This mysterious crystal. Mysterious Atlantis Crystal This Mysterious Crystal


Long ago, the archaeologist Vikelman accompanied the Seeker in his search for the ancient riches of the Sky Island. Then the Mysterious crystal was discovered, endowed with powerful power. But the seeker squad was not ready for the unexpected attack of Zerek's minions, who were hunting for the source of power, and suffered huge losses. Vikelman was able to save the crystal and escape to Lakia, but gave up his leg in return. Under the influence of the attraction of the faction, the crystal split and its parts were scattered throughout the territory of Lakia.

Then Johann Wickelmann began to look for volunteers who would dare to collect the mysterious parts and bring them to the archaeologist.

Scattered throughout Lakia are Mysterious Jugs, exploring which you can, with a certain chance, find the following items:

Closed Relic Chest

Mysterious crystal piece

Archaeologist Johann Wickelmann is looking for parts of the mysterious crystal in the city of Basilan on the Central Square. He will be able to tell you a fascinating story and tell you how to open the chest of relics.

Attention! To receive an assignment from Ioan Vikelman, your prania must be called

To open the relic, you need to collect 12 Mysterious Crystal Pieces, from which Johann Wickelman can collect the Mysterious Crystal.

Open chest of relics

Having opened " Opened Chest of Relics", You can play a mini-game.

Artifact Collector mini-game process

Each time the mini-game starts, one random excavation area will be shown.

The indicator in the form of a white square will begin to move through the excavation areas. A fixed blue square will indicate the type of item it contains. The rest of the cells have a variety of items.

Press the button to stop the indicator. Open the relic and get the item where the indicator stopped.

Little is known to modern science about this mysterious people. According to legends, the Atlanteans were beautiful and strong, could overcome gravity and telepathically exchange thoughts. Many scientists and ordinary amateurs who study ancient mythology ask themselves: where could the Atlantean civilizations disappear ?! In this article, we will study information about the mysterious Atlantean crystal and related real mystical stories from people's lives.

The well-known ancient Greek philosopher Plato, in his book entitled "Dialogues", once wrote that the Atlanteans "themselves brought trouble upon themselves." What exactly he wanted to say by this remains a secret and the story ends at the most interesting place.

Another person who probably knows about the secret of bygone days is the American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce. Once, under the effect of another trance, he saw a very interesting picture, after analyzing which, he concluded that the Atlanteans used crystals for their worldly and spiritual purposes. In his visions, Cayce saw the main crystal of Atlantis - Tuaoi (translated as "Firestone"). The crystal was kept in one of the halls of the temple of Poseidon. It was presented to the Atlanteans by representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations and contained a terrible destructive force. The crystal was the source of the strongest energy, thanks to which the inhabitants of Atlantis could develop extrasensory perception in themselves.

Casey's statements were confirmed a little later. Historians have found the works of Julius Caesar called "Notes on the Gallic War." The great king describes in them his meeting as a priest of the Druids, who told him about the ancestors of the Gauls. According to legend, they built a palace in the center of the Atlantic in the middle of the sea, and every ship passing by disappeared without a trace. This myth also existed in the Middle Ages. The Celts called the unknown force capturing ships the "Magic Web". One of the heroes stayed in the House of Glass for 3 days, and after leaving there it turned out that he had spent as many as 30 years there!

According to legend, some Atlanteans escaped and fled to Tibet, where they built giant pyramids topped with large crystals, which supposedly served as antennas for receiving large amounts of energy from space.

In 1970, scuba diving enthusiast Dr. Ray Brown discovered an unusual find near the island of Baria, in the Bahamas. During his dive, he saw a pyramid. There was a crystal in the middle of an unknown structure. When Brown decided to take the crystal in his hands, he heard a voice inside himself, warning of danger. But this did not prevent him from taking the find and keeping it for 5 years. However, in 1975 at a congress of psychiatrists in the United States, he nevertheless showed the find. Psychologist Elizabeth Bacon looked at the crystal and received a message from him that it allegedly belongs to Thoth - the Egyptian God of Death.

Edgar Cayce believes that the anomalies occurring in the Bermuda region are caused by the influence of the energetic force of the crystals. It is for this reason that sometimes there is such a phenomenon as the "Paradox of time and space."

