Air transportation: concept, types, sources of legal regulation. Features of air transportation of various types of cargo Requirements for the packaging of cargo during air transportation

Basic concepts about air travel

The annual development of international economic relations affects the increase in export-import operations between Russia and foreign companies, which contributes to an increase in demand for international cargo transportation, in particular, air transportation.

Definition 1

air transportation- one of the fastest ways to deliver cargo anywhere in the world. This type of transportation is very popular. Air transportation has more advantages among other types of cargo delivery, namely, the reliability and safety of transportation.

Despite the fact that the cost of air transportation of goods is more expensive than other ways of delivering goods, air transportation is necessary when transporting urgent and valuable goods, perishable goods, or in case of delivery of goods to a hard-to-reach place in the world.

Organization of international transportation

The main participants in air transportation are countries represented by their governments and airlines that provide services for the transportation of goods and passengers. Air transportation is divided into: (see Fig. 1)

The right to carry out flights is determined by the state when concluding an agreement on international air traffic, where the frequency of departures, route, time are signed.

To carry out a specific flight according to the schedule, it is necessary to transfer the flight plan in two copies to the dispatcher 30 minutes before the start of the departure.

If it is necessary to change or make adjustments to the schedule, an agreement between the countries is additionally drawn up, provided that such a procedure was not specified in the agreement. In this case, a departure plan is drawn up - an application for a flight on time, no later than 24 hours.

The right to episodic departure is granted to States by issuing a single permit for each departure. This agreement specifies how the episodic flight will take place.

Requirements for the packaging of goods for air transportation

Cargoes that are transported using an aircraft must have serviceable containers and packaging that must comply with all regulatory documents. The cargo must be securely fastened for safe delivery.

The packaging used for the transport of dangerous goods must comply with the established Rules for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air. Packing goods in one package with dangerous goods is prohibited. The packaging of goods to be transported on an aircraft must not have sharp corners, protrusions, pollution, and so on.

Metal, glass, ceramic and other containers that can be used for the carriage of goods must withstand internal pressure, which depends on the flight altitude and temperature.

Loads with soft packaging must be tied with strong ropes, the packaging is sewn with the same threads, which should not have knots. The ends of the threads must be sealed with clear numbers or letters of the sender.

Remark 1

Cargoes, the packaging of which does not meet all the requirements, are not allowed for transportation.

Each package must be marked by the consignor with the address and name of the cargo, in accordance with the waybill. Cargo is accepted at the airport warehouse directly from the sender.

When accepting cargo, the carrier is obliged to recalculate and verify the number of pieces with the consignment note. Loading and unloading of cargo is carried out by the carrier. The carrier is obliged to deliver the goods to the destination within the specified time.

The cargo is considered delivered after it is issued to the recipient in accordance with the conditions specified in the consignment note.

In the context of the formation of innovations in the global economy, transport is a tool for realizing the national interests of all countries. Air transport is of particular importance in the development of Russia's international relations with other countries.


Air transportation is usually classified by direction, category of cargo and type of loading.

Simple transportation

Also called "general transportation" - they involve the transportation of general cargo to the destination, and the customer of such a service is the owner of the transported goods. The main advantage of general transportation is high efficiency.

Passing transportation

imply the use of free transport, following in the required direction. The advantage of this format of cargo transportation is low cost.

Shuttle transportation

Main article: Shuttle transportation

In aviation, this format is adopted for the transportation of passengers. A distinctive feature of shuttle transportation is the return of the vehicle to the point of departure without passengers on board.

Consolidated transportation

Consolidated shipping is the most common format for transporting piece goods, in which goods from different shippers are consolidated in a warehouse and sent as their optimal volume is accumulated. Differ in the low cost of transportation.

Classification of special cargoes.

The current “Guidelines for Freight Transportation on Domestic Air Lines of the USSR” (RGP-85) contain references to special (special) conditions of transportation: “Some types of cargo (perishable, dangerous, radioactive, animals, etc.) ), which require special transportation conditions. (clause 2.4.3) This document contains the following items: - Transportation of heavy and oversized cargo (clause 2.9), - Transportation of perishable goods (clause 2.16), - Transportation of dangerous goods and radioactive materials (clause 2.17), - Transportation livestock (clause 2.18), - Transportation of self-propelled and tracked vehicles (clause 2.19), - Transportation of coffins with the dead (clause 2.20). Classification of special cargoes. . Archived from the original on March 28, 2012.

