Holidays with children in "health". Holidays in Feodosia with children Feodosia with young children

Every year the flow of tourists choosing Feodosia for holidays with children is only growing. Everyone comes here for something of their own: someone to soak up the beach, someone - exclusively for outdoor activities. If you have chosen Feodosia for a family vacation, you should think in advance about where to stay and what to see with your children.

What entertainment for children is there in Feodosia?

Thanks to invaluable climatic conditions and a wide range of interesting and recreational activities, in Feodosia you can have a great rest for families with children at any time of the year. Where to go with a child in Feodosia, we will consider in this article.

Dolphinarium Nemo (Oceanarium)

There is not a single child who would not love dolphins. Science has long proven that communication with these mysterious inhabitants of the sea not only levels the psycho-emotional background of a person, but can also help in the fight against many mental and neurological diseases. In addition, dolphins are very funny creatures, spending time with which will not leave indifferent even an unsociable kid.

What to see with children in Feodosia? Of course, dolphins, which you can feed and even swim with them in one of the best Crimean dolphinariums - "Nemo". Many entertainment programs are implemented here: acquaintance with dolphins, swimming with dolphins, feeding, etc. Even a couple of hours of communication with these funny mammals will allow the baby to recharge with positive energy for the whole year.

In addition, dolphin therapy sessions are held within the framework of the described dolphinarium. Such classes are held under the guidance of specialists, due to which they can be used for the rehabilitation of children with developmental delays, cerebral palsy, neurological pathologies and autism.

Also, holidays are regularly held here, where artists (there is no other way to call the local bottlenose dolphins) show real miracles of acrobatics under the guidance of their coaches. At the end of the performance, each child can take a picture with their favorite dolphin.

Crocodile farm

And yet, you can go with children to a crocodile farm in Feodosia. If everyone knows about the existence of dolphinariums, then few have heard about crocodile farms. However, in Feodosia there is such an unusual institution. Entrance here costs only 150 rubles, and children under 7 years old accompanied by a parent can enter for free.

For such a small amount, everyone can literally plunge into the world of reptiles. There are the rarest breeds of turtles and crocodiles. The entire first floor of the farm is dedicated to these amazing creatures. However, you should be careful, because crocodiles are extremely dangerous creatures. However, local guides can tell about this and much more. The second floor of the farm is not so “dangerous”: it is inhabited by fish and small marine animals.

Waterfront amusement park

Right a few steps from the Embankment is a large amusement park. Here you can find affordable entertainment for children of all ages. The entire park is conditionally divided into zones with entertainment of different "danger".

Perfect for toddlers aged 2 to 6

  • Swimming pool with jet skis;
  • Trampoline;
  • Train;
  • Carousel.

Children, starting from the age of 6 (but only accompanied by their parents), can go to such attractions as:

  • Swans;
  • Orbit;
  • Merry slides;
  • Whelp;
  • Cars;
  • Room of fear.

Well, adults may well tickle their nerves on the rides:

  • Hammer;
  • Bench;
  • Chain, etc.

Children's play center South Park

"South Park" is a kind of mini-city under the roof, designed to entertain children in Feodosia. This place is more suitable for younger children, as the attractions here are quite simple:

  • inflatable slides;
  • Corner with soft cubes;
  • Pool with balls;
  • Jumps on inflatable balls;

All entertainment here is as safe as possible, so you can safely bring even a child who has barely learned to walk here. The center of the park is decorated with a small fountain. There is always children's music playing here, and the kids are very reluctant to leave this town.

Hang Gliding Museum

But visiting the Feodosia hang gliding museum will be interesting for both children and adults. A huge archive of materials from famous Russian and Soviet aviators has been collected here. And the entire path of creation and development of domestic aviation is reflected in countless exhibits. Each aircraft presented in the exposition is, as they say, “on the go”. You can see this with your own eyes here.

In the museum you can learn everything about the scientific and design activities of Efimov, Utochkin, Matseevich, Gorshkov, Popov, Rudnev and other prominent scientists.

