Apartment rental business. How to rent an apartment by the day: preparing the premises, submitting an ad, official registration. What documents are needed to rent an apartment

Explore hotel offers. Be interested in the quality of service and the cost of living. This service is not new, you should also be aware of the situation with competition from entrepreneurs who offer apartments for rent, hostels and boarding houses. If your competitors are not fully loaded, this is not a reason to abandon the business idea. Normal consider an average load of 50-65%.

Based on these data, you can calculate the average demand for services, profitability. When writing a business plan, develop more attractive offers than competitors with similar conditions. Think about how you can improve the level of service.

Main risks

This service is in demand big cities, which are characterized by a significant number of tourists and people arriving for business purposes. The course of affairs is not affected by weather factors, seasonal features and other possible risks. In this case, everything depends only on your efforts and marketing policy. If you have all the documents in order, and the business is conducted legally and at the proper level, everything should be fine.

The only potential danger is dishonest clients. There is a risk of non-payment for accommodation, theft and damage to things in the apartment. You can insure. Develop a standard contract that specifies the responsibility of the parties in case of possible difficulties. By signing it, the client indicates his passport data. This is a common practice.

If you live in a small town, the feasibility of organizing this business should be considered very seriously. It may be more profitable for you to rent an apartment for a long time.


If you are planning to rent your own apartment, the search question is removed. But it should be borne in mind that for potential customers, the most attractive are central areas, streets near train stations and bus stations with convenient transport interchange. If your apartment is located on the outskirts, there are problems with transport, or it will be difficult for a visitor to find the right address, it makes sense to consider exchanging for a better location.

You can purchase the premises. If there is not enough money, there is an option with a mortgage loan. The only drawback is that all profits will go to pay off the debt. But as a result, you will have your own apartment in a good area.

Another option is to sublease. You rent housing for a long period, for example, for a year. It is important to formalize the transaction with a notary, indicating the true purpose of the lease.


You must create the most comfortable conditions for your customers. The essence of this service is not only the ability to rent a house cheaper than a hotel room and not depend on the need to have noisy neighbors. The main advantage of the apartment is home comfort.

It is very likely that you will have to make major repairs, change plumbing, equip a bathroom. Potential customers pay close attention to it.

Minimum set of furniture:

  • bed in each room, sofa;
  • writing and kitchen table;
  • chairs and soft armchairs;
  • spacious closet.

The kitchen must be fully equipped - refrigerator, stove, microwave, lockers. At least a minimum set of dishes and utensils for cooking is required. The apartment should have bed linen and a complete set of home textiles. Also, you should provide for the cost of household chemicals.

For many customers, it is important to have a TV and the ability to connect to free internet.

Do not buy super-modern and new things. Cleanliness and working condition are important to your customers. You can save money by equipping the apartment with used furniture and appliances.


At the start, when a businessman rents out 1-2 apartments by the day, employees are not needed. All worries are cleaning and changing bed linen after the departure of the guests. New customers need to be met and escorted to the apartment, draw up a contract and hand over the keys.

If you will develop a business and work with several apartments, you should think about hiring employees. The number of staff directly depends on the number of apartments. The most stringent requirements are for the cleaning and cleanliness of bed linen, it must be packed in plastic bags, as in a train.

Make sure that there are no overlaps with the check-in and check-out of guests. If guests have to wait for your employee, they will not want to rent an apartment from you again. Keep in mind that about 40% of the profits come from regular customers.

If your business consists of 10 or more apartments, you need to hire an administrator. His responsibilities include communicating with customers and processing orders, coordinating the work of other employees and keeping records of the workload of each facility.

Documents and licenses

By renting 1-3 apartments, you can apply for an individual entrepreneur and work under a simplified taxation system. No special permits or licenses are needed.

Creating an extensive network, you will have to register a legal entity. In this case, for the preparation of all documents, it is necessary to hire a qualified lawyer, his services will pay off with interest.


The lion's share of travelers is looking for accommodation offers on the Internet. Creating your own website is a must. It should contain high-quality photos of the apartment, a description of the conditions and benefits. Be sure to indicate the daily rental price, address and location on the city map. Reservations can be negotiated by phone. Post ads on any platform - travel platforms, popular bulletin boards, city forums. The more your presence in the network, the higher the chances of reaching the maximum load.

Cooperate with taxi companies. If you know drivers, offer them your business cards. Visitors often ask for advice on a profitable opportunity to rent an apartment from taxi drivers.

Do not give up classic ads on bollards in busy places, near taxi ranks, public transport stops, train stations, bus stations and airports. They will bring you about 30% of customers.

