Tauride garden: familiar and unusual. Tauride Garden: a familiar and unusual Complex in the era of socialism

I'm to the Tauride Garden,
Jumped over the fence
And she follows me
And bites like a wolf.

Suddenly towards my good,
My favorite crocodile.
He is with Totosha and Kokosha
Walked along the alley

And a washcloth, like a jackdaw,
Like a jackdaw, swallowed.

All of us from childhood are familiar and (someone) dear to these words from K. Chukovsky's poem "Moydodyr". Nowadays, crocodiles certainly do not walk along the alleys, but, believe me, the Tauride Garden is quite interesting and beautiful even without them. It has its own atmosphere and style, if, for example, it is very homely for me, like a grandfather, then Tauride is strict, rather, it resembles a business countess.

I'll tell you what this park is for me, and you decide what it will be like for you.

garden history

The birth of the garden is celebrated second half of the 18th century, when it was decided to plant a garden on the land of the possessions of the famous military figure G. Potemkin near the Tauride Palace. History assures us that the territory of the current garden was bought by the prince, but bought out by Catherine II with a subsequent donation to the rightful owner. In addition, the Empress also granted the title of the Most Serene Prince of Tauride for military merits in the conquest of the Crimea, whose historical name is Taurida.

The Tauride Garden was reshaped into ponds, alleys and hills, which remain charming even today. Trees are planted along the perimeter of the garden, some of them (!) are pleasing to the eye to this day, their function is to isolate the garden from the bustle of the city. Bridges, benches, a greenhouse and greenhouses, various buildings were also soon added. Among the inhabitants of the park were swans and peacocks. The territory of the Tauride, as a result, was closed to visitors: private property, as they say. It is not surprising that foreign guests were brought to see such beauty.

An interesting fact: in 1815, the first steamship in the country, the Elizabeth, was tested here. A steamship is, of course, loudly said: there was a boat and a corresponding unit installed on it.

However, in 1861 the garden reopened to visitors. To my regret, this is not good: the park area quickly falls into decay from numerous visitors. The flood in 1924 and the blockade of the city in the Second World War also had their not the best effect. Post-war restoration and work carried out in the late 90s - early 2000s significantly changed the garden for the better. In addition to the restoration of the park, monuments to S. Yesenin, V. Lenin were added, a bust of Tchaikovsky was erected and a monument was erected to the children who died during the blockade - a monument to the young heroes of the defense of the city of Leningrad.

It seems interesting to me that over the past century the Tauride Garden managed to visit Park of Culture and Leisure named after the First Five Year Plan And City children's park, and still remain under the name by which he was born.

Entertainment inside and outside the park

First of all, the park pleases with its amazing lawns, where in the warm season you can not only play badminton or other outdoor games, hold photo shoots, but also calmly read a book and / or sunbathe, take a walk along the shady alleys. In the summer, sometimes you can’t find free space! In non-sunny time, it’s just nice to take a walk here - the cultural atmosphere is conducive.

By the way, if you are with children, they will surely like it. playgrounds, and you - shops nearby :).


During the summer, the park hosts free classical music concerts(as in other parks in the city), there is always enough space for those who want to enjoy an incredibly intoxicating combination of a historical place and live music.


Concerning Tauride Palace, That excursion inside it you will surely like it. Please note: Pre-registration by phone is required for the sightseeing tour! If you're lucky, you'll get to organ music concert, from time to time such concerts are held in one of the halls. Also in the palace there is a museum of the history of parliamentarism in Russia, various exhibitions are held.

Since at one time (over the past century) several buildings of various communities were built on the territory of the garden, the total area of ​​green spaces has decreased, and, nevertheless, these historical buildings also belong to the Tauride and are of some interest. I'll tell you further.