By the way, it was in the vicinity of Feodosia that the first pilot training center was once established. There is even Mount Letnaya, from where the first hang gliders and gliders once soared into the sky.
Now, hang gliding competitions are held annually in these places.

Museum of Antiquities

Entertainment for children in Feodosia can be educational. The Museum of Antiquities, also known as the Feodosia Museum of Local Lore, was founded in 1810. Since then, his fund has become truly wealthy. For two centuries exhibits were brought here from all over the Peninsula - first of all, from Sudak, Kerch, etc. Collections were replenished thanks to local residents.

The museum fund is replenished almost daily, because excavations in the Crimean territory do not stop even for a minute.

Be sure to visit the following rooms and exhibitions:

  1. Russian Crimea;
  2. The Great Patriotic War;
  3. Karaite settlement;
  4. Archeology, etc.

Ticket prices for this museum start at 70 rubles (children's ticket). Children under 7 years old can enter for free.

House-Museum of A. Green

The most inquisitive can go on an excursion to Chekhov's house. Previously, this museum was part of the local history museum, but over the years it began to work independently. In Soviet times, there was a tradition to turn the houses where famous people once lived into something like a living monument-museum. The same fate and the house of the famous writer A. Green.

This place is a must visit when relaxing in Feodosia with children. The museum attracts admiring glances even on the way to it, because it is made in the form of a large ship.

Inside you can find a huge collection of manuscripts, newspaper articles and clippings, portraits and many documents relating to the life and work of the writer.

The real highlight of the interior is its decoration with ship decoration items. Here you can see sails, bells, navigation instruments, ropes and much more.

Thematic excursions are constantly held for the children, interesting lectures are given. Exhibitions of contemporary art are often held in the neighborhood.

Boat trips in Feodosia

Being in Feodosia with children, you can get into a real sea voyage. Moreover, you can make such a walk both on a small boat and on a real motor ship.

If you want to take an hour-long boat trip, you can simply take a leisurely swim in the waters of the bay. If you need a many-hour "swim" on a comfortable vessel, you can choose a route from among the following:

  • Kara-Dag - Golden Gate;
  • Sudak - New World;
  • Koktebel - Kara-Dag;
  • Golden Beach - Koktebel, etc.

On a note: Long walks are made on a beautiful and comfortable motor ship "Mikhail Svetlov".

Water activities and attractions on the embankment

As in any coastal city, in Feodosia you can plunge into the world of water entertainment. Many of these attractions are arranged specifically for children:

  • Water trampolines;
  • funnels;
  • inflatable bridges;
  • Castles on the water;
  • Riding a scooter, banana, etc. (only accompanied by adults);
  • Water motorcycles;
  • "Pills", etc.

Sights in the vicinity of Feodosia, which are worth visiting with the whole family:

Water park in Koktebel

Many travel with children to Feodosia, knowing that there is an excellent one in Koktebel very close. It is traditionally divided into two zones: for adults and for children. For kids, everything is organized not only brightly, but also as safely as possible.

Even on the approach to the water park, everyone can see a huge motley mushroom - it is he who is the center of the children's zone. On different sides of the mushroom-fountain there are many low slides with images of heroes of famous cartoons and fairy tales. There is also a beautiful pool with octopuses and elephants. Every child will definitely find something to do here. After all, it is simply impossible to be bored here.

An interesting fact is that children whose height has not reached 1 m can go to the water park accompanied by an adult for free.

In this institution you can watch a real theatrical performance, where the main characters are bottlenose dolphins. The Karadag Dolphinarium is one of the oldest on the peninsula. In addition to the dolphins themselves, here you can meet friendly fur seals. There is also a special show program called "auction". Its essence is that dolphins and seals themselves bring paintings to the audience, and they name the price for them.

Although tickets to this dolphinarium are quite cheap, spending starts with the “auction”. You will also have to pay here for photography and video filming. There are also dolphin therapy sessions for children with health problems. Nature reserve - volcano Kara-Dag Kara-Dag - a place where you should not go with very young children. Still, the way here is not so close. However, teenagers and older children can easily withstand it, which allows them to enjoy the views of the famous volcano and stock up on positive impressions from the trip.

