Recipes for immortality. Is there an elixir of immortality. Is there eternal life? How to prepare the elixir of eternal life

"... I accidentally learned this unusual story that happened in Syria today from Alexander Loginov, who has been a novice in the Greek monastery of Philotheus on Mount Athos for the fifth year. An Orthodox physician, a Greek by nationality, a pathologist, who one worked in the medical commission established at the UN. He met with the elders of the monastery. According to this physician, the commission was engaged in the study of a unique case - literally, the resurrection of a person from the dead. Initially, local doctors examined the victim in Damascus, and then joined the case and U.S. military medics. The American side eventually concluded that what had happened was a consequence of "UFO intervention" and classified this information. "And our people crossed themselves and said:" And thank God! Alexander said...
The story is like this. The one about whom, in fact, we are talking about - a certain Sh.D. - was a wealthy Arab sheikh from Saudi Arabia. And his wife was a faithful Muslim from a wealthy noble family. This Arabian family could be called happy if... they had children. Years passed and, despite all the efforts and significant medical expenses and treatment from all kinds of luminaries, they remained childless. The man's parents advised him to marry another woman, as local law allows up to four marriages at the same time.

Tired, worried and hopeless, the man did not take the advice of his parents, but went on vacation with his wife to Syria. Arriving there, they rented a car along with a driver to accompany them as a tour guide in Syria. During the trip, the driver noticed that the Saudi couple was upset and preoccupied with something. And, since they managed to get closer, he asked why they were unhappy, maybe because they were not happy with how he conducts excursions?

And the couple spoke about their misfortune. Being also a Muslim, the driver said that in Syria they have Christians - and it is Orthodox Christians - who have a monastery called Panaghia Saidnaya (the name consists of a Greek word meaning "Holy One" and one Arabic word - "Our Lady"), and that many people who cannot have children go to the life-giving icon of this monastery. In the monastery they are given a taste of oil from a lamp burning in front of the life-giving icon of the Mother of God, and "Mary" of the Christians gives them what they desire - according to their faith.

Encouraged by what they learned, the couple from Saudi Arabia asked the driver to take them to the monastery "Saidnaya" - "Ladies of Christians", promising that if they had a child, they would give him 20,000 dollars, and the monastery would donate 80,000 dollars.

When they went to the monastery, they did exactly as they were told. Then they returned home, and after some time the woman became pregnant, and after the due date gave birth to a wonderful boy. This was a true miracle of our Most Holy Theotokos.

After his wife gave birth, the Saudi Arabian man returned to Syria to fulfill his promise. He called the driver and asked to be picked up from the airport in Damascus. But the driver, being cunning and evil, persuaded two of his friends to go with him to the airport in order to steal a rich man from Saudi Arabia, take his money and kill him. On the way, the man promised each of the driver's friends 10,000 US dollars.

This seemed not enough to them, they turned off the road leading to the monastery, into a deserted place, where they killed him, cut off his head and chopped his whole body (arms and legs) into pieces. With their minds clouded by what they had done, they put the man's remains in the trunk of the car instead of leaving them there. After they took his money, watch and everything he had, we went to look for another deserted place so that we could leave the remains.

On one of the national highways, the car suddenly stalled, and they stopped in the middle of the road. All three went out to see what had happened to the motor. Some passerby stopped to help them, but they refused to help, fearing that their terrible crime would be revealed. The motorcyclist managed to notice that blood was dripping from the trunk of the car, and called the police, because the whole scene and those three seemed suspicious to him. The policemen came and, seeing blood under the car and on the pavement, they ordered to open the trunk.

And when they opened it, the Saudi man suddenly got to his feet, alive and unharmed, saying, “Right now, this Panaghia has finished sewing up my neck, right here (and showed them the Adam’s apple area), after sewing up the rest of the body.” Seeing this, the three criminals immediately lost their minds - literally went crazy. The police handcuffed them, and on the way to the psychiatric hospital, they did not stop screaming: it cannot be that the man they killed - decapitated and cut into pieces - remained alive.