Greenhouse, also belonging to the palace and park ensemble of the garden, is located at the intersection of Potemkinskaya and Shpalernaya streets. The original greenhouse and orchard, which were originally laid out, were moved to the Botanical Garden due to irreparable losses from various activities and events in the park during the 20th century. The remaining greenhouse has also been restored and now pleases visitors. Here are held excursions, master classes for children, music concerts, interesting lectures and creative meetings, private events. Opening hours: from 11.00 to 22.00 (on Mondays from 14.00). The entrance ticket costs 70 rubles, for students, pensioners the cost is even lower, for children under 4 years old, as well as participants in the war, for large families the entrance is free, do not forget the certifying document. Also on the territory of the greenhouse there are time cafe anti-cafe format (payment for the stay, but treats are free), which is open in the evening (from 17.00 to 22.00 on weekends from 16.00).

Cafes and restaurants

The small building of the Gorka cafe is located a couple of minutes walk from the entrance to the park from the side of Potemkinskaya street on the left on a hillock. For lovers of barbecue and wine, in my opinion, a good option. The level of service is average, in the warm season several tables are put up on the veranda, it becomes stuffy inside.

The Leningrad Center, which served as a cinema for about half a century, now serves as a creative space and works for the benefit of suffering bread and circuses. In other words, a restaurant and bars, an art gallery and theater stages are open inside. The building is located on Potemkinskaya street on the left side of the entrance to the garden. You will surely recognize the building, it has not changed "since then" :).

Restaurant Georgievsky Treatise (Georgian and European cuisine) is located near the Leningrad center. In my opinion, it’s good, but, as they say, it obliges: there is a spirit of pathos and “adulthood” inside. However, the Soviet person should be comfortable there.

How to get there

The Tauride Garden is open to visitors from 7 am to 10 pm, remember this when walking during the white nights.

It is easy to get to the garden: from Chernyshevskaya metro station, turn right and walk along Furshtatskaya street (as a guide, an alley is paved in the center of the street) for 10 minutes, keeping to the right side, and exit just to the gates of the park.

What else is nearby

The area around Tauride is very beautiful: beautiful architecture and the spirit of bygone centuries tirelessly captivate. Walk, for example, to the recently restored Smolny Cathedral: take a walk inside and in the courtyard in front of it. Go to the Water Museum, which is located on Shpalernaya Street just behind the Tauride Palace - by no means a boring visit awaits you!

Near the exit of the Chernyshevskaya metro station is the famous Buck's house, take a walk along the most interesting Kirochnaya street! Start, for example, with the museum of A. V. Suvorov (corner of Kirochnaya and Tavricheskaya).

And here is a piece of Tavricheskaya Street, from which there is also an entrance to the park.

Tauride Park today

For me, Tauride is primarily associated with a walk through the hills and lovely alleys. I like to listen to the birds singing in the park (they say the nightingales have been living here for many years), and not just the cries of seagulls and the cooing of pigeons near the water. In summer, everything around is incredibly green and soft, it is always quiet and joyful children's voices are heard. Alluring architecture is alluring with history: it is enough to walk around the garden once. The outside has its own history, which is also attractive. However, for some reason I don’t have enough for a long time, I want to go further without staying too long. And then no less interesting: Potemkinskaya, Furshtatskaya, Kirochnaya streets and so on. What are your impressions?

Address: St. Petersburg, st. Potemkinskaya, 2-4; st. Kirochnaya, d. 50; st. Tavricheskaya, 8

How to get from the metro: from the metro station Chernyshevskaya on foot along Furshtatskaya street (the first intersection if you turn to the right from the metro exit) in the direction of increasing the numbering of houses to the intersection with Potemkinskaya street. Across the road is one of the entrances to the park. Another entrance to the park is located on the other side, on Tavricheskaya Street.

Opening hours: 7:00 - 22:00

In the center of St. Petersburg there is a wonderful picturesque place - Tauride Gardens. Many learned about him in their very early childhood from "Moydodyr":

"I'm going to the Tauride Garden,
Jumped over the fence
And she follows me
And bites like a wolf.
Suddenly towards my good,
My favorite crocodile.
He is with Totosha and Kokosha
Walked along the alley
And a washcloth, like a jackdaw,
Like a jackdaw, swallowed."

