Russian aviation. Intercept the spy. Why foreign planes are so often driven away from Russian borders What does interception mean in aviation

About what it means to "intercept" an aircraft in the air and for what purpose it is carried out, told former aircraft commander, flight safety specialist Alexander Romanov:

- Each state has special airfields on its territory, where fighter-interceptors are on duty around the clock. As a rule, the crew is right in the cockpit to instantly start the engine and take off into the sky. Combat readiness - five minutes.

Having found and identified the target, the fighter approaches it. The interceptor flies up to the intruder from the right side and draws attention to itself by swinging its wings (this maneuver is also interpreted by the pilots as a greeting). Negotiations are underway with him through all channels of communication in order to find out the reason for his appearance in foreign airspace or on the border with him. This may be a deliberate action (intelligence gathering, provocation), or the board could simply go off course, losing its spatial position.

In any case, the task of the Air Force is to stop the intruder. There is such an international flying language: if an interceptor fighter abruptly crosses the course of another aircraft and goes, say, to the left, this means that its pilots must follow it.

That is, it is practically possible to force the plane to land on the desired airfield in order to find out if the aircraft has permission to fly in this place. Also, the fighter can "emerge" from the bottom up, showing that the road is prohibited further. There are many such signals, about 25, and all of them are known to every pilot.

This is the essence of the "interception" of the aircraft in the air. There is no question of any destruction of the "enemy" in the air. The fighter-interceptor simply forces the intruder to correct the course (leave the protected airspace when escorted) or land on the ground to further clarify the circumstances of the incident in violation of air boundaries.

What happens if the intruder does not respond?

- If the detected aircraft continues to fly into a dangerous or restricted area, ignoring the requirements of the Air Force, then the military can open warning fire with tracer projectiles in front of the cockpit. If there is no reaction here, then they can shoot to kill.

As a rule, if the intruder is a civilian aircraft, then one fighter is enough to “intercept” it, but if we are talking about military aircraft, then several military interceptor fighters take off into the sky.

Today, many military aircraft and reconnaissance aircraft fly in neutral zones and over the territory of water spaces. Unfortunately, all this is part of a huge strategic (or rather, political) game. Unfortunately, there have even been cases where uninvited guests interfered with the flight of civilian ships, and those had to urgently change their course, which led to injury to passengers.

The Tu-95 is not just an aircraft, it is the hallmark of our long-range strategic aviation. This is probably the only aircraft in Russia that has overcome a half-century milestone and still remains in service. My night dream prompted me to write this post :), in which there was a Tu-95. After I woke up, I immediately went to the Internet, look for photos of this aircraft. Which I throw off below, these are not just a photo of the aircraft, but photographs of the Tu-95 with accompaniment, not with a simple one, but with a foreign one :).

Tu-95 is a Soviet turboprop strategic bomber-missile carrier, the fastest propeller-driven aircraft, which has become one of the symbols of the Cold War.

2. Possibly the Faroe-Icelandic frontier, around 1960-1970. Reconnaissance-target designator Tu-95RTs of the 392nd ODRAP aviation of the Red Banner Northern Fleet, A / B Kipelovo, Vologda and Lightning F.6 XP 753 of the British Royal Air Force, 23 Squadron, Leichers Air Base, Scotland. This aircraft was in service from 1965 to 1988. By the way, the 392nd regiment, in particular, is known for the first autopsy of CVN 70 "Carl Vinson". Thanks for the info and corrections to this post. ilya_kramnik

The world's only adopted and mass-produced turboprop bomber. Designed to destroy important objects behind enemy lines with cruise missiles at any time of the day and under any weather conditions. Along with the American B-52 strategic bomber, the Tu-95 is one of the few military aircraft that have been in continuous service for more than half a century.

3. Carrier-based fighter Vought F-8 Crusader and the hero of the post Tu-95.

On July 30, 2010, a world record for non-stop flight for aircraft of this class was set - in 43 hours, bombers flew about 30 thousand kilometers over three oceans, refueling four times in the air

4. I did not find the year. Tu-95 and Grumman A-6 Intruder, help with the year!

There are many modifications of this aircraft, of which I will single out only one - the Tu-142 - an anti-submarine aircraft.