Impeccable service is very important. Traveling to another city for business or leisure, people often consult with friends, read reviews and look for recommendations regarding one or another option for temporary residence. A lot of clients come under patronage.


Payback depends on many factors. Profitability is affected by how much money you have invested in the arrangement of the apartment, and what prices for daily rent are set in your city.

You should offer customers a price 20-25% lower than the average price of a hotel room in your city. On average across the country, entrepreneurs working in regional centers demonstrate a net monthly income from each apartment in the amount of 15,000-25,000 rubles, depending on the workload. If the area is purchased with a mortgage or is subleased, your profits will be lower. You can talk about solid incomes, having more than 5 apartments at your disposal.


Experts are sure that in the coming years business will daily rent apartments has excellent prospects. Despite the high competition, aspiring entrepreneurs have a good chance of achieving success. It is only important to correctly assess the demand and choose an active marketing strategy.

The category of "business from scratch" can safely include the activity of renting apartments for rent. At the same time, you can not own apartments, but also earn money on short-term rentals. All that is needed for this is to find housing, the owners of which are ready to provide it on a sublease basis. Sublease is a form of agreement in which the right to rent an apartment is assigned.

Such a business may seem understandable and easily organized. But not everything is so smooth and calm. There are a lot of apartments for daily rent, but not all of them bring normal money, and some do not justify the money invested in them at all.

Well, if the property already has a couple - three apartments. Even if it is one-room (the most popular on the market), then the profitability will be higher. If there is no such property, you will have to rent housing for a long time and already rent it out for daily or hourly rent.

The whole difficulty in organizing the case comes down to finding suitable housing. Many owners, having heard the word "daily rent", immediately associate it with drunkenness, prostitution and other negative things. And no amount of persuasion can change their minds. Although, in fact, such apartments rarely need further repairs, unlike apartments in a long-term lease.

It is not profitable for subtenants to keep housing in poor condition, because they simply will not have customers. After each check-in, the apartment is carefully cleaned. What can not be said about long-term rent: tenants (and among them there are many young people) in 90% of cases do not monitor the condition of the apartment. And they walk and drink in such apartments no less.

“In order to conclude a sublease agreement for an apartment you like, you have to lie a little to the owners. I say that I have contracts with some firms to accommodate people who come on a business trip. And in this case, the tenants will often change. If you agree to these terms, then I will pay you a little more rent. Homeowners are worried at first, but when they see that everything is in order with their apartment, they calm down. And the opinion of the neighbors and chairmen of the HOA is already indifferent to them, ”says the Rasklad user on the nasutki.borda.ru forum.

It is best to look for apartments closer to the city center. It is much easier to find clients here. And advertising costs are much less. It is also worth renting apartments as close to each other as possible - this will reduce transport costs. If one apartment is located 15 km from another, then the transport costs will be much higher.

Legalization of activities

The peculiarity of the daily apartment rental business is that it is difficult to control the state. That is why a considerable part of businessmen work without registration of entrepreneurial activity and do not pay taxes. In some cases, this is justified, especially when it comes to 1 - 3 rented apartments and the income from activities is not so large that it makes sense to legalize the business.

With the growth of the turnover of the organization, when the organizer no longer has one or two apartments, but at least 5-6, it is better to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. With the registration of the business, it will be easier to find new apartments (homeowners trust organizations more than ordinary individuals). It will become calmer to work, since no one has canceled fines for illegal business activities. There will always be envious people, including in the person of the chairmen of the HOA, who can report this to the police or the prosecutor's office. And in this case, you will always have documents. Everything will be within the law.

Such a business is most often registered as an ordinary individual entrepreneurship. To register a business at the tax office, you need to present an application, a photocopy of your passport and TIN, a receipt for payment of the state fee. In the application for registration, the OKVED codes should be indicated: 55.23.5 “Activities of other places for temporary residence” and 70.20.1 “Rental of own residential real estate” (several codes can be indicated). Within 5 working days after the submission of documents, you can receive a certificate of registration of IP. And you are the legal representative of the business.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the choice of taxation system. All three well-known special regimes are suitable for such activities: patent (patent taxation system), UTII (imputation) and USN (simplification). The most profitable option is a patent. You pay a fixed fee (about 10 thousand rubles) and work quietly for a whole year. You do not need to provide reports, keep accounts, etc. But the patent system is not adopted in all regions, which means that you will have to choose between UTII (up to 500 sq. M. Can be used) or USN. These special modes are also beneficial (although they cost a little more), but you will have to keep accounts and submit reports on schedule.

It is worth considering the fact that, having registered a business, you will have to pay income tax for apartment owners, which is 13% of the rental price. In order not to offend yourself, this issue should be discussed with homeowners at the stage of concluding a sublease agreement. These same 13% should rightly be deducted from the cost of renting an apartment.