The man was examined in the hospital, and the doctors confirmed that the stitches had indeed been recently applied. The seams really were, and they can be seen even now. When the man got out of the trunk of the car, literally recast, he kept repeating that Panaghia restored his body and revived him with the help of Her Son.

Immediately after that, the man called his relatives to Syria, and all together they went to the Panaghiei Saidnaya monastery, offering praise, glory and prayers, and instead of the originally promised amount of 80,000 US dollars, they donated 800,000 US dollars to the Mother of God Monastery. Upon learning of what had happened, the shocked relatives and friends of this man converted from Islam to the Orthodox faith.
... In addition to the story of the physician we have already mentioned, who visited the monastery of Philotheus, the news of the miracle of the Mother of God in Syria was recently sent to the Athos monasteries by Elder Schema-Archimandrite Ephraim from the Greek monastery of St. Anthony the Great in Arizona (USA), a disciple and associate of Elder Joseph the Hesychast, former hegumen of the Philotheus monastery. Schema-Archimandrite Ephraim, who organized and ministers to 21 Orthodox monasteries in North America, writes that he first learned about this from hegumen Ignatius, the abbot of an Orthodox Greek monastery in Bethlehem.
At the same time, there is no documentary evidence of the authenticity of the Syrian miracle from official (Christian or Islamic) sources. In the messages left on the Arab Internet forums, a link is given to the program, which took place on the first Syrian TV channel.
And further. The well-known Serbian theologian, Bishop Athanasius (Evtich), spoke about this miraculous incident when he spoke to the inhabitants of the Sretensky Monastery and at the conference "The Church and Eschatology" in Moscow. Vladyka Athanasius was in Syria and heard this story from the bishop there.
... We will only add that the ancient miraculous image of the Most Holy Theotokos, written by the Apostle-Evangelist Luke in the 1st century AD, is indeed kept in the Sidnai convent near Damascus. And a variety of people, through their prayers, receive healing from him - this is also documented."

At all times, people dreamed of becoming immortal. How many hunters for life without death have been looking for the formula of the cherished elixir on the worn pages of ancient tomes. The endless race for eternal life became a curse and an obsession for many seekers, pushing them to monstrous crimes.

It is believed that the elixir of immortality is a fabulously magical substance that can rejuvenate the human body and make human life endless.

The elixir of immortality is often mentioned in myths, traditions and legends of many peoples as the "food" of the gods. For example, the gods of Ancient India ate amrita, Ancient Greece - ambrosia, Ancient Egypt - the water of immortality, Iranian deities - haoma.

The desire to acquire immortal life was the most desirable and seductive goal. But no one can say with certainty that someone managed to gain immortal life - this possibility still remains a mystery.

Each person is sure that the period of life allotted to him is very short. How many means to gain infinite life were! And each time they gave hope to prolong life! It is possible that some people still succeeded ....

The ancient Indian epic "Mahabharata" speaks of the juice of a certain plant, prolonging human life up to 10 thousand years. But where to find this wonderful plant is not said. But ancient Greek sources tell about the fruit of the “tree of life”, which can restore youth to a person. In Russian epics, one can often find a mention of "living water", the source of which is located on the island of Buyan.

At the time of the discoveries of Christopher Columbus, many believed that the lands were found, on which the springs are located. eternal life. So, an associate of Columbus wrote to Pope Leo X: “North of Hispaniola, among other islands, there is one island at a distance of three hundred and twenty miles from it, as those who found it say, an inexhaustible spring of flowing water beats on the island of such wonderful properties that an old man who drinks it, while observing a certain diet, after a while will turn into a young man. I beg Your Holiness, do not think that I say this out of frivolity or at random: this rumor has indeed established itself at court as an undoubted truth, and not only the common people, but many of those who stand above the crowd in their intelligence or wealth, too believe him."

Many seekers have spent the time of their lives looking for an island with a mysterious source. As a result, many unknown lands were discovered, but no one found the source of immortality.