A mystical story happened to the crew of a submarine in 1993. According to the American weekly "News", sailors sailing at a depth of 70 meters in the Bermuda Triangle "heard a strange noise overboard and felt vibration for about 1 minute. After that, all members of the team miraculously aged in a matter of seconds. The most mysterious thing in this story is the fact that they surfaced in the Indian Ocean at a distance of 10 thousand miles from Bermuda!

At the bottom Bermuda Triangle, in the summer of 1991, a sensational find was made. Namely, a giant pyramid was discovered. Its size was 3 times the size of the Cheops pyramid. And the walls were absolutely clean and smooth, made of a material that resembled glass. It seemed that it was not made of blocks (there were no traces of them), but was a single whole.

Another mystical life story happened with Shannon Bracey. She was swimming and decided to cross alone Pacific Ocean on a yacht. As she approached Bermuda, she noticed a line of fog that gradually grew, and soon nothing could be seen. At that moment, real ghosts appeared in front of her! These were different people, among whom were sailors, crying children and mournful women. Among all these people, she saw her husband, who held out his hands to her. You can imagine what a horror Shannon experienced! At that moment, she lost consciousness and remained unconscious for 12 hours.

edited news † Fully Alive † - 24-06-2011, 17:22

Plato wrote that the Atlanteans "themselves brought trouble upon themselves." However, his story ends and does not reveal the secret. Perhaps the American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce managed to unravel this mystery, who, entering a trance, watched visions from long-extinct worlds. According to him, the Atlanteans possessed certain crystals and used them for worldly and spiritual purposes. Casey dreamed of a large hall in the Temple of Poseidon, called the Hall of Light. It contained the main crystal of Atlantis - Tuoy, which means "stone of fire". It had a cylindrical shape and reached a height of several meters. The top absorbed solar energy and accumulated it in the center. Casey claims that the crystal was donated to the Atlanteans by representatives alien civilizations, who warned that it must be handled with care, since it contains a powerful destructive force. These crystals, according to Casey, were accumulators of solar radiation and starlight, they accumulated the energy of the Earth, their rays burned even thick walls. It was thanks to this that the Atlanteans erected palaces, temples and developed psychic abilities in themselves.

Naturally, Cayce's statements were met with skepticism by scientists, but unexpected evidence was found. Julius Caesar in his "Notes on the Gallic War" wrote that a certain druid priest told him about the ancestors of the Gauls, who came to Europe from the "Island of Crystal Towers." They brought with them some crystals, which later became the sacred stones of the Druids. According to legend, the glass palace, from where the crystals appeared, rose in the middle of the sea, somewhere in the center of the Atlantic. Ships sailed past him, but those that tried to get closer died: invisible forces seized the ship, and it disappeared forever. In the Celtic sagas, inexplicable power is called the "magic web." One of the heroes of the sagas managed to escape from the "House of Glass" and return home. It seemed to him that he had spent only three days in the palace, but thirty years had already passed in his homeland. Only a huge and powerful crystal, the six-sided Tuaoy, about which Casey spoke, could have such an impact on space and time.

As it turned out, the word "Tuoy" has linguistic parallels in the languages ​​of the Maya, Aztecs, Guanches, Sumerians. All similar words mean the same thing - "burning, or fiery stone."

Tibetan counterpart Tuoyya

There is a legend that some of the surviving Atlanteans moved to Tibet. The peoples of Tibet have preserved a legend about giant pyramids, crowned with large crystals of rock crystal, which served as antennas for receiving the life-giving energy of the Cosmos. One such pyramid was discovered in Tibet during World War II by US Air Force pilot James Kausman. He flew over the so-called "Valley of Death". Suddenly, right below, I saw a pyramid. It was pure white on all sides, and at the top was a huge crystal that sparkled like a jewel. The crew was amazed at the size of the pyramid and the inexplicable, mesmerizing beauty of the crystal. There was no way to land close. The hands of the instruments seemed to go berserk, indicating the presence of a strong magnetic field. After flying around the pyramid three times, Kausman returned safely to his base.

Our compatriot E. Muldashev recently also discovered in Tibet, smooth as a mirror, huge pyramids, which left him an unforgettable feeling of delight, salads, snacks for his birthday.