If we are talking about building a business, and not about work "for the sake of work", then the issue of employees should be resolved. If you have 2 - 3 apartments at your disposal, then somehow you can manage it alone. And if you work with 5 or more apartments, you can’t manage it alone.

Imagine a picture: you have found a client, you are going to show him an apartment. While you are negotiating, you receive a call from the second client - you are distracted by the conversation. At this time, the third client moves out of the apartment, which already has another client, and you urgently need to clean up the apartment, etc., etc. And there can be a dozen or two such small vain things a day. Your head will spin, which will affect the quality of work and the number of customers. Therefore, with the increase in the number of orders, you should consider hiring a maid to clean the apartments and a customer service manager. A cleaning lady can only be paid a percentage of the work done, without registering it in the state (so as not to pay insurance premiums). Manager - salary and a small percentage for motivation. Let him work with clients, answer calls, hold meetings, check the condition of apartments after guests, etc.

In this case, you have a lot of time that can be spent searching for new apartments, solving accounting and legal issues, advertising services, and monitoring the work of staff. There will be time for personal life, and business will bring pleasure.

How to advertise a service

Finding clients is one of the first tasks that you should put all your efforts into solving. If there are no customers, there will be no income, and the obligation to pay rent will not go anywhere. The following options will help you build your client base:

  • Placement of advertisements in newspapers. An old and proven way, although with the advent of the Internet it is becoming less and less relevant. But this does not mean that the media should be completely abandoned. Very many business travelers upon arrival in an unfamiliar city buy newspapers and find apartments there.
  • Posting leaflets in places popular with tourists and visitors. These are exits from the metro, bus and tram stops, bus and railway stations, the central streets of the city.
  • Placing information on bulletin boards on the Internet: avito, slando, city portals, etc. Do not forget about compiling a competent description, with an abundance of high-quality photographs.
  • Try unique ways of advertising, like writing ads on the pavement. All you need is a stencil and a can of paint.
  • You can negotiate cooperation with local taxi drivers, as visitors often hire a taxi at the airport and ask the driver to suggest where they can rent inexpensive accommodation.

Pitfalls in the "daily" business

Finding an apartment, legalizing a business and resolving issues with tenants are far from all the problems that await an entrepreneur in this area. One of the main problems is the lack of customers. In order for the business to generate income, each apartment must be filled at least 70%. That is, out of 30 days - 21 days in the lease.

Demand for housing may be low not only because of high competition, but also simply because of the seasonal downturn. In the summer in the central part of Russia, the demand for daily rental housing drops sharply. People go on vacation, there are fewer business trips. For this reason, you should not open a business for the summer season. Some experienced entrepreneurs in this business give up part of their rental housing during the off-season to reduce fixed costs.

At the same time, for resort cities (Sochi, Gelendzhik, Anapa, etc.), summer is just the season. And in autumn and winter, such a business is idle.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the mortgage and the purchase of apartments on credit. On the forums, you can read ideas like this: “You can buy several apartments with a mortgage and rent them out on a daily basis. It's better than paying the landlord." The idea looks tempting, but not feasible for a number of reasons:

  1. To get a mortgage even for one apartment, you will have to like the bank a lot. They will require a certificate of income from you, look at your credit history, ask you to find guarantors, etc. Your official income does not reach 30-50 thousand rubles. per month and the bank refuses you. If you want to arrange two apartments, then you will already need an income of 80 thousand rubles. And if you have such an income, then why do you need a mortgage and daily rent.
  2. From an investment point of view, this option looks extremely unprofitable. The return on investment will be about 8-10 years, which is unthinkable for a normal, working business.

How much can you earn. Brief business plan

Long-term rental of a one-room apartment in Moscow will cost 25-30 thousand rubles. per month. This should take into account the costs of cleaning, advertising and depreciation (replacing broken appliances and furniture) - about 5 thousand rubles. per apartment per month. You can rent such apartments for an average of 2 - 2.5 thousand rubles.

Roughly the picture in the season should look like this:

The profit from renting six apartments will be about 120,000 rubles. per month.

To determine the return on investment, the initial investment in the business should be considered. Each apartment will need to be brought to the necessary comfort - to make repairs, purchase furniture and appliances. For each apartment, a minimum of 100,000 rubles should be laid. Therefore, six apartments will require investments of 600,000 rubles.

Hence, the return on investment, according to the calculations given above, will be from 6 months. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that in the first months there will be few customers. It will take more than one month to work before a permanent client base is built up and word of mouth begins to work. Therefore, the payback period of investments can be safely multiplied by two.

