 If necessary .

Step 3 File your tax return and then .

4. How to rent an apartment and pay tax on professional income?

The Professional Income Tax (PIT) is a special tax regime that has been applied since 2019. It is designed for those who receive income from independent activities, in particular - from the rental of housing. It can be used by individuals and individual entrepreneurs. The rate is 4% if you rent out housing to an individual, 6% - if you are a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur.

If the special tax regime "Tax on professional income" suits you, follow these steps:

Step 1. Register with the tax authority as a professional income tax payer (or, in other words, register as a self-employed person) through the free mobile application "My Tax", the "Professional Income Tax" taxpayer account on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia or through authorized banks. To register, you will need a passport and a photo that you can take with your smartphone.

Step 2 Sign a lease agreement.

Step 3 If necessary .

Step 4 The tax is paid automatically in the app.

5. How to conclude a lease (lease) agreement?

The contract of employment is concluded with natural persons. The lease agreement is concluded if the tenant is a legal entity (in this case, the tenant can use the residential premises only for the residence of citizens).

The contract may be concluded in free form, but must be drawn up in writing. It should reflect to the maximum all the agreements reached by the parties as a result of the negotiations.

  • surnames, names, patronymics and passport details of the parties;
  • a detailed description of the object that is rented (address, area, number of rooms, floor and number of storeys of the house); information about documents confirming the owner's ownership of the apartment. You can attach to the contract and photos illustrating the condition of the apartment;
  • the amount that the tenant pays monthly, and the conditions for its revision (how many times a year, on what grounds);
  • procedure for payment of utility services;
  • the maximum number of inspections, visits of the landlord (per month, per year) and the conditions for such visits;
  • purpose of rent (hiring) (fixing the fact that the apartment is provided specifically for the tenant's residence, and not for sublease or other needs);
  • a list of persons who can permanently reside with the tenant;
  • grounds for termination of the contract;
  • term of renting an apartment;
  • other details.

Owners who rent out apartments know from their own experience how difficult it can be to do this on their own. You need to place the right ad, talk on the phone with potential tenants, show the apartment and do a lot more. I have been renting apartments for over 10 years. Rented to a completely different contingent: from couples with children and ending with the Chinese and Vietnamese. Many of my former residents want to return to me, I continue to communicate with some of them: I get a haircut from them, I consult, I call for repairs.

I am often asked questions:

  • How to find good tenants?
  • How not to get confused in the procedure for renting an apartment?
  • What needs to be provided?

I suggest using step by step instructions.

Step one. Market Research

Before renting an apartment, you need to research the rental housing market and make at least a minimal analysis of competitors.

Studying the main sites for renting real estate, pay attention to prices, photos of apartments, ad text, what furniture and household appliances are in the apartment.

The rental price is affected not only by the quality of the repair. The cost is determined by the location, quality and condition of the house itself, transport accessibility and a number of other factors. It is advisable to compare the level of housing prices with the location of the apartment in your city / district and the presence of furniture and household appliances in it. Also, you most likely know what type of apartment your apartment belongs to: economy class, business class or suite.

Together, your research will help determine not only the rental price of an apartment, but also draw a portrait of potential tenants.

Step two. Preparing an apartment for rent

How to prepare an apartment for the reception of new tenants?

If we talk about an economy-class apartment, then the main thing is to make it presentable, but not overdo it with repairs, because your costs may not pay off for a long time.

The first thing to do is take out all the rubbish. Then check the plumbing and electrics: this will protect both yourself and your tenant from possible problems. Haven't changed wallpaper for a long time? Linoleum is no good, but on the ceiling there are stains from old leaks? Change!

Even with minor cosmetic repairs, your apartment will take on a more well-groomed and tidy appearance, which will best affect the search for tenants.

Be sure to wash, iron and polish everything you can to a shine - let it shine and sparkle!

Furnish the apartment with the most necessary and do not forget about household appliances: refrigerator, washing machine, TV. But remember, if you rent a budget apartment and put expensive household appliances in it, then the rent will not increase much. But if the tenants break your superelectronics, then you will incur significant losses. However, in any case, you should not fill the apartment to the eyeballs. There are often cases when tenants do not need furniture or household appliances - they move in with all their own.

