Ten scariest places. The scariest places on the planet. Photos. Mexican island of abandoned dolls

05/14/2015 at 14:10 · Johnny · 7 680

10 scariest places in the world

There is a huge amount the most beautiful places that every person would like to visit, but along with them there are very creepy and scary places which are also very popular with tourists. Present to your attention 10 scariest places in the world.


Chernobyl in Ukraine opens top ten scariest places on the planet. Today, tourists can go to the abandoned city of Pripyat and see the exclusion zone. Thousands of people fled their homes after the disaster at the Chernobyl reactor. Toys abandoned in day care centers and newspapers left on dining tables come into view. The disaster area is now officially allowed to visit - the level of radiation is no longer dangerous. Bus tours start in Kiev, then tourists visit the nuclear reactor, see the sarcophagus and head to the abandoned city of Pripyat.


Aleister Crowley is probably the most famous occultist in the world. This terrible place, replete with dark pagan frescoes, was intended to be the world capital of satanic orgies. Crowley appeared on the cover of the Beatles album Sergeant Peper's Lonely Hearts Club. He founded the Abbey of Thelema, which became a community of free love. Director Kenneth Unger, a follower of Crowley, made a film about the abbey, but the film later mysteriously disappeared. Now the abbey is almost completely destroyed.


In the medieval part of the Old Town in Edinburgh, there are several streets with a disgusting and gloomy past. This eerie place, where the victims of the plague were supposed to die in the seventeenth century, became known thanks to the poltergeist. Tourists who visit this supernatural place claim that something invisible is touching their hands and feet. Locals say that this is the soul of the girl Annie, which her parents left here in 1645. A hundred years later, a large building was built at the cul-de-sac. The dead end was opened to tourists in 2003.


There are many myths and prejudices around this colossal structure. One day, a fortune-teller predicted to arms factory heiress Sarah Winchester that ghosts would haunt her for the rest of her life, so she must leave Connecticut and head west and begin building a huge house there that would last her entire life. Construction began in 1884 and was not completed until Sarah's death in 1938. Now the house is inhabited by the ghosts of her madness: stairs that rest against the ceiling, doors at the height of the middle of the wall, chandeliers and hooks. And even those who do not believe in ghosts claim to have seen or heard something inexplicable in this house. This house is ranked seventh in our ranking of the top 10 scariest places on the planet.


The Parisian catacombs were ranked sixth on our list. scary places on earth. All the walls of the long corridor of the catacombs are tiled with bones and skulls. The very dry air keeps them from even a hint of decay. As you enter these catacombs beneath Paris, you begin to understand why Ann Rice and Victor Hugo wrote their famous novels about these dungeons. Their length is about 187 kilometers along the entire city, and only a small part of them is available for visiting. It is said that the legendary underground police keep order in the catacombs, although the legions of vampires and zombies would suit this place more.


This scary place is also known as the swamp of ghosts. It is located near New Orleans. Legend has it that it was cursed by a Voodoo Queen while she was imprisoned there in the 1920s. Three small villages nearby were razed to the ground in 1915.


Perhaps this place is one of the most mysterious places in the world. This island has gained worldwide fame thanks to the giant stone sculptures, looking at the sky, as if begging him for mercy. And only the stone of these statues knows who their creators were. No one on the island is familiar with the art of sculpture. No one imagines how it was possible to make statues twenty meters high and weighing ninety tons. Among other things, the statues were supposed to be delivered twenty kilometers from the quarry where the ancient sculptors worked.


Opens the top three most terrible places on earth black magic bazaar in Sonora. Plenty of witches sit in tiny booths and offer to lift you out of poverty and adultery for as little as ten dollars. Every day, many Mexican and foreign tourists flock to this market, wanting to know something about their future. There you can buy mysterious potions, snake blood and dried hummingbirds to tame good luck.


The bulk of the Japanese Navy now rests at the bottom of this lagoon, southeast of the Hawaiian Islands. The entire bottom of this lagoon, explored by Jacques Yves Cousteau in 1971, is littered with fragments of warships sunk in 1944. This is a scary place attracts a lot of divers, although many are afraid of ship crews who have forever remained at their combat posts. Fighter planes and aircraft carriers became coral reefs, and many divers who descended to explore these reefs never returned from their underwater travels.