5. 1980 F-4E and Tu-95

The development and operation of the aircraft was accompanied by significant difficulties. The cockpit was ill-suited for long flights. Uncomfortable seats and a toilet - a portable tank with a toilet seat, dryness and air pollution with oil dust - all this led to premature fatigue of the crews. In the Tu-95MS modification, some of the shortcomings were corrected.

5. 1982 By the way, the photo shows not a Tu-95, but a Tu-16, accompanied by a Grumman A-6 Intruder carrier-based attack aircraft.

Particular problems arose during the operation of the aircraft in the winter. A mixture of mineral oils (MS-20 and MK-8) is poured into the oil system of NK-12 engines, which thickens at temperatures below 0 degrees so that the screws cannot be turned. Therefore, before each flight, all engines were warmed up by ground-based engine heaters (heat guns). In their absence (for example, at an operational airfield), the engines were covered with heat-insulating covers and started every few hours to warm up. A significant part of aviation fuel was thus wasted. At the end of the 1980s, the industry began to produce a special motor oil - MN-7.5U, which allows the start of NK-12 engines in frosts down to -25 degrees. Today, the production of this oil is almost curtailed. On a part of the modified Tu-95MS, an auxiliary power point, allowing to take air for pre-flight heating of engines.

6. 1982 F-4S and Tu-142

Replacing the NK-12 engine is extremely time-consuming compared to other types of aviation equipment, it has a lot of features, it requires certain qualifications of personnel and special skills.

The aircraft still lacks a crew ejection system, which seriously complicates the escape of a falling aircraft in the event of an accident.

7. Tu-95RTs and F-106

After the collapse of the USSR, regiments from Kazakhstan were transferred to Russia. In 1998, Ukraine began to destroy the strategic bombers it inherited with funds allocated by the United States under the Nunn-Lugar program, but after negotiations, Ukraine transferred eight Tu-160s and three Tu-95s (and a batch of cruise missiles) to Russia in exchange for writing off part of the debt on gas purchases. Three Tu-95MS aircraft, one of which now plays the role of a museum exhibit, were left in Ukraine, all the rest were disposed of.

8.F / A-18 Canadian Navy and Tu-95.

For 2011, only 32 Tu-95MS are combat-ready. Several dozen will be upgraded to the Tu95MSM version from 2013, they will be able to carry Kh-101 missiles, and will last until 2020-2025.

9. Tu-95RTs and F-14

Between April 22 and May 3, 2007, two Russian Tu-95MS aircraft became participants in an incident that occurred during the British Army's Neptune's Warrior exercise, held in the North Sea's Clyde Bay near the Hebrides. Russian aircraft appeared in the area of ​​​​the exercises (conducted in neutral waters), after which two British fighters were raised from the Luashar airbase in the Scottish region of Fife. Fighters escorted Russian aircraft until they left the exercise area. According to a spokesman for the British Air Force, this was the first such case since the end of the Cold War.

10. 06.03.1986. Tu-142M escorts US Navy P-3C patrol aircraft.

In August 2007, Tu-95MS, as part of the exercise, flew near the US Navy base on the island of Guam in Pacific, in July - in the immediate vicinity of the British air border over the North Sea, and on September 6, British fighters had to meet eight Russian bombers at once

11. F-14A or F-14D strategic bomber Tu-95.

On the night of February 9-10, 2008, four Tu-95s took off from the Ukrainka air base. Two of them flew close to the air border of Japan and one of them, according to the statements of the Japanese side, which later issued a note of protest, violated the border for three minutes. The second pair of aircraft headed towards the Nimitz aircraft carrier. When the Russian aircraft were about 800 km away from the ship, four F / A-18s were raised to intercept. At a distance of 80 km from the aircraft carrier group, American aircraft intercepted the Tu-95, but despite this, one of the "bears" twice passed over the "Nimitz" at an altitude of about 600 meters.

12. F-14 Tomcat and Tu-142.

Similar cases in international waters began to occur quite often after the resumption in August 2007 of regular flights of strategic aviation for air patrols. Each such incident is usually covered in the press, and in NATO countries such incidents are considered "provocations in the spirit of the Cold War."


US State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said that if the Tu-95s are still flying, they are "in good working order", saying that "I don't think we consider this to be a particular threat, but we are monitoring it, watching closely and I'm sure the Pentagon is watching it too."