Daily rent of apartments as a business is chosen by many people who are looking for easy money. It is enough to have free housing and set the right price, and there will always be customers. In big cities, there are a lot of opportunities for doing business in renting apartments. There are also many options for organizing it.

  • How to start an apartment rental business?
  • Business pros and cons
  • How much can you earn
  • How much money do you need to start a business
  • What equipment to choose for renting apartments
  • Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business
  • What taxation system to choose for daily rent of apartments
  • Do I need permission to open
  • business technology

How to start an apartment rental business?

Having a living space, a person can build a serious business in renting apartments. It is possible to offer apartments for rent both for workers on business trips and for ordinary travelers. There are 3 ways to build a business on the provision of apartments for rent:

  1. Having free apartments. This is the most convenient and easiest option. Many will say that it is much easier to find permanent residents. They will regularly pay the required fee. A person does not need to constantly trust his apartment to unreliable strangers. Such activities will take little time and bring a steady income. However, daily rent will help to earn much more money for the homeowner.
  2. Specially buying an apartment. This option is suitable for those who decide to earn money seriously on this. If there is no money to buy a home, then you can take a loan or mortgage. Then you can not even count on quick earnings: all funds will go to pay debts. But if you be patient, then soon you can get a big profit from the business of renting apartments. Moreover, a person permanently acquires an apartment without emptying his wallet.
  3. Organizing a sublease. Not everyone is ready to do this. This option is definitely suitable for people who do not have their own housing, but want to receive money from rent. You just need to rent some apartments for a long time. Then they can be rented out for a few days. This phenomenon is quite common in modern cities. Having paid the owner of the apartment for a month, a person will earn money in about 10 days of renting housing for a day.

You need to register your business with the tax office. This will help you avoid unwanted problems. In the case of a sublease, it is important to conclude an agreement with the landlord and notarize it. The same should be done with clients. All this guarantees the success of the daily apartment rental business.

Business pros and cons

People who rent out housing do not need to think about how to make money. This business will always flourish. After all, not all people buy their own housing or pay for hotel rooms. Renting an apartment by the day has the following advantages:

  1. Benefit. An active person who wants to seriously engage in business can earn several times more than someone who rents apartments for a short time.
  2. Convenience. Without signing for a long-term contract, you can quickly and painlessly get out of business. And suddenly distant relatives will come, and it will be necessary to urgently settle them. Those who are going to sell it can also rent housing by the day. While this process will last, there is an opportunity to earn some money.
  3. Relevance. A room in a good hotel is usually very expensive. Not all companies can pay it to their employees. And then people come to the rescue, ready to offer housing for a few days. It's cheaper, and even more convenient, as the individual apartments have a kitchen and many other benefits. Therefore, such a business will flourish even in times of crisis.

However, there are pitfalls in renting apartments by the day. They need to be taken into account when engaging in such activities. It has the following disadvantages:

  1. No guarantees. To be successful, you need to be very active. A person will have to constantly look for new tenants and advertise the apartment in every possible way. Otherwise, it is better not to wait for a stable income.
  2. Trouble. After the departure of each client, the apartments need to be cleaned and bed linen changed. If the guests did not want to carefully use the furniture and various devices, then the apartment will periodically have to make cosmetic repairs. And it is unlikely that such housing will be insured.
  3. A responsibility. The landlord must provide clients with complete comfort and safety. In the event of a malfunction of sockets or electrical appliances, it is he who is responsible for everything. There are also a variety of fraud and theft. In such cases, you can get into serious trouble that will be associated with law enforcement agencies.

Renting apartments has not only obvious advantages, but also some pitfalls.

Starting such a business, it is worth considering all the risks, as well as taking care of its legality.

Earnings from daily rent of apartments can really be considerable. But it is important to remember that such a case requires constant active participation.

Three entrepreneurs from the Moscow outskirts earn about 400 thousand rubles. per month on renting stylish apartments at a price twice as high as one-room apartments

Mama Ro founders Anton Kozlov, Volodya Nizovtsev and Anatoly Smirnov (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

The founders of Mama Ro Anton Kozlov, Volodya Nizovtsev and Anatoly Smirnov have always dreamed of living in the center of Moscow. “I wanted to soak up the spirit of Moscow night adventures in Kitay-Gorod,” Smirnov says in an interview with RBC. “Besides, we didn’t want to lose an hour and a half of life every day, getting to the center from the dull sleeping suburbs of the capital.” Kozlov was the first to risk moving to the center and in 2010 rented 18 sq. m. m in the basement in Maly Ivanovsky Lane. He made repairs on his own, and it turned out to be a “spiritual place”, in which friends quickly began to gather. From this small success, the guys got a business idea - to create budget housing in the center of the capital for people like them. “To make one night comparable to the cost of a taxi ride,” says Anton. According to the guys' estimates, the potential market volume of such pendulum migrants was about 700 thousand people every day, which means that the product should be in demand.