Quartz skull

It can be assumed that the material widely used by the masters of Atlantis was quartz, a rock common for volcanic soil. In 1927, a young American woman who helped her father, archaeologist F.A. Mitchell-Hedges, found in the ruins of Mayan buildings in Luvaatum, near the coast Caribbean, on the Yucatan Peninsula, a skull of crystalline quartz. It was exquisitely carved at life size, with a movable lower jaw and an array of prisms, lenses and light tubes to bring life to the eyes and face. Scientists at a California laboratory who examined the quartz skull under powerful microscopes found no scratches that would indicate that it had been cut with metal tools. Moreover, after a thorough examination of the skull, they made a sensational conclusion: the skull was made in violation of all the laws of crystallography. Such a result could be achieved only with the help of a laser, invented much later, or technologies completely unknown to modern civilization.

The quartz skull possesses powers, the origin of which is inexplicable. Some people see an aura around him, others catch a sweet-sour smell near him. At times, it seems as if the skull makes sounds like the ringing of bells or a barely audible chorus of human voices. In his presence, visions can appear, and he has a beneficial effect on those who are endowed with the gift of healing and divination.

The quartz crystal also promotes meditation by influencing the energy radiated by thought waves. Such objects, carefully carved from quartz crystals, probably helped the Atlanteans to achieve increased sensitivity and sensitivity when contemplating their own place in the Universe.

These and similar facts suggest that the Atlantean crystals have retained their energetic effect and the main crystal of Atlantis Tuoy is in working condition, resting at great depth in the center of the Bermuda Triangle.

* * *

Masters need to have special crystals that are encoded and belong to a specific person on the subtle plane. Crystals made from amethyst and fluorite work especially well. The master crystal works while you are alive. Fluorite has a natural crystal form - double pyramids, a special power is hidden in it. Atlantes knew the secrets of coding their libraries into these crystals, and the hour is not far off when a modern man can decode such valuable information and use it. By themselves, these crystals carry tremendous strength and energy. Fluorite is a stone with which you can work at various levels, and it is the structure of the double pyramid that makes it so versatile. Huge pyramids on earth have the same structure, and the summit invisible to our eyes belongs to another time - space.

Fluorite activates the right hemisphere and is the most powerful lilac-violet stone. From him always comes the impulse that God sends. For many years, crystals have served as an effective tool for establishing channels of communication with divine beings or with the "higher self" to receive answers, insights and improve personal growth and spiritual development.

An excerpt from the book of the Forerunner

This is how the creation of Human hands, the symbol of Knowledge, the image of Unity and the likeness of the Universe was born. What the descendants would call a pyramid was born. But few people think about the Essence of the form of this structure.

It was like this to the souls of the earthlings. Since in those days, hearts were open. And the awareness was of what they were doing.

And the Atlanteans came to see this creation. And they asked permission from the King of the state to build the same temples at home. And permission was given. And the construction of the Temples of Similarity began in many places of both empires. Upon completion of the construction of the main temples, the appearance of the messenger of the Creator took place in both states. And they were told that this is a good deed. And the grace of the Creator descended to Earth in the form of two crystals. Small crystal in the first pyramid, for being unselfishly given. And it was given to them for this. And a big crystal to the Atlanteans. For what they saw, they knelt down, took and multiplied. And through crystals this connection passed with all the Subtle and parallel Worlds. Great knowledge was passed on through them. Only seven faces were closed before time. And each priest could work with a crystal. But only with the line into which he could enter in accordance with his knowledge, thoughts and deeds. The egregor of the state was also closed on the crystal. And development went on in all plans ...

Three thousand years after the events described, both states entered the "Golden Age". It was a time of harmony and prosperity. Technologies were brought to such a state that the priests no longer simply received and transmitted information through the crystal, but were able to open one of the seven closed faces of the crystal. And, thanks to this, they could move their material bodies into parallel dimensions. And thus the door to the "World of the Dark Kingdoms" was opened. And there was great amazement from what he saw. For there the king ruled with a sect of priests, and his power was unlimited. He enslaved other peoples. And he delighted his flesh. And he did not know the measures. And the priests returned back. And they told about it to others. And the seed of evil began to spread with the quickness of thought.