But there are many recipes for the elixir of immortality. For example, a Tibetan recipe: put stones in a glass jar - rock crystal, smoky and rose quartz, amethyst, carnelian, cacholong and pour water, then put it in the sun for 10 hours. As a result of exposure to sunlight on this solution, a rejuvenating drink is obtained that significantly increases vitality. This drink is taken orally, washed with it, compresses are made for cuts, bruises and burns.

Or here is another fairly simple recipe for preparing a rejuvenating infusion - it is known to many as a remedy found Tibetan monks. From the herbs of chamomile, immortelle and birch buds, an infusion is prepared in equal amounts and I take half a glass with honey. The course lasts 45 days, but it can be repeated only after five years.

The recipe for the elixir of youth, which is described in ancient Indian legends, is also quite simple. Crushed two heads of garlic should be boiled in 1 liter of milk, and then insisted for at least 1 hour. You need to drink this infusion 1 tablespoon three times a day. This life-giving liquid helps to cleanse blood vessels and improves immunity.

Many researchers claim that at one time Cleopatra allegedly drank a drink that gives immortality. However, since she committed suicide some time later, it is impossible to judge the success of the experiment.

Also interesting is the incident that happened to the Chinese emperor Xuanzong (VIII century). The court sorcerer-alchemist prepared a drink of immortality for his ruler. The preparation was prepared during the year. But a month later, after taking the "drink of immortality", the emperor died.

It is said that in the small provincial Japanese town of Fukuoka, there lived a 75-year-old woman named Sei Senagon. Perhaps her fate would have developed, like that of millions of women of her age, if not for the mistake of the medical staff. She received an overdose of a hormonal drug. The result stunned everyone - like a child, her teeth grew again, gray hair and wrinkles disappeared. The rejuvenated Japanese woman not only got married, but also gave birth to a child. After that, many older people rushed to take hormonal drugs, but none of them achieved the desired result.

To date, there are many theories that explain aging, but none of them is a universal remedy and the basis for combating this phenomenon.

According to the Bible, from the very beginning, human life was eternal. However, the fall of Eve and Adam led to the punishment, which consisted in depriving the gift of immortality. However, there are no rules without exception - it is known that the Lord gave one of Noah's ancestors Methuselah the opportunity to live up to 969 years. Since then, the expression "Methuselah's age" has become popular.

The legendary Hippocrates believed that a decrepit man could turn on the process of rejuvenation through sexual contact with young girls. It was this method that the famous King David used, thereby delaying the time of his decrepitude.

It should be noted that today the life and immortality of Count Cagliostro is being discussed quite a lot - some consider him a charlatan and a rogue, others - a man who knew the secret of the philosopher's stone.

It should be noted that interest in the philosopher's stone arose in the middle of the 10th century and continues to this day. Philosopher's Stone - a mythical substance is considered the beginning of all beginnings. It can give its owner immortality, knowledge and eternal youth. But not only these properties attracted alchemists around the world. The main reason for the search for this mythical substance was that the philosopher's stone was able to turn any metal into gold.

Modern science does not deny the possibility of the transformation of one chemical element into another. In addition, it must be said that today there are many legends about the transformation of metals into gold. For example, they say that Raymond Lull, commissioned by the English King Edward II, smelted about 60 thousand pounds of gold from tin, mercury and lead. And this gold was of the highest standard. Coins minted from this gold are still kept in English museums.

Or, after the death of Emperor Rudolph II (1552-1612), a large amount of gold and silver in ingots remained in the treasury (about 8 and 6 tons, respectively). No one could understand where he could get such a quantity of precious metal from, and most importantly, it was of such a high standard that it did not contain impurities at all. And this fact most of all amazed the researchers, since at that time it was impossible to technically obtain a precious metal of this quality.

