New Titanic 2. Above the front staircase

The legendary "dream ship" Titanic sank after colliding with an iceberg in the North Atlantic Ocean in 1912, more than a hundred years ago. A lot of stories, conjectures and other stories are devoted to the mysterious ship, and what can I say, only one film with the participation of Leonardo DiCaprio collected all conceivable awards and received sky-high popularity. In general, the frenzied interest in the history of the Titanic has not faded in the minds of people since the disaster. Therefore, the Australian billionaire Clive Palmer (Clive Palmer) decided to create a fully functional copy of the ship.

Clive Palmer's Blue Star Line plans to release a fully functional and physically identical replica of the ship in 2018, calling it the Titanic II.

Everything in the new Titanic will be recreated with historical accuracy, except for the addition of modern safety features and the latest navigational equipment.

The project promises to cost the company more than $430 million.

Like the original ship, the Titanic II will be 270 meters long and 53 meters wide. To get even closer to the original, first, second and third class tickets will be offered to those wishing to board the ship.

This is how the ship will look from the inside, after its construction. Compare the detailed accuracy of the new Titanic with archival photographs of the interior of the original ship:

Main staircase

"Cafe Parisienne", the restaurant will be located in the first class, complete with white wicker chairs

The Titanic was one of the first ships to have a Turkish bath complex on board. The water was pumped directly from the open ocean and heated to the right temperature.

Dining room first class

Luxurious First Class Apartments


As reported, it will be equipped with modern navigation equipment.

First class smoking room, then only men could be in it

Canteen for second and third class

Even the gym will be recreated in the same retro style

Other images of Titanic II prepared by Blue Star Line:

Post Office

Turkish bath


Main staircase

Above the front staircase

First class room

If the Titanic II does ship in 2018, its first itinerary will be a cruise from Jiangsu, eastern China to Dubai, UAE, instead of the original ship's route from Southampton, England to New York, USA

The ship plans to carry 2,435 passengers and 900 crew members (slightly more than the original Titanic).

So that no one has to swim on the door and let go of Jack's hand with bated breath, the ship will be equipped with boats of increased capacity

Let's see how the fate of the new Titanic will turn out, because if you don't know, about 1,500 passengers and crew members died due to a collision with an iceberg of the original Titanic in 1912.

We have already briefly laughed at the fact that the Chinese shipyard "Jinling" has carried out all the necessary preparatory work and is ready to start building a modern version of the famous ocean liner "Titanic". And in fact, everything turns out to be more than serious!

Soon the world will see "Titanic II" - but not a movie, but a real ship. It will be built by witty Australian billionaire Clive Palmer. He announced his desire to create a copy of the legendary liner in April last year, and now everyone was convinced that the Australian was not joking: the drawings of the future ship were presented to the public.

According to the project, the length of the liner will be 270 meters, weight - 40 thousand tons, the ship will have 9 decks with 850 cabins. Titanic II is designed for 2,600 passengers, including 900 crew members. Unlike the owners of the first Titanic, Palmer plans to over-equip his ship with rescue equipment: there will be 18 motor boats on board with a capacity of 150 people each, plus two rafts that will fit 400 people. The vessel will be made in China, and a spokesman for Finnish shipbuilder Deltamarin, who is involved in the project, has already promised that the Titanic II will be "the safest cruise ship in the world." Again?

Main staircase. (AP Photo/Blue Star Line)

It is assumed that the new Titanic will repeat the route of its predecessor, only this time with a seemingly successful outcome. The external and internal appearance of the ship duplicates the features of the prototype: classic interiors, a lot of wood, heavy curtains and four chimneys above the upper deck. Clive Palmer is even thinking of leaving his passengers without television and the Internet in order to match the era, but he will still be allowed to install air conditioners.