You can go here only accompanied by an experienced guide. He will also conduct an interesting tour, and will tell the story of this place in an exciting way.

Many come here to capture the silhouettes of an extinct volcano. These views are one of the hallmarks of these places. Needless to say, there is a lot to admire here. Kara-Dag strikes the eyes of tourists both from the sea and from land. Take at least the names of some of its peaks and sections:

  • retinue;
  • Throne;
  • Gingerbread horse;
  • King with queen, etc.

Genoese fortress

Holidays with children in Feodosia will not be complete if you do not go on an excursion to the Genoese fortress. This building is one of the oldest in the Crimea, over the years it has become a real tourist "Mecca". Unfortunately, not much remains of the once fearsome bastion today. But that doesn't mean there's nothing to see here. The walls of the famous stronghold, its main citadel, part of the defensive fortifications have “survived” to this day.

Many are in a hurry to see until the moment when restoration began here in order to enjoy the spirit of living history. The towers of St. Clement and Crisko are also well preserved here. You can still see the famous bridge leading to the fortification. You can also see the famous Turkish baths and churches that have been preserved since ancient times.

Where to eat with a child in Feodosia: cafeterias and restaurants of the city

Resting with a child in Feodosia, you need to take care of his food. Fortunately, there are many places where you can feed your child in plenty. Here are the most frequently visited places:

  • Bistro "Gallery";
  • Restaurant "Arcadia";
  • Burger club;
  • Cafe "Old Town".

Where to stay in Feodosia with children

Families with children are most often looking for places where you can stay inexpensively, but with the comfort of home. There are a lot of such places in Feodosia. But most of all, prices will please in the following hotels and boarding houses:

  1. "Villa Victoria";
  2. Hotel "Valentina";
  3. Guest house "May 1";
  4. Boarding house "Feodosia";
  5. Boarding house "Ukraine".

You can comfortably and inexpensively rest in a sanatorium. For example, the Voskhod sanatorium is an excellent option for families with children.

Traditionally, renting from owners is also popular. You can rent an inexpensive house right by the sea - the whole or a separate room. Some families prefer to rent a small apartment for the entire holiday. Rental prices in Feodosia vary depending on the season. However, in general they are quite democratic. In any case, accommodation and recreation with children in Feodosia will be inexpensive.

Among the resorts of Crimea, Feodosia is often called not the most “childish” place to relax, because there are good beaches here and there are places for adults to take a walk, but it can be boring for kids, there is not enough infrastructure. However, you can also find positive opinions about holidays with children in this 70,000-strong town, so you should not immediately criticize the local conditions, perhaps this is the kind of vacation that a child will remember for a lifetime.


Rest in the Crimea attracts many potential tourists because the southern coast of this peninsula, which is the main tourist area, is characterized by a subtropical climate. A very important note should be made here: Feodosia does not belong to the subtropical climate zone; to get into the subtropics, you need to drive several tens of kilometers to the southwest. The climate in this resort is rightly considered transitional between temperate steppe, reminiscent of similar conditions in most of the coast of the Krasnodar Territory, and actually subtropical.

Nevertheless, this also has its advantages, for example, during the summer peak (July-August), the heat here is not as exhausting as in the same Yalta. A small average annual rainfall and low humidity make it easier to endure high temperatures and provide more sunny days per year than many other resorts in the Crimea. The season here lasts from about the end of May to the beginning of September.

And although there are really few amazing rides and other children's entertainment here, many vacationers with children choose Feodosia, explaining this with a number of reasons.

  • First of all, here the seabed descends very gently, that is, for tens of meters from the shore, kids can still safely frolic in the water, and parents have no reason to worry.
  • The shallow depth of coastal waters contributes to the fact that they are well warmed up by the sun's rays. In addition, storms and other unrest on the water are not typical for these places.
  • Sea water is clean - local authorities make sure that various wastes of any origin are not dumped into the sea. Water is considered especially clean not in Feodosia itself, but in its immediate vicinity.

