Three artificial islands in the Barents Sea. Why are bulk islands used in russia. Solving many problems

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev approved a plan of top-priority measures to create in the Barents Sea a Center for the construction of large-scale offshore structures - artificial islands on which work will be carried out for gas production, as well as for the operation and repair of marine equipment.

“The center is intended for manufacturing marine complexes for the production, storage and shipment of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and stable gas condensate on gravity-type foundations, offshore production complexes, as well as repair and maintenance of marine equipment and equipment used for the development of offshore oil and gas condensate fields, ”the Cabinet of Ministers said.

The document also explains that the construction of artificial land plots in the water area of ​​the Kola Bay is necessary to locate the center's facilities. Artificial land plots will be created at the expense of Kola Verf LLC's own funds. The volume of capital investments under the project will amount to more than 25 billion rubles.

Kolskaya Verf LLC received permission from Rosmorrechflot to create artificial land plots on a water body. The signed order of Kola Verf LLC has been determined by the person with whom Rosmorrechflot will conclude an agreement on the creation of four artificial land plots in the Kola Bay of the Barents Sea, ”the text explains.

In addition, the explanatory note says that the construction of the center will create about 10 thousand jobs at the shipyard itself, increase tax revenues to the budgets of all levels, attract additional investments to the region, and develop new high-tech industries.

The administrative address of the object will be the village of Belokamenka, a closed administrative-territorial entity of Aleksandrovsk, Murmansk region. In addition, it recommended the federal executive authorities, the authorities of the Murmansk region and local self-government to help in reducing the time required for registration of land plots for the construction of the center, as well as the time for conducting examinations and issuing permits. Local authorities were also asked to consider providing tax incentives for taxes.

Construction in Belokamenka will be carried out within the framework of the Arctic-LNG project, which assumes the production of 16.5 million tons of liquefied natural gas per year. The Gydana deposits will serve as a resource base for it. Denis Khramov, deputy chairman of the board of NOVATEK, said earlier that together with Yamal LNG (the company's second project for liquefying natural gas with a similar capacity), Arctic LNG will be able to occupy about 7% of the world liquefied gas market.

In July 2015, the Russian Minister of Natural Resources sent a letter to the Prime Minister, in which he proposed revising the existing restrictions on the access of non-state companies to the Murmansk gas field in the Barents Sea.

According to Donskoy, after the decree of the President of Russia on the liberalization of access to the shelf, proposals on this topic were submitted to the government for consideration, but the final decision was not made. The President, who, along with Gazprom, was issued documents giving the right to exploration and development of fields, earlier protested against the appearance of other companies on the shelf.

According to the director of Small Letters, the offshore field in Murmansk will be effective only as a project focused on the export of liquefied natural gas. Currently, Rosneft and Yamal LNG have permission to export LNG.

A year earlier, it was reported that Gazprom and Rosneft received the rights to two sections of the shelf.

In August 2014, Gazprom obtained the right to use the Kheisovsky subsoil block with an area of ​​83,590 sq. km, located in the Barents Sea. Inferred resources for oil - 393.7 million tons (geological resources) and 118.1 million tons (recoverable resources), for gas - 2081.4 billion cubic meters. m, for condensate - 32.6 million tons (geological resources) and 22.8 million tons (recoverable resources). At the same time, Rosneft was granted the rights to use the Pritaimyr subsoil block with an area of ​​20,619 sq. M. km in the Laptev Sea. The Pritaimyr block has projected geological resources of 348.6 million tons of oil, recoverable resources of 104.6 million tons, gas - 362.8 billion cubic meters. m.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev ordered build four new islands in the Barents Sea... They will produce equipment for the extraction and storage of natural gas.

The government decree states that in accordance with Article 7 of the Federal Law "On artificial land plots created on water bodies in federal ownership, and on amendments to certain legislative acts Russian Federation"to determine that Rosmorrechflot concludes agreements with the limited liability company Kolskaya Verf on the creation of 4 artificial land plots in the Kola Bay (middle knee) of the Barents Sea for the purpose of construction and operation of facilities" Center for the construction of large-capacity offshore structures (CSKMS). A complex for the manufacture of gravity-based bases and the integration of topside modules "without holding an open auction for the right to conclude such contracts.

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New plots of land will appear in the Kola Bay by 2020, and the cost of the project is estimated at 25 billion rubles. The government guarantees that not a single penny from the budget will flow into the Barents Sea - the Kola Verf LLC, a subsidiary of NOVATEK, will invest in the project. The company did not go through any tender procedures - at the disposal of the prime minister, it is listed as the only contractor.