If any of your personal belongings are left in the apartment, it is better to take them away. Pay all existing debts for a communal apartment, turn off the landline phone, or at least the "eight".

If the conversation is about an apartment of a higher class, then it is advisable to bring it in full order. Thus, you will increase its status and be able to find suitable tenants.

Step three. Taking a photo of the apartment

Choosing an apartment begins with photos, so this step is extremely important. What kind of pictures you accompany your advertisement for renting an apartment largely determines how quickly you find tenants. It is necessary to show the advantages of the rented apartment very competently. I do not insist on professional photos for which you have to pay money. But if you want, you can take great pictures yourself.

Before taking photos, look around the apartment again, create comfort. Make it so that you yourself want to rent your apartment! It is better to take pictures in sunny weather. Do not be stingy, take a lot of pictures, good and different. Do not forget about the bathroom with toilet, kitchen and corridor. The more high-quality and beautiful photos you add to your ad, the easier it will be for tenants to make a decision and rent your apartment!

Step four. Compiling an ad

Our goal is to write a great advertisement for renting an apartment. Almost a masterpiece. To do this, we indicate in the ad all the pluses. And more. Be sure to write if you have done repairs. Balcony, separate or combined bathroom, kitchen area - all this should be reflected in the ad. In order not to reinvent the wheel, choose the five best, in your opinion, ads posted on the site. Take from them what is suitable for your apartment, and add additional information about the furniture, appliances in the apartment, and great neighbors.

If you are not ready to rent your apartment to tenants with children, animals, smokers, prefer tenants of a certain nationality - all this must also be indicated in the ad.

Your ad should ideally follow the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) formula. It should be such that tenants not only want to rent your apartment, but want to urgently grab the phone and call you, fearing that the apartment will be taken away from under their noses.

When you write your ad, be sure to check the text for grammatical errors and typos.

Step five. We place an ad on the site

I advise you to place an ad on top sites. All of them are heard. If in doubt, ask your friends or colleagues what databases they use when looking for an apartment or to rent out their own. No need to place an ad on dozens of sites. Usually enough placement on several rating resources.

Usually we don't pay money for submitting an ad. But, as practice shows, in the current state of the rental housing market, it is worth placing paid ads. The rate of renting an apartment in this case increases significantly.

Oh, and don't forget the photo! The best. And more.

Step six. We communicate by phone

And so you waited for the first calls. Speak calmly and confidently. Do not only answer questions yourself, but also clarify information about potential tenants. Perhaps something will not suit you in the tenants already in the process of a telephone conversation, so why then waste time on inspecting the apartment? Be sure to ask about the composition and number of residents. Don't be afraid to ask about what's in the ad. If you do not want to let residents with a dog, then it will not be superfluous to clarify the presence of pets again.

If everything suits you and potential tenants, arrange to view the apartment.

According to my experience, it is better to schedule meetings at approximately the same time with a difference of 10–20 minutes for several tenants at once. Not everyone comes to the meeting. Can you imagine how frustrating it is when you waste time, you arrive, and no one has appeared? So don't be shy: it's a market. I assure you, the tenants agree in the same way for one day with several apartment owners at once and choose what suits them.

Step seven. We show the apartment

It is advisable to arrive a little earlier than potential tenants. Ventilate the apartment, open the curtains or turn on the light, add pleasant music - create a feeling of warmth and comfort.

If you like tenants, make them fall in love with your apartment. Do not follow them silently, only answering questions. Speak, show, tell short stories related to the apartment, give arguments in your favor. Try to please yourself. In other words, be a good seller of yourself!

If tenants believe you, then the chances that they will rent your apartment will be much greater.

If visitors aren't ready to make a decision right away, don't mumble something inarticulate under your breath: I know from my own experience that many of those who left come back.

Step eight. We sign an agreement

So we found our ideal tenants! Well, not ideal, but quite suitable for us. It's a matter of contract. Prepare it in advance in duplicate. There are many types of contracts. Which one to choose is up to you. Do not forget to only reflect the necessary items in the contract, the amount of the security deposit, take readings from all meters and take a picture of the tenant's passport.