But let's get back to the legends of immortality. They say the legendary Genghis Khan, feeling that his strength was waning and old age was not far off, gathered from all his lands sorcerers, healers, sages and healers who claimed to know the secret of the elixir of youth and immortality. He ordered everyone to prepare an elixir. The test was simple - after the medicine man drank his potion, his head was cut off. If the severed head did not grow, attached to the body, the next healer passed the test. This “fun” of Genghis Khan would have continued long enough if one decrepit sage had not told him: “Great Khan, I have lived in this world for many years and have long lost count of my days. I have read many wise ancient books, and I know many hidden secrets. But there is no elixir of immortality, you are doing useless work and wasting your days in vain. The immortality of the mortal body does not exist. Only the deeds of a dead person and his spirit are immortal. Having released the wise old man, the great conqueror ordered to prepare for a new campaign in order to conquer the whole world. According to legend, death found Genghis Khan during a campaign against the Tangut state in 1227.

In India, you will be told about Raja Tapasviji, who lived for 186 years (1770-1956) and this is documented. At 50, he retired to the Himalayas and became a hermit. Being engaged in spiritual practices and yoga, he achieved perfection in controlling his body (the state of samadhi). Tapasviji recounted his meeting with an old hermit who spoke only the language of ancient India, Sanskrit, and claimed to have lived for about 5,000 years. This elder told Tapasviji about the elixir of immortality he had. The drink should be taken no more than once every 10 years. After the death of Tapasviji, his dwelling was carefully examined in order to search for the elixir of immortality, but the search was inconclusive.

Scientists believe that some multicellular organisms that exist on earth are potentially immortal or able to exist for a long time if this existence is not interrupted by some kind of accident. Such organisms include freshwater hydras, sea anemones, some species of fish and reptiles. It is possible that this quality is facilitated by the low energy level of the metabolism of these organisms, so the rate of aging in them is significantly slowed down.

At the same time, the opinion of modern scientists gives hope that science is able to solve the problem of increasing the lifespan of a person. In this regard, genetic engineering, stem cell technology, transplantology, hormone therapy and many other branches of medicine are actively developing. Developments in the field of cryonobiology and artificial intelligence are very promising.

The American physicist R. Feynman said: “If a person decided to build a perpetual motion machine, he would face a prohibition in the form of a physical law. In contrast to this situation, in biology there is no law that would affirm the obligatory finiteness of the life of each individual.

Since ancient times, the dream of people is to be immortal or to regain youth. Legends and traditions of countries mention the elixir of immortality. Wherever magicians, scientists, kings and commoners did not look for a miraculous drug. But who was able to unravel the formula of immortal life, and whether they could at all, is still a mystery.

How they searched for the elixir of immortality

Man at all times regretted that he had lived too little, so he was looking for a remedy that would prolong life or delay old age.

Indian legends tell about the sap of a tree, drinking which, you can live 10,000 years. Unfortunately, the location of the tree remains a mystery.

The records of the ancient Greeks tell of magical fruits from a tree that restore youth, but do not give immortality.

In Russian epics, “living water” is sung from a source from Buyana Island. Where this island is located is also unknown, as well as a tree with magical fruits.

Searched for the elixir of immortality in the New Lands, discovered by Columbus. They even described a rejuvenating source that turns old people into young people.

Now everyone who wants to rejuvenate is familiar with the word “antioxidant”. There are more and more cosmetic products on the market that contain this component.

Antioxidants, or oxidizing agents, preservatives are chemical substances that neutralize oxidative effects.

The old age of the body is due to the fact that free radicals, i.e., atoms with unpaired electrons, damage cells. Radicals break white bonds, damage molecules of fats, nucleic acids, and other biomolecules, which disrupts the work of our body.

Cells of organs and tissues are oxidized. An improperly functioning organism wears out, ages and dies.

Measures to combat free radicals:

  • following a low-calorie diet and eating foods rich in antioxidants;
  • establishing proper metabolism;
  • work on the frequency of breathing: a full breath and an extended exhalation, since breathing is directly related to metabolic processes;
  • normalize the production of melatonin, which is produced by the pineal gland of the brain.

The pineal gland is called the pineal gland of the brain - a small gland that is responsible for puberty, sleep and wakefulness. That is why sleep disturbance leads to a malfunction of the pineal gland and a decrease in the production of the antioxidant melatonin.