The Tauride Garden arose as a garden under Tauride Palace, built in 1783-1789. This ensemble has become one of the monuments of Russia's victory in the wars of the late 18th century. G.A., a participant in the victorious wars, became its owner. Potemkin. It was built at his own expense, redeemed by the treasury and returned by Catherine II as an imperial gift, along with the title of Most Serene Prince of Tauride.

The initial planning and laying out of the Tauride Garden was carried out by the English gardener William Gould. On the site of the Samoroyka River in the southern part of the Tauride Garden, two ponds were dug, connected by channels. The ponds were filled with water from the Ligovsky Canal, and sterlet was released into the reservoirs. From the soil excavated during the construction of ponds, view slides were poured.

In 1794, according to the project of F.I. Volkov in the Tauride Garden, the House of the garden master, other outbuildings, a fence and a stone access bridge were built. The architect also erected a greenhouse and greenhouses, garden bridges and benches. Watermelons, melons, peaches, apricots and pineapples were grown in the greenhouse and greenhouses. On the bank of the Big Pond, Volkov built a gazebo called "Admiralty". Boats for water trips were stored in this gazebo.

Immediately after the creation of the Tauride Garden was closed to the public. Since it was under the jurisdiction of the imperial court, it was kept in excellent condition. Swans swam in the ponds of the Tauride Garden, peacocks roamed the lawns. Foreign guests arriving in St. Petersburg were often taken here for a walk. The Persian prince Khosrov-Mirza in 1829 donated a sea seal to the garden, which was released into the Big Pond.

In 1861, the garden was opened "for public festivities." In the gazebo "Admiralty" merchants Solovyov and Makarov organized a restaurant. In winter, in the Tauride Garden, Petersburgers went skating and icy mountains.

In the post-revolutionary famine, the garden is mentioned in the notes of Zinaida Gippius: “A pound of tea costs 1200 rubles. We haven't been drinking it for a long time. We dry slices of carrots or beets - that is. And we brew. Nothing. It would be nice to have leaves, but some dirty trees in the Tauride Garden, and God knows them, maybe unsuitable.

Since 1932, the Tauride Garden has become known as the Park of Culture and Leisure named after the First Five-Year Plan. Amusements, stages, a cinema, a club were built in the park. The alleys were named: Udarnikov, Youth... Despite the renaming, the park was still called the Tauride Garden among Leningraders.

In winter, just like many years ago, a large skating rink was flooded. Here is what he writes about it Arkady Minchkovsky: “In the Tauride Garden there was a skating rink popular in the city. On the ice field against the wooden stands of the stadium, couples and single runners glided on skates: adults, youth, children. Garlands of bright light bulbs shone in the darkness. Shining dots of white stars reflected them in the mirror surface of the ice. A brass band was playing, the muffled beats of a drum could be heard far away. The ride went in one direction. From a distance, the stadium with the lights of the skaters looked like a giant whirlpool, picking up and twisting everything that came across in its path.

But from the memoirs of Arkady Mironovich about the life of the garden in the summer: “Together in the evenings we went to the paid part of the Tauride Garden. From the last rows of the summer theater, they looked at Utyosov when he performed there with his popular Teajazz. Then they wandered into the circus tent, which every summer pitched its tent on the other side of the same paid Tavriga. They even climbed to the second floor of the garden restaurant, where they drank sweet coffee with milk and cakes.”

Before the war, he began working in the chess section of the garden Mikhail Botvinnik, and in the club "raged" on the piano Dmitry Shostakovich.

During the Great Patriotic War, the garden turned into a workshop: they repaired cars plying along the Road of Life. The palace and the garden were constantly under attack. In 1941, a Nazi Heinkel bomber crashed into the garden. He was rammed by the Soviet pilot A. Sevostyanov. During the four years of the war, 43 high-explosive bombs and many artillery shells were dropped into the garden. One of the shells was discovered in 1971 during the construction of a new game library building.

