10 prohibited places. Top ten most forbidden places on the planet. Secret vaults of the Mormon Church

Planning a vacation? I present a list of places that are prohibited from visiting. Moreover, you yourself do not go there to go after reading this post.

Surtsey is a volcanic island located off the south coast of Iceland. It was formed by a volcanic eruption that began in 1963 and ended in 1967. People should not visit this island, even scientists, to ensure natural ecological development without outside interference. However, this prohibition has been violated. So, on the island, a rooted tomato plant was found, which was brought in by scientists. Oh, and these disobedient scientists!

Weather Mountain is the center for emergency operations. This facility is located in Virginia, USA. It is one of the main relocation sites for senior civilian and military officials in the event of a national disaster.

Mizhgirya is a closed city in the Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia. People living in the city are said to be doing top-secret work on Mount Yamantau, which is believed to be the location of nuclear weapons, Russian treasures, and bunkers in case of war with a huge coal warehouse. But really, who knows?

Metro-2 is a secret underground metro that runs parallel to the public Moscow metro. It was built by Joseph Stalin, codenamed D-6 by the KGB. Presumably, it is still used by the RF Ministry of Defense.

Metro-2 is rumored to be longer than the public metro. It is said to connect the Kremlin with the FSB headquarters and other places of national importance. The FSB or the administration of the Moscow Metro refuse to confirm or deny its existence to this day.

This is one of the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal, home to a group of indigenous peoples - the Sentinellians. Their population is estimated to be between 50 and 400. The islanders reject any contact with other people and are one of the last people on earth who have hardly been touched by modern civilization.

Recent attempts to contact the tribe were met with arrows and stones. On January 26, 2006, two fishermen died tragically when their boat drifted off the island.

The Vatican Secret Archives are actually no longer classified. It remained completely closed to outsiders until 1881, when Pope Leo XIII opened it only to a select few. Thousands of researchers are studying these documents today, but given that the archives contain 52 miles of shelves, some dark secrets from the past may still await their discovery.

About 90 km from the city of São Paulo is the "Snake Island". This place is so heavily populated with venomous snakes that it has been named one of the most dangerous islands in the world. Scientists estimate that about 4,000 snakes live on 110 acres of the island, which is one snake for every six square meters.

And these are not just some snakes. Snake Island is the only known home of the venomous spearhead snakes, one of the most venomous snakes in the world. The snake's venom is said to be three to five times stronger than that of any continental snake. And he is able to simply melt human flesh. Currently, the Brazilian Navy prohibits residents of the country from visiting the island, although sometimes even scientists are refused.

It's hard enough to get to North Korea. Now imagine how difficult it is to get to number 39 - a secret facility of the North Korean government. This facility is used to carry out illegal transactions, including counterfeiting $ 100 bills, drug production (including methamphetamine and heroin) and international insurance fraud. Many argue that number 39 is critical to Kim Jong's continued power, allowing him to buy political support and fund North Korea's nuclear weapons programs.

RAF Menwith Hill is a RAF station in North Yorkshire, England. This location provides communications and support for the UK's intelligence services and the US military. Some of the satellites are operated directly by the US National Security Agency. It is believed to be the largest electronic monitoring station in the world, originally set up to intercept communications between the Soviet Union and the Allied Eastern Bloc. Many now believe that at the moment its original scale has increased ...

The United States is famous for its high degree of secrecy. But their efforts around Area 51, located in Nevada, are on a different level. So the main purpose of the base is unknown, but it is generally believed that it is used for the development and testing of experimental aircraft and weapons systems. Many theorists believe that aliens and UFOs are being studied here. But civilians are prohibited from entering there, so we will never know the truth.

Surtsey is a volcanic island located off the south coast of Iceland. It was formed by a volcanic eruption that began in 1963 and ended in 1967. People should not visit this island, even scientists, to ensure natural ecological development without outside interference. However, this prohibition has been violated. So, on the island, a rooted tomato plant was found, which was brought in by scientists. Oh, and these disobedient scientists!

Mountain weather

Weather Mountain is the center for emergency operations. This facility is located in Virginia, USA. It is one of the main relocation sites for senior civilian and military officials in the event of a national disaster.


Mizhgirya is a closed city in the Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia. People living in the city are said to be doing top-secret work on Mount Yamantau, which is believed to be the location of nuclear weapons, Russian treasures, and bunkers in case of war with a huge coal warehouse. But really, who knows?


