Abandoned plane on bali map. Abandoned plane in bali. Abandoned plane in bali, Bukit

Hello horrors and nightmares! Who among us will be able to maintain at least a visible calm in places where blood runs cold in our veins !? Today we will tell you about some of Bali's sights that you don't want to be after sunset.

Abandoned amusement park TAMAN FESTIVAL in Sanur, Bali

This is a large unfinished and abandoned amusement park project in Sanur, Bali. 14 years ago, the construction of the complex stopped, and now everything has turned into ruins, which the jungle is slowly taking into its embrace. In fact, the ruins look more than creepy: over the years, the roofs of buildings have collapsed, the walls have become dilapidated, overgrown with moss and got chilling graffiti inscriptions (or blood, who does not know !?), vines hang from the ceilings, there are no half steps , Is the average horror filming location.

Few ominous place is without myth and legend. A story from an abandoned amusement park in Sanur about cannibal crocodiles in Bali (yes, that's right!). In the park there is a nice pit full of black slime, where, according to the assurances of contemporaries who found themselves in the distant times of construction, nothing was settled - 130 crocodiles. As it usually happens, they forgot to pick up the green cuties when the project was abandoned. According to legend, it was mainly tribesmen who fell into the huge toothy mouths, since even the most frail monkeys bypassed this place. Whether the guys ate each other without a trace, no one knows. So be careful when visiting the park - don't jump into the slime pits and watch your step!

Where: Taman Festival is located along Jalan Pantai Padang Galak Road in Sanur. It is 7 minutes north of Sanur Beach.

Abandoned plane in bali, Bukit

Apparently airplanes are trendy decor in Bali. In Canggu and Kut, a couple of abandoned planes are already decorating rooftops and gardens. But the most impressive exhibit is located near Pandawa Beach. There is information that it was planned to make a restaurant out of the plane, but the idea remains unfulfilled so far, and for everyone who dreamed of walking on the wing without risking their own neck, there is an amazing opportunity to make their dreams come true. An abandoned plane can be easily found at satellite map Bali.

Where: On Bukit, Jalan Nasa Dua Selatan street. 5 minutes by bike from Pandawa Beach.

Abandoned hotel in Bali Taman Bedugul

The famous abandoned hotel can be found on the map of Bali in the village of Bedugul, which is on the way to Lake Bratan. The history of this abandoned hotel in Bali is very simple. The large hotel was almost ready to go when its owner Tommy Suharto (son of the second president of Indonesia) went to jail on a murder charge (there were no fairy tales). Since then, the hotel on the picturesque hills of Bedugula has been rotting and falling apart, as befits everyone. eerie places... Collapsing and decaying, honestly earning the title of "haunted hotel".

The hotel's tiered terraces of nearly fully equipped but abandoned hotel rooms gaze somberly from the lush, mist-shrouded hills of Bali. It is better to walk along the corridors of the hotel in the daytime and only for people with a stable psyche. At dusk, fantasy can play a cruel joke on you.

The legends of this place are like ordinary horror stories for children: a certain fool came, stayed for the night, and no one saw him again. They also mention the group disappearance of a team of construction workers and a law enforcement officer who went in search of them in a famous abandoned hotel in Bali. It is unlikely that these guys would have left a good review on booking.com.

Where: In the village of Bedugul in the Strawberry Hills, a 15-minute drive from Lake Bratan.

Sunken ship in Bali in Tulamben

Divers call this wreck "Liberty" after a sunken ship near Bali. Actually, only armed with a mask and flippers can you explore attraction # 4 on our eerie list. For a more detailed study of the remains of the ship, complete diving equipment and an experienced divemaster guide will come in handy. You don't have to go far for this - there are several equipment rental points on the shore.

The American sunken ship "Liberty" lies in the shallow waters of Bali, which means that even beginners can dive here, without licenses and certificates. The remains of the hulk rest at a depth of no more than 30 meters not far from the coast.

The history of this place is not the most ordinary: the ship was hit by a Japanese torpedo near the island of Lombok and was towed to Tulamben to save people and valuables. The eruption of Mount Agung in 1963 affected almost all of eastern Bali and carried the ship further offshore, making it a haven for marine life.

Where: Wreck Liberty in Tulamben village. 2-3 hours by bike or car from Kuta.