As well as the abuse of fatty, fried, starchy, sweet, salty foods and animal products. With the help of inverted yoga poses, the work of the epiphysis is restored.

The body produces its own antioxidant substances, which are not enough. Therefore, they make up for the deficiency by including fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet, in which there is a high% content of antioxidants.

Fresh fruits contain many vitamins C and E, provitamin A. Tomatoes contain lycopene, other vegetables are rich in avalanche and flavonoids. Red berries are rich in anthocyanins.

Walnuts have the highest antioxidant content, followed by cinnamon in second place and vanilla in third place. Further, in order: curry, white pepper, mustard and paprika, red pepper and raw hazelnuts.

Each nation has found its own recipes for miraculous elixirs. Honey is of great importance in preserving youth. Supports mental clarity with the addition of nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves and saffron.

No. 1. Preparation of Tibetan drinking water. In a jar, put a pebble of rock crystal, amethyst, smoky and rose quartz, cacholong and carnelian. Pour water and soak for 10 hours in a sunny place.

So water becomes a rejuvenating drink. Drink 2 glasses a day, wash your face, apply a compress on cuts, wounds and burns.

No. 2. Insist chamomile, immortelle and birch buds, taken equally. Drink 1.5 months for 0.5 cups, adding honey. Repeat the course after 5 years.

Ancient Indian Rejuvenating Elixir

Boil for 6 minutes in the morning. in one liter of milk chopped garlic (two heads). Keep warm for 1 hour. Divide into 4 parts and eat before evening. Reception 3 months for 5 days.

The drug is useful for cleaning blood vessels and as a prophylactic against diseases.

Pour chopped garlic into a 0.5 liter bottle to the top. Pour in vodka (2 cups). Insist in a dark cool place for 2 weeks and 1 day. Take 1 tbsp. l., adding to food during lunch.

Slavic wild berry compote

Grind 1 part each of the fruits of red rowan and wild rose hips. Brew 1 tsp. in a glass of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Drink this tea in the morning and evening.

Tea for rejuvenation from Sweden

In a glass of boiling water, take rose hips, nettle grass and knotweed, all 1 tsp each. Infuse for 3 hours and drink as morning tea.

Pour mint (2 tablespoons) with boiling water (1 l). Infuse for 5 minutes, drain and pour in the juice from half a lemon, then add honey (1 spoon).

Drink before going to bed 1 glass of drink in terms: February - April and October - December.

No. 1. Mix dry black currant leaves and oregano, 1 tablespoon each, blackberry leaves and stone fruits, 3 tablespoons each. Brew half a spoonful of the collection into a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes, pouring into a thermos. After eating, drink 0.5 cups.

No. 2. Blueberry and stone fruit leaves, succession, St. John's wort - 2 tablespoons each. Rosehip berry - 3 spoons and thyme - 1 tsp. Brew 1 teaspoon of the collection in a glass of boiling water.

Elixir for prolonging youth

To live 100 years, every year for a month it is worth regularly eating a quarter of a lemon with a peel and drinking olive oil (1 spoon) on an empty stomach.

The next month, before breakfast: licorice root (a piece the size of a fingernail), sea kale (1 spoon of powder), spruce or pine resin - 5 g and agave juice (1 spoon).

Scientific approach

Many scientists around the world are developing ways to prolong youth, and their success is impressive. In Russia, people use 10 anti-aging systems, 30 methods are also available:

  • supramolecular chemistry;
  • electromagnetic transformation technology or modification of the human genome;
  • cell therapy;
  • revitalization and more.

With a positive result of the work of scientists, people will live up to 140, up to 160 years, subject to a healthy lifestyle.

Considering the history of mythology and religions, an incredible fact is revealed about the gods, who appear as immortal beings, or at least lived for many thousands of years. In ancient religious texts that mention the immortality or longevity of the gods, this is associated with a certain type of food that only the gods are allowed to eat - the elixir of life.