Good luck with your own hands

They sat down to write a business plan and realized: in order to create a “hipster hostel” on 600 sq. m, you need at least 10 million rubles. investment. “We didn’t have that kind of money,” says Nizovtsev. “I was a freelance videographer, Anton was a porter at a hotel, and Tolya organized television broadcasts.” As a result, the founders of Mama Ro decided to try a less capital project, and in May 2012 they were lucky. “One morning I went to www.cian.ru and saw that a room for rent in the basement on Spiridonovka: 80 sq. m for only 67 thousand rubles. per month,” says Smirnov. “That was the most important moment of the whole project: we realized that if we want to do something, we need to start right now.” The guys scraped together 30 thousand rubles. for a deposit and started the repair.

At first they wanted to divide the entire space into several rooms of 12-15 sq. m. “But then we realized that we would not be any different from typical hotel rooms,” explains Kozlov. - We realized that we ourselves would not want to live in such cells. This is how we came up with the idea to create not just an interior for temporary accommodation, but full-fledged studios, apartments, a space for living.” For 2.5 months and 800 thousand rubles. The guys did the renovation. “First they smeared the plaster with their hands, but then they learned how to use a spatula,” says Smirnov. - Money was collected from friends: some 50 thousand rubles. some gave 100 thousand, and 350 thousand were taken from a capitalist friend at interest. In mid-July, two studios on Spiridonovka were ready to receive the first guests. An ad was placed on the same CYAN, and on July 19 the first client came. “The couple rented an apartment for two days for 8,000 rubles,” says Nizovtsev with a smile. “It seemed to us that exactly what we were most afraid of happened: our clients will be those who usually rent apartments by the day.” But aspiring entrepreneurs were wrong: the first, like all subsequent clients, turned out to be from a different audience - they were ordinary or business tourists who wanted to be in a foreign city in a comfortable environment, different from small and identical hotel rooms.

NumbersMama Ro

14 apartments available from Mama Ro

7 thousand rubles— average apartment rental price per day

RUB 18.8 million— total investment

20 thousand apartments daily rent in Moscow

3.5 thousand rubles— the average price of an apartment with a good repair per day

Source: Mama Ro, "Miel", project "Daily"

After a relatively "rotten" August (75% load), since September there have been reservations every day. “From September 2012 to February 2014, we did not have a single downtime at Spiridonovka,” entrepreneurs are proud. During the first five months of work, they returned all debts (about 800 thousand rubles). At this time, as in the case of repairs, they went to the Metro and bought shampoos and towels themselves, and repaired breakdowns. “Once every three days, each of us had a duty to clean and wash toilets,” says Smirnov. “We realized that the principle is simple: either you drown - and this is only your business, or you fight and win.”

After the business started, the guys thought about expanding. They began to intensively monitor ads on CYAN, but at first they were not lucky. “The grandmother will come across with a three-room apartment, then the owner, who permanently lives in the Emirates and offers to sign an agreement via Skype,” recalls Kozlov. And by chance, through acquaintances, they came across a representative of a man who bought a whole house on Chistye Prudy, in Gusyatnikov Lane. In early 2013, the founders of Mama Ro rented 300 sq. m on the third floor and began to look for money for repairs. In total, they collected 1.5 million rubles. and another 2.5 million rubles. took a loan at 20% per annum from one of the Moscow banks. And in January 2013 we went to the construction site. “Each of us had our own vision of what the studios should look like. I adore Suprematism, so I made a Suprematist studio, Anton dries on Byzantine mosaics,” says Nizovtsev. “Each of us started from our own dreams.” Now they rent two of the three floors in the house. The founders of Mama Ro invested a total of 18 million rubles in the launch of 12 apartments in Gusyatnikov Lane. They had to actually make a major overhaul of the building, changing pipes and wiring, strengthening floors, replacing walls and ceilings.

Vladimir Nizovtsev: “Of course, we had a relative lease agreement for premises on Spiridonovka (sublease from the city), and, in fact, we could be asked at any time, that is, the business was taken away. Here, what is important to understand is that any business is made of a doer. Without a doer, a business is useless. And, thank God, our business environment is beginning to understand that without guys who are ready with their own hands, excuse me, to wash the toilet, there will be no this load, there will be no these people who come here, everything will fail, nothing will work at all. .