In 1946, a decision was made to reconstruct the garden; its layout was brought as close as possible to the historical one. In the first post-war winter, a skating rink was set up on the garden ponds, then a boat station began to operate, then a wooden stage and a summer pavilion for board games were built. The park was popular among Leningraders, but most often it was visited by children. In the 1950s and 1960s, kids from nearby kindergartens were brought there for a walk.

In 1956 the garden was renamed City children's park. In the early 1960s, children were taken by camels for several months. In the 70s, summer one-day pioneer camps were located in the park, in which the children of the townspeople rested. For the pioneers, a concrete "ship" with anti-aircraft guns was installed. For some time there was an IL-14 aircraft, where they even showed films to children. There was a dairy cafe on Gorka.

In 1985, the garden was handed over to the City Green Space Management Trust for restoration work. Historical name was returned to him - the Tauride Garden. However, there was no money for the necessary work. The ponds continued to fill with garbage and the lawns to be trampled. By the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg, bridges and a dam were restored here, new trees were planted. Lawns and paths have been updated.

Today it is quite comfortable here for children, joggers, and fantasizing citizens of different years - the amazing energy of the park encourages activity. However, for recreation Tauride Garden also has everything you need. There is a lot of space here. There is a playground and a corner for athletes. Along the alleys, you can form a running track of any complexity, which many people use. There is a cafe on site.
But in search of silence, you will have to go away from the main alleys.

A lot has been done for the anniversary of the city, but now everything is slowly returning to its previous state. The whole pond bloomed and became shallow, the stone coastline was destroyed. All citizens are concerned the fate of flower greenhouses, around which a lot of disputes broke out between the defenders of the historical heritage of the city and some representatives of domestic business.
Young people, having learned about the plight of the oldest in the city of the Tauride Garden, decided to draw the attention of the townspeople to this issue. The famous game library is open again. Upstairs is pleasant, and on the ground floor it is planned to open a children's play and educational center. The garden hosts festivals dedicated to protecting the environment and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

“Nevertheless, this garden is one of the most respectable in St. Petersburg. This is the only place in the city center where nightingales have not yet disappeared.
The dense history of this "half-tropical, semi-tauric" garden, as Nabokov wrote, can be represented in the form of a huge popular popular panorama: Prince Potemkin-Tavrichesky buys up all the wax available in St. Petersburg for garden illumination; Kulibin puts on the pond a model of an arched bridge across the Neva in 1/10 of its natural size; Pavel the First gives the Tauride Palace under the hussar stables; Alexander the First transports here the famous Petrine Venus, which has since been called Tauride.
Walking through the garden: the nose of Major Kovalev, the chess player Luzhin and Blok with the actress Delmas.
Here a terrorist shoots at Admiral Dubasov, the famous St. Petersburg criminal couple Semyonov and Bezak tests a deadly cast-iron weight on a garden bench, and the revolutionary sailor Zheleznyak disperses the Constituent Assembly. Not far away, “like a jackdaw”, the unsqueamish Chukovsky crocodile swallows an aggressive washcloth and the Nazi Henkel bomber, shot down by the brave pilot Sevastyanov, is lying on the banks of the Round Pond.
Walking today in the freshly restored Tauride Garden, no, no, and you will remember Pylyaev’s “Old Petersburg”, which provides a charming eyewitness account of Pavlovian times: “The Roman Garden still attracts everyone to walk in it. On the pavilions and temples, the walls and doors are covered with foul-mouthed verses and prose.
O. Florenskaya.

In St. Petersburg, not far from the Chernyshevskaya metro station, there is the work of the architect Gould - the beautiful Tauride Garden: both on weekdays and on weekends it attracts many tourists, guests, and residents of the city. This is a historical park with buildings, lakes, trees, an entertainment complex. The monument of landscape gardening art has been known since the time of Catherine II. Find out what to visit in the garden, where to go, how to get to the place of rest.