The gods had to regularly take the mysterious foods to maintain immortality, strength and longevity. Many myths refer to the fact that if mortals ate the food of the gods, they themselves became immortal, like gods. However, having tasted the "elixir of life" secretly, one could

One of the main references to the food of immortals is found in Greek mythology. In the stories of the Greek gods, it is written that ambrosia and nectar were the food and drink of immortality, and this first appears in Greek mythology, referring to the birth of Zeus.

Before the "invention" or "discovery" of ambrosia and nectar, it was said that the gods would feed on "sniffing" their dead enemies, as if their food would be the energy of dead souls.


In one version of mythology, Ambrosia (giving youth and immortality) descended from a magical goat named Amalthea, who nursed Zeus when the baby was hidden from Kronos' father. But the story of Amalthea, the “gentle goddess,” is supplemented by an artifact in the form of a bull horn.

Yes, that very biblical "cornucopia" that provided an unlimited supply of ambrosia, and contributed to the production of any kind of food for any living being.

“White holy doves carried ambrosia, and a large eagle with shining wings flew at incredible speed through the sky, where he collected nectar and brought it to the baby Zeus.”

When the demigod Achilles was born, the mother rubbed the child with ambrosia, and he became practically immortal. However, practically does not mean absolutely, the mother, rubbing Achilles, held him by the heel, the remaining only mortal part of the body, causing problems for the heroic demigod in the future

It was said that ambrosia was used by the gods to cure all diseases, heal scars and wounds from numerous battles, and make their bodies beautiful again. Obviously, if mortals were treated with ambrosia, their bodies would remain in perfect condition forever. In other texts we see that ambrosia was abundant in the gardens of the Hesperides.

The Hesperides were inhabited by nymphs who had a fondness for a blissful garden in a far corner of the world, the place where ambrosia was brought to God Zeus.

But immortal food also appears in the Bible, where we can see similarities between the gardens of the Hesperides and the Gardens of Eden. According to the Old Testament, a person was forbidden to eat fruits from the Tree of Life:

“... from the earth, the Lord God created the whole tree, pleasing to the eye and useful for eating. The tree of life was in the middle of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil…”

When Adam and Eve plucked the fruit of the Forbidden Tree of Knowledge, it seems that God warned the other Gods to be on their guard, because a person should not eat the fruit of the Tree of Life and become immortal like them.

It is difficult for us today to understand whether God was angry or not, but he said: “Behold, a man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil. It is impossible for him to stretch out his hand and pluck the fruit of the tree of life, eat and live forever ... "


Moving on to Zoroastrian and Vedic mythologies, here we also meet the mention of a unique drink for the gods, known as Soma and Haoma. The special drink of the immortals was made by extracting the juices from the stems of certain plants that are unknown to us today.

But there is no doubt that Soma and Haoma gave immortality. Hydra, the leader of the Devas and God Agni, is mentioned in the Rig Veda as having consumed large quantities of the immortal drink.

If we turn to Egyptian mythology and the legends of Thoth and Hermes Trismegistus, we will see how the gods drink the mysterious "white drops", also called "liquid gold". The recipe for the drink is unknown, but it gave immortality and youth.

Sumerian texts mention the milk of Ninhursaga, referring to one of the seven great deities of Sumer, a goddess of fertility who is associated with a cow (similar to the magical goat Amalthea of ​​Greek mythology).

The gods and kings of ancient Sumer drank "magic milk" to become strong and immortal. In the epic of Gilgamesh, we learn about a plant that carried the function of the "elixir" of immortality. But this recipe for youth and longevity was preserved as the greatest secret of the gods.

In the Hindu religion, the gods took the milk of Amrita, the divine drink collected and drunk by the gods, gave them immortality and long youth.

The unknown "milk" was apparently in the sky, as the gods collected nectar with the help of a serpent. Understandably, people were forbidden to drink the precious drink.

In Chinese mythology, "Peaches of Immortality" are known as the food of the immortals. Eating peaches ensured eternal existence. At the same time, if people eat this fruit, they will also become immortal.