The artificial islands in the Kola Bay will house the Center for the construction of large-scale offshore facilities, which will manufacture offshore complexes for the production, storage and shipment of liquefied natural gas on the shelf in the Murmansk region, as well as the repair and maintenance of marine equipment. The prime minister's order says that the new facilities will create about 10,000 jobs in the Arctic, as well as "increase tax revenues to the budgets of all levels", attract investment to the region and develop new technologies in production. It is known that construction will be carried out within the framework of the project for the development of Arctic gas shelves "Arctic-LNG", and the Gydan field will serve as the resource base for the center on the islands. It is planned that about 16.5 million tons of liquefied natural gas will be produced there annually.

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NOVATEK informs that the subsidiary of the Company LLC "Arctic LNG-1" won the auction for the right to use the subsoil of the Gydan block for the purpose of geological study, exploration and production of hydrocarbon raw materials. The license is issued for a period of 27 years. As a result of the auction, a one-time payment for the use of subsurface resources was set at the level of RUR 2,262 million.

The company already has a significant raw material base on the Gydan Peninsula, including the Utrennee, Geofizicheskoye and Ladertoyskoye fields, as well as Trekhbugorny, Nyavuyakhsky, Zapadno-Solpatinsky, Tanamsky and North Tanamsky areas. The Gydan block is located in close proximity to the Utrennoye field, which will serve as a resource base for the Arctic LNG-2 project. Obtaining a license for the Gydan block will significantly increase the resource base of NOVATEK on the Gydan Peninsula and consider new large-scale LNG projects of the Company. According to the Russian classification, the total resource potential of the site is 4,740 million barrels of oil equivalent of hydrocarbons.

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Licenses for the development of the Geofizicheskoye and Salmanovskoye (Utrennoye) fields on the Gydan Peninsula were acquired in September 2011 and are valid until 2031.

The Salmanovskoye (Utrenneye) field, located in the northern part of the Gydan Peninsula and partly in the water area of ​​the Gulf of Ob in close proximity to the South Tambeyskoye field, was discovered in 1980. In terms of recoverable reserves, it is the largest of the fields discovered so far on the Gydan Peninsula, and consists of 34 deposits, including 16 gas, 15 gas condensate, 2 oil and gas condensate and 1 oil. The proven reserves of the field according to SEC standards as of the end of 2014 amounted to 259.8 billion cubic meters. m of gas and 9.6 million tons of liquid hydrocarbons.

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The geophysical oil and gas condensate field, located in the middle part of the Gydan Peninsula on the coast of the Gulf of Ob, was discovered in 1975 and consists of 35 deposits, including 19 gas, 12 gas condensate, 3 oil and 1 oil and gas condensate. The proven reserves of the field according to SEC standards as of the end of 2014 amounted to 125.6 billion cubic meters. m of gas and 0.4 million tons of liquid hydrocarbons.

In December 2014, Arctic LNG 1 LLC (a subsidiary of the Company) won an auction for the right to use the subsoil of the Trekhbugorny block located on the Gydan Peninsula and bordering the Company's Geophysical license block. The reserves of the Trekhbugorny area in the C1 + C2 categories of the Russian classification amount to 5.9 billion cubic meters. m of natural gas, recoverable resources exceed 1 trillion cubic meters. m of gas and 90 million tons of liquid hydrocarbons.

In 2016, NOVATEK continued full-scale geological exploration at sites on the Gydan Peninsula in order to clarify the resource potential of this strategically important region for the Company. In the period 2014-2016. a total of 5 wells were drilled at the Utrennoye field, the results of their tests allowed to increase the reserves of the field and confirm the higher productivity of the wells.

MOSCOW, June 17 - RIA Novosti. Four artificial islands will appear in the Barents Sea - Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed an order on the creation of land plots in the Kola Bay for the Center for the construction of large-capacity offshore structures. This is part of a large-scale project for the development of gas fields in Yamal, which is being developed by the Novatek company.

The construction contract will be concluded between Rosmorrechflot and OJSC Kola Verf (a subsidiary of Novatek).

The center is intended for the manufacture of offshore complexes for the production, storage and shipment of liquefied natural gas, as well as for the repair and maintenance of marine machinery and equipment used for the development of offshore oil and gas condensate fields.

The islands will be created at the expense of the Kola Shipyard's own funds, the volume of capital investments will amount to more than 25 billion rubles. The enterprise has already received the corresponding permission from Rosmorrechflot.

"The construction of the center will create about 10 thousand jobs only at the shipyard itself, increase tax revenues to the budgets of all levels, attract additional investments to the region, develop new high-tech industries," the document says.

Strategic investment project

A center for the construction of large-capacity offshore structures is planned to be created in the village of Belokamenka, Murmansk region by the end of 2020. The first dry dock is due to be commissioned in the first half of 2019.