The Mütter Museum of the History of Medicine ranks first in our ranking of the most terrible places on the planet. This museum was founded to educate future doctors of human anatomy and anomalies of the human body. It features various pathologies, antique medical instruments, and biological oddities. The museum is primarily known for its extensive collection of skulls. It also contains unique exhibits, such as the body of a dead woman, turned into soap in the grave. Also there you can see Siamese twins sharing one liver for two, the skeleton of a two-headed boy and other terrible things.

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We present to your attention a list of the ten most terrible places on planet Earth. Frost on the skin from one thought to stay in any of them alone with himself. But you don't have to be afraid. After all, no matter how terrible they may seem, they are still part of our world. It is worth noting that we made some of them ourselves ...

Poveglia, Italy

Poveglia is a small island located in the Venetian lagoon in northern Italy. They say that in the middle of the XIV century, when a plague pandemic (Black Death) raged in Europe, the island was used as a place of exile for the sick. It is assumed that up to 160,000 people were buried on it, whose souls supposedly still roam the island. Also, the terrible reputation is aggravated by the fact that from 1922 to 1968 there was a psychiatric hospital in which a certain doctor allegedly experimented on patients, and later committed suicide.

In 2014, the Italian government announced an auction for a 99-year lease on Poveglia. Visiting the island is strictly limited.

Hill of Crosses, Lithuania

The Hill of Crosses is a shrine, a place of pilgrimage, located 12 kilometers from the city of Siauliai, Lithuania. It is a small hill on which Lithuanian crosses are installed. The exact number of crucifixes is unknown, but it is estimated that there are supposedly about 50,000 of them here. The Hill of Crosses, despite its external similarity, is not a cemetery. According to the belief, the one who leaves the cross here will be pursued by good luck.

Varosha, Cyprus

Varosha is a ghost town in the southern part of the Cypriot city of Famagusta. Until the Turkish invasion in 1974, it was the modern and main tourist center In Cyprus. Its inhabitants fled and did not return after the Turkish army invaded the island in response to a political upheaval in the country. The general public is not allowed to enter Varosha.

Charleville Castle, Ireland

Charleville is a castle built in the Gothic style. Located in County Offaly, near the River Shannon in Ireland. The castle has a not very good reputation and is famous for the ghosts that live in it. The most famous is the ghost of a girl named Harriet, who died here by accidentally falling down the stairs. Charleville Castle has been repeatedly investigated by psychics, as well as groups involved in the study of the paranormal.

Manchak swamps, USA

The Manchak Marshes, also known as the Ghost Marshes, are located in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. According to legend, this place was cursed by a voodoo queen after she was captured at the beginning of the 20th century. Quite large alligators live here and only, occasionally, the remains of bodies that once fled here in the hope of hiding from the owners emerge.

Shades Of Death Road, USA

Fifth place in the ranking of the ten most terrible places in the world is Shades Of Death Road - a seven-mile (11.2 km) road in the center of Warren County, New Jersey, USA. It is the subject of numerous local legends. The road has been linked to unsolved murders that have taken place in its vicinity, as well as to ghosts and other supernatural phenomena.

Pripyat, Ukraine

Aokigahara forest, Japan

Aokigahara or "Forest of Suicides" is also known as Jukai - a very dense forest, with a total area of ​​35 square kilometers, located at the northwestern foot of Mount Fuji on the Japanese island of Honshu. It is considered a popular place for suicide, or rather, the second most popular in the world, after one of the most beautiful bridges - the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. Between 70 and 100 bodies are found in the forest each year. According to the method of suicide, drug poisoning and hanging are leading. Also, the Aokigahara forest is associated with Japanese mythology and is traditionally considered the habitat of demons and ghosts.

Catacombs of Paris, France

The catacombs of Paris are the world famous artificial network of winding tunnels under Paris. According to various estimates, their length varies from 187 to 300 kilometers. In fact, this is a huge underground cemetery that stores the remains of about six million people. Currently considered a popular place among tourists, however, only 2 km of underground passages are open to them.

Island of the Dolls, Mexico

Island of the Dolls is located about 18 km from the city of Mexico City. Known primarily for old broken dolls that "decorate" tree branches. According to legend, the island is haunted by the ghost of a drowned girl, who in the 1950s constantly appeared to the Mexican Julian Santana Barrera. Later, for unknown reasons, the man left his family and went to live as a hermit on Mysterious Island. He claimed that he looked for dolls in landfills, fished them out of canals and hung them on trees to appease evil spirits, as well as make peace with the ghost of a dead girl. He also stated that supposedly at night, the dolls come to life and walk around the island. Julian drowned in April 2001, his body was found in one of the canals on the island.