Canteen 3rd class. (AP Photo/Blue Star Line)

To create an entourage, the billionaire is going to divide the cabins into classes - from first to third - and forbid rogue third-class passengers to meddle in chic restaurants and casinos for the rich. "It will allow you to imagine yourself in a movie," says Palmer. At the same time, guests will be given costumes of the corresponding era, their cost will be included in the price of the cruise. To give passengers the chance to try different roles, Palmer plans to sell special combo tickets that will allow them to stay in different cabin classes.

The cost of tickets has not yet been announced, but the Australian said that he had already received a number of offers to pay up to a million dollars for a trip on the Titanic.

The Titanic II will set sail on its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York in 2016, a journey of six days.

Gym. (AP Photo/Blue Star Line)

Clive Palmer made his fortune buying up mines and mines in Australia, and now he is ready to spend part of the money on the idea of ​​his life: he wants to build a new Titanic, an exact copy of the old liner.

“I invest in this because I want to spend money before I die. The kids will have enough. I have enough money to build this ship."

Clive Palmer holds a press conference on the construction of a replica of the Titanic, New York, USA, February 26, 2013. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

Turkish bath. (AP Photo/Blue Star Line)

General view of the press conference. (Blue Star Line)

"Titanic 2" will fully resemble the original ship. Even the pipes will be left, although inside the new liner the Australian millionaire intends to supply the latest engines, navigation systems and life-saving equipment should be enough with a margin. The rest of the liner will be as if descended from the stocks of the early twentieth century: the interior of the cabins, the decoration is going to be restored according to the original drawings. Tickets will be sold by class, as of old. Moreover, the entrance to the deck of the first class will be prohibited for the third and second class.

Swimming pool. (AP Photo/Blue Star Line)

Helen Benziger, great-great-granddaughter of Margaret Brown: “My great-great-grandmother would be the first to line up for a ticket. She would love this one for sure."

Others believe that Palmer has poor taste and is simply capitalizing on an old tragedy. Moreover, according to maritime traditions, they try not to name new ships by the names of the wrecked ones.

But the millionaire considers all this to be prejudice and assures that even global warming is working on the Titanic-2. Now it is much more difficult to find an iceberg in the same latitudes where the first one collided with it, in his opinion. However, he still did not dare to declare at a press conference that his liner would be unsinkable. "Titanic-2" will be built in China, and in 2016 it should go on its first voyage from English Stampton to New York.

Link to the article from which this copy is made -

By order of Australian billionaire Clive Palmer, a twin ship of the legendary liner is being built in China

There is probably no person who does not know the tragic history of the Titanic. The interiors of the ship amazed and surprised even millionaires: a heated pool, tennis courts, mineral water from a tap. The ship was advertised as unsinkable, but now it simply dissolves in sea water. Experts are sure that in 50 years there will be nothing left of it at all.

Details of the creation and death of the legendary liner in the author's program of Igor Prokopenko "Military Secret" on the REN TV channel (aired on June 7 at 13.00).

The dimensions of the Titanic were amazing: the ship was almost 270 m long and 28 m wide. To immerse this giant in water, it took 23 tons of goose fat, locomotive oil and liquid soap to lubricate the guides. They built the ship for three years using primitive tools: planes, saws, hammers. 3,000 people worked even on weekends to meet the deadline. And they were allowed to leave for a smoke break or go to the toilet only for 7 minutes a day! Among the assemblers, fitters and carpenters were both adult men and teenagers. Not without accidents - eight people died during construction.

The ship was launched in May 1911. By the way, during the solemn ceremony, its owners from the White Star Line company abandoned the age-old tradition. They did not break a bottle of champagne on board, because the Titanic was considered the safest ship in the world. It could withstand a direct impact and stay afloat even with four compartments flooded. A year before the first flight, an incredible advertising campaign began, on which huge amounts of money were spent. A ticket to the first class cost from 200 thousand to 2.5 million (in terms of rubles). 45 multi-room luxury cabins with fireplaces, with their own exits to the terrace, with baths: True, the cheap cabins were much more comfortable than on other ships.

