Photos of sights of cities and are included. The main attractions of the world. Kungur ice cave

This week, the results of the Russia 10 competition were summed up, the purpose of which is to select the main attractions of the country. The new visual symbols of Russia, chosen by popular vote (almost 225 million votes were taken into account in total), according to the organizers of the competition, are designed to promote the image of Russia as a unique country with a rich cultural and natural heritage.

We present you 10 winners of the competition, selected from over 700 objects.

(Total 10 photos)

1. Lake Baikal (Photo: Gennady Losev)

Baikal is the largest reservoir of high-quality fresh water, the deepest and one of the oldest lakes on Earth. In 2008, Baikal was recognized as one of the Seven Wonders of Russia.

2. Rostov Kremlin (Photo: Valery Abramov)

The Kremlin was built in the 17th century as the Rostov Metropolis, that is, the residence for Metropolitan Jonah. Therefore, there is nothing formally to call it the Kremlin, the stone walls were quite decorative and should not have served to defend the city. The Kremlin has eleven towers in total. Inside there are several cathedrals, among which the Assumption Cathedral with its four-domed bell tower stands out. The Kremlin also became famous for the fact that it was here that episodes of Gaidai's film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession" were filmed.

3. Peterhof (Photo: Ilya Shtrom)

Peterhof is a kind of triumphant monument to the successful completion of Russia's struggle for access to the Baltic Sea. The monument of world architecture and palace and park art includes a palace and park ensemble of the 18th-19th centuries, as well as the world's largest system of fountains and water cascades. The Peterhof Museum-Reserve unites 21 museums, including such unexpected ones as the Imperial Bicycles Museum, the Playing Card Museum and the Collectors Museum.

4. Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin (Photo: Alexander Sinderev)

From the annals it is known that Nizhny Novgorod was founded in 1221 by the Grand Duke of Vladimir Yuri Vsevolodovich. The defensive fortifications of the city - deep ditches and high ramparts - were originally built of wood and earth. The Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin became stone in 1515, when it became necessary to strengthen the defense of the city - the main stronghold of the Moscow State against the Kazan Khanate. The new Kremlin was surrounded by a two-kilometer wall with 13 towers. In the 16th century, the fortress was repeatedly besieged by the enemy, but the enemy was never able to capture it.

5. Mamaev Kurgan and the sculpture "The Motherland Calls" (Photo: Anastasia Andreeva)

The memorial to the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad was opened on Mamaev Kurgan in Volgograd in 1967. From the Square of Sorrow, the ascent to the top of the mound begins to the base of the main monument - "The Motherland Calls". Along the serpentine, in the hill, the remains of the soldiers - the defenders of Stalingrad were reburied. The statue by sculptor Vuchetich and engineer Nikitin is made of 5,500 tons of concrete and 2,400 tons of metal structures. The height of the monument is 86 meters, the height of the sculpture itself is 53 meters. At the same time, the thickness of the walls of the sculpture is no more than 30 centimeters. The sword in the hand of the Motherland weighs 14 tons and has a length of 33 meters. It is said that a car fits freely in the palm of the statue. In 2008, the statue of the Motherland on Mamaev Kurgan was also recognized as one of the Seven Wonders of Russia.

6. Pskov Kremlin - Krom (Photo: Valery Abramov)

Pskov Krom is the largest fortress in Europe. The length of its walls is 9 kilometers, the area is 3 hectares. Krom is located on a narrow cape at the confluence of the Pskov River with the Velikaya River. Now the territory of the Kremlin unites two different parts of the city: Detinets with the Trinity Cathedral, the bell tower, Veche Square and Dovmontov city. The pride of Russian art of the 17th century is the seven-tiered iconostasis of the Trinity Cathedral. The most revered shrines of the temple include miraculous icons, an ark with the relics of Pskov saints and Holguin's cross. For many centuries, the threat of an enemy attack constantly hung over the city, which forced the people of Pskov to constantly improve defensive structures. The Pskov Kremlin has withstood 26 sieges in its history. The fortress, which was in active military use for almost 1000 years, has come down to us in almost its original form.