Do not forget what you saw. And it got to the point that relations between states collapsed. Thanks to their joint efforts, the bond between the crystals was also destroyed. And the explosion shook the Earth at the same time. And the waves of the sea rose. And the whole planet trembled from this. The catastrophe was such that new mountains rose, and the old ones went underground. But the Earth did not completely change its face. This was the first warning of impending disaster. But in a different way it was perceived by the Atlanteans. “We did it,” they said. “And if we wish, we will turn the whole Earth”….

Municipal conference

junior schoolchildren "Young Researcher".

This mysterious crystal

Research work

Pupils: Suyundikova Karina Ildarovna,

Academic Supervisor:, teacher,

Municipal autonomous educational institution

Trinity Secondary School

Tyulgansky district of the Orenburg region

Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………

What is a crystal ……………………………………………………………………….

Crystals in nature …………………………………………………………

Interesting facts about crystals …………………………………………………… ...

What is a geode ……………………………………………………………………… ..

Growing artificial crystals ………………………………………… ...

Crystal Geode Egg

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………...

Bibliography ………………………………………………………………………

Application ……………………………………………………………………………...


Crystal. What can you imagine hearing this word? Something unusual, mysterious. You may think that a crystal is a rare and beautiful mineral or gem. You are partly right. Emeralds and diamonds are crystals. But not all crystals are rare and beautiful. Every single particle of salt or sugar is also a crystal! Many of the most common substances around us are crystals.

People say that the crystal is growing. Why can it grow? After all, this is not a plant. I wondered why a crystal grows, how a person uses it, whether it is possible to grow a crystal and how to do it.

People use crystals in construction, in the production of jewelry, watches, electronic devices, and computer technology. But where to get so many crystals? Is it possible to grow them artificially? I decided to try growing a crystal at home.

Purpose of work: find out what a crystal is and get it at home.


1. Conduct an analysis of the literature on the topic

2. Grow crystals at home

3. Analyze the results obtained.

Hypothesis: We assumed that crystals can be grown at home.

Relevance of work is to find interesting and unusual nearby, in what is available for observation and study, does not require much effort and cost, and allows you to take a fresh look at familiar objects and acquire new knowledge.

Object of work- crystals.

Item research - the process of crystallization.

Methods used:

Study of literature


Setting up experience

What is crystal


A crystal is usually a solid, but there are also liquid crystals. Every substance is made up of small particles (molecules or atoms). You can call them bricks. Usually in a substance, the bricks are different and are connected to each other in different ways, that is, strange patterns are obtained. And in a crystal, the bricks are the same, they are equally connected to each other, repeated in exactly the same sequence throughout the substance, that is, patterns of the correct shape are obtained. Thanks to this repeating structure, crystals themselves can take on strange and interesting shapes.

Crystals of many minerals and precious stones were known and described several millennia ago. At first, the word "crystal" meant only "ice" in Greek. Then they began to call so transparent crystals of quartz, which is also called rock crystal. People thought that rock crystal is ice that does not melt in the heat. An amazing feature of rock crystal is its smooth, flat edges. There was a hunch that the shape could be related to the internal structure. And then scientists proved that the structure of the crystal has a repeating pattern.

A crystal is a solid state of matter. It has a certain shape and a certain number of faces due to the arrangement of its atoms. All crystals of one substance have the same shape, although they may differ in size.

Crystals in nature

There are hundreds of substances in nature that form crystals. Water is one of the most common of these. Freezing water turns into ice crystals or snowflakes. Mineral crystals are also formed during certain rock-forming processes. The vast amounts of hot and molten rocks deep underground are actually solutions of minerals. When the masses of these liquid or molten rocks are pushed to the surface of the earth, they begin to cool. They cool very slowly. Minerals turn into crystals when they change from a hot liquid to a cold solid. For example, rock granite contains crystals of minerals such as quartz, feldspar, and mica. Millions of years ago, granite was a molten mass of minerals in a liquid state. Currently, there are masses of molten rocks in the earth's crust that slowly cool and form crystals of various types. Crystals come in all kinds of shapes. All crystals known in the world can be divided into 32 types, which in turn can be grouped into six types. Crystals can be of different sizes. Some minerals form crystals that can only be seen with a microscope. Others form crystals weighing several kilograms.

