Original names for hotel rooms. Names for the hostel. How to name. When do you need to change the name of the hotel

There are more than 1,000 hotels, hotels and mini-hotels in St. Petersburg. The competition is high! The only chance to be remembered by guests from the first mention is to come up with a bright name.

In this article, we'll show you how to name a hotel to increase room occupancy and take a look at the names of the best hotels in the world.

How to come up with a hotel name: rules for successful naming

The name can affect the download of numbers. When browsing hotels and inns on the sites of booking systems, attention is drawn to the original names that stand out from the general list. You are not limited in your choice, but consider general rules naming to avoid common mistakes.

The original name of the hotel is your chance for success

Before you start choosing a name, research your competitors. This will help you avoid repetition and confusion. Forget about the typical names of hotels and hotels - "Prestige", "Comfort", "Comfort". Your goal is a unique phrase.

Simplicity, brevity and euphony are the key to quick memorization

Too complicated a name will not be remembered. When choosing options for a hotel name, think about how a person who first heard the name will search for it on the Internet. Is it easy to write it in the search bar? It is advisable not to use long phrases, 2 - 3 words are enough ( "Grand Hotel Emerald", " Four seasons"," Agni Club Hotel ").

How to name your hotel to attract guests

Target the target audience you want to attract. The name in Russian will suit the hotel "economy class". If the price category is higher, you need to focus on wealthy tourists, including foreigners. Therefore, the name of the hotel should be euphonic both in Russian and English language (Hotel Astoria, Demetra Art Hotel).

Try to reflect your image status through the title. Use common terms in the name to reflect the hotel's distinctive features. For instance, "Grand", "Royal" or "Plaza"... At the same time, keep in mind that a loud name should correspond to the level of service.

For a mini-hotel, names are more suitable that will emphasize the atmosphere and evoke pleasant associations ( "Petersburg Fairy Tale", "Suitcase").

What does "INN" mean in a hotel name?

"INN" literally translates as an inn. In England, this was the name of the rooms at bars and pubs where you could stay overnight. Nowadays, INN hotels usually house a restaurant. The furnishings and service are homely. Examples: « Park Inn by Radisson "," Holiday Inn Moscow Gate ".

Use the features of the hotel when choosing a name

The name of the area, streets, the nearest architectural monuments can be used in the name to inform about the location of the hotel ( "Hotel History on the English Embankment", "Sonata on Nevsky, 5"). Use the name to underline the interior or general concept of the hotel ( Red Stars Hotel, Fifth Corner). The names of literary characters or famous personalities are well remembered ( "Hotel Dostoevsky", "Hotel Onegin").

What does "Resort" mean in a hotel name?

"Resort"- literally "resort". These are large hotels with a developed entertainment industry. Guests do not need to leave the hotel grounds to enter the restaurant, work out in the gym or visit the sauna. Resort hotels may even have their own golf courses, tennis courts and dance clubs. Examples: Parklane Resort & Spa, Cronwell Hotels & Resorts.

We are inspired by the beautiful names of the best hotels in the world

An original idea, a nostalgic memory and even the name of a relative can form the basis of the name of a hotel or mini-hotel. Consider a list of the most original hotel names in the world.

Hotel "Glass Igloo" in Finland it is not for nothing that it bears this name. This is a hotel complex where, instead of the usual ceiling, in the living quarters, you can see the sky through huge panoramic windows.

Crazy Bear is the name of one of the UK's most eccentric hotels. What's going on in "Crazy Bear"? Champagne on tap, a bathtub instead of a bedside table and plush soft walls.

One of the best hotel complexes in Turkey - "Mardan Palace"... The owner of this luxury hotel named it after his father.

Chinese hotel "City Of Dreams" Is a real city of dreams. Rooms with expensive interiors, exhibition and concert halls, casinos, spas, restaurants. In terms of industry development, this hotel complex can surpass even a real city.

Location names include the finest hotel in London - "Park Plaza Westminster Bridge London"... For cities in the UK, specifying geographic data is traditional, for example, "Grand Royale London Hyde Park".

When do you need to change the name of the hotel

If number loading remains low for several months, the problem may lie in the title. Potential clients simply do not notice it on the list of hotels in the city, perhaps it sounds ridiculous. In this case, rebranding will help you.

Fashion is clearly not enough space on the hangers. Big names have long since migrated from labels to dishes, appliances, and even hotels!

La Maison Champ Elysees, Paris

The hotel, the interiors of which were developed by Maison Martin Margiela, fully fits into the concept of the fashion house - invisible white. 17 suites La Maison Champ Elysees seem to dissolve guests in the snow-white walls.

The secret codes for members of the almost religious brotherhood of Margiela worshipers are everywhere - a blende fireplace, bedside lamps made from bottles, the famous four stitches. The cost of a night at the MMM hotel starts at 228 euros, but you can touch the legend of Belgian minimalism for 48 euros. La Maison Champ Elysees has a great brunch every Sunday from 12 to 3.

