Why do we love to travel so much? Why do I love traveling in Russia? How I love to travel and why

Everyone loves to travel. Someone goes on a trip, anticipating exciting adventures. For some, there is nothing better than new exotic dishes. Some experience an irresistible craving for cultural values. Others prefer to silently admire the sunset over the ocean. Everyone's reasons are different. The editors of the site Rough Guides polled readers and compiled a list of 25 statements that encourage you to go on a trip right now.

1. Travel awakens love and lust for life (Amandeep Mathur, Facebook).

2. When you travel, you can try something new every day (@devourmalaga, Twitter).

3. Only in travel can you meet a lot of “own” people who will leave a big imprint and inspire something more (Lee Morgan, Facebook).

4. Traveling is an experience that you would never have at home (Diane Nichols, Facebook).

5. In travel, every new turn is already a memory (@wanderingangel67, Instagram).

6. Travel makes us appreciate what we already have (Judise Gonzales, Facebook).

7. Traveling makes you see the world differently (@Catdui, Twitter).

8. Travel allows you to look at life through new lenses and challenge our concepts of the familiar (@nathanthoen, Instagram).

9. I love to travel because travel gives a feeling of complete freedom. Traveling allows you to escape from the “ordinary” life, see what you have only seen in the movies, try new things and meet new people (Aleksandra Ka, Facebook).

10. Travel expands the world and nourishes the soul (Lynne Nash, Facebook).

11. Traveling is like daydreaming (@Mark_Selleck, Twitter).

12. Travel allows you to learn more than any book can offer (Mary Faith Phillips, Facebook).

13. Only when I travel do I feel truly alive. It inspires new adventures and searches. Traveling helps a lot to awaken a greater interest in life (Andy Haverson, Facebook).

14. Travel gives us a new way of looking at ourselves and the world, it restores our faith in what everyday life has made us doubt (@robynjbell, Twitter).

15. Travel gives you the freedom to be yourself (Jo Swabey, Facebook).

16. Every journey is a challenge to your own mind (Kelly McCann Photography, Facebook).

17. When traveling, everyone remembers that a person is, first of all, an explorer (@rebeccaarosenthal, Instagram).

18. Only when you travel do you realize that you can live differently (Andrew Mcdiarmid, Facebook).

19. Traveling is the best way to learn something new (@jfbartley, Instagram).

20. I love traveling because you can learn and love new cultures, see amazing landscapes and redefine what you already have (Sonia Teruel, Facebook).

21. When you travel, you understand what real freedom is (Angelica Agront, Facebook).

23. I learned a lot more while traveling than at school (Vincent Lim Sui-leong, Facebook).

24. I love traveling because I love how it changes our minds (Kim Ryan, Facebook).

25. I love traveling because it makes me better, my wallet lighter and my life brighter (Ramya Tirumalai, Facebook).

Someone does not like classical music, someone does not like semolina, and some simply cannot stand traveling. And most importantly - they have a clear position, why, if they go somewhere, then only at gunpoint.

Fishing instead of traveling

55-year-old Vladimir from Novosibirsk has been to China a huge number of times - almost every month he traveled to Beijing or Manchuria for work, sometimes he looked at Hainan Island. Several times I was on vacation in Turkey, because my wife forced me to. In fact, as he admits, he does not need "all these Europes, Turkeys".

I would go to the river - to go fishing. And that's it! I can't lie on the beach doing nothing. A trip to Turkey with "all inclusive" is a complete alcoholism. I am not interested in European culture. Yes, every year in September I go to the Trans-Baikal Territory to catch grayling. It's two days by train. But this is not a trip, I only care about fishing: a few months before the trip, I start preparing new tackle, studying the area, checking the boat, tents, etc., - he says.

Too lazy to choose, pack up and go

Christina, at the age of 22, visited Armenia, Georgia and some Russian cities. The girl doesn't really go anywhere. She does not like the fuss that accompanies any journey: choosing, buying tickets, fees, moving, etc.