In early June, at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Novatek signed a memorandum of understanding regarding the conclusion of a special investment contract with the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Government of the Murmansk Region, securing the intentions of the parties to conclude a trilateral special investment contract to create the Kola shipyard.

"To effectively develop the vast resource base of the Far North, reduce construction costs and increase the competitiveness of our future LNG projects, we believe it is extremely important to create a Center for the construction of large-scale offshore facilities in Russia. With the help of the Kola shipyard, we plan to achieve maximum localization of LNG plants on platform bases gravity type and their readiness for production ", - said then the chairman of the board of" Novatek "Leonid Mikhelson.

The Governor of the Murmansk Region Marina Kovtun, in turn, noted the scale of the planned volume of investments - more than 50 billion rubles for the first stage. Therefore, the project was assigned the status of a strategic investment project of the Murmansk region, she explained.

According to Kovtun, the decision to build the center was also made because the region is simultaneously implementing a project for the integrated development of the Murmansk transport hub, which will provide the western coast of the Kola Bay with a railway.

Gas from Yamal

Yamal is the richest place in terms of gas reserves. According to the Governor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Dmitry Kobylkin, taking into account the resources of the Gydan Peninsula on Yamal, it is possible to produce more than 70 million tons of LNG. Novatek is actively working in the region.

Thus, the modules that will be produced at the Kola shipyard are intended for a new center for the production of liquefied natural gas, which Novatek plans to build on the Gydan Peninsula.

Its resource base will be the Morning oil and gas condensate field with reserves of more than 1.2 trillion cubic meters. The concept of the project involves the construction of a complex on platforms in the Ob Bay near coastline peninsula.

This LNG plant will be the second in Yamal. The first Novatek is already building as part of the Yamal LNG project, which is being implemented on the resource base of the Yuzhno-Tambeyskoye field. The total capacity of the plant is 16.5 million tons per year. In total, it is planned to build three lines, the first of them should be put into operation this year, and the enterprise will reach full capacity in 2019.

The seaport of Sabetta will provide year-round navigation along the Northern Sea Route. The newest LNG carriers are being built to transport LNG - the first of them was recently named in honor of the French entrepreneur, the head of the oil company Total Christophe de Margerie, who died in 2014 in the crash at the Vnukovo airport, and a total of 15 such vessels are to be built.

Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak stated that the launch of Yamal LNG at full capacity will increase the volume of gas exports by more than 10 percent and increase Russia's share in the world LNG market to 8-9 percent.

Why spend huge money to create artificial embankments in the Kola Bay?

Material comments:
Igor Yushkov
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on the creation of four artificial islands in the Kola Bay of the Barents Sea. They will be poured by OOO Kolskaya Verf (a subsidiary of OAO Novatek). The corresponding document was published on the government website. It follows from it that Kola Verf is going to conclude an agreement with Rosmorrechflot. And the islands are poured for a reason, but for the implementation of a project called "Center for the construction of large-capacity offshore structures."

Earlier it was reported that Novatek is investing more than 25 billion rubles in the project. The project provides for the creation of a specialized shipyard capable of producing unique offshore facilities - reinforced concrete gravity-type platforms for LNG plants, drilling and production platforms for offshore projects in the western sector of the Arctic, and large-scale structures to support the operation of the Northern Sea Route. It is assumed that the construction of the Center will create about 10 thousand jobs, increase tax revenues to the budget, attract additional investments to the region and facilitate the process of import substitution and localization of technologies.

The islands are planned to be created near the village of Belokamenka in the Murmansk region. They will be built within the framework of the Arctic-LNG-1 and Arctic-LNG-2 projects, involving, in particular, the development of the Gydana field in the Ob Bay of the Kara Sea. Construction of the shipyard may begin before the end of the year, with the first floating LNG plants to be laid down in 2018. The construction of the Center for the construction of large-scale offshore structures is planned to be completed by 2020.

The first question that arises when reading this information is why invest billions in the construction of new islands? We don't have Japan, where there is not enough land.

Residents of the Murmansk region are skeptical about the news. Here is what a journalist from the city of Polyarny Igor Opimakh writes on Facebook: “Have you read everything? Medvedev ordered the construction of four islands in the Barents Sea. On the website of the government they specify: in the middle knee of the Kola Bay. It seems that the khana will come to Roslyakov's lip and especially to the Gryaznaya lip, it's shallow there, the very thing is to fill up the drainage and profanfar: we have created artificial islands.