    Metro-2 is a secret underground metro that runs parallel to the public Moscow metro. It was built by Joseph Stalin, codenamed D-6 by the KGB. Presumably, it is still used by the RF Ministry of Defense.
    Metro-2 is rumored to be longer than the public metro. It is said to connect the Kremlin with the FSB headquarters and other places of national importance. The FSB or the administration of the Moscow Metro refuse to confirm or deny its existence to this day.

    North Sentinel Island

    This is one of the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal, home to a group of indigenous peoples - the Sentinellians. Their population is estimated to be between 50 and 400. The islanders reject any contact with other people and are one of the last people on earth who have hardly been touched by modern civilization.
    Recent attempts to contact the tribe were met with arrows and stones. On January 26, 2006, two fishermen died tragically as their boat drifted off the island.

    Vatican Secret Archives

    The Vatican Secret Archives are actually no longer classified. It remained completely closed to outsiders until 1881, when Pope Leo XIII opened it only to a select few. Thousands of researchers are studying these documents today, but given that the archives contain 52 miles of shelves, some dark secrets from the past may still await their discovery.

    Snake island

    About 90 km from the city of São Paulo is the "Snake Island". This place is so heavily populated with venomous snakes that it has been named one of the most dangerous islands in the world. Scientists estimate that about 4,000 snakes live on 110 acres of the island, which is one snake for every six square meters.
    And these are not just some snakes. Snake Island is the only known home of the venomous spearhead snakes, one of the most venomous snakes in the world. The snake's venom is said to be three to five times stronger than that of any continental snake. And he is able to simply melt human flesh. Currently, the Brazilian Navy prohibits residents of the country from visiting the island, although sometimes even scientists are refused.

    Room 39

    It's hard enough to get to North Korea. Now imagine how difficult it is to get to number 39 - a secret facility of the North Korean government. This facility is used to carry out illegal transactions, including counterfeiting $ 100 bills, drug production (including methamphetamine and heroin) and international insurance fraud. Many argue that number 39 is critical to Kim Jong's continued power, allowing him to buy political support and fund North Korea's nuclear weapons programs.

    RAF Menwit Hill

    RAF Menwith Hill is a RAF station in North Yorkshire, England. This location provides communications and support for the UK's intelligence services and the US military. Some of the satellites are operated directly by the US National Security Agency. It is believed to be the largest electronic monitoring station in the world, originally set up to intercept communications between the Soviet Union and the Allied Eastern Bloc. Many now believe that at the moment its original scale has increased ...

    Zone 51

    The United States is famous for its high degree of secrecy. But their efforts around Area 51, located in Nevada, are on a different level. So the main purpose of the base is unknown, but it is generally believed that it is used for the development and testing of experimental aircraft and weapons systems. Many theorists believe that aliens and UFOs are being studied here. But civilians are prohibited from entering there, so we will never know the truth.

Our world is full of mysteries and secrets. The dream of every person is to travel around the planet, having traveled around the most intimate places and seeing the most mysterious corners of the earth. Indeed, there are a huge number of places in the world that simply fascinate with their history and beauty! People have become accustomed to the fact that all the beauties of the world are available to them: the Eiffel Tower, the Cave of Lovers, Niagara Falls and many other mesmerizing and enchanting places. However, few people could have imagined that there are places on Earth, the visit to which is strictly prohibited due to danger or inaccessibility. Maybe they want to hide the most secret, unseen and hidden from human eyes. Today we will tell you about the most mysterious and mysterious corners of our planet.

10. Mountain weather

No, this is not a meteorological center. Weather Mountain is the center of emergency operations that serves as a shelter for American high-ranking military and legal entities in the event of a large-scale threat. In America, there is such a thing as "continuity of government." Thus, this center, located in Virginia, is a reliable government tool. Also, Weather Mountain provides federal and safe radio communications. The President of America has direct access to this information, which ensures instant transmission of all available data. The base area is 434 acres. The territory is divided into sections "A" and "B". According to official figures, on the day of the 9/11 attacks, members of Congress were evacuated and taken to the center. The security of officials depends not only on the secret base. The success of the operation is primarily related to how quickly the special services will be informed of the impending threat. There is not a single ordinary person who has visited this place yet. Access is available only to a select few, and then only in emergency situations. It seems that the secret bases and bunkers of American militants are not fiction!

