Bodies in trees, houses in kerosene. one of the largest air crashes in the USSR. The bodies of those killed in Sochi are severely broken, as if without bones at all. The crash of Tu 154 found the bodies of the dead

Early in the morning on December 25, a Tu-154 plane flying to Syria crashed into the Black Sea, one and a half kilometers from the coast of Sochi.

On board the Tu-154 was also Elizaveta Glinka, the head of the Fair Aid Foundation, known for her charitable activities. Dr. Lisa has been working with her for about 20 years. Several times she participated in the evacuation of wounded children of Donbass. Since 2015, Elizaveta Glinka has repeatedly visited the territory of Syria with humanitarian missions - she was engaged in the delivery and distribution of medicines, and the provision of medical assistance to the civilian population of the Arab Republic.

Who else was on the Tu-154?

General Valery Khalilov, head of the Alexandrov Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army, was also on board. A well-known conductor and composer, he conducted the combined orchestras of the Ministry of Defense many times during the Victory Day parades on Red Square. He was also the artistic director of the Spasskaya Tower festival of military bands, which became one of the hallmarks of not only Moscow, but the whole of Russia.

What happens at the crash site?

As already reported, four ships and five military helicopters are currently involved in the search operation in the area where the Tu-154 plane crashed in the Black Sea near Sochi. Divers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia also work in the disaster area, who have access to work at depths of 20 to 90 meters.

How many people were on the crashed Tu-154 plane?

Recall that the Tu-154 aircraft of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation disappeared from the radar after taking off from Sochi. On board the aircraft were 92 people - military personnel of the Armed Forces, as well as artists of the Alexandrov Ensemble, human rights activists and nine representatives of the Russian media. The plane was heading to Syria, where the artists were supposed to congratulate the soldiers of the Khmeimim base in Latakia on the New Year.

Maintenance check

The question of the preparedness of the Tu-154 crew, according to the minister, will be studied by the technical commission of the Ministry of Defense. “As part of the technical investigation of the Ministry of Defense, all these issues will be studied further. The commander of the aircraft, as we now know, had sufficient flying hours,” the minister stressed.

The issue of continuing the operation of the Tu-154 will be decided by the defense department itself, Sokolov said. "The crashed aircraft of the Tu-154 type in civil aviation Russian Federation has not been used for a long time. These aircraft are in service with the units of the Ministry of Defense, and it will decide how to continue operation or suspend, or carry out any additional work. But all this can be discussed only after an analysis of the circumstances, which the commission of the Ministry of Defense on investigation has only just begun,” said Neradko. Sokolov also said that work to search for and raise the wreckage of the Tu-154 and the bodies of the dead would continue on December 26.

The search will continue tomorrow and in the future, if necessary. We will try our best to find the dead.

Maxim Sokolov Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation

What about the wreckage of the Tu-154?

Earlier, a source in emergency services told TASS that the aircraft's fuselage had not yet been found. “Numerous fragments have been found, but the fuselage itself has not yet been found. The coordinates of his whereabouts are being established,” the source said.

Where was the plane flying?

The plane of the Russian Defense Ministry, which was supposed to deliver military personnel, media representatives and members of the Alexandrov ensemble to the Khmeimim air base in Syria, disappeared from the radar screens a few minutes after taking off from Adler airport. There were 92 people on board. According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, among the passengers were Elizaveta Glinka, known as Dr. Lisa, director of the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense Anton Gubankov and head of the ensemble named after. Alexandrova Valery Khalilov. The wreckage of the plane was later found 1.5 km from the coast in the Sochi region at a depth of 50-70 meters.

Photos from the crash of the Tu-154

The Tu-154 plane, which took off from Adler airport to Syrian Latakia, crashed over the Black Sea.

On board were journalists and artists of the ensemble. Alexandrova.

In total, there were 92 people on board, including 8 crew members and 84 passengers, including 68 members of the Alexandrov Ensemble.

The plane was also carrying the director of the International organization "Fair Aid" Elizaveta Glinka, known as Doctor Lisa.

Also on the plane were journalists from three Russian television companies: NTV, Zvezda and Channel One.

They flew to military base Khmeimim to address the Russian military in Syria in honor of the New Year.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev was instructed by the head of state to form a state commission to investigate the Tu-154 crash.