Interesting facts about crystals "alt =" * "width =" 13 "height =" 13 src = "> The most the largest crystal (310,000 carats (about 62 kilograms), diameter - 40 centimeters) and the smallest (only 0.8 millimeter in diameter) Swarovski crystals in the world, included in the Guinness Book of Records. "alt =" * "width =" 13 "height =" 13 src = "> The science of crystallography studies ideal crystals from the point of view of the laws of symmetry and compares them with real crystals. "alt =" * "width =" 13 "height =" 13 src = "> Crystal optics studies the optical properties of crystals.

geodes "- earthen) - rounded, oval or other forms of voids in rocks, inside which there is a cavity, where crystals grow from the edges to the center. The name" geode "came to us from France.

Ancient Greeks these „star caves NS called "geodes" (γεώδης) - s emblematic, s emery; in English - geode " or crystalcave "- "crystal cave." There are small geodes, less than a meter in diameter, and there are real caves with walls and ceilings decorated with crystals.

Geodes are formed in the cavities of the earth's crust. Minerals are deposited there gradually, layer by layer, from the walls to the center. But this requires special conditions.

First, a closed shell is needed in which the body of the aggregate grows. For small secretions, these are, most often, the walls of gas bubbles in magma flowing to the surface during a volcanic eruption. For the bubbles to grow noticeably larger than what you are used to seeing in pumice or porous chocolate, the magma must be thick enough. It dissolves water vapor, fluorine, chlorine, carbon dioxide, oxides of silicon, iron, magnesium, and the like. The process of formation of minerals in the earth's crust with the participation of hot water and high pressure is called “hydrothermal”, and the solution of minerals, from which they crystallize again with gradual cooling, is colloidal.

If the magma is thick enough and the bubble with the solution does not explode, conditions are created for the gradual cooling and crystallization of minerals. As soon as the magma cools down a little, the colloidal solution solidifies layer by layer. First, minerals with a higher melting point are deposited on the walls of the cavity. In our geode, this is a yellow-gray opaque or translucent silicon, a kind of quartz with a cryptocrystalline structure. Then chalcedony is deposited in the form of a white opaque "crust", behind which agate crystallizes a translucent variety of quartz. Agate is now often called not the mineral itself, but a striped concentric pattern formed by layers of different minerals. If the temperature is changed several times, chalcedony and agate form several layers, the sequence of which depends on whose “turn” to crystallize at the given temperature

The growth of the geode is completed by crystals of pure quartz: transparent rock crystal, smoky topaz, purple amethyst. It all depends on the content and variety of acidic residues of metals and the concentration of minerals in the solution.

Over time, the upper layer of rocks is destroyed, dense and weathering-resistant secretions are crumbled into open deposits.

Growing artificial crystals interested people back in the 9th century. And above all, precious minerals were of interest: ruby ​​and sapphire. These minerals are now produced in millions of carats every year!

They are produced from melts, from solutions, from gas, but of course, each mineral has its own method of production, its own technological peculiarity. (This feature is associated with such a variety of minerals in nature!)
For example, quartz crystals (rock crystal, amethyst grow in aqueous solutions of natural mineralizers, as evidenced by the chemical composition of quartz. growing artificial crystal stone natural conditions are also artificially simulated!

If we briefly describe the process of artificial growth of stone crystals, then the initial raw material (for example, ugly, destroyed quartz) is destroyed in alkali to a molecular state and then a perfectly regular transparent crystal is created from silica molecules. This is done using special seeds. Seeds for growing artificial minerals are transparent thin, elongated plates made from the same synthetic crystals. In this case, the appropriate temperature, pressure, and concentration of the solution are necessarily controlled. The slightest deviation from the specified parameters - and the crystal will be hopelessly damaged! Another important condition for growing artificial stones is the temperature difference between the bottom and top of the container where they grow. In this case, there is a transfer of molecules in solution and their entry to the seeds.

Artificial precious and semi-precious stones, for example, amethysts, grown at the factory, are no different from their famous Ural and Brazilian counterparts: neither in appearance nor in structure.

Crystal Geode Egg

I was very interested in the crystals that grow in a geode, and I decided to grow crystals in an eggshell. This will be my Easter craft.

I needed:

shell from an empty egg, burnt alum, white glue, brush, glass dish, paint for Easter eggs, hot water, stick and spoon, sheet of paper.