9. Lasko caves

The caves located in the southwestern part of France are known for their rock paintings. Archaeologists claim that the drawings have been preserved since the Paleolithic era. Their approximate age is 17,300 years. Most of them depict images of local animals, in particular, cattle. Access to these caves was open until 1963 to all residents. But after this year, the entrance was officially banned in order to preserve the mystery of nature. Not a single person has ever visited the Lascaux caves. This museum of primitive painting was discovered in 1940. A huge flow of tourists began to damage the cave. The number of those wishing to visit this unusual place has only increased every day. As a result of such a human factor as the release of carbon dioxide, visits to the cave had to be banned. It was all the fault that fungal formations appeared on the walls, which distorted the drawings. In order to preserve primitive art, the Lascaux caves have forever become inaccessible to man.

8. Surtsey

The next part of the Earth inaccessible to humans in our Top 10 most forbidden places is an island in Iceland, located in the southern part of the country. Its discovery and appearance on the earth map was due to an underwater volcanic eruption. The inhabitants of Iceland named the island Surtsey in honor of the hero of the local legend - the fire giant. The island has attracted the attention of scientists from all over the world. They found that this part of the land consisted of a porous volcanic substance. To ensure that nothing interfered with the research of scientists, access to the island was limited. After some time, representatives of science established that life on the island appeared in the very first minutes of its appearance. Interesting fact- the formation of the island lasted four whole years until the volcano stopped erupting. Surtsey remains closed to people to this day. This is done in order not to disrupt the process of natural development on it.

7. Sentinel Island

The seventh place in the Top 10 most forbidden places is occupied by an object that is not just forbidden for people to visit, but represents a serious danger. Sentinel Island is a tribal habitat located in the Bay of Bengal. The aborigines living on it are Sentinelese, the people are very aggressive. This is the main reason for the inaccessibility of the island. Recent attempts to establish any kind of connection with the tribe ended with flying stones and spears. The population of the island is almost 400 people. Sentinel is a truly mysterious island. There is no official information about its origin and the appearance of inhabitants on it. The Sentinelians lead a closed life and recognize only members of their tribe. The island is under the control of the Indian government, if, of course, it can be called administration. The latest attempt by the Indian authorities to make sure of the safety of the local tribe did not meet with the approval of the aborigines. As you already understood, there is nothing for tourists to do here.

6. Vatican archives

The holy vault, which contains historically important documents, is not a place for everyone. Here are the actions recorded on the papers, proclaimed by the Holy See. This archive is not completely closed. Permission to visit can only be obtained if there is a compelling reason. If a person wants to read a document, he can do it, only before that it is necessary to submit an application. The content of the documents is not classified information. This archive is the private property of the Pope. However, he still possesses information that remains inaccessible until she is 75 years old. This is done only for the benefit of state integrity. The archive was formed for 16 centuries. The Pope's vault contains records of Galileo Galilei himself, Marie Antoinette and many other famous historical figures. The holy archive must be of great interest to history buffs. The Vatican Archives are very popular among historians and scholars. That is why it is included in the Top 10 most forbidden places on Earth.

5. Room 39

The name of this place is very similar to the name of some horror movie. It should be noted that behind this room, approximately the same events took place as in horror films or action films. Room 39 is located in Pyongyang City. Despite the illegal nature of the operations that took place outside the door of this room, this institution is government-owned. That is, the North Korean government is aware of all the processes taking place in a secret place. According to some reports, it is known that Room 39 is a place where various illegal machinations are carried out. For example, forgery of documents, production of counterfeit banknotes, production of narcotic drugs. Of course, ordinary people are denied access there. It is much safer to stay away from this place, otherwise you suddenly become an unwanted witness to an illegal operation. And they are judged to be "disposed of" in the first place.

4. Niihau Islands

The next place, where mere mortals cannot get, is Nihau Island. It is part of the network of islands belonging to Hawaii. Access to the islands is allowed only to its residents and their relatives. There is not a single shop, restaurant or other favorite places for city dwellers on Niihau Island. There is only one school in which there is no electricity, and the only source of illumination is the sun. It is the eternal luminary that provides the inhabitants of the island with the flow of energy. Nihau is owned by the Robbinson family. In 1864, Elizabeth Sinclair bought it from the Hawaiian government and handed it over to the family. Even the relatives of the people living on the island need a special permit to visit it. There are unique tours that allow you to get even a little closer to the mysterious corner of the earth. True, curious tourists will only get the opportunity to walk along the coast of the island, no more. Not a single soul on the entire planet has the right to interfere with the lives of the inhabitants of Niihau. Therefore, all that remains is to enjoy the photos of the enchanting island.