In 2013, the modernization of the Tu-95MS to the Tu-95MSM version will begin. Electronic equipment will be replaced, while the airframe and engines will not be modified. The bombers will be equipped with a new sighting and navigation system, which will allow the use of new Kh-101 strategic cruise missiles. A navigation system based on GLONASS will also appear. In total, it is planned to modernize several dozen bombers, and write off the rest. The modernization is designed to extend the life of the aircraft until 2025.

15. Help with the definition again! I don't understand anything on foreign planes. I can only recognize such famous aircraft as Valkyrie, F-117, B-2 and of course Blackbird. Tu-95 escorted by F / A-18 flies over the Nimitz aircraft carrier.

In the photo below: On November 29, 2007, American F-22 Raptor fighters for the first time carried out a conditional interception of Russian Tu-95MS strategic bombers. Russian stretegei were detected at a great distance by US radar in Alaska. One of the "bears", which turned out to be a short distance from the airspace of Alaska near the Aleutian Islands, was intercepted and escorted for several minutes by two Raptor fighters of the 3rd tactical air wing. Presumably, the "violator" on Thanksgiving Day was a nominal Tu-95MS "Blagoveshchensk" bomber, assigned to the 326th heavy bomber air division (Ukrainka, Amur region). The planes of the two air regiments of this division are periodically transferred to the northern airfields of the “jump” Anadyr and Tiksi for flights, as the pilots say, “around the corner”.

17. 29.11.2007. near the Aleutian Islands. F-22A of the 3rd Wing of the US Air Force, Elmendorf Air Base, Alaska, and Tu-95MS of the 326th TBAD, A/B Ukrainka, Amur Region.

The Russian military on Saturday, November 25, took off a Su-30 fighter after detecting an air target approaching the Russian border over the neutral waters of the Black Sea. It was later identified as an American reconnaissance aircraft.

“At about 13:00 Moscow time, Russian means of airspace control over the neutral waters of the Black Sea detected an air target approaching the state border of the Russian Federation at high speed. To intercept the target, a Su-30 fighter from the air defense duty of the Southern Military District was raised into the air. Having approached, the Russian fighter circled the air object and visually identified it as the American R-8A Poseidon reconnaissance aircraft, ”the press service of the Southern Military District said in a statement.

It is noted that after being detected by a Russian fighter, the American reconnaissance aircraft R-8A Poseidon changed its flight path and began to move away from Russian airspace.

Having completed the task, the Russian fighter returned to its base airfield.

  • Multirole fighter SU-30SM
  • RIA News
  • Sergey Pivovarov

"Course to contain Russia"

The editor-in-chief of Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine, military expert Viktor Murakhovsky believes that the appearance of a US Navy reconnaissance aircraft near the borders of the Russian Federation is part of America's overall strategy aimed at containing Russia.

“The United States has approximately doubled the activity of flights of its military aviation near the borders of the Russian Federation. And this is done, as the NATO doctrine says, to "contain Russia." To do this, they increased the intensity of aviation flights, increased the scale, duration and number of exercises in countries bordering Russia, and regularly fly unmanned aircraft, ”the expert explained.

The noticeable activity of American aircraft in the Baltic and Black Seas was also noted by the commercial director of the Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine, Alexei Leonkov. According to him, this is due, among other things, to the Americans' interest in new types of Russian weapons to update their databases.

“Since the end of last year, Americans have been actively flying with us in the Baltic and the Black Sea, along the eastern borders. They are trying to remove the so-called signatures of new weapons and military equipment and upgrade their base. They are trying to track all our exercises, ”said a military expert in a conversation with RT.

U.S. Navy spy plane defiant action

Leonkov recalled that during the Russian-Belarusian exercises "West-2017", American aircraft were in the air over the territory of the maneuvers almost around the clock.

“This is a common practice. But when they start to violate and fly too far, then our interceptor fighters take to the air. However, if it was lifted into the air (Russian. - RT) military aircraft, which means that the American reconnaissance aircraft began to behave arrogantly and defiantly, ”he said.

Earlier, Pentagon spokesman Michelle Baldanza announced the interception of a US Navy aircraft by a Russian Su-30 fighter.

“The US aircraft operated in international airspace and did nothing that could provoke the crew of the Russian fighter,” CNN quoted a representative of the US defense department as saying.