How did:

1. Blown a large white chicken egg. Split it lengthwise into two halves. She carried out this "jewelry" action by cutting it with small scissors. I made sure the inside of the shell is dry and clean. Prepared everything you need (photo 1 of the application)

2. Using a brush, I applied white glue to the inner surface of both egg halves and edges, and sprinkled alum on the entire inner surface covered with glue. Dried the shell (photo 2)

3. The next day, I prepared a solution for growing crystals in a glass jar: I stirred a full package of dye with a stick in 2 glasses of very hot (almost boiling water) water. Add ¾ cup alum powder to the hot dye solution and stir until completely dissolved. When the alum was completely dissolved, I allowed the solution to cool (about 30 minutes), and then I dipped one half of the dried egg, covered with glue and alum, into the bottom of the bowl, with the inside facing up. (Photo 3,4,5)

4. Put the dish in a safe place for the night. Crystals love to grow alone. The longer the shell is in water, the larger the crystals in the geode will be.

5. A day later, I carefully took the geode out of the solution, the wet crystals are quite fragile. If I wanted to grow large crystals, I would leave the geode in solution for a few more days. (Photo 6)

6. I put the geode on a piece of paper and waited until it was completely dry. (photo 7)

Now you can show my miracle to people! (photo 8)


· It is still necessary to work with chemicals with rubber gloves!

· Never taste chemicals!

· After completing the experiment, wash your hands!


Crystals have a clear, repeating structure, they are solid and liquid. They occur naturally and can be grown by humans. Beautiful crystals are formed when the crystallization of atoms and molecules of a substance into patterns of regular shape occurs very slowly. The crystal grows because water from a saturated solution gradually evaporates, and the crystalline substance passes from a liquid state to a solid state, since the "bricks" (atoms and molecules) are attracted to each other and independently take their place in the repeating structure.

Crystals are very beneficial to humans. In some cases, you cannot do without them. For example, if you need to cut a stone, you cannot do without a diamond, and if you need to make a watch, you cannot do without a ruby. Microprocessors in computers are made of silicon, and without liquid crystal displays, we can no longer imagine any electronic device. It is very difficult to find the required crystal in nature. It is much easier and cheaper to grow it artificially. This is done in industrial production. But you can also grow a crystal at home.


1. My experiment showed that the crystal can be grown at home.

2. It is necessary to use gloves, as the dye is very difficult to wash off the hands

3. As a result of the experiment, I was convinced that the crystals are very fragile and must be varnished to protect them from destruction.

4. You can decorate your home in a very unusual way for the Easter holiday.

Crystals are capricious, require careful attitude to them, adherence to the recipe and the temperature of the solution when the crystal is immersed for further growth. Otherwise, a crystal that has been patiently and for a long time can disappear before our eyes in a few minutes! But, on the other hand, if everything is done correctly, patiently and carefully, the grown crystal will delight you with its beauty, unusual shape, color, size!

The study of crystals cannot be accommodated in this work, it deserves more attention! This is what I plan to do in the future.


1. Popular scientific journal "Kolosok", No. 9/2012, pp. 38-45.

2. Let's cheat. O. Holgin. M .: "Children's Literature" 2001.

Internet resources:

3.http: // adalin. ***** / l_01_00 / l_01_10m. shtm

4.http: // www. /page24.html

5.http: // ***** / 3216 /

6.http: // ru. wikipedia. org

7.http: // sciencetime. ***** / amazing / physicsfacts / crystals


Crystal. Many of the most common substances around us are crystals. I wanted to grow an unusual crystal - an analogue of a geode. Crystal in an egg for the Easter holiday. And I did it. Growing crystals is a very fun process.


Crystals(from the Greek κρύσταλλος, initially - ice, later - rock crystal, crystal) - solid bodies in which atoms are arranged regularly, forming a three-dimensional periodic spatial packing - a crystal lattice.

Thanks to this repeating structure, crystals themselves can take on strange and interesting shapes.

There are hundreds of substances in nature that form crystals. Water is one of the most common of these. Freezing water turns into ice crystals or snowflakes.

Crystals can be of different sizes. Some minerals form crystals that can only be seen with a microscope. Others form crystals weighing several kilograms.

The largest crystals were found in the Crystal Cave in the Nike mine complex, in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. Some of the gypsum crystals found there are 15 meters long and 1 meter wide. They consist of a transparent variety of crystalline gypsum - selenite.