A police officer is watching

Search and rescue operations near the Black Sea coast, where the aircraft of the RF Ministry of Defense Tu-154 crashed.

Search and rescue operations near the Black Sea coast, where the aircraft of the RF Ministry of Defense Tu-154 crashed.

An Mi-8 helicopter performing search and rescue operations off the Black Sea coast, where a Russian Defense Ministry Tu-154 plane crashed.

Search and rescue operations near the Black Sea coast, where the aircraft of the RF Ministry of Defense Tu-154 crashed.

Flowers near the building of the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A.V. Alexandrov in Moscow.

Flowers at the office of the international public organization "Fair Aid" in memory of Elizaveta Glinka (Doctor Liza), who died in the Tu-154 plane crash.

People lay flowers near the Ostankino television center to photographs of journalists who died in the crash of a Russian Defense Ministry Tu-154 plane off the Black Sea coast in Sochi.

Video of the crashed Tu-154 aircraft

Tu-154 plane crashed in Sochi in the Black Sea


Dorenko: Tu-154 aircraft of the Ministry of Defense crashed in the Black Sea

Recording of the last communication session with the Tu 154 aircraft that crashed in the Black Sea near Sochi

Today there was a tragedy: a passenger plane of Saratov Airlines crashed in the Moscow region. An-148 was flying from the capital to Orsk. 71 people were on board: 65 passengers and 6 crew members. There are no survivors.

The president expressed condolences to the families of the victims. In connection with this tragedy, Vladimir Putin changed his schedule: a working trip to Sochi was postponed. According to the Kremlin press service, in order for the president to be able to directly coordinate the work of a special commission to clarify the causes of the tragedy. The commission was created on behalf of the head of state.

These shots were taken by eyewitnesses a few minutes after the disaster. The wreckage of the plane is scattered in a snowy field, around, at least at first glance, there are no signs of a fire or explosion. As if he just fell to the ground from a height. At the same time, the picture at the crash site - the wreckage is scattered over a radius of a whole kilometer - suggests that the liner collapsed while still in the air. And eyewitnesses say that before the fall, the plane seemed to be engulfed in flames.

Data on how long the plane has been in the air is still different. At first it was reported that the flight lasted about seven minutes. It was later reported that it had crashed just two minutes after takeoff. One way or another, the crash site is the vicinity of the village of Argunovo in the Ramensky district of the Moscow region - located just 30 kilometers from the Domodedovo airport.

“After a very strong cotton, we went to look for the place where this cotton was found. The whole field is approximately the size, I give it offhand - these are two football fields, ”the eyewitness said.

The Moscow-Orsk flight took off from Domodedovo airport at 14:21. And soon disappeared from the radar screens. Internet publications publish the words of an air traffic controller, allegedly the one who monitored the air situation in the crash area - the plane took off normally, then began to descend, but no longer contacted and did not respond to requests. Even an audio recording of the negotiations has appeared on the Web, although it is not yet possible to guarantee its authenticity.

One thing can be said for sure: the crew did not report any malfunctions on board, although the breakdown of the aircraft, along with piloting error and adverse weather conditions, are now the three main versions of the disaster.

According to Svetlana Petrenko, the official representative of the Investigative Committee, operational documentation is being confiscated at the Saratov Airlines company, and its employees are being interrogated. In addition, the investigators began interrogating the employees of the Domodedovo airport, who were preparing the aircraft for flight.

So far, too little is known about the last flight of the crashed plane, but experts have already drawn attention to its strange trajectory. According to the Flytradar service, after taking off from Domodedovo, it began to rise to a mark of 1800 meters, then dropped to one and a half thousand, then climbed again, and after that the plane went down sharply. Because of these conflicting data, at first there was even a version that the An-148 could collide with a helicopter in the air. But later these rumors were denied.

Experts in the field of aviation are now suggesting that icing of the liner could be the cause - in the event that a piece of ice got into the engine.

“Sometimes, due to the weather, due to icing, something can happen. The aircraft was poorly handled or got into a sharp, heavy icing. The weather here could play a negative role only if there was an engine failure and the crew did not see the site, could not pick up and land,” says Honored Pilot of Russia Yuri Sytnik.