1. Top of Mount Washington
It can be very beautiful here, but being on Mount Washington, in the northeast of the United States, is very scary. The height of the peak is only 1917 meters, but its top is almost more dangerous for the visitor than highest point Everest.
Mount Washington holds the world wind speed record on the earth's surface. In April 1934, the air masses on top of Washington reached a speed of 372 km/h. In winter, such winds mean snow storms, which picturesquely swept the complex of buildings of the observatory with doors and windows tightly clogged at this time of the year. The buildings and instruments of the extreme weather station are able to withstand wind gusts of up to 500 kilometers per hour, and this is possible here.

The winter wonderland of Mount Washington is deadly for the casual hiker and the willful nature photographer. And insanely desirable for someone who "ordered" suicide by blowing hurricane wind into a prickly ice drift.

2. Poisonous beauty of the Danakil desert
We understand - active rest, new impressions, but not so much! we told friends packing for a vacation in the Ethiopian desert, but they did not listen to us.

The Danakil Desert in northern Ethiopia is called “Hell on Earth” by everyone who has been there. Lovers of risk and horror listen to the storytellers, look at the pictures and, one by one, go on a deadly trip through one of the most terrible and strange landscapes on the planet.

Once you walk on the cosmic surface of Danakil - and you don’t need to fly to Mars. There is almost no oxygen for breathing over the volcanic wasteland, but for everyone and everything there is enough burning air, saturated with fetid gases, born of the earth boiling under their feet and melting stones.

Traveling through the Danakil desert is at least unhealthy. Fifty-degree heat, the risk of stepping on an awakening volcano, yawning with scarlet lava, and boiling, the risk of inhaling sulfur vapor for the rest of your life and making it short. In addition, in the Afar region, semi-savage tribes of Ethiopian citizens periodically go on the warpath for water and food. Ten-year-old boys with guns and machine guns can become one of the most terrible surprises in the world, waiting for a traveler in a place of unearthly beauty - the Danakil African desert.

3. The capital of the grandchildren of the cannibals
The main city of eastern New Guinea, the gate of the state that calls itself "Nujini", the city of Port Moresby is the most dangerous of the world's capitals. From the sea, from the sky, the New Guinean "pearl" looks quite attractive:

In fact, she is like this:

In Port Moresby, such helmsmen of the "banana republic" as the president and ministers live and work, and bandit brigades control the real life of the city. For a white man, the capital of PNG is a terrible place. It's the same as to please an intellectual in prison with youngsters.

Papuans in the forest kill strangers for food, and this is due to the lack of protein in their traditional diet. Papuans in the city “wet” tourists because of laziness and unemployment. Spoiled by Australian handouts, the natives do not want to work, and if they do, it is very difficult to find a job. There is only one thing left - to go into a gang and raise funds for booze, drugs and girls, hunting for suckers. Kill in Port Moresby 3 times more often than in Moscow. The police do not care for these boys, because they are bought or intimidated. Look at their faces and never again dream of becoming a second Miklouho-Maclay, because they will eat you like Cook.

Every person burdened with housekeeping has dark corners not only in his biography, but also in his home. This is not necessarily a closet with instructive spiders to intimidate Pinocchio. In a dark corner there may be, for example, a stash - something valuable, which, unlike a person, is not afraid of darkness. There are such mega-angles in every country on every continent. No culture can live without cursed places. The scariest places on the planet compete in intensity of quiet horror, like economies, brands, or football leagues. The most terrible places attract guests - from among the philistines who are used to seeing horrors on TV. It would be boring to live without such corners of the Earth. Like in an apartment without dark corners.
We continue our rating review. If anything, do not be afraid - letters and pictures do not bite.
Top 10 scariest places on the planet. Start
4. Forest of cultural suicides
Aokigahara is an old forest at the foot of the sacred Mount Fuji. People come here not for mushrooms, not for barbecues, but to say goodbye to life. For some time now, Aokigahara has been fondly chosen by authentic Japanese suicides.

An approximate count of those who have gone into the forest forever has been conducted since the beginning of the 1950s. For half a century, Aokigahara accepted the bodies and, for a time, the souls of more than 500 volunteers. They say that the fashion came after the publication of Seiko Matsumoto's book "The Black Sea of ​​Trees", whose two characters, holding hands, went to hang themselves in this venerable forest, so mastered by shadows that even on a sunny afternoon you can easily find a terrible place wrapped in damp grave gloom.