The search for the elixir of Life has been the greatest undertaking for many people. In medieval times, alchemists searched for the Philosopher's Stone, believed to be needed to create an elixir and also to convert lead into gold. However, nothing is known about the discovery of the mysterious artifact.

Bernard Trevisan, 15th-century alchemist says: By placing the Philosopher's Stone in mercury water, you can create a delicious product - the elixir of immortality.

But all we have in support of the theory of the alchemists who allegedly found the elixir of life is the sad hoax of Cagliostro.

Nectar and Ambrosia, the Tree of Life, Amrita, Peaches of Immortality, Soma and Haoma - are all these just mentioning the imagination of ancient ancestors? Or is there an element of truth in this that can be?

Could immortality or longevity really be acquired through the consumption of "special" food, which has always been considered a privilege reserved for the elite of Olympus?

Nevertheless, the search for the "Elixir of Life" is an exciting undertaking, and perhaps one day it may be found for mortal people. And yet, if the gods used the "tinctures" of immortality and it worked for mortals, then ... but were they gods?

Immortality has long been an "obsession" of humanity - whoever was looking for it ... humanity wanted to believe that it was possible - that someone had already achieved it. Among these were the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, who did not die, but sleeps in an underground hall to return one day - and his long beard is growing, Count Saint-Germain - a famous alchemist of the 18th century, whose servant claimed to be working for him " only "three hundred years ... alas, the circumstances of the death of Frederick are known: in the Third Crusade, the emperor fell off his horse while crossing the Selif River and choked in the water, and Count Saint-Germain himself let slip that his father was Prince Rakoczi II of Transylvania, who lived on at the turn of the XVII-XVIII centuries, the count died in 1784. Life, of course, is long - more than 90 years - but it clearly does not look like an "elixir of immortality" ...

Does it exist elixir of immortality and youth elixir?

However, one Chinese emperor tried to do without the elixir - he took it and ordered to consider himself immortal! And it was not customary to argue with the emperor, so when he nevertheless died due to natural causes, the subjects faced a dilemma: what is the priority - the sacred will of the emperor or the real state of affairs? They decided that after all, the first thing: the body of the emperor was put on the throne, dignitaries approached him with reports, listened to orders (there was always someone to determine the content of the orders) - and this continued until the decomposition of the corpse had gone far enough ...

But this, of course, is part of a series of historical curiosities. But seriously ... according to the Bible, man was originally created immortal (and lost this state as a result of the fall) - and will again become so (those who deserve it) after the Resurrection of the dead at second coming Jesus Christ… neither state, of course, is inaccessible to scientific research (and "by definition" cannot be achieved here and now) - so let's see what we have today.

First we need to figure out why we die at all. As a rule - from diseases (heart attack, stroke, hypertension, etc.). But there are people with "iron health which remain vigorous until old age. They do not suffer in the last years of their lives from pain, the inability to do without outside help, etc., they die without much suffering - but they still die! Yes, and their long life is just a long old age - not a single 100-year-old centenarian looked like a 20-year-old boy on his half-century anniversary ... why is this happening?

The secret is "built into" the DNA molecule. Each of its sections encodes the synthesis of a particular protein - and only the terminal section does not do this ... why is it needed? In 1971, our compatriot A. Olovnikov suggested, and 15 years later, the English researcher G. Cook proved that this site, named telomere, encodes the age of the cell: with each division, it is shortened - when the "limit" is exhausted, the cell dies. True, there are cells in which this does not happen - sex, stem and cancer, in all three a special enzyme works - telomerase, it is he who "does not allow" telomeres to shorten.

In 1997, the gene responsible for the synthesis of telomerase was isolated in the USA (University of Colorado), and in 1998, researchers from the University of Texas at Dallas (USA) built it into cells where it usually does not work (skin, vascular epithelium) - immortal these cells, however, did not become, but their life lengthened by one and a half times. Enthusiasts - even among scientists - started talking about an immortality pill that could be created in the next 50 years (maybe even 10) ... hooray!