The crashed An-148 belonged to Saratov Airlines. It had four aircraft of this type in its fleet to this day. Short-haul aircraft, designed to carry 80 passengers. The liner that crashed was produced less than eight years ago. At first, it belonged to the Rossiya airline, flew, including to foreign destinations. Later it was sold to Saratov. And the airlines assure that they have no doubts about the serviceability of the aircraft or the qualifications of the crew.

“There was an experienced crew on board. The commander of the aircraft is Gubanov Valery Ivanovich, who has more than 5 thousand flight hours, and on this type Valery Ivanovich had 2147 flight hours,” said Elena Voronova, head of the press service of Saratov Airlines.

“8 years is, of course, not a term for an aircraft. Moreover, Antonovskaya is a reliable company. Our airworthiness standards are the toughest in the world. Not only to new production aircraft, but to aircraft that are submitted for testing,” said Vitaly Zhiltsov, Honored Test Pilot of the USSR.

Meanwhile, the authorities are already publishing a list of those who died as a result of the disaster. There were 71 people on board the plane - 65 passengers and six crew members. Nobody had a chance to survive.

The head of the Ministry of Transport of Russia, Maxim Sokolov, said that "in accordance with federal law, insurance in the amount of more than 2 million rubles is paid to all relatives of the victims, and the necessary additional decisions in this direction will be made through the subject."

To identify the bodies during the crash of the An-148, a special board of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will deliver DNA samples from relatives of the victims to Moscow from Orsk. The identification of the bodies will be carried out at the Moscow Bureau of Expertise.

EMERCOM of Russia opened a hotline. Phone: 8-800-775-17-17.

The hotline also operates in the Orenburg region: 8-3532-308-999.

At the crash site passenger aircraft An-148 in the Moscow region almost 600 rescuers. The wreckage is scattered over a large area, the search operation will be conducted around the clock, one of the black boxes has already been found.

“We have formed operational groups that work here and in Orsk, on the territory of the Orenburg region. The task force operates in Domodedovo and, where necessary, in the Moscow region. I will ask you to provide support for all relatives and friends, taking into account vital indications, to organize the duty of medical teams of social workers and all specialists who are needed for health reasons, ”instructed the head of the Russian Emergencies Ministry Vladimir Puchkov.

At the Orsk airport, the relatives of the victims are provided with all the necessary assistance. The director of the airport, Sergei Sukharev, said that psychologists and doctors work at the first-aid post.

Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill performed a prayer service for those who died in this crash. Condolences to Russian citizens in connection with the crash of the An-148 aircraft were brought by Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, the Foreign Ministers of Turkey, France and Belgium and other countries.

In connection with this tragedy, Channel One changes the broadcasting schedule. Immediately after our program, instead of playing the club “What? Where? When?" - broadcast from the Olympic Pyeongchang

On the night of July 7-8, 1980, one of the largest air crashes in the Soviet Union occurred. On the eastern outskirts of Alma-Ata, a Tu-154B-2 passenger plane crashed, which was heading to Rostov-on-Don. As a result, 166 people died - 156 passengers and 10 crew members. In addition, nine people who were on the ground were injured.

Night July flight from Alma-Ata to Rostov-on-Don. The heat is such that you want to carry a fan in your hands all the time, directed at yourself. The fathers of the family have sent the suitcases to the luggage, hugging their wives and holding the hands of their children. On board, 30 kids and schoolchildren are discussing what kind of castles they will build on the coast and how they will buy themselves in the sea - the flight after Rostov was supposed to go to Simferopol.

Girls who go to the resort think about how they will sunbathe, and in the evenings they will run to dances or just listen to the sound of the surf. Or maybe someone will spin the novel. With such thoughts, everyone goes to the Aeroflot "carcass".

They won't build it, they won't spin it. The liner will crash 1 minute 40 seconds after takeoff and shatter into pieces. The victims of the largest air crash in the country will be 166 passengers and crew members. Nobody survived on the plane.

Meanwhile on earth

In private houses on Fedoseeva Street, windows trembled as the captain of the aircraft, Yuri Kulagin, tried to avoid a collision with the ground. The fact is that pilots have often encountered such a situation: the “carcass” sinks by 30 meters, and then continues to climb. This time the fall continued.