Walking through the terrible forest of Aokigahara, the traveler will stumble upon not only corpses, skulls and nooses. And on numerous shields with inscriptions like “Life is a priceless gift! Please think again!” or “Think of your family!”

In the 1970s, the problem attracted national attention, and since then every year government units are sent to clean up the forest from "fresh" corpses. The area of ​​the tract is 35 square kilometers. During the year, from 70 to 100 newly arrived suicides "ripen" on the branches of trees.

A few years ago, marauders appeared in Aokigahara, who clean the pockets of the gallows and rip off not ropes from their necks, but gold and silver chains. They manage not to get lost. Remain humble and optimistic.

5. Beer, glass, skeletons
A cozy, civilized Czech Republic cannot be called a terrible country. Tourists enjoy everything here - delicious beer, affordable drugs, beautiful houses, bridges and girls. And even the most, perhaps, the most terrible place in Western Europe pleases the eye of a tourist, being remembered for a lifetime. This is the famous ossuary in the city of Kutna Hora.

For the inhabitants of medieval Europe, the abbey in Sedlec, a suburb of Kutná Hora, was the most fashionable and desirable cemetery. His insane popularity was due to the fact that in 1278 a certain monk brought some earth from Jerusalem, from Golgotha ​​itself, and scattered the holy soil in small handfuls over the local churchyard. Many thousands of people wished to be buried in Sedlec. The cemetery has grown greatly, they began to bury in 2-3 tiers, which is not divine. Therefore, since 1400, an unusual tomb has been operating in the abbey - a warehouse for bones removed from graves that were not cared for.

In 1870, the new, secular owners of the lands and buildings of the old monastery decided to put things in order in the ossuary and invited a local creative worker, a carver by the name of Rint, to do this. With a deadly sense of humor and taste inherent in true Czechs, Pan Rint created a terrible miracle from the mortal remains of 40 thousand people. He not only ordered the deposits of bones and skulls, but also built from them a massive coat of arms of the master's noble family and a magnificent chandelier with garlands. Memento mori, pani ta panove!

The spooky chapel is open to beer- and Becherovka-intoxicated visitors seven days a week.

6. Museum of horror stories - the dream of a maniac, the pride of doctors
The Mutter Museum of the History of Medicine in Philadelphia is the place where all the worst that can happen to the human body is concentrated. The museum was founded in 1858 by Dr. Thomas Dent Mutter. Admission to the Sanctuary of Medical Science is $14. The exposition presents all kinds of pathologies, ancient and unusual medical equipment, biological samples of varying degrees of nightmare. It also houses the most impressive collection of American skulls.

Top positions in the Mütter Museum are occupied by such curious exhibits as a wax sculpture of a unicorn woman; a three-meter human intestine, which contained 40 pounds of the same; the body of the "soap lady" (a female corpse that turned into a fat wax in the ground); a tumor removed from US President Cleveland; fused liver of Siamese twins; a piece of the brain of Charles Guiteau - the assassin of President Garfield.

Rumor has it that at night something out of the ordinary is happening in the museum - either scary or funny.

7. Monkey for the enlightened
Drapchi Tibetan Prison, which is located on the road from Lhasa Airport to Lhasa City, is considered the most terrible penitentiary institution in the world. In Drapchi, since 1965, the evil Chinese have been meticulously rotting the recalcitrant Tibetan lamas. Here, behind the thorn, there are more monks than in any single Buddhist monastery.

The Chinese occupation authorities cynically refer to such prisons as "rehabilitation centers." In Drapchi, you can get a "stray" bullet in the forehead for the wrong look in the direction of the guard. For the slightest protest, convict monks are beaten mercilessly. One of the violators of the regime spent so long in a solitary cell that he forgot how to speak. Another has been languishing in prison for 20 years for distributing a copy of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In addition, Chinese Gulag Buddhists are forced to attend classes on scientific communism. Didn't learn the lesson - get on the chakras with a batog. Did not come to class - try bamboo porridge. Is this prospect scary?