7. Mosque named after Akhmat Kadyrov "Heart of Chechnya" (Photo: Timur Agirov)

Mosque "Heart of Chechnya" in Grozny is considered one of the largest, most beautiful and majestic mosques in Europe and the world. It was opened on October 17, 2008 and named after Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov, the first president of the Chechen Republic. The mosque is located on the picturesque bank of the Sunzha River, in the middle of a huge park with a cascade of colored fountains and night lighting. The outer and inner walls of the mosque are finished with marble, and the 36 chandeliers installed in the mosque resemble the three main shrines of Islam with their shapes: 27 chandeliers imitate the Kubbatu-as-Sakhra mosque in Jerusalem, 8 are modeled after the Rovzatu-Nebevi mosque in Medina and the largest, eight-meter chandelier, repeats the shape of the shrine of the Kaaba in Mecca. The creation of a collection of exclusive chandeliers took several tons of bronze, about three kilograms of gold, and more than one million parts and Swarovski crystals.

8. Trinity-Sergius Lavra (Photo: Vera Ostroumova)

The Trinity-Sergius Lavra is located in the center of the city of Sergiev Posad, Moscow Region, on the Konchura River. Founded in 1337 by St. Sergius of Radonezh. The earliest building of the monastery is considered to be the white-stone Trinity Cathedral, erected in 1422 on the site of a wooden temple and perpetuating the traditions of Moscow architecture of the 14th-15th centuries. This is a unique historical object, one of the few cathedrals where the iconostasis has been preserved, painted by the greatest icon painters - Andrei Rublev and Daniil Cherny. The relics of Sergius of Radonezh lie in the Trinity Cathedral, hundreds of parishioners come to bow to them every day. In 1744, the Trinity-Sergius Monastery was awarded the honorary title of Lavra. Today it is a functioning male monastery, the spiritual center of Orthodox Russia. Since 1940, the Trinity-Sergius Lavra has been a state museum-reserve. It is under the protection of UNESCO.

This is a unique historical, cultural and natural complex, which is a particularly valuable object of the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia and a UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage Site. The basis of the museum collection is the ensemble of the Kizhi Pogost. It consists of two churches and a bell tower of the 18th-19th centuries, surrounded by a single fence - a reconstruction of the traditional churchyard fences. The Church of the Transfiguration, rebuilt after a fire in 1714, was cut down from wood (including 22 domes and a cross), without nails, using an ax and a chisel. The long life of the Kizhi churches is explained by the fact that they were built without the use of a saw - the processing of wood with an ax does not violate its structure, so the churches do not collapse. In 1966, on the basis of the architectural ensemble of the Kizhi Pogost, the State Historical and Architectural Museum "Kizhi" was founded, where, in addition to the buildings existing in their original places, a large number of chapels, houses and outbuildings from Zaonezhye and other regions of Karelia were brought.

10. Kolomna Kremlin (Photo: Alexey Ustal)

The Kremlin in Kolomna is one of the most powerful fortresses of the Muscovite state, built in 1525-1531 during the reign of Vasily III. The Kremlin is located at the confluence of the Moscow and Kolomenka rivers. Unfortunately, time did not spare the Kremlin - only a few towers and a couple of fragments of the fortress walls remained from the fortress. Despite this, the Kremlin in our time impresses with its grandeur and power. The most interesting of the seven surviving towers is the Marinkina or Kolomenskaya tower. A legend is connected with this tower: the wife of False Dmitry, Marina Mnishek, was allegedly imprisoned here. At present, the military-historical sports and cultural complex is located on the territory of the Kremlin. Knightly tournaments and games of knights, competitions of fighters, wrestlers and shooters, ancient rites, folk holidays and fairs are held here.

The 30 finalists also included the Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni Temple, the Kungur Cave, the Solovetsky Archipelago, the Curonian Spit, the Valley of Geysers, the cable-stayed bridges in Vladivostok and other attractions.


