Where is Gorbachev's dacha located? How the FSO is building up "Gorbachev's dacha" in Crimea. What happened in Foros during these years

2016-08-24 21:51:46

The state residence in the Crimean Foros is strongly associated with the isolation of the first and last president of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev during the 1991 coup. After the collapse of one country and the birth of a new one, the dacha, where either he was imprisoned, or the “mineral secretary” was holed up, was almost forgotten - and in vain, because the complex on the southern coast of the peninsula played a significant role in the events of 25 years ago.

The real name of the so-called "Foros" or "Gorbachev's dacha" is State Dacha No. 11, the Zarya facility. The name "Foros" is firmly "stuck" to the residence, although it is located not in the Crimean village of the same name, but about two kilometers from it.

Zarya consists of several buildings, many of which cannot be seen from the outside. In addition to the main building, which was intended for the first persons of the country, there is a service and administrative building, a leisure center with a cinema hall, a billiard room and a gym, and technical buildings on the site. And also - a tennis court and a heliport.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the residence, like once “our” Crimea, came under the jurisdiction of the Ukrainian authorities. And after the inclusion of the peninsula into Russia, the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation gained control over the dacha. Then "Foros" experienced the second "finest hour" in the history of its existence - the media immediately rushed to evaluate the Crimean state dachas lost by Ukraine and acquired by Russia.

It is believed that the idea of ​​​​building a new dacha for the first person of the country was actively supported by Gorbachev's wife Raisa Maksimovna - she did not like to relax on the Lower Oreanda, beloved by Leonid Brezhnev. The place for the construction of the residence was chosen unsuccessfully, according to the KGB leadership. The site was viewed from all sides, it was surrounded by forests, and behind it was a busy highway connecting Sevastopol and Yalta. Providing security for Gorbachev and his family was not easy. Naturally, it was forbidden to approach the dacha, to photograph, even from the “correct” distance, too.

From the beginning of the construction of the dacha to this day, "Foros" is regularly "drowned": there is no end to the rumors that the residence is slipping into the water, although almost 30 years have passed since the construction of the complex, and so far it remains in its place. The site on which an important state facility was erected was indeed considered a landslide, so all the buildings of the "Dawn" were built on strong piles resting on the rock.

They say that the dacha for Gorbachev was built in a hurry, which could not but affect the quality of construction - of course, in a negative way. On the first visit of the General Secretary's family to Zarya, a poorly attached wooden cornice fell on the Gorbachevs' daughter. The blow was not strong, but the punishment was not long in coming - a number of persons responsible for the construction lost their jobs.

Despite the fact that Gorbachev was in favor of glasnost, journalists were not allowed to go to the state dacha in Foros, and citizens photographing the vicinity of the residence could at least be exposed to the film. The first correspondents were able to get into Zarya by the end of the August coup.

Information about the cost of building a residence in Foros varies greatly. In some sources, the amount of 100 million rubles is called, in others - many times higher costs. In the second half of the 1980s, one ruble was equal to about 1.5 dollars. Accordingly, the dacha cost the country 150 million dollars - according to the lower bar.

In the early 2000s, the Ukrainian authorities, according to the Kommersant newspaper, had an idea to turn the village of Foros into a "Davos for the CIS countries." The implementation never came to fruition. It is believed that many politicians in the post-Soviet space disliked Foros for his role in the 1991 coup. After Gorbachev's isolation at a local dacha, the entire area of ​​Cape Sarych earned a bad political reputation.

And yet, many prominent people have not forgotten about "Dawn" after August 1991. At various times, the residence was visited by the current head of Rosnano, Anatoly Chubais, the former mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov, and even Prince Charles of Wales.

Ekaterina Rumyantseva, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kalinka Group: “The market value of the state dacha in Foros with a complex of a three-story building, an administrative building, service buildings and a health center can be estimated at 300 million to 800 million rubles, depending on the condition of the facilities. After reconstruction, its value will increase by one and a half to two times, but due to the gloomy trail of history 25 years ago, the object is unlikely to find a new owner. Investors who are eyeing real estate on the Crimean coast are more interested in new construction than late Soviet period properties, albeit epoch-making in a unique location. The most effective will be the use of the complex as a spa hotel and a sightseeing historical site after reconstruction and equipping with modern equipment.”