Lyrical digression: wandering around the black Japanese forests with gallows and museums with skulls and intestines, we romantics completely forgot about such the most terrible places on the planet as working torture rooms of the criminal investigation department in the police departments. About places where a small civil war and nano-genocide are played out daily. We, romantics, are saved from visiting such "horrors" by a holy faith in justice and a neat appearance chaste eyes. What up civil war, then, I remember, the most terrible, bloody and unusually stupid of them was in Rwanda. Creepy African country where we are going today.
8. Africa is terrible, yes, yes, yes!
All Soviet children know that a nasty, bad, greedy Barmaley lives in Africa. The concentration of barmaley per square mile of tea plantations exceeds 420 individuals. In 1994, barmaley with a machete decided to reduce their own population by 900 thousand souls. That's what came out of it

Having learned from the embassy reports about the Rwandan genocide and its consequences, the white man sighed heavily and went to pacify the barmaley. Those of them whose hands were covered in blood were higher than the elbow were sent to prison. Yes, in a difficult one - the most crowded and unsanitary in the world. This incredibly scary place has a lyrical name - Gitarama.

More than 6,000 Rwandan barmaleis languish in barracks designed to hold 500 prisoners, waiting for trial for 8-10 years (!) . They are tormented by hunger, so biting off a cellmate's heel or ear is a normal phenomenon. There is nowhere to lie down, so from constant standing, the prisoners' feet rot, which doctors have to amputate without anesthesia. The floor is damp and filthy, the stink spreading for half a mile, shaming the capital city of Kigali in the eyes of the peacekeepers. Every eighth barmaley dies in this prison, without waiting for the verdict - from violence or disease. And neither God nor the devil forbid a white intelligent person to get into the Guitarama ...

9. Birthplace of a Slumdog Millionaire
What does real India smell like? Incense, marijuana, grilled cremation meat? The real, not pomaded India smells of slop, sewage and waste from chemical industries. This stench is inhaled from morning to evening by benevolent and superstitious consumers of Bollywood film products, residents of the area where renting an “apartment” for a month costs no more than $4. This is Dharavi, Asia's largest nahalstroy - a slum settlement in the heart of charming, multimillion-dollar Mumbai.

The protagonist of the film "Slumdog Millionaire" comes from a "city within a city" Dharavi. Over a million Hindus and Muslims live here on 175 hectares of dirty land. Their bread is the processing of urban garbage, which is brought and brought here in tens of tons every day. The inhabitants of the terrible slums are recycling plastic, cans, glass and waste paper. Their barefoot children and wives crawl through Mumbai's dumpsters looking for something to recycle.

By 2013, Mumbai authorities intend to raze Dharavi to the ground. Where to go to the residents, those who did not have time to become millionaires? Return back to the village? It's scary to think about it.

10. Capital of ongoing violence
When the Indian wakes up and goes to collect bottles, the Somali is still sleeping in an embrace with his favorite toy - a Kalashnikov assault rifle. He sleeps lightly, shuddering and drooling black - after all, just look, land Somali pirates will come and tear him apart. In the capital of collapsed Somalia, the city of Mogadishu, violence and fear are the norm.

People of the Somali anthropological type are stately and beautiful. They often die young, taking their cruel beauty to a deserted grave. But new, future sea and city robbers are born, who do not disdain anything, just not to show themselves weak and not be left without dinner.

Those who are weary of the war are fleeing Mogadishu, but they cannot escape themselves. Over the past year, 100 thousand residents of the warring capital left the city, risking death not from a bullet, but from thirst. The UN is not even able to transfer humanitarian aid to them - it's scary, and there are no security guarantees.

How scary to live ... Fortunately, not for us.

We are not going to intimidate you with ominous fictions at all, but we just want to take a tour of very real places that smell of danger and mystery.

Warning: this post is not suitable for impressionable natures. But if you're brave enough, just follow us.

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Old Jewish cemetery in Prague, Czech Republic

Processions in this cemetery took place for almost four centuries (from 1439 to 1787). More than 100,000 dead are buried on a relatively small plot of land, and the number of tombstones reaches 12,000. The workers of the cemetery sprinkled the older burials with earth and erected new tombstones in the same place. On the territory of the cemetery there are places where 12 grave tiers are located under the earth's crust. As time passed, the sagging earth opened the eyes of the living to the old tombstones, which began to shift the later ones. The view turned out not only unusual, but also creepy.

Island of abandoned dolls, Mexico

There is a very strange abandoned island in Mexico, most of which is inhabited by scary dolls. It is said that in 1950, a certain hermit Julian Santana Barrera began to collect and hang dolls from wastebaskets, who in this way tried to calm the soul of a girl drowned nearby. Julian himself drowned on the island on April 17, 2001. Now there are about 1000 exhibits on the island.