Alone, I would never travel and would not be able to live in conditions that are clearly worse than my usual living conditions. Also, maybe I'm just lazy, because it needs to be confused. Before that, all my trips were planned not by myself, but by my parents or girlfriends. And I was required a little in this matter - to endure the move, which I really do not like. Airplanes, trains, even being in a car for a long time is stressful for me. Although to say that I will refuse a free trip to the Dominican Republic or Milan would be stupid, says Christina.

Sad and dreary without a home

Mila, 43, says her friends constantly shame her and her husband for not traveling. For them to force themselves to go somewhere is torture.

We live in Odessa and have not been anywhere for the last 19 years. At first, it wasn’t up to it, they always saved on themselves, but now I understand that I’m too lazy to even get a suitcase. I hate spending the night in hotels, crowds of people, chaos, jitters. I love to read, go to the theater, study painting, literature, poetry, history, but to force myself to go somewhere is torture, and my husband is the same. We somehow rented a mansion in the Crimea for May holidays, so I didn’t sleep a single night. Couldn't be anywhere else. I really wanted to go home. All friends have already flown half the world, shame constantly. For some reason, in our society, it is believed that if you do not fly to France and Thailand, then life is not successful, Mila shares.

Fed up with business trips

32-year-old Alexey goes on business trips to Asia 2-3 times a month, where he establishes contacts and concludes contracts with suppliers of orthopedic products, massage chairs, etc. Due to the huge number of business trips, he prefers to spend his holidays at home, maximum - on dacha.

Business trips often take over, including weekends, then they disappear from me. I come - and again to work. I really miss just getting a good night's sleep and watching TV at home for half a day. Since I have been at this job, I have never taken a vacation on a trip. I always stay in Moscow and relax here,” he says.

Are they normal?

Psychiatrist Alexander Fedorovich says that in reality a lot of people do not like to travel. And this does not mean that they are somehow abnormal. Clinical cases are rare. The specialist advises not to pay attention to the pressure of society and just change friends if they do not understand you.

There are those who are really afraid, afraid to fly and just say: "But I don't like it." Then this is a type, this is a suspicious person. The second option - a person does not love, because he cannot sleep in someone else's bed: such people, even when they come to visit friends, still go home for the night. There are also super-cleaners - those who are very squeamish about the world around them - wash their hands a hundred times, wear gloves and shoe covers. And in any "dirty" place they are uncomfortable, but this is already a mental disorder. Perhaps a person once on a trip got into a criminogenic situation (they stole a bag with documents and money, for example) and since then decided that he would not travel anymore. Or maybe a person lives in a village for 50 years, he does not need to go anywhere. This is usually accompanied by the phrase "What didn't I see there?". This is a variant of the settled personality.

This material was prepared for the Turbina.ru site competition

The task is to write a large creative material dedicated to one country, your immersion in its history and culture, features of life, etc. through the prism of a traveler. It can be material about one place in this country, and about its nature, animals or sights. But it is in the context of one particular country.

The goal is to open new facets for the Turbine and its readers. We do not set any restrictions here, except for the wish that the material should be truly creative, that is, come from a pure heart. And then how does it tell you! But we will evaluate the material by its creative depth and beauty of execution. Material form - Note. Submission of material through a comment post containing a wiki link to the material on the forum for this contest.

Here, I am trying to fulfill the task set by Turbina - "... to write a large creative material dedicated to one (beloved) country, ...". The material turned out to be so large that I had to break it into several separate parts. … It is difficult to choose a favorite country when you have thoroughly traveled through 118 countries of the world. It's like a sultan choosing the most beautiful woman from his big harem. He will always say - they are all beautiful. Each in their own way. And he will be right.

People, having learned that I have traveled around the world four times and visited so many different countries, ask the standard question: - Where did you like it best? I answer it in different ways:

1. Long and wrong

I liked most of all where I met good people. Indeed, we perceive the country through the people we met there - friendly, smiling, hospitable, ... We met, made friends and think - everyone here is like that. Then I think it's wrong. Here, almost the whole world, speaking about Russians, claims that we are gloomy, unfriendly people. These are the ones who don't know us. And those who got to know us better unanimously say that we are the most open, hospitable and benevolent nation.