Anatoly Smirnov: “The Jazz Studio has all my psychological traits. For example, since childhood I did not have my own workplace, I lived with my parents in the living room. Therefore, in the studio, I made a chic workplace with a view from the window. I want a feeling of psychological security, so I make the floor from solid ash. As an actor by profession, I replace the usual light with theatrical spotlights, soaking the air with the feeling of the theater. And so we have in every studio. Perhaps this is what attracts customers to Mama Ro: all the interiors are very personal.”

Anton Kozlov: “Russia is a difficult country for doing business, but it is as promising as it is complex, that, in principle, you can choose any business and do it with real quality, conscientiously. It will be a guaranteed success, because the market, especially services, is very unfinished, underestimated, underfunded. Everything is done through the knee for the sake of making quick profits and escaping abroad. We have no desire to leave, we understand that we are connected with the country and want to develop it. That honesty is one of the ingredients of the present case.”

Economy of apartments

The Mama Ro Standard Apartment can accommodate up to four guests. Most of them are implemented on two levels: below - a living room with a cinema and a stereo system, a bar counter and a bathroom, above - a bedroom. Each studio has its own unique interior design project. For example, the Bauhaus is made in the laconic German design of the early 20th century, with designer furniture made of Far Eastern ash. The Jazz apartments refer to American clubs and the theater of the 30s with exposed brickwork, the Pine, with pine trees installed in the interior, to a childhood dream of a tree house.

For the individual design of each room, handmade furniture and equipment from Apple, you will have to pay from 6.5 to 8.5 thousand per day. The cost is determined by the area and popularity of the apartments. Entrepreneurs claim that in 2015 they worked with a load of 97.2%. “There are foreign clients who move from hotels and stay with us for a month,” says Vladimir Nizovtsev. According to entrepreneurs, about 60% of clients are foreigners, but with the crisis, the share of tourists from the regions of the Russian Federation and from China began to grow. According to them, there are those who live in apartments alone (about 20%) for several weeks or as a couple (also about 20%). Families and groups of friends account for about 30% of clients. Most of the clients come through booking systems (booking.com, airbnb.com, etc.). Apartments are often rented to hold a party or filming, in which case they are rented according to a separate price list based on the event. On average, Mama Ro earns about 2.8 million rubles. per month.

The main expenses of Mama Ro are rent (674 thousand rubles per month) and payments on loans and debts (interest and repayment - 747 thousand rubles per month) to banks and individuals. Staff costs amount to about 420 thousand rubles. Entrepreneurs pay salaries to themselves and two assistants. Utility bills, cleaning (outsourced), advertising and booking system commissions take another 400 thousand rubles. In general, for a month, expenses accumulate by 2.2 million rubles. Mama Ro's activities are carried out through IP Anton Kozlov (USN, 6% of income).

Another market

Yuri Kuznetsov, the owner of the Sutochno Internet project, estimates the Moscow market for short-term rental of apartments and apartments at 20,000 premises, most of them are standard one-room apartments. There are now about 3.5 thousand offers on the Sutochno website in the price category of 2-5 thousand rubles. per day.

Yulia Tselyakovskaya, director of development at LikeHome Apartaments, which manages 76 apartments in Moscow, believes that the demand for apartments and flats comes from different categories of customers. “Almost all of our facilities are within the Garden Ring and are aimed at wealthy citizens who often rent them for several weeks and want to live “like at home,” she told RBC. “People often want not so much to save on a hotel room, but to have the amenities that hotels usually cannot provide.” According to her, this is especially true for families with children, when renting an apartment becomes more cost-effective than booking several rooms in a hotel. She estimates the market for such accommodation in the capital at only a few hundred properties.

It is usually cheaper for a family or a company of four people in Moscow to stay in an apartment than in a hotel. According to booking.com, four nights from January 30 to February 3 in Mama Ro will cost 29.2 thousand rubles, in LikeHome - 24 thousand rubles. A quadruple room in the Aeropolis hotel is 28.5 thousand, in the Adagio apart-hotel it is already 42 thousand, in the Novotel (two standard double rooms) it is 51 thousand, and a deluxe suite with a kingsize bed in the Four Season is and at all 493 thousand rubles.

Before the crisis, LikeHome Apartaments managed one hundred apartments (all properties are privately owned, the company manages them), 60% of clients were foreigners, and the average annual occupancy was about 80%. “Now the situation has changed: more than 60% of customers are Russians, the load has also fallen,” admits Tselyakovskaya. Mama Ro says that the crisis did not affect their business - the occupancy of apartments in 2015 was 97.2%. The founders of Mama Ro are planning to take control of a whole mansion in the center of Moscow in order to create a real apart-hotel in it, but so far they have not found a suitable property and investor for this project.