What is the Tauride Garden

The famous Tavrichesky Park in St. Petersburg occupies the central part of the city for a reason: it is a monument to landscape gardening art. The position is limited by Kirochnaya, Potemkinskaya, Shpalernaya and Tavricheskaya streets. The area of ​​the park is over 21 hectares. The name of the garden was in honor of Prince Grigory Potemkin with the title of Tauride, awarded to the figure by Catherine II. These lands, on which the park is now located, were presented to the owner for the conquest of the Crimean lands.


In 1783-1800, the Tauride Garden appeared in St. Petersburg. The creator is the English garden master architect Gould, who simultaneously built the Tauride Palace. On the site of the Samoroyka River, they made a complex system of two ponds with channels, filled them with sterlet and water from the Ligovsky Canal. Two islands were built on a large pond, slides were poured. In 1866 the general public visited the garden for the first time.

Soviet times gave the park of culture and recreation the name of the First Five-Year Plan, then the place was called the City Children's Park. In 1985, the place was given back its historical name. During the years of the Civil, First and Second World Wars, it was badly damaged, in 1958 its restoration was completed. The second time the garden was restored at the end of the 20th century. Today there are sculptures to pioneer heroes, Tchaikovsky, Yesenin.

architectural complex

The depth of the Tauride Garden hides an architectural complex, the main one being the Tauride Palace. The front yard is separated from the street by a low fence. The two-storey building with a portico of six columns is crowned with a flat dome. Galleries adjoining it, from which a view of the Neva opens. The complex includes a garden master's house, a semi-rotunda, and two small outbuildings. The rotunda is decorated with stucco and is connected by a double colonnade to the White Column Hall. Inside the palace, the Picture, Divan, Chinese halls and the Gobelin living room are distinguished.

garden complex

The State Botanical Garden on Chernyshevskaya still has historical trees along its borders. These are oaks, larches, lindens. In the center, plots without trees and post-war planted ash-trees, birches, and shrubs alternate. The southern part of the Big Pond is connected to the ground by metal bridges, which are surrounded by oaks and birches. In 1794, a greenhouse, garden fences and a stone access bridge with paths were built. The landscape of the park varies in relief.


Inside the picturesque park, a greenhouse has been preserved, where exotic fruits were grown earlier for the royal table, and now interesting plants grow. Even in winter, you can admire summer exoticism there. Before the USSR, trees, vegetables, flowers grew there, in the 1920s there was a decline due to floods, but by the end of the 20th century there was a restoration due to the administration of Leningrad. The greenhouse can be seen on the frames of several Soviet films, now they have made a bistro-type cafe there.

Modern Tauride Garden

The antique park on Chernyshevskaya after the decline, destruction and trials of the war, the blockade was restored. The modern complex has preserved alleys, lawns, a pond with six swans. Children's playgrounds were broken on the territory, the greenhouse was renovated, monuments were painted, fountains were broken. It attracts many visitors who come to admire the plants, nature, historical buildings, German towers.

How to get there

The exact address of the park is Kirochnaya street, house 48, the nearest metro station is Chernyshevskaya. The palace is located opposite the Museum of Water on Shpalernaya street, house 47. To get to the garden from the metro, you need to turn right, after 50 meters repeat the turn, go to Furshtadskaya street and go to the end. The street connects with Potemkinskaya, from where the park is visible. If you turn left from the metro, after 50 meters repeat and walk to the fence along the busy Kirochnaya Street, you will see a view of the southwestern corner of the place.

Working hours

The official website of the Tauride Garden states that it works every day without weekends and holidays. Opening hours - from seven in the morning to ten in the evening, then the park closes. You can walk on it in the morning or in the evening, in winter or summer - the garden is equally magnificent. There is no entry fee. The greenhouse is open on Mondays from 14:00 to 20:00, on other days - from 11:00 to 20:00. Tickets cost 40-60 rubles. You need to issue a ticket to visit the Tauride Palace in advance, the lists are compiled 3-7 days in advance. The ticket price will be 570-750 rubles for an hour tour.

Tauride Gardens.