2. Sometimes I diplomatically answer that my most favorite country is our planet Earth.

The earth is our common home and, believe me, it is not at all so large that we would make a communal apartment out of it. Because I know that the borders of individual states are artificial "fences" between the plots of good neighbors. And there was a time when these borders did not exist and any person could easily move around the earth without issuing special permits. And everywhere they were glad to him if this person came with goodness and carried this goodness around the world.

3. But most often I answer very briefly and definitely, my favorite country is RUSSIA!

And moreover, this is not at all because I was born and raised here (by the way, I was born in a completely different country - in Kazakhstan, but grew up in a third country - Kyrgyzstan, and I really like these countries, I also love them) but because I have something to compare. And comparing, I come to the conclusion that according to all criteria of comparison - natural, cultural, historical, human resources, ... our country is unique. I'm talking about the total component. Because there is China, Egypt, Italy, Greece, Australia, Japan, USA, Brazil and Argentina, ... - countries with a very ancient culture, wonderful natural attractions, ... . And yet, in my comparison, according to the totality of criteria, Russia still wins.

I travel for a long time, a lot and in different ways. My personal experience of various kinds of travel has almost 60 years. Participated in various hiking trips in summer and skiing in winter (the entire Moscow and adjacent regions, the Caucasus, Karelia, Crimea, Central Asia, the Baltic states and Leningrad); water trips (along the rivers of the Middle Strip, Karelia, the Caucasus and the Urals). At the age of 17, I got wheels (I bought my first vehicle - a TULA-200 scooter), got an additional degree of freedom and began to "master" the surrounding space at a faster speed. The geography of my travels, their duration and extent has expanded many times - from the Arctic, to the Crimea and the Caucasus, from the Baltic States - to Central Asia. So for a long time already I traveled most of the Soviet Union, all its republics and Russia itself, from Karelia to Kamchatka.

In all respects, in the development of various types of tourism, both domestic and international, Russia has great potential. Well, judge for yourself:

  1. Our country ranks first in the world in terms of territory - 17,125,191 km². (sixth in terms of GDP)
  2. In terms of population - 146,804,372 people, we occupy a very significant, 9th place in the world (population density - 8.56 people / km², 181st place in the world)
  3. Large total length of roads and railways (7th in the world)
  4. Russia is a country with a long history, rich cultural heritage and generous nature. According to cultural and historical diversity
  5. By natural, plant and animal diversity
  6. By the number of climatic zones, supported by a fairly developed network of highways
  7. Favorable geographical position of the country, connecting two large continents - Europe and Asia. Bordered by 20 countries, washed by three oceans and 12 seas

Automobile tourism is developing especially actively in Russia. This is facilitated by components such as:

  1. A large percentage of actively traveling people. According to statistics, more than 40% of the country's population (about 60 million people) travel. Of these, in an organized manner, by vouchers - 10% (6 million). All the rest - on their own (54 million), and 60% of them - on cars (more than 30 million people).
  2. High level of motorization of the population of the country. Today, according to the statistics of Russian analysts, more than 40% of the inhabitants of our country have a car (more than 45 million cars). 45% of the population of Moscow and St. Petersburg have vehicles. Over the next few years, 13% of Russian families plan to buy a car.
  3. Russia has a developed road network, sufficient in terms of its condition of the road surface for travel of various levels. The length of the territory of Russia from west to east is almost 10 thousand km, from north to south - more than 4 thousand km.
  4. Autotourism is available to all segments of the population and has great social potential. Our whole misfortune is that we do not know how to advertise and promote well, even within our country, everything that we have.

Here, get acquainted: I will offer three all-Russian routes for traveling around Russia, which cover the entire territory of our country. Take a look and travel with us on these routes.

A series of tourist routes "Great Russia. Monuments of the heritage of mankind"

Today, the UNESCO World Heritage List in the Russian Federation includes 28 items, which is 2.7% of the total (1073 in 2017).