The actions of the Russian fighter, according to Baldanza, are unsafe, as the Su-30 flew right in front of the P-8 Poseidon. As a result, the American aircraft was forced to make a sharp maneuver, which led to "very strong turbulence."

The Pentagon believes that the "unsafe" interception of the Su-30 could lead to "serious injuries" to the crew members of both aircraft.

Since the beginning of 2017, Su-30SM fighters have been used about 120 times to escort reconnaissance aircraft and drones near the southern borders of Russia. This was reported by the commander of the 4th Air Force and Air Defense Army, Lieutenant General Viktor Sevostyanov. The greatest activity over the Black Sea near the Crimea was shown by American means of conducting aerial reconnaissance.

Including, according to the lieutenant general, in May 2017, the BoeingP-8 Poseidon aircraft of the US Navy patrol aviation, and then the heavy strategic reconnaissance drone RQ-4 Global Hawk, conducted reconnaissance flights off the coast of Crimea. Both times, Su-30SM fighters of the 4th Air Force and Air Defense Army went up to intercept.

All this is reminiscent of Korean history, when the USSR and the USA entered into direct conflicts.

Pentagon officials said their planes intercepted Russian Su-25s. It happened in the sky over the territory controlled by the Kurdish allies of the United States. According to the Americans, the F-22 fighters were forced to perform several dangerous maneuvers in order to deploy the intruder aircraft. Moreover, infrared traps and chaff were allegedly even used. It follows from this that the Americans seriously believed that the Russian attack aircraft that arrived were going to bomb in the areas of control of the Syrian Democratic Forces, because such means are used mainly to disable homing systems. These measures were enough for the Su-25s to return to the airspace controlled by Damascus and Russia.

Some time later, the Russian Ministry of Defense issued a refutation. The incident was explained in a completely different way. Su-25s of the Russian Aerospace Forces escorted a humanitarian convoy moving near the Syrian city of Meyadin, which is under the control of Damascus and is located on the western coast of the Euphrates. At some point, an F-22 approached one of the planes; for some reason, it really began to use infrared traps, which made it difficult for Russian pilots to work. To prevent interference from a height of ten kilometers, a Su-35 descended to the American plane, which in a couple of minutes made the F-22 fly back.

Since the shift of hostilities to the province of Deir ez-Zor, such incidents are frequent. Russian planes and helicopters are invading the space beyond the eastern bank of the Euphrates and even Iraq. This is a violation of the agreement on the division of zones of operations. Russia agreed on this with the Coalition in order to exclude such situations, but it often violates the agreement. Most often this is due to the actions of the regime's army - aircraft and even ground troops invade areas forbidden to them. This is not like fighting the Islamic State, which means it is a provocation. This harms security in Syria, Iraq.

According to the Australian, Russia did this in order to demonstrate the superiority of its old-generation aircraft over modern American systems. But the task was not completed. It is also possible a situation that, as the United States believes, has already taken place before. Allegedly, Russian aircraft were caught several times bombing Kurdish-controlled cities and villages. For this reason, interception of the target was required.

* The Islamic State Movement (ISIS), by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014, was recognized as a terrorist organization, its activities in Russia are prohibited.

The media learned about the interception of Turkish fighters by US aircraft over Syria ... military airplane flew to interception. This is reported by Reuters, citing a US official who wished to remain anonymous. According to him, Turkish aircraft participating ... fighters to the American military base located in the province of Raqqa, on interception several fighter jets and combat helicopters took off. Fox News correspondent Lucas... NATO military published a picture of the Su-34 in the frame of the sight ... over the Baltics, the Belgian Air Force (Air Force) reported on interception Russian aircraft over the Baltic Sea. Since the beginning of September, F-16 fighters of the Belgian ... combat aircraft. “During the month, 109 sorties were made with a total duration of 191 hours. Our F-16s and their crews completed eight interceptions. Yesterday... oh interception over the Baltic Sea two Russian strategic missile carriers Tu-160 and accompanying Su-27 and published several photographs of Russian aircraft ...