The apartment has been rented out. We open a bottle of champagne. You may find some of these items unnecessary. But I assure you, I have done all this exactly for many years (with the exception of repairs) and I can say that the step-by-step implementation of the instructions does not take much time, but on the contrary, it structures the work and facilitates the process of renting an apartment.

I'll be glad if it helps you too.

How to rent an apartment without intermediaries? What are the features of renting an apartment through an agency? How much will I earn if I rent an apartment or a room for a long time?

Hello to everyone who looked at the light! Denis Kuderin, an expert from the popular online magazine HeatherBober, is in touch.

Today we will talk about how to competently, safely and profitably rent an apartment. The article will be useful to anyone who has additional real estate on which you want to make your small business.

At the end of the article, a guaranteed bonus awaits you - an overview of the most reliable companies in the Russian Federation that will help you rent out housing on the most favorable terms for its owner.

1. Renting out an apartment as a business

If you have an apartment other than the one you live in, and this living space is idle, eating money for maintenance, you can always turn it into a source of additional income.

At the same time, you will have to work hard only at the initial stage - preparing the object for leasing and looking for tenants. And then your task will be only timely receipt of regular rent. An ideal example of passive income is “we sit and the money goes”.

True, you still have to keep track of the condition of the apartment, fix problems and breakdowns in time, and periodically control the level of tenant loyalty. But if you wish, you can delegate this part of the work of a real estate management company.

In this situation, you can rent an apartment and go abroad, to the village to your grandfather or to the southern coast of Crimea for permanent residence. In this case, all rental worries will pass to the trustee, and you will only have to withdraw money from the account and spend it at your discretion.

Read about what a professional is in a separate article.

The main thing in renting an apartment is to correctly assess the profitability of this enterprise. When renting real estate for temporary use, you need to take into account all the factors that in one way or another can affect the cost of rent: only in this case you will be able to set an adequate market price for rent.

And you also need to decide in advance whether you will act on your own or involve professional realtors in the procedure. Both options have their pros and cons.

The basic rule is this: if you need to rent an apartment right now - you are leaving, you urgently need money - it is better to attract agents from a reliable real estate company or with an impeccable reputation. If you have time, do it yourself. The only condition is that you must have at least minimal experience in real estate transactions.

And one more important nuance - you need to be able to understand people. You will have to decide for yourself whether the tenant you have chosen is reliable or whether it is worth looking for another candidate.

Mistakes should not be made: a dishonest tenant means late payments or a complete lack of them, damage to property, complaints from neighbors, floods and fires, perhaps even calls to the police. Do you need it?

The table shows the main advantages and disadvantages of self-renting an apartment and with the help of an intermediary:

Step 3 Looking for tenants

Where to look, I have already told above. Here I note that although the search for candidates is the most important stage of the process, you should not get hung up on it. 100% perfect tenants are rare.


One of my friends got married and moved into an apartment with her husband. She decided to rent her “odnushka” and thoroughly approached the search for tenants. About 30 applicants were consistently rejected by her.

Some had a cat, others were too young and cheerful, others seemed to her not well off, and so on. As a result, the search for tenants dragged on for many months, and the friend lost sleep, peace, and almost quarreled with her new husband.

Universal advice - give preference to married couples in which both spouses work and have a stable salary.

Step 4 We make an appointment and show the apartment

Before agreeing on a showing, conduct a preliminary conversation, ask the applicant security questions. If something worries you in the answers, do not take risks - say directly: "I'm sorry, but your candidacy does not suit me."

At the meeting, talk to the potential tenant a second time. If the impression is positive - lead and show.

Step 5 We collect documents

Tenants are also not born with a bast. They must be sure of the purity of the transaction and your decency. Therefore, gather documents in case the tenant requires them to be presented.

The required package includes:

  • passport (you can copy);
  • certificate of ownership of housing;
  • receipts confirming the absence of debts for housing and communal services.

If someone other than you is registered in the apartment, you will also need the written consent of these people to rent the apartment.