7 sites are listed under cultural criteria, with 6 of them recognized as a masterpiece of human genius (criterion i), and 11 sites are included under natural criteria, with 4 of them recognized as natural phenomena of exceptional beauty and aesthetic importance (criterion vii). In 2017, Russia ranked 9th in the world in terms of the total number of world heritage sites, and 4th in terms of the number of natural sites (after China, the USA and Australia).

Also on the World Heritage List is the ancient city of Chersonese Tauride and its choir (7 sites), located in the Russian-controlled territory of Crimea, which is marked “Ukraine” in the description.

In addition, as of 2017, 11 sites in Russia are among the candidates for inclusion in the World Heritage List.

It should also be remembered that there is also a list of objects of the Cultural Heritage of Russia of federal significance, the list of which contains several thousand sights. (The reference data in this list is mostly taken from Wikipedia, with some minor comments by the author.)

Today, the general list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites (UNESCO) includes about 1,000 cultural and natural heritage sites. The special value of these monuments is documented in the Constitution of UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Russian World Heritage Sites can be divided into the following groups:

1. City complexes and kremlins.

This group included the historical centers of the cities of St. Petersburg and Yaroslavl, the monuments of Veliky Novgorod, the Citadel and the Old Town of Derbent, the ancient city of Tauric Chersonesos and its choir, the Moscow and Kazan Kremlins.

2. Monasteries and cathedrals, such as:

Kizhi Pogost, Solovetsky architectural complex, Churches of Vladimir and Suzdal, Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye, Ferapontov Monastery (Vologda), Novodevichy Monastery, Natural and historical territory of Valaam Island, Assumption Cathedral and monastery of the island city of Sviyazhsk

3. Listed natural objects The World Heritage Sites located on the territory of Russia include the following: Lake Baikal, Ubsunur Hollow, Curonian Spit. As well as such mountain ranges as: the volcanoes of Kamchatka, Altai, the Western Caucasus, the Central Sikhote-Alin and the Komi forests, located on the Northern and Subpolar slopes of the Ural Mountains, and two reserves (out of 76) - Wrangel Island and the Putorana Plateau.

4. The UNESCO World Heritage List (UNESCO) also includes one site from the category Heritage of science and technology- Struve geodetic arc (2 objects).

Monuments of the heritage of mankind represent the RED BOOK of a series of travel routes in Russia, the description of which I will give in the following materials.

With reference to this category of sights, a thread of the route of the first stage of the Round-the-World Automobile Expedition “RUSSIA - FORWARD!” was formed. 100 countries - 100,000 km. The start of the first part of this stage is “GREAT RUSSIA. Connecting three oceans. April 27, 2018.

During the May holidays we will pass the circular route - Moscow - Murmansk - Petrozavodsk - St. Petersburg - Veliky Novgorod - Moscow.

In August - the 2nd part: Moscow - Vladivostok.


Do you love quotes? I know - I know, now tell me that they are all messed up thanks to social networks like “VKontakte”, where they are posted in batches, phrases are pulled out, they are distorted. But I still love beautiful quotes. The appropriate use of a quote can turn the dialogue on its head.

As for travel quotes, this is really a very motivating thing. Often, even when there is no mood, remembering them you find strength in yourself and you have a second wind. I would like to go again for positive emotions and adventures for three nine lands.

Below I have given an example of 23 of the best travel quotes that I think everyone should read!

1. Nobody realizes the beauty of travel until they come home and put their head on the old familiar pillow © Lin Yutang - it's hard not to agree with this expression. We often so overwhelm ourselves with emotions during the trip that we do not have time to comprehend them. And only at home, having sank into bed and experiencing a pleasant fatigue in your body, you begin to realize that incredible adventures are behind you. Ahead - even better!