On different continents of our planet there is a huge number of objects worth visiting. Every year, thousands of tourists go on a trip to visit places that seem to them the most attractive. We bring to your attention a rating of the 25 most interesting objects in the world, compiled by Travelers "Choice. Take a closer look at this list and perhaps your next trip will take place in one of these beautiful corners of the Earth.

1. Machu Picchu, Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu, which means "old peak" is the lost city of the Incas. The history of the city began in the 15th century, when defensive walls, palace and temple complex s, about 200 different buildings and residential premises. The city, built of processed stone slabs, has many staircases and streets winding between buildings, often leading to a dead end or to a terrace hanging over an abyss. According to research, Machu Picchu was built by Pachacutec, one of the rulers of the Incas, with the aim of creating a sacred haven for nobles, priests, astrologers, artists and sculptors. 1200 people lived in and around the city. At the top of the rock is a polygonal stone "intihuatana", which is sacred place cities. Now Machu Picchu is visited daily by about 2,000 tourists. And in 2007, Machu Picchu was included in the list of seven new wonders of the world.

2. Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Cambodia, one of the most exotic countries on the planet, is home to main character Khmer Culture - Angkor Wat Temple. Its value for the country is so great that the temple was depicted on the national flag. Interestingly, the 50-meter temple towers - pragni were built without cement, and they were built from top to bottom. A 250-meter bridge leads to the territory of the temple, the railings of which are decorated with images of the Naga snake. The Temple itself outwardly symbolizes ancient mountain Meru. Angkor Wat, built in the 12th century, is a platform in the form of a three-stage pyramid, crowned with five towers made in the form of lotus buds. When approaching the temple, there is a feeling that it "grows out of the ground", this is due to the different heights of the terraces. In Angkor Wat, there are also internal buildings, which in ancient times were forbidden to enter.

3. Taj Mahal, Agra, India

The Taj Mahal is located in the Indian city of Agra and is a monument of love that inspires poets and writers to create their creations. There are many legends about the creation of this building. According to one of them, before accession to the throne, the Mughal Shah Jahan fell in love with the beautiful poor girl Mumtaz Mahal and stopped paying attention to his concubines. Having married her, he took her on military campaigns and trusted her with his own and state secrets. Having given birth to thirteen children to the Shah, Mumtaz died during the birth of the fourteenth. The grief of the Shah was so great that he decided to build the most beautiful mausoleum on earth. The construction of the Taj Mahal lasted 22 years. The result was magnificent palace with eleven domes and 2 side towers. After several suicides committed because of love, the passage to the minarets was closed to the public. Taj Mahal is the most visited place in India.

4. Ancient City of Petra, Petra/Wadi Musa, Jordan

One of the main attractions of Jordan is the ancient city of Petra. The city was founded by brave warriors and hardworking masons - the Nabataeans, who lived in these parts about 2 thousand years ago. The territory of Petra extends from the Dead Sea to the Red Sea. The name "Petra" was not given to the city by chance, since it is translated as "rock" and in reality is a city of stone, consisting of stone houses, ancient temples and mysterious crypts. A city like Petra did not exist during Roman times. central Street ancient city, passing from west to east, on one side ends with a triumphal arch, and on the other - with a huge temple. It is worth visiting the Treasury, surrounded by baths, crypts, mourning halls, temples and other buildings.

5. Bayon Temple Complex, Siem Reap, Cambodia

In the ancient capital of Cambodia, there is an unusual temple complex Bayon, built in honor of the ruler of the Khmer Empire, Jayavarman VII in the 12-13 centuries. During the reign of Jayavarman, the Khmer Empire was the most powerful, which was reflected in the architecture - many grandiose structures were built, one of which was the Bayon temple complex. In front of the temple there is a four-meter wall depicting scenes of the battle between Jayavarman VII and the Chams. The entrance to the Bayon is guarded by huge stone lions with open mouths. Nearby is a Buddha statue, which has been a place of worship for the inhabitants of Cambodia and neighboring countries for many years. On each tower of the temple complex there are four images of the god Avalokitesvara, personifying compassion and mercy, so there are exactly two hundred of his faces. After the death of Jayavarman, no such buildings were erected.