But do not rush to rejoice. Remember, we said in which cells telomerase works under normal conditions - and they were called cancer cells (which is why cancer is so difficult, and often impossible to defeat). That. no one can guarantee that such an "immortality pill" will not cause cancer. And the mechanism of aging itself is not so simple: in an adult, nerve cells do not divide - nevertheless, they grow old and die, therefore, in addition to shortening telomeres, there is some other mechanism of aging and death ... what? So far, there is no answer - which means that it is too early to talk about overcoming it.

But suppose a "tablet" of immortality is invented ... will we be delighted with it? Well, at least those politicians and "bags of money" to whom it will be available?

... On the way to Calvary, Jesus Christ, exhausted under the weight of the cross, stopped for a minute to rest, leaning against the wall of the house. The owner of this house - a Jew named Ahasuerus - pushed him away with a cry: "Go, what are you delaying!". “And you will go forever,” the Savior answered. “And there will be neither peace nor death for you.” And the unfortunate accursed Ahasuerus still walks the earth, waiting for the Second Coming of the Savior - after all, only it will save him from the overwhelming burden of eternal life ...

This legend is far from the only example in folklore and literature when immortality acts as a curse and even punishment. Usually the heroes of such works - from Ahasuerus to Jack Harkness, the hero of the English science fiction series "Torchwood" - suffer from the fact that everyone they manage to love (including their own children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc.), die - and they continue to live, over and over again experiencing the pain of new losses. So, for immortality to bring happiness, it must be universal immortality? What awaits us if such a "recipe" is found (of course, provided that immortal life there will be more eternal youth)?

First of all, you have to give up once and for all. Of course it will Paradise» for adherents of the childfree movement - but they, fortunately, do not yet make up the majority. In addition, such a humanity will once and for all stop in its development: the new generation will not come to put forward new ideas ... do we need such a “stopped” life?

Until now, we have been talking about physical immortality ... but there is also an idea of immortality of the soul. It has always existed - as long as humanity remembers itself. Of course, there have always been philosophers who denied it (for example, Epicurus) - but in one form or another it is present in all religions - the only exception is Jehovah's Witnesses and Seventh-day Adventists ... the latter substantiate their denial of the posthumous existence of the soul in a very original way: in their In a brochure, I came across a selection of quotations from the Bible, where death is compared to sleep, provided with a note - “In sleep, all activity stops, time passes imperceptibly for the sleeper.” Of course, for such conclusions, one must absolutely not know either psychology or history. Sciences and art, where there are many examples when in a dream people made discoveries and created masterpieces - and, probably, they themselves will never dream ... but one way or another - these are just exceptions, and so - even in Christian Creed it does not say "I believe in the immortality of the soul" - this is so self-evident that it does not require "introduction as a separate item."

But faith is faith - but what about scientific evidence?

They started talking about evidence when medicine got its hands on technology. Many people who survived clinical death told about the same thing: I flew through a dark tunnel, saw light at its end - further stories vary, but this detail is almost always present - all patients in different countries of the world could not agree decisively, in really! Yes, and in religious teachings there is no mention of "at the end of the tunnel" so that it can be attributed to self-hypnosis ... so there is something real behind this?

Obviously worth it - but it's hardly the afterlife. The fact is that no one really returned “from the next world” - medicine cannot revive the dead! Clinical death is not death as such: oxygen and nutrients are cut off to the cells - but they are still living, therefore, a person in a state of clinical death is a person who is dying rather than dead, in some way still alive, so what to talk about the afterlife is still early. Of course, in this state, the work of the brain is disturbed - so that images can arise of any kind. The perception of signals from the outside world also changes (so, according to scientists, the notorious “light at the end of the tunnel” is nothing more than your own pupil, which a person can only see in this state).

So how do we deal with immortality?

The immortal physical is currently unavailable, for the foreseeable future future is not foreseen - and it is hardly necessary at all.

In the immortality of the soul - as in all ages - one can believe or not believe, its existence has not been scientifically proven - and is hardly provable at all (at least by the means of modern science).