Step 6 We conclude an agreement

You can rent an apartment informally and officially. In the first case, you will receive more (13% tax will not be deducted), but you will not have any guarantees for the safety of your property.

The contract is evidence of civil law relations between the parties. This is your insurance in case conflicts, misunderstandings and disputes arise. The absence of an agreement can become an instrument of pressure on the part of the tenant - they say, you do not deduct tax from the rent, which means that you can wait for payments.

The contract must specify the conditions under which you rent the apartment, the terms for making the monthly fee, the amount of the first advance payment, if any. Separate points relate to the safety of your property, the responsibility of the parties in case of violation of the agreement, the conditions for early termination of the contract.

For example, if neighbors complain about noise, the owner has the right to evict tenants within 3 days or a week without refunding the rent.

Step 7 We receive an advance payment

The agreement suits both parties, everyone is happy and smiling. It remains only to receive an advance payment - this will be the beginning of a long mutually beneficial partnership. All financial calculations should preferably be documented. So that it doesn’t happen: “But I paid you that week, did you forget?”, “How else 2000, did I give the full amount?”.

If you doubt your abilities or some points are not clear to you, it is better to clarify them in advance. Take advantage of modern digital technologies - get advice online from professional lawyers on the Lawyer resource.

The resource cooperates with thousands of qualified specialists in all areas of law, including housing lawyers. You can contact them via chat or by calling the numbers below.

You can get competent legal support right now - the site operates around the clock.

4. Professional assistance when renting an apartment - an overview of the TOP-5 real estate agencies

The promised bonus is an overview of the five most reliable agencies that will help you rent an apartment quickly and safely.

The oldest capital real estate firm. It has an extensive network of representative offices - only in Moscow it operates according to a single standard of 120 branches. Engaged in any real estate transactions, including the leasing of private apartments.

Experienced agents guarantee to hand over your object promptly, legally competently and profitably. Realtors with many years of experience will help to realize any object - from a room in a residential area to an elite cottage in the Moscow region. The legal purity of the contract is monitored by the company's full-time lawyers.

A specialized real estate agency with many years of experience in the capital market. The firm has an extensive information base and a staff of qualified employees. The main principle of the company's work is a responsible attitude to the implementation of each order.

Realtors are responsible for the competent drafting of a lease agreement and take into account, first of all, the interests of homeowners. By choosing Alma, you can be sure of the safety of your property and timely payment.

3) Incom

One of the largest real estate companies in the Russian Federation. Work experience in the housing market - 25 years. Leader of the Moscow region. It has branches in dozens of Russian cities. The scope of activity covers all areas of the real estate market. It will help to rent an apartment in a new building, in the suburbs, in the business center of the capital. In the state - only proven agents with a large number of successful contracts.

Moscow agency specializing in luxury real estate. The company guarantees that your housing will not be rented to the first comer: employees will check each candidate in order to determine his solvency and decency.

At the same time, the company guarantees to hand over your object in 1-2 days for the maximum market price. Within an hour after the call, a professional photographer will come to you to take a picture of the apartment, after which the specialists will evaluate the property and determine its rental value.

A full range of services in the real estate market. Work experience since 1997. 8 branches in Moscow and dozens of representative offices in other cities of the Russian Federation. Additional services in the field of housing valuation, consulting and analytics.

You can rent an apartment through an agency in 2 ways: call by phone (calls are accepted from 9 to 21) or fill out an online application. The apartment will be rented out at the market price, and the final choice of tenants will be made by the owner of the property. As a gift to each client - insurance of property and civil liability.

5. What you should be prepared for - 4 main risks for the landlord

When renting an apartment, be prepared for certain risks. People treat other people's property not so reverently as their own.

In addition, there are a huge number of scammers in the housing market who are ready to profit at your expense.

We list the main types of risks for apartment owners.

Risk 1. Property damage

This is the most likely risk when renting a property. As a rule, along with the living space, the owners rent out furniture and household appliances. Sometimes this is a very valuable property that you want to get back safe and sound. Yes, and finishing the apartment often costs a lot of money.