However, it should be said that with a large crowd of people, sand suspension rises from the bottom, and after rare storms, an increased amount of algae is observed.

  • In almost all Crimea, the beaches are quite narrow. However, due to the fact that Feodosia is not limited by mountains and the slope to the sea is rather gentle, the beaches here are wide enough to accommodate a significant number of vacationers and give children a place to play actively.
  • The city itself is also well suited for a vacation - it is quiet here, the locals are polite and friendly. Meals will be relatively inexpensive due to the fact that the main tourist "magnets" are still a little off to the side. Feodosia and its surroundings are well suited for hiking, which can be an additional plus for families with teenagers.

Where to stay?

If you are only interested in the best hotels, then there is no point in going to Feodosia - you really cannot find resort infrastructure at the highest level here. Even your own pool at the hotel or children's animation is a luxury that you have to go further towards Yalta, and there is simply no such service in the vicinity of Feodosia. And although there are rooms offered to customers at prices over 10 thousand rubles per night, you should think ten times before booking them: they probably don't really cost that much.

The majority of visitors prefer to stay in middle-class hotels for several thousand rubles per room. Oddly enough, it will be much cheaper to settle in the center of Feodosia than on the outskirts, and conditions, as a rule, on the contrary, are better in the city center. On the outskirts, there are usually predominantly private boarding houses, which consider their main advantage to be remoteness from the city, privacy of the atmosphere and direct access to the first line. At the same time, some of these institutions look like literally semi-legal squatters.

Therefore, it is better to focus on boarding houses in the city center, especially state ones. They can be booked in advance (however, be prepared that there are a lot of such people), or you can agree on the spot. In the latter case, the conditions will be reminiscent of Soviet ones, but rest can cost several hundred rubles per person per day. For children, you can choose one or another children's sanatorium, for example, the famous "Volna", but they will not be able to live there with their parents.

In general, private housing is also considered a good option, here the conditions may not be outstanding, but this option will turn out to be extremely budgetary. Advertisements for the delivery of such housing hang here literally on every pole.

What to visit?

As for the interesting things for children, there are really very few of them here - many yards are not even equipped with elementary playgrounds. With kids, it remains only to walk around the city itself, which is distinguished by the remains of ancient architecture in the historical center, and the picturesque surroundings. At the same time, experienced travelers warn that it is worth taking a stroller with you for walks with kids, because the significant ruggedness of the local terrain greatly contributes to the rapid fatigue of small legs.

All children's entertainment is in a typical beach infrastructure, which for people who live very far from the sea, can also seem like a real paradise. First of all, we are talking about typical beach attractions like trampolines and inflatable slides, from which you can slide into small pools. An alternative would be banana rides.

In a word, if the family already has the experience of relaxing at various seaside resorts, and the child is unlikely to be happy with the banal wallowing on the beach, Feodosia will most likely disappoint the baby. True, everything is relatively close in Crimea, because those who really lack infrastructure can take a bus to Koktebel - there is at least a dolphinarium and a full-fledged water park. Such a trip will take about half an hour one way, buses in this direction run regularly.

Despite the weakness of the local children's infrastructure, numerous reviews indicate that many parents still bring their children to rest here. Studying their impressions of the vacation, you can make a small list of recommendations that will help you organize the camps more correctly.

  • Feodosia is still not located in the subtropics, so sudden and rather sharp cold snaps are possible here, when the weather can no longer be called hot even in summer. A windproof light jacket can come in handy here in any month.
  • Due to international sanctions imposed after the annexation of Crimea to Russia, there may be problems with withdrawing cash from an ATM, and even if the money is withdrawn, the commission can be shocking.

In stores, too, it is far from always possible to pay with a card, so it is worth stocking up on a certain amount of cash.