2. There is nothing more useful for the nerves than to go where you have never been.© Anna Akhmatova - are you losing your nerves? Do not know how to quickly get rid of depression, heal a broken heart and find the meaning of life again? Then just take it and go. There, where you have never been before.. New countries, cities… New impressions, people, atmosphere!3. Never skimp on something you can't duplicate© Tony Wheeler - There are things that can be done once in a lifetime. And only for a certain period of time. Or only in a certain place. And you should never save money in this case. Do you want to go to the USA to work and travel under the Work and Travel program? Dare! Arrived in New York and can fly a helicopter over the city? Take the longest program! Overpay $50, but get the most out of it!4. Everyone says that they dream of getting out of here, seeing the world, but when it comes down to it, they won’t stick out their beak beyond their birdhouse © Cartoon “Fly the Wing” - How often I hear from my friends and acquaintances that they also want to travel. That they envy me. That they would gladly keep company. But as soon as I come to them with a specific proposal - they all come up with 1000 and 1 reason why they can't this time. It got to the point that I offered some not just to save money, but there was an opportunity to travel for free for them! And they refused.

5. We travel not to run away from life, but so that life does not run away from us.© Author unknown. - Every traveler has to hear at least once in his life - that we are running from life and from ourselves, from responsibility, from adulthood. This quote is a worthy answer.

6. In 20 years, you will regret more what you didn't do than what you did.© Mark Twain - in my understanding, this phrase is very much intertwined with the one that was in paragraph 3. There is an opportunity - go for it! Don't overthink it. I am only 23 years old, but looking back, I get scared of how many opportunities I missed out on ignorance or doubt. For example, I can go to the USA for a year under the FLEX program or move to live in the Czech Republic. Look at your life. Perhaps right now you are faced with a question that you doubt?

7. Life starts outside your comfort zone©Neil Donald Walsh - everyone probably already knows what a “comfort zone” is, but not many are ready to accept the fact that life begins right there, outside of this zone. Do you know how many people do not want to stay overnight in an open-air tent in the mountains, because they see themselves only in a hotel? But they will never understand what it is like to wake up at night, go out onto a moonlit meadow, raise your head and see the Milky Way above you ... Breathe in the fresh night air ...

8. When you find yourself in an unfamiliar place, it’s not at all necessary to arrange excursions: go to the market and to the station - and you will understand everything ... © Anna Gavald - when I make a plan for exploring a new place, looking for sights, the first thing I pay attention to is the markets, flea markets markets ... There really is a different atmosphere. There are real people there.

9. It is very correct to come to a foreign city in the morning. By train, by plane, it doesn't matter. The day starts as if from scratch © Sergey Lukyanenko - I recently wrote that the early arrival of low-cost airlines often before dawn is their disadvantage. But, as you can see, Sergei Lukyanenko has a different view on these issues. And somewhere you can agree with him. Day from scratch. Sometimes it's a whole life. You live all day with pride. You become part of it. You are a molecule in his arteries.

10. Traveling and living is much more interesting if you follow sudden impulses.© Bill Bryson – Have you ever thought about carefully planning a trip, but some impulse pushes you to do something else? Tritely recently, I was going to go explore the non-existent Belgrade metro, and then I just turned around and headed to the zoo, where I spent a wonderful evening. Often you need to listen to such impulses.

11. Why visit the same place when there are so many unexplored corners in the world?© Mark Levy - people manage to travel at the same time year after year. Staying in the same hotel for decades... But what's the point? The world is so big! Why not open up a few more corners that you have never seen before?

12. Only two things we will regret on our deathbed - that we loved little and traveled little.© Mark Twain - And again Mark Twain. And again, "not in the eyebrow, but in the eye." Love and travel. These impressions will always be with you. These feelings won't leave you...

13. Travel only with those you love© Ernest Hemingway - one of the main reasons why I travel alone is the understanding that I am ready to go on a trip only with the closest people. These can be parents, brothers, sisters and, of course, spouse, children.

14. People don't create travel, travel creates people.© John Steinbeck - Indeed. Often we think that we plan our trips ourselves, that everything depends on us. But circumstances are stronger. The journey itself draws itself on the canvas of life, adding colors to our consciousness and our worldview!

15. A train ticket excites more hope than a lottery ticket© Paul Moran - I sometimes played the lottery. And even won. And he dabbled in sports betting. And poker. But never have I been so excited as before buying another train ticket. Or when I found a cheap air ticket (well, a more modern version, so to speak 🙂)

16. I now understand that the surest way to find out whether you like a person or not is to travel with him © Mark Twain - I heard from parents that you need to make repairs jointly. But for myself I understood something else. If I ever decide to marry, then first I will go camping with a girl. For a week. With backpacks and away from civilization. I have long noticed that it is at such moments that all the masks are torn off. People become themselves and you can see all their ins and outs.