Tauride Garden: historical background

The Tauride Garden arose on the site of the estate of Prince Potemkin, the founder of the Black Sea Fleet and its first commander in chief. For success in the conquest of the Crimea, which the Russians called Tavria, the prince began to be called Potemkin-Tavrichesky, which later became the basis for the name of the park.

Catherine II gave her favorite a piece of land between two streets, Shpalernaya and Kirochnaya, which serve as its borders on the north and south sides. Later, two more streets were laid, Tavricheskaya and Potemkinskaya, framing Potemkin's property from the east and west.

In the spring of 1873, the construction of the palace began according to the project of the architect Ivan Starov. At the same time, the garden was laid out. An English garden master, William Gould, was invited to direct this work. As you know, the British are masters of landscape parks. A British gardener has transformed a dull place. On an absolutely flat terrain, he managed to arrange a real English park with cozy hollows, ravines and clearings. But most importantly, the garden master managed to create the relief differences necessary for the natural flow of water.

In place of the small river Samoroyka, two ponds were dug and connected by canals. This system was supplied with water from the Ligovsky Canal. Sterlet and beluga launched there lived in the ponds, swans swam. At one time, a seal lived there, which was presented by a Persian prince. An island was created on the southern part of the pond, which was connected to the "mainland" by two bridges. The author of one of the bridges was the famous Russian designer Ivan Kulibin.

The soil excavated during the construction of ponds was used to create picturesque hills and scenic mountains. Canals and winding paths were laid in the park, an orchard was laid out, ornamental trees and shrubs were planted. Some of them were brought from England by order of a garden master. A large number of trees were planted around the perimeter of the site. Some of them have survived to this day. Thus, a natural fence was created around the garden, which was later supplemented by an almost two-meter metal fence.

Another decoration of the park was the greenhouse, the construction of which was first worked by William Gould, and then by Fyodor Volkov, who became the successor to his English colleague. Watermelons and pineapples, peaches and melons, outlandish flowers and trees were grown in the greenhouse. Under the leadership of Fyodor Volkov, they also built the Garden Master's House, outbuildings and the "Admiralty" - a small pavilion in which boats intended for walking along the surface of ponds were stored.

At first, the park was administered by the imperial court and was closed to the public. Since 1861, the Tauride Garden, in addition to the greenhouse and the area with fruit plantings, has become publicly available. The park immediately fell in love with the townspeople: in the summer they walked along its shady paths, in the winter they went sledding from the mountains and skating along the frozen pond.

In Soviet times, the Tauride Garden was turned into a children's park, in which the Leningrad cinema was built, sports grounds were made, and attractions were installed. By the 300th anniversary of the city, a lot of work was done in the garden to restore it.
Luxurious nature of the Tauride Garden, with its picturesque hillocks, winding paths, well-groomed lawns and calm ponds, is an excellent decoration for romantic meetings, quiet walks, and healthy recreation.

Attractions and entertainment

Thousands of different trees grow on 21 hectares of territory: slender maples and luxurious chestnuts, tender willows and birches, conifers, beautiful at any time of the year, mighty oaks and century-old lindens, preserved from tsarist times. Along the paths and in the middle of the lawns, various flowers replace each other from spring to autumn: tulips and daffodils, peonies and astilbes, begonias and petunias. There are many birds around the water. Children love to feed ducks, gulls, pigeons. In the crowns of trees and bushes, tits whistle, finches ring, sparrows chirp.

Tauride Gardens.

The greenhouse in the park is the realm of eternal summer, tropical flowers and exotic trees. It is the most prominent landmark of the ancient garden. Here you can not only escape from the bustle of the city and relax your soul surrounded by luxurious nature, but also visit an exhibition or concert, take part in a photo session or a master class, celebrate a wedding or other important event. On the second floor there is a cafe with a magnificent view of the park, the pond and the palace.