Legislation in the field of air transportation

Intercity and international transportation by air is regulated by a number of legal documents, which can be conditionally divided into several groups. The first of these is the documents of state regulation of aviation, including relevant laws, certification standards and licensing rules. The second category is aviation regulations operating at the federal level. The third group of regulatory documents is the internal Russian rules for the transportation of passengers and the transportation of goods by aircraft.

Separately, it is worth noting the Chicago Convention on the International civil aviation 1944 and the Warsaw Convention for the Unification of Air Transport Rules of 1929. These documents have been ratified by most countries of the world and are mandatory for implementation in Russia.

Consolidated cargo and customs clearance

International transportation of goods by air involves the mandatory passage of customs procedures. Customs clearance is carried out by declaring goods and paying all necessary fees. Mandatory payments for customs clearance of imported goods include excise, value added tax and duty. Indirect payments for the clearance of goods at customs are fees for the issuance of licenses, a qualification certificate, storage of goods in a customs warehouse and their transportation.


  • The history of the development of air transportation and current trends
  • Federal Law "On Forwarding Activities"

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In modern society, there are several completely independent modes of transport. Their division is due to the difference in vehicles that are used to move cargo and passengers, as well as the different natural environment for their operation. The transport system of Russia is a large and complex economic complex located throughout the country. It includes: land transport (railway, road), water (sea and river), air and pipeline.

The concept of "air transport" exists as an alternative to ground and water sports transport using a different medium for transportation. Over other modes of transport, air has certain advantages: high speed of movement of passengers and goods; shortening the path, which has a significant impact on saving time for the delivery of passengers and goods; the speed of organizing air traffic; high maneuverability and adaptability of air transport to various objects of transportation, to their seasonal fluctuations. The special role of air transport is also determined by the regularity and universality of transportation, regardless of the season and climatic conditions, and the high carrying capacity of aircraft.

"The term "air transport" is widely used in practice, denoting transport activities carried out in the airspace using aircraft as rolling stock" . The term "aviation" is traditionally used to refer to activities in the airspace.

Activities in the field of aviation have different goals, objectives and means of its implementation. One of the most significant goals of aviation activities is activities aimed at satisfying the interests and needs of individuals and legal entities in air transportation, protecting their rights to safe, high-quality and economical air transportation. This goal is realized through the use of civil aviation, which in turn is divided into general aviation, used on a gratuitous basis, and commercial civil aviation. The main purpose of commercial civil aviation is the implementation of air transportation of passengers, baggage and cargo for a fee.

Air transportation is understood as "the transport movement in the airspace of a cargo or a person, carried out by means of the movement of an aircraft along an established air line (route)".

Traditionally, there are two main types of air transportation - domestic and international. Domestic air transportation means air transportation in which the point of departure, point of destination and all points of landing are located on the territory of the Russian Federation. International air transportation is recognized in which the place of determination and the place of destination, regardless of whether there is or is not a break in transportation or reloading, are located respectively either on the territories of two states or on the territory of one state, if the point (s) of landing on the territory of another state is provided .

Domestic air transportation, in turn, can be scheduled and non-scheduled; inter-regional and intra-regional, as well as business and corporate.

Scheduled air transportation - transportation carried out on regular flights, that is, on aircraft flights operated in accordance with the schedule published in the prescribed manner, including transportation on additional flights, that is, on flights operated in addition to the schedule on dates and on the same route which has a regular flight. Non-scheduled air transportation - transportation performed on non-scheduled (charter) flights, that is, on aircraft flights operated outside the published schedule in accordance with the air transportation agreement concluded between the customer and the airline or other operator.

Interregional air transportation - domestic air transportation (regular - scheduled and charter) on established air lines between points located in regions assigned to various regional departments of the Federal Aviation Service (FAS) of Russia (currently - the Federal Air Transport Agency of the Russian Federation). Intra-regional air transportation - domestic air transportation (regular - scheduled and charter) on established air routes between points located in the region assigned to one regional department of the FAS Russia.

Business transportation - charter air transportation on orders of legal entities and individuals, carried out on specially equipped civil aircraft with up to 15 passengers. Corporate transportation - air transportation performed by the owner of the aircraft (operator) on a non-commercial basis (to meet their own needs and requirements without obtaining commercial benefits).