3. Ise Great Temple

Japan is known for more than just a secret room. The main temple of the country is located in the Japanese city of Ise. It is available only to priests and members of the imperial families. The religious center of Japan is open to tourists only from afar. Appearance the temple does not correspond to the usual design of sanctuaries, as is customary in other countries - high cathedrals, domes, etc. The Great Temple of Ise is built of wood and decorated according to centuries-old traditions. The peculiarity of the Japanese temple is that it is destroyed every twenty years. Such regular renovations of the facility are produced as a result of the Shinto ideology of death and rebirth. The national shrine contains many religious and national values: a sacred mirror, imperial heritage and treasures. The temple is located in a dense forest that has not yet been exposed to human actions. Despite its closed nature, the temple attracts many tourists. According to some of them, in order to feel the atmosphere of the temple, it is enough just to be near. Unlike the Great Temple, the national park, which surrounds an inaccessible landmark, is open to all tourists.

2. Metro-2

Usually, the metro is associated with the place to which everyone has access. There is a secret metro in Moscow, which no one, even the most curious Russian resident, can visit. There is a version that the secret underground tunnel appeared even before the formation of Moscow. Metro-2 is such a closed place that data about it have been collected for more than one year. All available information is taken from media news, secret correspondence, illegal data from telephone conversations. The mystery of the metro began to be actively discussed already in the early 90s. More information was obtained from an interview with the Chief of Staff of the Civil Defense of Moscow. It turned out that Metro-2 serves as a kind of transmitter of information about all the events that take place in the city. It is there that the offices are located for people who will participate in rescue operations in the event of a large-scale threat. Unauthorized persons are strictly prohibited from entering Metro-2.

1. Snake Island

If you are a lover of Brazil, then it is worth knowing about the island, which is better not to visit. Let us remind you that snakes are not very hospitable hosts. Snake Island in Brazil is a rocky coast 200 meters high. It is called Keimada Grande. It is estimated that there are up to five snakes for every square meter of the island! Therefore, if someone thinks that acquaintance with snakes will not come for him, this is not so. Most likely, it will not come just because the most poisonous snakes live on the island. Their bite results in instant death. It is not a crime to try to enter the island, but it can be considered a criminal act against your own life. Access to the island is not closed by the government of Brazil, but by the inhabitants of the island - snakes. In a world where serpentine laws operate, people have nothing to do. Kemada Grande is in the first lists of the most dangerous places on the ground. The main inhabitant of the island is botrops. This is one of the most dangerous snakes of all existing species. According to statistics, a hundred people die every year from a botrops bite. The insidiousness of the snake lies in the fact that the reptile is usually located on the paths trodden by man. That is why people die every year from a botrops bite.

The top 10 most closed places on Earth ends here. As it turned out, not everywhere on our planet we are welcome. Perhaps forbidden places make our Earth mysterious and enigmatic. Our list of inaccessible places is a useful reference for travel lovers. Human nature has a constant desire to learn more about what it does not know. As the saying goes, the forbidden fruit is sweet. But do not forget that the forbidden may not always pleasantly surprise you.

On the eve, a rating of the ten most mysterious and closed places on the planet was presented.

1. Moscow Metro-2 is in first place.
Presumably, the Moscow Metro-2 system was built in Stalin's times and was listed in the KGB under the code name D-6. The administration of the Moscow Metro and the FSB of the Russian Federation do not confirm the existence of Metro-2, but they do not deny it either. According to some rumors, Metro-2 is longer than even the public metro. The line connects underground city, the headquarters of the FSB, the Kremlin, Vnukovo-2 airport and a number of other places of national importance.

2. Zone 51.
Area 51 is the code of the military base, which is located on the celebrity news of the west of the United States, in the south of Nevada, 1133 kilometers from Las Vegas. The base is used for testing weapons systems and experimental aircraft. The high secrecy of the base, which the US government refuses to acknowledge, has been the subject of speculation that Area 51 is the central base for UFO research. It is worth noting that the base is mined on all sides and hung with threatening signs: "do not approach" and "shoot to kill."