Hashima Island, Japan

Hasima is a former coal miner's settlement founded in 1887. The island was considered one of the most densely populated places on earth - with coastline about a kilometer its population in 1959 was 5259 people. When coal production became unprofitable here, the mine was closed, and the island city added itself to the list of ghost towns. It happened in 1974.

Chapel of Bones, Portugal

The chapel was built in the 16th century by a Franciscan monk. The chapel itself is small - only 18.6 meters long and 11 meters wide, but the bones and skulls of five thousand monks are kept here. On the roof of the chapel is the phrase "Melior est die mortis die nativitatis" ("Better the day of death than the day of birth").

Suicide Forest, Japan

Suicide Forest is the unofficial name of the Aokigahara Jukai forest, located in Japan on the island of Honshu and famous for its frequent suicides. Initially, the forest was associated with Japanese mythology and was traditionally represented as the abode of demons and ghosts. Now it is considered the second most popular place in the world (leading the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco) to settle accounts with life. At the entrance to the forest there is a poster: “Your life is a priceless gift from your parents. Think about them and about your family. You don't have to suffer alone. Call us at 22-0110."

Abandoned psychiatric hospital in Parma, Italy

Brazilian artist Herbert Baglione made an art object from a building that once housed a psychiatric hospital. He portrayed the spirit of this place. Now ghostly figures of exhausted patients roam the former hospital.

Church of St. George, Czech Republic

The church in the Czech village of Lukova has been abandoned since 1968, when part of its roof collapsed during a funeral ceremony. Artist Jakub Hadrava populated the church with ghost sculptures, giving it a particularly sinister look.

Catacombs in Paris, France

Catacombs - a network of winding underground tunnels and caves under Paris. The total length, according to various sources, is from 187 to 300 kilometers. Since the end of the 18th century, the remains of almost 6 million people have been buried in the catacombs.

City of Centralia, Pennsylvania, USA

Due to the underground fire that broke out 50 years ago, which continues to burn to this day, the number of inhabitants decreased from 1,000 people (1981) to 7 people (2012). The population of Centralia is now considered the smallest in the state of Pennsylvania. Centralia served as the prototype for the creation of the city in the Silent Hill series of games and in the film based on this game.

Akodesseva Magic Market, Togo

The market of magic items and magical herbs Akodesseva is located right in the center of the city of Lome, the capital of the state of Togo in Africa. The Africans of Togo, Ghana and Nigeria still profess the voodoo religion and believe in the miraculous properties of dolls. The fetish assortment of Akodesseva is extremely exotic: here you can buy the skulls of cattle, the dried heads of monkeys, buffaloes and leopards, and many other equally “wonderful” things.

Plague Island, Italy

Poveglia is one of the most famous islands Venetian lagoon, northern Italy. It is said that since Roman times, the island has been used as a place of exile for plague patients, in connection with which up to 160,000 people were buried on it. The souls of many of the dead have allegedly turned into ghosts, with which the island is now full. The island's dismal reputation is exacerbated by tales of horrific experiments allegedly subjected to patients in a psychiatric clinic. In this regard, paranormal researchers call the island one of the most terrible places on earth.

Hill of Crosses, Lithuania

The Hill of Crosses is a hill on which many Lithuanian crosses are installed, their total number is approximately 50 thousand. Despite the resemblance, it is not a cemetery. According to popular belief, the one who leaves the cross on the Mountain will be lucky. Neither the time of the appearance of the Hill of Crosses, nor the reasons for its occurrence can be said with accuracy. To this day, this place is shrouded in secrets and legends.

Cabayan burials, Philippines

The famous fire mummies of Kabayan, dating back to 1200-1500 AD, are buried here, as well as, as they believe locals, their spirits. They were made using a complex mummification process, and are now carefully guarded, as cases of their theft are not uncommon. Why? As one of the robbers said, “he had the right to do so,” since the mummy was his great-great-great-great-great-grandfather.

The old arch bridge is located near the Scottish village of Milton. In the middle of the 20th century, strange things began to happen on it: dozens of dogs suddenly rushed from a 15-meter height, fell on stones and broke to death. Those that survived returned and tried again. The bridge has turned into a real "killer" of four-legged animals.