The Tauride Palace looks quite modest from the outside: its style is Russian classicism. But the impressive halls of this building are impressive. In the large round hall, called the Domed Hall, since it occupies the central place of the palace under its very dome, a wind organ is installed. Behind the Domed Hall is Catherine's. Both halls are regularly used for concerts of symphonic and organ music. The Museum of the History of Parliamentarism also operates here, and exhibitions are organized.

Monuments are also present in the Tauride Garden. In 1962, a majestic five-meter memorial sign dedicated to the "Young Heroes of the Defense of Leningrad" was erected on the banks of the Bolshoi Pond. In May 1990, in honor of the 150th anniversary of Tchaikovsky, a bronze bust of the composer was installed on a pink granite pedestal in the southwestern part of the park. And in 1995, a monument to Sergei Yesenin was erected near the entrance, thus commemorating the hundredth anniversary of the poet's birth.

"Leningrad Center" - this is the name of the multifaceted show space, which was arranged instead of the restored cinema "Leningrad". The four floors of this building include two stages for concerts and various shows, an art gallery, a multimedia area, a restaurant and music bars. Performances are organized here, in which Russian and world stars take part, film screenings and master classes are held.

"Tauride Garden" - so unpretentiously called the new building, which appeared here in 2007. This multifunctional entertainment complex offers its visitors an indoor ice rink for hockey and figure skating, a gym and a fitness room combined with a swimming pool and sauna. There is also a chic restaurant and a cozy cafe.

But even without entertainment centers in the Tauride Garden, you can have an interesting and varied time. In the summer, free-to-attend classical music concerts, performances by circus and pop artists are held in the park, and various youth festivals replace each other. Events dedicated to the protection of the environment have become regular. For the youngest visitors, there are special playgrounds in the park. In winter, kids and adults will be attracted by the skating rink and ice slides.

Tauride Garden: how to get there

To get to the Tauride Garden, it is most convenient to get to the Chernyshevskaya metro station. Leaving the station, you need to go around the house on the way to the right and go to Furshtatskaya street. It will lead to the main entrance, where the two entertainment centers are located.

If, after leaving the Chernyshevskaya metro station and going around the building on the left, go along Kirochnaya Street, and then turn left onto Tavricheskaya Street, you can enter the garden from the side entrance, which is located closer to the ponds.

Near the remarkable architectural ensemble, erected at the end of the 18th century by Russian masters under the leadership of Ivan Egorovich Starov and Fyodor Ivanovich Volkov, by order of Prince Grigory Alexandrovich Potemkin-Tavrichesky, a park was founded and brought to a state of genuine horticultural art by the famous English landscape master William Gould, which received the name Tauride Garden .

History of the Tauride Garden

Initially, the estate with a magnificent palace and park belonged to the famous favorite of Empress Catherine - Grigory Potemkin. Under the auspices of influential persons, in the presence of large financial, material, technical resources, unique objects were built here:

  • Bridges by mechanic Ivan Kulibin and architect Karl Johann Spekle with spans over 10 meters.
  • Gardener's house, access bridge made of stone.
  • Melons, peaches, and watermelons, exotic for the northern latitudes, were grown in the constructed greenhouses.
  • Near the palace ensemble, according to the project of its founders, two magnificent ponds were built. Water comes there with the help of a unique hydraulic system from the Ligovsky Canal. The land freed up after digging ponds is used for the construction of beautiful landscape structures, footpaths, ravines. In the middle of the pond, two mysterious islands are left for romantic meetings.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the first Russian steamship "Elizaveta" was tested on the reservoirs of the park.

Since 1824, most of the park area, with the exception of the palace ensemble with the adjacent territory, surrounded by a beautiful figured fence, has become open to mass festivities of citizens.

Since 1932, a wonderful place of recreation has become a true heritage of the people, and was renamed the "Park of Culture and Leisure named after the first Five-Year Plan". Here appeared: a club, a cinema, attractions, dance floors.

After the restoration carried out in 1985, the original name was returned to the park.