3. Emergency Operations Center.
This place is not only closed to the public, but is unlikely to become accessible during a worldwide catastrophe. A closed and highly classified facility - the center for coordinating government actions in case of an emergency. It is part of the US nuclear command and control system.
The object is located at a depth of approximately 2000 feet in the mountains. It is served by about 200 employees, mostly military personnel.

4. Mizhgirya.
Mizhgirya is a closed secret city of Russia, located in the Yamantau mountains and founded in 1970. Yamantau is the highest mountain in the south of the Urals - 1640 meters. There are two garrisons, Beloretsk-16 and Beloretsk-15, built on top of the facility.
According to rumors, a bunker has been built in the city for the first persons of the state in case of a nuclear war, a storage area for gay sex video food and a repository of Russian treasures.

5. Club naked celebrities 33.
There is a secret place in Disneyland where ... they sell alcoholic drinks. The code name is Club 33. The private club is located in the central part of Disneyland. It is located at 33 Royal Street next to Blue Bayoun Restaurant. The entrance to the club is with a club member's card. According to some sources, the entrance fee for membership in the club ranges from 10 thousand to 30 thousand US dollars. To gain access to the club, you need to wait another 14 years after payment.

6. RAF celebrity porn Menwith Hill.
The sixth place in our ranking is British military base RAF Menwith Hill has close ties to the Echelon global spy network. The military base is equipped with a large satellite ground station, intercept communications and a missile attack warning system. RAF Menwith Hill is considered the most electronic monitoring station on the planet.
This military base was created specifically 3d hentai porn to control the diplomatic and military activities of the Eastern Bloc and the Soviet Union with the allies at the height of the Cold Wave, in the 60s, but the Cold War has passed and the base continues to operate, engaging in diplomatic and political intelligence. The base network filters radio communications and all telephone calls in many countries.

7. Secret archives of the Vatican.
In the Vatican, access to documents that are under 75 years old is prohibited to the general public. Any other document is available upon request.
In the shelves of the Vatican, the total length of which is 84 kilometers long, there are about 35 thousand nude celebrities secret volumes.

8. White "s.
White "s is one of the most exclusive clubs of English gentlemen, founded in 1693 by the Italian Francesco Bianco.
The club is known for its "book of bets". In it, members of the club write down very strange disputes. So, one of the strangest bets is the £ 3,000 bet on which of the raindrops will be the first to run across the window glass. Women are not accepted as members of this club.
You can join the club only at the invitation of another member of the club who has animated porn support of at least two other members of the club. If you do not belong to royal blood or are not very influential person, then you will hardly be able to get into the club.

9. Great Temple of Ise.
On Lesbian Porn, the Great Shrine of Ise is considered the largest and most revered shrine in Japan.
The temple is dedicated to the sun goddess Amaterasu. Every 20 years, the temple is destroyed and reborn in accordance with the Shinto concept of death and rebirth. The next restoration of the temple is expected in 2013. Only a priest or priests and at the same time a member of the Japanese imperial family can enter the temple.

10. Bureau gay cocks 39.
The Thirty-ninth Bureau, or Room 39, is one of the most secret and secretive organizations in North Korea looking for ways to get Kim Jong-il in foreign currency.
39 bureaus were established in the late 70s. The organization is said to have around 30 bank accounts in Switzerland and China for money laundering, counterfeiting, etc.
The organization is rumored to have 39 people who are involved in illegal arms sales and drug smuggling. It is also known that the organization has 120 foreign trade companies at its disposal. Kim Jong Il is directly in charge of the organization.

Thanks to the developed transport system, you can be anywhere in the world in a matter of hours. For people, there are no longer such barriers as distance, speed and time. No need to spend months and inhuman efforts on travel!

But not all corners of our planet are accessible to visit. Some objects are closed, which further fuel interest in themselves. On this list, you will find ten places on earth that are prohibited from visiting!

10 Snake Island, Brazil

On the island of Keimada Grande in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, there are no residential buildings, shops or schools. From a distance, it looks more like paradise - a lot of greenery, beautiful beaches and a warm ocean. However, there are no people who want to visit this place, because it is impossible to get out of here alive. The island is literally teeming with some of the most dangerous species of snakes - 1 sq. m. there are from one to five individuals of island botrops and other venomous snakes, which have enough poison for several people. The Brazilian authorities are banned from entering the island, but at times they are brought up by boat along with a guide to observe the snakes from a safe distance.