Underwater temple in Pemuteran in Bali

For lovers of underwater spooks, there is another cute place - the Pura Taman temple in the fishing village of Pematuran in the north of the island. The underwater structure occupies a large area at a depth of 15 to 29 meters and offers divers and snorkelers 25 huge statues that have been swallowed up by the ocean. Overgrown with bizarre corals and going into the darkness of the depths of the sea, they seem to want to tell a fearsome story about the angry skies.

Unfortunately, there is no tantalizing legend about Balinese Atlantis. No damned volcanic eruptions, no monstrous earthquakes, no divine intervention that lowered the temple into the abyss of the seas. In 2005, the hands of people were submerged to the bottom of the statue of a Hindu temple, as part of a program to restore the coral reefs of these places and attract tourists.

Diving in the Pura Taman area alone will be a test of your nerves, but for a group it can be an exciting adventure.

Where: Pura Taman is located off the coast of Pemuteran village. This is the north of Bali, from the main tourist areas you have to travel a long way.

Goosebumps and strong impressions!

An abandoned plane can be seen. This is a passenger Boeing 737. The most ordinary plane. Unusually, it is not at the airport or on the territory of an aircraft factory (which are not available in Bali at all). It is practically "in an open field".

Where is

An abandoned plane stands just 50 meters from the Raya road Nusa dua Selatan in a small limestone quarry on the Bukit Peninsula (original Bukit Peninsula) in southern Bali.

Geographic coordinates -8.831982, 115.187680

Abandoned plane in Bali. View from above

1300 meters south of the plane is Pandawa Beach, one of the most beautiful beaches in Bali.

Who Lost the Plane?

This is not to say that the plane is well hidden from prying eyes. If you know where it is, then you can find a place from which you can see it. But it is not known for certain where the plane came from. Naturally, he himself could not land there.

The plane has no identification marks or any attributes of belonging to the airline.
The plane appeared here presumably in 2014. Locals say the plane was supposed to be a restaurant.

According to one of the guards, the Australian owner bought the plane in Surabaya and brought it here in small pieces. The plane was then assembled on site. It originally belonged to one of the national airlines.

It was planned to make a restaurant out of the plane, but the building permit has not yet been received. The containers located around contain equipment, tables and everything needed for the restaurant.

At the moment, the owner of the plane has left the country. Therefore, now the plane rusts in the open air.

I must say that the abandoned plane has already become an independent attraction. True, getting close to him will not work. The territory is guarded, and the view from the road is covered with metal containers. You can find a small area overlooking the plane. They say that you can approach the plane by paying little money. But they are not allowed to be taken aboard.

The further fate of the abandoned aircraft is unknown.

An interesting fact - there is another similar plane 7.5 kilometers to the north. It is right off the Bypass Ngurah Rai, next to the Dunkin Donuts shop.
Geographic coordinates -8.765256, 115.178752

About which the locals themselves do not know anything. It appeared from nowhere and for some unknown reason has been standing in an open area for several years, arousing the interest of visitors. It appeared in 2015, in the vicinity of Bukit. At first, the object was open to the public, but now it is guarded and the passage is prohibited. This provokes even more discussions about where the plane came from, for what purpose and why no one is taking it away. We will try to solve the mystery of the abandoned Boeing aircraft 737 in Bali, consider the theory of its appearance and some interesting facts.

The mystery of an abandoned plane

For several years now, all the media have been discussing a mysterious plane that appeared on the island of Bali, Indonesia. It is located on the highway in Bukit. According to some reports, its appearance is associated with an aircraft breakdown and an emergency landing in the vicinity of the island. Boeing is in open ground, in fact, in a quarry. This theory is due to the fact that there is only one airport in Bali, Ngurah Rai. According to the assumption, the plane flew from Kuala Lumpur to Denpasar, but due to an unforeseen breakdown was forced to make an emergency landing.

Also, there is a theory that one influential Balinese from Denpasar was planning to organize an original restaurant inside the plane. But due to some circumstances, the idea had to be postponed indefinitely. For several years now, Boeing has been idle, and no one knows how it really appeared, and, most importantly, why. Now it is a protected area, the area is fenced off. The plane to Bukit has become a popular attraction among tourists. To visit the attraction, you need to pay an entrance fee. The cost is 5000 rupees.