The owners of the Titanic wanted to set a new record in overcoming the Atlantic Ocean. It was planned that the ship would arrive in New York in five days, although it usually took seven. The liner was moving at top speed, despite the difficult ice conditions. On the day of the crash, the Titanic's radio station began receiving reports of icebergs in the morning. In total, nine of them were received, among them was the one that arrived at 22:30. The radio operator ignored him - he was busy sending another radio message. The fact is that the radio operators on the Titanic did not obey the captain, their main task was to send paid messages to passengers and receive the latest news from the mainland for the newspaper that was published on the ship.

Another fact seems strange: the lookouts of the Titanic did not even have binoculars. The binoculars were in a safe, the keys to which were in the possession of Blair's second mate. But shortly before sailing, he was fired, and he took with him the keys from the liner. The night of the tragedy from 14 to 15 April 1912 turned out to be moonless, but starry. However, the sailors could not see the iceberg. Experts believe that it was the so-called black iceberg. The one whose underwater part is undermined by currents, which is why it turns over over time. On the surface is a transparent side that reflects the stars. He was noticed too late. There was an order to reverse, but it took a long time to restart the huge propellers. Water quickly filled the internal compartments of the ship. As a result, 2.5 hours after the collision, the ship broke apart and sank at an incredible speed of 40 km/h. The impact on the ground was so strong that the fragments of the hull were scattered within a radius of 600 m.

Hundreds of people swam in the icy water. Some of the passengers died immediately, others slowly died of hypothermia. As a result, out of 2224 passengers and crew members, 729 survived.

More than 100 years have passed since the death of the Titanic, and they started talking about it again. Now the Titanic-2 project has been developed. By order of Australian billionaire Clive Palmer, a twin ship is already being built in China. The designers made only a few changes to the shape of the hull in accordance with modern safety standards. Otherwise, it will be an exact copy of the former liner. It is expected to make its maiden voyage in 2016 on the same route as the Titanic. The author of the project is not superstitious and says that this time there will be enough lifeboats for everyone. By the way, 100 thousand people have already registered on the Internet to buy a ticket for Titanic No. 2.

In 2018, one of the most high-profile world events awaits us. The Titanic II will be launched! Did you think that we are talking about the new film of the legendary James Cameron? Take it higher - it will be an absolute copy of the legendary liner, recreated down to the smallest elements! Unless the electronics and conveniences will be slightly changed in order to respond last word science and technology. Let's find out who decided to implement such an ambitious project, and find out the news from the shipyard where construction is underway!

Titanic-2: a conceptual model of the new liner

The history of the creation of Titanic-2

The idea of ​​recreating the Titanic occurred to many, but not everyone could decide and find funds for such a large-scale project. Clive Palmer, a billionaire from Australia, who is often called a real nutcase, decided to make his dream come true. Palmer's spontaneous ideas have long been a parable in his homeland.

So, once he wanted to try himself as a deputy. No sooner said than done! Without further doubt, Palmer became a sponsor of the Conservative Party, and soon he was already sitting in the hall of parliamentarians. After some time, the billionaire became interested in Jurassic Park, which led to the creation in Australia of a whole park with mechanical dinosaurs on a scale of 1: 1.

Previous brainchild of Clive Palmer - a park with mechanical dinosaurs

The story of the cruise ship Titanic, which sank in 1912, taking with it the lives of almost one and a half thousand passengers, has long occupied the thoughts of an extravagant rich man. This is not surprising - not only Palmer is a fan of this miracle of engineering. There are a million fans of the Titanic all over the world, because it has long become not just a sunken ship, but a legend and a whole cultural phenomenon of the twentieth century.

At the same time, many say that Palmer is not so simple, and the construction of a new liner is not just the dream of a bored rich man. In addition to nickel and coal mines, fashionable resorts and an amusement park, the Australian owns the tourism business. Titanic-2 fits into the concept of his business and will be an excellent advertising flagship for an entire flotilla of liners in Palmer's tourism empire.