International treaties and national legislation of States divide international air transportation into two categories: scheduled and non-scheduled.

Regular air transportation is carried out by means of regular flights by airlines specially designated by the state along the lines stipulated in the relevant international treaty. At the same time, after the state has appointed an airline for flights on contractual routes, it must inform the other party to the agreement in writing. The latter, in turn, is often obliged to provide such an airline with an operating permit for flights, provided that schedule and tariff issues are agreed.

The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization "in 1952 defined scheduled international air transport as a series of flights that are carried out through the airspace over the territory of more than one state by aircraft for the purpose of transporting passengers, cargo and mail for reward, and each flight is available to any persons; they involve transportation between the same two or more points, either according to a published schedule, or on flights so regular or frequent that they constitute a distinct systematic series.

Non-scheduled international air transportation - "air transportation carried out by means of irregular (episodic, one-time) flights, that is, other than regular ones, performed on schedule with a certain frequency between certain points. The most common type of non-scheduled air transportation is air charter." "Non-scheduled flights are carried out on the basis of a special permit, but in recent years some states have begun to conclude bilateral agreements on non-scheduled air services."

International air transportation between Russia and foreign countries outside the CIS - transportation performed on international flights to these countries and between these countries, i.e. on flights consisting of one or more international flight stages. At the same time, if there is an internal flight stage on an international flight, this stage is considered as an international one. A flight stage is understood as the flight of an aircraft from the moment of takeoff to the moment of the next landing on this flight.

International transportation between Russia and the CIS countries - transportation performed on flights to these countries, as well as between these countries. If there is an internal flight stage on an international flight to the CIS countries, this stage is considered as international with the CIS countries. In the case of a flight with stops both on the territory of the CIS countries and on the territory of other foreign countries outside the CIS, these transportations are considered as international between Russia and foreign countries outside the CIS.

Air transportation is carried out by the subjects of air transportation activity, which have different legal status. The Air Code established the concepts of an aviation enterprise, operator and carrier.

An aviation enterprise is a legal entity, regardless of its organizational and legal form and form of ownership, which has the main objectives of its activity to carry out for a fee air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo, mail and (or) perform aviation work. Operator - a citizen or legal entity that has an aircraft on the right of ownership, on a lease basis or on another legal basis, uses this aircraft for flights and has a certificate (certificate) of the operator. Carrier - an operator that has a license to carry out air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo or mail on the basis of air transportation agreements.

As follows from the above definitions of the subjects of air transportation activities, an aviation enterprise acts as a generic, generalizing concept, since, with the appropriate licenses and certificates, it can operate both as an operator and as a carrier. At the same time, only commercial civil aviation operators operating on a reimbursable basis can be classified as aviation enterprises.

The main distinguishing feature of the operator from the carrier is the different nature of their activities. An operator that does not have an appropriate license is entitled to carry out only non-commercial (corporate) transportation or other non-commercial aviation activities involving the operation of aircraft. According to part 5 of article 9 of the RF VC, a license is not required in this case.

In accordance with Appendix No. 2 to the Order of the Federal Aviation Service of March 18, 1998 No. 74 "On the Enactment of Additional Licensing Requirements", air transportation entities are classified on the following grounds:

  • a) air carriers - airlines of federal significance with the right to perform international flights;
  • b) air carriers - airlines of regional significance with the right to perform international flights; c) local air carriers; d) business aviation carriers;
  • e) corporate aviation operators.

Air carriers - airlines of federal significance with the right to perform international flights (federal airlines) - air carriers that carry out the entire volume of scheduled flights on international air routes to non-CIS countries, a large (over 70%) part of regular flights to the CIS countries and interregional flights, as well as international .

Air carriers - airlines of regional importance with the right to perform international flights (regional airlines) - air carriers that perform only interregional scheduled flights and seagulls, regular flights to the CIS countries, as well as international and domestic charter flights.

Air carriers of local importance (local air carriers) are air carriers that perform only intra-regional transportation and part of inter-regional transportation on class 3-4 aircraft.

Business aviation air carriers are air carriers performing business transportation. Corporate aviation operators - operators performing corporate transportation.