Maison Moschino, Milan

All the irony of the fashion house is reflected in the interiors of Maison Moschino - a dress-bed, huge cupcakes-pillows. Surprisingly, it's pretty easy to live in all this madness.

In addition to design, the hotel offers its own park, which is a huge plus in the cramped Milan. In addition, accommodation here is quite inexpensive. Night at Maison Moschino from 126 euros.

Armani Hotel, Milan

The interiors of the Armani hotels (there are only two of them - in Milan and Dubai) seem to be buttoned up. Strict, laconic, with numbers verified to the centimeter. The one in Milan is ideal for a short stop in the golden triangle of streets Montenapoleone, Spiga and Manzoni.

The Dubai Armani hotel will appeal to lovers of dizzying views, it is located in the Burj Khalifa - the tallest building in the world. The cost of rooms in Dubai and Milan is synchronous, the night is from 500 euros.

Armani Hotel, Via A. Manzoni, 31, 20121 Milano

The St. Regis, Florence

Giant for Florence, and indeed the Bottega Veneta suite at the St. Regis consists of a bedroom, a dining room and two toilets. Furniture, fabrics and accessories have all been borrowed from the brand's collections. There is really a lot of leather here (Bottega Beneta is famous for its cleverly woven bags) and exclusive finishes (like New Zealand sheepskin rugs).

Of the undoubted advantages - a view of the Arno River, of the minuses - the cosmic cost of 8,000 euros per night.

Hotel Missoni, Edinburgh

In gloomy Gothic Edinburgh, there is a lack of bright colors like nowhere else, which the Missoni family more than compensated for by opening their third hotel here.
Italian passions are here at the service of English practicality - there is nothing superfluous in the rooms, only inspired zigzags and everything a traveler needs.

By the way, the Missoni hotel chain is one of the cheapest accommodation options in designer apartments. The cost of the night starts at 150 euros.

The name of the hostel is your calling card. Making it memorable in the face of huge competition in St. Petersburg is not easy. In this article we will tell you what to rely on when naming hostels and how to choose the appropriate option.

Hostel names in Russia: ideas

The main rules for naming hostels are simplicity and conciseness... The name should be associated with the services offered: "Home", "Like at home". If you are planning to host foreign guests, take care of transliteration or translation of the name. Or come up with a simple English name ("Sleep and go") that everyone can understand.

Make the title positive, evocative. A simple example is "Orange". The name is easily translated, it is easy for him to come up with a logo and beat the naming by offering guests orange juice.

Start from the location of the object

One of the simplest options for selling naming is to include in the name of the hostel georeferencing: a street or metro station. This will not overload the name and will immediately make it clear where you are: "Hostel at Kuznechny", "Hostel at International", etc.

Careful with creativity

You should not get carried away with creativity in the naming of hostels, even if you plan to support the name with an original interior. So, "Yellow Plasticine" can and will set you apart from other, more "calm" naming options. But it will entail associations more likely with a children's creativity club, and not with a place to sleep.

How to name a hostel symbolically: examples

Symbolic naming is a tribute to European fashion. There are many hostels abroad with interesting names and the concept of interior decoration.

From Europe - for inspiration

  • Gallery hostel in Porto- a hostel-museum where exhibitions and concerts are held. The exposition of art objects changes 6 times a year.
  • The Secret Garden in Krakow- a cozy hostel, the owners of which were inspired by the book "The Mysterious Garden" by Francis Burnett. The stylish and laconic interior is complemented by floral motifs. The names of the rooms also refer to the theme of the garden: "Herbal", "Fruit".

Successful hostel naming options

Let's consider a few examples of original and successful names of hostels in St. Petersburg:

  • “Friends at the Hermitage”. The name is clear Russian tourists, and when translated, it is easily understandable for foreigners. The mention of the city's most famous museum advertises the hostel well.
  • "Pop Art". The name is fully justified, since the hostel itself is designed in this very stylistic direction. This applies to the interior as a whole: from colored furniture to pop-art paintings on the walls.

Do I need to change the name of the hostel after purchase

We disassembled basic naming rules gave examples of good and bad names for hostels. This information will be useful to those who are planning to start their own business.

For entrepreneurs buying a ready-made business, another question is relevant. Do I need to change the name after purchasing the property? This makes sense if you plan on completely rebuilding your work. For example, a business does not generate income and is sold at a discounted price.

If the object has been operating for several years and generates income, there is no need to change the name. On the contrary, you run the risk of losing regular guests and spending a lot of money on a new ad campaign. In this case, for

If you've decided to start your own hostel, but can't find a suitable name, the examples below, as well as a classification of basic naming strategies, will help you choose the best option. So, this article outlines the basic principles of creating bright memorable brands for hostels, and also provides many examples of the names of mini-hotels throughout Russia.