Crystals grow by reproducing themselves. Of all the mineral kingdom, they are closest to being called "alive."

Geodes(from the Greek. "geodes" - earthen) - rounded, oval or other form of emptiness in rocks, inside which there is a cavity, where crystals grow from the edges to the center.

Artificial crystals of stones They are produced from melts, from solutions, from gas, but of course, each mineral has its own method of production, its own technological feature.

Crystals are very beneficial to humans. In some cases, you cannot do without them. It is very difficult to find the required crystal in nature. It is much easier and cheaper to grow it artificially. This is done in industrial production. But you can also grow a crystal at home.

Growing crystals in an egg ANNEX 1 "width =" 513 "height =" 385 src = ">

Photo 2. Cover the inside of the shell with PVA glue. Then dry. "width =" 538 "height =" 404 src = ">

Photo 4. Add alum. Stir until almost completely dissolved. "width =" 538 "height =" 404 src = ">

Photo 5. We take out the egg from the solution. "width =" 495 "height =" 382 ">

Photo 8. Admiring the crystal egg.

Atlantean Crystals are mysterious stones owned by the legendary inhabitants of Atlantis. According to Plato's notes, "the Atlanteans themselves caused trouble" by clumsily handling these crystals. True, he does not reveal the secret of the tragedy. The famous clairvoyant Edgar Cayce, having entered a trance, also saw the Atlanteans and their crystals, which they used for worldly and spiritual purposes. Perhaps at some point the powerful energy of the crystals got out of control and became the destructive force that destroyed the mysterious country.

Edgar Cayce left documents about his visions, including Atlantis. In a state of trance, he saw extraordinary palaces in a vanished country, the great Hall of Light in the Temple of Poseidon. It contained the "fiery stone" - the main crystal of Atlantis, called Tuaoi. It was the first crystal presented to the Atlanteans by representatives of alien civilizations. The quartz crystal reached a height of several meters and had a cylindrical shape. Its top absorbed solar energy, and its accumulation took place in the center. Tuaoi was so powerful that the aliens warned the Atlanteans to be very careful with him.

There were other crystals, but all of them were accumulators of radiation: solar, terrestrial, stellar. Their rays burned through even thick walls. Thanks to the energy of crystals, the Atlanteans built beautiful palaces and temples, developed psychic abilities in themselves.
Scholars were skeptical about both Cayce's claims and Plato's record. But over time, more and more new historical sources were discovered - legends about Atlantis and its crystals.

For example, Julius Caesar, in his Notes on the Gallic War, mentioned the stories of a druid priest about the Island of Crystal Towers. This island rose in the middle of the sea somewhere in the center of the Atlantic, and a crystal palace was located on it. Not a single enemy ship could approach the island: invisible forces captured the ship, and it disappeared into the depths of the sea forever.

The Celtic sagas tell of an inexplicable force that guards the island, and it is called a magic web. One of these sagas tells about a man who was captured and lived in a house of glass, then he managed to somehow escape and return home. As it turned out, thirty years had passed at home, but it seemed to him - only three days! Apparently, the hexagonal tuao was so powerful that it even changed space and time.

Words similar in sound to "Tuoy" are found in the languages ​​of the Sumerians, Mayans, and Aztecs. They all mean one thing - "burning, fiery stone."
There is also a legend that after the disaster some of the Atlanteans escaped and fled to Tibet. Apparently, they managed to take some stones with them. The peoples of Tibet have preserved the legends about giant pyramids, on the tops of which there are crystals like rock crystal, which are able to receive the energy of the Cosmos.

According to ancient historians and modern esotericists, the pyramid of Cheops was built by the Atlanteans, and was crowned with a magic crystal, all facets of which shone like mirrors. At the top of the Cheops pyramid, a platform measuring 10 to 10 meters has indeed survived, where a small pyramid could well have been installed. Perhaps it was luminous, in the shape of a spire and served as an antenna for receiving and amplifying the high-frequency radiation of the Universe.

But the material of this pyramidion is controversial: some are inclined to believe that it was a magic conical crystal made of rock crystal, others think that it was made of metal. Edgar Cayce also observed a large crystal on the Cheops pyramid during his "time travel". Perhaps it was the powerful amplification of the pyramid's radiation by this crystal that led to the catastrophe, as a result of which Atlantis perished.