The liner crashed, hitting the farm with its bow. But the movement continued: so, he "jumped" three times, falling apart on the go. Parts of the bodies of passengers and crew flew into huge cracks - they were literally torn to pieces by seat belts and debris. In the next three days they will be found on trees, on the roofs of houses, in baths and just on the ground.

At some point, 39 tons of fuel spilled all over the street, smearing the soil, the walls of houses, roofs and windows.

We lived two streets away and at night we heard an explosion, we thought: the bomb exploded. They ran out into the street, and there - a glow, as bright as day, a terrible smell of burning kerosene hit my nose. In the morning we learned that the plane crashed near the private sector, everyone died, people's houses and gardens burned down. Soon we moved to another area, away from the airport, - told the media local Alexander Baev.

Scattered in different directions and luggage. After the lampposts were knocked down by the plane, the field flared up. A mixture of kerosene, burning, and disinfectants hung in the air.

Many employees of the airport lived nearby, writes "Essays on the history of Alma-Ata". So, at one of them, Sergey, all three sides of the house were burned, the second floor and the vineyard burned to the ground.

The man transported his family to a safe place, and he went in search of black boxes. Later, dozens of bodies were found in his garden.

Commission conclusions

Like many other Soviet plane crashes and hijackings, the story was not covered by the media. Some details began to emerge much later. However, even the list of the dead has not been made public so far.

At the crash site, as part of the commission assembled after the incident, the chief aircraft designer of the Tu-154, Alexander Shengardt, worked. According to him, there could be a human factor. The initial medical board concluded that there was alcohol in the blood of the dead pilots. However, a week later, specialists from Moscow denied this statement.

A search operation continues in the crash area of ​​the plane. Several pieces of debris were raised from the bottom. There are dozens of ships in the area. Deep-sea submersibles are used.

A search operation continues in the crash area of ​​the aircraft. Several pieces of debris were raised from the bottom. There are 45 ships in the area. Deep-sea submersibles are used. When it got dark, the spotlights were turned on.

Many agencies report that rescuers found the body of crew commander Roman Volkov and the body of Oksana Batrutdinova, assistant head of the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense. However, there is no official confirmation of this information. It is confirmed that by this hour the bodies of ten dead have been found, it is also reported that the remains of another 80 bodies were raised to the surface, but rescuers say that the remains of the bodies are very damaged and no one is now talking about how many there are.

Work is ongoing and will continue throughout the night. The water area at the crash site of the Tu-154 is illuminated by special searchlights. The plane, according to experts, crashed six kilometers from the coast, and during the day this place was clearly visible from here, but now, in the dark, neither the camera nor the human eye can see the equipment.

In the meantime, the Interfax agency reports with reference to representatives of the Ministry of Defense, divers have lifted two elements of the aircraft control mechanism from the bottom of the sea. According to the serial numbers, it was previously established that they may belong to the crashed Tu-154. One of the raised fragments is quite impressive in size - about five meters.

At the crash site, 45 ships continue to operate, including anti-sabotage boats and ships with sonar equipment. The seabed is being examined by divers and several deep-sea submersibles. In addition, helicopters are operating in the sky above the crash site, even now, at night. In total, about 3.5 thousand people participate in the operation. The conditions here are not easy. The depth reaches 100 meters, and due to the strong current, experts say, the wreckage of the aircraft is scattered at a fairly large distance. On an area of ​​240 square kilometers.

The Minister of Transport of Russia, Maxim Sokolov, who heads the government commission to investigate the disaster, said that due to the strong current, part of the Tu-154 fragments and the bodies of the dead could be carried towards Abkhazia, so Abkhaz colleagues also joined in the rescue work.

Each discovered detail is lifted from the bottom to the surface, then to be delivered to the shore. All found wreckage of the aircraft should help experts to restore the picture of what happened on board. According to the Ministry of Defense, the search operation area is divided into 15 sectors, by this minute the bottom of seven of them has been completely examined. And by the same time, in the area of ​​prospecting work, the survey of the surface surface was completely - 100% completed.

The flight recorders have not yet been found. This is due to the same strong current and difficult bottom topography. Now fragments of the aircraft continue to be searched with the help of radar equipment.