Politics, Sep 06, 02:32

The Ministry of Defense counted reconnaissance aircraft near the borders of Russia During the week, Russian fighters flew 23 sorties for interception foreign aircraft- scouts. Over the past week, the Russian military spotted 31 ... defense (air defense) borders at the borders over the past week, carried out 23 sorties for interception and accompaniment of foreign aircraft- scouts. According to the publication, violations of Russian airspace... Russian Tu-95s flew over the Bering Sea accompanied by the US Air Force ... the flight of strategic bombers was more than ten hours. "All flights aircraft carried out in strict accordance with the International Rules for the Use of Air... the bombers were intercepted by US Air Force fighters. The department has published photos interception Russian bombers. The last time Russian Tu-95s flew... The Ministry of Defense spotted 26 aircraft near the borders of Russia in a week ... foreign aircraft- scouts. The defense department noted that there were no violations of Russian airspace. June 10 Russian Su-27 fighter intercepted aircraft US and Swedish scouts over the Baltic. Over the neutral waters of the Baltic Sea were found aircraft- US Air Force scouts ... In the United States announced the "unsafe" interception of the Su-35 of an American aircraft ... the airspace above it (INCSEA). Russian Su-27 intercepted over the Baltic American airplane- scout "Unsafe actions increase the risk of miscalculation and the likelihood of collision ... by rules for the use of airspace." Last time about interception Su-27 american aircraft reconnaissance P-8A Poseidon over the Baltic Sea in the Russian ...

Politics, Mar 11, 02:54

The Ministry of Defense spotted 17 aircraft near the borders of Russia in a week ... a week completed three sorties for interception and accompaniment of foreign aircraft- scouts. Russian Su-27 intercepted over the Baltic American airplane reconnaissance officer The defense department noted that there were no violations of Russian airspace. March 7 Russian fighter Su-27 intercepted airplane ... The Ministry of Defense showed the interception of a Swedish Air Force aircraft over the Baltic Sea ... The Su-27 fighter of the Russian Aerospace Forces climbed interception Swedish aircraft- Gulfstream reconnaissance, which was approaching the Russian border from the Baltic ... raised airplane on the interception. This was reported to RBC in the Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Interception Swedish aircraft Su-27 fighter interception goals... NATO fighters flew three times a day to intercept Russian aircraft ... Kaliningrad. Aircraft also did not report the route of the flight. NATO aircraft also flew towards them. "All Russian aircraft flew in international airspace. Interception with ... Su-27 "irresponsibly" intercepted American EP-3 over the Black Sea. The Russian military said that airplane was raised to interception unidentified aerial target that... NATO fighters escorted two Russian aircraft over the Baltic Sea ... NATO fighters last week twice escorted aircraft Russian Armed Forces over the Baltic Sea. This was reported on ... the Ministry of Defense of Lithuania. As noted in the message, on October 11, fighters intercepted airplane An-26, which flew from Kaliningrad. The Ministry of Defense noted that ... he used a transponder, but did not provide a flight plan. While driving airplane went into radio contact with dispatchers. On the same day was...

Politics, 21 Sep 2018, 05:58

The Ministry of Defense spotted 13 reconnaissance aircraft near the borders of Russia in a week ... air defense (air defense) fighters raised 13 times for interception and accompaniment of foreign aircraft. USA Fighters intercepted two Russian bombers near Alaska "Violations of the air ... coast of the Murmansk region, near Novaya Zemlya and Franz Josef Land. Airplane with the number 61-0015 and the call sign Chaos43 took off from the air base ...