Aktun Tunichil Muknal is a cave near the city of San Ignacio, Belize. It is an archaeological site of the Maya civilization. It is located on the territory of the Tapira Mountain Natural Park. One of the halls of the cave is the so-called cathedral, where the Mayans performed sacrifices, as they considered this place to be the Xibalba - the entrance to the underworld.

Leap Castle in Offaly, Ireland is considered one of the world's cursed castles. Its dark attraction is a large underground dungeon, the bottom of which is studded with sharp stakes. The dungeon was discovered during the restoration of the castle. In order to take out all the bones from it, the workers needed 4 wagons. Locals say that the castle is inhabited by many ghosts of people who died in the dungeon.

Chauchilla Cemetery is located about 30 minutes from the deserted Nazca plateau, on the south coast of Peru. The necropolis was discovered in the 1920s. According to researchers, bodies were found in the cemetery, which are about 700 years old, and the last burials were carried out here in the 9th century. Chauchilla differs from other burial sites in the special way in which people were buried. All the bodies are "squatting", and their "faces" seem to be frozen in a wide smile. The bodies are perfectly preserved thanks to Peru's dry desert climate.

The most infamous feature of Carthaginian religion was the sacrifice of children, mostly infants. It was forbidden to cry during the sacrifice, as it was believed that any tear, any plaintive sigh would detract from the value of the sacrifice. In 1921, archaeologists discovered a place where several rows of urns were found with the charred remains of both animals (they were sacrificed instead of people) and small children. The place was named Tophet.

Queimada Grande is one of the most dangerous and famous islands of our planet. On it there is only a forest, a rocky inhospitable coast up to 200 meters high and snakes. There are up to six snakes per square meter of the island. The poison of these reptiles acts instantly. The Brazilian authorities have decided to completely ban anyone from visiting this island, and locals tell chilling stories about it.

The largest monument in Bulgaria, located on Mount Buzludzha with a height of 1441 meters, was built in the 1980s in honor of the Bulgarian Communist Party. Its construction took almost 7 years and involved more than 6 thousand workers and experts. The interior was partly finished in marble, and the stairs were decorated with red cathedral glass. Now the memorial house has been completely looted, leaving only a concrete frame with reinforcement, similar to a destroyed alien ship.

During the First and Second World Wars, the hospital was used by the military, and in 1916 Adolf Hitler was treated there. After World War II, the hospital ended up in the zone of Soviet occupation and became the largest Soviet hospital outside the USSR. The complex consists of 60 buildings, some of which have now been restored. Almost all abandoned buildings are closed to access. Doors and windows are securely boarded up with high boards and sheets of plywood.

Abandoned subway depot in Cincinnati - project built in 1884. But after the First World War and as a result of changing demographics, the need for the subway disappeared. Construction slowed down in 1925, half of the 16 km line was completed. There are now guided tours of the abandoned subway twice a year, but many people have been known to roam its tunnels alone.

On the island of Luzon in the village of Sagada is one of the most frightening places in the Philippines. Here you can see unusual burial structures made of coffins placed high above the ground on the rocks. There is a belief among the indigenous population that the higher the body of the deceased is buried, the closer his soul will be to heaven.

1. Manchak Marshes in Louisiana

In the US state of Louisiana, near the city of New Orleans, there are the impenetrable Manchak swamps, also known as the "Ghost Swamps". According to legends, this place was cursed by the black witch Voodoo when she was captured in the 20th century in these places. In the middle of the swamps stand centuries-old trees with spreading branches, sometimes descending to the very water, while the roots of trees stick out of the water, crawling out like snakes. The idea to drain the swamps and cut down the trees was not successful - several small villages were swept away by a hurricane, more than one hundred people perished in the swamp, their corpses still continue to emerge, although more than 100 years have passed. Currently, the Manchak swamps attract lovers of the occult and mysteries, and excursions are organized for those who wish.

2. Mutter Museum of Medical History in Philadelphia

The Mütter Museum of Medical History contains all kinds of pathologies, biological exhibits, and ancient medical instruments. The museum is located in North America, in the training center for doctors. The main part of the exhibition is made up of skulls and skeletons, although there are also a huge number of other unique exhibits, for example, a human intestine 12.5 cm long; a person who during his lifetime suffers from ossifying fibrodysplasia (in this disease, bones form at the site of wounds and bruises); Siamese twins; a baby with two heads, various growths, curvature and other deformities.