Principles of building hostel names

The brands under which mini-hotels so popular among tourists usually operate are difficult to classify. However, this does not mean at all that the names of hostels are formed chaotically, without any strategies. The basic principles of forming the names of such institutions are detailed below.

  1. Names with direct occurrence of the word "hostel"... First of all, it should be noted that the owners of mini-hotels use both Russian names, for example, "My Hostel" and "Hostels-Rus", and variants in Latin, for example, "Arena Hostel" and "Interhostel". Moreover, the latter do not necessarily have to be of foreign origin, some of them are simply transliterations of Russian words. This method allows you to form interesting variations, such as, for example, “Da! Hostel "," Hostel Bolshoi ", etc. At the same time, the name should not necessarily be associated with rental housing. The owners of mini-hotels can combine any vocabulary, getting very original options, such as, for example, "Oh So Indie Hostel" or "Star Wars hostel".
  2. Names that include the words "home", "house", "hotel", "room", etc.... This category of names is also quite common. As in the previous case, it all depends on the owner's imagination - by combining the above words with other vocabulary, you can get bright and interesting names, such as, for example, "AntiObschaga", "Upravdom.com", or more concise names, for example "Academic hostel" or "Economy class hotel". As a rule, the latter are descriptive and attract a certain category of clients who, above all, seek to save money on accommodation.
  3. Other, original names... This category unites the largest number of items. They can be completely different - both associated with the activities of mini-hotels, and have nothing to do with it. Names such as "Come & Sleep" "Come & Go" or "Mister Guest" evoke direct associations with potential clients with the type of services provided in the mini-hotel, while the names "Anchor", "Phoenix", "Indigo", etc. .d. are in no way related to hostel activities. However, due to their brightness, the latter can also become recognizable brands and attract tourists from different countries of the world.

Examples of hostel names

Names with direct occurrence of the word "hostel"

Fabrika Hostel & Gallery

Good News Hostel

Ideal Mini Hotel

Oh So Indie Hostel

Spusnik hostel & personal space

Star Wars hostel

Weekend Rooms & Hostel

BM Hostel




Mini hostel



Our Hostel

First Arbat Hostel

Comfort Hostel


Names that include the words "home", "house", "hotel", "room"

Other, original names

1000 and one night

3 penguins

Ai Ji Help



Alexander Ostrovsky Academy

Alliance Service






Big family






Meetings on the Arbat



Mister guest


Good services

good cat



Apartment on Tverskaya

Clover Arbat


Kremlin lights









Mila Energy

Mr marshmallow

Moscow 2000

Moscow star

Moscow friends

Moscow courtyard

My grandmother



On Butlerova

Nika City

New town



Paveletskaya square

Pamir Alliance

Pair of Slippers




North Star





Capital Express

Three stars

At three stations

Corner on Chistye Prudy



Formula Behind the Wheel


Sixth Sense


Expo on Kutuzovsky

In large cities, there is a very large number of hotels and other places of stopping and resting for visitors. The competition is off scale! And one of the most effective ways to look worthy in this market is to give a bright and memorable name to your establishment! To do this, you can either hire a naming specialist, or try yourself.

Basic rules to consider.

The name of a hotel can greatly influence the liquidity of its room stock. When choosing a place to stay on sites for viewing and booking hotels, bright and original names attract attention. Those that stand out from the general stream. Of course, you are not limited in your choice, but some basic rules should still be applied in order to avoid common mistakes.

Initially, of course, you need to study your competitors. You don't even need to think about such typical names as "Cosiness" or "Comfort". The main goal is to stand out from the crowd, create a unique name.

Brevity, simplicity and euphoniousness are the basis for fast memorization. A complex phrase or name will not be remembered right away. When choosing options, think about how this or that name will sound, look, how difficult it will be to enter it into the search engine line on the Internet. Ideally, you shouldn't use more than 2-3 words in the title.

The name of the hotel, first of all, should be focused on its target audience. An "economy class" hotel may well have a name in Russian. A hotel of a higher price category can already rely on wealthy clientele and foreigners. Therefore, the name of such a hotel should sound good both in Russian and in English ("Hotel Astoria") for example.

If your hotel is fashionable, you need to express this status through its name, using the terms used in such cases. Such as: "Grand" or "Royal". This will immediately add prestige to the name. But keep in mind that the name of the hotel, of course, should correspond to the service of its guests.

For a small hotel, simple but soulful names are more appropriate. "Bedtime story" or simply "Sacvoyage".

When choosing a hotel name, it is very good to use the features it has. This could be a location, such as Inside the Courtyard, or a design feature of a hotel building, such as Cozy Pentagon. Hotels with the name of a famous literary or cartoon character are well remembered. "Hotel Onegin", "Pope Carlo's House".

In general, the imagination in the question of the name of the hotel can be limitless! And if you choose the right one, guess it, then later it will definitely have a positive effect on the image of your hotel and on the demand for its rooms.