Location of objects and territory

The total area of ​​the park located in the central part of Northern Palmyra exceeds 21 hectares. A favorite place to visit for many citizens, guests of St. Petersburg is located next to the Chernyshevskaya metro station, near Tavricheskaya, Potemkinskaya, Shpalernaya streets at the address: St. Petersburg, Potemkinskaya street, 2. One of the entrances to the park is from Tavricheskaya street.

Under the leadership of the gardener Gould, a greenhouse with a winter garden was erected in the Tauride Botanical Garden, filled with exotic flowers and rare tree species. Entrance to the Exhibition Hall of the greenhouse from Shpalernaya Street.

The opening hours of the institution are daily from 11 pm to 10 pm, on Monday from 2 pm to 10 pm. The ticket price for an adult visitor is 80 rubles, for schoolchildren - 70 rubles, for pensioners, children from 4 to 7 years old - 50 rubles. Disabled persons, families with many children attend flower exhibitions free of charge. It is allowed to take photos with any devices or mobile phones. At the request of customers, you can make a beautiful photo shoot to commemorate memorable events.

Above the greenhouse are the Lemonade time cafe and the luxurious Panoramic Restaurant. It offers impressive views of the main palace objects, a pond with erected bridges, dams, well-groomed park alleys, and lawns.

Unique monuments are built on the territory of the park:

After the Patriotic War in the USSR, the direction of activity in the Tauride Garden was reoriented to the younger generation. Appeared here:

  • children's cinema;
  • "hills" with children's cafes;
  • children's, sports grounds, treadmills;
  • football field;
  • camel riding;
  • the game library, above which there is a cozy cheerful restaurant "Igrateka";
  • summer stage, comfortable places to play chess, checkers, backgammon, billiards, tennis.

The park hosts youth festivals, events dedicated to environmental protection, concerts of artists with "live" music, performances of circus artists. In winter, skating rinks operate on park ponds, and ice slides are built for children's fun.

living world

After the construction of ponds, sterlet and beluga were launched into their waters for breeding. Peacocks strutted about the lawns with their tails outstretched. Now the reservoirs are decorated with flocks of white swans, wild ducks, pigeons. More than twenty thousand varieties of park trees with traditional oak, maple, and willow groves have been planted around the pond.

An exhibition of rare tropical butterflies, birds, original palms was presented in the greenhouse. In the evening, wonderful nightingale trills are heard in different parts of the Tauride Garden.

Work schedule

The park in the central part of St. Petersburg is open to visitors from 7 am to 10 pm. Entrance is free, free. From March 20 to May 1, 2017, the Tauride Garden was scheduled to be closed for spring drying. During this period, utilities were engaged in its renewal, improvement:

  • leveled, sprinkled sidewalks, pedestrian, bicycle paths;
  • restored, repaired, painted gazebos, urns, benches, benches;
  • updated landscape design, trimmed green spaces;
  • neatly mowed lawns.

Entertainment center

At the exit from the garden there is a huge modern complex "Tavrichesky garden", opened to visitors in the spring of 2007. Representatives of any age categories, social groups, directions will find entertainment, activities to their liking here:

  • On a beautiful ice arena with bright lighting, mass skating and amateur hockey matches are regularly held in winter, in spring. Visitors are offered prepared sharpened skates to choose from. You can use your personal inventory. At the request of the ice rink service, maintenance and repair of skates is carried out. During the allotted hours, training sessions for young figure skaters are held. According to the schedule of the skating rink, there is a cozy cafe with a varied menu. The hall accommodates up to 100 guests at the same time.
  • Comfortable gyms equipped with modern sports equipment, other tools and equipment.
  • A chic restaurant with a banquet hall, unforgettable views of the Tauride Garden is a good place for wedding celebrations, graduation balls, New Year's Eve, solid corporate evenings.

The complex is serviced by experienced organizers of fun mass events of any direction with original scripts and musical accompaniment. The holidays spent here will forever remain in the memory of guests with wonderful impressions, fresh air, warm atmosphere, delicious hearty food.

For lovers of quiet romantic meetings, children's walks, the park in the center of St. Petersburg is a familiar place for a pleasant healthy vacation.