Added 2016-08-24 to the Real Estate Analytics section in Crimea

The village of Myussera is located 57 km south of the Russian-Abkhazian border. From the boarding house "Pitsunda" directly by sea you can get here on a fragile motor ship "Hero of Abkhazia" that fell on its side, about which the team members will definitely say that he took part in the hostilities of 1992-1993 (in what capacity, they will keep silent).

There are five dachas of Stalin in Abkhazia. The most famous is the green building above the sea on the Cold River. The dacha in Myusser, the first of the Abkhaz, looks much more modest. Once upon a time, a luxurious panoramic staircase leads to it, immersed in the greenery of plane trees and palm trees. Now there are no even wooden seats on the benches.

Photo: Defend Russia

The building itself is a two-story asymmetrical building with a terrace. The Abkhaz did not conjure over historical preservation for a long time, so they installed air conditioners directly into the walls.

Photo: Defend Russia

The marble panels had fallen off in many places, exposing the wood paneling. The paint on the doors is cracked. On the facade of the building itself there is a decent ... not even a crack, but a crevice. The construction of the dacha in Myusser was personally supervised by Stalin's favorite and the leader of Soviet Abkhazia, Nestor Lakoba (Abkhazians still remember how Lakoba died after dinner at the Mingrelian Lavrenty Beria). The dacha was built on the foundations of the former luxurious house of the oilman Lianozov.

Photo: Defend Russia

In addition to the walls in the country house, almost nothing original remains. The building itself was built in the first half of the 1930s. Stalin ruled the project personally, paying special attention to secret passages under the object (now access to them is concreted).

Photo: Defend Russia

Stalin visited this dacha eight times. In 1942, along with other important government facilities, it was mined and, according to the order of Lavrenty Beria, was subject to destruction in case of danger of capture by the Wehrmacht. The guides themselves doubt the originality of the furniture. The lamps are exactly the same.

Photo: Defend Russia

If the general devastation can be explained by the fact that Abkhazia, which fought several times in the post-Soviet years, had no time for preserving Stalin's dachas, then nothing can justify the vandalism of an air conditioner on a historical wall.

Photo: Defend Russia

The beds in the bedrooms are not original. The table is preserved Stalinist. On it lies a book from the complete works of Lenin.

Photo: Defend Russia

Volumes are stacked in a closet. Tourists earnestly take pictures with the book, joyfully saying that "Stalin himself held it." Nobody looks at the year of publication. 1959.

Photo: Defend Russia

The meeting room is the best preserved and is a fine example of interior decoration with natural woods, tastefully matched in color.

Photo: Defend Russia

After the death of the leader, Nikita Khrushchev removed the Myusser dacha from the balance sheet of the Central Committee manager, leaving it under the jurisdiction of the famous "nine" - the department of the KGB of the USSR, which was responsible for protecting top officials. According to an unconfirmed version, Khrushchev thus took revenge on Vyacheslav Molotov, who considered Musser one of the best places for recreation (next to Stalin's dacha there were guest houses, and later a sanatorium for the nomenclature grew up). The dacha was guarded until 1988, when the construction of a new important facility began nearby - "Chaika-M" for Mikhail Gorbachev.

Photo: Defend Russia

Tour guides call the large five-story house "Gorbachev's dacha", it looks like a palace, but in reality it serves as the residence of the President of Abkhazia. Taking into account the plight of the republic, the authorities decided to rent rooms to vacationers in the absence of the head of state. Prices, of course, are not Abkhazian. The minimum stay in 2015 cost from 1575 rubles (an extra bed for a child in a standard room during the low season) to 16020 (single adult accommodation in a suite during the high season). The building has five floors. Due to the difference in relief at the entrance, only two are visible. Tours are conducted in such a way as not to disturb the guests. The tour group is followed by two employees of either security, or the army, or local counterintelligence. Given some features of the security regime at the facility, if desired, you can go anywhere, including the kitchen, elevator shafts, switchboards and living quarters.