At one time, air transport was a curiosity and simply inaccessible to ordinary citizens. In our time, everything has changed dramatically, now aircraft are widely used not only to transport passengers, but also various cargoes abroad. very quickly began to enjoy great popularity, thanks to the huge number of advantages that they are endowed with.

Advantages of air transportation

The most important advantage is high speed. This service is simply indispensable when transporting valuables, medicines and organs for transplantation, which must be delivered to their destination as soon as possible.

Another advantage of this service is the ability to quickly cover a huge distance. Oceans, mountains and deserts - all this is overcome with ease; in flight, only air pockets can cause inconvenience. All other types of cargo transportation cannot compete with air transportation in this regard.

When sending cargo by air, there is no need to go through the control procedure at each customs office. Checking is carried out only upon dispatch and already upon arrival of the goods. It is also worth noting the high reliability of this method of transporting goods, since the risk of theft of goods in the air is as close as possible to zero. The transported goods can be damaged only during loading or during customs control.

And another rather important plus is that it is possible to track the location of the goods using a special website. Air transportation provides an opportunity to transport a wide variety of goods, regardless of size and weight.

Transportation of perishable goods

The group includes all products with a short shelf life when kept under normal conditions. When transporting such goods, it is necessary to provide a special temperature regime, and in some cases, humidity. If this is not done, the quality of the goods may deteriorate, which, in turn, will bring losses to its owner.

This group includes fruits, vegetables, citrus fruits, fresh flowers, cosmetics, medicines, meat and fish products. To ship such shipments, the owner of the product must provide all the necessary certificates issued on the day of shipment. Moreover, the certificate must be obtained separately for each batch of goods.

Usually, such cargoes are delivered by direct flights, but if this is not possible, then one transshipment from one side to another is acceptable. Fresh flowers can only be transported by direct flight. To transport such cargo, the application for transportation must be submitted at least ten days in advance.

If fruits and citrus fruits are to be transported, then at the time of loading it is necessary to take into account the load on the boxes when they are placed on top of each other. At the time of loading, care must also be taken to ensure that a certain distance remains between the boxes to ensure free air circulation. If fruits and are transported on the same flight, they must be located in different compartments.

Air transportation of dangerous goods

The group of dangerous goods includes substances that, if loaded or transported incorrectly, create a danger to others, and can also cause significant damage to the aircraft and the environment. Cargoes of this type have their own classification according to the level of danger:

  1. The first category includes various types of explosives.
  2. The second category includes liquefied, dissolved, as well as compressed gaseous substances.
  3. The third category includes liquids that are highly flammable.
  4. The fourth category includes spontaneously combustible and solid substances that are easily flammable, as well as substances that emit flammable gases in contact with water.
  5. The fifth category includes organic peroxides, as well as oxidizing substances.
  6. The sixth category includes infectious/poisonous substances.
  7. The seventh category includes cargoes that emit radiation.
  8. The eighth category includes corrosive and caustic compounds.
  9. The ninth category includes other dangerous goods not included in the eight classes mentioned above.

Air transportation of dangerous goods is carried out in accordance with the standards approved by the UN special commission. For the transportation of this type of cargo, the following requirements must be met:

  • The cargo must be marked, a special sign warning of its danger, as well as instructions for handling it.
  • Dangerous goods must be accompanied by a Dangerous Goods Declaration and an AWB air waybill.
  • must be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of IATA (ICAO).

Air transportation of heavy and oversized cargo

The cargo is considered heavy if its weight exceeds 80 kilograms. If the dimensions of the cargo exceed the dimensions of the loading hatches of air transport, then it is bulky.

Transportation of heavy/oversized cargo is carried out on aircraft that are equipped for such tasks. Goods of this type can be transported both in packaging and without it, if the carrier allows it. Loads without containers, with a large weight, are transported on specialized pallets, under which wooden bars are placed to prevent exceeding the maximum pressure on the floor. Oversized/heavy cargo must be delivered to the place of loading exactly at the pre-agreed time.

For air transportation of oversized cargo, heavy transport aircraft are used. For transportation by air transport, oversized cargo, the height or width of which exceeds 6.4 meters, is not allowed. This is due to the fact that the size of the loading hatch of the largest An-124 Ruslan transport aircraft is 6.4 meters. Air transportation of oversized cargo is more expensive than its transportation by other modes of transport. But at the same time only air transport able to ensure high efficiency of cargo delivery.