  • Visitors from the northern regions are surprised and frightened by the number and size of local insects. Poison centipedes are found here, and spiders, although non-poisonous (according to locals), frighten with their size, reaching several centimeters. It is clear that such a sight can lead a child to indescribable horror, so you should stock up on powerful insect repellents in advance.
  • In all other respects, you should pack as usual, remembering to take a well-stocked first aid kit with you so that, in which case, you do not have to look for a round-the-clock pharmacy in a small town.
  • For the little ones, it is useful to bring baby food of the usual type with you in case one is not available locally.

For information on where else you can inexpensively relax in the Crimea, see the following video.

For most people, holidays in Feodosia in Crimea are associated with hot summers, azure seas and golden beaches. But Feodosia is beautiful not only in the summer. To fully appreciate its beauty, hospitality and resort potential, visit the city in autumn, spring or mild southern winter. Here, the sea temperature never drops below 8 degrees, and snow falls very rarely and melts within a few hours. During the day, the air even in January warms up to +14 degrees, and you can slowly, thoughtfully and as comfortably as possible see all the sights of ancient Kafa - its castles, mosques, fortresses, museums, parks and galleries. And, of course, breathe in the healing air, as well as relieve the burden of anxieties and worries, resting your body and soul in the bath complex of the Atlantic Hotel.

Come to the "Atlantic" for a vacation with the whole family at any time of the year - we guarantee a great vacation, good service and unforgettable impressions!

The rooms in our hotel are small, but very comfortable:

  • pleasant interior in bright colors,
  • soft and comfortable furniture.

All rooms have: shower, refrigerator, satellite TV, wireless wi-fi internet, cosmetics (extra charge).

Atlantic is the best holiday in Feodosia in 2020. The hotel is able to provide families with children with comfort, taking care of the loyalty of the guests, creating a favorable climate, expanding the list of services, improving the quality of service.

What to do on vacation in Feodosia in the summer?

This resort will delight not only beach lovers. Here is an indicative list of attractions and attractions that are worth paying attention to.

Attractions in the city

  • Kafa, the Genoese fortress - a huge complex of fortifications of the XIV century, which is located in the south of the city. The first part of it "rooted" into Korabelnaya Street, the second - into Portovaya. Entrance is free, only individual expositions on the territory of the fortress are paid.
  • The I.K. Aivazovsky Art Gallery is one of the most popular city attractions from the moment it was founded in the 19th century to the present day. It was bequeathed to the city by the artist himself. It is also the city's unofficial arts center.
  • Dolphinarium "Nemo". There are two or three performances a day. Provides many services, including dolphin therapy.

Active entertainment on vacation in Feodosia in 2020

  • Jeeping in the mountains or around the bay. Both adults and children ride. The price of the trip includes the services of a guide and child seats. The duration of the trip is from one hour.
  • Horseback riding - for example, through the local forest, to the top of Tepe-Oba or to the Arbat Spit. The choice of horse excursions is quite solid, you can choose the option for a couple of hours, and for a day or two.
  • Sailing tour along the coast, which includes diving, fishing, swimming in the open sea, entry into rare grottoes and bays. There are tours lasting from one to four days. Diving equipment, sailing catamaran, accommodation equipment, breakfasts and dinners are included.

  • They can be on foot, car, bicycle, bus. There are a huge number of companies and private guides that offer them. You can explore the sights of Crimea on your own.
  • Nikitsky Botanical Garden near Yalta. Possibly one of the most beautiful places on the planet. Many landscape zones of the planet, more than two thousand species of plants and talented landscape design are recreated here. Explore the corners of China, America, Southeast Asia in miniature, admire rare plant species: mammoth trees, Pitsunda pine, thousand-year-old pistachio trees.
  • Museum-reserve Chersonese in the vicinity of Sevastopol. The main attraction of the peninsula. Founded several hundred years before our era. Now divided into sectors by historical periods. Numerous expositions exhibit unique artifacts.
  • The cave city of Chufut-Kale not far from Bakhchisarai, which keeps the heritage of ancient architects. It was founded around the 5th century AD, played a major role in the military confrontations of those times and later - in the 12th century, during the struggle of the Kipchaks with the Horde. The rooms carved into the rock occupy several levels, like high-rise buildings going down. There are also buildings of a later time - the Middle Ages.