Photo: Defend Russia

Tourists are entertained with legends about how “Raisa Maksimovna constantly forced the builders to redo the facade”, “sand was imported from Bulgaria”, “the Yugoslavs built it”, and “the famous 24-meter chandelier could not be taken away”. The guide is very upset: “When the USSR collapsed, 40 trucks took everything out of here. Chandeliers, furniture, special equipment… nothing was left for us.” The question “And should they have left ?!” becomes rhetorical. The chandelier is the main attraction of the house, "penetrating" through all five floors. There is a spiral staircase around it.

Photo: Defend Russia

Officially show a banquet hall, an elevator hall and a balcony from which a beautiful view of the bay opens. Both the Gorbachevs' palace and, moreover, Stalin's dacha are hidden by a massive cape overgrown with forests - from Pitsunda, to which the sea is 6 km away, these objects are not visible. At the close of construction, Metrostroy engineers made a tunnel in the rock - from the house to the beach. It has never been used and is now mothballed. At 200 m from the building there is an artificial bay into which the submarine was supposed to enter. Why evacuate the President of the USSR under water, no one knows. The cinema hall looks boring if you look at it the way the guide suggests.

Outside, the mansion, lined with sand-colored travertine, looks quite presentable in most places. But in some places covered with black patina. This is especially noticeable above the pool. Its design assumes that the glazing is completely shifted, and floating vacationers can enjoy the sea breeze - the beach is less than 100 meters from here. Both the compressor station and the power board are also available for inspection upon special request. About the protection of the presidential residence, I want to say: “Stalin is not on you!” - giving something to him on the mountain nearby.

Photo: Defend Russia

Under the trowel will get the state residence near Yalta , where the president of Ukraine has a rest . And how they used to make a marafet at state dachas before, we were told by those who were involved in this. The residences were not only put in order, but also unique works of art were created there.


Civil engineer Vladimir Karengin recalls:

In 1986, our SU-31 trust " Yaltakurortstroy”specialized in health resorts and state dachas. The personnel department submitted lists of employees to the 9th department of the KGB, and they already decided who to give access to and who not. Repressed parents could be a reason for refusal. Our painter girls were not allowed further than the fence if they had "bad" friends - from repressed families. Less than half of our 200 employees were allowed to work at special facilities. Work there was estimated at a coefficient of 1.25. If at an ordinary facility they paid a ruble per meter of plaster, then at state dachas - 1 ruble 25 kopecks.


The 9th department of the KGB had its own group of painters, carpenters. They did the hardest work. At the first and second state dachas in Nizhnyaya Oreanda (Khrushchev's - Ed.), the marble coating of the pool was renewed every two or three years, Karengin continues. - Why? Over time, a black mark remained along the water level line. And it seemed to the distinguished guests that someone had washed dirty here before them. Then we were called. But such situations were mostly anticipated. By the holiday season, and at state dachas it began on July 1, they updated the facades, changed decorative ornaments - they preened with all their might.

Building materials were supplied by the 9th department. He also gave us paints, varnishes, which were rare for those times, and terribly scarce PVA glue. A lot of it is from abroad. I have preserved samples of Peruvian tiles. And in those days, having a Czech one was considered happiness ...

According to the design, only the Foros state dacha could be called modern. The rest are built in the Stalinist style: spacious, with high ceilings and very simple finishes. They are made of diorite, finished with Inkerman stone on the outside, oak is used in the carpentry. In those days it was a luxury. At state dachas, not only the decoration was unique, but also furniture, decoration and such service buildings as a combined outdoor and indoor swimming pool with sliding walls at the first and second state dachas in Nizhnyaya Oreanda. And big parks.

The Foros dacha "Zarya" has a bad reputation, not only because Mikhail Gorbachev lived there locked up during the days of the coup. There is an active landslide in this place. The building itself was fixed with piles. And you can't do that in the rest of the country. Therefore, the paths, the supporting walls, the porch of the main building crawled away by a centimeter every year.


On his infrequent visits to Yalta, Stalin spent time in the Livadia Palace. When they showed him a dacha remote in the mountains above Massandra, he began to visit here with pleasure. True, as a place to sleep, the former palace of Alexander III embarrassed Joseph Vissarionovich with sophistication alien to the proletariat.