6. Mesquita (Cordoba Cathedral Mosque), Cordoba, Spain

In the Spanish city of Cordoba, Mezquita is located - a unique cathedral mosque that combines various architectural styles. Built in the 8th century, the mosque-cathedral was reconstructed several times by Christians in order to give it the appearance of a Christian temple. As a result, the mosque became the largest in the Islamic West and was so beautiful that the Christians did not dare to destroy it and consecrated it as the Cathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady. Through the cathedral tower you can get to the magnificent Orange Courtyard, created over several centuries. There are five ablution fountains in the courtyard. The interiors of the mosque are decorated with marble panels and multicolored mosaics. In the prayer hall there are 850 columns made of granite, jasper and marble and sparkling in different colors.

7. Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ on Blood, St. Petersburg, Russia

The Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ on Blood (Savior on Blood) is one of the most famous Russian historical and memorial complexes. The cathedral was built in St. Petersburg in 1907 on the site of the assassination of Alexander II. From the side of Nevsky Prospekt, a picturesque view of the temple, located between Konyushennaya Square and the Field of Mars, opens up. The architecture of the cathedral is dominated by the main features of Russian churches of the 16th-17th centuries, characteristic of Moscow, Yaroslavl and Rostov, in particular, St. Basil's Cathedral. The interiors of the temple are dominated by mosaics, a huge number of semi-precious and ornamental stones, as well as about 20 types of minerals. In addition, the iconostasis made of pink and dark red marble, porphyry, jasper, eagle, aspid and other materials add luxury to the temple.

8. St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City, Italy

Peter's Basilica in the Vatican is a renaissance temple and is the main liturgical center of the Catholic Church. The building of the cathedral was built in the 16-17 centuries on the resting place of the Apostle Peter, his relics are still kept under the altar of the temple. The main feature of St. Peter's Basilica is its impressive size and rich interior decoration. On either side of the main nave, in numerous chapels and niches, are statues by Michelangelo and Bernini. A huge canopy is located in the very center of the cathedral, in which the Pope sits during Mass. In addition to the above, the cathedral houses a large number of relics of saints and other relics, as well as the burial places of several popes and European monarchs.

9. Walls of the old city, Dubrovnik, Croatia

The ancient Croatian city of Dubrovnik can be called a real pearl of the Adriatic and one of the most beautiful cities in the Mediterranean. Small houses with red tiled roofs, monasteries and churches, mansions and narrow cobbled streets - everything is surrounded by a medieval fortress wall. The walls of the Old City were built between the 12th and 14th centuries and are among the most beautiful structures of their kind in Europe. The widest street Stradun practically repeats the location of the strait that once divided the city. next to the narrow residential buildings here are temples and palaces, as well as other masterpieces of architecture. For example, the Great Fountain of Onufry, created in the 15th century, used to play the role of a water pipe, drinking water to which was supplied from a mountain spring through an aqueduct.

From the impressive Burj Khalifa to the stunning Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, the famous travel site TripAdvisor has compiled a list of popular attractions around the world according to tourists.

The most famous landmarks in the world

Going on a trip to various countries, tourists think in advance about the itinerary and what sights are worth visiting.

Below in the article will be a list of attractions that are the most popular, according to TripAdvisor.

The navigable Panama Canal is located in the state of Panama. It consists of two lakes that were created by man, and locks.

The Petronas Towers are located in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia.

Australia symbol - Opera theatre in the city of Sydney

The ancient city of the Mayan tribe is located on the Mexican Yucatan Peninsula.

The oldest temple of Wat Pho. To see it, you need to go to Thailand to the city of Bangkok

Memorial complexes and ancient temples

Complex in New York (USA) - National Memorial dedicated to the victims of a series of terrorist attacks committed on September 11

Khalifa Tower, or Burj Khalifa (skyscraper) in Dubai, UAE

The Lincoln Memorial is located in Washington D.C.