  • At the end of May, welcome to Aviadarts, which is held at the Cape Chauda training ground. More than fifty pilots of civil and military aircraft, aviation technology of the past and present, breathtaking stunts.
  • In mid-June, the festival of sea cuisine "Red mullet" takes place. You will not miss it if you are in the city at this time, because all city beaches participate in this action. Local chefs compete for the title of the best, offering to taste the most delicious fish soup. Fishing story contests are also held here. The celebration zones are non-alcoholic, so do not hesitate to come to Barabulka with children.
  • The "City of Masters" is held every year, in July and August, in Komsomolsky Park, where a full-fledged "ancient" city is being built for this period. Walk around the city, go to forges and shops, craft and art workshops. Craftsmen come here from all over the Crimea to sell the fruits of labor, to conduct master classes in carving, embroidery, painting, and blacksmithing. The festival includes concerts, jousting tournaments and an exhibition of folk costumes.

Come for a great private vacation in Feodosia 2020!


We rested in this wonderful place from 17 to 30 July. I'll start from the very beginning. We were greeted as long-awaited guests. Elena, the hostess, showed us our house and handed over the keys. The kitchen is fully equipped with everything necessary for the hostess. The room is small but very comfortable, air conditioning, TV, lockers, bedside tables.etc. Good soundproofing. Thick curtains on the windows, which did not allow the bright rays of the sun to penetrate. Washing machine, microwave, refrigerator. Convenient parking. Everything is! Use as much as you need. The area is very cozy. Barbecue, swings, tennis, everything is surrounded by greenery. And a huge turtle lives in a pond. Children are just delighted. Very convenient location. To the sea 10-13 minutes. The market is the same distance. To the center of Feodosia along the embankment 35-40 minutes. The sea is clean, the beach is well maintained. If you want sand, please, if you want pebbles, go a little further, you will have pebbles. A. will want to lie down on the pebbles and there will be this goodness here. My husband and I really enjoyed our stay here. If you want a relaxing holiday just for the soul, then this is the place for you!!! And, lastly, we want to say a special thank you to ELENA !!! The owner of these cozy houses!! You are real! Very friendly, caring to her guests even over the top!!! Thanks for a wonderful vacation. God bless us all! We'll be back here again!!

We rested in July, the family is very pleased. Clean, comfortable, calm. We were very satisfied, THANK YOU


We rested here last summer, our children were delighted! And we also liked it, we rested on the terrace with my husband, the children in plain sight, under our supervision. It’s cozy in the house, there is everything you need, but we didn’t immediately figure it out with the induction stove, but there are instructions there and the owners suggest if necessary. Everywhere is so beautiful, flowers, night lanterns light up at night, there are large palm trees in the garden. In the middle of the garden there is a large pool with a turtle, she got out to sunbathe during the day, they fed her, the kids were interested. Thank you very much for a wonderful vacation!

To have a good rest with children in Feodosia and provide the whole family with a lot of impressions, make a list of places to visit. This way you will be able to prepare an interesting vacation program in advance and will be able to stick to a clear plan, always knowing where to go.

What to do in Feodosia with a child?

For a memorable holiday in Feodosia with children, visit the local water park. It is located in the village of Koktebel, which offers entertainment for young and adult visitors. There are many slides of different lengths and shapes.

The Nemo Dolphinarium is another attraction worth visiting with the family. There are daily performances where dolphins and fur seals take part. Visitors can also swim with marine animals.

In Feodosia, rest with a child also involves visiting the following places:

· Museum of Illusion;

safari park "Taigan";

Waterfalls and caves

Museum "Feostoria".

Booking without commission

Our Internet portal will help you book a room without overpayments to intermediaries. Here tourists can find descriptions of various accommodation facilities, contact information and contact the administration. This will help make