Features of air transportation of light cargo

Lightweight cargoes are those with a volume of more than 0.006 cubic meters per kilogram of gross. The cost of transporting bulky goods depends on their volumetric weight. Determining the exact volume that is required to transport a lightweight cargo is done by multiplying its width by its height and length. To calculate the gross kilogram, the volume it occupies on the plane is divided by its weight.

The calculation of the volume of light cargo is carried out by the dispatcher of the cargo service. When calculating the cost, not only the volume of boxes in which the bulk cargo is packed is taken into account, but also the gap between them. In order not to overpay for air transportation of lightweight cargo, it is packed into boxes as tightly as possible.

Passengers and their baggage, cargo, passenger and freight cars, and ships, other vehicles are recognized as transit if their movement through the territory under the sovereignty or authority of one of the parties to the Convention on Freedom of Transit (with reloading, transshipment, transfer, change of mode of transport or without them) was only part of the route, starting and ending outside the state through whose territory the transit traffic is carried out.

A charter is a charter of an aircraft with a crew to perform a single flight or a specific flight program outside a fixed schedule. Charter flights have a number of characteristic differences from regular flights: this flight is not in the regular flight schedule; the itinerary of the charter flight is determined by the travel organization and not by the carrier; such flights are cheaper than regular ones.

Charter flights are usually organized in cases when scheduled flights of airlines cannot cope with the load (during the season), or when there are no direct flights to this point.

The charter customer is usually a travel company or a group of companies. Joint lease (freight) of a charter flight of an aircraft is carried out by several tour operators, however, carriers prefer to deal with one customer. He must purchase the entire aircraft and bears the risk of ticket sales, i.e. aircraft loading. The charter is beneficial for the carrier because he receives a prepayment for the entire charter, regardless of the load.

A tour operator acting on behalf of several customers is called a consolidator. It is this operator that organizes the joint use of one charter flight by several travel companies, the sale of various tours that match the date of departure through agents and wholesalers in a particular area.

In world practice, the following types of charter flights are distinguished.

  • 1. A closed charter is different in that the organization buying the charter fully pays for the transportation of its employees. The number of such flights in the world is very small.
  • 2. Target charter is organized for the transportation of certain groups of passengers for specific purposes - these are athletes, fans, pilgrims, congressmen, participants in conferences and symposiums, etc. Most often, this type of charter is ordered and partially paid for by large organizations, since these categories of persons form stable tourist flows at certain intervals.
  • 3. An inclusive charter is organized and paid for by a travel company, while the cost of the ticket is included in the cost of the tour. The flight is quite cheap for tourists. This type of charter is the most popular in the air transportation market.
  • 4. A block charter is such an organization of transportation when there are not enough tourists to fill the plane completely, and the travel company can book some of the seats for the season on the flight route.
  • 5. A non-purpose charter is a transportation in which a group of air passengers is selected regardless of the purpose of the trip. The organizers of this kind of transportation are most often transport companies.
  • 6. Split charter is one of the most complex types of passenger transportation, which is carried out by regular and non-scheduled flights on different sections of the route.

The transportation services include ground services in preparation for the flight: check-in of passengers and baggage, waiting for the flight, escort to the aircraft, security, as well as the actual air transportation or flight. At the end of the flight, passengers are disembarked, baggage is received and transferred to the destination.

Services on board include nominal, included in the ticket price, and additional. The range of services provided by airlines primarily depends on the class of service.

In all airlines in the world, there are usually three classes of service:

First class (the letter indicates the class code):

  • - R - supersonic aircraft, first class;
  • - P - first class "premium";
  • - A - first class discount.

Business Class:

  • - J - business class "premium";
  • - C - business class;
  • - D, Z - business class with a discount.

Economy class:

  • - W - economy class "premium";
  • - S, Y - economy class;
  • - B, H, K, L, M, N, Q, T, V, X - discount economy class.

Check-in and check-in before boarding. Passengers and baggage are checked in at the airport before boarding the aircraft. This procedure is governed by international rules and regulations.

Before or after registration, customs control, verification hand luggage and personal belongings, then for international flights - border control (checking passports and visas). Most of the time is spent on customs control, interviewing each passenger with a security representative, selective screening, baggage check-in and crossings through endless tunnels and corridors. Passengers with carry-on luggage traveling only in first and business class stand out: they can use the phone check-in and arrive 20 minutes, and on local lines - 10 minutes before the flight departure.