The Great Wall of China, Mutianyu section, from where magnificent mountain scenery opens

Charles Bridge in Prague, Czech Republic. It was built in the Middle Ages, it was called Prague.

Suspension Bridge Golden Gate, California

Hagia Sophia (currently a museum), Istanbul, Turkey

Alhambra Palace, Granada, Southern Spain. Today it is a museum of Islamic art

Notre Dame Cathedral in France. Catholic church in Paris

Church of the Savior on Blood in the northern capital of Russia - the city of St. Petersburg

Who has not dreamed of flying to France and admiring the beauties of Paris from the Eiffel Tower

prison island

Alcatraz Island in California. Currently a museum, but there were times when this island served as a prison for dangerous criminals. It was impossible to escape from there.

Milanese Cathedral in Italy

St. Peter's Catholic Cathedral is located in the Vatican

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi, UAE

Taj Mahal in India - mosque-mausoleum

Machu Picchu city in modern Peru

Angkorvoat is the largest temple complex in Cambodia.

Brazil is famous for its aromatic coffee, football and the statue of Christ the Redeemer towering over Rio de Janeiro

Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, ​​Spain

Where to go first is up to you.

Republic of Karelia is located in the northwest of the Russian Federation between the White and Baltic seas. It borders with Finland in the west, with Vologda and Leningrad regions in the south, with Arkhangelsk in the east, with Murmansk in the north. The main relief is represented by hilly plains, turning into highlands in the west. The climate is mild with heavy rainfall, changing on the territory of the republic from maritime to continental. Long, relatively mild winters and short, cool summers are typical. The area of ​​Karelia is 172.4 thousand km², divided into: 16 districts, 2 urban districts; on its territory - 13 cities and 11 settlements. The capital is Petrozavodsk.

Petrozavodsk founded in 1703 by Peter I, who ordered the creation of a cannon-casting factory at the mouth of the Lososinka River, later named Petrovsky in his honor. The city stretched along the shores of Lake Onega.

The territory of modern Petrozavodsk includes 31 ancient settlements, the oldest of which is 8 thousand years old. Petrozavodsk starts many tourist routes of Karelia. and has the status of a historical city of the Russian Federation.

You can get to Petrozavodsk in different ways:

From Moscow to Petrozavodsk - 1010 km.

  • A short road trip along the highway "Moscow - Tver - Valdai - Novgorod - Petrozavodsk" (9-11 hours on the way).
  • Railway service runs regularly (travel time - 13-16 hours, departure - from the Leningrad and Kursk stations).
  • Between the cities, a flight of the Region Avia company is regularly made (travel time - up to 2 hours, departure from Domodedovo, arrival in Besovets).

From St. Petersburg to Petrozavodsk - 412 km.

  • By car, you can take the following route: "St. Petersburg - Sortavala - Petrozavodsk" (4-5 hours on the way).
  • You can get there by direct train (duration of the trip - 7-8 hours, departure - from the Ladozhsky railway station).

Let's single out the most interesting sights of Karelia by types.

natural attractions

Waves wash the shore of the northern land White Sea. Their temperature in summer is 6-15°C, from autumn the sea freezes until June. Quiet lakes are replaced by turbulent rivers, which gives the Karelian nature a rare originality. Karelia is a "country of lakes", there are about 60,000 of them. Ladoga and Onega lakes are the largest in Europe. The pristine corners of nature have been preserved in national parks Paanajärvi, Kalevalsky, in the Kandalaksha and Kostomuksha nature reserves. Deserves special mention reserve Kivach and eponymous waterfall on the river Suna.

Resort Marcial Waters

year-round resort complex, created in 1719 by Peter I. In the treatment are used Gabozero healing mud and ferruginous mineral waters. Named "martial waters" in honor of the god of iron and war Mars. It is located on the territory of the Kondopoga region, 54 km north of Petrozavodsk.