Interior and furniture for sale

The popularity of the Mama Ro apartments is largely due to their unique interiors, which the founders invented and made themselves. Nizovtsev says that some guests even began to ask for similar design projects for their apartments. “Every fifth person comes in and says: “How cool! I want the same,” he says. The team has already done four interior projects and is currently working on creating design projects for three hotels in Europe - the Czech Republic, Latvia and Estonia. Of similar interest is the furniture that the guys made according to their projects in the Bauhaus and Sosnovaya studios. “We were offered to make a whole collection and put it up for sale in the Tsvetnoy department store,” says Nizovtsev. Mama Ro is currently working on two furniture orders.

Renting apartments by the day is considered a fairly profitable business. The main advantage is earning from scratch without any special investments if at least one apartment is available for rent. It can be inherited or previously acquired in a mortgage. In this article, we will consider a business plan for daily rent of apartments by the owner.

Project Summary

An example of a business plan will be presented based on the daily rent of apartments in a major city. This business has good prospects in a big city, where the target audience is quite wide. However, this business is no less profitable in a small tourist city. The essence of the business is the delivery of 3 apartments, the owner of which rents out living space in different parts of the city: two in the central area and one in a residential area. Accordingly, customers will be both middle and high class, and below average.

General characteristics of the apartments:

  1. Studio apartment 1-room on the 3rd floor with a total area of ​​30 sq. m in the central area.
  2. 2-room apartment on the 5th floor with a total area of ​​45 sq. m next to the subway.
  3. Apartment in a residential area 1-room with a total area of ​​30 sq. m on the 2nd floor.

It should be noted that there will be many prospects and competitors. However, the demand for this type of service allows you to take your place in a niche and develop a business, receiving passive income. Competitors - private individuals who rent similar housing, and real estate agencies. The main criteria that will allow you to fight against competitors are an individual approach to the client, a high level of service for apartments in the city center and an affordable price for an apartment on the outskirts of the city.

To start implementing the idea, you need to purchase furniture and appliances. Also, at the initial stage, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for daily rent of apartments with calculations. In order to invest in a more promising project, it is recommended to rent one of the apartments for rent for at least six months with minimal investment in consumables (bed linen and utilities). In this case, there will be an opportunity to pay off the starting costs for apartments of medium and VIP class.

To begin with, you should study the risks that are the stumbling block for acquiring a stable income:

  • Unstable demand.
  • Unscrupulous tenants (theft of small appliances, interior elements, damage to property).
  • Decreased solvency of potential tenants due to the declining economic situation in the country.
  • Aggressive competitors.
  • Unfortunate neighborhood, which can worsen the service and peaceful living of residents.

It is difficult to predict the number of tenants per month in advance, but success largely depends on active search and proper communication with potential tenants. They need to be offered what they want to receive: full information about the apartment, advantageous aspects (proximity to the metro, number of floors not lower than the 2nd floor and not higher than the 10th, the presence of everything necessary in the apartment, a balcony, a good view).

To properly search for clients, the entrepreneur himself must analyze the volume of competitors and understand who will be his key client and whom to direct maximum efforts to. For apartments in the city center, you should look for residents of the following categories: couples, business travelers, tourists. It is best to search for them on popular Internet resources where these people are looking for apartments. The target audience for apartments on the outskirts of the city are young companies, tourists and business travelers with a lower income level.

Activity registration

For legal activities in the field of real estate rental, the owner of 3 apartments should undergo legal registration. By registering as an individual entrepreneur, the apartment owner will save himself from the risk of being held liable for tax liability and will receive guarantees of protection in litigation. When tenants move into an apartment, the landlord has the opportunity to protect himself from unnecessary costs in case of property damage by the contract. In addition, you can attract travel allowances, because employer organizations require an official document confirming the cost of living for employees.

An entrepreneur can choose a simplified income taxation system, where he will deduct 6% of net income. At the same time, the individual entrepreneur is obliged to pay a fixed amount of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund and the FSS, subject to the availability of hired employees. In our case, the entrepreneur will do without the state. To register an individual entrepreneur, you must submit documents to the local tax authority, pay the state duty and, having received a certificate, begin to settle in residents and make a profit.

Registration will require small expenses, up to 3 thousand rubles, and will take no more than a week. On average, 3-4 days.