A year after the high-profile crash on board the Russian Defense Ministry, independent technical expert Yuri Antipov hammered the final nail into the coffin of official versions.

Why, instead of whole bodies, at the crash site of the liner, they found smeared human lungs and fragments of adipose tissue, while the most vulnerable part of the aircraft - the wing - remained almost unscathed? Answers to this and many other questions about the ill-fated Tu-154 flying to Syria with the Alexandrov Ensemble on board are given by the Kavkaz Post expert.

Suspicious rush
Immediately, when the debris had not yet been raised from the bottom of the sea, officials from the Ministry of Defense stated that there was no explosion on board. Such amazing haste Antipov explains simply: “Those responsible for sending this aircraft immediately understood the true cause of the crash. And then it was rejected through the media.” Another question, was it an explosion or a terrorist attack? Here Antipov is convinced: "Analysis of the factual material showed that only a powerful explosion could break the plane into a large number of parts, scattering them over a large area, and destroy passengers to a molecular-fragmentary state."

At one time, because of this rather obvious reason for the collapse, one media outlet was followed by a shout from the Moscow Region and a command to the editor-in-chief to “shut up”.

Too heavy board ... without load
On that fateful day, two aircraft were preparing to fly to Syria. The Tu-154 was unloaded as much as possible, sending things to the second plane. Only musicians and ... empty cargo compartments remained on board the deceased liner. The board in Adler was refueled for more than 3 hours without taking passengers out of the cabin, although partial refueling according to the regulations does not exceed 20 minutes.

Commander Roman Volkov, in a conversation with the dispatcher, asked for a takeoff run from the very beginning of a long runway, citing the fact that the plane was “heavy”. This means that Volkov knew what kind of cargo he was loaded with, Yury Antipov argues. It's no secret that the usual loading of things takes no more than an hour.

Total 17 whole bodies

One of the main questions of the resonant catastrophe: how did it happen that in an airplane that reached a flight altitude of only 200-250 meters, when falling, the passengers turned into genetic material?

According to the SME, not all the bodies of passengers after the disaster turned into genetic remains. Mysteriously, those who were sitting in business class were left dead.
But further down the cabin, says Antipov, all the bodies were simply smeared on the skin. It is terrible to read this list of numbered fragments: adipose tissue, shins, small intestine, bladder, soft tissue ... And the whole point, Yuri Antipov believes, is that “the seats of the passengers, for the identification of which a genetic examination was carried out, were located above ... the cargo compartments of the aircraft.”

Invulnerable Wing
And this despite the fact that the structure of the aircraft wing, which is most prone to destruction upon impact, remained practically intact, the expert says. Why? Because it experienced a destructive effect only from hitting the water. The huge destructive force that arose inside the fuselage simply did not touch the wing of the aircraft with its "wing of death" ...

Meanwhile, the fuselage of the aircraft at the bottom was simply torn apart by a monstrous force. Moreover, the line of disclosure of the "belly" of the aircraft passed just along the line of the floor, separating the volume of the passenger compartment and cargo compartments.

Antipov says: “It was very clearly shown that the internal structure of the walls in the cargo compartment turned brown and burned from the action of high temperature. Obvious facts have shown that the engines of the aircraft, located in the rear of the aircraft, before immersing them in the water of the Black Sea, sucked, like vacuum cleaners, fine residues from the explosion on board.

Splinters -a stubborn thing
The photo shows that the lining is not just torn off, it is also bent in half near the cabin floor, and the lining of the cargo compartment is torn (the upper part of the structural fragment lifted by a crane), and along the entire perimeter of the fragment. And outside the lining of the truck has changed its color. But she was in clean sea water ....

Finally, one of the most important details. In almost all biological remains, there was a large amount of .... WOODEN SPLINDS. Antipov continues the chain of reasoning: “Where would they come from…? After all, the era of plywood aircraft has long passed. We remember that at the site in Adler, where all the collected fragments of the crashed airliner were brought, there was not a single passenger seat. But there must have been more than a hundred of them.”
And he makes a sensational conclusion that the splinters are nothing but traces of “the cargo that was loaded in wooden boxes for so long, carefully and quietly in Adler.”