You can get from Petrozavodsk: by bus to the stop of the same name or by transport of the sanatorium, departure from the square near the railway station or by car: in the direction of Shuya, Kondopoga, after the Shuiskaya station, turn left behind the rock with a bow cross (at the turn there is a sign "On Girvas"), pass the village of Tsarevich and Kosalama village, then - a fork to Konchezero, do not turn to the Marcial Waters village).

Worth to visit: the wooden church of the Apostle Peter, the bell tower, the Museum of the History of Marcial Waters.

Seids on the Kuzovy Islands in the White Sea.

Along the sea route from the port of Kem to the Solovetsky Islands is body archipelago. It includes 16 uninhabited domed islands famous for their unique religious complexes times of the ancient Saami population. About 800 different stone structures have no analogues in the world.

There are no regular flights to the islands. You can get there by boat on your own or with an organized group.

Architectural and cultural-historical sights

People go to Karelia to bow to history: Kizhi, Solovetsky architectural and historical ensemble, Valaam archipelago, Voynitsa, Kalevala, petroglyphs, ancient villages. These places are a time capsule that takes travelers to the past of Russia.

Kizhi Museum-Reserve

Located in the open air on about. Kizhi in Lake Onega, 68 km from Petrozavodsk. He collected 89 monuments of wooden architecture. Worth to visit: the unique architectural ensemble of the Kizhi Pogost, the 22-domed Church of the Transfiguration, the Church of the Resurrection of Lazarus, the Church of the Intercession of the Virgin, the Chapel of Michael the Archangel, the ancient houses of Oshevnev and Elizarova.

Getting there from Petrozavodsk you can: by river public transport, travel time 1 hour 15 minutes or by water taxi (by agreement); by SUV-pneumatic all-terrain vehicle - in winter, travel time 1.5 hours or by helicopter from the airport "Peski".

Valaam archipelago

The nature reserve is located in the north of Lake Ladoga. In the summer, Valaam has short white nights. On the island of Valaam preserved Spaso-Preobrazhensky Valaam Monastery- an ancient monastic monastery, considered the spiritual center of Orthodox Russia. Worth to visit: Assumption Church, Resurrection Skete, Ascension Chapel, stable and water houses, buildings of the Red and White Skete.

Get to Valaam Island you can: by boat - travel time 50 minutes, departure - Sortvala or by helicopter service from Petrozavodsk. In winter, you can also get there by boat on an "air cushion", from Sortavala the travel time is 45 minutes.

From Petrozavodsk to Sortavala can be reached: by bus "Petrozavodsk - Sortavala" or "Petrozavodsk - Lakhdenpokhya" (about 5 hours); by car: through Pryazha along the R-21 highway 280 km.

Solovetsky archipelago

It is concentrated in the White Sea, includes 106 islands. The main attractions are located on the Big Solovetsky Island: the botanical garden; Spaso-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Monastery. In the 20s. 20th century here was the Solovetsky Special Purpose Camp (SLON), where political prisoners were sent.

How to get to the Solovetsky Islands:

  • From the city of Kem: by boat (travel time - 2-4 hours, departure from the pier in the village of Rabocheostrovsk, 12 km from the city of Kem). A train runs from Petrozavodsk to Kem.
  • From the city of Belomorsk: on the ship "Sapphire" (travel time up to 4 hours, departure from the berth of the Belomorsk fishing port).
  • In winter, Solovki can be reached by plane from Petrozavodsk.

They are drawings engraved on the rocks depicting people, boats, scenes of hunting, ritual processions, wars. They were found at the mouth of the Vyg River on the rocks of small islands 9 km from Belomorsk. Their age is 6000 years, and the number is about two thousand.

Onega petroglyphs

there are about 1200 images, often combined into compositions. Scattered in groups on rocks. Petroglyphs originated in the Neolithic era.