In 1948, Stalin was walking above the palace in a pine forest, suddenly bent down, took a cone with a twig and, placing them among the trees, said: “Build me a house. Here is here!” - eyewitnesses told. Then from Moscow from the furniture special factory "Lux" two railway cars delivered to the Crimea a prefabricated structure made of wooden beams.

The one-story house was assembled without a single nail. He is still intact. Unless in 1969 it was once covered with drying oil. Inside there was a vestibule, an office, a dining room and a bathroom, in which a low bathroom was installed especially for Stalin.

"Well, you built a palace!" Stalin said during his last visit in 1949. From the outside, the house looked like an ordinary log house, but inside each room looked like a box - the walls and ceiling were paneled from a dozen species of valuable trees. Stalin did not live there and did not appear again at the Massandra state dacha, and even in Yalta.


When I was the commandant of the first and second state dachas in Livadia, German booklets with interiors were brought to us. Download! - recalls the ex-commandant of three state dachas, retired colonel of the SBU (security service of Ukraine - an analogue of the FSB) Nikolai Tupikov. - Brezhnev looked, nodded approvingly, and then said in surprise: “These are prices in foreign currency. Expensive!" And they didn't do anything. They barely persuaded him to renovate the bathroom, which was used by his daughter Galina when she spent the night with her father.

The interiors and furniture were already changed under Gorbachev. Under him, they completed a unique pool, decorated with the rarest gems. Then they really did not spare money for the upgrade. And for Raisa Maksimovna, in general, it was necessary to create an almost new beach. At the first state dacha, it was divided into three sectors. And the Secretary General's wife chose the extreme one. Wastewater flowed through it, and even along a steep bank. Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Andropov never swam there. But the first lady wanted to! We were given 48 hours to work while the Gorbachevs were away. I had to involve everyone I could. The Ministry of Navy sent two barges with pebbles. A hundred border guards scattered and leveled the surface all night, installed fungi. When they discovered that there was a lot of earth in the pebbles (it was loaded in a hurry), two torpedo boats came from Sevastopol. They cruised along the sector for several hours, creating a wave that cleared the pebbles from the ground. The beach was commissioned on time, and pleased Raisa Maksimovna said: “You can, if you want!”


How many dachas of Soviet leaders near Yalta

The Livadia and Alupka Palaces, the former residences of Nicholas II and Count Vorontsov, were also once state dachas. But after Stalin's personality cult was debunked, the leaders of the USSR considered it immodest to spend holidays there. Palaces have become museums. Therefore, we rested in the special sanatoriums "Lower Oreanda" and "Sea Surf". But the 9th department protested - it was impossible to ensure the safety of the VIPs. And in the 50s they began to build state dachas. In two years, six pieces were erected according to similar projects. Two-story buildings were built of shell rock and lined with snow-white Inkerman stone.

The exceptions were state dachas No. 3 in Massandra (the former residence of Alexander III. They did not live there, they only held high meetings) and No. 4 in Miskhor (Palace of the Yusupov princes).

Leaders Khrushchev, Brezhnev rested at the first and second state dachas in Livadia, Gorbachev stopped a couple of times. The fourth in the Yusupov Palace was occupied by the leaders of friendly countries and communist parties. Members of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU stopped at the rest in Mukhalatka. In 1988, the most modern state dacha No. 11 "Dawn" in Foros was completed.

In independent Ukraine, the first and second in Livadia were withdrawn from the state dachas, and the Yusupov Palace (state dacha No. 4) was first withdrawn, and then they thought about it and returned it back. In total, there are 9 state dachas on the southern coast of Crimea. Presidential No. 9 in Mukhalatka is 100% Ukrainian since the times of the USSR. The leaders of Soviet Ukraine settled here, and later - all the presidents of the country.

Abkhazia | Dachas of Gorbachev and Stalin

On the way from Pitsunda to the Myussersky Reserve (the Reserve itself, Stalin's dacha and Gorbachev's dacha), we stopped for lunch in one of the villages near Pitsunda. On the way, we drove over the dumbest bridge across the Bzyb River that I have ever traveled over.
Filming October 2006.