9 Vatican Secret Archives, Vatican

Legends have been circulating around the Vatican Secret Archives for centuries. Popes began collecting documents back in the Middle Ages, but the archive was officially opened in 1610. It is a private collection of literature and is closed to visitors, only scholars can get permission to visit this place. The archive consists of 85 kilometers of shelving and contains unique documents, for example, a letter from King Henry VIII of England with a request to dissolve the marriage.

8 Lascaux caves, France

The unique Lascaux in France is known all over the world as a monument of art. It has preserved rock and engraved drawings that date back to the XVIII-XV millennia BC. The cave was accidentally found by four children in 1940, and opened to tourists in 1948. However, a large flow of people endangered the safety of the images, so access to Lasko was closed. Until now, researchers are fixing the problems that have arisen due to 15 years of tourism in the cave.

7 Area-51, USA

This US military base in southern Nevada is completely closed to the public. Even air traffic over the territory of the base is strictly prohibited. For a long time, the US government denied the existence of Area 51, but in 2013, some of the data was declassified. In appearance, the territory of the base is very boring - hangars and dry lakes. According to rumors, the entire base is located underground, and various experiments are being carried out there. Officially, experimental aircraft and weapons are being developed there, but conspiracy theorists believe that Area 51 is a base for UFO research.

6 Tomb of Qin Shi Huang, China

Emperor Qin Shi Huang's famous terracotta army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was built in 200 BC by order of the emperor to accompany him after his death to the other world. Tourists can see 8100 clay warriors and horses with their own eyes, but the entrance to the Qin Shi Huang tomb itself is closed. Researchers have not yet reached the place of the tomb of the emperor, who would be obsessed with gaining immortality.

5 North Sentinel Island, India

Little is known about this island in the Bay of Bengal - only an area of ​​72 sq. km. Officially, the island belongs to India, but no one living outside of it has ever set foot on its land. The fact is that the island is inhabited by the Sentinelese civilization, who reject any contact with the outside world. They are set up very aggressively, on any attempt to approach the island, they begin to throw spears and shoot from a bow. Due to their seclusion, they still have not even learned how to make fire and store coals using a complex system. At the moment, 50 to 500 people live there.

4 Poveglia, Italy

This one is considered one of the most eerie places on the planet. It is located in the north of Italy, among the islands of the Venetian lagoon. According to legends, patients with the plague have lived in exile on this island since the time of the Romans. Allegedly, over many centuries, 160 thousand infected were buried here, and all of them turned into ghosts. In addition, from 1922 to 1968 there was a psychiatric hospital on Povelje. According to rumors, experiments were carried out in it on the sick, which added a terrible mystery to this place. True, the Italian government plans to lease the island and rebuild the building into a hotel.

3 World Seed Vault, Svalbard, Norway

This place is forbidden to visit, as it is a unique seed storage bank. The storage tunnel is located on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen at a depth of approximately 120-130 meters. It contains 4.5 million different seeds in case of any cataclysm - global warming, nuclear war or an asteroid fall. Only scientists have access to the seed storage, however, tourists will not be very interested there.

2 Warehouse World of Coca-Cola Museum, USA

The Coca-Cola recipe has been kept in the strictest confidence for many years - the company is very serious about keeping this secret in the future. According to rumors, only company executives know its composition, who do not even fly the same plane to avoid data loss in the event of a plane crash. Until 2011, the unique recipe was in the SunTrust can, and then it was moved to the World of Coca-Cola Museum. The museum itself is open to visitors, but access to the store itself is, of course, closed. Meanwhile, publications regularly appear on the network with recipes for the drink, which are supposedly as close to the original as possible.

1 Moscow Metro-2, Russia

In addition to the huge network of the Moscow metro, there is another line, which received the code name Metro-2. According to scattered information, the secret underground network was built during the reign of Joseph Stalin, who feared an assassination attempt and prepared a backup plan for the evacuation of the government. Much noise was made by the report of the US Department of Defense, which indicated the scheme of Metro-2. Several dignitaries of the Russian government, such as Vladimir Shevchenko, have confirmed the presence of a spare line. However, according to the latest information, this network is currently abandoned and does not function.

These places are inaccessible to ordinary people, despite the increased interest in them. You can only enjoy the descriptions on the web and the rare photos that the lucky ones took!