Escort. Passenger aircraft being serviced flight personnel and airline flight attendants. The personnel serving tourists on board the airliner are stewardesses and stewards. Up to 20 or more service personnel sometimes work on board airbuses at the same time. As part of the escort, security officers sometimes follow.

Nutrition. On short flights, where the flight essentially consists of take-off and landing, passengers are given lollipops or sweets, soft drinks, juices, mineral water, tea and coffee. If the flight time exceeds 3 hours, all passengers are provided with mandatory special meals.

Connection. In general, on board the aircraft it is forbidden to use non-standard radios, tape recorders and telephones, including cellular communications, as well as computers. On modern liners, a special telephone connection is used. On modern passenger aircraft an on-board power supply is provided for connecting a portable computer such as a laptop.

Toilet. There are toilets for passengers and crew on board the aircraft. Usually in the cabin for passengers there is a light board that signals whether the toilet is occupied or free. The toilets are strictly non-smoking.

Blankets. On long night flights, passengers can recline their seats and sleep. For convenience, those who wish are given light blankets. Blankets are stored in the luggage compartments on the ceiling above the cabin seats.

Extreme conditions. Some, especially when taking off and landing or shaking the aircraft in turbulent air currents, experience nausea, dizziness. They are provided with special hygiene packages. In case of oxygen deficiency, individual oxygen apparatuses are available.

Registration formalities. This procedure is carried out at the registration desk. Simultaneously with the check-in of the passenger, the baggage is checked in and accepted for transportation. The check-in start time is usually indicated on the ticket. The procedure for registering a passenger includes the following operations: checking the ticket and documents of the passenger; reconciliation of ticket data with document data; verification of the content of the ticket and its authenticity and validity; reconciliation of the passenger's last name with the last name lists of passengers of the flight and a mark in the passenger registration form.

After carrying out these operations, a certain seat in the aircraft cabin is reserved for the passenger. Passenger check-in closes 40 minutes before international flight departure and 25-30 minutes before domestic flight departure. A passenger who arrives late for check-in may not be allowed to board the flight, and the refund is accompanied by the collection of all established fees.

Customs formalities. Customs inspection of passengers can be carried out both before and during check-in. The task of customs inspection is to prevent the export from the country of a large amount of currency, products made of precious metals and stones, art objects of great value and prohibited for export and transportation in the cabin or in the luggage compartment, other items and substances.

Import and export of Russian rubles is allowed only in the amount of up to 50,000 rubles. All other amounts must be declared, indicating the source of receipt of such amounts. Foreign currency from Russia can be exported in quantities up to 3 thousand dollars, large amounts must be declared. Amounts in the amount of 10 thousand dollars. and more import and export is prohibited.

Prior to the start of customs inspection, the passenger must fill out a declaration. At the airport, two corridors can be allocated for customs clearance - "green" and "red".

Passport and visa formalities. For domestic transportation, a passport or birth certificate is required (for children under 14 years old). For international transportation, a properly issued passport is required.

Visa - a document that allows a specific person to enter the territory of a given state, exit from the territory of a given state or travel through it.

Flight safety control. Special flight safety control is carried out by the security service of the airport and the carrier. It consists in checking hand luggage and baggage of passengers. Pre-flight screening of passenger baggage and hand luggage is carried out in a special place - the special control zone - immediately before boarding the aircraft.

Embarkation and disembarkation of passengers. The disabled, the elderly and children are the first to be invited to board. If there is one gangway, economy class passengers are boarded first, then business class, and lastly, first class passengers. If there are two ladders, landing is carried out separately. VIP passengers are the last to board the aircraft. The number of passengers on the ladder at the same time should not exceed eight people.

Business aviation- specially equipped comfortable aircraft designed to serve VIPs (bankers, merchants, ambassadors, millionaires). The cabins of business aviation aircraft are equipped in such a way as to periodically replace an office or a lounge.

The principles of business carriers are approximately the same. Calculations of the cost of a flight with VIP class service ordered by a client take from carriers from 2 hours to a day (in especially difficult cases). Then a contract for a charter flight is drawn up and the bill is paid. The standards of such service include: separate paperwork (no queues), the ability to contact partners by fax or phone, and many necessary little things.