17. A ship is safest in the harbor. But it wasn't built for that.© Grace Hopper - Troubles can also await us on our travels. Unfortunately. We have to pray to God and believe in the best. But what to do, it still rarely stops real travelers.

18. The world is a book. And who did not travel on it - read only one page in it© St. Augustine - There are more than 200 states in the world with their own nature, climate, political and state system, language and architecture. Each country has dozens of regions, no less different than the countries themselves. The world is huge and grandiose. So why do some people gobble up one page, not wanting or afraid to turn it over and read this whole fascinating book in its entirety?

19. To change the world, you have to see it© t\s “Missing” - this phrase, like a politician and diplomat. I take it in my own way. For me, this is primarily an understanding that I can change something in my country only by drawing on the positive experience of others. Although the meaning of this quote for the majority will be different and there is nothing to argue about. How many people - so many opinions.

20. I am not a tree, born to always stand in one place and not know what is behind the nearest mountain © Jack London - Statistics show that more than 10% of people have not traveled outside their region / region / autonomy . About 30 did not leave the country. And over 60 - did not travel further than Turkey and Egypt. And this is in the age of technology, airplanes and trains! It is for those who want to correct this oversight, but do not know how - I am running this blog.

21. Three things make a person happy: love, an interesting job and the opportunity to travel.© Ivan Bunin - I would certainly add that health and money are still needed. However, I cannot deny the previous three things either. Although with an interesting job it is difficult to stay without money, but with money, travel becomes much closer to most people.

22. To become men, boys must wander, always, all their lives, wander© Ray Bradbury - One of my favorite writers and such a poignant quote. I had no right not to put it in this collection. After all, travel tempers, educates. They make a boy out of a man.

23. Travel teaches more than anything else. Sometimes one day spent in other places gives more than ten years of living at home © Anatole France - Yes, travel is a lesson. Returning from it, we change. We learn a lot of new things, get information and life lessons that will definitely come in handy in life. It is only necessary to have time, like a sponge, to absorb this knowledge.

I really like to travel, because it is interesting, fun, while traveling you can relax, read your favorite book, you can make new friends and play with them. Most of all I like to travel with my family by car. I like to travel by car. It is also very interesting, because in a short period of time you can see a lot of interesting things. When we travel by car, we don't need tickets. We put all the necessary things in the car. There is no need to wear them. We go to the sea for a few days. Usually the weather is good and we swim. Traveling is very beneficial for all members of my family. I really like to travel.

I really like to travel, because it is interesting, fun, while traveling you can relax, read your favorite book, you can make new friends and play with them. Most of all I like to travel with my family by car. I like to travel by car. It is also very interesting, because in a short period of time you can see a lot of interesting things. When we travel by car, we don't need tickets. We put all the necessary things in the car. There is no need to wear them. We go to the sea for a few days. Usually the weather is good and we swim. Traveling is very beneficial for all members of my family. I really like to travel.

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I love to travel, because it "s fun, fun, while traveling you can relax, read a favorite book, you can make new friends to play with them. Most of all I love to travel with the family car. I love to travel by car. It is also very interesting, because in a short time you can see many interesting things. When we travel by car, tickets are not required. All the necessary things we put in the car. There is no need to wear them. We go to the seaside for a few days.Usually the weather is nice,and we bathe.Travel very useful for all members of my family.I love to travel.

translating, please wait..

I love to travel, because it is interesting, fun, while traveling you can relax, read a book, you can make new friends to play with them. Most of all I love to travel with my family. I like to travel by car. It is also very interesting, because in a small amount of time, you can see a lot of interesting things. When we drive by car All the things we put in the car. There is no need to wear them. We go to the sea for a few days. Usually the weather is good, and we bathe. Travel is very useful for all the members of my family. I really like to travel