23 photos, total weight 3.2 megabytes

There are two dachas in the cozy Myusser Reserve. One of Stalin's dachas (there are 5 of them in Abkhazia) and Gorbachev's dacha. The territory of the reserve is protected, since Gorbachev's dacha is the residence of the president of Abkhazia, where he sometimes comes.

The rest of the time there are sometimes excursions on the territory, which we got on.

According to legend, Raisa Maksimovna personally supervised the construction, and the Yugoslavs built it. I must say that the house is very organically blended into the landscape and looks pretty. By the way, only 3 floors are visible from the sea, while in fact there are five of them.

State symbols in Abkhazia are very common. Every car has an obligatory flag of Abkhazia. Many houses have these stickers.

They are not allowed inside the dacha, but outside you can walk around and look.

Entrance to metro-2
Tunnel to the sea. Near another portal there was a staircase that could be used to go down to the sea. But it collapsed and the tunnel was closed.

Although the building is being monitored, smudges and minor damage are visible in places.

Boarding house "Mussera". A friend is on the mountain.

Dacha Gorbachev.

Ah, beauty...

Our Abkhazian guide. Unfortunately I don't remember her name. She works as a teacher, and excursions are part-time jobs. I must say that it is very good. From her words, she is very lucky that she works with excursions. By local standards, she receives a normal salary. But it's seasonal.

Something abandoned near Stalin's dacha.

Little cute house. Much more modest than Gorbachev's dacha :) Inside, as we were told, it is empty. It has been restored externally. Inside, the process is sluggish. But they want to restore the interior and open it for tourists.


Well, it's a very narrow road.

Once in Foros, you can set aside some time and see Gorbachev's Crimean dacha. It has not been rebuilt and retained its original appearance. This is a large three-story building, lined with marble. Gorbachev's dacha is still a state facility and is strictly guarded, so getting inside will not work. But no one forbids looking at it from afar.

What is Gorbachev's dacha?

Many of the tourists who rest on Cape Sarych do not know at all that the famous Gorbachev's dacha is located nearby. This is not surprising: the dacha is guarded around the clock, the entrance to the territory is strictly prohibited. The official names of the residence are the Zarya object or state dacha No. 11. It is a complex of buildings headed by the main three-story building, around which a park is laid out. On the territory there is a large garage, playground, swimming pool.

Gorbachev's Dacha is located in beautiful place, it rises above the sea and is surrounded on all sides by forest. The park on the site fits into the overall landscape. Park paths repeat the bends of the mountains and the bends of the coast. The main house is richly decorated. For its exterior decoration, slabs of gray marble were specially ordered. The luxurious interior of the dacha can only be imagined from a small number of available photographs.

What else can you see nearby?

Those who are interested in looking at Gorbachev's dacha from the outside should wear comfortable clothes and shoes, take a hat and a bottle of water in case of hot weather. Operators MTS, Beeline and Megafon operate on the territory near Gorbachev's dacha, and their tariffs do not differ from domestic roaming; also catches the "Win Mobile" operator.

Foros is famous for its amazing landscapes, and a walk through these places will appeal to many tourists. A few minutes drive from here is the famous mountain peak Ai-Petri. You can stay for the night here, in the urban-type settlement of Foros, or in nearby Yalta in boarding houses, hotels and private houses. Housing prices change depending on the season. Also in Yalta, you can rent various vehicles, go to bars and restaurants, or unwind on quests.

It will be lucky if the trip coincides with one of the local holiday events:

    rally in mountainous areas near Yalta and Mount Ai-Petri,

    street dance festival "Yalta Summer Jam",

    rose ball in Nikitsky Botanical Garden,

    International Festival of Arts "Yalta Holidays".

How can you see Gorbachev's dacha?

You can see Gorbachev's dacha only from afar, there are no excursions in this place, the territory is completely cordoned off. It will be possible to look at it from the side of the Yalta-Sevastopol highway or from the sea coast. In addition, you can take one of the sightseeing boats that depart regularly from the pier in Foros. The boat sails right in front of Gorbachev's dacha, which is especially visible from the sea.