Apartment equipment

To increase the price of renting an apartment, it is necessary to purchase new equipment, comfortable and practical furniture, check plumbing, electricity, plumbing, etc. The room should not only be in good repair, but also with basic and additional equipment. Accordingly, certain investments are needed in the design and furnishings of the apartment. This is especially true for apartments for middle and upper-income residents. Costs for 2 apartments in the city center:

Name Price Quantity Sum
Procurement of materials for cosmetic repairs 200 000 2 apartments 400 000
Carrying out repairs 150 000 2 apartments 300 000
Sofa large folding 40 000 2 80 000
Bed 2 bedroom 25 000 1 25 000
Chairs are soft 15 000 2 30 000
Kitchen set 50 000 2 100 000
Mini fridge INDESIT TT 85 11 000 2 22 000
Washing machine INDESIT EWUC 4105 11 000 2 22 000
Microwave 5 000 2 10 000
TV set 30 000 2 30 000
Internet 4 000 2 8 000
Air conditioner 10 000 2 20 000
Wardrobe 10 000 2 20 000
Plumbing 17 000 2 34 000
Electric kettle 2 000 2 4 000
Blinds on windows 1 000 5 5 000
Bedside tables 1000 4 4 000
Decor elements 10 000 2 20 000
Linens 2 000 5 10 000
Tableware 1 500 2 3 000
Total 1 147 000

For renting an apartment on the outskirts of the city, subject to medium-level repairs and the availability of new furniture and some equipment, investments will be minimal:

At least 15 thousand rubles a month should be spent on utility bills for 3 apartments.

You can hire people to service apartments and find customers, but to keep costs to a minimum, at first you can handle it on your own or with the help of family members. The main function - finding customers and posting ads, communication, correspondence, phone calls and updating ads - can be solely on the business owner. But the settlement of tenants in apartments, eviction and cleaning of the premises will be assigned to one of the relatives. With an increase in the number of apartments, the cleaning and settlement system will be revised, and this will be done by a separate worker.

In this case, there will be no staff costs. All income will go to the family business, thanks to which the profitability will have a positive indicator.

Marketing and Advertising

Despite the fact that the daily apartment rental business can hardly be called an organization in the full sense, the use of marketing and advertising tools directly affects the profitability of the business. They are necessary in the fight against competition, which, as we have already said, is quite large.

Announcements about renting apartments for daily rent will be posted monthly:

Name Sum
On free classifieds boards 0
On the board "Avito" in the paid section 5 000
In newspapers 5 000
In social groups in top places 5 000
Street announcements 500
Flyers for distribution in places of congestion of target audience (railway and airport) 7 500
Cooperation with the taxi service, printing on the back of the business card information about the daily rent of apartments 5 000
Total 28 000

Income and expenses

General table of starting costs for 3 apartments:

It is planned to allocate 1,721,000 rubles for the launch of the business. Thanks to the income from the previous rent for the last year and personal investment, this money needs to be invested to increase the rent of all 3 apartments.

Monthly expenses

General table of monthly expenses from the 2nd month:


To calculate the return on investment, it is necessary to plan the pricing policy and the average number of residents per month. Naturally, this figure will vary markedly in accordance with seasonality. For example, in the warm season there will be more tourists, and in winter - a little less. If you are located in a city with active winter tourism, it may be the other way around.

During the festive periods - New Year's and May holidays - there will be many times more people wishing to rent an apartment for rent than on ordinary days. Let's make a calculation taking into account the average demand indicators:

With 50% fullness of apartments, income for the 2nd month will be 190,500 rubles. However, every month the number of applicants will grow:

  • A customer acquisition system will be developed.
  • Regular customers will appear who will systematically use rental services and recommend it to friends.

In addition, during the New Year and May holidays, the prices for daily rent of apartments will be increased by at least 20-30%. These indicators should be taken into account when planning the payback period.

We will carry out the calculation on the basis of average profitability indicators.

Let's determine the difference between income and expenses in order to calculate tax deductions:

183 000 – 48 000 = 135 000.

We calculate the tax payment:

135,000 x 6% = 8100 rubles.

Thus, the net profit will be:

135,000 - 8100 = 126,900 rubles per month.

Calculate profitability:

(126,900 / 48,000) x 100 = 264%. Profitability at first glance is quite high. However, let's define the payback period of investments:

1,721,000 / 126,900 = 13.56 months (more than a year).

At the same time, it is worth considering the increase in tariffs for holidays and an increase in the number of residents up to a maximum of 90% of the month, then income will at least double. Therefore, the plans for six months are to create a solid base of regular customers, at least 15% of the total volume, and actively work on finding tenants using all of the above advertising tools.

As soon as the income from the start-up costs pays off, the net profit can be used to increase the number of housing, options for additional acquisition of housing will be considered: investing in construction or buying an apartment on a mortgage.


The daily apartment rental business is even very profitable, but mainly if one or more apartments are already available in the property. If you plan to purchase a living space for rent, then it is better to focus on this income as additional. Demand may suddenly drop for a month or two, and if you do not have a source of income, through which you can pay off the loan for an apartment, you will find yourself without a livelihood. Therefore, take the path of earning money by renting real estate carefully.