In 1927, a young American woman, daughter of the archaeologist F.A. Mitchell-Hedges, found in the ruins of Mayan buildings on the Yucatan Peninsula, graceful. This unique skull had a movable lower jaw and consisted of many prisms, lenses, and light tubes to bring life to the eyes and face.
Scientists began to study the find under powerful microscopes and came to the conclusion that it was made using a unique technology that excludes metal instruments. They made a sensational statement: the object was made in violation of all the laws of crystallography and such production is possible only with a laser beam or other means unknown to modern science.
In addition, the quartz skull created an aura around it that some people saw. Some caught a special sweetish-sour smell, some heard sounds like the ringing of bells or a barely audible chorus of human voices. Visions were especially sensitive individuals, and those who possessed extrasensory capabilities expanded them.

In 1970, Dr. Ray Brown, a great scuba diving enthusiast, went to rest on Bahamas... Once, during another dive to great depth, he discovered a huge pyramid with a smooth, almost mirror-like surface, the joints between the blocks of which were not visible even when illuminated by powerful lamps. Soon, the archaeologist found the entrance to the pyramid, and along a narrow corridor entered a rectangular room with strange illumination. In the center, on a slight elevation, was a crystalline sphere four inches in diameter, and in it one could see the image of the three pyramids.

When Brown tried to touch the crystal, he heard a warning voice inside him, but nevertheless raised the sphere to the surface and only five years later decided to show it at the congress of psychiatrists in the United States. They began to conduct research on the find. Examining the sphere at a certain angle, we noticed that its inner image breaks up into thousands of tiny lines, some of them discerned in these lines the image of a large human eye looking at them.

Psychologist from New York Elizabeth Veikon, after looking at the crystal, suddenly fell into a trance and received a message about its belonging ... to the Egyptian god of death Thoth. Some people in a state of deep meditation were able to distinguish the image of the fourth pyramid in the sphere. A number of researchers have suggested that perhaps this image is the key to unraveling the secret knowledge of the god Thoth.

A few years later, radiation of unknown origin was also discovered at the bottom of the Sargasso Sea. It is possible that the anomalies in the Bermuda Triangle are also associated with mysterious emitters at the bottom. Edgar Cayce warned about this, reporting on the danger of shipping in the Bermuda area. In his opinion, the destructive energy of crystals is still active today.

In the summer of 1991, the crew of an American hydrological vessel discovered a huge pyramid at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle. Judging by the echoes, it was three times the size of the famous Cheops pyramid, and the edges were made of a material with the properties of glass or polished ceramics. It couldn't have been a natural object. After returning, a press conference was held, at which the researchers showed photographs, echograms. These documents showed three-dimensional images of the faces of the pyramid.

In 1993, an American submarine was in the area at a depth of 70 meters. Suddenly the sailors heard a strange noise and felt vibration. This went on for about a minute. Having surfaced, the submarine found itself in the Indian Ocean region, 10 thousand miles east of Bermuda, and the crew seemed to have aged.

In 1999, Shannon Bracey from New Zealand decided to sail the Pacific Ocean on her own. Here is what she later said: “When I was already approaching Bermuda, something terrible happened. At noon, when I was in the wheelhouse, the sea surface was covered with haze. It seemed like I was caught in a strip of fog. Soon a real storm began, and the haze thickened so much that visibility became zero. Then ... ghosts appeared around me! These were people in sailor uniforms, some women with mournful faces and crying children. I understood that they were all dead for a long time, and from this I experienced a chilling horror. " Then she woke up and saw the sky overhead, strewn with stars. The clock in the control room showed midnight. It turned out that the woman was unconscious for twelve hours.

Russian biologists decided to conduct an experiment. They put germinated wheat germs in containers and sailed to the Bermuda area. Before passing the dangerous zone, the sprouts cheerfully stretched upward, developed normally, but in the area of ​​the dangerous zone they suddenly began to wither, some even died. When the ship left the Bermuda Triangle area, the plants came to life. The experiment was carried out by biologists several times and all the time the result was unchanged.

Some believe that the main crystal of Atlantis was preserved at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle and is still working, exerting a mysterious effect on the planet.

Crystal from Atlantis an unexplained find by archaeologists The secret of an ancient civilization