Scandals around the new Titanic

The project involves not just recreating the exterior and interior with luxurious cabins, crystal chandeliers, swimming pools, Turkish baths and chic restaurants. Even the name of the engineering company involved in construction almost completely coincides with the original name of the engineering company of the early 20th century!

Recall that the British transatlantic steamer of the 1912 model was created by craftsmen from the White Star Line. The construction of the modern version of this ship is carried out by the Blue Star Line company, specially created for this by an Australian. The main role in the realization of the idea of ​​a new Titanic is played by the large Chinese shipbuilder CSC Jingling Shipyard, which has never been engaged in the construction of passenger ships before, supplying only huge cargo ships to the maritime transportation market for many years.

However, this cooperation is not accidental - the fact is that CSC Jingling Shipyard is an old business partner of an Australian billionaire who is one of the most powerful coal magnates of our time. Not without curiosities. According to Palmer's original plans, construction was to be completed in 2016.

However, the implementation of a large-scale project took more time than planned. In addition, the number of people who wanted to take the first cruise on the new Titanic increased every day, eventually reaching the size of the passenger list that the first Titanic could boast of. According to Palmer, some people are ready to part with as much as a million dollars, just to become the first passengers of the ship!

Titanic 2 will be the loudest entertainment attraction of 2018

In total, more than 40,000 people demonstrated their interest in buying tickets. And this is only in the first days of the announcement! All this required finalization of the project and delayed the progress of construction. And, while the Australian pulls with the launch of his offspring, he is gradually overtaken by competitors from the Middle Kingdom in the face of Seven Star Energy. They are recreating their own version of the Titanic at Wuchang Shipbuilding's shipyards.

It is already known that a significant amount of 161.3 million dollars will be invested in this project. True, the Chinese version of the Titanic will not sail anywhere, but will become the centerpiece of a new theme park. However, jokers still say that while Palmer is swinging, the Chinese will finish their Titanic II in 2017, and the Australian will be content with only the third number on this list.

It is worth saying that the Palmer project caused not only admiration, but also a negative reaction. The descendants of the passengers who died in the terrible crash of 1912 have already accused the Australian and Chinese investors of insensitivity and a greed that goes beyond morality.

Development of the Blue Star Line against the backdrop of other passenger ships

Titanic 2: will there be any differences?

According to current safety requirements, the new liner will be four meters wider than its predecessor, which will add 10% to the vessel's tonnage. The result should be a real transatlantic monster with nine decks, 270 meters long, 53 wide and 840 cabins. The ship's hull will now be welded, rather than fixed with rivets, as shipbuilders did a century ago. The ship will be equipped with an entire mini-hospital and a platform for helicopters located on deck.

As for the internal "stuffing" of the ship, then, of course, the applied engineering solutions will include all the developments of modern science and engineering. The steam engine and laborers with coal will replace the "heart" with diesel traction. The ship will be stuffed with the most modern navigation systems and satellite communications, as well as equipped with escalators. As for modern entertainment and communications for passengers, according to one source, the liner will have Wi-Fi coverage.

However, there is other information in the press: Palmer allegedly wished that passengers were deprived of the Internet and television in order to fully immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the early 20th century. Passengers on the new Titanic will be able to try on outfits from the last century, which will be provided to them on board. The class character of the cabins will also remain unchanged - as in the legendary progenitor, the modernized version will have three classes located on different decks.

Recreation of a first class cabin from photographs from the Titanic
Deck cafe in Parisian style
Foyer design with natural wood trim
ship's dining room
Wheelhouse: the main control post of the ship
Gym in retro style

Perhaps one of the most important differences was the presence of a larger number of lifeboats, which were sorely lacking for passengers. famous flight. The new cruise ship, with a capacity of 2,345 passengers and 900 crew members, is equipped with enough boats to evacuate 2,700 people and rafts that can accommodate another 800 passengers.