4. Kostnice (Bone Museum) in the Czech Republic

The history of the creation of the Ossuary began when Abbot Jindrich in 1278 brought a handful of holy earth from Golgotha ​​and scattered it at the local cemetery, which has since become very popular, because everyone wanted to rest in holy ground. Many burials date back to the 14th century, when more than 30,000 people were buried here during the plague. Then there were waves, popular unrest, as a result of which the cemetery grew to enormous proportions. As a result, it was decided at new burials to take out the old bones and put them in the church. When the owners of the land became the Schwanzerbergs, they hired a woodcarver to somehow immortalize the remains. As a result, the Ossuary was created, in which all objects are made of thousands of human bones.

5. Dracula's Castle in Trasylvania

Bran Castle (the real name of Dracula's castle) was built back in the Middle Ages on one of the cliffs in the Carpathian Mountains. The castle is made in the Gothic style: stone stairs, narrow passages, cramped rooms - all this has a depressing effect on the psyche of a normal person. The castle even now looks like it was described in the famous novel "Dracula". The chimney of the castle makes howling sounds in strong winds - quite in the spirit of horror films. In one of the many rooms of the castle there is a huge bed, on which the owner of the castle supposedly sucked the blood from his victims.

6. Sonora Witch Market in Mexico City

Any tourist in Mexico City can visit the local witch market, which offers a wide selection of accessories for witchcraft (candles, herbs, Voodoo dolls, amulets, black salt, St. Ignatius water, golden sand, love potions, lotions and much more ), figurines of witches, wigs, bunches of garlic and other witch attributes. With a strong desire, you can even buy the blood of a rattlesnake or dried hummingbird to attract good luck. Here, for only 10 dollars, local witches, sitting in cramped little rooms, will save you from adultery and poverty. The Mexicans themselves believe in their witchcraft and before turning to doctors, they first try magic potions.

7. Truk Lagoon in Micronesia

Once based in the lagoon of Truk Island military base Japan, and was considered one of the most formidable, because of which the leadership of the base relaxed a little, despite the approach of the US army, which attacked the Japanese military in February 1944, catching the Japanese military by surprise. The outcome of this battle was the flooding of all available military equipment in the waters of the lagoon. Now the Truk lagoon is one of the most the best places for scuba diving, because here the types of old military equipment are combined with dozens of coral species and the diversity of the underwater world. However, not everyone dares to inspect the equipment, because there is an opportunity to meet their crew, which is still at their combat posts.

8. Torture Museum in Malta

There are enough museums in Europe that store all kinds of instruments of torture such as the "Spanish boot", guillotines and other terrible attributes, but the Maltese museum has the strongest impact on visitors. The museum is located in the capital of ancient Malta, the city of Mdina. The torture museum is located in one of the basements of the town, here are presented both real instruments of torture, such as nail pullers, a rack, a vice for squeezing the skull, and their "victims" made of wax - people with severed heads, hangmen. Scenes of these same tortures are also presented here - here is an executor pouring boiling oil into his victim with already bulging eyes; and here is the inquisitor pulling out the tongue of her victim. The hunchback - caretaker follows the brave sightseers.

9 Winchester California House

This huge mystical mansion is visited by tourists from all over the world, because a huge number of legends and mysteries are associated with it. Once upon a time, a fortune teller told the heiress of the arms company Sarah Winchester that she would be haunted by the ghosts of people killed from hard drives and this could only be avoided if she built a house that would be impossible to complete during her lifetime. The construction of the house went on for all 38 years that Sarah lived after this prediction. Now, in 160 rooms of this huge house, the ghosts of her madness live - doors that open in the middle of the wall; stairs leading to the ceiling; hooks, candelabra, spider motifs. Slamming doors, the sound of footsteps at night, moving lights and other frightening phenomena are often heard in the house.

10. Occult Abbey of Thelema in Sicily

At the beginning of the 20th century, Aleister Crowley was considered the most vile occultist in the world. And his stone house, filled with pagan frescoes, was the center of satanic orgies. Crowley became famous for his appearance on the cover of one of the Beatles' albums. Crowley became the founder of the Abbey of Thelema, which had the motto "Do what you will". Free love flourished here. The newcomers underwent a kind of initiation rite in the "Nightmare Room", where, under the influence of drugs, they had to spend the night among the frescoes of earth, hell and heaven. After the death of a popular English dandy within the walls of the abbey, the office was closed. Currently, the abbey is overgrown with grass and almost destroyed, but a few frescoes have been preserved and esoteric lovers can visit it to tickle their nerves.