Indeed, the idea of ​​building islands raises many questions, - says Igor Yushkov, a leading expert of the National Energy Security Fund, lecturer at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. - Initially, the project was announced differently - it was assumed that work on gas liquefaction would be carried out on the shore of the Kola Bay in the village of Belokamenka. It was planned to build two dry docks there, lay the foundations for gas liquefaction plants. These installations were supposed to be delivered to the Gulf of Ob, combined into a single LNG plant, gas for which will be supplied from the fields in this area. In particular, from the Gydan Peninsula.

Novatek has already won several auctions for the development of gas fields, having previously lobbied the condition that gas from these fields must be liquefied. And since, apart from this company, no one in Russia is particularly involved in the construction of LNG plants, Novotek is, in fact, the only participant in these auctions.

Now, in order to develop the obtained resource base, the company has attended to the construction of what is officially called the "Center for the construction of large-scale offshore structures." Although what will be built there is not clear. At first they said - there will be only the lower part of that same floating platform. Then - that there will be some kind of upper superstructure. But why artificial islands are needed for this is difficult to understand. Moreover, the amount allocated for this is very large.

SP: Is the Arctic LNG project expensive in general?

The initial meaning of the project for the construction of the Center in the Kola Bay was precisely to implement it in a fairly developed region of the Arctic. That is, to develop and modernize something that has already been built, saving on this. Otherwise, it would have been possible to create everything from scratch closer to the gas production site - in Yamal.

Novotek has repeatedly stated that Arctic LNG will be one third cheaper than Yamal LNG, which is already being sold. The cost reduction was planned to be achieved due to the location of gas liquefaction plants on gravity platforms. Apparently, using the example of Yamal-LNG, they realized that building a plant on land in permafrost conditions is not a cheap pleasure. Especially when the permafrost is melting and the land under the LNG plant can turn into a swamp.

And also a significant part of the equipment has to be delivered by air. More recently, another Ruslan landed on Yamal with 70 tons of equipment on board. All this is difficult and expensive.

In addition, the Yamal LNG project has a very diversified cooperation: the technology for liquefying gas was taken from the Americans, the liquefaction plants themselves were assembled in China, which were then transported to Yamal to the port of Sabetta.

I think that Novatek is trying to attract investors with a project to build a floating LNG plant. However, when the Yamal LNG project was implemented, hydrocarbons were expensive, so it was not difficult to find investors. Now - a different picture. The company is trying to save money by making the project a purely domestic Russian one. And at the same time create an LNG Technology Center. That is, on the one hand, they strive to fit into the import substitution program, and on the other, to attract foreign investors. Thus, there is a chance to receive money from the state, which, as it were, will be spent on the development of the Murmansk transport hub.

I think that Novatek still wants to rehabilitate itself in the eyes of the Russian government in the sense that Yamal-LNG was almost completely sold using imported equipment and with the participation of foreign companies - German, American, Chinese - there was not much Russian ... Despite the fact that the construction of the port of Sabetta and the dredging work were carried out at the expense of the state. That is, there was a "nationalization of costs" and "privatization" of profits from the project. This time they want to show that everything will be different, but no one has yet clearly explained what the bulk islands are for. That is, an "economical" project starts with dubious spending.

SP: - How can the sanctions affect the LNG-Arctic project? It is known that the United States has imposed a ban on the supply of equipment for the production of hydrocarbons on the shelf?

The sanctions so far only concern oil production, although it is often difficult to separate it from gas production. Usually these types of hydrocarbons coexist. Even during the Barack Obama administration, the Europeans persuaded the Americans not to impose sanctions on the Russian gas industry. In addition, the fields that Novatek is currently developing are mainly located in the Gulf of Ob and are considered not offshore, but simply offshore. Nevertheless, as far as I have information, all deliveries for this project have already been completed. The company was in a hurry to buy equipment in advance in case the Americans still impose sanctions on the gas industry in Russia.

JV: Does the state bear risks if the projects of the private company Novotek turn out to be unprofitable?

State participation in the company is slightly less than 10%. If we talk about the Yamal LNG project, the state has allocated about 300 billion rubles for its implementation. If we assume that due to a sharp decline in hydrocarbon prices, the production of Arctic gas will be unprofitable for a long time and the company goes bankrupt, then returning this amount to the state is rather problematic. In addition, for quite a long time, Novatek has been exempted from export duties, from MET (mineral extraction tax). So far, the state gets very little from Novatek's Arctic projects.

So far, very little information about the project has been brought to us, ”says Sergei Pravosudov, director of the Institute of National Energy. - I think that literally a few specialists close to the management of Novatek are devoted to the details. It is known that the stake will be placed not on stationary LNG onshore, but on a floating platform. But why are the bulk islands needed, and even so far from the gas production site, is completely incomprehensible. For example, Royal Dutch Shell is implementing a similar project with a floating LNG plant in Australia, but does not plan to fill any islands for this.