It is difficult to find a person who has not heard of the Titanic. legendary ship wrecked on his maiden voyage. Movies and documentaries have been made about the tragedy, numerous studies have been carried out both on the crash itself and on the design features of the liner. Titanic was supposed to be the epitome of a dream of travel, luxury and reliability. In 2016, they plan to create a new Titanic, and what it will be, we will try to figure it out. Perhaps we are waiting for a modern ship, which we decided to advertise in advance at the expense of a well-known brand, or maybe a copy of the original with modern modifications.

Major changes in the new Titanic

The 2016 Titanic cruise ship will be an exact copy of the original, although there will still be some external differences. The ship will get additional ladders and emergency entrances. These are the requirements of modern safety regulations. Increased lifeboat capacity. Now it will be possible to evacuate 2,700 people on boats and 800 on additional life rafts. In the original Titanic of the early 20th century, lifeboats could only hold about 1,200 people.

In addition to safety, Titanic 2 2016 will be equipped with modern technologies to improve comfort. The rooms will have air conditioning, and the ship will have a helipad and a hospital. According to representatives of the shipyard where the ship is made, there will be no TVs and wireless Internet in the rooms and on the decks. But in each cabin you can find outfits from the time of the first voyage of the Titanic. All this will allow you to better plunge into the atmosphere of the past and feel like a real aristocrat. On the new liner, it is planned to recreate the gym and swimming pool that were in the original, only slightly supplementing them with modern technologies and elements.

On the technical side, the copy of the Titanic, which will be built by 2016, will be wider and taller, although this is not visible in the photo. The increase in the size of the liner is also partly due to safety requirements. Wider vessels have better stability. In addition, this will allow you to add additional space on the ship.

Instead of steam boilers, diesel engines will be installed on board the Titanic power plants and an auxiliary steam turbine. This will make the ship faster, more maneuverable and at the same time economical and modern.


The initiator of the project was the Australian multimillionaire Clive Palmer. It is engaged in the supply of coal and metal ore to China. That is why China was chosen as the place to build the ship. At the Jinling shipyard, from where the Titanic 2016 is to set off on its maiden voyage, the construction of the ship is already in full swing. The contract was signed back in 2012, just after Palmer announced his desire to build a new Titanic.

Before a copy of the famous liner, the Chinese shipyard launched exclusively merchant cargo ships. In this regard, several records are expected at once, in case of a successful launch. All ships built at the shipyard are launched using lateral knurling. The Titanic will be the largest ship ever launched in this manner.

Create a project

A Finnish company undertook to develop the new Titanic 2016, which, based on the photo and surviving drawings of the original, made a project, supplementing it with the wishes of the customer and modern safety requirements. Palmer seriously took up the implementation of his idea and does not deviate a single step from his plan. Its activity suggests that it is very likely that the ship will be launched on time.

Not everyone liked the new project, which is not surprising. The most important concern is the choice of a shipbuilding company. The lack of experience in the production of passenger liners can cause huge problems, according to many experts. Modern requirements for the construction of passenger ships do not allow exactly repeating the original, but guided by the relevant requirements, the designers made the necessary improvements to the drawings of the liner.

Interest in the new Titanic

All over the world, the news about the construction of Titanic 2 in 2016 caused a huge resonance and interest in the project. According to the initiator of the construction of the ship, the cost of tickets for the first flight to New York is already up to $1 million. At the same time, the cost of the project itself was not disclosed. The first flight will be the most expensive, and if it goes well, then many who wish to travel around the world on a cruise ship will be able to become passengers of the Titanic.

Interest in the new Titanic was also shown by historians, who, at the stage of creating drawings, helped engineers to bring it as close as possible to the original. Among those who oversee the project is the granddaughter of the famous Molly Brown, who survived the tragedy of 1912.