How to get there:

  • Belomorian petroglyphs are located at the village of Vygostrov and the village of Zolotets, 6-8 km.
  • Onega are less accessible: the nearest ones are 4 km from the Kochkovnavolok peninsula, the far ones are 17 km from Gurya Island, Cape Peri Nos. From Water station of Petrozavodsk passenger ships go to the village of Shala, then you have to hire a boat or go on foot. Highway in bad condition.

Ancient Karelian villages

These are living monuments of wooden architecture. Their buildings show the world examples of high carpentry skills.

Ancient Vepsian Sheltozero village known since 1543, located 84 km from Petrozavodsk on the shore of Lake Onega. The two-storied chopped house of Melkov of the 19th century has been preserved, in it - Sheltozero Veps Ethnographic Museum. The Veps Folk Choir was founded in 1937.

It is better to get to the villages as part of a tourist group. An interesting tour of the ancient villages in jeeps.

O Kinerma village is mentioned in the annals of 1563. Kinerma is located 100 km from Petrozavodsk near Lake Ladoga, 6 km from the village. Vedlozero. Here is the chapel of the Smolensk Mother of God of the 18th century, which is surrounded by an old cult spruce grove, peasant huts and black baths of the 19th century.

The ancient Pomeranian is located 35 km southeast of Belomorsk. Wooden houses, the remains of the saltworks of the Solovetsky Monastery of the 16-17th centuries, the Church of Peter and Paul of the 17th century have been preserved in it.

Karelia- an amazing land of blue lakes and amazing landscapes, white nights and century-old fir trees, rich fishing and successful hunting. Republic exclusively rich in spiritual, cultural, historical and architectural monuments and interesting for lovers of antiquity. Arriving in Karelia, you find yourself in another dimension, in another era, where time has stood still, and nature has remained unknown, retaining its unique charm.

Are you afraid of extreme recreation? Read the article about, you can get ideas for an interesting adventure from it. From the material you will learn that rafting is available not only to professional extreme sportsmen, but at this link you can find an article about Norilsk - a city of extremely low temperatures.

In this regard, naive questions often arise from the category “Which country is better?”, “Which has the most attractions.” Naturally, no one will give a clear answer to this question, because everything is relative. Attractions are not only exclusively touristic, but also known only local residents who are in love with their city and see it from a special angle.

Accounting for important objects of cultural, historical and natural heritage is maintained by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). By compiling the World Heritage List, UNESCO seeks to promote and guarantee the preservation of natural, cultural or mixed sites. The highest concentration of attractions due to their proximity in Europe. Most of these interesting places are concentrated in the cradle of Western civilization - in. There are many World Heritage Sites and, not surprisingly, over the centuries these two cultures have mixed and influenced each other, and the significance of each of them is undeniable. Not all attractions made the list, many more will be included, and many will never make it, which is why they will not become less valuable. Italy is immediately followed by , and . So if your mind craves cultural food, these countries are a must see for you.

On the other hand, statistics show that it is far from the UN that determines the best of the best. Most travelers in the world consider the country to visit number 1 France. France is the undisputed leader of world tourism, although trips there, as a rule, do not exceed several days in duration. Either a magnificent historical past with expansions and colonization, or the years of prosperity of the monarchs, but something definitely played a decisive role in turning this country into a tourist mecca.

The next place in terms of attendance after the tiny charming France is occupied by, which, due to their multinationality and many states, have concentrated a great many natural and man-made masterpieces on a vast territory. Following the States in this ranking is China, which is understandable. The ancient oriental culture of the most populous country on the planet is famous all over the world.

Although if we continue the chain of the “most-most” category outside of this rating, it is also worth mentioning that it is so diverse that even in a hundred trips you can not know it, tourism in which sometimes borders on madness - either in large cities, or hermit, in the midst of wild and stunning nature. Super-saturated leisure during your vacation will also be provided to you in Spain, famous for its festivities. Folk games and customs there are like nationwide flash mobs - wild, special and exciting.

Travel Company Group Travel sincerely wishes you success with the choice of the country for rest. Even given any recommendations, this choice will not be easy. And whatever your decision, we have a thousand and one ways to satisfy it.