Where is the abandoned Boeing

There are 2 abandoned planes in Bali. One is located in South Kuta on Bypass, and the second on Bukit near Pandava Beach. Boeing on Bukit is still a more interesting exhibit. It is located on Jalan Nasa Dua Selatan street, 5 minutes from Pandawa Beach.

How to get to Bukit

The Bukit Peninsula is located in the south of Bali. It is impossible to get here by direct flights, because. Are carried out that are performed daily. It takes about 12 hours to fly to Bali, but taking into account transfers, it can take 30 hours if you wait at the airports. Very often, airlines offer profitable flight options from Moscow, or you can use low-cost airlines to find a low-cost flight.

On Bukit. Lowest prices in Benoa and Jimbaran areas. From Denpasar you can get by bus or taxi to the hotel, and from there by bike to Pandava Beach. Also, you can get to the plane by Bukit from Nusa Dua or Kuta.

An abandoned plane in Bali is a tourist attraction and a very interesting attraction. For many years of inactivity, it has already begun to rust and grow with ivy, but this did not become less interesting. It is still not known exactly why Boeing is there, because there are no identification marks, series or numbers on it, as well as the name of the company to which it belongs. Mysticism is not otherwise.

Photos from open sources

On the island of Bali in Indonesia, a Boeing 737 passenger airbus appeared out of nowhere. It stands at the edge of the forest, five minutes from Pandawa Beach and is parked very close to a rather busy freeway. (site)

Photos from open sources

The first and most natural assumption made by journalists, the airliner was brought here to attract the attention of tourists. However, the territory where the mysterious plane is located is guarded, so even the most meticulous adventurers cannot find out anything significant, which is why they can only shrug their shoulders and share the obtained photographs on the Internet.

Photos from open sources

Meanwhile, the Boeing, without side numbers and emblems, is overgrown with lush vegetation of the fertile land of the Lesser Sunda Islands. According to the estimates of visitors to the Instagram tourist page @wejusttravel, the airbus has been here for three months, however, local residents cannot say with certainty when it appeared and where it came from in general - no one seems to have watched its transportation to its current base.

Photos from open sources

In turn, the magazine MAXIM, having published a photo report from the scene of the "event", put forward its own version of what is happening: in front of us is just an alien spacecraft, 737. It is guarded, most likely, by the aliens themselves, which is why no one can get close to the plane - even at night, as and find out anything worthwhile for the press. Why the authorities of the Bali province do not react to this in any way is also understandable. There are dozens of such decommissioned passenger planes in the world, many of them are adapted for exotic restaurants, houses, mini-hotels and so on. Even on the island of Bali in Kedonganan, next to the Dunkin "Donuts" chain store, you can find a second such abandoned Boeing, which, however, also puzzles local residents and tourists. But at least everything is transparent there ...

Photos from open sources

The mysterious liner near the Pandava beach is interesting for its main highlight - it appeared here, as if by magic. And it's not even so important that none of the local residents saw how he was brought here, no one remembers - when? That's the question?..

Do you remember the childhood adage "They ripped off the nose of a curious Barbara in the market?" On the contrary, I believe that curiosity and curiosity will always be rewarded.

Just now, walking on a google map satellite, I accidentally discovered ... an ownerless plane! Uhnihrenasebe, I exclaimed and started actively googling this topic. Alas, there is practically no information - just a couple of photos from the cliff around the plane.
Our company was lucky and we not only found this plane by orienting ourselves on the map, but also got there! But there are still unanswered questions: how did he get there? The plane is at the bottom of a small gorge, among the rocks, i.e. the option of a hard landing disappears: plus or minus 50 meters and he would have crashed on the rocks. And in general, the colossus looks absolutely intact - it means the plane did not fall. It could be assumed that the plane was specially brought and delivered. But this idea also does not fit: there is a mountain serpentine around, the roads are so narrow that often two cars cannot part, what kind of plane transportation is there? There is also an idea that the plane was first dismantled, brought (kaaaak!? - the truck will not pass there!) And assembled, but why?
The insides, of course, have already taken everything out, but they haven’t taken apart piece by piece - either the mentality is different, or something else. But in general, the sensations are unforgettable, especially when you are standing right on the wing of an airplane and seem like a bug!