Politics, 13 Sep 2018, 01:24

US fighter jets intercept two Russian bombers near Alaska ... , what interception bombers was carried out in international airspace off the coast of Alaska. The Latvian armed forces spotted two Russian aircraft at the borders ... Russian airplanes were not violated, specified in NORAD. A similar incident occurred off the coast of Alaska on September 1st. Then the American F-22 intercepted Russian Tu-95s, as well as airplane tanker IL-78. Russian fighters 7 times a week rose to intercept at the borders ... Aircraft from the air defense forces on duty for a week climbed seven times interception in order to prevent the violation of the air borders of Russia by foreign ... borders, 20 aircraft were recorded that conducted aerial reconnaissance. Aircraft PVD climbed five times interception, but the boundary was not violated. The Ministry of Defense called the data on the interception of Israeli aircraft by Russia stupid ... . Previously about rapprochement aircraft The Times Of Israel reported The Russian Ministry of Defense commented on the reports of the Israeli newspaper The Times Of Israel about " interception» Russian Su-34 fighter-bombers belonging to the Israeli Armed Forces aircraft F-16. About these posts... The media learned about the interception of Israeli aircraft by Russian Su-34 ... an agreement between Moscow and Tel Aviv to avoid conflicts in the sky, intercepted F-16 belonging to the Israeli Armed Forces, the newspaper The Times of Israel recognized Russian Su-34 fighters intercepted Israeli F-16s in the Middle East. This is reported by the local ... according to his data, it happened on the morning of May 28th. Interception, according to an Israeli newspaper, was committed by Russian airplanes, despite the current agreement between Moscow and ... The Ministry of Defense intercepted 10 reconnaissance aircraft near the borders of Russia in a week ... air defense carried out ten sorties on interception and escort of foreign aircraft. The Ministry of Defense counted 24 aircraft-a scout near the borders of Russia in a week ... the borders of Russia. At the same time, Russian pilots flew five times to interception foreign aircraft.

Politics, 30 Mar 2018, 03:30

The Ministry of Defense reported on the interception of six reconnaissance aircraft in a week ... noted that the air defense forces on duty carried out six sorties on interception and escort of foreign aircraft. The Ministry of Defense emphasized that violations ...

Politics, 16 Feb 2018, 13:17

The Ministry of Defense spotted 16 reconnaissance aircraft near the borders of Russia in a week ... on the interception and escort of foreign aircraft. It is specified that there were no violations of Russian airspace. CNN learned about the flight aircraft Russia... within the framework of the Vienna Document 2011. On February 13, it was reported that airplane US Air Force reconnaissance aircraft flew near the borders of the Kaliningrad region.

Politics, 01 Feb 2018, 22:24

The United States announced plans to continue flying military aircraft over the Black Sea ... , what all aircraft The United States heading for Crimea will be met by fighter jets from Russia interception over the American Black Sea aircraft electronic intelligence ... from the military aircraft The United States "has every right to be there." "The flights will continue," Mackenzie concluded. Interception Russian Su-27 American aircraft- scout over Cherny ... In the United States showed a video of the Su-27 maneuver when intercepting an American intelligence officer ... vessel at a safe distance.” Information about the departure of the Russian fighter to interception aircraft-a US intelligence officer who flew over the neutral waters of the Black Sea ... last year. The Russian Defense Ministry later stated that the Su-30, intercepting airplane United States, "helped American colleagues avoid the international scandal that would have caused ... CNN learned about the passage of a Russian aircraft 1.5 m from a US Navy reconnaissance ... Russian airplane committed "unsafe interception» aircraft US Navy spy. After that the American airplane was forced to "terminate his mission," sources told CNN Russian airplane intercepted American airplane... American fighter airplane changed its trajectory to the distance from Russian airspace. The Russian Defense Ministry said that the Su-30, intercepting American airplane-scout... The US Air Force published a video of the interception of the Su-30 in November and December ... The US Department of Defense released a video interceptions Russian aircraft Su-30 in November and December 2017. Aircraft The Russian Air Force did not give the necessary signals, said .... Russian military aircraft American ones also periodically intercept. So, at the end of November 2017, the Russian Su-30 intercepted over the black sea american airplane-scout... Pentagon accuses Russian Su-30 of "unsafe" interception of US plane ... -30 made "unsafe" over the Black Sea interception American P-8A Poseidon, the Pentagon said. Airplane The United States did nothing that could ... Su-30 committed "unsafe" in the sky over the Black Sea interception anti-submarine patrol aircraft US P-8 Poseidon. This was reported to CNN by ..., considers the actions committed by the Russian fighter "unsafe", because the Russian airplane during interception flew 50 feet (15.2 m) in front of P... The Ministry of Defense told about seven cases of interception of foreign aircraft ... Russian fighters over the past week flew seven times to interception intelligence aircraft. This was reported in the Ministry of Defense. The department said that ... the defense reported that it recorded 20 foreign aircraft who conducted reconnaissance at the Russian borders. On them interception Russian fighters took off six times in... The Ministry of Defense reported six intercepts of reconnaissance aircraft in a week ... a week at the borders of Russia, 20 foreign aircraft, six times to them on interception Russian fighter jets took off. This is stated in the message of the Ministry of Defense. The military department stressed that during the flights of foreign aircraft scouts ... in Spain. Earlier, on July 11, it became known that the intelligence airplane USA P-8A Poseidon performed another flight near the Russian base... The United States showed a photo of the rendezvous of the Russian Su-27 with a reconnaissance aircraft ... to sources. According to the channel, at the moment interception distance between Russian and American airplanes was only five feet (1.5 m). Also ... in turn, they said that the Su-27 was indeed raised on interception aircraft The US Air Force after the military recorded an air target moving ... "literally ten minutes later" another reconnaissance aircraft appeared in the sky airplane. The Russian side also fulfilled it interception.Andrey Gatinskiy Russian fighter jet intercepts US Air Force jet over Baltic ... military airplane was seen over the neutral waters of the Baltic Sea on Tuesday, June 6, at 10:00 Moscow time. On his interception one Su-27 was raised from the air defense forces of the Baltic Fleet. He escorted an American bomber bomber. After airplane... air to intercept US military aircraft who carried out reconnaissance near the borders of Russia in the south of the Baltic. According to the agency, these were aircraft- RC scouts... The Pentagon spoke about the interception of the Chinese Air Force military aircraft of the United States ... Two aircraft Chinese Air Force "Unprofessional" intercepted coastal patrol airplane A US Navy P-3 Orion in the skies at South China ... rank Gary Ross, CBS News reports. According to him, American airplane is in international airspace and could conduct operations without hindrance ... this is the second time interception airplanes China US Air Force. A similar incident occurred on May 19 when Chinese fighter jets approached an American aircraft about a distance... The United States announced the interception of its plane in Syria by a Russian fighter ... fighter completed interception aircraft US Air Force in the skies over Syria, said the commander US Air Force in the Geoffrey Harrigian region. The actions of the Russian aircraft he called "unprofessional" Fighter aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces intercepted military airplane US in the skies over Syria The Ministry of Defense of the Netherlands announced the flight of the Su-24 next to the frigate Evertsen ... . To escort Russian fighters, two military aircraft Sweden. According to the ministry, the Dutch frigate Evertsen is part of... the region,” the ministry said. Earlier, the Polish military announced interception Russian aircraft- reconnaissance IL-20M. The incident occurred, according to the Defense24 TV channel, in... The Polish military announced the interception of a Russian reconnaissance aircraft ... Polish fighters intercepted over the Baltic Russian airplane- scout IL-20M. About this press secretary of the Polish Air Force Marek ... happened on Monday, May 15. Pilots aircraft F-16s received an unidentified alert airplane, which flew with the transponder turned off and not ..., an on-duty pair of fighters was lifted into the air to identify the Russian aircraft-scout flying towards Kaliningrad. After identification, the Polish fighters returned... The Ministry of Defense spoke about the interception of an American reconnaissance aircraft on May 9 ... The Su-30 fighter was raised to interception American combat aircraft P-8A Poseidon over the Black Sea, the Russian Defense Ministry said. Incident ... on Tuesday, May 9, the Su-30 fighter was raised to interception aircraft US reconnaissance P-8A Poseidon over the waters of the Black Sea. About ... the Fox News channel, citing its own sources, said that interception lasted 12 minutes. Andrey Gatinskiy The media learned about the US interception of Russian Tu-95 and Su-35 near Alaska ... Military aircraft The US Air Force on Thursday, May 4, climbed interception two Russian Tu-95 missile-carrying bombers and two Su- fighters ... referring to knowledgeable US officials. According to the channel, the military aircraft flew up to the coast of Alaska at a distance of 80 km in the area ... American F-22 fighters to escort the military aircraft Russia. Interlocutors told Fox News that Russian aircraft British fighter jets scrambled to intercept Russian bombers ... Two British fighters are raised for interception Russian bombers. According to the British Ministry of Defense, aircraft from Russia heading towards UK airspace ​Two RAF Typhoon fighters were flown to interception two Russian...

Politics, 11 Sep 2015, 20:16

Russian Tu-160 spotted near British airspace ... intercepted ten Russian aircraft. A week later, the British side published their photo. Recently, there have been reports of interception Russian aircraft NATO forces. At the end of July of this year, at least two cases were reported when alliance fighters detected airplane-scout...